●● IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, July 05, 2022 ●●
● Jul 05
[00:17] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
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● Jul 05
[01:02] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytes
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● Jul 05
[03:19] *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)
● Jul 05
[04:42] *Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techbytes
● Jul 05
[10:01] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techbytes
[10:19] schestowitz
[10:19] schestowitz Perf Trace, Private Tux - Solving Linux mysteries
[10:19] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.dedoimedo.com | Perf Trace, Private Tux - Solving Linux mysteries
[10:19] schestowitz
[10:19] schestowitz The title of this tutorial is a bit vague, but I couldn't help myself. Also, I don't care if the "AI" search engines somehow miss it in the sea of dross, it doesn't matter much to me, strawberry Tux forever. So, we're here to talk about Linux troubleshooting and debugging, on how to identify problems with application execution and detect possible bottlenecks.
[10:19] schestowitz This isn't the first such tutorial I've written - there's an almost endless series, which you ought to discover by perusing my Linux section. But specifically, you want strace, which is an awesome tool, and you want perf, which is also extremely useful in figuring out where and why your system might be misbehaving. Then, as it turns out, you can combine the power of these two functions by using the somewhat
[10:19] schestowitz less known perf trace option. To wit, this guide. Begin.
[10:19] schestowitz
[10:19] schestowitz
[10:21] schestowitz "" https://www.sparkfun.com/news/4827 | Source: SparkFun Electronics
[10:21] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Hello There, Pico W! - News - SparkFun Electronics
[10:21] schestowitz
[10:21] schestowitz Hello There, Pico W!
[10:21] schestowitz
[10:21] schestowitz The Raspberry Pi Pico W builds upon the great cost-for-performance metrics of the Pico and add WiFi to the board. The Pico W features the same attributes as the Raspberry Pi Pico and also incorporates an Infineon CYW43439 wireless chip. CYW43439 supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n wireless LAN, and Bluetooth 5.2. (6/30/2022: Only Wireless LAN is supported on the Pico W at the moment, this will be updated as the
[10:21] schestowitz new features become available)
[10:21] schestowitz
[10:21] schestowitz
[10:22] schestowitz
[10:23] schestowitz KDE PIM in May and June
[10:23] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-carlschwan.eu | KDE PIM in May and June
[10:23] schestowitz
[10:23] schestowitz KDE PIM is the set of applications that helps you manage your email, contacts, appointments, tasks and more.
[10:23] schestowitz In the months since the KDE PIM March-April report there have been two patch releases for Kontact, and over 1300 changes made by more than 30 contributors have been integrated. Here are some of the highlights.
[10:23] schestowitz
[10:23] schestowitz
[10:24] schestowitz
[10:24] schestowitz darktable 4.0.0 released
[10:24] schestowitz
[10:24] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.darktable.org | darktable 4.0.0 released | darktable
[10:24] schestowitz When updating from the stable 3.8.x series, please bear in mind that your edits will be preserved during this process, but the new library and configuration will no longer be usable with 3.8.x.
[10:24] schestowitz
[10:24] schestowitz
[10:25] schestowitz x https://www.techzim.co.zw/2022/07/zim-health-startups-check-out-this-gates-foundation-backed-us50k-accelerator/
[10:25] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.techzim.co.zw | Zim Health startups! Check out this Gates Foundation-backed US$50K accelerator - Techzim
[10:36] schestowitz
[10:36] schestowitz Arduin-Row uses tinyML to improve your rowing technique
[10:36] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-blog.arduino.cc | Arduin-Row uses tinyML to improve your rowing technique | Arduino Blog
[10:36] schestowitz
[10:36] schestowitz Rowing machines make for excellent aerobic workouts, as they involve repeatedly pushing ones legs against the base and pulling out the handle to achieve the fastest times. But because of the equipments nature, learning how to exercise correctly on one often requires a coach that can correct the users form, which is why Justin Lutz created the Arduin-Row.
[10:36] schestowitz
[10:36] schestowitz
● Jul 05
[11:00] schestowitz
[11:00] schestowitz How to Install WordPress with LAMP on SUSE Linux Enterprise
[11:00] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.tecmint.com | How to Install WordPress with LAMP on SUSE Linux Enterprise
[11:00] schestowitz
[11:01] schestowitz Written in PHP, WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used CMS (Content Management Systems). It is free and open-source and is used for creating stunning websites by providing prebuilt feature-rich templates that are easily customizable. As such, you can create cool websites without the need to write any code.
