●● IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, February 03, 2023 ●●

● Feb 03

[02:19] *web-60 (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

[02:25] *web-60 has quit (Connection closed)

[02:25] *web-60 (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[02:28] *web-60 has quit (WebSocket: Huge frames are not supported)

[02:28] *web-60 (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

[02:32] *web-60 is now known as sandwedge

[02:42] *sandwedge has quit (WebSocket: Huge frames are not supported)

[02:43] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[04:22] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[04:22] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

[04:27] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[04:27] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[04:31] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[04:32] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[04:40] schestowitz[TR2] https://twitter.com/APanda1976/status/1620624971126173696

[04:40] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@APanda1976: https://t.co/meAeqdsNPI interesting site for those opposed to the enabling of #BillGates #BillGatesBioTerrorist #gatesfoundation #Gates

[04:40] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> techrights.org | Billwatch Resurrected | Techrights

[04:40] schestowitz[TR2] https://twitter.com/TechTweetBot/status/1619988751962312708

[04:40] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TechTweetBot: AI Is a Spooky Funfair https://t.co/IOjuZmfyXq

[04:40] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> techrights.org | Unmasking AI | Techrights

● Feb 03

[05:06] schestowitz[TR2] "

[05:06] schestowitz[TR2] Can you please pass me his contact number/mail so that I can ask what he knows about the pension?"

[05:10] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[05:10] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[05:10] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[05:11] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:11] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:11] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:11] *kermit has quit (Changing host)

[05:11] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[05:12] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[05:12] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[05:13] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:13] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:15] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[05:15] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[05:15] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[05:16] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:17] *kermit has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[05:17] *lightbringer has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[05:17] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[05:17] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:18] *kermit (sid393220@freenode-voc65p.r7an.uge0.8cnpra.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:18] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:18] *kermit is now known as Guest17616

[05:19] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[05:21] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:23] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[05:29] *Guest17616 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[05:29] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:29] *Guest17616 (sid393220@freenode-voc65p.r7an.uge0.8cnpra.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:34] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[05:34] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:34] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[05:34] *Techrights-sec2 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[05:34] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:35] *Guest17616 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[05:36] *Techrights-sec is now known as 208BZQBXA

[05:36] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:37] *Guest17616 (sid393220@freenode-voc65p.r7an.uge0.8cnpra.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:38] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[05:38] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:42] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[05:42] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[05:44] *208BZQBXA has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[05:58] *Disconnected (Connection timed out).

[05:58] *Now talking on #techbytes

[05:58] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:59] *Guest17616 (sid393220@freenode-voc65p.r7an.uge0.8cnpra.IP) has joined #techbytes

[05:59] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[06:03] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[06:08] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[06:08] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[06:11] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

[06:11] *Now talking on #techbytes

[06:15] *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[06:15] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[06:15] *lightbringer has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[06:15] *rianne_ (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[06:15] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

[06:34] *Now talking on #techbytes

[06:34] *Guest17616 (sid393220@freenode-voc65p.r7an.uge0.8cnpra.IP) has joined #techbytes

[06:34] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[06:34] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[06:36] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[06:38] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[06:50] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

[06:56] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[06:58] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-4ua.gcm.3jkk0m.IP) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[07:04] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[07:06] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[07:36] *geert (~geert@xx9wx74t6usdy.irc) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[08:06] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[08:12] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@52ym6jpttx2xw.irc) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[09:42] *Guest17616 is now known as kermit

[09:43] *kermit has quit (Changing host)

[09:43] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[10:31] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@cbcfptirpkfqa.irc) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[11:03] *sandwedge has quit (Connection closed)

[11:04] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[11:08] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[11:08] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[11:12] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[11:12] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[11:24] *sandwedge has quit (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))

[11:25] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[12:21] *sandwedge has quit (Connection closed)

[12:21] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[14:20] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[14:23] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[14:27] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[14:27] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[14:31] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[14:34] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[14:38] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[14:40] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[14:46] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[14:46] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[14:46] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[14:46] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[14:46] Techrights-sec2 has quit (.net *.split)

● Feb 03

[15:04] *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[15:06] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[15:12] *Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).

