●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, May 09, 2023 ●●
● May 09
[00:00] TR News Driving up energy prices https://gizmodo.com/cryptomining-biden-climate-change-crypto-dame-1850399685
[00:00] TR Bot Biden Wants to Hit Power-Hungry Crypto Miners With a Big Tax Bill
[00:00] TR News Harder to grow crops https://cphpost.dk/2023-05-03/news/climate-crisis-in-denmark-leads-to-drought/
[00:00] TR Bot Dry spring: Drought an early concern for Denmark this year - The Copenhagen Post The Copenhagen Post
[00:01] psydruid > like getting paid for ethical computing or society giving actual customer service etc.
[00:01] psydruid Wasn't this the plan all along? To create an obedient workforce that is all in with more and more evil kinds of computing?
[00:01] TR News Can rather absorb it and stop burning fossil fuels https://www.vox.com/videos/2023/5/4/23711213/solar-geoengineering-climate-controversy-emissions
[00:01] TR Bot solar geoengineering cool the planet? - Vox
[00:02] TR News Identity politics https://www.vox.com/climate/2023/5/4/23711062/new-york-gas-stove-furnace-ban-new-buildings
[00:02] TR Bot York passes a gas ban in new buildings that spells bad news for the industry - Vox
[00:03] techuser I think eventually I will realize I can't participate in society anymore. IRC servers dying one by one/new software or hardware enforcing "cloud computing" with no place for IRC/Internet censorship turning into allowlist with a few websites.
[00:03] psydruid If you don't comply with this agenda it's going to be harder to find employment
[00:04] TR News Climate Change, Food Production, and Pakistan: Navigating a Complex Landscape https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/05/04/climate-change-food-production-and-pakistan-navigating-a-complex-landscape/
[00:04] TR Bot Climate Change, Food Production, and Pakistan: Navigating a Complex Landscape - Modern Diplomacy
[00:04] TR News Civic and democratic triggers towards climate treaty https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/05/04/civic-and-democratic-triggers-towards-climate-treaty/
[00:04] TR Bot Civic and democratic triggers towards climate treaty - Modern Diplomacy
[00:04] TR News Long Blackouts Are Up to 50 Times More Likely in Parts of the U.S. https://gizmodo.com/blackouts-usa-power-outages-climate-change-weather-1850404167
[00:04] TR Bot Long Blackouts Are Up to 50 Times More Likely in Parts of the U.S.
[00:05] techuser It is not even related to employment, the same thing is likely going to happen no matter which job I get.
[00:05] psydruid I think what will happen is that I will just do whatever I need to do and not pay too much attention to what happens in an increasingly Utopian society with more and restrictions imposed on people by means of technological measures
[00:05] TR News That would be against its business model https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/05/05/can-auto-industry-execs-give-us-a-climate-safe-planet/
[00:05] TR Bot Auto Industry Execs Give Us a Climate-Safe Planet? - CounterPunch.org
[00:06] techuser I may get some money, and perhaps survive, but it won't make me happy at all.
[00:07] psydruid The thing to do is to get the money, survive and get out and try to lead a happy life
[00:07] techuser If my "life" (whatever I enjoyed on the Internet) is taken, perhaps the only thing left to do is to kill myself and be forgotten.
[00:07] psydruid Or try to change the things that make you unhappy
[00:08] bnchs evil triumphs when good peple do nothing
[00:09] techuser I don't think it is reversible with computers at the moment. A rollback to the point where corporations were less eviler is necessary. E.g. backdoored hardware gets created, then stuff gets developed depending on such hardware.
[00:09] schestowitz get retro
[00:10] techuser It looks like I can't even download torrents without VPN anymore because censorship.
[00:10] techuser And I'd normally get old software from there.
[00:10] psydruid I'm not much in favour of going retro, but rather going free/open with what we have access to now
[00:10] techuser Free/open is failing.
[00:11] psydruid That's just one type of free/open
[00:11] techuser Greed corrupts it.
[00:12] techuser But "what we have access to now" is going to be less and less. Currently, we can run free/open operating system, then it would be just some stuff at "clouds".
[00:12] psydruid What is out there and being ab/mis/used now doesn't have to be the standard and stay in use forever
[00:12] psydruid GNU and Linux started out in a bleak era too
[00:12] schestowitz differently bkeak
[00:12] psydruid There is nothing preventing a new take on GNU
[00:13] schestowitz *blean
[00:13] schestowitz *bleak
[00:13] schestowitz in the sense that, the issues were differentttttttt
[00:13] psydruid But people have become lazy and defenceless
[00:13] psydruid And maybe they are getting indoctrinated in schools
[00:13] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news Techrights-sec Techrights-sec2 techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser tessier
[00:13] schestowitz techuser: make a list (on paper) of things you enjoy
[00:14] schestowitz make a plan to do them as routine
[00:14] psydruid But I'm always in favour of independent thinking
[00:14] techuser I didn't properly become an adult because I thought it should have somehow happened when I turned 18.
[00:14] schestowitz opposite approach:
[00:14] psydruid Thinking outside of the box, even if society frowns upon that
[00:14] schestowitz make a list of things you really hate doing
[00:14] schestowitz then plan to avoid doing them every again
[00:15] schestowitz or list of people to avoid
[00:15] schestowitz if they make you unhappy
[00:15] psydruid The issues are bad now too, especially since the hardware has become a means of oppression
[00:16] psydruid So we need both free hardware and free software now
[00:16] schestowitz you can keep it offline, air-gapped
[00:16] schestowitz but that would not prevent DRM
[00:16] psydruid The latter doesn't guarantee the former
[00:17] psydruid DRM can die, if we give up on convenience over freedom
[00:17] TR News European Commission uses the misnomer "IP" http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2023/05/european-commissions-draft-standard.html
[00:17] TR Bot European Commissions Draft Standard Essential Patents Regulation puts the emphasis on patent valuation - The IPKat
[00:18] TR News Stanford is a patent maximalist, except maybe the famous Prof. Lemley https://www.patentdocs.org/2023/05/stanford-asks-supreme-court-to-revisit-subject-matter-eligibility-on-diagnostic-claims.html
[00:18] TR Bot Patent Docs: Stanford Asks Supreme Court to Revisit Subject Matter Eligibility on Diagnostic Claims
[00:19] TR News He never stopped the COVID-19 patent cartel (at least he tried at one point) http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/05/us-secretary-of-commerce-expressed.html
[00:19] TR Bot FOSS Patents: U.S. Secretary of Commerce expressed Biden Administration's 'concerns' over EU SEP regulation proposal, also communicated them to EU Commission: Senate hearing
[00:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[00:20] TR News Patent Spat Leaves DJI Owing Textron $279M https://hackaday.com/2023/05/01/patent-spat-leaves-dji-owing-textron-279m/
[00:20] TR Bot Spat Leaves DJI Owing Textron $279M | Hackaday
[00:20] *GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:21] *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights
[00:21] TR News Microsoft Florian now truly attacking CMA, as Microsoft tries to discredit CMA http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/04/total-bullshit-by-cma-says-deliveroo.html
[00:21] TR Bot FOSS Patents: "Total bullshit" by CMA, says Deliveroo founder after agency killed 30% of jobs for no reason; UK tech scene raises alarm; games-specialized journalists disagree on cloud streaming
[00:22] TR News Microsoft criminals: we attack CMA, we attack the UK, ...... anyone that stands in the way of our crimes. What does that tell us about Microsoft?
[00:23] TR News Well, "harmonization" is a toxic term; in practice it means corporate takeover and replacement of sane laws http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/05/proposed-eu-sep-regulation-and-dg-grow.html
[00:23] TR Bot FOSS Patents: Proposed EU SEP regulation and DG GROW-commissioned studies fail to consider claim construction and lack of EU-level harmonization of patent infringement case law
[00:24] techuser Actually one thing makes me less sad here: hopefully such people who didn't grow up correctly won't reproduce (because they have no idea how to find sex partners). Perhaps a way to fight overpopulation.
[00:26] bnchs free hardware
[00:26] bnchs hmmm
[00:27] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news Techrights-sec Techrights-sec2 techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser tessier
[00:27] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news Techrights-sec Techrights-sec2 techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser
[00:27] schestowitz techuser: sadly, we have opposite problem
[00:27] schestowitz (with exceptions)
[00:27] schestowitz in the world, the places with least safety and highest child mortality rates have moar kids
[00:27] schestowitz and people who are better educated choose to have none, or at most one
[00:29] TR News Tech Companies Announce Mass Layoffs Amid Economic Woes https://www.theepochtimes.com/tech-companies-announce-mass-layoffs-amid-economic-woes_5249084.html
[00:29] TR Bot Tech Companies Announce Mass Layoffs Amid Economic Woes
[00:30] TR News Don't worry Intel, Windows 14 is coming soon https://tech.co/news/intel-more-layoffs
[00:30] TR Bot Intel Planning More Layoffs Amidst Weak Economy
[00:30] schestowitz psydruid: ^
[00:30] bnchs schestowitz: i heard that big tech companies like hiring fake workers
[00:31] schestowitz yes
[00:31] bnchs to take them from potentially getting a job from other companies
[00:31] schestowitz we talked about this yesterday here..
[00:31] schestowitz ah, that's another thing
[00:31] schestowitz we talked about workers who do nothing
[00:31] bnchs yes
[00:31] schestowitz but balance out for "diversity"
[00:31] bnchs workers that do nothing
[00:31] schestowitz the ide is sucking away talent is overhyped
[00:31] bnchs they could be hired for "diversity"
[00:31] bnchs or for that reason
[00:31] schestowitz as you can never really hire all the people who can rival you
[00:32] psydruid I don't really pay attention to what they do anymore, they're both (soon to be dead) companies, even if people don't realise it yet
[00:32] schestowitz *the idea of
[00:32] schestowitz i heard it mentioned in the press, but I think it's a myth...partly
[00:32] schestowitz buying out the competition is another thing
[00:32] schestowitz like, you check which companies compete and may ruinm yooou one day
[00:32] schestowitz and then you buy all their staff
[00:32] bnchs of course, having to pay these useless workers salaries is gonna be losing them money
[00:32] psydruid > to take them from potentially getting a job from other companies
[00:32] psydruid And to prevent them from starting competing businesses
[00:32] bnchs so maybe that's why they're laying them off
[00:33] schestowitz no, it's not that
[00:33] schestowitz that's spin
[00:33] schestowitz and a myth
[00:33] bnchs oh
[00:33] schestowitz the idea that they "overhyired"
[00:33] schestowitz and we the peasants should be happy
[00:33] schestowitz because all those fired are:
[00:33] schestowitz quiet quitters
[00:33] schestowitz great resignation etc.
[00:33] schestowitz it's victim-blaming
[00:33] schestowitz i know some who lost their jobs
[00:34] schestowitz they were loyal, productive, skilled
[00:34] schestowitz the companies just kill off anyyything that does not make immediate profits
[00:34] schestowitz performance does not matter
[00:34] schestowitz it's worse for people who worked their arse off
[00:34] schestowitz thinking the company would reward them for it
[00:34] schestowitz and ttthat they would be safe
[00:34] schestowitz they they pired sweat
[00:34] schestowitz worked extra hours
[00:34] schestowitz and got laid off anyway
[00:34] schestowitz some get deported too
[00:35] schestowitz for some, the mortgage is the worst
[00:35] schestowitz they wrongly assumed they'd work in tech for 30 years
[00:35] schestowitz did a 30xsalary assessment
[00:35] schestowitz then took a home for millions
[00:35] schestowitz they have no chance of ever paying that back
[00:35] schestowitz maybe made redundant after 12 moonths
[00:35] schestowitz maybe 60 months
[00:36] schestowitz and either way, they set their expectations based on corrupt press like "FORTUNE" or "FORBES"
[00:36] schestowitz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/186-US-Banks-Could-Collapse-USA-Today-20230505-0008.html
[00:36] schestowitz russian medioa
[00:36] TR Bot 186 US Banks Could Collapse: USA Today | News | teleSUR English
[00:36] schestowitz but not wrong in this case
[00:37] schestowitz and it cites USAToday
[00:37] schestowitz which is oligarchs-owned
[00:37] schestowitz the banks sustain the businesses
[00:37] schestowitz and "pay" the salaries
[00:37] schestowitz a
[00:37] schestowitz a chain of collapses means the firms loseee their lifeblood
[00:38] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2023/05/02/many-more-layoffs/
[00:38] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news Techrights-sec Techrights-sec2 techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser tessier
[00:38] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news Techrights-sec Techrights-sec2 techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser
[00:38] TR Bot Links 02/05/2023: Many More Layoffs and Failing Banks | Techrights
[00:38] schestowitz techuser: you need to identify what things and people to avoid, imho
[00:38] schestowitz i think people here in this network mostly like you
[00:38] schestowitz matey has not been around in months
[00:39] techuser I think matey dislikes me because the RMS letter.
[00:39] schestowitz he will probably be back, probably busy with other things (usual)(
[00:39] psydruid big US tech firms are not competing in good faith
[00:39] psydruid they just rack up debt and get subsidies in order to the negatively influence the market globally
[00:39] psydruid -the*
[00:39] schestowitz he likes you but disappointed that you signed it
[00:39] techuser Possibly added me on ignored.
[00:39] techuser *ignore
[00:39] psydruid it's a disgrace
[00:40] schestowitz no
[00:40] schestowitz he does not ignore
[00:40] schestowitz he does opposite
[00:40] schestowitz he adds a few to visible
[00:40] schestowitz so all the rest are not visible
[00:40] schestowitz btw, this channel turns 15 on the 29th of this month
[00:40] schestowitz we survived all the vandalism and trolling
[00:41] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news Techrights-sec Techrights-sec2 techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser tessier
[00:41] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news Techrights-sec Techrights-sec2 techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser
[00:41] schestowitz techuser: just to be clear, that letter is so unlikkkkkke you
[00:41] schestowitz you helped the people whom you typically condemn
[00:41] schestowitz like the people who barge into your office and demand you accept total BS
[00:41] schestowitz and then sob and make fake drama when you do not
[00:42] TR News You know it's a FAKE economy when... https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/04/why-first-republic-failing/673914/
[00:42] TR Bot Why First Republic Is Failing - The Atlantic
[00:43] psydruid I don't agree with all the things happening at the FSF and RMS's message isn't as strong as it once was, but I would never have signed that letter
[00:43] MinceR the vandalism and trolling isn't over yet
[00:43] MinceR s/isn/aren/
[00:43] psydruid Or any letter for that matter
[00:44] MinceR RMS gave up and the tax-free software foundation seems to be doing more harm than good at this point, but that still doesn't justify cancel culture
[00:44] psydruid bathroom vandalism with winmodems is the latest in a long line of trolling
[00:44] TR News Stop treating bank collapses like isolated rotten apples. All the major banks have the same issues, but they have more links and connections in government. The financial systems' assumptions of infinite growth have come to a standstill. In 2008 we just kicked the can down the road a few more miles.
[00:45] TR News Misplacing the blame. Typical Conde Nast. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/deregulating-banks-is-dangerous
[00:45] TR Bot Deregulating Banks Is Dangerous | The New Yorker
[00:45] *ryjen has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
[00:46] TR News Building entire financial systems on 30+ year loans is recipe for disaster (in the making). 50 years ago you could pay off a house purchase in 5-10 years.
[00:46] *ryjen (~ryjen@ has joined #techrights
[00:46] psydruid Yeah, don't get a mortgage to pay off a house
[00:46] schestowitz MinceR: yes, it's proportional to impact, i.e. threat to our opponents
[00:47] psydruid It's better to save money and outright buy one
[00:47] schestowitz i've been registered and op'ed here for 1+ weeks now
[00:47] schestowitz after years of being hands off and logged out
[00:47] psydruid Not in a country with inflated house prices, though
[00:48] schestowitz true
[00:48] schestowitz you know who marketede ttthis and how, right?
[00:48] schestowitz rianne'ss aunt in ytorkshire told her NOT having debt is "BAD"
[00:48] schestowitz why?
[00:48] schestowitz who knows..
[00:48] schestowitz you need "credit history"
[00:48] schestowitz a "file"
[00:49] schestowitz the industry was hungry for monthly bank payments
[00:49] schestowitz not just mortgages
[00:49] schestowitz car payments also
[00:49] schestowitz it was the basis of the "Economy"
[00:49] schestowitz borrowing from 2050 or thereabouts
[00:49] schestowitz long-term ponzi
[00:49] schestowitz ssso they created a bunch of myth
[00:49] schestowitz and peer pressure
[00:49] schestowitz *myths
[00:49] psydruid A very fragile and unsustainable kind of economy
[00:50] psydruid My parents fell for it too
[00:50] schestowitz i kno w many whose family lost everything
[00:50] schestowitz literally everythinng
[00:50] schestowitz all the savings, some had to sell the home
[00:50] schestowitz and move somewhere much smaller
[00:50] psydruid Buying several houses and new cars until the bubble burst and all they were left with was debt
[00:51] schestowitz in 2008 it was the first such major wave, dot-com bubble was... different
[00:51] schestowitz impacted shareholders mostly
[00:51] psydruid It was a good lesson for me, though
[00:51] psydruid On what not to do in life
[00:51] schestowitz 2000 impacted higher middle class more
[00:51] schestowitz 2008 knocked off the socks of lower middle toooo
[00:51] schestowitz and 2020 is ruthless
[00:53] TR News Above the law, holding the government hostage usnews.com/news/business/articles/2023-05-02/former-ceos-of-failed-banks-to-testify-before-senate-panel
[00:54] TR News [Older] Bankrupt http://techrights.org/2023/05/01/banking-on-lxo/
[00:54] TR Bot Bankrupt | Techrights
[00:54] schestowitz psydruid: one thing worthwhile is learning to lessen expenses
[00:54] schestowitz better than chasing higher salaries
[00:55] schestowitz the higher salaries come with great responsibility
[00:55] schestowitz i.e. more work
[00:55] schestowitz or mental burden/worry/risk
[00:55] schestowitz sometimes people only realise it when it's "too late" (bear with me)
[00:55] psydruid schestowitz: I did that in my previous jobs and this wasn't appreciated by my manager(s)
[00:55] schestowitz moving "downwards" is rarely possible
[00:55] schestowitz you cannot ask the boss to be "downgraded"
[00:55] schestowitz many reason why not
[00:56] schestowitz so over time you add up more stress and work
[00:56] schestowitz and cannot move back
[00:56] schestowitz there are analogies for it
[00:56] schestowitz outside the labour "market"
[00:56] psydruid Because for the last six months I was just flying back and forth between Dublin and Amsterdam on weekends
[00:56] schestowitz waste of time
[00:56] schestowitz and fatigue
[00:57] schestowitz airports are tiring
[00:57] psydruid no
[00:57] psydruid I saved a lot that way after losing my apartment
[00:57] *schestowitz listens
[00:57] schestowitz ah, yes, you told me years ago
[00:57] schestowitz it's like people who commute to "london proper" for 3 hours
[00:57] schestowitz to save on rent
[00:57] psydruid I couldn't find another one, so I made the best out of a bad situation
[00:58] schestowitz it's bad for the planet
[00:58] schestowitz twitter asks sooome workers to sleep in the office
[00:58] schestowitz how is that for "progress"??
[00:58] psydruid It shouldn't have lasted much longer, though
[00:58] schestowitz even the chinese sweatshops have some facilities for sleep
[00:58] schestowitz and not offices converted into bedrooms
[00:59] schestowitz psydruid: likely got worse sincr then
[00:59] schestowitz see EPO "hot---desking"
[00:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
[00:59] psydruid Rents are very high in Dublin now
● May 09
[01:00] schestowitz so 've heard
[01:00] schestowitz from aral balkan
[01:00] schestowitz i think they mov ed to another town/city
[01:00] psydruid Unless you work at a big US technology company you won't earn enough to afford renting an apartment
[01:00] schestowitz the other day i saw that average rent price in london is now 2500 pounds
[01:00] schestowitz about 3k in euros
[01:00] schestowitz i could not believe it
[01:00] psydruid Everything is very centralized in Ireland
[01:00] psydruid Cork isn't much cheaper
[01:00] schestowitz let me check
[01:00] schestowitz hang on
[01:02] psydruid https://daft.ie/report
[01:02] TR Bot Irish House Price Report Q1 2023 | Daft.ie
[01:02] schestowitz thanks
[01:02] schestowitz rightmove is strictly uk
[01:02] schestowitz and northern ireland
[01:03] schestowitz psydruid: https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/134253902#/?channel=RES_BUY
[01:03] TR Bot 4 bedroom flat for sale in Hyde Park Square, London, W2
[01:03] schestowitz ask putin for financing help
[01:04] schestowitz 4 bedrom, 5 million
[01:04] schestowitz 1.25 million per bedroom
[01:04] schestowitz near hyde park
[01:04] schestowitz https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/115215950#/?channel=RES_BUY
[01:04] TR Bot 7 bedroom house for sale in Palace Court, Notting Hill, W2
[01:04] schestowitz 22 million, 7 bedrooms
[01:05] schestowitz mafia "may apply" :)
[01:05] psydruid lol
[01:05] schestowitz launder your money >here<
[01:05] psydruid I was thinking of moving to the UK before Brexit
[01:05] schestowitz https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/134166164#/?channel=RES_BUY
[01:05] TR Bot 5 bedroom penthouse for sale in Connaught Place, Hyde Park, London, W2., W2
[01:05] schestowitz 16 million, 5 bedrooms
[01:05] psydruid the referendum, that is
[01:06] psydruid but more like Leeds or Birmingham
[01:06] schestowitz ugly old building
[01:06] schestowitz https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/130854359#/?channel=RES_BUY
[01:06] psydruid or Edinburgh
[01:06] TR Bot 4 bedroom flat for sale in Barrie House, Lancaster Gate, London, W2
[01:06] schestowitz 1.4+ for 4 bedrooms
[01:06] schestowitz in ugly old building
[01:07] schestowitz thats' where you GAFAM salary goes
[01:07] schestowitz 2 bathrooms
[01:07] schestowitz a park nearby
[01:07] schestowitz ugly old building
[01:07] schestowitz live close to work
[01:07] psydruid GAFAM always causes gentrification
[01:07] schestowitz and a home youi barely use
[01:07] schestowitz as they don't permit working from home anymore
[01:08] psydruid the same thing is happening here in NL
[01:08] schestowitz home= bed
[01:08] schestowitz work=life
[01:08] schestowitz yeah, it's horrible;
[01:08] schestowitz see SF
[01:08] schestowitz or Seattle
[01:08] schestowitz prices soared
[01:08] psydruid and most people can't just pack up all of their stuff and move to another country
[01:08] schestowitz driving our the locals
[01:08] schestowitz the "indigenous"
[01:08] schestowitz most just rented
[01:09] schestowitz their home did not gain valuie
[01:09] schestowitz they had no home
[01:09] schestowitz rent just went higher and higher
[01:09] schestowitz and then they escape with a suitcase and dog
[01:09] psydruid it's actually MAGMA that makes more and more places uninhabitable
[01:09] schestowitz they take the "good" places
[01:09] schestowitz drive up demand
[01:09] schestowitz then, foreign "investors"
[01:09] schestowitz like russian mafia
[01:10] psydruid and then you get gulagboys and sidekicks that cheer these companies on
[01:10] schestowitz and prices go sky-high
[01:10] schestowitz some justt learn to "live" with it
[01:10] psydruid as if the world needs those companies
[01:10] schestowitz some countries have very strict laws to prevent this
[01:10] schestowitz as it harms the locals
[01:10] schestowitz like, if some chinese dynasty buys a whole row of semi-deatched homes
[01:10] schestowitz as "iinvestment"
[01:10] schestowitz in canada or uk ... yesterday I read they now tarhey thiland
[01:10] psydruid people don't, but those companies force themselves into people's lives
[01:11] schestowitz *thailnad
[01:11] schestowitz >thailand
[01:11] schestowitz it's not juuust tech companies btw
[01:11] schestowitz but we weartinted sunglasses
[01:11] schestowitz there are other sectors
[01:12] schestowitz they base neaxt to one another for rceived safety
[01:12] schestowitz LF is now in SF
[01:12] schestowitz near the famous bridge
[01:12] schestowitz not in portland, OR
[01:12] psydruid it isn't but I hadn't seen these kinds of increases before the arrival of MAGMA
[01:12] schestowitz so they pay like 6 million a year for the office
[01:12] schestowitz they barely even have 2000 staff
[01:12] schestowitz *200
[01:12] schestowitz maybe 170
[01:12] schestowitz so that's a lot of money wasted per employee
[01:13] schestowitz for an openwashing PR firm
[01:13] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2022/08/30/the-linux-foundation-shrinks/
[01:13] psydruid I doubt I'll ever go to the US, let alone SF
[01:13] TR Bot The Linux Foundation Got Rid of 31 Employees in 2019 (When It Fired All the Editors and All the Contributors of Linux.com Despite Revenue Soaring) | Techrights
[01:13] *bnchs has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
[01:13] schestowitz 199 workers
[01:13] schestowitz as per latest irs file
[01:14] schestowitz $30,000 per eeemployee
[01:14] schestowitz for the RENTS of the office
[01:14] schestowitz they don't own it
[01:14] schestowitz or $2500 per month
[01:14] schestowitz for a pew and disk
[01:14] schestowitz per employee
[01:14] psydruid sounds like a terrible investment
[01:14] schestowitz i scentral SF
[01:14] schestowitz talk about waste and abuse
[01:14] schestowitz *desk
[01:15] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2022/08/30/linux-foundation-has-moved/
[01:15] TR Bot Linux Foundation Has Moved to More Expensive Offices, Based on IRS Papers | Techrights
[01:15] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2022/08/29/lf-still-no-pdf/
[01:15] TR Bot Linux Foundation Drowning in Grift and 7-Figure Salaries (Awarded to People Who Never Created Anything) | Techrights
[01:15] schestowitz psydruid: graft
[01:15] schestowitz killing linux for profit
[01:15] schestowitz shilling MSFT and GitHub
[01:15] schestowitz the media has been idle and silent on this
[01:15] schestowitz what's left of "the media"
[01:16] TR News ACCEPT OUR BANKS OR ELSE!! https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/05/02/how-the-war-on-crypto-triggered-a-banking-crisis/
[01:16] TR Bot the War on Crypto Triggered a Banking Crisis - CounterPunch.org
[01:17] TR News Powered by sheer greed https://www.theage.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/rising-interest-rates-help-drive-nab-profit-up-17-per-cent-to-4-1-billion-20230504-p5d5gr.html
[01:17] TR Bot NAB profit jumps on back of rising interest rates
[01:18] psydruid I'm glad that Linux exists and that all (primarily) US companies involved with it are rallying behind it, as that leaves more room for other projects to remain independent
[01:18] psydruid Although funding may remain a problem
[01:18] schestowitz psydruid: we made small wins
[01:18] schestowitz here are the signs
[01:18] schestowitz LF kept VERY low profile this year
[01:18] schestowitz it also experienced many external and internal issues
[01:18] schestowitz There is growing interest again in alternatives
[01:19] schestowitz to WWW, ttto social control media
[01:19] schestowitz many quit sites like twitter and FB
[01:19] schestowitz inactive, zombie accounts aplenty
[01:19] schestowitz and people learn to code
[01:20] psydruid the task is just much bigger now
[01:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[01:20] TR News It won't be the last. Probably 1 or 2 more by month's end. https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/banking/what-the-failure-of-first-republic-bank-means-for-you/
[01:20] TR Bot the Failure of First Republic Bank Means for You - CNET
[01:21] psydruid not only is there a free operating system, there is also a vast collection of middleware and applications to build alternatives to
[01:21] TR News Riggers of the systems "win" no matter what... because THEY determine all the rules https://www.theage.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/volatility-drives-macquarie-profits-to-record-5-2-billion-20230504-p5d5r0.html
[01:21] TR Bot Australian finance: Macquarie result sparks $57.6m payday for executive Nick OKane
[01:22] TR News Now we have the gaslighting corporate "media" going on and on with "Warren Buffett Says" fluff and obsession with Musk. Are they help up as idols for society?