[11:01] schestowitz In this guide, we will demonstrate how to install WordPress with LAMP on SUSE Enterprise Server 15.
[11:01] schestowitz
[11:01] schestowitz
[11:04] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
[11:05] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techbytes
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[11:09] schestowitz
[11:09] schestowitz 0
[11:09] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-opensourcesecurity.io | Episode 330 The sliding scale of risk: seeing the forest for the trees Open Source Security
[11:09] schestowitz
[11:09] schestowitz Josh and Kurt talk about the challenge of dealing with vulnerabilities at a large scale. We tend to treat every vulnerability equally when they are not equal at all. Some are trees we have to pay very close attention to, and some are part of a larger forest that cant be treated as individual vulnerabilities. We often treat risk as a binary measurement instead of a sliding scale.
[11:09] schestowitz
[11:09] schestowitz
[11:10] schestowitz
[11:10] schestowitz The State of Robotics May & June 2022
[11:10] schestowitz
[11:10] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-The State of Robotics May & June 2022 | Ubuntu
[11:10] schestowitz In May, robotics felt the waves of the Hawksbill and Jellyfish. Last month brought us the first LTS for ROS 2, Humble Hawksbill. As part of the ROS community, we welcome this new release and congratulate everyone who made it possible.
[11:10] schestowitz In this round-up, we will talk about ROS, drones, football and robots that eat scrambled eggs.
[11:10] schestowitz
[11:10] schestowitz
● Jul 05
[15:20] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[15:27] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #techbytes
● Jul 05
[19:11] schestowitz "
[19:11] schestowitz 19 comments
[19:11] schestowitz gasteig
[19:11] schestowitz JUNE 28, 2022 AT 10:17 PM
[19:11] schestowitz a very interesting point of view and an enlightening presentation of the EPO! Putting aside not electing the management or not controlling the controller (the council), would you mind telling to a much less experienced lawyer like me what you disapprove and dislike most of the daily handling of patent applications by the EPO, what attitudes or rules you consider inappropriate, wrong or unfair when you are seeking a patent release for one of your
[19:11] schestowitz clients? As you see a high distortion and damage induced by the EPO to the patent system in Europe, I would like to understand how this practically results in incorrect or possibly unlawful decisions daily taken by EPO staff when processing instances from applicants. I would appreciate this very much in order for me and others, to better prepare a patent request before the EPO and what response to expect. Grateful for any insight from you!
[19:11] schestowitz Attentive Observer
[19:11] schestowitz JUNE 29, 2022 AT 9:47 AM
[19:11] schestowitz Thanks Thorsten for once more an enlightening article.
[19:11] schestowitz In the Middle Ages such a behaviour might have been tolerable, although I am not sure of it, but in this day and age such an attitude is bordering on criminal.
[19:11] schestowitz The head of an office put in charge of restoring social peace and who is insulting his own staff should be dismissed at once, even if he should have accomplished positive things, which for the person concerned is certainly not the case.
[19:11] schestowitz The level of cross border fertilisation between members of the AC and later high ranking managers has reached an absurd level. Not only the appointment of the Benot 1th, VP5, but also some PD in DG5 are prime examples of this kind of collusion.
[19:11] schestowitz No wonder the latter claimed in the OP of G1/21 that the EPC can be amended by secondary legislation. Even if it would be true, certainly to the point that the net result is trodding on the EPC and actually changing its spirit and scope.
[19:11] schestowitz It should be made clear, but by whom, that immunity does not mean impunity!
[19:11] schestowitz As it is said in German: die Stecken alle unter der gleichen Decke! Or in French: passe moi la rhubarbe, je te passe le sn!
[19:11] schestowitz That the representative organs of the users, to start with epi, do not utter any concern is disturbing to say the least! Are those people not realising that they are sawing the branch on which they are sitting?
[19:11] schestowitz History Buff
[19:11] schestowitz JUNE 29, 2022 AT 12:01 PM
[19:11] schestowitz Great blog entry, a very pleasant read.
[19:11] schestowitz As formulated by Gianbattista Vico: history is made of cycles and counter cycles of growth and decay. Events and situations cyclically repeat, even centuries apart. The EPO is the HRE of the present cycle, only less Holy, less Roman, and possibly more barbaric.