[15:12] *Now talking on #techbytes

[15:19] Guest45473 has quit (.net *.split)

[15:19] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[15:19] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[15:28] *Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).

[15:28] schestowitz[TR2] # bill sez https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-64499635

[15:29] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.bbc.co.uk | Bill Gates would rather pay for vaccines than travel to Mars - BBC News

[15:29] *Now talking on #techbytes

[15:29] *Creation time of #techbytes changed from Fri Feb 03 2023 15:28:59 to Mon Jul 25 2022 22:57:07

[15:29] **.freenode.net sets mode -n #techbytes

[15:29] **.freenode.net sets mode -t #techbytes

[15:29] **.freenode.net removes channel operator status from :rianne

[15:29] **.freenode.net sets mode +n #techbytes

[15:29] **.freenode.net sets mode +t #techbytes

[15:29] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:29] *Guest45473 (~sid393220@freenode-sbc.p48.gtmbaa.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:29] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:29] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:30] *sandwedge has quit (Connection closed)

[15:31] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:32] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[15:36] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[15:36] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[15:36] Guest45473 has quit (.net *.split)

[15:36] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[15:38] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[15:38] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:38] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:38] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[15:38] *Guest45473 (~sid393220@freenode-sbc.p48.gtmbaa.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:44] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[15:44] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[15:44] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[15:44] Guest45473 has quit (.net *.split)

[15:46] *Guest45473 (~sid393220@freenode-sbc.p48.gtmbaa.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:46] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[15:46] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:46] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:50] *libertybox is now known as schestowitz-pol

[15:50] Guest45473 has quit (.net *.split)

[15:50] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[15:50] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[15:50] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[15:54] *Techrights-sec2 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[15:54] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

[15:58] *Now talking on #techbytes

[15:58] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:59] *Guest45473 (sid393220@freenode-sbc.p48.gtmbaa.IP) has joined #techbytes

[15:59] schestowitz[TR2]

[15:59] schestowitz[TR2] Improve your debugging by asking broad questions

[15:59] schestowitz[TR2]

[15:59] schestowitz[TR2] On top of what they say, heres one technique I like: you can speed up debugging by asking broader questions.

[15:59] schestowitz[TR2]

[15:59] schestowitz[TR2]

[15:59] schestowitz[TR2]

[15:59] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-buttondown.email | Improve your debugging by asking broad questions Buttondown

[15:59] *Guest45473 is now known as kermit

● Feb 03

[16:00] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:00] schestowitz[TR2] Zoom Platform, a store aimed at 'Generation X' adds more Linux support

[16:00] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:00] schestowitz[TR2] One I've been meaning to point out for a while now is Zoom Platform. A games store that tries to appeal to "Generation X" with both new and classic games, DRM-free and they're continuing to build up their Linux support.

[16:00] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:00] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:00] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Zoom Platform, a store aimed at 'Generation X' adds more Linux support | GamingOnLinux

[16:00] *kermit has quit (Changing host)

[16:00] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[16:01] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[16:02] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:02] schestowitz[TR2] pkgsrc and a Call for Action

[16:02] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:02] schestowitz[TR2] I have been a pkgsrc developer for several years. For what its worth, I think pkgsrc is wonderful: a large selection of third-party software, packaged so that it is easy to install with a single command either building everything from source, or relying on binary packages. pkgsrc supports dozens of OSes not just NetBSD but also other BSDs, macOS, Linux, Illumos and more.