[01:22] schestowitz psydruid: some alternatives exist there too
[01:22] schestowitz maybe not mature enough
[01:22] schestowitz no feature parity
[01:23] schestowitz but most users don't need all these features anyway
[01:23] psydruid maybe there doesn't need to be feature parity
[01:23] schestowitz it's like saying you cannot be a digital artist without Adobe
[01:23] schestowitz or run a firm without SAP
[01:24] schestowitz psydruid: i use the terminal and text editors mostly
[01:24] psydruid or like being called out for living in a Linux bubble by a Microsofter
[01:24] schestowitz i could use bloatware, but no practical value in that
[01:24] psydruid when the whole world runs on GNU/Linux
[01:24] schestowitz maybe not the whole world
[01:24] psydruid and they are the ones living in a bubble
[01:24] schestowitz but a lot
[01:24] schestowitz esp. back end and mobile
[01:25] psydruid Windows just runs on 30% of computers and decreasing
[01:25] schestowitz oh, just got good news
[01:25] schestowitz brb
[01:25] schestowitz eta 10 mins
[01:26] TR News Dish loses 81,000 wireless customers in Q1 https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/dish-loses-81000-wireless-customers-q1
[01:26] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/dish-loses-81000-wireless-customers-q1 )
[01:26] *bnchs (~bnchs@5kyeca29hdzan.irc) has joined #techrights
[01:26] bnchs hi
[01:30] schestowitz bnchs: i was just about to mentionj you
[01:30] schestowitz but you were offline
[01:30] schestowitz psydruid: Over 100 New Layoffs in Microsoft Portugal
[01:30] schestowitz working on article
[01:30] schestowitz eta 5 mins
[01:30] schestowitz very short
[01:30] schestowitz as i cannot make sense of the language
[01:31] schestowitz http://techrights.org/wiki/Portugal
[01:31] psydruid I understand Portuguese for the most part, as it's reasonably close to Spanish
[01:31] TR Bot Portugal - Techrights
[01:31] schestowitz http://techrights.org/wiki/Portugues
[01:31] TR Bot Portugues - Techrights
[01:31] schestowitz https://observador.pt/2023/05/08/microsoft-corta-empregos-em-portugal/
[01:31] TR Bot Microsoft corta empregos em Portugal Observador
[01:31] schestowitz i got:
[01:31] schestowitz Organizational adjustments are a regular, necessary part of our business. We will continue to prioritize and invest in strategic growth areas for our future, supporting and supporting our customers and partners [...] We do not take decisions like this lightly. We are working closely with impacted employees to ensure they are treated with respect and have our full support during these transitions.
[01:31] bnchs schestowitz: offline?
[01:31] schestowitz bnchs: yes
[01:31] bnchs oh, sorry, my bouncer is a bit off
[01:31] schestowitz lost connection to irc
[01:32] bnchs anyway, what did you want to say?
[01:32] schestowitz http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Microsoft_-_Layoffs
[01:32] TR Bot Microsoft - Layoffs - Techrights
[01:32] schestowitz we mentioned more coders
[01:32] schestowitz and more people who can code
[01:32] schestowitz like you did our bot
[01:32] schestowitz for indivious
[01:32] schestowitz youtube will be dying
[01:32] schestowitz they have no viable business model
[01:33] schestowitz but they like the power to censor people andf "content"
[01:33] schestowitz so the us regime will back their losing, flailing frannchise
[01:33] bnchs i've been contributing to invidious
[01:34] bnchs but yeah, youtube is kinda going downhill
[01:35] schestowitz psydruid: of course the media won't cover this in english
[01:35] schestowitz can you compare the translationb to the original in PTT?
[01:35] schestowitz PT
[01:35] schestowitz we might be first to cover this in EN
[01:36] psydruid schestowitz: if you want I can ask a Brazilian friend to translate this into English, as there are some words I'm not familiar with (yet)
[01:36] schestowitz no time :-)
[01:36] schestowitz never mind
[01:36] psydruid but not today anymore
[01:36] schestowitz i think what i got is "close enough"
[01:37] schestowitz psydruid: http://techrights.org/2023/05/08/microsoft-portugal-layoffs/
[01:37] TR Bot Over 100 New Layoffs in Microsoft Portugal | Techrights
[01:37] schestowitz spot check?
[01:37] psydruid translating articles in the middle of the night isn't ideal :)
[01:38] bnchs youtube keeps changing their frontend, API
[01:38] psydruid I'm still reading the original, after that I'll read yours
[01:38] schestowitz all the time
[01:38] schestowitz twitter also
[01:38] bnchs there was a bug where invidious was using an outdated protobuf (youtube changed it again)
[01:38] bnchs and so, when it fetched channels with it
[01:39] bnchs it would come up with a C++ stack trace error
[01:39] bnchs from youtube's side
[01:40] bnchs i expected some level of quality when they're breaking stuff like protobuf structs
[01:40] TR News Over 100 New Layoffs in Microsoft Portugal | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/08/microsoft-portugal-layoffs/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/08/microsoft-portugal-layoffs/
[01:41] schestowitz English translation (media in US/UK ignoring this) http://techrights.org/2023/05/08/microsoft-portugal-layoffs/
[01:44] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[01:46] TR News I'd rather be Ferrari than Ford gemini://gemini.hitchhiker-linux.org/gemlog/id_rather_be_ferrari_than_ford.gmi
[01:46] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D586.jpg
[01:46] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D912.jpg
[01:47] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[01:47] psydruid there was no mistake in your article
[01:47] schestowitz thanks
[01:47] schestowitz does the original make sense?
[01:47] schestowitz over 100?
[01:47] schestowitz laid off?
[01:47] schestowitz maybe more, they can lie
[01:47] schestowitz they usually lie
[01:48] TR News "I've wanted to learn Irish for years. Ages ago the best resource online was a website that had some, uhhh, sketchy real world connections. But the Duolingo owl can be easily summoned on the phone. So, it begins. Girl and woman. Boy and man. Variations on "I". Apple, water, is, has, eat." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1378
[01:50] psydruid yes
[01:50] psydruid they just don't provide any more information
[01:50] schestowitz the words are orwellian
[01:50] schestowitz "transition"
[01:50] psydruid go raibh maith agat
[01:51] psydruid it's just a dying company
[01:51] psydruid transition to the afterlife
[01:51] schestowitz msft portgulal is impoprtant to them
[01:51] schestowitz for reasons we covered over a decade ago
[01:51] schestowitz it's a hopping point to eu
[01:52] psydruid I saw a number of 28,000
[01:52] schestowitz lisbon house prices might fall after all
[01:52] psydruid is that the number of MSFT employees in the country?
[01:52] schestowitz not sure
[01:52] schestowitz seems too high
[01:52] psydruid or the number of jobs connected to MSFT
[01:52] psydruid probably the latter
[01:53] schestowitz so, propaganda
[01:53] schestowitz to make the layoffs seem small
[01:53] psydruid so MSFT doing badly impacts lots of connected companies and workers
[01:53] schestowitz and make the regime in portugal think SMFT is needed there
[01:53] psydruid indeed
[01:53] schestowitz as if without windows they will cease to exist
[01:53] psydruid I can make a full translation during the day, if you want to
[01:54] schestowitz https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e245/
[01:54] TR Bot E245 Sous-Vide de Zigbee | Podcast Ubuntu Portugal
[01:54] schestowitz let's see market states from PT
[01:55] schestowitz very MSFT-centric https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/portugal/#monthly-200901-202305
[01:55] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Portugal | Statcounter Global Stats
[01:55] schestowitz by european standards
[01:55] schestowitz https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/portugal/#monthly-200901-202305
[01:55] TR Bot Search Engine Market Share Portugal | Statcounter Global Stats
[01:56] psydruid like NL
[01:56] schestowitz yes, NL also
[01:56] schestowitz https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/all/portugal/#monthly-200901-202305
[01:56] TR Bot Browser Market Share Portugal | Statcounter Global Stats
[01:56] schestowitz edge almost 7%
[01:56] schestowitz so you know many windows users there, still...
[01:56] psydruid NL is one of the few countries where MS market share has remained stable over the past few years
[01:57] psydruid many MSFT shills too
[01:57] psydruid who pretend the rest of the world is like NL
[01:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
[01:59] psydruid even in PT Windows market share is at its lowest ever
[01:59] TR News XBox is dying. Microsoft offloading unsold stocks. https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-permanently-drops-the-price-of-xbox-series-xs-storage-192456920.html
[01:59] TR Bot permanently drops the price of Xbox Series X/S storage | Engadget
● May 09
[02:00] psydruid so all the more reason for people to sit back and pay attention to the message the market is sending to MSFT
[02:00] TR News WOW! PAID Microsoft shills, moles, and media operatives are out in full force, spamming news sites with vapourware and chaff techrepublic.com/article/microsoft-bing-chat-ai-personal-assistant
[02:01] TR News Spamnil woke up with his mouth up Microsoft's asshole tfir.io/microsoft-bing-chat-now-open-for-all-adds-new-ai-powered-features/
[02:02] TR News Microsoft now lobbies the US VP re "HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI"... lots of mumbo-jumbo and marketing for sure. Maybe HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI "ARMS RACE".... BAIL US OUT AGAIN OR CHINA WINS !!
[02:02] psydruid I got rid of my last Ubuntu install after receiving my new SSD
[02:03] psydruid so thanks for all the fish and good riddance
[02:03] TR News VP Harris, TECHNOLOGY GURU, consulted by Microsoft on BUZZWORDS BUZZWORDS BUZZWORDS BUZZWORDS https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230504-white-house-to-meet-google-microsoft-ceos-to-discuss-dangers-of-ai
[02:03] TR Bot VP Harris tells tech CEOs they have moral, legal responsibility for AI safety
[02:03] TR News Microsoft Bing is censorship and spying https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/05/microsoft-bing-chatbot-search-information-consolidation/673958/
[02:03] TR Bot Chatbots Are Making the Internet Smaller - The Atlantic
[02:05] TR News Does Microsoft have a CNET "PARTNERSHIP" for this SPAMFARMING? https://www.cnet.com/deals/40-microsoft-office-2021-lifetime-license-deal-ends-today/ older: http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/CNET
[02:05] TR Bot the Last Day to Score Microsoft Office 2021 for Just $40 - CNET
[02:05] TR Bot CNET - Techrights
[02:06] TR News Microsoft is "market leader"... in sabotage https://gizmodo.com/microsoft-windows-google-chrome-feature-broken-edge-1850392901
[02:06] TR Bot Microsoft Broke Google Chrome Feature to Promote Edge Browser
[02:06] psydruid those publications grew up in the days of Wintel and will stay loyal to the companies long after they're dead and buried
[02:06] TR News engadget still posting Microsoft SPAM disguised as 'articles' https://www.engadget.com/microsofts-new-referral-program-lets-you-gift-14-day-pc-game-pass-trials-to-your-friends-160212904.html
[02:06] TR Bot new referral program lets you gift 14-day PC Game Pass trials to your friends | Engadget
[02:07] psydruid suicide is more likely for them than ever covering real technology
[02:08] TR News This is Microsoft lobbyist, Microsoft Florian, helping Microsoft shoot the messenger, blackmailing nations that try to uphold laws http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/04/cma-issued-schizophrenic-statement-on.html see http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Florian_M%C3%BCller
[02:08] TR Bot FOSS Patents: CMA issued schizophrenic statement on digital markets shortly after announcing to block Microsoft's purchase of Activision Blizzard: UK regulator contradicts own ruling
[02:08] DaemonFC MinceR, No matter how badly you get shot up, just move some crystals around.
[02:08] TR Bot Florian Mller - Techrights
[02:08] DaemonFC Also Stargate.
[02:09] TR News In case anyone is still unsure about engadget posting SPAM for Microsoft, how about this fake "article"? https://www.engadget.com/microsofts-xbox-wireless-headset-is-15-off-at-amazon-143444240.html
[02:09] TR Bot Xbox Wireless Headset is $15 off at Amazon | Engadget
[02:10] schestowitz DaemonFC: more microsoft layoffs
[02:10] schestowitz moar and moar each week
[02:10] schestowitz and you won't know if you drink the kool-aid
[02:10] schestowitz the media is bribed and complicit
[02:10] schestowitz they keep saying 10k in january
[02:10] DaemonFC Just move some crystals around.
[02:11] DaemonFC :)
[02:11] schestowitz like it was the end of that
[02:12] TR News Microsoft Florian on Microsoft payroll again http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Florian_M%C3%BCller another one: http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/05/antitrust-patent-judge-mr-justice.html
[02:12] TR Bot FOSS Patents: Antitrust & patent judge Mr. Justice Marcus Smith will hear Microsoft's appeal of UK CMA's irrational decision to block Activision Blizzard purchase: Apple, Optis waiting for his FRAND ruling
[02:13] TR News SPAN for GLORIFIED "pencils" https://www.engadget.com/the-second-gen-apple-pencil-returns-to-its-lowest-price-ever-163705136.html engadget running out of life, half the site is SPAM now
[02:13] TR Bot second-gen Apple Pencil returns to its lowest price ever | Engadget
[02:14] TR News Classic example of spamfarming disguised as "article" https://www.engadget.com/best-apple-watch-accessories-133025270.html
[02:14] TR Bot best Apple Watch accessories for 2023 | Engadget
[02:15] TR News You know it's a dumb cult when... https://gizmodo.com/steve-jobs-apple-iphone-auction-1850394979
[02:15] TR Bot $175 Check Signed by Steve Jobs in 1976 Is Up for Auction
[02:16] TR News Because Apple's stuff isn't already expensive enough and manufactured in sweatshops that pay almost nothing to workers, who moreover get exposed to toxins in their jobs? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-03/apple-s-unionized-store-workers-seek-tips-and-higher-holiday-pay
[02:16] TR Bot - Are you a robot?
[02:18] TR News Engadget has crossed the threshold where it's over 50% spamfarming. It only gets worse over time. People won't stick around to read it.
[02:19] TR News gizmodo and engadget do a similar amount of spamfarming. Like ZDNet and CNET (same company), they will go away/offline together. They're running out of time and they don't have budget to pay actual writers.
[02:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[02:20] TR News Apple has LOTS of business. "Investing"... in itself...buying its OWN shares https://qz.com/apple-90-million-stock-buybacks-earnings-release-1850405908
[02:20] TR Bot Apple is not pulling back on stock buybacks
[02:20] psydruid I haven't seen any Upscaled videos with Chris Schodt in ages
[02:21] TR News Wait till they find out how much the Apple sweatshops pay the workers https://gizmodo.com/unionized-apple-workers-seek-tipping-option-contract-1850405945
[02:21] TR Bot Unionized Apple Workers Say Tip Your Genius Bar-Tender
[02:21] psydruid He used to cover things like RISC-V, considering he also studied at Berkeley
[02:22] TR News Apple is STILL selling enough junk to enough insecure fools that it doesn't need to just go HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI to impress investors, via bribes media
[02:22] bnchs >tip your genius bar-tender
[02:22] bnchs ohhh please tip us
[02:23] bnchs it is soo hard to lie to you in order to get you to buy new products
[02:23] TR News Apple demonstrates that people will buy products not based on the products' merit but mere perception and marketing
[02:24] DaemonFC https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-linkedin-cut-716-jobs-004324239.html
[02:24] TR Bot REFILE-UPDATE 2-LinkedIn cuts over 700 jobs, exits China app as demand wavers
[02:24] DaemonFC schestowitz, ^
[02:24] schestowitz oh!
[02:24] schestowitz that's news
[02:24] schestowitz "demand"
[02:24] psydruid Apple just had a small window in which they could sell their new and improved hardware, but that looks to be over just 3 years after its introduction
[02:24] schestowitz lol
[02:24] schestowitz "demand"
[02:25] psydruid demand for recruiter spam has waned
[02:26] Aristophanes i still get recruiter spam
[02:26] Aristophanes if youre not getting it then maybe demand for you has waned
[02:26] psydruid "come and support our dysfunctional MSFT infrastructure while going insane"
[02:27] psydruid I'm getting lots of recruiter spam, that doesn't mean I asked for it
[02:29] DaemonFC schestowitz, Our apartment building just sold today.
[02:30] schestowitz ph
[02:30] schestowitz oh
[02:31] Aristophanes while are y'all so poor then
[02:32] schestowitz DaemonFC: http://techrights.org/2023/05/08/more-microsoft-layoffs-linkedin/
[02:32] TR Bot More Microsoft Layoffs (Nothing to Do With January), Making Perhaps the Fourth Wave of Layoffs This Year | Techrights
[02:32] schestowitz makes sense?
[02:35] schestowitz Aristophanes: makes no sense?
[02:35] schestowitz why or while?
[02:36] Aristophanes why
[02:36] schestowitz DaemonFC: how much for? who to?
[02:36] schestowitz is this related to fire (alarm) inspector?
[02:36] DaemonFC I don't know.
[02:37] DaemonFC The fire department said it was really them.
[02:37] schestowitz probably was
[02:37] schestowitz maybe closing the deal
[02:37] schestowitz maybe he priced it down
[02:37] schestowitz 800k in 2008
[02:37] schestowitz now maybe 1.6m
[02:37] DaemonFC Should I text our old landlord and ask who I should send our rent payments to?
[02:37] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-080523.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-080523.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-080523.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-080523.txt
[02:37] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, May 08, 2023
[02:37] schestowitz and they just closed the deal
[02:37] schestowitz DaemonFC: yes, useful loaded question
[02:38] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-080523.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-080523.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-080523.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-080523.txt
[02:38] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, May 08, 2023
[02:38] psydruid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDvst1yhs7Q
[02:38] TR Bot https://invidious.esmailelbob.xyz/watch?v=iDvst1yhs7Q
[02:38] TR Bot invidious.esmailelbob.xyz | RISC-V and the future of open-source computing at CES 2021 - Invidious
[02:39] psydruid when Engadget was trying not to be just a spamfarm
[02:39] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-080523.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-080523.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-080523.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-080523.txt
[02:39] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, May 08, 2023
[02:39] schestowitz psydruid: ages ago
[02:39] schestowitz like 10+ years
[02:39] schestowitz psydruid: mancity in madris today
[02:39] schestowitz *rid
[02:40] psydruid that will be the real test this season
[02:40] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-080523.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-080523.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-080523.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-080523.txt
[02:40] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, May 08, 2023
[02:41] schestowitz DaemonFC: https://www.reuters.com/technology/linkedin-cut-716-jobs-phase-out-china-local-jobs-app-2023-05-09/
[02:41] TR Bot cuts over 700 jobs, exits China app as demand wavers | Reuters
[02:41] schestowitz now thew wires pick that up
[02:41] schestowitz https://www.reuters.com/technology/linkedin-cut-716-jobs-phase-out-china-local-jobs-app-2023-05-09/
[02:41] schestowitz you beat me to it
[02:42] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2023-05-08.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2023-05-08.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now)
[02:42] schestowitz seems like the only article so far
[02:42] schestowitz checking
[02:42] DaemonFC schestowitz, Should I text the old landlord and ask who the new one is?
[02:43] TR News Cuemath announces layoffs, founder Manan Khurma reassumes CEO role https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/startups/cuemath-announces-layoffs-founder-manan-khurma-reassumes-ceo-role/articleshow/100067265.cms
[02:43] TR Bot Cuemath layoffs: Cuemath announces layoffs, founder Manan Khurma reassumes CEO role - The Economic Times
[02:43] schestowitz DaemonFC: yes, nothing to lose now
[02:49] schestowitz https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales/2023
[02:49] TR Bot Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional - Office for National Statistics
[02:49] schestowitz updated again tomorrow
[02:49] schestowitz deaths up 36% for latest week!
[02:49] schestowitz totally normal
[02:49] schestowitz no questions asked
[02:49] schestowitz WHO: pandemic OVER
[02:58] psydruid the pandemic is over
[02:58] schestowitz who says so
[02:58] schestowitz maybe it is
[02:58] psydruid now people are dying of natural causes
[02:58] schestowitz but the damage is done
[02:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
[02:59] schestowitz 9000 dead in 2019
[02:59] DaemonFC schestowitz, Some guy named Piyesh bought the place.
