●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, December 31, 2022 ●●
● Dec 31
[01:55] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
● Dec 31
[03:51] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[03:51] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Dec 31
[04:39] techrightssec2 restarting the tm gallery scraper
[04:47] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@4kb9ji7tv5hkk.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Dec 31
[06:39] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[06:39] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@auubhxtweg528.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Dec 31
[09:41] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[09:42] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@kqvcqbcq5tvms.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[09:59] schestowitz-TR do you want me to swap pi@pi crontab?
[09:59] schestowitz-TR I can just add what you've asked for
[09:59] schestowitz-TR I have lots of tasks to do on it tonight anyway, as it's a new year and some stuff needs intervention
[09:59] schestowitz-TR (I have a list)
● Dec 31
[10:25] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[10:46] schestowitz-TR [10:46] <schestowitz[TR]> "He set out to create a free OS kernel based on the then famous MINIX-OS, which was a derivative of the Unix operating system. "
[10:47] schestowitz-TR https://analyticsindiamag.com/the-curious-case-of-linux-its-for-everyone-but-nobody-uses-it/
[10:47] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-analyticsindiamag.com | The Curious Case of Linux: It's for Everyone, but Nobody Uses it
[10:48] schestowitz-TR I've long regarded it, based on what I saw, to be a hostile site of Microsofters
[10:48] schestowitz-TR this article is... terrible in a lot of ways
[10:50] schestowitz-TR i don't even know if this hostility is intentional
[10:50] schestowitz-TR at least in this case
[10:50] schestowitz-TR still asessign the text
[10:50] schestowitz-TR I wonder where he got the "facts" from
[10:50] schestowitz-TR Reddit Robertson?
[10:50] techrightssec2 Should analyticsindiamag be added to the spam list so it is avoided in the
[10:50] techrightssec2 future?
[10:50] techrightssec2 It's probably just out of misinformation and ignorance
[10:50] techrightssec2 but that in itself is a problem.
[10:51] schestowitz-TR don't spam it yet
[10:51] schestowitz-TR I think he didn't mean harm
[10:51] schestowitz-TR but I always became cynical when I saw the domain
[10:51] schestowitz-TR they boosted github and microsoft a lot
[10:51] schestowitz-TR and only counted projects controlled by microsoft
[10:51] schestowitz-TR but that was years ago
[10:52] schestowitz-TR 15 minutes to HNY! https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/12/31/Happy_2023.shtml
[10:52] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Happy 2023!
[10:54] techrightssec2 What about providing some feedback to him? A few supportive words correcting
[10:54] techrightssec2 the misunderstanding and pointing to links describing how m$ lied about Minix
[10:54] techrightssec2 might help clear things up.
[10:57] schestowitz-TR 15 minutes to HNY! https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/12/31/Happy_2023.shtml
[10:57] schestowitz-TR if you can find contact details, good. I saw only a bio. harping about space something
[10:57] schestowitz-TR nothing related to microsoft
[10:57] schestowitz-TR like I said, maybe the edeitor chose the nasty headline
[10:57] schestowitz-TR and is a microsofter
[10:57] schestowitz-TR provocation can get theme more clicks
[10:57] schestowitz-TR btw, i remarked on larabel in irc
[10:57] schestowitz-TR he's feeding anti-linux articles atm
[10:57] schestowitz-TR to sell amd's crap
[10:57] schestowitz-TR i don't trust amd at all! in some ways they've advanced to more sinister things than intel
[10:57] schestowitz-TR they are run by an oimber
[10:57] schestowitz-TR *imber
[10:57] schestowitz-TR *ibmer
[10:57] schestowitz-TR like hovsepian
[10:59] techrightssec2 If the editor is working against the staff by being a microsofter then he must
[10:59] techrightssec2 be let go posthaste
● Dec 31
[11:01] schestowitz-TR info or editor might reach the gatekeeper
[11:01] schestowitz-TR hence have no effect
[11:01] schestowitz-TR unless you reach reach the author by name directly
[11:01] schestowitz-TR it feels like they turned a well-MEANING article into a nasty piece that says the opposite
[11:01] schestowitz-TR mocking linux
[11:01] schestowitz-TR like the leaked presentation
[11:01] schestowitz-TR with "believes in santa"
[11:01] schestowitz-TR nobody uses android
[11:01] schestowitz-TR etc etc.