[19:11] schestowitz MaxDrei
[19:11] schestowitz JUNE 29, 2022 AT 1:50 PM
[19:11] schestowitz Attentive, Thorsten, Im going to be provocative again.
[19:11] schestowitz Attentive, lament that the users dont kick up more of a fuss about the demise of the Rule of Law. But just as the AC members are seduced by money, so too are the heaviest users of the EPO. Their servants, the patent attorney profession, know which side their bread is buttered, and the profession as such is never going to bite the hand that feeds it.
[19:11] schestowitz The advent of the UPC sets up the lobbyists for corporate interests to explain to the politicians that the EPO is just another administative organisation that hands out certificates whose only use is to enable them to haggle with each other over incremental degrees of their freedom to use innovations (and in the last resort settle their differences in court). In time, an EPO AI will perform all the admin functions involved in issuing such
[19:11] schestowitz certificates. He who pays the EPO piper calls the tune. The corporation which files a patent application at the EPO will decide for itself how much quality it wants in its granted patent.
[19:11] schestowitz I mean, it is not as if the outlaw EPO can deprive any human being of their liberty, is it? So, shoulder shrugs all round, in Brussels and Berlin. For them, its just too difficult and tiring, to resist the power of the lobbyists. These days, as the sayings go, its every man for himself and might is always right. Worse, as Margaret Thatcher opined There is no such thing as society.
[19:11] schestowitz The EPO had a good run but now, thanks to new technology and erosion of respect for the Rule of Law, its best days are (inevitably) behind it. How can we convince enough of the voters that society exists and that, for society, the ever-shrinking Rule of Law is precious and, once lost, will never be regained. I have no idea. Do you?
[19:11] schestowitz And Thorsten, you mention above a court but I wonder, did that amount in any meaningful way to a Rule of Law? Im sceptical.
[19:12] schestowitz Attentive Observer
[19:12] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 8:41 AM
[19:12] schestowitz Dear Max Drei,
[19:12] schestowitz I am not lamenting, I am stating a fact.
[19:12] schestowitz When the BA have been showed to Haar by pure revenge of the head of the EPO at the time, we did not hear a squeak from the profession. The BA would have deserved some support.
[19:12] schestowitz The same at the moment with the new proposals on secondment of staff of national offices to the EPO and secondment of EPO staff to national offices, international organisations and even private enterprises.
[19:12] schestowitz What is the legal basis for such moves? Is by any means the protocol on centralisation respected? Does the PPI of the EPO apply to EPO staff seconded outside of the EPO?
[19:12] schestowitz I agree on one aspect that is the growing influence of lobbyists. Barely 20% of applications/patents stem from SMEs and the like for all EPC contracting states. When on top barely 30% of patents belong to countries having their residence in UPCA contracting states, it becomes abundantly clear that the European patent system is not here for European industry and certainly not for European SMEs!
[19:12] schestowitz Lobbyists have done a good job, See the explanatory notes for the MPs before the second ratification of the UPCA.
[19:12] schestowitz I might look antiquated to believe in the Rule of Law, but if we do not believe in it, we end up in the jungle. This is perspective I have difficulties to accept. Also for my children and grandchildren.
[19:12] schestowitz I have no idea, but to repeat and repeat the stance and fight against lobbyists of all kind.
[19:12] schestowitz Concerned observer
[19:12] schestowitz JUNE 29, 2022 AT 3:58 PM
[19:12] schestowitz Thorsten: as usual, an excellent piece. There are interesting parallels between Eponia and the Holy Roman Empire. The main difference is that Eponia is still standing despite having already been overrun by a Napoleon figure.
[19:12] schestowitz The news today will hardly bring your dream any closer to realisation:
[19:12] schestowitz https://www.epo.org/news-events/news/2022/20220629a.html
[19:12] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.epo.org | EPO - Antnio Campinos reappointed President of the European Patent Office
[19:12] schestowitz It seems that the gifts placed at the Presidents disposal by the Mobility Package (CA 32/22) were simply too tempting for the AC to resist. Thus, whilst it seems that the EPO and the AC have heard about things such as the rule of law, principles of good governance, avoidance of conflicts of interest and the independence of the judiciary, these are not really matters that are capable of attracting (let alone retaining) their attention.