[02:59] schestowitz now 12,500 in the week
[02:59] schestowitz (England and Wales)
[02:59] schestowitz WHO, on SAME week: pandemic OVER
[02:59] schestowitz so now we can rest in peace
[02:59] schestowitz same week research comes out about the jabs causing heart problems in young people
● May 09
[03:00] psydruid well, they're dead
[03:00] schestowitz the media mostly brushed this under the rug
[03:00] schestowitz with the mandatory word
[03:00] schestowitz "RARE"
[03:00] psydruid they can't get infected again
[03:00] schestowitz "your child died?"
[03:00] psydruid so the virus is disappearing
[03:00] schestowitz "oh, truly unfotunate, but it is RAR"
[03:00] schestowitz *rare
[03:00] psydruid into coffins
[03:02] IPFS Gemini requests since start of month: 65306 total Total number of pages in capsule: 46123 Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-03-08 20:27:21 GMT; 2 months 0 days ago
[03:02] schestowitz https://www.statnews.com/2023/05/05/myocarditis-covid-vaccines-study/
[03:02] TR Bot What causes rare myocarditis in young men after Covid vaccines?
[03:02] psydruid my cousin passed away due to covid 2 years ago, just when I caught it for the first time
[03:02] schestowitz "RARE"
[03:03] schestowitz https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.adh3455?cookieSet=1
[03:03] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.adh3455?cookieSet=1 )
[03:03] psydruid and yes, I felt muscle pain around my heart after the vaccines
[03:03] IPFS IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.
[03:03] psydruid so I took it slowly for quite a while
[03:03] schestowitz 5 May 2023
[03:03] schestowitz Vol 8, Issue 8
[03:03] schestowitz 3 days ago
[03:03] schestowitz "Myocarditis and/or pericarditis are rare adverse cardiac events observed after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination with a predilection for adolescent and young adult males. To investigate the pathogenesis of myopericarditis in this setting, Barmada and Klein et al. used unbiased immune profiling techniques to search for immune signatures that distinguished patients who developed myopericarditis from healthy vaccinated controls. Immune events
[03:03] schestowitz associated with myopericarditis included elevated systemic levels of cytokines, an increased frequency of activated T and NK cells, and induction of inflammatory monocytes with profibrotic features. Neither immune targeting of cardiac autoantigens nor enhanced clonal expansion of B and T lymphocytes was detected. These findings provide deeper insights into the chain of events that can rarely lead to myopericarditis in the mRNA vaccine
[03:03] schestowitz setting. IRW"
[03:04] IPFS New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.
[03:04] schestowitz the first word in the abstract is "Myocarditis and/or pericarditis are rare adverse cardiac events observed after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination with a predilection for adolescent and young adult males. To investigate the pathogenesis of myopericarditis in this setting, Barmada and Klein et al. used unbiased immune profiling techniques to search for immune signatures that distinguished patients who developed myopericarditis from healthy v
[03:04] schestowitz accinated controls. Immune events associated with myopericarditis included elevated systemic levels of cytokines, an increased frequency of activated T and NK cells, and induction of inflammatory monocytes with profibrotic features. Neither immune targeting of cardiac autoantigens nor enhanced clonal expansion of B and T lymphocytes was detected. These findings provide deeper insights into the chain of events that can rarely lead to my
[03:04] schestowitz opericarditis in the mRNA vaccine setting. IRW"
[03:04] schestowitz oops
[03:04] schestowitz the abstract starts with the word "rare"
[03:05] schestowitz just like youtube guidelines
[03:05] schestowitz you are INSTRUCTED to say rare
[03:05] schestowitz if you mention anything negative
[03:05] schestowitz so it's all "rare"
[03:05] schestowitz the word is mandated
[03:05] schestowitz how rare?
[03:05] schestowitz define rare?
[03:05] schestowitz even 1 in 1000 is a lot
[03:05] schestowitz for kids
[03:05] schestowitz few kids died from covid-19
[03:05] schestowitz so if you give that to a billion kidsa
[03:06] schestowitz and one in 1000 is impacted
[03:06] schestowitz that's 1 million kids with heart defect or issues
[03:06] schestowitz that can "trigger" later in life
[03:06] schestowitz because they did not properly test it
[03:06] schestowitz but it's rare
[03:06] schestowitz it's OK
[03:06] psydruid rarer than rare
[03:06] schestowitz one in 1
[03:06] schestowitz for one billion
[03:06] schestowitz 10 million people
[03:06] schestowitz young people
[03:06] psydruid because it's not actually rare
[03:06] schestowitz who were not at risk from covid-19
[03:06] schestowitz in the uk for sure, it barely killed any kids
[03:07] psydruid many athletes got problems too
[03:07] schestowitz but now we have studies into it
[03:07] schestowitz and WHO says, it's OK, no vaccines anymore
[03:07] schestowitz it's over
[03:07] schestowitz (didn't say that)
[03:07] schestowitz but something to that effect
[03:07] schestowitz they make their patent profits
[03:07] schestowitz and now push some other prodycts
[03:07] schestowitz companies that had massive debt
[03:07] schestowitz those pharma companies
[03:07] psydruid it's all about the economy now
[03:07] schestowitz deep in debt before
[03:08] schestowitz now they can breathe better
[03:08] schestowitz psydruid: : and ukraine
[03:08] psydruid a dying economy for a dying planet
[03:08] schestowitz povery is RARE
[03:08] schestowitz "what's wrong with you?"
[03:08] schestowitz Biden: GREAT JOB REPOERT
[03:08] psydruid ukraine is evil for being poor
[03:08] schestowitz US unemployment is 4%
[03:08] schestowitz not 40%
[03:08] schestowitz even if about 40% of adults do not work
[03:08] schestowitz and there are no job openings for themn
[03:09] schestowitz so they don't apply
[03:09] schestowitz hence, they do not count
[03:09] psydruid wtf are you Ukrainians so poor?!
[03:09] schestowitz gaslighting in the media is "cool"
[03:09] schestowitz the growth is there
[03:09] schestowitz inflllation grows... 10%
[03:09] psydruid can you stop being poor for once?
[03:09] schestowitz and we still have slowing growth
[03:09] schestowitz so if "the economy" gros 1% in USD
[03:09] schestowitz and inflation is 10%
[03:09] schestowitz is that growth?
[03:09] psydruid but at least it's still growth
[03:09] schestowitz "try harder"
[03:10] psydruid even negative growth is growth
[03:10] schestowitz it's degrowth
[03:10] schestowitz "cooling" growth
[03:10] schestowitz there is job "growth" in tech
[03:10] schestowitz I keep seeing articles like these
[03:10] schestowitz they igfnore the layuoffs
[03:10] schestowitz and run "man bites dog" pieces
[03:10] schestowitz the sky is green
[03:11] schestowitz So this new (last week) study confrms that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause heart issues, even in young people
[03:11] schestowitz but don't pay attention
[03:11] schestowitz back to work
[03:12] schestowitz WHO says COVID-19 is the past
[03:13] psydruid didn't they stop testing the vaccines on animals because they were all dying?
[03:14] psydruid so now humans are treated like the animals they really are for some controlled negative population growth
[03:17] schestowitz let's see the numbers tomorrow..
[03:18] schestowitz https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/05/05/deaths-across-all-age-groups/
[03:18] TR Bot Blog Archive Pandemic New Normal: Sharp Increase in Deaths Across All Age Groups
[03:18] schestowitz https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/05/03/increase-of-38-pct-deaths/
[03:18] TR Bot Blog Archive Week 16 England and Wales Deaths in 2019: 9,025. Week 16 England and Wales Deaths in 2023: 12,420. Increase of 38%.
[03:18] schestowitz deaths in my age group rose 28%
[03:18] schestowitz rianne turns 45 this summer
[03:19] schestowitz for that age group, 34.4% increase in deaths
[03:19] schestowitz it's just a "little"
[03:19] schestowitz "every little helps" - AstraZeneca
[03:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[03:20] schestowitz "backtonormal"
[03:20] schestowitz "press back"
[03:20] schestowitz my parents were both sick after my sister's wedding"
[03:20] schestowitz "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
[03:20] schestowitz make me ill every day then
[03:20] schestowitz then I can be world's strongest man
[03:21] schestowitz Stoltman
[03:21] schestowitz https://yewtu.be/vi/wk2D8n5TWrI/mqdefault.jpg
[03:21] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://yewtu.be/vi/wk2D8n5TWrI/mqdefault.jpg )
[03:21] schestowitz https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wk2D8n5TWrI
[03:21] TR Bot The Champ is Back! | Heavy Deadlift Session | Stoltman Brothers - Invidious
[03:21] schestowitz https://yewtu.be/watch?v=J5lGF7WsLv0
[03:22] schestowitz he breathes so heavily even when restful
[03:22] schestowitz still in his 20s afaik
[03:22] schestowitz they typically die before 50
[03:24] psydruid because looking like that isn't actually healthy?
[03:25] *pling has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[03:26] schestowitz "Stall Man" in Seinfeld https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ddIkmakZorY
[03:26] TR Bot Kramer & George #seinfeld #funny #comedy #laugh #jerryseinfeld #kramer #sitcom #shorts - Invidious
[03:31] bnchs schestowitz: damn
[03:31] bnchs people be like "at least he's not FAT"
[03:32] TR News Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (17/2023): GloDroid 2.0, Snapshot and a Maui Shell progress video https://linmob.net/weekly-update-17-2023/
[03:32] TR Bot - Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (17/2023): GloDroid 2.0, Snapshot and a Maui Shell progress video
[03:32] schestowitz ha
[03:32] schestowitz he is
[03:32] schestowitz anyway, still upset that the rrreputation of vaccines was reuined
[03:32] schestowitz because they dumped a whole lot of experimental shit on billions of subjects
[03:32] schestowitz and FDA is still occupied by the moles
[03:33] schestowitz after the people of integrity resigned
[03:33] schestowitz even CDC head resigned last week
[03:33] bnchs that's just a little musclegut
[03:34] schestowitz depends
[03:34] schestowitz it's still a burden on the heart
[03:34] schestowitz it's abs with a ton of fats on top
[03:34] bnchs i guess
[03:34] schestowitz and need a lot of oxxygen to feed all that
[03:34] schestowitz the heart does not grow
[03:35] schestowitz some of them are failed bodybuilders
[03:35] schestowitz who used to take anabolic steroids
[03:35] schestowitz some just feast on endless protein products
[03:35] schestowitz and work out a lot
[03:36] schestowitz either way, the human body isn't fit for that
[03:36] Aristophanes i feast on endless protein
[03:36] schestowitz when they turn 30 or 25 they are no longer competitive
[03:36] schestowitz and never healthy, either
[03:36] Aristophanes nah you full of it on this, i eat like that and im an absolute beast
[03:36] schestowitz beast as in unshaved?
[03:37] schestowitz how much do you bench 12 times?
[03:37] Aristophanes ha no im just saying everyone's always surprised when they meet me in person
[03:37] Aristophanes im like 6'2", weigh 250 lbs and its not fat
[03:37] schestowitz that does not answer the question
[03:38] schestowitz you could just be very fat
[03:38] Aristophanes nah dude i can shoulder tackle a steel dumpster uphill without wheels
[03:38] schestowitz how much do you bench 12 times?
[03:38] Aristophanes i dunno man, how much does your mom weigh?
[03:39] schestowitz ok, so you are obese
[03:39] Aristophanes its muscle breh
[03:39] schestowitz and you don't know how much you can bench?
[03:39] Aristophanes people think im short and stocky until they stand next to me
[03:40] schestowitz how many pushups, chest to flor?
[03:40] Aristophanes depends on how much pushin she needs breh
[03:40] schestowitz ok, so you are obese
[03:40] bnchs this is dumb
[03:40] bnchs >question
[03:40] bnchs >a joke related to your mom
[03:41] Aristophanes well tell his mom to quit pleyin them games then bruh
[03:41] schestowitz you cannot be 6'2 and 250 pounds and now obese except on anabolic steroids
[03:41] schestowitz *noit
[03:42] DaemonFC schestowitz, They only talked him down to $2.3 million.
[03:42] Aristophanes yeah people dont realize im that heavy usually
[03:42] schestowitz DaemonFC: from 2.4?
[03:42] DaemonFC Yeah.
[03:42] bnchs techrights has evolved to larping fit people on a IRC channel
[03:42] schestowitz he was showing off
[03:42] schestowitz and i responded
[03:43] schestowitz it started with the stoltman brothhers
[03:43] schestowitz they are very tall
[03:43] bnchs yes
[03:44] AdmFubar larping fit people?
[03:44] schestowitz " At 245+34 pounds (111.5 kg), Fury was fighting at the lightest weight of his professional career to date."
[03:44] schestowitz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyson_Fury
[03:44] TR Bot Tyson Fury - Wikipedia
[03:45] schestowitz he is almost 2.10 (meters
[03:45] schestowitz and some butcher said he had taken steroids
[03:45] bnchs damn
[03:45] schestowitz and eskimo brags about being 250
[03:46] schestowitz and about my heithr
[03:46] schestowitz and not being a boxer
[03:46] schestowitz *height
[03:46] schestowitz tyson exercises a lot
[03:46] Aristophanes everyone's a boxer, some people just get paid for it
[03:46] schestowitz he was born prematurely and small
[03:46] schestowitz but because of exercise he can live a long life, even with pppunches to the head
[03:47] bnchs damn that's a power
[03:47] schestowitz he exercises at ricky hatton's gym near us (hyde)
[03:47] bnchs i live with post-concussion headaches all the time
[03:47] schestowitz mo ali was all shaky toowards the end
[03:47] schestowitz like parkinsons
[03:48] schestowitz maaaaaaaaaaaybe one day we'll find some more side effects of those experimental products
[03:48] schestowitz i need to retsrat barrier
[03:48] schestowitz it causes typos
[03:48] bnchs i'm not really a fit guy, i'm the opposite
[03:49] Aristophanes its mostly genes here
[03:49] DaemonFC schestowitz, My guess is that the new landlord won't want to or won't be able to afford major renovations.
[03:49] Aristophanes and coasting off my 20s fitness level
[03:50] Aristophanes it takes a long time to lose muscle mass for me so every few years ill build it up extreme and get ripped and then live like a unix programmer
[03:50] bnchs damn
[03:50] bnchs every few years?
[03:50] Aristophanes yeah lol
[03:51] Aristophanes i was freakishly in shape by my early 20s and built a little layer of muscle all around everywhere, it helps
[03:51] schestowitz barrier restarted
[03:52] bnchs so you build up muscles
[03:53] bnchs live like a fatass for a few years
[03:53] bnchs and then do it again?
[03:53] AdmFubar https://www.salon.com/2023/05/08/chiles-national-lithium-strategy-raises-questions-about-the-environmental-and-social-costs-of-evs_partner/
[03:53] TR Bot national lithium strategy raises questions about the environmental and social costs of EVs | Salon.com
[03:53] Aristophanes bnchs, yep pretty much
[03:53] Aristophanes bnchs, like a grizzly bear
[03:53] bnchs how is that even possible
[03:53] *Aristophanes shrugs
[03:54] Aristophanes i know some people lose muscle immediately when they stop working out
[03:54] Aristophanes i dont
[03:54] schestowitz this is me aged 20 http://schestowitz.com/Images/images3.htm
[03:54] TR Bot Images: Bodyshots
[03:54] schestowitz (old site)
[03:54] Aristophanes when i get ripped its two, three years minimum
[03:54] schestowitz at over 200 pounds or 205 it makes no sense
[03:54] schestowitz unless it's spare weight
[03:55] Aristophanes always welcome to test it out :)
[03:56] TR News The site gamingonlinux has done well in a tough terrain in recent years. Liam Dawe manages to keep at it...
[03:58] schestowitz Aristophanes: muscle loss is possible
[03:58] schestowitz when idle
[03:58] schestowitz if t you fall ill
[03:58] schestowitz or lack energy/nutrients
[03:58] schestowitz so the body breaks down the muscles
[03:58] Aristophanes yeah diet is important
[03:58] schestowitz amino acids wasted
[03:59] schestowitz some beefy people i knew lost all their size due to illness
[03:59] schestowitz or some drug addiction
[03:59] schestowitz the body "ate" the muscles
[03:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
[03:59] Aristophanes if the body doesn't start developing some of that back on its own then they were going to lose it eventually anyway
[03:59] schestowitz i'm still the same weight I was 20 years ago
[03:59] schestowitz anyway, 250 pounds means spare fats
● May 09
[04:00] schestowitz it can leead to other isues
[04:00] schestowitz i have portein shake next to me on my desk tonight
[04:00] Aristophanes if i tried to lose weight i would end up heavier
[04:00] schestowitz we got them like 95% off original price
[04:01] Aristophanes i'd end up leaner but i'd balloon up
[04:01] schestowitz i never exceeded 220 and at 220 I already have a bit of a belly
[04:01] Aristophanes i was actually a pretty devoted athlete until i fractured my femur and had to get a metal rod put in
[04:02] schestowitz cool
[04:02] Aristophanes yep natural disposition
[04:02] schestowitz the lose weight gain more is common
[04:02] schestowitz i forgot the logic behind it
[04:02] Aristophanes you just end up building muscle instead of burning fat because its not really fat
[04:02] schestowitz better to keep steady weight
[04:02] schestowitz skin elasticity and all
[04:02] Aristophanes yep healthier too
[04:02] schestowitz and internal organs
[04:03] schestowitz sharp changes better prevented
[04:03] schestowitz sssome people lose the belly and then have very lose skin
[04:03] Aristophanes though i do do alot of weighted clothing training
[04:03] DaemonFC Nothing like depression to cause you to eat junk food everyday.
[04:03] schestowitz same for faces
[04:04] Aristophanes like ill put on 30lb vest, 10 lb wrist cuffs, 10 lb ankle weights and just do that for a couple days until i realize i forgot to take it off
[04:04] TR News Having a stand at Linux-Infotag 2023 https://linmob.net/lit-2023-stand-experiences/
[04:04] TR Bot - Having a stand at Linux-Infotag 2023
[04:04] Aristophanes i have a second 30 lb vest i rarely will put on on top of that but its harder to forget with both on
[04:05] Aristophanes its actually really hard to find wrist cuffs that weigh more than 10 lbs that are not too bulky to fit underneath clothes
[04:06] Aristophanes the tai chi and kung fu from my 20s helped alot with that kind of thing believe it or not
[04:06] TR News Techrights Bulletin for Monday, May 08, 2023 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives
[04:06] TR Bot Bulletin Archives
[04:06] TR News Techrights full IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt
[04:06] TR Bot Techrights Full IPFS Index
[04:09] TR News Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (18/2023): Build your own phone, Phosh 0.27.0, and a Plasma Mobile progress report https://linmob.net/weekly-update-18-2023/
[04:09] TR Bot - Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (18/2023): Build your own phone, Phosh 0.27.0, and a Plasma Mobile progress report
[04:12] TR News How to fry your CPU to look "l33t" https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/how-to-overclock-a-cpu
[04:12] TR Bot How to Overclock Your CPU: Get the Most GHz | Tom's Hardware
[04:13] TR News Overclocking is like doping. You know it's not good for you. Many people do that regardless. Wear and tear.
[04:14] bnchs how to overclock your CPU
[04:14] TR News Overclock [sic] your microwave while at it. Maybe your PC has no issues with it; maybe bloated programs are the problem. 400MHz CPUs used to be enough. No concept of multi-core either.
[04:14] bnchs 1. adjust the clock oscillator
[04:15] TR News AMD CPUs have been frying THEMSELVES lately, and not even with increased clock speeds
[04:16] bnchs like maybe replace the crystal oscillator with a faster one
[04:16] bnchs then turn on the computer
[04:17] TR News Lewis didn't "overclock" his body, so he's living OK in his 60s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Lewis
[04:17] TR Bot Carl Lewis - Wikipedia
[04:17] bnchs notice how everything's fast, even audio
[04:18] bnchs but you barely notice it before your CPU overheats into a fire
[04:18] bnchs that's when you realize you didn't overclock a PC
[04:19] TR News Social control media: do dumb things, get shot https://federalnewsnetwork.com/entertainment-news/2023/05/youtube-prankster-testifies-about-video-that-got-him-shot/
[04:19] TR Bot YouTube prankster testifies about video that got him shot | Federal News Network
[04:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[04:20] TR News Outsourcing to a censorship platform? Not a great idea. https://www.engadget.com/obs-can-now-stream-high-quality-av1-video-to-youtube-145506980.html
[04:20] TR Bot can now stream high-quality AV1 video to YouTube | Engadget
[04:20] bnchs ugh fuck AV1
[04:20] bnchs i mean
[04:20] bnchs ugh fuck, AV1
[04:21] bnchs software encoding is a bit of an ass
[04:21] TR News YouTube: we censor lots of things, like ordinary people saying shit, but disinformation from the Koch Brothers is OK https://www.engadget.com/youtube-still-displays-ads-on-some-climate-change-denial-videos-researchers-say-153904994.html
[04:21] TR Bot still displays ads on some climate change denial videos, researchers say | Engadget
[04:22] TR News Pushing junk as a business model https://gizmodo.com/youtube-google-climate-change-denial-ads-monetize-video-1850395113
[04:22] TR Bot Google and YouTube Share Ad Profits With Climate Liars: Report
[04:24] schestowitz bnchs: moar software patents
[04:25] TR News Songwriter helps explain the Ed Sheeran copyright lawsuit https://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/songwriter-helps-explain-the-ed-sheeran-copyright-lawsuit-1.6831512
[04:25] TR Bot helps explain the Ed Sheeran copyright lawsuit | CBC.ca
[04:27] TR News Turns out Gaye was the ripoff artist. What good did his "estate" do to his name? usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2023-05-03/no-evidence-ed-sheeran-copied-lets-get-it-on-jury-is-told
[04:27] AdmFubar https://www.osnews.com/story/136105/windows-11-is-about-to-start-showing-more-ads-this-time-in-settings/
[04:27] TR Bot 11 is about to start showing more ads, this time in Settings OSnews
[04:28] TR News Don't buy one? https://www.cnet.com/how-to/stop-home-network-hackers-top-10-tips-to-protect-your-wi-fi-security/
[04:28] TR Bot Your Home Wi-Fi Network Can Be Hacked. Here Are 10 Tips to Protect It - CNET
[04:28] schestowitz AdmFubar: "wait, what was i gonna do? I forgot.."
[04:29] TR News Pakistan https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/04/28/terrorism-and-extremism-implications-for-pakistans-security/
[04:29] TR Bot Terrorism and Extremism: Implications for Pakistans Security - Modern Diplomacy
[04:30] TR News The term security has become ambiguous because states and corporations keep misusing it. They did the same to "crypto".
[04:31] TR News Mobile "phones" has become anything but a phone.
[04:32] TR News Today's "security cameras" are mostly about beaming a ton of data to corporations and states. Guess who pays the power and Internet bills.
[04:33] TR News Sharing is caring https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/whitesand-first-nation-community-food-market-1.6825648
[04:33] TR Bot How Whitesand First Nation tackles food insecurity through its community market | CBC News
[04:34] TR News Documentary prompts government to improve offshore energy security https://cphpost.dk/2023-05-01/news/documentary-prompts-government-to-improve-offshore-energy-security/
[04:34] TR Bot Documentary prompts government to improve offshore energy security - The Copenhagen Post The Copenhagen Post
[04:35] AdmFubar buy yourself some new settings
[04:36] TR News Shilled by Microsoft & Gulagboy https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-tpm-hacked-faultpm see http://techrights.org/2023/02/22/microsoft-infiltrators/
[04:36] TR Bot AMD TPM Exploit: New Attack Defeats BitLocker and TPM-Based Security (Updated) | Tom's Hardware
[04:36] TR Bot Microsoft Infiltrators Still Sabotage Linux (From the Inside) | Techrights
[04:36] schestowitz AdmFubar: clippyy
[04:36] schestowitz "it looks like you need some new golf balls"
[04:37] TR News "Rapid Security Response" while helping the NSA crack users' devices??? https://www.macrumors.com/2023/05/01/rapid-security-response-16-4-1/
[04:37] TR Bot Releases Rapid Security Response Updates for iOS 16.4.1 and macOS 13.3.1 - MacRumors
[04:38] TR News Apple does not make secure products. Apple makes ads to make you believe its products are truly secure.
