●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, February 23, 2023 ●●
● Feb 23
[03:13] schestowitz-pi2 running 09 now
[03:33] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[03:36] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[03:52] techrights[sec] The script should take about 3 to 6 minutes for a good-sized list of feeds.
[03:52] techrights[sec] How many feeds and how long does it take when you try it?
[03:53] schestowitz-pi2 abou 1100, did not measure time (yet)
[03:55] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[03:58] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Feb 23
[07:32] techrights[sec] tm-old unavail
[07:32] techrights[sec] restarted httpd and mysqld
[07:32] techrights[sec] it was out for a while three times: 05:16, 05:49,
[07:32] schestowitz-pi2 i did too
[07:32] schestowitz-pi2 maybe at the same time ;-)
[07:32] schestowitz-pi2 either way, it's back
[07:32] schestowitz-pi2 yes, i lost my ssh session on it some time earlier
[07:32] schestowitz-pi2 but did not retsarthttpd until 3 mins a
[07:36] techrights[sec] what's the time line for decommissioning tm-old?
[07:50] techrights[sec] mysqld is under heavy load
[07:51] schestowitz-pi2 drupal is not too good at caching when you add custom bits to it
[07:51] schestowitz-pi2 computational debt
[07:51] schestowitz-pi2 you end up using up like x10 more electricity per page request
[07:51] schestowitz-pi2 inc. spiders
[07:59] techrights[sec] ok
● Feb 23
[08:07] techrights[sec] .
[08:08] techrights[sec] what's the time line for decommissioning tm-old?
[08:08] techrights[sec] ok
[08:08] techrights[sec] gallery has been moved
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 i am still thinking about it
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 almost everything is "node" but not everything
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 this can make scraping easier, but not everything is a node
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 drupal uses aliases for some
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 maybe there is a table in the db for the aliases
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 like in wordpress
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 wp_slug or similar
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 obv. over time the older pages get fewer and fewer views
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 as people don't search for mandriva 2008 in 2023
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 thanks for statifying galleru
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 it's a big job, but it does justice to distro devs who lose the capacity
[08:09] schestowitz-pi2 to keep going, like samlinux
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 todo: figure out what torvalds' cryptic rant was invoked by
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 surely some bad merge or several
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 maybe from same company/person
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 what the fork does linux even need pluton for????
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 who is this for????
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 can torvalds say GTFO?
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 probably not
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 check his list of bosses
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 the henchman is still at it
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 dancing around the subject
[08:12] schestowitz-pi2 and nitpicking on the use of terminology by the n00b at it'sFOSS
[08:16] techrights[sec] interesting. Since he's appears not to be boss any more the big question is
[08:16] techrights[sec] who is pressing him for that.
[08:16] schestowitz-pi2 go tom phornonix.com
[08:16] schestowitz-pi2 search mirosoft
[08:16] schestowitz-pi2 read form comments
[08:17] schestowitz-pi2 some hints there *forum
[08:17] techrights[sec] Phoronix has become a waste of time, as far as the headlines are concerned.
[08:17] techrights[sec] The headlines often show up in certain searches but show that he remains
[08:17] techrights[sec] sold out.
[08:17] techrights[sec] GKH was eager to shoehorn m$ code into the kernel and wasn't he one of those
[08:17] techrights[sec] pushing for ksystemd or some such shit? As far as I know he's brought in
[08:17] techrights[sec] at least a few microsofters so that the dirty work gets spread around and is
[08:17] techrights[sec] harder to track.
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 maybe the code comesfrom microsoft
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 via mole
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 anf to msft from amd, nsa... god knows...
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 thyey have endless resources
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 greg kh worked for microvell
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 it helped his career
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 he found no lts partner other than msft levin
[08:20] schestowitz-pi2 lots pf money and social engineering
[08:20] techrights[sec] Only Levin?
[08:23] schestowitz-pi2 poa
[08:23] schestowitz-pi2 via gkh
[08:23] schestowitz-pi2 work hard, get asked to do more work
[08:23] schestowitz-pi2 suck up to the boss, get less work, get promoted
[08:23] schestowitz-pi2 par-timing as irc stalker
[08:23] schestowitz-pi2 don't worry, the code will "come from above"
[08:23] schestowitz-pi2 while you network with eff moles and do kinky things
[08:25] techrights[sec] especially social engineering
[08:25] techrights[sec] Speaking of social engineering there are a great many "articles"
[08:25] techrights[sec] expounding on "wonderful things" being done via Tiktok, This smells like
[08:25] techrights[sec] the Facebook boosting that went on some years ago when it having trouble
[08:25] techrights[sec] getting established
[08:25] schestowitz-pi2 yes, i took note of some in irc
[08:25] schestowitz-pi2 positive tiktok stories
[08:25] schestowitz-pi2 that smack of "plugs"
[08:37] schestowitz-pi2 turns out i lost ssh sessions to two more boxes
[08:37] schestowitz-pi2 so likely not related to the httpd thing
[08:37] schestowitz-pi2 the irc scrollback in gemini was hours b
[08:37] schestowitz-pi2 hours behind
[08:38] techrights[sec] It really does.
