●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, March 27, 2022 ●●
● Mar 27
[04:59] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)
● Mar 27
[07:00] schestowitz-TR gm
[07:00] schestowitz-TR I'm mostly set now, main remaining task is data migration and stuff like
[07:00] schestowitz-TR thunderbird
[07:00] schestowitz-TR jriddell et al did a glorious job on kde neon
[07:00] schestowitz-TR so if you like KDE, you might want to try it one day
[07:05] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[07:05] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #boycottnovell
[07:05] *irc.techrights.org sets mode +a #boycottnovell MinceR
● Mar 27
[08:06] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[08:06] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[08:15] Techrights-sec gm
[08:15] Techrights-sec I'll have to take another look at KDE sometime soon. I'm risking getting too
[08:15] Techrights-sec locked into XFCE4 with all the customizations currently.
[08:16] schestowitz-TR xfce4 is nice also, I still use it on an old laptop, but if you don't have capacity constraints no compelling reasons to use it.... it still lacks some powerful features and its native stuff (mousepad, file manager etv) leaves much to be desired
[08:19] Techrights-sec I tend to mix and match the extras, like file manager and text editor
[08:19] Techrights-sec XFCE4 is just the DE
[08:19] schestowitz-TR did you receive rianne's email?
[08:20] schestowitz-TR it's a 10+ y-o galaxy without number, no network access, no wifi
[08:20] schestowitz-TR we use that as a camera now
[08:21] schestowitz-TR on LAN
[08:21] Techrights-sec Nope. Which account / time? There's nothing in the spam boxes either.
[08:34] Techrights-sec Maybe it's trapped in greylisting? What was the topic?
[08:35] schestowitz-TR maybe wrong email address, it was just a photo
● Mar 27
[09:15] Techrights-sec ack
[09:15] Techrights-sec https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=kdeneon
[09:15] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-DistroWatch.com: KDE neon
[09:15] Techrights-sec re-packaged Ubuntu
[09:16] schestowitz-TR yes, but they are no friends of Canonical and some of it devs followed me in Twitter and RTd while I was still there
[09:21] Techrights-sec ack
[09:22] schestowitz-TR of course DST is already causing minor niggles in some clients' systems. What is DST good for? NOTHING. In TM and TR I never saw any issues related to ths. IRC logging also works fine, it may simply mean leap or same hour twice.
[09:34] schestowitz-TR the only upside is, that give rianne and I something to put in handovers
● Mar 27
[10:50] schestowitz-TR ecording paten video, very long, in a few mins
[10:50] schestowitz-TR ota
[10:50] schestowitz-TR I will be recording paten video, very long, in a few mins
[10:50] schestowitz-TR ota
[10:50] Techrights-sec ack
[10:57] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@uv8kqifeusfdc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Mar 27
[11:11] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[11:11] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[11:21] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[11:21] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Mar 27
[12:38] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:38] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:42] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[12:42] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
● Mar 27
[13:46] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[13:46] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[13:51] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[13:51] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[13:54] schestowitz-TR done recordfing
[13:54] schestowitz-TR ZERO mentions of EPO strike!!!!!!
[13:54] schestowitz-TR it NEVER happened
[13:54] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[13:59] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
● Mar 27
[14:01] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[14:22] schestowitz-TR if you are aware of a software frameworby which to distribute video encoding, tell me/point me
[14:22] schestowitz-TR as we might need to implement somethng of our own
[14:22] schestowitz-TR one option is ffmpeg file split, e.g. into 30-min shunks
[14:22] schestowitz-TR then sending these to different machines
[14:22] schestowitz-TR process
[14:22] schestowitz-TR then re-assembled ad merge
[14:22] schestowitz-TR the very cpu-intensive part is the watermark
[14:22] schestowitz-TR not the format shift
[14:22] schestowitz-TR I've been reluctant to add anything more as it would slow things down even further
[14:22] schestowitz-TR and it's grinding away at the file system
● Mar 27
[15:03] Techrights-sec not aware of any such video tools but there might be some or it might be
[15:03] Techrights-sec possible to script
[15:03] Techrights-sec however, 30 minutes is maybe too long anyway
[15:51] schestowitz-TR did you type anything before the buffer was reset?
[15:51] schestowitz-TR I rsync over vonick to bubi right now
[15:51] schestowitz-TR bubi is an elephant's name
[15:51] schestowitz-TR thenm I will rsync againthen do some sanity check
[15:52] schestowitz-TR also installing some software like thunderbird at the moment
[15:53] Techrights-sec no, just typed in the wrong window
[15:54] schestowitz-TR Speaking of Thunderbird, have you seen mention anywhere about how to get
[15:54] schestowitz-TR past the block that GMail will put into place at the end of May? There
[15:54] schestowitz-TR were some hints about allowing an "application password" but no functioning
[15:54] schestowitz-TR guides or tutorials anywhere.