[04:39] TR News Police calling the kettle black. On "abuse of authority"... https://yle.fi/a/74-20029999
[04:39] TR Bot Police suspect 12 former Avarn Security guards of violent crimes, abuse of authority | News | Yle Uutiset
[04:40] TR News Framing militarism as "jobs" https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/aukus-as-much-about-as-jobs-as-it-is-national-security-albanese-says-20230504-p5d5gi.html
[04:40] TR Bot AUKUS to provide jobs, national security: Anthony Albanese in England
[04:41] TR News Wars are job creators. They can help reduce unemployment by getting rid of millions of people. Wagner is Putin's "job creator"... it even brings prisoners back to "work"...
[04:42] TR News Don't dub them "useless eaters"; now they're "Wagner employees"
[04:43] TR News Samsung needs to just ban Microsoft and stop shipping Microsoft malware after the patent blackmail/lawsuits from Microsoft (2016) https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/samsung-bans-use-ai-tools-like-chatgpt-over-security-concerns-1715578
[04:43] TR Bot Samsung bans use of AI tools like ChatGPT over security concerns
[04:44] TR News No Problems with Social Security https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/05/03/google-ai-expert-warns-of-massive-uptick-in-productivity-growth-no-problems-with-social-security/
[04:44] TR Bot AI Expert Warns of Massive Uptick in Productivity Growth: No Problems with Social Security - CounterPunch.org
[04:46] TR News Collective Security https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/05/04/the-time-has-come-to-build-a-viable-global-system-of-collective-security/
[04:46] TR Bot Time Has Come to Build a Viable Global System of Collective Security - CounterPunch.org
[04:49] TR News When you make things "smart" (Internet-connected) when there's little reason to do so https://www.tomshardware.com/news/western-digital-march-2023-security-breech-update
[04:49] TR Bot WD Warns Customers That Hackers Stole Their Data | Tom's Hardware
[04:49] TR News Fentanylware https://gizmodo.com/tiktok-financial-times-track-buffy-cat-cristina-criddle-1850408534
[04:49] TR Bot TikTok Tracked Cat's Account to Spy on Financial Times Reporter
[04:50] TR News 'Social' media or cyberweapon? https://netzpolitik.org/2023/journalist-under-surveillance-tiktok-was-scared-and-freaked-out/
[04:50] TR Bot Journalist under surveillance: TikTok was scared and freaked out
[04:51] TR News No, do not make Beijing/Pooh-tin your boss https://www.engadget.com/tiktoks-new-monetization-program-is-now-available-for-all-eligible-us-creators-161555027.html
[04:51] TR Bot new monetization program is now available for all eligible US creators | Engadget
[04:52] *AdmFubar has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[04:52] TR News "Influencer" controlled (influenced) by Beijing https://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/tiktok-star-celia-gercovich-reacts-to-hitting-1-5-million-followers-20230503-p5d57d.html
[04:52] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/tiktok-star-celia-gercovich-reacts-to-hitting-1-5-million-followers-20230503-p5d57d.html )
[04:53] TR News TikTok gossip turned into 'journalism' https://www.vox.com/culture/23708179/unique-baby-names-2023-trends-tiktok
[04:53] TR Bot name trends on TikTok are affecting parents choices - Vox
[04:54] TR News Privacy erosion is NOT the main downside/issue https://gizmodo.com/will-banning-tiktok-work-future-tech-1850388886
[04:54] TR Bot Will Banning TikTok Work? | Future Tech
[04:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[05:01] *AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights
[05:04] TR News (NEW): Free, Libre, and Freedom-Respecting Software: Mastodon, OBS, LibreArts http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Free_Libre_and_Freedom_Respecting_Software_Mastodon_OBS_LibreAr.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Free_Libre_and_Freedom_Respecting_Software_Mastodon_OBS_LibreAr.gmi
[05:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Free, Libre, and Freedom-Respecting Software: Mastodon, OBS, LibreArts
[05:05] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Security_Leftovers.gmi
[05:05] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers
[05:05] TR News (NEW): Linux Kernel 6.4 RC1 Released with Intel LAM, More Rust Code http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Linux_Kernel_6_4_RC1_Released_with_Intel_LAM_More_Rust_Code.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Linux_Kernel_6_4_RC1_Released_with_Intel_LAM_More_Rust_Code.gmi
[05:05] TR Bot Tux Machines Linux Kernel 6.4 RC1 Released with Intel LAM, More Rust Code
[05:05] TR News (NEW): Programming and Chatbots http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Programming_and_Chatbots.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Programming_and_Chatbots.gmi
[05:05] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming and Chatbots
[05:05] TR News (NEW): Weekly Reports on GNU/Linux-Like Systems for Phones http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Weekly_Reports_on_GNU_Linux_Like_Systems_for_Phones.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Weekly_Reports_on_GNU_Linux_Like_Systems_for_Phones.gmi
[05:05] TR Bot Tux Machines Weekly Reports on GNU/Linux-Like Systems for Phones
[05:19] TR News (NEW): OpenBSD, Linux, and Limine Bootloader http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/OpenBSD_Linux_and_Limine_Bootloader.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/OpenBSD_Linux_and_Limine_Bootloader.gmi
[05:19] TR Bot Tux Machines OpenBSD, Linux, and Limine Bootloader
[05:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[05:20] TR News (NEW): System-on-module (SoM) , NUC, and Retro Apple http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/System_on_module_SoM_NUC_and_Retro_Apple.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/System_on_module_SoM_NUC_and_Retro_Apple.gmi
[05:20] TR Bot Tux Machines System-on-module (SoM) , NUC, and Retro Apple
[05:21] TR News (NEW): Plasma Sprint 2023 in Augsburg and a Look at GNU/Linux in Colorado http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Plasma_Sprint_2023_in_Augsburg_and_a_Look_at_GNU_Linux_in_Color.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Plasma_Sprint_2023_in_Augsburg_and_a_Look_at_GNU_Linux_in_Color.gmi
[05:21] TR Bot Tux Machines Plasma Sprint 2023 in Augsburg and a Look at GNU/Linux in Colorado
[05:33] TR News When they assume social control media exists to serve them https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/4/20/23691852/buzzfeed-news-rip-digital-media-industry
[05:33] TR Bot News is shutting down. Whos next? - Vox
[05:35] TR News Excuse for governments and corporations to hide reality and not be held accountable for anything, let alone solve the issue https://www.vox.com/science/2023/5/5/23712380/covid-emergency-ends-world-health-organization
[05:35] TR Bot WHO just ended the global Covid emergency. What does that mean? - Vox
[05:35] TR News (NEW): The Top 7 Linux Server Distros for Enterprises and Small Businesses http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/The_Top_7_Linux_Server_Distros_for_Enterprises_and_Small_Busine.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/The_Top_7_Linux_Server_Distros_for_Enterprises_and_Small_Busine.gmi
[05:35] TR Bot Tux Machines The Top 7 Linux Server Distros for Enterprises and Small Businesses
[05:40] TR News In a fortnight "The Scientist" published 9 spam pieces "SPONSORED"), representing almost 40% of the whole. So the site is not about HALF spam. And other sites have become like that too.
[05:40] TR News Pricing the car up won't help, will it? https://www.thelocal.se/20230504/volvo-set-to-cut-six-percent-of-its-swedish-workforce
[05:41] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelocal.se/20230504/volvo-set-to-cut-six-percent-of-its-swedish-workforce )
[05:43] TR News "Influencers" typically means marketing spammers, glorified and elevated by the advertising industry https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/04/influencer-social-media-authenticity-jenn-im/673739/
[05:43] TR Bot Meta-Content Is Taking Over the Internet - The Atlantic
[05:46] TR News Lull? It's still spreading. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/05/covid-pandemic-mild-winter-wave-data/673915/
[05:46] TR Bot Were in the Wait-and-Watch Era of COVID - The Atlantic
[05:49] *whitenigger (~whitenigger@4cnkq23ntmwvu.irc) has joined #techrights
[05:50] TR News (NEW): NanoPC-T6 Arm Linux SBC offers dual GbE, HDMI 2.1 output, HDMI 2.0 input, 2x M.2 sockets, and more http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/NanoPC_T6_Arm_Linux_SBC_offers_dual_GbE_HDMI_2_1_output_HDMI_2_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/NanoPC_T6_Arm_Linux_SBC_offers_dual_GbE_HDMI_2_1_output_HDMI_2_.gmi
[05:50] TR Bot Tux Machines NanoPC-T6 Arm Linux SBC offers dual GbE, HDMI 2.1 output, HDMI 2.0 input, 2x M.2 sockets, and more
[05:51] whitenigger so, i finalized my thoughts, to provide another, written, response to the recent "energy"-price explosions, accounted for with excessive fraud here in "germany"
[05:51] whitenigger by coincidence, who would have thought, those marionette politicians and business leaders, controlled by "atlantic bridge", washington minions, to transfer ownership of Vissmann heating company to USA!
[05:52] whitenigger surprise, guess why, that's another side-story of this, a leading producer of "heat-pumps", promising "innovative" heating solutions
[05:52] TR News Putnam dynasty continues https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/25/1070455/mits-putnam-dynasty-continues/
[05:52] TR Bot Going digital makes aid programs more effective | MIT Technology Review
[05:52] whitenigger another miracle magic energy source, which they inflated energy prices with, to subsidize renewal of heating-installations
[05:52] TR News The preschool boost https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/25/1070442/the-preschool-boost/
[05:52] TR Bot The preschool boost | MIT Technology Review
[05:53] whitenigger which however, will never compensate for wish-thinked energy price inflation of +1000% and more
[05:53] TR News The End of Computer Magazines in America https://www.technologizer.com/2023/04/15/the-end-of-computer-magazines-in-america/
[05:53] TR Bot End of Computer Magazines in America | Technologizer by Harry McCracken
[05:53] whitenigger I spare you the details - theoretically - heat-pumps quadruple heating energy output, however then heating-costs should have fallen, but those didn't
[05:54] TR News ...meanwhile in India https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/south-asia/gone-without-a-trace-mystery-of-india-s-missing-monuments
[05:54] TR Bot Gone without a trace: Mystery of Indias missing monuments | The Straits Times
[05:54] whitenigger instead, i spotted yet another accounting fraud trick, which they inflated energy prices another 500% with... above the already excessively taxed ones in "germany"
[05:54] TR News Renesas Arm AI Tech Talk https://www.sparkfun.com/news/6609
[05:54] TR Bot + Arm AI Tech Talk - News - SparkFun Electronics
[05:55] whitenigger anyway, this time, i'll keep it simple, and ask which heating installation, magically, requires heating-oil energy equivalents, of $100/gallon, based on real measurements and data i will confirm
[05:55] whitenigger i'll only question the energy price, and how any of it, Vissman heat pumps, windmill carbon certificates, solar panels... how any of this could make energy such cheap, it's only 20Euros/liter heating oil
[05:56] TR News But is is not infectious https://www.sciencealert.com/throat-cancer-is-becoming-an-epidemic-and-our-sex-lives-could-be-behind-it"
[05:56] TR Bot Cancer Is Becoming an Epidemic, And Our Sex Lives Could Be Behind It : ScienceAlert
[05:56] whitenigger +1000% inflation... that's how cheap renewable innovative heat pumps are
[05:57] whitenigger another, political propaganda spin, as usual, is the justice one... although i may simply ask then how energy prices of 20Euros/liter ($100/gallon) heating oil, how this could be any basis for families and social peace to depend upon
[05:57] DaemonFC Apple does not make secure products. Apple makes ads to make you believe its products are truly secure.
[05:57] DaemonFC schestowitz, Why do the work when you can fake it?
[05:57] schestowitz ah
[05:58] schestowitz ask mandy
[05:58] whitenigger otherwise, i had paid all bills already, with energy prices inflated that much, i'll not have to worry another 100years, if there was another price-hike.... i can ask the same question easily again and again
[05:58] schestowitz airpods
[05:58] schestowitz they use bluetooth i think
[05:58] schestowitz so theoretically some stranger can grab a token
[05:58] schestowitz and take over the signal
[05:58] schestowitz maybe even cause internal damage to the circuits
[05:59] schestowitz DaemonFC: hang on, back after I update my headphones
[05:59] schestowitz hopefully that won't brick them like the last time ;-)
[05:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
[05:59] whitenigger and you know what, since i'll escalate on this, i am certain it will backfire heavily, wherever it originated
● May 09
[06:00] whitenigger it's rather easy, to circulate some simple calculation and energy bill verification... hey see, this is it
[06:00] whitenigger you want $100/gallon heating oil... there you have it... discuss, and i'll watch and see what happens next
[06:00] whitenigger one epic shitshow after another
[06:01] DaemonFC schestowitz, Might have to bring Mandy's 401(k) contributions down later on. Hope not, but eh.
[06:01] whitenigger and i told you, when this begun, october last year, this is just the beginning
[06:01] schestowitz DaemonFC: is it possible?
[06:01] whitenigger and it is still, +1000% inflation, against energy pricing, to fullfill all those wishthinks
[06:01] schestowitz afiak, early redemption is not possible
[06:01] DaemonFC I can adjust the percentage and it goes into effect on the next paycheck.
[06:01] schestowitz just have faith in the economy for the next 30 yeras
[06:01] DaemonFC It's possible, but it's not a good idea.
[06:01] schestowitz alan greenspan saiddd it'd be ok
[06:02] DaemonFC There's a penalty tax.
[06:02] schestowitz for the billionaireees, obviously
[06:02] DaemonFC You can also take a loan out against your 401(k) at low interest.
[06:02] TR News Gemini Links 08/05/2023: Recalling Tradewars, Suckless Window Manager, and More | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/suckless-window-manager/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/suckless-window-manager/
[06:02] TR Bot Gemini Links 08/05/2023: Recalling Tradewars, Suckless Window Manager, and More | Techrights
[06:02] DaemonFC But neither that nor a early withdrawal are what you'd do unless it's an emergency.
[06:04] DaemonFC If you leave your employer, the remaining amount of the loan is usually converted into an early withdrawal and they send you tax forms.
[06:06] whitenigger btw., the "german" government is that desparate alrady, they want to introduce this new "heating energy" legislation, year 2024 already...
[06:06] whitenigger either you upgrade your heating installation with a Vissmann heating pump (a company which was transferred to USA), or you'll have to pay those $100/gallon heating oil
[06:07] whitenigger and guess what, those heating pumps, shall be subsidized, with german tax-payers money, which would arrive where? in USA once Vissmann was transferred...
[06:07] whitenigger brilliant idea...
[06:08] whitenigger ironically, the electricity required, depends on burning coal... that much... additional "carbon certificates" transferred... because that's good for climate
[06:08] whitenigger to do this
[06:08] TR News Links 08/05/2023: Many More Intel and Microsoft Layoffs | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/intel-and-microsoft-layoffs/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/intel-and-microsoft-layoffs/
[06:08] TR Bot Links 08/05/2023: Many More Intel and Microsoft Layoffs | Techrights
[06:08] whitenigger and i have a prognosis... this government agenda, is that insane, there will be skulls rolling on the floor, that many you can't watch that far
[06:08] whitenigger and this hasn't begun yet
[06:08] whitenigger although they dispute over Ukraine war...
[06:09] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Android_Leftovers.gmi
[06:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers
[06:09] TR News (NEW): Firefox 113 Introduces Enhanced Picture-in-Picture and Improved Security Features http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Firefox_113_Introduces_Enhanced_Picture_in_Picture_and_Improved.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Firefox_113_Introduces_Enhanced_Picture_in_Picture_and_Improved.gmi
[06:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Firefox 113 Introduces Enhanced Picture-in-Picture and Improved Security Features
[06:09] whitenigger because, if there is some hidding inflation against energy pricing, of 1000% which i can confirm alreadyt, round about..
[06:09] whitenigger i am not a magician, i can't see the future, and give any prognosis, but $100/gallon heating oil... hey, that's a problem
[06:10] whitenigger do you want to ruin german economy? then there won't be any money at all remaining...
[06:10] whitenigger but you do need $100/gallon heating oil... good luck finding any source of income
[06:11] whitenigger the Vissman heat-pump manufacturer transfer, into USA... this is, ludicrous... and the accounting tricks... i couldn't have imagined
[06:11] whitenigger but you know, even if i wanted to pay $100/gallon, I CANNOT
[06:11] whitenigger besides, i do not want to, and I will not pay
[06:11] whitenigger i will NOT forward any additional shitcoin, from my account
[06:12] whitenigger and what would you do then? kill me? then i cannot do this either...
[06:12] whitenigger you think there is more preferrable opportunities, less costs and spendings, and greater returns than what was done on MY account with MY money?
[06:13] whitenigger remember? two currency reforms (expropriations) since 1990, excess price explosion on rents, excess energy prices... this was done already... there is no headroom remaining
[06:13] whitenigger other than, killing me... but again, good luck finding any security/asset elsewhere
[06:13] whitenigger USA USA USA
[06:14] whitenigger Vissmann, i'll have follow the reporting another few weeks...
[06:14] whitenigger recently, in Ukraine, they began evacuating the population surrounding their nuclear plant in Zaphorizia
[06:14] whitenigger well, i don't know, if they could produce some magic miracle energy there, worth $100/gallon
[06:15] whitenigger and even if, i cannot pay
[06:15] whitenigger ridiculous
[06:15] whitenigger counter-offensive ahead
[06:16] whitenigger this one, is bigger than the Enron accounting scandal (related to the 9/11 2001 incident when accounting records vanished in fire)
[06:16] whitenigger when nordstream pipeline detonated, this was known as an even bigger accounting issue, with tax filings burnt inside an oven some place by some putin buddies
[06:17] whitenigger i'll try to reach the landlord by phone today, and too phonecall the metering service again
[06:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[06:25] mjg59_ schestowitz: You know you can just ban people with racist nicks, right
[06:25] mjg59_ That's a privilege you have in running an IRC server
[06:37] whitenigger in proto-germanic language, the number, nine, it's pronounced as in nejen, for both "no" and the "nejcher"
[06:37] whitenigger it's true
[06:37] whitenigger although the "scientific consense" reached only that far, to confirm the genetic roots are common
[06:38] whitenigger but the LANGUAGE roots of both semitic/bantu language and proto-germanic, too have some commonalities
[06:39] whitenigger that, explicite, if you knew some proto-germanic, such as how to pronounce Europes oldest and longest lasting currency - the PFENG (Fang, bantu, catch of a hunter) - fur trade
[06:39] whitenigger for a while i was thinking, the heavy jiddish influence, in leipzig, was a foreign language influence, due to the trade-city context
[06:40] whitenigger instead, now i am convinced, the jiddish/semitic language origin, is the native one of Leipzig, and NOT a foreign language trait of the jews who lived there
[06:40] whitenigger so, in a way, i could add jew to my nick alike
[06:41] whitenigger they exterminate all of this kind, to eradicate the evidence, i think
[06:41] whitenigger that's why, it's not archaic language and cultural heritage, it's just presented as sub-human trash language
[06:41] whitenigger *consensus
[06:43] whitenigger proto-germanic, could be, rather close to semitic and/or a little bantu
[06:43] whitenigger meaning then, too the language originated and evolved among well, white africans, or however to interpret this
[06:44] whitenigger this means, too, some english language roots, evolved in africa; not only some genetic/biological traits which are almost 100% identical, but too alot of cultural/language may have already
[06:45] whitenigger anyway, there is only little evidence remaining for this, because the native speakers, in germany, are eradicated
[06:50] whitenigger the "denarius" currency designation, too is noteworthy - is suspect the "Pfeng" currency, which germany abandoned since Euro shitcoin, is the older one
[06:51] whitenigger and denarious, got a twist to it too, depending on translation: in english it's close to "denier/denial", in germanic language denarious is the "Diener" the servant
[06:52] whitenigger really weird, anyway, slavery could be as old as fur trade and hunting was, and it's deeply codified in proto-germanic and relatives
[06:53] whitenigger although i refuse to conlude with any moral interpretation; and 1000 years ago and earlier, there wasn't any black people, in germany, to enslave
[06:53] whitenigger for this, such as myself exist
[06:54] whitenigger in this apartheid regime, they established, with the methods mentioned
[06:54] whitenigger in 1990, they removed the fence around east-germany, which was a giant slave labor camp
[06:54] whitenigger i remember history, rather well
[06:55] whitenigger anyway, how many of the german soldiers, who died at the eastern front, how many of them died in forced labor camps as prisoners of war?
[06:56] whitenigger in 1945, several million young men disappeared there, and often during war, most do not die from battle action, but instead they died from forced labor, stravation, disease
[06:56] whitenigger anyway, i'll knever know, what happened to my grandfather there
[06:57] whitenigger as a white nigger, grandfathers are merely some nazi piece of shit they say here, in "germany"
[06:57] whitenigger i am not some type of militant guy, you know
[06:58] whitenigger although, i did have one or another phone call, maybe, i'll try to, spread some word, into former Stasi or something, not sure, if the message passes through
[06:59] whitenigger to my knowledge, they didn't keep their firearms at home, as they do in switzerland
[06:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[07:01] whitenigger a former east-german border guard, i talked to recently, argued, if he could, he would re-establish the wall, and build it 5 meters higher this time
[07:02] whitenigger he is an idiot, but who cares
[07:12] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[07:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[07:45] TR News Japan is wiping the floor https://www.maketecheasier.com/sony-sold-almost-40-million-ps5s/ XBox might die altogether this year
[07:45] TR Bot Sony Sold Almost 40 million PS5s Since Launch - Make Tech Easier
[07:47] TR News Sadly, however, maketecheasier is still a part-time spam site, e.g. (fake 'review') https://www.maketecheasier.com/review/morus-zero-portable-clothes-dryer/
[07:47] TR Bot Morus Zero Portable Clothes Dryer Review - Make Tech Easier
[07:47] TR News Overtime, a growing % of maketecheasier is spam disguised as "review"; they even openly advertise you can buy 'reviews' from them...
[07:49] TR News Commons https://www.lib.umich.edu/about-us/news/clark-commons-opens
[07:49] TR Bot Clark Commons opens | University of Michigan Library
[07:50] TR News Over time, corporations will buy more of what's left of universities, having done the same to governments over the past few decades
[07:52] TR News Re: JeanG3nie: I'd rather be Ferrari than Ford gemini://textmonger.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-05-08-03-id-rather-be-ferrari-than-ford.gmi
[07:53] TR News Growing in the Wrong Places gemini://protodrew.smol.pub/growing_in_the_wrong_places
[07:55] schestowitz-TR "No one should be surprised.....did he not bring over The Skull Hunder from Accenture - e.g. Accenture is the biggest skull hunder in the world, making MD Commissions off of layong off and destroying the lives of other Americans....until there are none left. The Strategy guy at MSFT was the in that same job at Accenture - he is the H1B King Pen."