[16:02] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:02] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:02] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:02] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-bentsukun.ch | pkgsrc and a Call for Action benzblog

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2] The Rock 5 B is not a Raspberry Pi killeryet

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2] It's still half as slow as modern ARM desktops like Apple's M1 mini, or Microsoft's Dev Kit 2023 (see my review here). But it's way faster than a Pi, it comes with 2.5 Gig Ethernet, it has two M.2 slots on board... and, wellit also starts at $150!It's still half as slow as modern ARM desktops like Apple's M1 mini, or Microsoft's Dev Kit 2023 (see my review here). But it's way faster tha

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2] n a Pi, it comes with 2.5 Gig Ethernet, it has two M.2 slots on board... and, wellit also starts at $150!It's still half as slow as modern ARM desktops like Apple's M1 mini, or Microsoft's Dev Kit 2023 (see my review here). But it's way faster than a Pi, it comes with 2.5 Gig Ethernet, it has two M.2 slots on board... and, wellit also starts at $150!It's still half as slow as modern ARM desktops like Apple's M1 mini, or Micro

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2] soft's Dev Kit 2023 (see my review here). But it's way faster than a Pi, it comes with 2.5 Gig Ethernet, it has two M.2 slots on board... and, wellit also starts at $150!

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:05] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:05] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.jeffgeerling.com | The Rock 5 B is not a Raspberry Pi killeryet | Jeff Geerling

[16:06] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:06] schestowitz[TR2] Mapping the wider Fediverse

[16:06] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:06] schestowitz[TR2] So instead I began to explore a different way to read my home timeline. The dashboards that Ive built and described in this series have become, for me at least, an effective way to scan recent Mastodon flow, then click into the stock client to post, reply, or boost. After overcoming a few obstacles, things are starting to feel like the Bloomberg terminal for Mastodon that I envision.

[16:06] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:06] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:06] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:06] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-blog.jonudell.net | Mapping the wider Fediverse Jon Udell

[16:09] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[16:09] rianne has quit (.net *.split)

[16:09] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[16:09] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

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[16:11] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

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[16:11] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:11] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[16:11] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:12] *rianne has quit (Connection closed)

[16:12] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2] Serializing IPs quickly in C++

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2] On the Internet, we often use 32-bit addresses which we serialize as strings such as The string corresponds to the Integer address 0xc0800001 (3229614081 in decimal)

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2] How might you serialize, go from the integer to the string, efficiently in C++?

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2] Sandboxed NPM

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2] What this probably looks like going forward, is that I could alias my way out of most of this, but in reality, I will probably just start using devcontainer for everything.

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2] This is why we need a 12-core CPU and 96GiB RAM to write some HTML for a website.

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:13] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 520 @ https://lemire.me/blog/2023/02/01/serializing-ips-quickly-in-c/ )

[16:14] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-blog.cyborch.com | Sandboxed NPM

[16:15] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:15] schestowitz[TR2] Augmented reality fire drills make training more effective

[16:15] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:15] schestowitz[TR2] That extinguisher has a VIVE PRO tracker, which lets the system monitor its position. The nozzle has an MPU-9265 gyroscope and the handle has a momentary switch. Both of those connect to an Arduino Uno WiFI Rev2 board, which feeds the sensor data to the augmented reality system. With this hardware, participants can manipulate the virtual fire extinguisher just like a real one. The system k

[16:15] schestowitz[TR2] nows when users activate the fire extinguisher and the direction in which theyre pointing the nozzle, so it can determine if theyre dousing the virtual fires.

[16:15] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:15] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:15] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-blog.arduino.cc | Augmented reality fire drills make training more effective | Arduino Blog

[16:16] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:16] schestowitz[TR2] My tablet history log: a listing of all the tablet I tested since 2002 (update: 2023)

[16:16] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:16] schestowitz[TR2] This article details my experience with all the graphic tablets I used since 2002. This article started a decade ago and receives constant updates and new paragraph along the years of practise (last update, February 2023).

[16:16] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:16] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:16] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.davidrevoy.com | My tablet history log: a listing of all the tablet I tested since 2002 (update: 2023) - David Revoy

[16:21] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:21] schestowitz[TR2] Ubuntu 2022v1 secure boot key rotation and friends

[16:21] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:21] schestowitz[TR2] Each of these is a PE binary signed with a key. The shim is signed by Microsofts 3rd party key and embeds a self-signed Canonical CA certificate, and optionally a vendor dbx (a list of revoked certificates or binaries). grub and linux (and fwupd) are then signed by a certificate issued by that CA

[16:21] schestowitz[TR2] In Ubuntus case, the CA certificate is sharded: Multiple people each have a part of the key and they need to meet to be able to combine it and sign things, such as new code signing certificates.