[19:12] schestowitz I mean, who ever got rich from bothering with such things?
[19:12] schestowitz Attentive Observer
[19:12] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 8:51 AM
[19:12] schestowitz What is to be noted is not only the cupidity of the contracting states of the EPC. For those having little renewal fees, it is too tempting to be under influence of the cooperation budget. This is the means by which the tail is wagging the dog. The cooperation budget always had this hidden purpose, but with the last two tenants of the 10th floor they have had the system evolving to quasi perfection.
[19:12] schestowitz I would allow myself to add the cupidity of the members of the AC as such as they get good daily allowances and perks they could not envisage at national level.
[19:12] schestowitz It is scandalous, but things such as the rule of law, principles of good governance, avoidance of conflicts of interest and the independence of the judiciary, They are indeed not really matters that are capable of attracting (let alone retaining) their attention.
[19:12] schestowitz It might make me sad, but as long as I have energy, I will fight against this rough way of thinking.
[19:12] schestowitz Jan Van Hoey
[19:12] schestowitz JUNE 29, 2022 AT 4:09 PM
[19:12] schestowitz Reforms to the European Patent Organization are, at least in my humble opinion, likewise needed.
[19:12] schestowitz The Member States of the EU should leave and make their own EU institution, under the sole and only responsability of the European Parliament.
[19:12] schestowitz Council should be dissolved, as Montesquieu would not have tolerated the executive becoming legislator, which allowed advisors of National Patent Offices (who profit from EPO renewal fees) to capture their Ministries of Economy, sometimes sitting next to them in the Council meetings (on EPLA notably).
[19:12] schestowitz Attentive Observer
[19:12] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 12:33 AM
[19:12] schestowitz You seem to forget that it is due to not successful negotiations for the Community patent (4 drafts) and the PCT coming, that something had to happen.
[19:12] schestowitz The decision was taken to split the procedure between the obtention of the title and the use of the title.
[19:12] schestowitz By doing so, some non-EU country could join the EPC. Switzerland was with it right from the beginning. Sweden and Austria were not in the EU at the time!
[19:12] schestowitz The Luxembourg conference on the actual community paten never came to a result.
[19:12] schestowitz The UPC is a mere avatar of the Luxembourg conference.
[19:12] schestowitz Coming up now and suggesting to dismantle the EPO and create a purely EU patent is way to late and has no chance to be materialised.
[19:12] schestowitz Rule of Law is certainly very important but it means that there is will to do so.
[19:12] schestowitz It does not occur at the EPO as the controlling body has failed to do his job.
[19:12] schestowitz It does not occur at the UPC either when you see what is intended to be done with Art 7(2) UPCA
[19:13] schestowitz Mariya Georgieva
[19:13] schestowitz JUNE 29, 2022 AT 11:50 PM
[19:13] schestowitz You suggest an independent court watching over the Administrative Council and the Office Management and making sure that both comply with this constitutional order.
[19:13] schestowitz Couldnt be this one of the functions of the EPOs Ombuds Office?
[19:13] schestowitz Attentive Observer
[19:13] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 5:27 AM
[19:13] schestowitz The Ombuds office is no more than a gadget to look modern and open to new ideas.
[19:13] schestowitz It is a body one can complain to, but the whole system is under the hierarchical control of the head of the EPO.
[19:13] schestowitz It is even less Independent from the head of the EPO than the BA. The BA look independent on paper, not in reality. That the chair of the BA and the head of the EPO have signed a MoU about the return of the BA to Munich is at best farcical and just for the show!
[19:13] schestowitz Tell me why
[19:13] schestowitz JUNE 29, 2022 AT 11:51 PM
[19:13] schestowitz It could have been an idea, perhaps surely a stupid one or call it a dream, that Brussels would at some point whistled the end of the game, since among EPO members states the majority are EU members.
[19:13] schestowitz For unclear reasons it decided not to do anything not even when Battistelli put the house on fire during 8 years.
[19:13] schestowitz Now the current EPO president seems often to misbehave, because he can. When he was in Alicante he did behave because under the scrutiny of Brussels, he had to.
[19:13] schestowitz The EPO would not add a burden onto Brussels shoulders since it run yearly surplus. On the contrary this substantial surplus could help contribute to Brussels budget.