[07:55] schestowitz-TR https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1lA2M9KK
[07:55] TR Bot I must say this... - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffs
[07:55] TR News "The weather has been beautiful, and spring is finally here. It's pretty warm here most days, sometimes even getting to 75. I've been playing koi-koi with my family and a solitaire matching game outside using a hanafuda deck I recently bought. It's pretty fun." gemini://eph.smol.pub/1683566245
[07:57] TR News "There had always been lilies there, self-sown from wind-dropped seed, floating red and white on the green plates of their leaves. Water, for hundreds of years, had silted down into the hollow, and lay there four or five feet deep over a black cushion of mud." gemini://aidn.flounder.online/gemlog/2023-05-08.gmi
[07:58] TR News "This file is being served by a bit of nonsense /bin/sh. It uses ncat(1), part of the nmap package, to listen on the right port and wrap the connection using my letsencrypt key. xq came up with the idea and the core server code for an experiment he's running for Kristall. I stole it to make this silly thing." gemini://tomasino.org/
[07:59] TR News "The last few weeks have been dominated by two things: work and moving. At my job, we are engaged in a large upgrade project that takes up almost all of my time each day. In the evenings, I have been helping to pack, move and unpack dozens of boxes and bins. These tasks have left me very little time to engage in Gemini." gemini://jsreed5.org/log/2023/202305/20230508-2023-week-16-17-18-status-and-photos.gmi
[07:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
[07:59] TR News "We are toldcorrectlythat readability of code is of primary importance in large codebases. And yet, most programmers miss a simple trick that can greatly boost readability. You might have guessed it from the title: use a proportional font." gemini://clanmorgan.org/gemlog/2023-05-09-proportional-coding.gmi
● May 09
[08:03] TR News Weapnised toxic waste. Avoid. https://www.rfa.org/english/cartoons/tiktok-trail-chinese-fled-05082023112828.html
[08:03] TR Bot Taking the TikTok trail Radio Free Asia
[08:05] TR News Fauci and Biden Are Rewriting the History of COVID-19 Restrictions https://reason.com/video/2023/05/08/fauci-and-biden-are-rewriting-the-history-of-covid-19-restrictions/
[08:05] TR Bot Fauci and Biden Are Rewriting the History of COVID-19 Restrictions
[08:05] TR News "prepare for a possible increase in illegal immigration when COVID-19 restrictions known asTitle42are set to end on Thursday." https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230509-us-sends-reinforcements-to-border-as-migrants-gather-ahead-of-end-to-title-42
[08:05] TR Bot US sends reinforcements to border as migrants gather ahead of rule change
[08:05] TR News Hong Kong pro-democracy union that distributed Covid-19 supplies should be exempt from gathering ban, defence says https://hongkongfp.com/2023/05/08/hong-kong-pro-democracy-union-that-distributed-covid-19-supplies-should-be-exempt-from-gathering-ban-defence-says/
[08:05] TR Bot Hong Kong pro-democracy union that distributed Covid-19 supplies should be exempt from gathering ban, defence says - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
[08:06] TR News "drafted by the Albanese government if the High Court rules in favour of Qantas over its decision to outsource more than 1600 workers during the COVID-19 pandemic." https://michaelwest.com.au/legislative-change-if-high-court-rules-for-qantas/
[08:06] TR Bot Legislative change if High Court rules for Qantas - Michael West
[08:07] TR News "legal challenge in the High Court in a bid to overturn a judgement relating to its controversial decision to outsource more than 1600 workers during the COVID-19 pandemic." https://michaelwest.com.au/qantas-faces-off-in-high-court-over-workforce-cull/
[08:07] TR Bot Qantas faces off in High Court over workforce cull - Michael West
[08:08] TR News "Demand for smiling lessons rose 4.5 times compared to the previous year." https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/learning-how-to-smile-again-japan-holds-lessons-for-life-without-mask-post-covid-19-pandemic
[08:08] TR Bot Learning how to smile again: Japan holds lessons for life without mask post-Covid-19 pandemic | The Straits Times
[08:08] TR News Universitys COVID-19 response entering new phase https://record.umich.edu/articles/universitys-covid-19-response-entering-new-phase/
[08:08] TR Bot Universitys COVID-19 response entering new phase | The University Record
[08:09] TR News 4-day school weeks are gaining steam, but students are suffering https://www.axios.com/2023/05/08/4-day-school-week-study
[08:09] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/05/08/4-day-school-week-study )
[08:15] TR News Hardware sales are not down if one counts military hardware as such. But they're not sold over the shelf.
[08:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[08:25] TR News Prize-Winning AP Team Served as World's Eyes in Mariupol https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-05-08/prize-winning-ap-team-served-as-worlds-eyes-in-mariupol
[08:26] *techuser has quit (connection closed)
[08:26] *TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[08:28] *TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ju4kayhrhsm6a.irc) has joined #techrights
[08:28] TechrightsBot-tr Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77
[08:28] *techuser (~techuser@wyxe7rh3zwtvg.irc) has joined #techrights
[08:29] TR News Berlin Attempts to Ban Russian Flags on Victory Day, Prompting Legal Tussle https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/08/world/europe/berlin-victory-day-russian-flags.html
[08:29] TR Bot Berlin Attempts to Ban Russian Flags on Victory Day, Prompting Legal Tussle - The New York Times
[08:30] TR News The West's uphill battle to sanction Russian diamonds https://www.axios.com/2023/05/08/russia-diamonds-sanction-g7-biden-admin
[08:30] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/05/08/russia-diamonds-sanction-g7-biden-admin )
[08:30] TR News China and Saudi Arabia are teaming up on steel decarbonization https://qz.com/china-and-saudi-arabia-are-teaming-up-on-steel-decarbon-1850413701
[08:30] TR Bot China and Saudi Arabia are teaming up on steel decarbonization
[08:31] TR News The Flight From the US Dollar https://original.antiwar.com/ted_snider/2023/05/07/the-flight-from-the-us-dollar/
[08:31] TR Bot The Flight From the US Dollar - Antiwar.com Original
[08:32] *wallacer has quit (Quit: wallace dozed off)
[08:32] MinceR (audio:important) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVaIQskuASk
[08:32] TR Bot https://invidious.esmailelbob.xyz/watch?v=HVaIQskuASk
[08:32] TR Bot invidious.esmailelbob.xyz | The Portal Speedrun That Gets Every Cube - Invidious
[08:34] TR News Joshua Yaffa on Evan Gershkovich, a Colleague and Friend https://www.newyorker.com/podcast/political-scene/joshua-yaffa-on-evan-gershkovich-a-colleague-and-friend
[08:34] TR Bot Joshua Yaffa on Evan Gershkovich, a Colleague and Friend | The New Yorker
[08:40] TR News Someone ought to ask them if ICBM is shutting down the site https://opensource.com/contact many people impacted https://opensource.com/team
[08:40] TR Bot us | Opensource.com
[08:40] TR Bot the team | Opensource.com
[08:43] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights
[08:44] TR News Someone ought to ask them if ICBM is shutting down the site https://opensource.com/contact many people impacted https://opensource.com/team
[08:47] TR News LibreOffice Conference Sponsor Packages https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2023/05/08/libocon-sponsor-packages/
[08:47] TR Bot LibreOffice Conference Sponsor Packages - The Document Foundation Blog
[08:49] TR News IRC Proceedings: Monday, May 08, 2023 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/irc-log-080523/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/irc-log-080523/
[08:49] TR Bot IRC Proceedings: Monday, May 08, 2023 | Techrights
[08:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[09:08] TR News LibreOffice: Pay Us to be Quoted, Be Promoted in Social Control Media, and Get a Keynote Speech Slot | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/libreoffice-payments/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/libreoffice-payments/
[09:08] TR Bot LibreOffice: Pay Us to be Quoted, Be Promoted in Social Control Media, and Get a Keynote Speech Slot | Techrights
[09:09] TR News This event is to take place in Romania, where salaries are low; so if all you can afford to pay is 1,000 euros, you won't be mentioned in the press release. It's easier if you are German. http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/libreoffice-payments/ @mariusnestor
[09:12] psydruid Romania for the Germans, Romania is Germany
[09:14] TR News "Today I got AT&T Fiber Internet installed at my house, and I thought I'd document a few things" https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2023/self-hosting-att-fiber-internet | Source: Jeff Geerling
[09:14] TR Bot Self-hosting with AT&T Fiber Internet | Jeff Geerling
[09:14] TR News "I recently found the 3 Lord of the Rings audiobooks I bought from Phil Dragash some years back" https://blog.balthazar-rouberol.com/merging-multiple-mp3-files-into-an-audiobook-with-chapters | Source: Balthazar Rouberol
[09:14] TR Bot Balthazar - Blog Merging multiple mp3 files into an audiobook with chapters
[09:15] schestowitz psydruid: cheaper accomodation
[09:15] schestowitz uni at bucharest
[09:15] schestowitz maybe the german can fins some "nice girls" there too
[09:15] schestowitz like in kosovo (debian)
[09:15] TR News "I talked recently about drgn and using it to poke around in the kernel" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/DrgnVersusEBPFTools | Source: University of Toronto
[09:15] TR Bot Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/DrgnVersusEBPFTools
[09:16] TR News cron(8) now supports random ranges with steps https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20230507122935 | Source: Undeadly
[09:16] TR Bot cron(8) now supports random ranges with steps
[09:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[09:20] TR News "Ive been speaking to people who work in a field called IoT forensics" https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/05/08/1072708/hack-smart-fridge-digital-forensics/ | Source: MIT Technology Review
[09:20] TR Bot How to hack a smart fridge | MIT Technology Review
[09:22] TR News "This is our traditional tutorial, tips and tricks for computer users who finished Fedora Workstation 38 installation." https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2023/05/what-to-do-after-installing-fedora-38-made-simple.html | Source: Ubuntubuzz
[09:22] TR Bot What To Do After Installing Fedora 38 Made Simple
[09:24] TR News "In addition to having an LTS release every two years (following the Ubuntu release cadence)" https://ubuntu.com//blog/spring-news-from-the-lxd-team | Source: Ubuntu
[09:24] TR Bot news from the LXD team | Ubuntu
[09:25] TR News "Heres a keynote I gave at RubyConf Mini last year: Learning DNS in 10 years." https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/05/08/new-talk-learning-dns-in-10-years/ | Source: Julia Evans
[09:25] TR Bot New talk: Learning DNS in 10 years
[09:27] *wallacer has quit (Quit: wallace dozed off)
[09:28] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights
[09:28] *imbillsbitch has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[09:28] TR News "I harbor no illusion about the effectiveness of airing this particular pet peeve" https://bertrandmeyer.com/2023/05/08/statement-considered-harmful/ | Source: Bertrand Meyer
[09:28] TR Bot Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog Blog Archive Statement Considered Harmful - Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog
[09:28] TR News "This article will introduce the concept of exception handling in Python and cover the built-in exceptions provided by the language" https://earthly.dev/blog/error-handling-in-python/ | Source: Earthly
[09:28] TR Bot Error Handling in Python - Earthly Blog
[09:28] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[09:30] MinceR http://www.dorktower.com/2023/01/25/join-the-club-dork-tower-25-01-23/
[09:30] TR Bot Join the Club DORK TOWER 25.01.23 Dork Tower
[09:31] TR News "The New York Times is getting around $100 million from Google over three years as part of a broad deal" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/new-york-times-to-get-around-100-million-from-google-over-three-years-report/articleshow/100088223.cms | Source: India Times
[09:31] TR Bot new york times: New York Times to get around $100 million from Google over three years: report - The Economic Times
[09:31] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[09:32] *immibis (~quassel@yh8rvxcviamba.irc) has joined #techrights
[09:32] TR News "The Councils official Legal Service opinion on the legality" https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/leaked-eu-council-legal-analysis-eu-chat-control-plans-for-indiscriminately-searching-private-messages-doomed-to-failure/ | Source: Patrick Breyer
[09:32] TR Bot Leaked EU Council legal analysis: EU chat control plans for indiscriminately searching private messages doomed to failure Patrick Breyer
[09:33] TR News "LinkedIn, which has 20,000 employees, has grown revenue each quarter during the last year" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/linkedin-cuts-over-700-jobs-exits-china-app-as-demand-wavers/articleshow/100086361.cms | Source: India Times
[09:33] TR Bot linkedin layoffs: Microsoft-owned LinkedIn fires 716 employees in fresh round of layoffs - The Economic Times
[09:33] TR News "In a letter to employees, LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky said that the company will invest..." https://www.businessworld.in/article/LinkedIn-To-Begin-Layoffs-Shuts-China-App-Amid-Intense-Competition-/09-05-2023-475847/ | Source: BW Businessworld Media Pvt Ltd
[09:33] TR Bot LinkedIn To Begin Layoffs Shuts China App Amid Intense Competition - BW Businessworld
[09:33] TR News "Employment-focused social media platform LinkedIn on Tuesday said it would let go of 716 staffers" https://www.computerworld.com/article/3695950/linkedin-lays-off-716-staffers-to-shut-china-job-app.html | Source: Computer World
[09:33] TR Bot lays off 716 staffers, to shut China job app | Computerworld
[09:34] TR News "The White House was criticized for excluding academic institutions and other non-profit organizations" https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/08/in_brief_ai/ | Source: The Register UK
[09:34] TR Bot White House pledges $140 million for new AI research centers The Register
[09:34] TR News "People are trying to claim real videos are deepfakes." https://text.npr.org/1174132413 | Source: NPR
[09:34] TR Bot People are trying to claim real videos are deepfakes. The courts are not amused
[09:35] TR News "One Chinese chatbot began by warning" https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/08/how-will-china-answer-the-hardest-ai-question-of-all/ | Source: Techdirt
[09:35] TR Bot Will China Answer The Hardest AI Question Of All? | Techdirt
[09:36] TR News "The Cyberspace Administration of Chinas draft measures lay out the ground rules that generative AI" https://archive.is/K0kbH |
[09:36] TR Bot China releases rules for generative AI like ChatGPT after Alibaba launch
[09:36] TR News "The Chinese Communist Party keeps itself in power through censorship, and under its domineering leader" https://archive.is/EQYsT |
[09:36] TR Bot Chatbot AI Is a Problem for China - The Atlantic
[09:36] TR News "Iran on Monday hanged two men on charges of spreading blasphemy on social media" https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230508-outcry-after-iran-hangs-two-on-blasphemy-charges | Source: France24
[09:36] TR Bot Iran hangs two men for blasphemy as executions rise amid unrest
[09:42] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[09:45] TR News "She has always espoused universal values [like freedom and democracy] and has exposed a lot of injustice in China" https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/professor-stopped-05082023171626.html | Source: RFA
[09:45] TR Bot Outspoken university scholar stopped while crossing border to Hong Kong Radio Free Asia
[09:48] TR News "You're never getting me back into an office. I credit much of my career to escaping that place in the early 2000s." https://world.hey.com/dhh/in-defense-of-the-office-450fc177 | Source: 37signals LLC
[09:48] TR Bot In defense of the office
[09:51] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights
● May 09
[10:00] *wallacer has quit (connection closed)
[10:00] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights
[10:00] TR News Digital Restrictions (DRM) https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/windows-10-end-updates-microsoft-29865199 | Source: Mirror UK
[10:00] TR Bot Windows 10 users face costly upgrade after Microsoft makes shock announcement - Mirror Online
[10:00] TR News "The report is especially pertinent now that Microsoft has added TPMs to its system requirements" https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-tpm-hacked-faultpm | Source: Tom's Hardware
[10:00] TR Bot AMD TPM Exploit: New Attack Defeats BitLocker and TPM-Based Security (Updated) | Tom's Hardware
[10:01] TR News "There are two key components known as Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 that are essential if you want to play Valorant on Windows 11." https://afkgaming.com/esports/guide/how-to-fix-the-tpm-20-error-in-valorant |
[10:01] TR Bot How to Fix TPM 2.0 Error in Valorant
[10:02] TR News "The U.K.s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) blocked the deal April 26" https://variety.com/vip/why-microsofts-activision-blizzard-buy-hinges-on-cloud-gaming-1235605930/ | Source: Variety
[10:02] TR Bot Microsoft's Activision Blizzard Buy Hinges on Cloud Gaming - Variety
[10:03] TR News "Representatives for the companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the decision." https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/apple-loses-bid-to-revive-us-copyright-claims-over-ios-simulation/articleshow/100082266.cms | Source: India Times
[10:03] TR Bot apple corellium case: Apple loses bid to revive US copyright claims over iOS simulation - The Economic Times
[10:07] psydruid > [notice] www.mirror.co.uk | Windows 10 users face costly upgrade after Microsoft makes shock announcement - Mirror Online
[10:07] psydruid https://www.stellarinfo.com/article/what-if-you-do-not-upgrade-to-windows-11.php
[10:07] TR Bot Explained: What Will Happen If Users Dont Upgrade to Windows 11?
[10:08] psydruid "people must upgrade!"
[10:08] MinceR "upgrade"
[10:09] MinceR > Abnormal taskbar behavior after installing cumulative updates
[10:09] MinceR sounds like the redmond mafia is planning to sabotage their own product
[10:10] psydruid yeah
[10:10] psydruid they always do, but this is the worst I've seen of it
[10:11] psydruid "Backdoors X is the best and greatest version we have ever made"
[10:12] psydruid "Backdoors X-1 is bad, upgrade now"
[10:17] *whitenigger has quit (connection closed)
[10:19] TR News "Pseudorandom functions (PRFs) and pseudorandom permutations (PRPs) are two of the most fundamental primitives in modern cryptography." https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2023/05/08/prfs-prps-and-other-fantastic-things/ | Source: Cryptography Engineering
[10:19] TR Bot PRFs, PRPs and other fantastic things A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
[10:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[10:20] MinceR http://www.dorktower.com/2023/02/24/dice-tower-dork-tower-24-02-23/
[10:20] TR Bot Dice Tower DORK TOWER 24.02.23 Dork Tower
[10:21] TR News "Ive given a few examples of how different subcultures approach it, but would love to talk to anyone else who has ideas." https://danielmiessler.com/blog/the-right-amount-of-trauma/ | Source: Daniel Miessler
[10:21] TR Bot The Right Amount of Trauma - Daniel Miessler
[10:21] *wallacer has quit (connection closed)
[10:21] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights
[10:22] TR News "K'NEX was a toy that was an alternative to LEGOs because they worked a bit differently." https://connortumbleson.com/2023/05/08/lost-treasure-knex/ | Source: Connor Tumbleson
[10:22] TR Bot Lost Treasure: K'NEX
[10:23] TR News "If the name Teal 2 feels somewhat familiar to you, thats because the drone isnt completely new." https://www.thedronegirl.com/2023/05/08/teal-2-american-made-military-drone/ | Source: The Drone Girl
[10:23] TR Bot reply from server ( status 0 @ https://www.thedronegirl.com/2023/05/08/teal-2-american-made-military-drone/ )
[10:24] TR News "This comes at a time when teenagers are facing high rates of depression, anxiety and loneliness." https://text.npr.org/1174838633 | Source: NPR
[10:24] TR Bot Psychologists issue health advisory for teens and social media
[10:24] TR News "Lithuania currently has the highest rates of tick-borne encephalitis in Europe. Getting vaccinated can help protect against it. Milda igutien, a specialist at the National Centre for Public Health (NVSC)" https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1979699/there-are-no-safe-areas-in-lithuania-climate-change-gives-boost-to-tick-borne-diseases | Source: LRT
[10:24] TR Bot There are no safe areas in Lithuania climate change gives boost to tick-borne diseases - LRT
[10:25] TR News "Shares of Manforce condom maker Mankind Pharma Ltd surged as much as 23% in debut trading on Tuesday, valuing the company at 531.58 billion rupees ($6.50 billion), and making it the biggest domestic listing so far this year." https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/markets/sensex/condom-maker-mankind-up-23-in-indias-biggest-listing-of-2023/articleshow/100090016.cms | Source: India Times
[10:25] TR Bot Condom maker Mankind up 23% in India's biggest listing of 2023 - Times of India
[10:26] TR News "Smartphones went global long ago. If they are causing an epidemic of sadness, evidence should appear around the world. Data support the claim that young people, particularly girls, have deteriorating mental health." https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2023/05/03/suicide-rates-for-girls-are-rising-are-smartphones-to-blame | Source: The Economist
[10:26] TR Bot rates for girls are rising. Are smartphones to blame? | The Economist
[10:26] *whitenigger (~whitenigger@w4ctnmabnemdw.irc) has joined #techrights
[10:29] TR News "Yet attitudes on loneliness and its effect on us are slowly changing: indeed, United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently stated that loneliness is so damaging to humans that it is a health risk." https://www.salon.com/2023/05/05/yes-loneliness-really-is-as-as-smoking-heres-why/ | Source: Salon
[10:29] TR Bot loneliness really is as deadly as smoking here's why | Salon.com
[10:31] TR News "At DEF CON this year, Anthropic, Google, Hugging Face, Microsoft" https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/05/ai-hacking-village-at-def-con-this-year.html | Source: Bruce Schneier
[10:31] TR Bot Hacking Village at DEF CON This Year - Schneier on Security
[10:31] TR News "Micro-blogging site Twitter will purge accounts that have been inactive for years, according to a tweet by CEO Elon Musk" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/twitter-to-purge-inactive-accounts-musk-warns-follower-count-could-drop/articleshow/100081629.cms | Source: India Times
[10:31] TR Bot musk: Twitter to purge inactive accounts, Musk warns follower count could drop - The Economic Times
[10:32] TR News "Discovered by security researchers at Kroll LLC, the ransomware" https://siliconangle.com/2023/05/08/new-cactus-ransomware-encrypts-avoid-detection-security-software/ | Source: Silicon Angle
[10:32] TR Bot Cactus ransomware encrypts itself to avoid detection by security software - SiliconANGLE
[10:32] TR News "Bluesky advertises itself as an open network, they say people wont lose followers or their identity" https://fiatjaf.com/ab1127fb.html |
[10:32] TR Bot is a scam fiatjaf
[10:34] TR News "Johnson Memorial was just one victim in a rising wave of cyberattacks on hospitals across the country." https://text.npr.org/1172569347 | Source: NPR
[10:34] TR Bot Cyberattacks on health care are increasing. Inside one hospital's fight to recover
[10:34] TR News Windows TCO https://text.npr.org/1172569347
[10:35] *wallacer has quit (connection closed)
[10:35] TR News "However, LLaMA models are licensed for research use only, which prevents commercial use of those models." https://eponymouspickle.blogspot.com/2023/05/openllama-is-fully-open-source-llm-now.html | Source: Franz Dill
[10:35] TR Bot The Eponymous Pickle: OpenLLaMA is a fully open-source LLM, now ready for business
[10:36] TR News "Ballarat residents will be able to sign up for the trial through either the Service Victoria or VicRoads websites in June before the trial begins in July." https://itwire.com/science-news/automotive/victoria-announces-digital-driving-licence-trial-in-ballarat.html | Source: IT Wire
[10:36] TR Bot - Victoria announces digital driving licence trial in Ballarat
[10:36] TR News Your app doesn't need to know my gender https://ntietz.com/blog/your-app-does-not-need-my-gender/ | Source: Nicholas Tietz-Sokolsky
[10:36] TR Bot Your app doesn't need to know my gender | nicole@web
[10:36] TR News "News of the move appeared in local media last week, citing government sources for news that apps including Element, Wickrme, Mediafire, Briar, BChat, Nandbox, Conion, IMO and Zangi were banned on the recommendation of the Ministry of Home Affairs." https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/09/india_messaging_apps_ban/ | Source: The Register UK
[10:36] TR Bot India bans open source messaging apps on security grounds The Register
[10:37] TR News "The intelligence agencies also informed the MHA that most of these apps are designed to provide anonymity" https://indianexpress.com/article/india/mobile-apps-blocked-jammu-kashmir-terrorists-8585046/ | Source: Indian Express
[10:37] TR Bot Govt blocks 14 mobile apps on terror suspicion | India News,The Indian Express
[10:38] TR News SpellBinding: EFIYTVS Wordo: XEROX gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2023-05-09.gmi
[10:39] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights
[10:39] TR News "Twitter has finally admitted a "security incident" caused some users' semi-private Twitter Circle tweets to show up on others' timelines." https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/08/twitter_circle_security_incident/ | Source: The Register UK
[10:39] TR Bot Twitter admits 'security incident' broke Circle privacy The Register
[10:39] TR News The Women Who Are Giving Dating Apps the Summer Off https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/08/style/women-dating-apps-summer-off.html | Source: New York Times
[10:39] TR Bot The Women Who Are Giving Dating Apps the Summer Off - The New York Times
[10:42] TR News Epstein connection to Gates (Harvard) ignored https://www.thenation.com/article/society/jeffrey-epstein-harvard/ see http://techrights.org/2020/09/28/non-denying-and-false-denials/
[10:42] TR Bot Jeffrey Epstein, Harvard Man | The Nation
[10:42] TR Bot Speaking Through Spokespeople is a Sign of Weakness, Such as Non-Denying and False Denials (or: Bill Gates Never Denied His Connections to MIT Through Jeffrey Epstein) | Techrights