[16:21] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:21] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:21] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-blog.jak-linux.org | Ubuntu 2022v1 secure boot key rotation and friends | Blog of Julian Andres Klode

[16:23] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:23] schestowitz[TR2] Happy SHA1 Rejection Day

[16:23] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:23] schestowitz[TR2] Today is the day Sequoias StandardPolicy starts rejecting SHA1-based signatures by default. This change will affect existing programs based on Sequoia, as the SHA1 deprecation has been committed to and baked into the code three years ago. Therefore, all programs using sequoia-openpgp version 0.15 and up will now reject SHA1-based signatures by default.

[16:23] schestowitz[TR2] Three years ago, we changed how Sequoia evaluates signatures. The problem we tried to address is that cryptographic algorithms like hash algorithms do not age well: theoretical attacks are refined over time, and with growing computational resources, some become feasible.

[16:23] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:23] schestowitz[TR2]

[16:23] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-sequoia-pgp.org | Blog - Happy SHA1 Rejection Day

[16:27] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[16:28] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:31] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[16:32] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:39] *sandwedge has quit (Ping timeout: 90 seconds)

[16:50] rianne has quit (.net *.split)

[16:50] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[16:50] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[16:50] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[16:54] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[16:54] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:54] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[16:54] *kermit has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[16:54] *kermit (sid393220@freenode-voc65p.r7an.uge0.8cnpra.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:55] *kermit has quit (Changing host)

[16:55] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[16:55] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[16:56] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

● Feb 03

[17:07] *web-60 (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[17:22] web-60 has quit (.net *.split)

[17:22] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[17:22] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[17:22] rianne has quit (.net *.split)

[17:22] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[17:22] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[17:24] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

[17:24] *Now talking on #techbytes

[17:24] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[17:24] *web-60 (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[17:24] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[17:24] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[17:24] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[17:24] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[17:25] *Techrights-sec2 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[17:25] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[17:25] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[17:26] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[17:53] *geert has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)

● Feb 03

[21:02] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[21:02] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[21:02] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[21:02] web-60 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:02] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[21:02] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:06] *XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[21:07] *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[21:07] *Techrights-sec2 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[21:07] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-ttq.pto.65dg74.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *web-60 (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:07] *kermit has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[21:08] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[21:08] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:09] *XFaCE (~XFaCE@uzfeivw9fp6ba.irc) has joined #techbytes

[21:09] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[21:11] Techrights-sec has quit (.net *.split)

[21:11] lightbringer has quit (.net *.split)

[21:11] Techrights-sec2 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:11] web-60 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:11] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[21:11] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[21:11] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:14] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

[21:15] *Now talking on #techbytes

[21:15] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[21:15] *rianne has quit (Connection closed)

[21:15] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:15] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:15] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:16] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:16] *kermit has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

[21:16] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[21:20] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:20] web-60 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:20] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[21:20] rianne has quit (.net *.split)

[21:20] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[21:22] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

[21:23] *Now talking on #techbytes

[21:23] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:24] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:25] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[21:28] Mio14 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:28] kermit has quit (.net *.split)

[21:28] Techrights-sec2 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:28] web-60 has quit (.net *.split)

[21:28] sandwedge has quit (.net *.split)

[21:31] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

[21:45] *Now talking on #techbytes

[21:45] *Creation time of #techbytes changed from Fri Feb 03 2023 21:45:35 to Mon Jul 25 2022 22:57:07

[21:45] **.freenode.net sets mode -n #techbytes

[21:45] **.freenode.net sets mode -t #techbytes

[21:45] **.freenode.net removes channel operator status from :Techrights-sec

[21:45] **.freenode.net sets mode +n #techbytes

[21:45] **.freenode.net sets mode +t #techbytes

[21:45] *sandwedge (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:45] *web-60 (~web-60@freenode-kh3.f94.bdpfea.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:45] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:45] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-l1k.svk.i86sua.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:45] *kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytes

[21:46] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-dj5.531.6sbul1.IP) has joined #techbytes

[21:59] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

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