[11:01] schestowitz-TR or: linux is GAFAM's only
[11:01] schestowitz-TR of course gnu is never mentioned at all
[11:01] schestowitz-TR and they use as references quora
[11:01] schestowitz-TR yes, quora
[11:01] schestowitz-TR randomGuy from quora
[11:34] techrightssec2 True.
[11:35] schestowitz-TR the news about ronaldo is just a spare nail on the coffin
[11:35] schestowitz-TR I already avoid football
[11:35] schestowitz-TR I just check the table once a week, takes a few seconds
[11:44] techrightssec2 "Brands we partner with" ... https://analyticsindiamag.com/about/
[11:44] techrightssec2 :(
[11:44] techrightssec2 Nitter.EU is down, fwiw
[11:44] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-analyticsindiamag.com | About Analytics India Magazine
● Dec 31
[12:01] schestowitz-TR did you hit wrong button?
[12:01] schestowitz-TR anyway, I can retype what I was typing re nitter if you did not see it
[12:01] schestowitz-TR short story, nitter.eu won't redirect anymore
[12:01] schestowitz-TR use nitter.pussthecat.org
[12:01] schestowitz-TR i did not click anything strange
[12:01] schestowitz-TR maybe a connection problem
[12:01] schestowitz-TR it does not matter
[12:01] schestowitz-TR you posted some email addresses or somethingnot sure there was anything critical there
[12:01] techrightssec2 probaly hit the wrong button but not aware of doing so
[12:01] techrightssec2 I saw the nitter info, thanks. The other domains seem down too
[12:01] techrightssec2 Nah, it was probably on my end.
[12:02] techrightssec2 analyticsindiamag.com "partners" with m$ and IBM
[12:03] techrightssec2 analyticsindiamag.com "partners" with m$ and IBM
[12:03] techrightssec2 It'd probably worth sending a very brief mail his way 1) to test the address
[12:03] techrightssec2 2) to provide a little feedback
[12:04] techrightssec2 to sound out their actual stance on FOSS
● Dec 31
[13:09] techrightssec2 Parts 1, 2, and 3 of Andy's series need links forward in the TOC. The internal
[13:09] techrightssec2 link method is unfamiliar. Can you please fix 1, 2, and 3 so that the TOC
[13:09] techrightssec2 points to all four parts? It would help people to find their way through
[13:09] techrightssec2 the series.
[13:15] schestowitz-TR ok, wait
[13:15] schestowitz-TR oh, you already do this
[13:15] schestowitz-TR it said you were editing the latest
[13:19] schestowitz-TR ok, wait
[13:20] schestowitz-TR oh, you already do this
[13:20] schestowitz-TR it said you were editing the latest
[13:20] schestowitz-TR thanks, looks like you beat me to it
[13:20] schestowitz-TR I am doing a post about gemini's growth
[13:20] schestowitz-TR important to encourage more people to join
[13:20] schestowitz-TR and keep the momentum going
[13:20] schestowitz-TR rms says they are understaffed
[13:20] schestowitz-TR I responded to him this morning
[13:30] techrightssec2 Unknown provenance: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FlHtbaRWAAEdwdv?format=jpg&name=large
[13:30] techrightssec2 "intellectual [sic] property [sic]"
[13:32] schestowitz-TR was this bill scheduled to be decided upon at this time?