[10:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[11:03] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[11:04] MinceR (cat) https://ircz.de/p/23050723
[11:04] TR Bot WHOOPSIE
[11:12] TR News "FOR FAMILIES WHO ARE IN THE MIDST of the crisis of a missing relative" https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/youtube-pi-jim-terry-missing-persons-1234727177/ | Source: Rolling Stone
[11:12] TR Bot YouTube P.I. Jim Terry Allegedly Harassed Families of Missing Persons Rolling Stone
[11:13] TR News "You can set your watch by it. At 10 pm every night11 pm in the Summerthe light display in the Shanghai central business district goes dark." https://www.darksky.org/dark-skies-over-shanghai/ | Source: IDA
[11:13] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.darksky.org/dark-skies-over-shanghai/ )
[11:14] TR News "Liechtenstein plans to allow Bitcoin payments for certain state services, Prime Minister Daniel Risch told the German business daily Handelsblatt in an interview." https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/liechtenstein-to-allow-payment-for-certain-state-services-in-bitcoin-report/articleshow/100075982.cms | Source: India Times
[11:14] TR Bot liechtenstein: Liechtenstein to allow payment for certain state services in Bitcoin: report - The Economic Times
[11:14] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[11:14] TR News "[Cryptocurrency] mines banks of computers that run to obtain digital currency can operate as much as 24 hours per day" https://www.eenews.net/articles/crypto-foes-gird-to-stop-mines-from-spreading-like-cancer/ |
[11:14] TR Bot Crypto foes gird to stop mines from 'spreading like cancer' - E&E News
[11:15] TR News "After FTX began to unravel in early November, Bankman-Fried said publicly he was unaware of the depth of the [cryptocurrency] " https://www.axios.com/2023/05/09/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-dismiss-most-charges-filing | Source: Axios
[11:15] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/05/09/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-dismiss-most-charges-filing )
[11:16] TR News The New AI Moats https://matt-rickard.com/the-new-ai-moats Source: Matt Rickard | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//matt-rickard.com/the-new-ai-moats
[11:16] TR Bot The New AI Moats
[11:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[11:23] TR News chat control https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&u=https://femtejuli.se/2023/05/08/chat-control-ministerradets-jurister-sager-nej-men-svenska-ordforandeskapet-bryr-sig-inte/
[11:23] TR Bot Chat Control: Ministerrdets jurister sger nej men svenska ordfrandeskapet bryr sig inte
[11:24] TR News malware https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=da&tl=en&u=https://www.version2.dk/artikel/malware-forklaedt-som-chatgpt-vaerktoejer-inficerer-facebook-brugere
[11:24] TR Bot Malware forkldt som ChatGPT-vrktjer inficerer Facebook-brugere | Version2
[11:24] TR News windows tco https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fi&tl=en&u=https://www.ksml.fi/uutissuomalainen/5913116
[11:24] TR Bot Yn uutiskooste | Hallitusneuvotteluiden toinen viikko alkaa, "Sote-menoista voisi sst satoja miljoonia euroja", koirarekisteri avautuu maanantaina | Uutissuomalainen | Keskisuomalainen
[11:25] *whitenigger has quit (connection closed)
[11:25] *whitenigger (~whitenigger@vgvv9r5jxvf7c.irc) has joined #techrights
[11:38] TR News Gemini Links 09/05/2023: Personal Stuff and Proportional Coding | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/proportional-coding/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/proportional-coding/
[11:38] TR Bot Gemini Links 09/05/2023: Personal Stuff and Proportional Coding | Techrights
[11:43] TR News (NEW): Firefox 114 Beta Revamps DNS over HTTPS Feature, Adds Cookie Banner Reduction http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Firefox_114_Beta_Revamps_DNS_over_HTTPS_Feature_Adds_Cookie_Ban.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Firefox_114_Beta_Revamps_DNS_over_HTTPS_Feature_Adds_Cookie_Ban.gmi
[11:43] TR Bot Tux Machines Firefox 114 Beta Revamps DNS over HTTPS Feature, Adds Cookie Banner Reduction
[11:46] TR News Links 09/05/2023: Firefox 113 and War Reporting Awards | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/firefox-113/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/firefox-113/
[11:46] TR Bot Links 09/05/2023: Firefox 113 and War Reporting Awards | Techrights
● May 09
[12:02] TR News Links 09/05/2023: Firefox 113 and War Reporting Awards | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/firefox-113/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/firefox-113/
[12:12] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.gmi
[12:12] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[12:12] TR News (NEW): Microsoft Security Issues and Layoffs (Yes, Again) http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Microsoft_Security_Issues_and_Layoffs_Yes_Again.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Microsoft_Security_Issues_and_Layoffs_Yes_Again.gmi
[12:12] TR Bot Tux Machines Microsoft Security Issues and Layoffs (Yes, Again)
[12:16] TR News Mozilla buzzword BS and board members from Microsoft. Now inspiring. https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/responsible-ai-challenge-finalists/ | Source: Mozilla
[12:16] TR Bot Meet the Responsible AI Challenge top 10 finalists
[12:17] TR News "Failed To Update Metadata For Lvfs" https://ostechnix.com/failed-to-update-metadata-for-lvfs/ | Source: OSTechNix
[12:17] TR Bot Failed To Update Metadata For Lvfs Error In Linux - OSTechNix
[12:17] TR News "In this article, we will discuss what is Kitty Terminal Emulator, explore the features of Kitty Terminal Emulator" https://ostechnix.com/kitty-terminal-emulator/ | Source: OSTechNix
[12:17] TR Bot Your Productivity with Kitty Terminal Emulator - OSTechNix
[12:19] TR News Thousands of Files https://www.tecmint.com/delete-large-directory-linux/ | Source: TecMint
[12:19] TR Bot How to Delete a Large Directory with Files in Linux
[12:20] TR News How to Permanently Disable Swap Partition in Linux https://www.tecmint.com/disable-swap-partition/ | Source: TecMint
[12:20] TR Bot How to Permanently Disable Swap in Linux
[12:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[12:21] TR News Kubecon EU 2023: Operator Day hosted by Canonical https://ubuntu.com//blog/operator-day-eu-2023-recordings | Source: Ubuntu
[12:21] TR Bot EU 2023: Operator Day hosted by Canonical recordings available | Ubuntu
[12:27] TR News "A rather great sounding update to Proton Experimental landed on May 5th" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/proton-experimental-improves-ea-app-battlenet-and-nvapi-enabled-for-many-games/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[12:27] TR Bot Experimental improves EA app, Battle.net and nvapi enabled for many games | GamingOnLinux
[12:27] TR News "In the latest Beta release for Steam from May 5th" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/steam-will-now-scale-better-with-kde-and-gnome/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[12:27] TR Bot will now scale better with KDE and GNOME | GamingOnLinux
[12:27] TR News "Have you been someone who loved playing games like Starcraft and Age of Empires...?" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/arcane-wilds-kicks-off-with-some-refreshing-rts-ideas/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[12:27] TR Bot Wilds kicks off with some refreshing RTS ideas | GamingOnLinux
[12:43] TR News "Recently I was sent over a package with the Nreal Air" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/nreal-air-and-steam-deck-together-quite-mind-blowing/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[12:43] TR Bot Air and Steam Deck together - quite mind-blowing | GamingOnLinux
[12:44] TR News "Another fresh Humble Bundle landed recently, this time focusing on games to have a bit more of a relaxed time with..." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/get-a-bunch-of-easy-going-games-in-this-latest-bundle/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[12:44] TR Bot a bunch of easy-going games in this latest bundle | GamingOnLinux
[12:55] TR News "Valve announced a fresh upgrade to the Steam store search" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/valve-gave-steam-store-search-a-very-useful-upgrade/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[12:55] TR Bot gave Steam store search a very useful upgrade | GamingOnLinux
[12:58] TR News "iperf3 is a free open-source, cross-platform command-line-based program" https://www.tecmint.com/test-network-throughput-in-linux/ | Source: TecMint
[12:58] TR Bot How to Test Network Speed Using iPerf3 Tool in Linux
[12:58] *web-92 (web-92@freenode-0ua2pu.2rhu.5vg0.gb2okl.IP) has joined #techrights
[12:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[13:00] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.1.gmi
[13:00] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[13:00] TR News (NEW): RedHat vs Debian: Administrative Point of View http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/RedHat_vs_Debian_Administrative_Point_of_View.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/RedHat_vs_Debian_Administrative_Point_of_View.gmi
[13:01] TR Bot Tux Machines RedHat vs Debian: Administrative Point of View
[13:01] TR News "If you enjoy first-person puzzlers like Portal and The Talos Principle then you'll likely feel right at home with Re:Touring." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/retouring-is-a-clever-accessible-and-polished-first-person-puzzler/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[13:01] TR Bot is a clever, accessible and polished first-person puzzler | GamingOnLinux
[13:02] TR News "You might have seen recently that I covered the upcoming updates for Roblox, and now it's here blocking Wine with their new anti-cheat." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/goodbye-to-roblox-on-linux-with-their-new-anti-cheat-and-wine-blocking/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[13:02] TR Bot to Roblox on Linux with their new anti-cheat and Wine blocking | GamingOnLinux
[13:02] TR News "If you love anything remotely similar to Vampire Survivors and other horde-style auto-shooters, you might want to take a look at Swarm Grinder." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/swarm-grinder-is-a-very-unique-horde-game-now-in-early-access/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[13:02] TR Bot Grinder is a very unique horde-game now in Early Access | GamingOnLinux
[13:03] TR News "iWave Systems recently announced the iW-RainboW-G54S STM32MP13x LGA System on Module aimed at low-power embedded and consumer applications." https://linuxgizmos.com/pico-tx-single-board-computer-based-on-stm32mp13x-microcontrollers/ | Source: Linux Gizmos
[13:03] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/pico-tx-single-board-computer-based-on-stm32mp13x-microcontrollers/ )
[13:05] TR News "As part of an ongoing piracy liability lawsuit, Internet provider Grande must share the personal details of 125 subscribers with a group of filmmakers. Several subscribers had filed objections and denied any wrongdoing." https://torrentfreak.com/court-overrules-subscribers-objections-in-isp-piracy-liability-lawsuit-230508/ | Source: Torrent Freak
[13:05] TR Bot Overrules Subscribers' Objections in ISP Piracy Liability Lawsuit * TorrentFreak
[13:06] TR News "When motivation is directly linked to restrictions perceived as unnecessary or unfair" https://torrentfreak.com/poking-nintendo-why-lockpick-dmca-blitz-should-surprise-no-one-230508/ | Source: Torrent Freak
[13:06] TR Bot Nintendo: Why the 'Lockpick' DMCA Blitz Should Surprise Absolutely No One * TorrentFreak
[13:06] TR News mcdonalds https://www.desmog.com/2023/05/08/mcdonalds-leads-lobbying-offensive-against-laws-to-reduce-packaging-waste-in-europe/ | Source: DeSmog
[13:06] TR Bot Leads Lobbying Offensive Against Laws to Reduce Packaging Waste in Europe - DeSmog
[13:07] TR News "ARCTOS is a 6-DOF robot arm based upon 3D printed mechanics" https://hackaday.com/2023/05/08/arctos-robotics-build-a-robot-arm-out-of-3d-printer-spares/ | Source: Hackaday
[13:07] TR Bot Robotics: Build A Robot Arm Out Of 3D Printer Spares? | Hackaday
[13:09] TR News "obscurity of assembly language" https://hackaday.com/2023/05/08/a-literate-assembly-language/ | Source: Hackaday
[13:09] TR Bot Literate Assembly Language | Hackaday
[13:10] *web-92 has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)
[13:10] TR News eu money https://telex.hu/english/2023/05/08/the-canopy-walkway-without-a-canopy-built-from-eu-funds | Source: Telex (Hungary)
[13:10] TR Bot Telex: The canopy walkway without a canopy, built from EU funds
[13:11] TR News inflation and monopolies https://scheerpost.com/2023/05/08/monopolies-cause-inflation-while-fed-chairman-powell-blames-workers/ | Source: Scheerpost
[13:11] TR Bot Cause Inflation, While Fed Chairman Powell Blames Workers - scheerpost.com
[13:13] TR News banks https://scheerpost.com/2023/05/08/4-us-banks-crash-in-2-months-banking-crisis-explained-by-economist-michael-hudson/ | Source: Scheerpost
[13:14] TR Bot US Banks Crash in 2 Months: Banking Crisis Explained by Economist Michael Hudson - scheerpost.com
[13:14] TR News textbooks https://telex.hu/english/2023/05/09/after-seven-months-hungarian-textbook-that-infuriated-ukrainians-still-not-rewritten | Source: Telex (Hungary)
[13:14] TR Bot Telex: After seven months, Hungarian textbook that infuriated Ukrainians still not rewritten
[13:15] TR News "The press, which defends freedom of the press, does nothing to free this citizen." https://scheerpost.com/2023/05/08/brazilian-president-lula-da-silva-calls-for-freedom-for-julian-assange/ | Source: Scheerpost
[13:15] TR Bot President Lula da Silva Calls for Freedom For Julian Assange - scheerpost.com
[13:17] TR News "Looks like everyone got their share of the leaks, from the ABC to Sky News." https://michaelwest.com.au/media-circus-leaks-galore-as-a-labor-government-budget-surplus-looms/ | Source: Michael West Media
[13:17] TR Bot Media Circus: leaks galore as a Labor government Budget surplus looms - Michael West
[13:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[13:23] TR News Writers on strike https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/ai-and-the-hollywood-writers-strike/ | Source: The Nation
[13:23] TR Bot AI and the Hollywood Writers Strike | The Nation
[13:24] TR News Bill Gates should be mentioned here https://www.thenation.com/article/society/jeffrey-epstein-harvard/ | Source: The Nation
[13:24] TR Bot Jeffrey Epstein, Harvard Man | The Nation
[13:24] TR News "Tucked into each envelope were an inkpad and a piece of paper prompting parents to take their childrens fingerprints" https://www.propublica.org/article/kenny-hansmire-persuades-politicians-to-fund-child-id-kits | Source: Pro Publica
[13:24] TR Bot Politicians Fund Texas Businessmans Ineffective Child ID Kits ProPublica
[13:25] TR News "It is the media silence that hurts the most." https://www.thenation.com/article/society/ron-desantis-dwayne-wade-florida-zaya/ | Source: The Nation
[13:25] TR Bot Ron DeSantiss Anti-Trans Agenda Exiles Dwyane Wade, NBA Superstar and Loving Father | The Nation
[13:27] TR News "The Texas-based company sells kits that it claims help track down missing kids." Pro Publica meanwhile takes bribes from Bill Gates, who helped Epstein traffic underage girls for sex! https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-30-years-kenny-hansmire-troubled-businesses
[13:27] TR Bot Inside 30 Years of Kenny Hansmires Troubled Businesses ProPublica
[13:27] bnchs wtf
[13:27] bnchs kits that can help track down missing kids
[13:27] bnchs does it include summoning satan?
[13:28] schestowitz seems like a sinister project
[13:28] schestowitz and the irony is,
[13:28] schestowitz who Pro Publica takes bribes from
[13:28] bnchs lol, it's just a fingerprinting kit
[13:28] bnchs absolutely useless
[13:28] bnchs like does a fingerprint tell you where they are in the world?
[13:30] TR News "The past two years have been a bonanza for private aviation." https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/private-jets-subsidized-by-working-people | Source: Common Dreams
[13:30] TR Bot Opinion | The People and Planet Subsidizing the Private Jets of the Ultra-Rich | Common Dreams
[13:33] TR News "To hear the recording industry tell the story, copyright is the only thing protecting musicians from poverty and despair" https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/08/ed-sheeran-once-again-demonstrates-how-modern-copyright-is-destroying-rather-than-helping-musicians/ | Source: Techdirt
[13:33] TR Bot Sheeran, Once Again, Demonstrates How Modern Copyright Is Destroying, Rather Than Helping Musicians | Techdirt
[13:34] TR News Asus ROG Ally vs Steam Deck? I Bet on the Steam Deck Coming Ahead and Heres Why https://boilingsteam.com/asus-rog-ally-vs-steam-deck-i-bet-on-the-steam-deck-coming-ahead-and-heres-why/
[13:34] TR Bot Asus ROG Ally vs Steam Deck? I Bet on the Steam Deck Coming Ahead and Here's Why - Boiling Steam
[13:37] TR News "It remains kind of shocking just how badly Elon Musk has screwed up Twitter." https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/08/even-the-people-who-were-eager-to-pay-elon-musk-8-month-are-cancelling-their-blue-subscriptions/ | Source: Techdirt
[13:37] TR Bot The People Who Were Eager To Pay Elon Musk $8/Month Are Cancelling Their Blue Subscriptions | Techdirt
[13:38] TR News Microsoft is a bunch of criminals. They just realised this is a losing battle for them, so the criminals might as well plead guilty. https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/08/microsoft-wisely-gets-on-the-right-side-of-history-and-right-to-repair/ | Source: Techdirt
[13:38] TR Bot Wisely Gets On The Right Side Of History And Right To Repair | Techdirt
[13:38] TR News (NEW): Games: Steam Deck, Proton Experimental, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Games_Steam_Deck_Proton_Experimental_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Games_Steam_Deck_Proton_Experimental_and_More.gmi
[13:38] TR Bot Tux Machines Games: Steam Deck, Proton Experimental, and More
[13:39] TR News Tantek elik: Running For Re-election in the W3C Advisory Board (AB) Election https://tantek.com/2023/128/b1/running-for-w3c-advisory-board-ab-election
[13:39] TR Bot For Re-election in the W3C Advisory Board (AB) Election - Tantek
[13:39] TR News https://planet.mozilla.org/rss20.xml Sun, 07 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Tiger Oakes: Display math formulas without any CSS or JS
[13:40] TR News "MathML lets you insert math formulas with just HTML" https://tigeroakes.com/posts/til-math-latex-without-css/
[13:40] TR Bot Display math formulas without any CSS or JS | Tiger Oakes
[13:40] bnchs methml
[13:40] TR News 2023.19 Pakku https://rakudoweekly.blog/2023/05/08/2023-19-pakku/
[13:40] TR Bot 2023.19 Pakku Rakudo Weekly News
[13:43] TR News Mozilla Thunderbird: ThunderCast Episode #2: With Special Mozilla Guest Mike Conley https://blog.thunderbird.net/2023/05/thundercast-episode-2-with-special-mozilla-guest-mike-conley/
[13:43] TR Bot ThunderCast Episode #2: With Special Mozilla Guest Mike Conley
[13:44] TR News Firefox 113 Finally Makes Picture-in-Picture Mode Useful https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/05/firefox-113-released-etc
[13:44] TR Bot Firefox 113 Makes Picture-in-Picture Mode More Useful - OMG! Ubuntu
[13:45] TR News Patrick Cloke: Matrix Push Rules &Notifications https://patrick.cloke.us/posts/2023/05/08/matrix-push-rules-notifications/
[13:45] TR Bot Matrix Push Rules &Notifications
[13:50] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Programming_Leftovers.gmi
[13:50] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers
[13:51] TR News (NEW): Mozilla and the Net: Matrix, Firefox, Thunderbird, W3C, DNS, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Mozilla_and_the_Net_Matrix_Firefox_Thunderbird_W3C_DNS_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Mozilla_and_the_Net_Matrix_Firefox_Thunderbird_W3C_DNS_and_More.gmi
[13:51] TR Bot Tux Machines Mozilla and the Net: Matrix, Firefox, Thunderbird, W3C, DNS, and More
[13:52] TR News debt for life https://www.commondreams.org/news/khanna-sanders-end-medical-debt | Source: Common Dreams
[13:52] TR Bot 'Freedom From Medical Debt' Campaign to Launch With Virtual Town Hall
[13:52] TR News debt https://www.commondreams.org/news/14th-amendment-biden-debt-ceiling | Source: Common Dreams
[13:52] TR Bot Biden Can 'Absolutely' Invoke 14th Amendment Over Debt Ceiling, Says Raskin
[13:57] TR News Microsoft Windows TCO https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/features/104392
[13:57] TR Bot Cyberattacks a Problem for Nearby EDs, Too | MedPage Today
[13:58] TR News Microsoft Windows TCO https://www.databreaches.net/city-of-dallas-update-on-ransomware-attack-recovery-efforts/
[13:58] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.databreaches.net/city-of-dallas-update-on-ransomware-attack-recovery-efforts/ )
[13:59] TR News Monarchists https://www.democracynow.org/2023/5/8/charles_coronation | Source: Democracy Now
[13:59] TR Bot The Coronation Not Seen on TV: Anti-Monarchists Arrested; Slavery & Colonization Reparations Demanded | Democracy Now!
● May 09
[14:00] TR News Passion For Tech https://hackaday.com/2023/05/08/vcf-east-2023-alan-wolke-on-his-passion-for-tech/ | Source: Hackaday
[14:00] TR Bot East 2023: Alan Wolke On His Passion For Tech | Hackaday
[14:02] TR News "Demanding Accountability From Chevron with Steven Donzinger" https://www.projectcensored.org/demanding-accountability-from-chevron-with-steven-donzinger-and-the-struggle-of-frontline-community-journalists-with-matilda-bliss-and-veronica-coit/ | Source: Project Censored
[14:02] TR Bot reply from server ( status 0 @ https://www.projectcensored.org/demanding-accountability-from-chevron-with-steven-donzinger-and-the-struggle-of-frontline-community-journalists-with-matilda-bliss-and-veronica-coit/ )
[14:02] psydruid https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/play-ransomware-victim-woonkracht/
[14:02] TR Bot Play Ransomware Victim: Woonkracht10 - RedPacket Security
[14:02] psydruid another one bites the Dutch
[14:03] TR News Leningrad https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/05/09/russian-artist-and-anti-war-activist-katrin-nenasheva-arrested-for-allegedly-disobeying-police | Source: Meduza
[14:03] TR Bot Russian artist and anti-war activist Katrin Nenasheva arrested for allegedly disobeying police Meduza
[14:04] schestowitz Windows
[14:04] schestowitz "NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating to the content of the files should be directed at the attackers"
[14:04] bnchs "directed at the attackers"
[14:05] TR News "ban on public display of Soviet and Russian flags" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/05/08/russian-and-soviet-flags-and-insignia-banned-from-public-victory-day-display-in-berlin | Source: Meduza
[14:05] TR Bot Russian and Soviet flags and insignia banned from public Victory Day display in Berlin Meduza
[14:06] schestowitz a dutch friend of assange was found "missing" in norway
[14:06] schestowitz after he had helped a dutch port handle cyber criminals
[14:07] schestowitz but he also helped wikileaks
[14:07] schestowitz so someone likely murdered him
[14:07] schestowitz and got away with ut
[14:07] bnchs windows is a swiss cheese platform
[14:07] bnchs i've seen more ransomware, more remote-access-trojans, than i can count
[14:08] psydruid my mom saw ransomware once, which was a good thing
[14:08] psydruid she got cured of windows forever
[14:09] psydruid of course all the important stuff was on a drive that was inaccessible from windows and that was actually set to boot first
[14:09] bnchs i've seen viruses that bypass UAC
[14:09] bnchs https://github.com/hfiref0x/UACME
[14:09] TR Bot - hfiref0x/UACME: Defeating Windows User Account Control
[14:10] bnchs like this, all it needs is windows 7 to 11, and an admin account with UAC on
[14:12] psydruid I don't know much about it, because I rarely use windows
[14:12] TR News "In the realm of test equipment, there are a number of items that you dont know you need until you need one" https://hackaday.com/2023/05/08/a-tale-of-two-pulse-modulators/ | Source: Hackaday
[14:12] TR Bot Tale Of Two Pulse Modulators | Hackaday
[14:13] psydruid and I always delete VMs that I set up after 6-12 months
[14:15] TR News "United Arab Emirates Hope (Al-Amal) orbiter made it safely into orbit around Mars on February 9" https://hackaday.com/2023/05/09/giving-a-tinge-of-color-to-the-mars-map-courtesy-of-the-uaes-hope-orbiter/ | Source: Hackaday
[14:15] TR Bot A Tinge Of Color To The Mars Map Courtesy Of The UAEs Hope Orbiter | Hackaday
[14:18] TR News Microsoft deflated https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/linkedin-layoffs-microsoft-owned-company-fires-716-employees-shuts-down-china-focused-job-search-app-380511-2023-05-09
[14:18] TR Bot LinkedIn layoffs: Microsoft-owned company to fire 716 employees, shut down China-focused job search app - BusinessToday
[14:19] TR News Microsoft bought a dud https://www.fastcompany.com/90893848/linkedin-mass-layoffs-microsoft-job-cuts-employees-anniversary-tech-industry
[14:19] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.fastcompany.com/90893848/linkedin-mass-layoffs-microsoft-job-cuts-employees-anniversary-tech-industry )
[14:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[14:20] TR News Even BillBC covered it https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65529664
[14:20] TR Bot Tech layoffs: LinkedIn cuts 700 jobs and closes China app - BBC News
[14:21] TR News Tech layoffs: LinkedIn announce a second round of job cuts impacting more than 700 people https://www.buzz.ie/tech/tech-layoffs-shopify-irish-economy-29934194
[14:21] TR Bot layoffs: LinkedIn announce a second round of job cuts impacting more than 700 people - Buzz.ie
[14:22] TR News "Microsoft-owned [cr]app" https://tech.co/news/linkedin-microsoft-layoffs
[14:22] TR Bot Microsoft-Owned LinkedIn Announces 100s of Layoffs
[14:23] TR News Microsoft is failing not because of China; it's a political distraction https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/09/linkedin_china_exit/
[14:23] TR Bot LinkedIn shuts down bare-bones domestic China app The Register
[14:23] TR News BezosPost (Amazon 'noise): https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/09/tech-layoffs-linkedin-china/9298458c-ee57-11ed-b67d-a219ec5dfd30_story.html
[14:23] TR Bot LinkedIn axes 716 jobs in fresh tech cuts, shuts China app - The Washington Post
[14:24] MinceR http://www.dorktower.com/2023/03/03/who-wants-to-live-forever-dork-tower-03-03-23/
[14:24] TR Bot Who Wants to Live Forever DORK TOWER 03.03.23 Dork Tower
[14:26] bnchs tech jobs seems unstable
[14:26] bnchs with these layoffs
[14:32] schestowitz bnchs: wait, there is more
[14:32] schestowitz eta 5 mins
[14:32] schestowitz draft6
[14:33] psydruid that's why it's important to always have one foot out the door
[14:34] bnchs i live in a country with shit workers right
[14:35] bnchs basically jobs here can overwork you for as long as they want
[14:35] bnchs and pay you nothing if they want to
[14:35] schestowitz bnchs: psydruid
[14:35] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/microsoft-cxp-layoffs/
[14:35] TR Bot Lots of Microsoft Layoffs This Week (Not Just Portugal and LinkedIn), Layoffs Expected to Continue for Months to Come | Techrights
[14:35] schestowitz typos?