[19:13] schestowitz So someone tells me why is it that Brussels turn a blind eye onto such an important IO on its territory ?
[19:13] schestowitz Concerned observer
[19:13] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 1:43 PM
[19:13] schestowitz Asking why Brussels turns a blind eye is the wrong question. You should instead be asking what benefit it is to Brussels (or to the relevant individuals within Brussels) to interfere with the status quo. You should know by now that they can only be persuaded to take action if they are convinced that there is something in it for them.
[19:13] schestowitz Based upon Brussels persistent inaction over the years, it is clear that upholding important principles, such as European values and the rule of law, is not motivation enough. Something more is required. I am just stumped as to what that could possibly be as it is clearly far more profitable (for certain people and organisations) to allow things to continue as they are than to be too fussy about things such as laws and principles.
[19:13] schestowitz Puzzled subject of the President
[19:13] schestowitz JULY 2, 2022 AT 12:30 AM
[19:13] schestowitz Brussels might be interested in some of the more blatant democratic and human rights failures of the organisation when the UPC will enter into force. I doubt that dealing (as in having a contract where money is exchanged) with an entity that does not respect certain basic human rights and democratic principles is even allowed under EU law.
[19:13] schestowitz You know why
[19:13] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 5:14 PM
[19:13] schestowitz Why would Brussels throw sand in this well-oiled money-printing machine?
[19:13] schestowitz Attentive Observer
[19:13] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 7:20 AM
[19:13] schestowitz @ Tell me why
[19:13] schestowitz The fact is that the EPC has been set up to be the independent of the EU and that it has non-EU contracting states renders your solution neither acceptable nor practicable.
[19:13] schestowitz Brussels has no choice but to turn a blind eye to such an important IO on its territory!
[19:13] schestowitz zoobab
[19:13] schestowitz JUNE 30, 2022 AT 9:43 AM
[19:13] schestowitz From medieval times:
[19:13] schestowitz http://wiki.hintjens.com/wiki:patent
[19:13] schestowitz Patent (n.) A medieval economic tool by which politicians attempt to stimulate trade and wealth by banning innovation and competition in crucial areas of technology.
[19:13] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-wiki.hintjens.com | Patent - The Devil's Wiki
[19:13] schestowitz It is easy, but incorrect, to confuse patents with other remnants of medieval thinking such as bloodletting, witch burning, and the use of garlic to ward off infectious diseases. Patents in fact have two main functions. First, they protect inefficient and uncompetitive businesses from the ravages of the free market; second they provide an elegant model for tax avoidance, since royalties on patents are exempt of tax, or very lowly taxed, in most
[19:13] schestowitz countries.
[19:13] schestowitz Attentive Observer
[19:13] schestowitz JULY 1, 2022 AT 3:16 AM
[19:14] schestowitz @zoobab,
[19:14] schestowitz We all know your anti patent attitude, and especially for patents on software, but it does not qualify you in coming up with such sweeping statements.
[19:14] schestowitz There are certainly some aspects which are problematic, but abusive generalization does not help either.
[19:14] schestowitz francis hagel
[19:14] schestowitz JULY 2, 2022 AT 6:19 AM
[19:14] schestowitz @zoobab
[19:14] schestowitz Your definition simply misses the public policy objective of the patent system. The patent system does foster innovation and competition by efficiently spreading technical knowledge and information. In addition, technology is available on espacenet to get instant full-text translations from many languages.
[19:14] schestowitz Of course the patent system can be misused, and it is by some players.
[19:14] schestowitz But do not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
[19:14] schestowitz "
[19:14] schestowitz http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2022/06/28/the-sovereigns-election/
[19:14] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | The Sovereign's Election - Kluwer Patent Blog
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● Jul 05
[21:33] schestowitz https://www.fosslife.org/dependency-confusion-attacks-explained
[21:33] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.fosslife.org | Dependency Confusion Attacks Explained
[21:33] schestowitz "
[21:33] schestowitz Dependency confusion is a software supply chain exploit that takes advantage of a quirk in certain package managers to inject unwanted (and potentially malicious) code, says FOSSA.
[21:33] schestowitz This article explores several aspects of dependency confusion, including how attackers identify packages in private registries and how you can prevent attacks.
[21:33] schestowitz "
● Jul 05
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