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 re "
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 It really does.
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 "
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 with tiktok, it's not a secret at all that they started lobbying
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 it is reported openly
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 they also rebranded a bit in the US
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 like huawei did
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 they make similar-sounding subsidaries
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 one of them has a grip on LF as well
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 LF is a brothel of corporations and suits
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 zemlin is no genius, some person who attends the brother's reception desk
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 while the actual gnu/linux communities get f*ed hard
[08:40] schestowitz-pi2 by LF "clients"
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 work hard, slaves, there's a coc
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 don't complain, the clients don't like that
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 i wanted to be a chef or rock climber, instead i was propelled into bossing torvalds
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 i also havea an empty account in github (microsoft)
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 i can't code, but I have brown wife [racist?]
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 either way, LF is VERY quiet this year
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 i reckon they have some PR "bunnies" telling them they have an image crisis
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 and the more they talk, the greater the backlash
[08:43] schestowitz-pi2 like NSA in mid 2013
[08:44] techrights[sec] I have no ideas about how LF can be salvaged if even Zemlin is against FOSS
[08:44] techrights[sec] As mentioned before, it started a while back and became obvious when community
[08:44] techrights[sec] representation was eliminated from the board.
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 iirc, same year satya "microsoft loves linux" joined (paid) LF
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 but later in the year
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 months apart almost for sure
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 coinciding with WSL and other anti-Linux shit
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 and WSL trolls invading irc
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 to shill their wares
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 2016 iirc
[08:45] schestowitz-pi2 "loves linux" is 2015 iirc
[08:51] techrights[sec] Shills have been pusing WSL more than before lately but the style has changed
[08:51] techrights[sec] so maybe a different firm is pushing it?
[08:51] techrights[sec] ^marketing firm
[08:52] schestowitz-pi2 wait till they converge
[08:52] schestowitz-pi2 and then sell us WSL NOW WITH CHATGPT!!!!!!!!! OMG! WOWOWOWOWOW!
● Feb 23
[09:03] techrights[sec] Their LLM is inaccurate, at best, and will be used to foist marketing onto
[09:03] techrights[sec] more people if they are still on M$ Windows
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 i worry about how this trash corrodes the media
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 to the point where SMFT layoffs aren't covered
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 they come up with fake news slants
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 like pretending that some "exams" mean that HEY HI will replace $occupation
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 exams are spin
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 exams are not practicew
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 but you already know that
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 they came up with many pieces for weeks in advance
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 while the suits drew up lists of people to be laid off
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 e.g. 300 in github
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 next time there are layoffs they will reuse the 2020 spin
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 that people are merely being replaced by HEY HI
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 they slap "HEY HI" onto anything
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 metaverse dying off shows where this hype is heading
[09:06] schestowitz-pi2 billions in losses
[09:30] techrights[sec] Billions in losses -- agaain -- and then another federal bailout --
[09:31] schestowitz-pi2 10,000 articles about "HEY HI arms race"
[09:31] schestowitz-pi2 1,000 articles about how Pentagon needs HEY HI
[09:31] schestowitz-pi2 100bn defence contracts from Sleepy to Satya
[09:31] schestowitz-pi2 for HEY HI WOW factor
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 seriously though, maybe I am blinded w/o quiterss
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 but the usual onslaught of anti-linux crap on www is hardly there
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 and that's a big plus
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 and also LF is almost invisible
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 it happened for a month or 2 last year
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 did not stick
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 knowing they have money, connection and resources
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 i know they can always pull a fast one if they see communities like wikileaks
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 gaining traction. or fsf for that matter...
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 slush funds for them
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 send one coockoo head
[09:43] schestowitz-pi2 or a dozen
[09:48] techrights[sec] The EFF has been made harmless.
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 EFF is like our fish in the hospital
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 she made it over 3 days already (!)
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 alive, swimming
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 but not so likely to recover
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 one can hope and pray
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 many orgs that "out there" do something
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 but are toothless
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 give the cover of scrutiny
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 like EPO setting up "Ombuds Service"
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 that EPO manmagement controls
[09:49] schestowitz-pi2 all about optics
[09:49] techrights[sec] Not even the illusion of scrutiny.
[09:49] techrights[sec] Just a little noise on occasionk, and not even about relevannt topics any more
[09:49] techrights[sec] or if they do touch on relevant topics it is done from an angle which ensures
[09:49] techrights[sec] that any action is negated or ineffective.