[14:39] TR News Lots of Microsoft Layoffs This Week (Not Just Portugal and LinkedIn), Layoffs Expected to Continue for Months to Come | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/microsoft-cxp-layoffs/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/microsoft-cxp-layoffs/
[14:48] *techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[14:50] *techuser (~techuser@s7imxt35adxga.irc) has joined #techrights
[14:51] schestowitz the trolling might only get worse
[14:51] schestowitz if they have the budget
[14:51] schestowitz i noticed that microsoft portugal was mention there
[14:51] schestowitz it means that MSFT workers read techrights
[14:52] schestowitz and saw the mention of MSFT PT firing
[14:52] schestowitz so it's already word of mouth there
[14:53] TR News AI Hacking Village at DEF CON This Year https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/05/ai-hacking-village-at-def-con-this-year.html
[14:53] TR Bot Hacking Village at DEF CON This Year - Schneier on Security
[14:55] TR News Thinger.io: A Quick Start Guide https://www.iottechtrends.com/thinger-io-quick-start-guide/
[14:55] TR Bot Thinger.io: A Quick Start Guide - IoT Tech Trends
[14:55] TR News More Microsoft Layoffs (Nothing to Do With January), Making Perhaps the Fourth Wave of Layoffs This Year http://techrights.org/2023/05/08/more-microsoft-layoffs-linkedin/
[14:55] TR Bot More Microsoft Layoffs (Nothing to Do With January), Making Perhaps the Fourth Wave of Layoffs This Year | Techrights
[14:55] TR News Over 100 New Layoffs in Microsoft Portugal http://techrights.org/2023/05/08/microsoft-portugal-layoffs/
[14:55] TR Bot Over 100 New Layoffs in Microsoft Portugal | Techrights
[14:57] TR News Paul Tagliamonte: Open to work! https://blog.pault.ag/post/716775061205434368
[14:57] TR Bot Paul Tagliamonte - Open to work!
[14:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[15:00] TR News Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 786 https://ubuntu-news.org/2023/05/08/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-786/
[15:00] TR Bot Ubuntu Fridge | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 786
[15:04] TR News (UPDATED): Debian: Misuse of Outreachy for Dating, Junichi Uekawa, Enrico Zini, Sven Hoexter, and AppImageLauncher in SparkyLinux (UPDATED) http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/29/Debian_Misuse_of_Outreachy_for_Dating_Junichi_Uekawa_Enrico_Zin.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/29/Debian_Misuse_of_Outreachy_for_Dating_Junichi_Uekawa_Enrico_Z
[15:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Debian: Misuse of Outreachy for Dating, Junichi Uekawa, Enrico Zini, Sven Hoexter, and AppImageLauncher in SparkyLinux (UPDATED)
[15:05] *GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[15:06] TR News (NEW): Security: FOSS Patches and Windows Breaches http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Security_FOSS_Patches_and_Windows_Breaches.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Security_FOSS_Patches_and_Windows_Breaches.gmi
[15:06] TR Bot Tux Machines Security: FOSS Patches and Windows Breaches
[15:07] *GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[15:09] *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@3gs57dmmk9fek.irc) has joined #techrights
[15:10] *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights
[15:11] TR News Dirk Eddelbuettel: crc32c 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2023/05/08#crc32c_0.0.1
[15:11] TR Bot Thinking inside the box
[15:11] TR News FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Seeks Dismissal of Indictment www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2023-05-08/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-seeks-dismissal-of-indictment
[15:12] TR News This mod tunes the guitar so you dont have to https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/05/09/this-mod-tunes-the-guitar-so-you-dont-have-to/
[15:12] TR Bot This mod tunes the guitar so you don't have to | Arduino Blog
[15:12] TR News This robot car accepts voice commands or operates autonomously https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/05/08/this-robot-car-accepts-voice-commands-or-operates-autonomously/
[15:12] TR Bot This robot car accepts voice commands or operates autonomously | Arduino Blog
[15:14] TR News DNS privacy vs https://blog.apnic.net/2023/05/09/dns-privacy-vs/
[15:14] TR Bot DNS privacy vs | APNIC Blog
[15:17] TR News Zoom flatpak fixed https://bkhome.org/news/202305/zoom-flatpak-fixed.html
[15:17] TR Bot Zoom flatpak fixed
[15:17] TR News Erdogan and his fanatical goons https://www.bianet.org/english/politics/278339-attack-on-green-left-party-vehicle-in-mersin
[15:17] TR Bot Attack on Green Left Party vehicle in Mersin - english
[15:18] TR News Attack on mamolu election rally leaves attendees injured https://www.bianet.org/english/politics/278341-attack-on-imamoglu-election-rally-leaves-attendees-injured
[15:18] TR Bot Attack on mamolu election rally leaves attendees injured - english
[15:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[15:21] TR News Singapore Firms Scramble to Soften Blow of Soaring Rent Costs www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-05-08/singapore-firms-scramble-to-soften-blow-of-soaring-rent-costs in 2011/12 we looked into relocating there; the price was insane already. Live in a shoebox, pay most of the salary for a single room.
[15:24] TR News Like Sirius stealing the pension of staff https://qz.com/bryan-sherbacow-alder-fuels-embezzlement-doj-1850410156 see http://techrights.org/wiki/Crimes_of_Sirius_Open_Source
[15:24] TR Bot The founder of a biofuel company allegedly embezzled millions
[15:24] TR Bot Crimes of Sirius Open Source - Techrights
[15:25] TR News "The problem of poor physical condition in young people has become apparent." https://eng.lsm.lv/article/culture/sport/08.05.2023-poor-physical-condition-among-youth-observed-by-latvian-interior-services.a507682/
[15:25] TR Bot Poor physical condition among youth observed by interior services / Article
[15:35] AdmFubar https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2023/05/09/the_first_real_robot_war/
[15:35] TR Bot The first real robot war is coming: Machine versus lawyer The Register
[15:36] AdmFubar https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/08/dol_modular_code/
[15:36] TR Bot US DoL considers replacing monolithic IT with modular design The Register
[15:36] schestowitz that's good
[15:36] schestowitz chatbots cannot replace people for almost anything
[15:36] schestowitz not with comparable level
[15:37] schestowitz trying to do this
[15:37] AdmFubar https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/08/ups_replacement_project_to_shut/
[15:37] TR Bot Major airport to be interrupted for two hours to replace UPS The Register
[15:37] schestowitz would simply mean degradation osf service
[15:37] schestowitz but campitalism doesn't mind offloading the costs like that
[15:37] schestowitz to customers
[15:37] schestowitz externalities
[15:39] AdmFubar https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/08/who_me/
[15:39] TR Bot Miracle working product manager was stuck in Lotus position The Register
[15:39] TR News German company has piles of shoes it does not know what to do with... and it's not 1940s https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/05/07/adidas-sitting-on-unsold-yeezy-shoes/
[15:39] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/05/07/adidas-sitting-on-unsold-yeezy-shoes/ )
[15:41] TR News Pooh-tin did not find it funny https://hongkongfp.com/2023/05/08/hong-kong-ice-hockey-body-to-face-punishment-by-top-sporting-federation-over-anthem-blunder-official-says/
[15:41] TR Bot Hong Kong ice hockey body to face punishment by top sporting federation over anthem blunder, official says - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
[15:41] AdmFubar https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/21/23564873/google-microsoft-amazon-layoffs-prime-air-google-brain
[15:41] TR Bot Big Tech layoffs hit Amazons drones, Halo developers, and Googles incubator - The Verge
[15:42] schestowitz AdmFubar: January
[15:42] schestowitz that left me baffled
[15:42] schestowitz I thought
[15:42] schestowitz hang on a second
[15:42] schestowitz Halo? Again?
[15:42] schestowitz but many other microsoft layoffs this week
[15:43] AdmFubar this is more details on who were "let go"
[15:43] AdmFubar https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/chatgpt-tried-to-pass-a-college-exam-and-it-didnt-go-well.451375/
[15:43] TR Bot ChatGPT tried to pass a college exam and it didnt go well | Wilders Security Forums
[15:43] schestowitz "let go oif brandon" :-)
[15:43] schestowitz exams are for humans
[15:43] schestowitz not for machines
[15:43] schestowitz microsoft kept spamming the media with this
[15:43] schestowitz for hype
[15:43] schestowitz even if you train some chatbot to answer question
[15:44] psydruid https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2023/02/13/market-rents-in-final-quarter-of-2022-up-27-on-previous-three-months/
[15:44] TR Bot Rents jumped 13.7% nationwide last year, according to Daft.ie report The Irish Times
[15:44] schestowitz that does not mean occupations can be replaced by some API
[15:44] psydruid with rents like that no job will pay enough
[15:44] psydruid unless you become a MAGMA slave
[15:44] schestowitz yes, see the other channels
[15:44] schestowitz discussed there
[15:44] schestowitz singapore also
[15:44] schestowitz singapore was crazy expensivge toi live in even in 2011 when i checked
[15:45] schestowitz psydruid: magma is debt and pentagon graft
[15:45] schestowitz the salaries and headcounts there go down
[15:45] schestowitz intel salary cuts
[15:45] schestowitz like, really big cuts
[15:45] schestowitz inflation 10%
[15:45] schestowitz salary down 20%
[15:45] schestowitz i heard 5% in one cases
[15:45] schestowitz not sure how to calculate this
[15:45] schestowitz but prices up 10%
[15:45] schestowitz and salary down 20%
[15:46] schestowitz what does that mean for real salary?
[15:46] schestowitz not down 30%
[15:46] schestowitz more? less?
[15:46] schestowitz help me out here..
[15:46] psydruid 0.8 / 1.10
[15:46] schestowitz [currency]1000 -> [currency]11000
[15:46] schestowitz *1100
[15:46] *whitenigger has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[15:47] AdmFubar https://techxplore.com/news/2023-05-ai-jobs-years-expert.html
[15:47] TR Bot AI could replace 80% of jobs 'in next few years': expert
[15:47] schestowitz phebus: 0.7272
[15:47] schestowitz psydruid: ^
[15:47] psydruid so almost 30%
[15:47] schestowitz so it's like de facto 72% in salary erosion
[15:47] schestowitz if you did not lose the job at intel
[15:47] schestowitz what's the point keeping at it?
[15:48] schestowitz maybe time to retire
[15:48] psydruid none
[15:48] schestowitz take stock of what you have
[15:48] psydruid maybe time to relocate
[15:48] schestowitz take the chips home
[15:48] schestowitz health is more important than a job
[15:48] schestowitz and you get paid a lot less per hour
[15:48] schestowitz like 30% less
[15:51] schestowitz i worry the linkedin layoffs help obscure layoffs in other depts this week
[15:51] schestowitz checking
[15:51] bnchs schestowitz: what will you do with the chips
[15:51] schestowitz https://english.jagran.com/business/intel-layoff-tech-company-joins-microsoft-meta-google-and-others-in-layoff-spree-10077177
[15:51] TR Bot Intel Layoff: Tech Company Joins Microsoft, Meta, Google, And Others In Layoff Spree
[15:51] schestowitz bnchs: try to run techrights 100%
[15:52] bnchs well, you could make your own semiconductor company
[15:52] TR News "Intel layoff: Though it is still not known how many workers would be affected by this decision, what looks certain is that the job cuts would take place across the company." https://english.jagran.com/business/intel-layoff-tech-company-joins-microsoft-meta-google-and-others-in-layoff-spree-10077177
[15:52] bnchs like reverse engineering the chips you got and making clones out of it
[15:52] schestowitz bnchs: i appreciate the sarcsasm
[15:52] schestowitz running s/w companies is easier
[15:52] schestowitz not much capital needed to get started fab'ing
[15:52] bnchs lol
[15:52] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[15:52] bnchs seriously what are you gonna do with chips
[15:53] psydruid eat them, of course
[15:53] schestowitz as i noted the same day I quit:
[15:53] schestowitz our clients at work became rathewr shitty
[15:53] schestowitz companies I did not want to work with
[15:53] schestowitz that was not the case in prior years
[15:53] schestowitz i never name them
[15:53] schestowitz (out of repsect)
[15:53] schestowitz those clients did nothing to me
[15:54] schestowitz https://tech.co/news/intel-more-layoffs
[15:54] TR Bot Intel Planning More Layoffs Amidst Weak Economy
[15:54] schestowitz "Weak"?
[15:54] schestowitz or COOLING?
[15:54] psydruid Nonexistent
[15:54] schestowitz daemonfc would have a laugh at it
[15:54] schestowitz i think 2 rounds of small layoffs are hidden today
[15:54] schestowitz as the media focuses on linkedin
[15:55] schestowitz i will dig for more info later
[15:56] TR News Open wound. Microsoft layoffs that never end this year. https://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/national/23509426.linkedin-axing-716-jobs-closing-china-app-fresh-tech-cuts/
[15:56] TR Bot LinkedIn axing 716 jobs and closing China app in fresh tech cuts | Dorset Echo
[15:57] TR News "Novavax on Tuesday said it would lay off 25% of its global workforce as part of its restructuring and cost reduction plan. The layoffs would affect about 498 employees, Reuters noted citing the company's latest regulatory filings. The biotech firm recorded a net loss of $294 million in Q1 as demand for its COVID-19 vaccines depleted." https://inshorts.com/en/news/novavax-to-fire-25-of-staff-as-firm-records-$294-mn-in-q1-loss-1683633
[15:57] TR Bot English & Hindi News|Latest News, India News, Current Affairs|Inshorts
[15:58] TR News "AMC Networks, the company behind such cable channel brands as AMC, IFC and Sundance TV, as well as such streaming services as AMC+, Acorn TV and Shudder, said its streaming subscribers dropped by around 300,000 to 11.5 million as of the end of the first quarter." https://news.yahoo.com/amc-networks-u-ad-revenue-110604289.html
[15:58] TR Bot AMC Networks U.S. Ad Revenue Drops 20 Percent, Streaming Subs Fall to 11.5M
[15:59] TR News LinkedIn Slashes Over 700 Jobs, Closes China App Amid 'Evolving Market' https://www.theepochtimes.com/linkedin-slashes-over-700-jobs-closes-china-app-amid-evolving-market_5251712.html Source: The Epoch Times | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.theepochtimes.com/linkedin-slashes-over-700-jobs-closes-china-app-amid-evolving-market_5251712.html
[15:59] TR Bot LinkedIn Slashes Over 700 Jobs, Closes China App Amid Evolving Market
● May 09
[16:00] TR News Tech layoffs: Microsoft-owned LinkedIn cuts over 700 jobs, shuts down China app InCareer https://headtopics.com/us/tech-layoffs-microsoft-owned-linkedin-cuts-over-700-jobs-shuts-down-china-app-incareer-38931032 Source: Head Topics | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//headtopics.com/us/tech-layoffs-microsoft-owned-linkedin-cuts-over-700-jobs-shuts-down-china-app-incareer-38931032
[16:00] TR Bot Tech layoffs: Microsoft-owned LinkedIn cuts over 700 jobs, shuts down China app InCareer
[16:00] TR News LinkedIn Sinks In China: Plans to cut 716 jobs and Kill the InCareer App Amidst Stiff Competition | Technology - Science News, Times Now https://www.timesnownews.com/technology-science/linkedin-sinks-in-china-plans-to-cut-716-jobs-and-kill-the-incareer-app-amidst-stiff-competition-article-100102490/amp
[16:00] TR Bot LinkedIn Sinks In China: Plans to cut 716 jobs and Kill the InCareer App Amidst Stiff Competition | Technology & Science News, Times Now
[16:01] schestowitz cause: something something HEY HI
[16:01] schestowitz The economy IS FINE
[16:01] schestowitz it's just all this HEY HI
[16:02] schestowitz and politicians parrot that crap
[16:02] schestowitz for their "sponsors"
[16:02] schestowitz if only for those Russians!!
[16:02] schestowitz Russian HEY HI Made in China
[16:04] TR News At least 122 workers killed on the job in April https://www.bianet.org/english/labor/278378-at-least-122-workers-killed-on-the-job-in-april
[16:04] TR Bot At least 122 workers killed on the job in April - english
[16:07] TR News Everything New In Home Assistant 2023.5! https://everythingsmarthome.co.uk/everything-new-in-home-assistant-2023-5/
[16:07] TR Bot Everything New In Home Assistant 2023.5!
[16:09] schestowitz todo:
[16:09] schestowitz (for anyone)
[16:09] schestowitz find out where else in MSFT there are layofs this week
[16:09] schestowitz I think they want to throw bad news under the fire blanket
[16:10] schestowitz with linkedin
[16:10] schestowitz which is a loss cause like twitter
[16:10] schestowitz it's heading downhill to zero
[16:11] TR News Government legislations have set the stage for hydrogen industry players, says Barker https://www.h2-view.com/story/government-legislations-have-set-the-stage-for-hydrogen-industry-players-says-barker/
[16:11] TR Bot Government legislations have set the stage for hydrogen industry players, says Barker
[16:13] TR News CAFC is being attacked as a whole because Chief Judge Moore, a young lady (in relative terms), wants very old Newman out. But Newman is a patent maximalist who habitually dissents against reason. Watchtroll loves such moles. Either way, patent cults need to go, The system is deeply distorted. COVID-19 vaccines gave a glaring perspective on greed dominating this system.
[16:15] TR News Some "established" (old) news sites are now majority sport, eurovision and other distractions for the 'hoi polloi'. But that's still miles better than 50%+ of the "content" being pure webspam and fake 'reviews'. WWW is going down the drain.
[16:16] TR News Microsoft will be a harmless company when the number of employees there is zero or less.
[16:18] bnchs zero or less
[16:18] bnchs like negative employees?
[16:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[16:23] TR News (NEW): KDE Plasma 5.27.5 Improves Flatpak Permissions Page, System Settings, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/KDE_Plasma_5_27_5_Improves_Flatpak_Permissions_Page_System_Sett.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/KDE_Plasma_5_27_5_Improves_Flatpak_Permissions_Page_System_Sett.gmi
[16:23] TR Bot Tux Machines KDE Plasma 5.27.5 Improves Flatpak Permissions Page, System Settings, and More
[16:23] schestowitz bnchs: yes, a joke
[16:27] TR News Writers' Strike Freezes 'Handmaid's Tale,' 'Game of Thrones' Spinoff www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2023-05-08/writers-strike-freezes-game-of-thrones-spinoff-and-other-shows
[16:28] TR News LOL, Gulag and privacy in the same headline. Like LockMart and "peace" https://siliconangle.com/2023/05/08/google-cloud-rolls-differential-privacy-technology-bigquery-data-warehouse/ lousy, worthless, low-grade stenography, not journalism
[16:28] TR Bot Cloud rolls out differential privacy technology to its BigQuery data warehouse - SiliconANGLE
[16:30] TR News Your Commute May Be Bad For You. Here's Why. https://www.sciencealert.com/your-commute-may-be-bad-for-you-heres-why
[16:30] TR Bot Commute May Be Bad For You. Here's Why. : ScienceAlert
[16:30] TR News "Despite swearing I was solid, not stressed, I was clearly in denial." https://qz.com/is-your-oysegezoomt-causing-stress-1850415128
[16:30] TR Bot How microbreaks can help your performance
[16:31] schestowitz oh, bingo.
[16:31] schestowitz i think i know what happened at MSFT
[16:31] schestowitz got a source.
[16:32] schestowitz bloody hell, this company is finished
[16:32] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2023/05/06/xbox-sales-really-bad/
[16:32] TR Bot Why Microsoft Was Trying to Buy Activision and Look Big in 2022 (XBox Was Failing, XBox as a Whole Might Die Soon) | Techrights
[16:32] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2023/05/05/microsoft-total-debt/
[16:32] TR Bot Microsofts Total Debt (Current and Longterm) is About 80 Billion Dollars | Techrights
[16:34] TR News "US public companies have been required to disclose is the number of employees, which was mandated in 1973." What happens if they lie and cheat? https://qz.com/sec-human-capital-disclosure-rules-investor-forecast-1850412731 See SiriUS [sic] http://techrights.org/2022/12/03/sirius-half-a-dozen-people/
[16:34] TR Bot SEC human capital disclosure rules: What investors should know
[16:34] TR Bot Sirius Open Source Lists 15 People as Staff, But Only 6 Work in the Company | Techrights
[16:35] TR News More people now understand that this "market" is a giant Ponzi scheme with inside traders doing 'pump and dump' while companies worth a few billions get valued at TRILLIONS, owing to bribe "analysts" or "investment houses" like Moody's https://qz.com/stock-ownership-in-america-is-still-less-common-than-it-1850377788
[16:35] TR Bot Stock ownership in America is still less common than it was in the dot-com bubble
[16:39] TR News Data science is not a science. It's a two-word buzzphrase.
[16:40] TR News axios quality of reporting deteriorated very badly. Sure, it is not publishing pure spam (yet), but another sinister kind of stuff and truly dreary dross.
[16:40] TR News And NYTimes has typos in 'effing headlines!
[16:42] TR News Even if NY Times had just one single decent editor, there would be zero typos in headlines. So something is abundantly "amiss" -- an understatement. New on the WWW will be unrecognisable in 5 years. Not that machines will spew out the pages -- readers won't tolerate such junk.