[15:58] Techrights-sec Speaking of Thunderbird, have you seen mention anywhere about how to get
[15:58] Techrights-sec past the block that GMail will put into place at the end of May? There
[15:58] Techrights-sec were some hints about allowing an "application password" but no functioning
[15:58] Techrights-sec guides or tutorials anywhere.
[15:58] Techrights-sec Sylpheed, Thunderbird, Re-Alpine, Mutt, and all the others will soon be excluded
[15:58] Techrights-sec from working over GMail. For some that is a big problem. Even for those that don't use GMail it is a problem because Google is
[15:58] Techrights-sec that much closer to gaining
[15:58] Techrights-sec control over the protocols involved. They already break IMAPS. By eliminating
[15:58] Techrights-sec the non-Google clients and saddling people with their webmail, not only
[15:58] Techrights-sec will tracking capabilities go through the roof, but also their potential to
[15:58] Techrights-sec close off the e-mail 'market'
[15:58] Techrights-sec and turn written messaging into something proprietary which they control totally
● Mar 27
[16:00] schestowitz-TR I know close to nothing about it, I did a view about it this year
[16:00] schestowitz-TR but I used yahoo more than 20 years ago
[16:00] schestowitz-TR then an uncle's domain
[16:00] schestowitz-TR then my own in 2004
[16:00] schestowitz-TR I also has cs.man.ac.uk address
[16:00] schestowitz-TR but those are a bad idea to use
[16:00] schestowitz-TR along with sp accounta dna other cademic accounts
[16:00] schestowitz-TR *isp
[16:00] schestowitz-TR *i did a video
[16:03] Techrights-sec :(
[16:03] Techrights-sec like riseup
[16:06] schestowitz-TR gmx can shut down any day
[16:06] schestowitz-TR for legal reasons
[16:06] schestowitz-TR financial reasons
[16:06] schestowitz-TR they and gulag cAN also suspend and blacklisty peole
[16:06] schestowitz-TR turning the email system into the social control media with "@" for email rather
[16:06] schestowitz-TR than handle names like in twitler
[16:06] schestowitz-TR "sorry, yur email account is not compatible with our value; you insist on two genders only"
[16:06] schestowitz-TR "no free email for yuou"
[16:25] schestowitz-TR i have a rather dumb question
[16:25] schestowitz-TR but your ballpark
[16:25] schestowitz-TR does rsync involve any crc checks
[16:25] schestowitz-TR by which it can detect and announce data issue sna mitsmatches?
[16:25] schestowitz-TR network has that, but we still use checksums
[16:25] schestowitz-TR I want to know if there was a corruption in daata from vonick
[16:27] Techrights-sec ok
[16:27] Techrights-sec SNA?
[16:27] Techrights-sec rsync has a rolling checksum as it passes through blocks of each file
[16:27] Techrights-sec with rsync the transfer will be sound but the question would instead be
[16:27] Techrights-sec whether or how uch the data was already corrupted on the defective drive befor
[16:27] Techrights-sec the transfer
[16:29] schestowitz-TR let's just say that this issue went on for like a month
[16:30] schestowitz-TR and it always declares recovery based on what I saw
[16:30] schestowitz-TR and moreover I did not see any weak binaryy crashes
[16:30] schestowitz-TR or data refusing to load
[16:30] schestowitz-TR so I can hope the system always found OK blocks to work with
[16:30] schestowitz-TR when I left ted I did at one point see a message like,
[16:30] schestowitz-TR "this is not supposed to happen! Taata will be lost"
[16:30] schestowitz-TR That was already around the time I was offloading data off the machine, which was 11
[16:30] Techrights-sec openzfs has checksumming of individual files and, to a certian extent, error
[16:30] Techrights-sec correction but EXT4 lacks that
[16:31] schestowitz-TR re files, i think I did OK overall. what I lost from teen years was of little value
[16:31] schestowitz-TR like very lousy email correspondences, mostly family
[16:31] schestowitz-TR and maybe some graphics stuff of a teen
[16:31] schestowitz-TR inc. winamp theme
[16:31] schestowitz-TR and music
[16:32] schestowitz-TR music that I can recover, it's not mine
[16:32] schestowitz-TR my mail goes back 20+ years
[16:45] schestowitz-TR halfway not in rsync
[16:45] schestowitz-TR I will do a second pass
[16:45] schestowitz-TR how can I "ork" thunderbird on one machine to ensure I do not launch it onthe old one by accident?