[13:32] schestowitz-TR or was this time chosen to duck what's left of ****lists
[13:36] schestowitz-TR DoJ https://truthout.org/articles/doj-suit-accuses-major-drug-distributor-of-fueling-us-opioid-epidemic/ | Source: TruthOut
[13:36] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-truthout.org | DOJ Suit Accuses Major Drug Distributor of Fueling US Opioid Epidemic - Truthout
[13:36] schestowitz-TR [TechrightsSocial] truthout.org | DOJ Suit Accuses Major Drug Distributor of Fueling US Opioid Epidemic - Truthout
[13:36] schestowitz-TR US government: trust us on experimental vaccines, even though we're suing the company that make it for colluding against the public
[13:36] techrightssec2 The latter, it would have passed by default if unaddressed by 28 Dec 2022
[13:36] techrightssec2 However, Hochul got a shitload of carve outs including exceptions for
[13:36] techrightssec2 farm equipment, motor vehicles, medical equipment, data center equipment, and
[13:36] techrightssec2 a few others. On top of that, there is a "safety" / "security" except across
[13:36] techrightssec2 the board and the encouragement of selling clusters of components as "assemblies" to dodge selling individual com
[13:36] techrightssec2 ponents.
[13:39] schestowitz-TR regarding hochul, this is very typical of activism
[13:39] schestowitz-TR upc is a good example of it
[13:39] schestowitz-TR persistence is needed
[13:39] schestowitz-TR because the system is not an instrument os jutice
[13:39] schestowitz-TR you need to keep punching at it
[13:39] schestowitz-TR to get anything just
[13:39] schestowitz-TR iirc, louis is about 30
[13:39] schestowitz-TR not sure how much of that he has experienced already
[13:50] schestowitz-TR "deterioration of the once great newspaper of record" https://scheerpost.com/2022/12/30/ralph-nader-the-new-york-times-is-diminishing-itself/ | Source: Scheerpost
[13:50] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Ralph Nader: The New York Times Is Diminishing Itself - scheerpost.com
● Dec 31
[14:01] techrightssec2 Louis routinely mistakes comments from astroturfers and shills as honest
[14:01] techrightssec2 comments, but otherwise he is fairly street smart in regards to politics.
[14:01] techrightssec2 He has personally been most of the way through the school of hard knocks
[14:01] techrightssec2 on his pursuit of "Right to Repair" issues for his business.
[14:15] schestowitz-TR "Kathy Hochuls nomination of Hector LaSalle to be the states next chief judge," https://www.democracynow.org/2022/12/30/jabari_brisport_hector_lasalle_kathy_hochul | Source: Democracy Now
[14:15] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.democracynow.org | Unacceptable: NY Progressives Vow to Stop Dem. Govs Nomination of Conservative Judge to Top Court | Democracy Now!
[14:56] techrightssec2 ack
● Dec 31
[15:45] schestowitz-TR i might sleep early to wake up for the midnight tasks
[15:59] schestowitz-TR --
[15:59] schestowitz-TR oh, shit, looking at blogs today I realised many people had a truly shitty year this year
[15:59] schestowitz-TR like really, really bad
[15:59] schestowitz-TR not just economic reasons
[15:59] schestowitz-TR or war
[15:59] schestowitz-TR afaik, there are no promises made for 2023 that would give people morale
[15:59] schestowitz-TR my sister says the news does not cover suicide stats for fear it would reinforce a mood
[15:59] schestowitz-TR and by doing so increase or exacerbate the problem
[15:59] schestowitz-TR I've just added 4 links to TM
[15:59] schestowitz-TR seems nobody had a good year
[15:59] schestowitz-TR and the same was true for prior years
● Dec 31
[16:13] techrightssec2 ack
● Dec 31
[17:13] techrightssec2 back in some hours
[17:13] techrightssec2 happy new year
[17:14] schestowitz-TR you too
[17:14] schestowitz-TR i might sleep before midnight and wake up for misnight
[17:14] schestowitz-TR rianne has party plans
[17:24] schestowitz-TR "Between switching to Mastodon for my social media allowance, and using a dedicated RSS reader has really cut down my overall consumption and wasted PC time." gemini://senders.io/gemlog/2022-12-31-rss-a-follow-up.gmi
● Dec 31
[20:36] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[20:36] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
● Dec 31
[21:06] *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
[21:09] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[21:52] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@htpuvr4cww4eq.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Dec 31
[23:28] techrightssec2 back briefly
[23:28] techrightssec2 happy 2023
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