[16:43] TR News Finnish mental health ambulance trial receives Red Cross recognition https://yle.fi/a/74-20030681
[16:43] TR Bot Finnish mental health ambulance trial receives Red Cross recognition | News | Yle Uutiset
[16:43] TR News Imagine being a so-called 'journalist' assigned to do 'reporting' like this... https://www.axios.com/2023/05/08/food-fight-white-house
[16:43] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/05/08/food-fight-white-house )
[16:44] TR News Meanwhile, ZERO "FOSS" sites mentioned what happened to OpenSource.com
[16:45] TR News Meanwhile, ZERO "FOSS" sites mentioned GitHub's first round of layoffs
[16:45] TR News Meanwhile, ZERO "FOSS" sites mentioned GitHub's second round of layoffs, either
[16:45] TR News HOW MANY FOSS DEVELOPERS EVEN KNOW that GitHub is on fire and had SEVERAL rounds of layoffs this year? HOW MANY?
[16:46] TR News We have no media online anymore. Not covering important topics. We have a bunch of corporate phonies. Some of them, like Bruce Byfield, are MIA.
[16:47] TR News On issues such as tech and women's health the US GOP has adopted the mindset of anarcho-primitivism.
[16:47] TR News Precedential No. 14: TTAB Dismisses RAPUNZEL Opposition: Professor Failed to Prove Entitlement to a Cause of Action http://thettablog.blogspot.com/2023/05/precedential-no-14-ttab-dismisses.html
[16:47] TR Bot The TTABlog: Precedential No. 14: TTAB Dismisses RAPUNZEL Opposition: Professor Failed to Prove Entitlement to a Cause of Action
[16:50] TR News 1M records stolen from electronic health software provider NextGen https://siliconangle.com/2023/05/08/1m-records-stolen-electronic-health-records-software-provider-nextgen/
[16:50] TR Bot records stolen from electronic health software provider NextGen - SiliconANGLE
[16:51] TR News Media should quit calling Windows breach a "data breach". It's like calling terror attacks a "natural disaster".
[16:53] schestowitz-TR "Microsoft-owned professional networking platform LinkedIn is set to lay off 716 employees, or about 3.5% of its staff, and close down its China-focused job application."
[16:53] schestowitz-TR https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1mxi6fVn
[16:53] TR Bot LinkedIn axes 716 jobs - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffs
[16:59] TR News "This brings us to present day. Josep Bartomeu has been fired a few years ago, Laporta is now the Club's President, for the second time, and things are looking better." gemini://ferds.flounder.online/gemlog/barcelona.gmi
[16:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[17:00] TR News Re: Gemini's Killer App gemini://textmonger.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-05-09-02-re-geminis-killer-app.gmi
[17:01] TR News Formula Won? gemini://ferds.flounder.online/gemlog/formula_1.gmi
[17:01] TR News "and suddenly typing on the keyboard leads to changes on the screen that quite possibly might be saved to a so-called file." gemini://textmonger.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-05-09-01-miraculous-indeed.gmi
[17:02] TR News "Over the last 6 months I've spent a decent amount of time reading gem logs and exploring capsules. I've seen many different topics appear on Antenna, including the regular rounds of "Gemini Sucks" or "Gemini is Crap without XYZ". Most of the time it's down to some technical thing." gemini://innerteapot.com/gemlog/20230509-geminis-killer-app.gmi
[17:05] TR News "However, there's something that's not really a something (things being at world level) what I want to call "behind the beneath" that doesn't partake of any of this re-presentational (by way of seeming conceptuality) realm - despite being its basis (but only when thought about, of course..)." gemini://textmonger.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-05-09-03-heres-a-bit-of-insanity-for-ya.gmi
[17:08] TR News better than US mass hootings in hospitals https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/08/world/asia/china-hospital-fire-elderly.html
[17:08] TR Bot Deaths of Seniors in Hospital Fire Point to Chinas Elder Care Shortfall - The New York Times
[17:08] TR News Battery Factories Are Driving Chinese Investment in Europe https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/08/world/europe/battery-factories-china-evs.html
[17:08] TR Bot Battery Factories Are Driving Chinese Investment in Europe - The New York Times
[17:11] TR News China Exports up 8.5% in April in Unexpected Climb www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2023-05-08/china-exports-up-8-5-in-april-in-unexpected-climb what does US still export meaningfully other than weapons of war?
[17:13] TR News https://dwaves.org/feed/ Mon, 08 May 2023 16:03:44 +0000 GNU Linux how to transfer files from host to guest and vice versa (including clipboard) https://dwaves.de/2023/05/08/gnu-linux-how-to-transfer-files-from-host-to-guest-and-vice-versa-including-clipboard-alias-useful-get-overview-harddisk-partitions/
[17:13] TR Bot GNU Linux how to transfer files from host to guest and vice versa (including clipboard) alias useful get overview harddisk partitions | dwaves.de
[17:13] TR News How to Install and Configure Nagios NRPE Client on Ubuntu 22.04 https://tecadmin.net/how-to-install-nagios-nrpe-client-on-ubuntu-22-04/
[17:13] TR Bot How to Install and Configure Nagios NRPE Client on Ubuntu 22.04 TecAdmin
[17:14] TR News How to remove a Remote Git https://unixcop.com/how-to-remove-a-remote-git/
[17:14] TR Bot How to remove a Remote Git - Unix / Linux the admins Tutorials
[17:14] TR News Swap Space 101: How to monitor and manage it in Linux https://www.fosslinux.com/114190/swap-space-101-how-to-monitor-and-manage-it-in-linux.htm
[17:14] TR Bot How to Monitor and Manage Swap Space in Linux | FOSS Linux
[17:14] TR News How to install Apache OpenOffice on Ubuntu https://www.fosslinux.com/112008/how-to-install-apache-openoffice-on-ubuntu.htm
[17:14] TR Bot How to Install Apache OpenOffice on Ubuntu | FOSS Linux
[17:17] TR News How to install Eigen C++ library on Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 https://linux.how2shout.com/how-to-install-eigen-c-library-on-ubuntu-22-04-or-20-04/
[17:17] TR Bot How to install Eigen C++ library on Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04
[17:17] TR News How to Install Vue.js on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-vue-js-on-ubuntu-linux/
[17:17] TR Bot to Install Vue.js on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 - LinuxCapable
[17:18] TR News How to Install Steam on Pop!_OS https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-steam-on-pop-os/
[17:18] TR Bot to Install Steam on Pop!_OS - LinuxCapable
[17:19] TR News How to Install Pluma on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-pluma-on-ubuntu-linux/
[17:19] TR Bot to Install Pluma on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 - LinuxCapable
[17:20] TR News How to Install Python 3.9 on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-python-3-9-on-ubuntu-linux/
[17:20] TR Bot to Install Python 3.9 on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 - LinuxCapable
[17:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[17:21] TR News How to Install Cockpit on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-cockpit-on-ubuntu-linux/
[17:21] TR Bot to Install Cockpit on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 - LinuxCapable
[17:22] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@zddii85icr5xq.irc) has joined #techrights
[17:24] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.2.gmi
[17:24] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[17:35] MinceR https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/05/08/dark-humor-comics-dmitri-piankov-instagram/
[17:35] TR Bot 30 Dark Humor Comics With A Surprise Twist From Cartoonist Dmitri Piankov
[17:43] schestowitz DaemonFC: sold, 2.4m
[17:43] schestowitz tenants thrown in, included
[17:43] schestowitz 0.1 deducted
[17:43] schestowitz subtotal 2.3
[17:45] schestowitz let me guess, lanlord "too busy" to respond to your query
[17:45] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[17:51] DaemonFC He gave me the name of the new landlord.
[17:51] schestowitz ok, good
[17:51] DaemonFC I just called the guy and he says he's driving over to the building now.
[17:52] TR News Links 09/05/2023: Geminis Killer App | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/gemini-killer-app/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/gemini-killer-app/
[17:52] TR Bot Links 09/05/2023: Geminis Killer App | Techrights
[17:52] schestowitz go greet him
[17:52] schestowitz hit off, break the ice
[17:52] schestowitz see what his plans are
[17:52] schestowitz you can be "his eyes"
[17:58] DaemonFC He says he's going to post notices on the door about the change in ownership and knock and talk to anyone who answers.
● May 09
[18:01] TR News Links 09/05/2023: KDE Plasma 5.27.5, More Microsoft Layoffs | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/05/09/more-microsoft-layoffs-2023/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/05/09/more-microsoft-layoffs-2023/
[18:01] TR Bot Links 09/05/2023: KDE Plasma 5.27.5, More Microsoft Layoffs | Techrights
[18:01] schestowitz ok, so maybe rent will rise
[18:01] schestowitz it won't go down
[18:01] schestowitz he doesn't even know the people
[18:02] schestowitz so by default, negative assumptions
[18:02] schestowitz [15:44] https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2023/02/13/market-rents-in-final-quarter-of-2022-up-27-on-previous-three-months/
[18:02] TR Bot Rents jumped 13.7% nationwide last year, according to Daft.ie report The Irish Times
[18:06] TR News (NEW): Zinc: A New Ubuntu-Based Distro With Nemo File Manager and XFCE Desktop http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Zinc_A_New_Ubuntu_Based_Distro_With_Nemo_File_Manager_and_XFCE_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Zinc_A_New_Ubuntu_Based_Distro_With_Nemo_File_Manager_and_XFCE_.gmi
[18:06] TR Bot Tux Machines Zinc: A New Ubuntu-Based Distro With Nemo File Manager and XFCE Desktop
[18:07] TR News Journalist Banu Acun briefly detained for 'insulting Turkish nation' https://www.bianet.org/english/freedom-of-expression/278350-journalist-banu-acun-briefly-detained-for-insulting-turkish-nation
[18:07] TR Bot Journalist Banu Acun briefly detained for 'insulting Turkish nation' - english
[18:09] TR News NanoPC-T6 Arm Linux SBC offers dual GbE, HDMI 2.1 output, HDMI 2.0 input, 2x M.2 sockets, and more https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/05/09/100-nanopi-t6-arm-linux-sbc-offers-dual-gbe-hdmi-2-1-output-hdmi-2-0-input-2x-m-2-sockets/
[18:09] TR Bot NanoPC-T6 Arm Linux SBC offers dual 2.5GbE, HDMI 2.1 outputs, HDMI 2.0 input, 2x M.2 sockets, and more - CNX Software
[18:10] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[18:11] TR News (NEW): Freespire 9.5 Tries to Win Over Windows Users, but Will They Bite http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Freespire_9_5_Tries_to_Win_Over_Windows_Users_but_Will_They_Bit.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Freespire_9_5_Tries_to_Win_Over_Windows_Users_but_Will_They_Bit.gmi
[18:11] TR Bot Tux Machines Freespire 9.5 Tries to Win Over Windows Users, but Will They Bite
[18:19] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_leftovers.gmi
[18:19] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers
[18:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[18:21] DaemonFC ok, so maybe rent will rise
[18:21] DaemonFC Not for us.
[18:21] DaemonFC At least not now.
[18:21] schestowitz cooling
[18:21] schestowitz youm know
[18:21] DaemonFC He bought the leases with the building.
[18:21] schestowitz but they will end
[18:21] schestowitz then things will "cool"
[18:21] DaemonFC Yes, ours ends in November.
[18:22] DaemonFC The lady next door had her lease expire last month.
[18:22] DaemonFC Mark told her just go month to month until he could "get around to her".
[18:22] DaemonFC Then he sold it.
[18:22] DaemonFC So she just got a new landlord she doesn't know and has no lease.
[18:23] DaemonFC schestowitz, I've been assessing the area.
[18:23] DaemonFC The low end rent is usually around $1,000-$1,100 now.
[18:24] DaemonFC So I expect ours will go up to about that.
[18:24] DaemonFC If they go much higher, everyone might as well just move out and at least get a nice apartment without moldy fixtures and stuck windows.
[18:24] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[18:25] TR News Fixed Fonts gemini://thrig.me/blog/2023/05/09/fixed-fonts.gmi
[18:25] DaemonFC schestowitz, The landlord says that they'll be "back out on Thursday.
[18:25] DaemonFC So I hope that doesn't mean an inspection.
[18:26] TR News "I can't see your screen when you're coding. You should use whatever font you want. But I can't agree with Morgan's assertions." gemini://freeshell.de/gemlog/2023-05-09_Code_layout_again.gmi
[18:27] TR News This seems simple enough This seems simple enough
[18:30] TR News "I came of age in the 90s with IRC and web primarily built upon manually hand written HTML." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1379
[18:31] TR News The 10 Best Linux Photo Management Software https://www.fosslinux.com/111958/best-linux-photo-management-software.htm
[18:31] TR Bot Top 10 Linux Photo Management Tools: Organize, Edit, Share
[18:31] TR News Pop!_OS in the Classroom: A Guide to Enhancing Education with Linux https://www.fosslinux.com/114526/pop_os-in-the-classroom-a-guide-to-enhancing-education-with-linux.htm
[18:31] TR Bot The Guide to Pop!_OS in Education: Benefits and Use Cases
[18:31] DaemonFC schestowitz, I just met the new landlord.
[18:31] TR News The guide to installing and using PyCharm on Ubuntu https://www.fosslinux.com/111962/the-guide-to-installing-and-using-pycharm-on-ubuntu.htm
[18:31] TR Bot The Guide to Installing and Using PyCharm on Ubuntu
[18:32] TR News 2 Methods to Install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 LTS https://linux.how2shout.com/2-methods-to-install-eclipse-ide-on-ubuntu-22-04-or-20-04-lts/
[18:32] TR Bot 2 Methods to Install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 LTS
[18:33] TR News Mastering Division of Variables in Bash https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/mastering-division-variables-bash
[18:33] TR Bot Mastering Division of Variables in Bash | Linux Journal
[18:33] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Android_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/Android_Leftovers.1.gmi
[18:33] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers
[18:41] DaemonFC schestowitz, The new landlord says they plan to make some improvements to the building and they don't expect everything to be perfect right now.
[18:42] DaemonFC Looks like they might plan to get rid of my old friend the cement mixer.
[18:45] schestowitz oh
[18:46] mjg59_ schestowitz: What is channel policy on people turning up with racial slurs in their nick?
[18:52] DaemonFC schestowitz, The new landlord says other than improvements, they plan to run the building much like Mark did.
[18:52] DaemonFC He says they've been doing business in Chicago for years.
[18:53] DaemonFC schestowitz, Yes, I expect rent will probably go way up at our next renewal.
[18:53] DaemonFC Mark was cutting us a break because we'd been here for so long and weren't bugging anyone.
[18:53] DaemonFC Who knows what to expect from this guy?
[18:53] DaemonFC Plan for rent to be increased to "market rate".
[18:54] DaemonFC He won't get away with more than about $1,100 in any event.
[18:55] DaemonFC schestowitz, It was nice while it lasted.
[18:56] DaemonFC But I have no right to expect cheap rent from the new guy just because that's what Mark gave us.
[18:56] DaemonFC Mark could have charged us market rate if he chose to. I was able to build up some savings because he didn't.
[18:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[19:00] DaemonFC schestowitz, It is what it is. I told the older lady next door about the sale this morning.
[19:01] DaemonFC I figured that the old landlord couldn't do anything about it anymore.
[19:01] DaemonFC I told her I would have said something sooner except I was worried that Mark would keep the building and be angry with me.
[19:05] DaemonFC schestowitz, I'm going to talk to a banker about a mortgage on Friday.
[19:05] DaemonFC It's a bit early to panic, but I do want to know what my options are.
[19:05] DaemonFC Rent is getting out of control too.
[19:05] DaemonFC Mark was the only thing standing between us and a 25% increase.
[19:05] DaemonFC Minimum.
[19:06] DaemonFC schestowitz, Mandy doesn't get why I tell him to lose all of the extra shit and quit buying stuff.
[19:07] DaemonFC This ain't my first time down at the rodeo.
[19:07] DaemonFC I've had to move and lose everything too many times.
[19:09] DaemonFC mjg59_, Got room in your guestroom? :P
[19:09] DaemonFC We could rent that from you and Buffy if you are a "sharp" negotiator.
[19:09] DaemonFC Might get you through this downturn in the housing market.
[19:11] DaemonFC schestowitz, I don't think it would be logical to just outright throw us out.
[19:11] DaemonFC But they might offer us a lease with terms that are much harsher than what Mark did.
[19:11] DaemonFC The guy was coming through here with his teenage son and posting letters on the doors.
[19:12] DaemonFC I can't find his business registered with the Secretary of State.
[19:12] DaemonFC Or IDOR.
[19:12] DaemonFC It's a post office box in Streamwood, Illinois.
[19:12] DaemonFC My assessment is that these are "buy it to own it" people.
[19:13] DaemonFC Middle class. Immigrant family (Indian).
[19:13] DaemonFC Probably just trying to run a small business.
[19:13] DaemonFC I can tell you they're going to have their hands full on this place.
[19:13] DaemonFC Between mold and mildew, rotten wood all over the place, bad air conditioners...
[19:14] DaemonFC Mark wasn't bothering to evict anyone for months.
[19:14] DaemonFC So they get to take care of anyone who started stiffing Mark and ran off.
[19:17] DaemonFC schestowitz, It's bad living with bipolar disorder and having to steel yourself to deal with anyone.
[19:17] DaemonFC I've constructed a demeanor for this that I can keep up for a while if I have to talk business with someone or something.
[19:18] schestowitz ok
[19:19] DaemonFC It's hard to describe but it's not natural for me. It's like having to set up a buffer between what I'm thinking and saying and to control my body language willfully. It's like, forcing yourself to behave logically when that's not where your mind wants to be.
[19:19] DaemonFC It's in there and your brain is like the city dump, and you have to make it seem calm, logical, ordered, and structured.
[19:19] DaemonFC Then it falls apart later but who cares because you've retreated back into where nobody sees you that way.
[19:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[19:21] DaemonFC schestowitz, I asked my last psychiatrist if we could try ECT.
[19:21] DaemonFC And they were totally against this.
[19:22] DaemonFC Probably would have meant more paperwork for them or something.
[19:22] DaemonFC The medication doesn't work very well.
[19:22] DaemonFC I mean, it has some effect. It slows me down to an extent.
[19:23] DaemonFC I'm surprised that my behavior off my meds didn't get me into very serious trouble.
[19:23] DaemonFC I don't know about psychiatry. I don't think it's advanced very far in decades on this problem.
[19:24] DaemonFC They figure out new things to call stuff, and they don't make progress.
[19:24] DaemonFC It reminds me of Windows. There are new releases with a coat of paint.
[19:24] DaemonFC It distracts from "What are you actually doing?"
[19:25] DaemonFC And that's the DSM and how they update it.
[19:26] DaemonFC schestowitz, If they want to fix everything that's wrong with this place they're going to need another $2.3 million.
[19:26] DaemonFC I hope they're ready for what they've just bought.
[19:26] DaemonFC They should talk to the tenants about the place before they buy.
[19:27] DaemonFC They'll never get their investment back at the rent they can charge on this place.
[19:27] DaemonFC They're going to have to remove everything including the doors.
[19:28] DaemonFC schestowitz, My guess is they'll gut the rooms as they become available.
[19:28] DaemonFC Mom said her landlord told her he's never been able to fully remodel any of his buildings because by the time a person moves out someone needs to move in tomorrow and says don't even worry about cleaning it. They will.
[19:29] DaemonFC schestowitz, It doesn't sound like they really care what shape things are in like the trim and doors and stuff. They anticipated that.
[19:30] DaemonFC It's all coming out anyway.
[19:30] schestowitz so prices will go up
[19:30] schestowitz to make up for the "investment'
[19:30] DaemonFC So I don't really have to bicker with anyone and go "You know, I haven't lived here since 1971. I don't know who flooded the bathroom 20 years ago."
[19:30] DaemonFC schestowitz, Probably at some point.
[19:31] DaemonFC schestowitz, I'm going to throttle back on the 401(k) in a few months and get several of Mandy's paychecks that look bigger in case we have to move. Then dial it back up.
[19:31] DaemonFC Landlords want to see higher income. Once you're in they don't care as long as the rent's not late.
[19:32] DaemonFC schestowitz, Chevy says my Buick is taking a little longer than they figured but I can pick it up tomorrow evening.
[19:32] *birkoff has quit (Connection closed)
[19:32] DaemonFC I got the AmEx card so I'm going to put $2,000 of the bill on that and the rest on the 2% card.
[19:33] DaemonFC I should be able to get $252 back that way.
[19:33] DaemonFC Gets the welcome bonus plus some cashback.
[19:33] DaemonFC schestowitz, I took a pen flashlight while my car was up on the lift.
[19:34] DaemonFC I know about what to expect under there for the next few years.
[19:34] DaemonFC Probably 5 years from now it'll need new fuel lines.
[19:34] DaemonFC We'll worry about that when we get there.
[19:34] DaemonFC The parts that looked real bad are the ones that are coming off right now anyway.
[19:35] DaemonFC schestowitz, This was from back when GM designed their cars somewhat logically.
[19:35] DaemonFC And with a goal of being able to repair them.
[19:36] TR News GJS OSK Even More Usable On-Screen Keyboard for Ubuntu 22.10|23.04, Fedora 37/38 https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2023/05/gjs-osk-more-usable-on-screen-keyboard/
[19:36] TR Bot GJS OSK Even More Usable On-Screen Keyboard for Ubuntu 22.10|23.04, Fedora 37/38 | UbuntuHandbook
[19:38] DaemonFC schestowitz, If you keep an eye on your car, you'll notice leaks before they destroy something or even happen, usually.
[19:38] DaemonFC Lots of people ignore cracked and bulging and dripping hoses until it's too late and the car is ruined.
[19:39] DaemonFC I caught that transmission line leak in March but I was down over two quarts by the time I caught it.
[19:39] TR News Classifieds spam for AMD is back at Phoronix. How is ONE OPENING considered news???? https://www.phoronix.com/news/AMD-Another-Mesa-Dev-2023
[19:39] TR Bot Is Hiring For Another Open-Source Linux/Mesa Developer - Phoronix
[19:39] DaemonFC I took it to the dealer and it turned out it was leaking from places I couldn't even see.
[19:39] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.3.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/05/09/today_s_howtos.3.gmi
[19:39] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[19:43] DaemonFC schestowitz, The lady next door had her lease expire last month and Mark just said go month to month until "we get around to doing something else".
[19:44] DaemonFC So I should wait and see what this guy does to her.
[19:44] DaemonFC Then I'll know.
[19:44] DaemonFC Obviously if she has to move out I'll know to start looking.
[19:44] DaemonFC If they throw the nice old lady out as item #1 then nobody is safe.
[19:45] DaemonFC I know it sounds mean but it's not like I'm pushing an old lady under the bus. She's in the situation she's in and they're going to do what they'll do.
[19:46] DaemonFC I'm just saying that since I can't help I might as well pay attention.
[19:51] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
● May 09
[20:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[20:47] *whitenigger (~whitenigger@i4i4k5b832g88.irc) has joined #techrights
[20:48] mjg59_ schestowitz: Seriously ^
[20:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[21:03] mjg59_ Huh fewer techrights stories in the first third of 2023 than in the first third of 2022 despite Roy having more time
[21:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[21:38] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
● May 09
[22:01] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[22:06] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[22:08] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[22:17] *birkoff (birkoff@freenode-adfd07.pp8t.eshf.59jtia.IP) has joined #techrights
[22:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[22:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0
● May 09
[23:07] *pling (~pling@ziyigi4peadn2.irc) has joined #techrights
[23:09] *whitenigger is now known as nazipieceofshit
[23:10] bnchs wtf is that name
[23:10] *elusive_woman is now known as whitenigger
[23:10] whitenigger im a dope dealer nigger
[23:11] bnchs thanks for the information
[23:11] *whitenigger offers bnchs some crushed up adderol and a straw
[23:12] bnchs no thanks
[23:15] MinceR it seems the children are particularly edgy tonight
[23:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-08.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-05-09.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[23:20] starstreak i got gnome 44 :P
[23:21] XRevan86 https://youtu.be/wx4AC_QfdKE
[23:21] TR Bot https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=wx4AC_QfdKE
[23:21] TR Bot not resolve host: invidio.xamh.de; Unknown error ( status 0 @ https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=wx4AC_QfdKE )
[23:21] XRevan86 > Vsauce Short: The McGurk Effect
[23:22] whitenigger deez nuts
[23:31] MinceR Hey, Vsauce! Michael here.
[23:37] MinceR https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/05/08/funny-pictures-5-8-23/
[23:37] TR Bot 25 Funny Pics That Made Us Laugh This Morning
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