[16:45] schestowitz-TR I did have this issue before
[16:45] schestowitz-TR pop3 and all means I risk breaking account consistency
[16:45] schestowitz-TR one option is to remove thunderbird completely from the old machine
[16:45] schestowitz-TR another is to disable account checks
[16:45] schestowitz-TR or "offline mode"
[16:45] Techrights-sec I'm not sure of how to have an exclusive lock across separate systems
[16:45] Techrights-sec maybe use one account read-only. POP3 should not be used, only IMAPS. It
[16:45] Techrights-sec can either leave the mail on the server or download it or both
[16:55] schestowitz-TR back to keyboard
[16:55] schestowitz-TR thought:
[16:55] schestowitz-TR i have directory "blah" in ~
[16:55] schestowitz-TR I want all files in blah to be accessible
[16:55] schestowitz-TR but NONE to be changed
[16:55] schestowitz-TR what permissions/user/other?
[16:55] schestowitz-TR chomd 555 for ~/blah covers all case?
[16:55] Techrights-sec I'd say disable it partially or completely on the old machine
[16:55] Techrights-sec 551 or 555 for the directories 444 or 440 for the files
[16:56] schestowitz-TR can I now just do that at the top level rather than recursievely?
[16:59] Techrights-sec It has to be recursive
[16:59] Techrights-sec find . -type d -exec chmod o=rx,g=rx,o=x {} ; -print
[16:59] Techrights-sec find . -type f -exec chmod o=r,g=r,x= {} ; -print
[16:59] Techrights-sec or something like that
● Mar 27
[17:11] schestowitz-TR how about the approch os selective write -protection
[17:11] schestowitz-TR or
[17:11] schestowitz-TR change directory names
[17:11] schestowitz-TR so that any attempts to even access these files will result in errors?
[17:11] Techrights-sec the partition could be mounted read-only but only if /var and the others are
[17:11] Techrights-sec elsewhere
[17:11] Techrights-sec You could also make a new thunderbird profile and move/rename/delete the old one
[17:12] schestowitz-TR in the past I did mv ~./thunderbird somethinglese
[17:12] schestowitz-TR I think that should be enough
[17:12] Techrights-sec yes
[17:12] schestowitz-TR to detect any writes to othgeher files
[17:12] schestowitz-TR I can run some CLI stuff with aname or date
[17:16] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[17:17] schestowitz-TR til programs on my system with lock files that cannot be copied acrorss:
[17:17] schestowitz-TR firefox
[17:17] schestowitz-TR thunderbird
[17:17] schestowitz-TR gerbil (gemini)
[17:17] schestowitz-TR gnome authenticator
[17:18] schestowitz-TR lagrange
[17:18] schestowitz-TR librewlf
[17:18] Techrights-sec ack
[17:18] schestowitz-TR netsurf
[17:18] schestowitz-TR ii
[17:20] schestowitz-TR ok, first rsync pass donme
[17:20] schestowitz-TR my apprich was to separate files I rarely use from the ones I actiovely need
[17:20] schestowitz-TR so ended up with 89 GB
[17:20] schestowitz-TR that keeps backups of /home at under 100GB
[17:21] Techrights-sec ack
[17:21] Techrights-sec remember, rsync can copy errors, too
[17:21] Techrights-sec the shell script from the other day uses hardlinks via rsync to avoid redundant
[17:21] Techrights-sec files taking up extra space
[17:21] Techrights-sec So if a file is unchanged between backups, rsync just makes a hardlink instead
[17:22] Techrights-sec of an extra copy.
[17:22] schestowitz-TR is there an rsync opt to highlight which files got changed when I do the second pass?
[17:22] schestowitz-TR the sizes do match
[17:22] schestowitz-TR du -sh
[17:22] Techrights-sec So if a file is unchanged between backups, rsync just makes a hardlink instead
[17:22] Techrights-sec of an extra copy.
[17:22] Techrights-sec yes, --dry-run
[17:22] Techrights-sec aka -n
[17:24] schestowitz-TR dry run took like 20 secs for the whole thing
[17:24] schestowitz-TR does it compute checksums so fast?
[17:24] schestowitz-TR also, it did not show which files changed
[17:26] schestowitz-TR I was just reading the manpage
[17:26] Techrights-sec rsync -a -v --dry-run /source/ /dest/
[17:26] Techrights-sec https://www.cs.tufts.edu/~nr/rsync.html
[17:26] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.cs.tufts.edu | - rsync.nw
[17:27] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[17:29] Techrights-sec https://rsync.samba.org/how-rsync-works.html
[17:29] Techrights-sec https://rsync.samba.org/tech_report/
[17:29] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-rsync.samba.org | How Rsync Works
[17:29] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-rsync.samba.org | The rsync algorithm
● Mar 27
[18:19] schestowitz-TR it seems like the second pass is slower than the second
[18:19] schestowitz-TR without knowing all the nitty-gretty details
[18:19] schestowitz-TR I would guess that rather than flinging over the file en masse
[18:19] schestowitz-TR it now goes through the bul one by one and compres for any ddiffs
[18:19] schestowitz-TR which is probably what I want anyway
[18:19] Techrights-sec it just transfers diffs, errors and all
[18:19] schestowitz-TR I now use atime and mtime
[18:19] schestowitz-TR one helps me see what gets CHANGED
[18:19] schestowitz-TR the other what needs to be there and accessed
[18:19] schestowitz-TR due to some legacy stuff
[18:26] *schestowitz_log_ (~schestowitz_log@pumv3cb2rfinu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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[18:29] schestowitz-TR iirc there is a cpu vs bandwidth tradeoff
[18:29] schestowitz-TR sometimes it can be cheaper to copy across the file
[18:29] schestowitz-TR than to compute the diffs between 2 files
[18:29] schestowitz-TR but to copy first, thenj compare just in case is not a bad idea
[18:29] Techrights-sec also filesystem bottleneck
[18:45] *activelow has quit (Quit: leaving)
[18:54] Techrights-sec rsync won't detect errors, only copy the changes. The changes can be errors
[18:54] Techrights-sec themselves.
[18:57] schestowitz-TR yes, I am perfectly aware
[18:57] schestowitz-TR I just think I would sleep better at night knowing the transmission itself was OK
[18:57] schestowitz-TR and if some time down the line I have issue I can at least reassure myself
[18:57] schestowitz-TR it wasn't some sloppy rsync handling 20+ years of my work
[18:57] schestowitz-TR when I archiuve files (like phd stuff, I don't need to access this anymore)
[18:57] schestowitz-TR I put that on 3 external disks now
[18:57] schestowitz-TR it's like a shelf or warehouse
[18:57] schestowitz-TR one that does not need backing up over and over again
[18:58] schestowitz-TR I have some memos typed with my PC history and specs (not maintained for over a decade but still handy)
[18:59] schestowitz-TR in 2007 I moved from baine (university) to novatech, which I'd use until 2014 when I moved to ted
● Mar 27
[19:00] schestowitz-TR ted lasted until 2020 when I moved to vonick
[19:00] schestowitz-TR vonick is still OK for the most part, but the disk is not in a good shape
[19:01] schestowitz-TR the specs are good though, it's good for encoding and some other stuff, so I want to use it for a long time to come, even if I boot from external media
[19:02] schestowitz-TR but cutting to the chase, when moving to ted in 2014 I was perhaps a little sloppy and was apprehensive because one external drive was failing and when rsyncing the files over to ted I only had partial scrollback, which I still have someone
[19:02] schestowitz-TR so I lacked confidence that all went smoothly
[19:03] schestowitz-TR I still have some backups of my university computers, but that is quite ancient and not terrible useful anymore, the important files was passed to the next pc and the config files are invalid to newer, modern versions of the same softare
[19:03] schestowitz-TR screenshots are better ways to get nostalgic about these
[19:24] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@yttn6jz5qmusn.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[19:31] *activelow (~activelow@h29stqv8ereqe.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[19:48] *activelow has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[19:51] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
● Mar 27
[20:02] *activelow (~activelow@u5hhxpb5ez862.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[20:27] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@b77dwj33yeykn.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[20:39] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[20:39] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[20:42] schestowitz-TR evacuation of thunderbird seems to have been a smashing success
[20:42] schestowitz-TR turns out the machine was clobbered by file indexing
[20:42] schestowitz-TR not by rsync itself
[20:42] schestowitz-TR that even caused plasma to mcrash a few times, due to lack of resources
[20:42] schestowitz-TR baloo need to be OFF by default
[20:42] schestowitz-TR Now I back up the whole pi, cloning the machine, to the USB stick
[20:42] schestowitz-TR This can take a few hours, as I think it does this one file at a time and there
[20:42] schestowitz-TR are close to 100k files
[20:46] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[20:46] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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