[09:50] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 go to eff.org
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 blog
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 latest podcast
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 cindy cohn and some irrelevant person
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 about a topic nobody cares about
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 and they hardly blog anymore I might add
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 i didn't check the cast, not the transcript
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 probably the cast uses some centralised proprietary thing
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 they used to host their url shorteners (not good, but better than some)
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 now on the technical side they are toothless and dependent
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 with peter e dead I reckon they tout doctorow as token activist
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 while others are activists in causes not relevant to the eff
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 and btw they waste money where they are based
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 unless 20 dollar lattes are an absolute necessity
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 some members pay for those coffees
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 they get little RoI
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 LF spends 6 million a year on its office
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 for 100 staff
[09:54] schestowitz-pi2 that was in 2020, probably more now
[09:54] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@23e3k5titpcus.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Feb 23
[11:15] schestowitz-TR2 Sounds like terrific news; tackling overpopulation https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/society/latvias-median-age-is-44-years-and-rising.a497230/
[11:15] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-eng.lsm.lv | Latvia's median age is 44 years and rising / Article
● Feb 23
[12:10] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[12:46] schestowitz-pi2 after 4 days of hard work it looks like the fish MIGHT be recovering
[12:46] schestowitz-pi2 last night she looked dead, was ready to bury her
[12:46] schestowitz-pi2 but now active snd swimming better
[12:47] schestowitz-pi2 in the sun
[12:47] schestowitz-pi2 it would be a miracle is she pulls through
● Feb 23
[14:12] schestowitz-pi2 pleasant news and productive so far today
[14:13] schestowitz-pi2 hope it stays this way, good for healt
[14:13] schestowitz-pi2 h
[14:22] techrights[sec] excellent
[14:22] schestowitz-pi2 it is also a lot easier to wipe out or throw aside spam, inc. microsoft rubbish
[14:22] schestowitz-pi2 with the swipe of a mouse
[14:22] schestowitz-pi2 then focus the mind on the signal
[14:22] schestowitz-pi2 i still don't know in 09 what the new circles means
[14:22] schestowitz-pi2 *mean
[14:37] techrights[sec] The HTTP links (feed and site) are there so that the site name acts like the
[14:37] techrights[sec] button for details/summary. Oterwise it is split up in a weird way. I figure
[14:37] techrights[sec] the button is used all the time but the outgoing links to the site and the feed
[14:37] techrights[sec] are very rarely used. Hovering over them shows what they do.
[14:37] schestowitz-pi2 oh, nice
[14:42] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[14:43] techrights[sec] Plus if they were text, they would just be more words to wade through cognitively
[14:43] techrights[sec] Once you know what the dots do, they can be ignored until they are actually
[14:43] techrights[sec] needed.
[14:46] *liberty_box (~liberty@rbnv8qskr8rgw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[14:51] schestowitz-TR2 "I empathise with those of you who've talked about Covid "brain fog" now. Even when I began to physically get better this week, my brain felt sluggish. I didn't know where to begin with most tasks, and I was incapable of holding more than a few thoughts in my head at the same time. My mum used to say the same about chemotherapy." https://rubenerd.com/the-covid-fog-has-lifted/
[14:51] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Rubenerd: The Covid fog has (mostly) lifted
[14:51] schestowitz-pi2 note to self: do. not. get. this. parasite.
● Feb 23
[15:34] techrights[sec] ack
[15:42] schestowitz-TR2 "Certain K-Supermarket outlets have resorted to removing salmon from their salad bar selection due to excessive hoarding." https://yle.fi/a/74-20019196
[15:42] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-yle.fi | Shoppers hoarding salmon from salad bars to save money | News | Yle Uutiset
[15:42] schestowitz-TR2 all you can eat, but hey, wtf?
[15:42] schestowitz-TR2 unlimited internet, but whoa! enough, man!
[15:49] schestowitz-pi2 when people are tight with money and food becomes more and more expensive there is survival instict
[15:49] schestowitz-pi2 but salmon is not a necessity
[15:49] schestowitz-pi2 it's "luxury" food
[15:49] schestowitz-pi2 no, i don't buy it
[15:53] schestowitz-TR2 "The number of people who work on a part-time basis in Denmark increased in 2022, newly-released figures show." https://www.thelocal.dk/20230222/why-is-the-number-of-part-time-workers-in-denmark-going-up
[15:53] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelocal.dk/20230222/why-is-the-number-of-part-time-workers-in-denmark-going-up )
[15:55] schestowitz-TR2 At least they don't use the word "fertility"; these people voluntarily avoid child bearing https://www.thelocal.se/20230222/map-the-22-swedish-areas-with-the-lowest-birth-rate-in-over-50-years
[15:55] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelocal.se/20230222/map-the-22-swedish-areas-with-the-lowest-birth-rate-in-over-50-years )
[15:55] schestowitz-TR2 [TechrightsSocial] ( status 403 @ https://www.thelocal.se/20230222/map-the-22-swedish-areas-with-the-lowest-birth-rate-in-over-50-years )
[15:55] schestowitz-TR2 Sweden's birth rate falls to lowest in 17 years https://www.thelocal.se/20230222/swedens-birth-rate-falls-to-lowest-in-17-years
[15:55] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelocal.se/20230222/swedens-birth-rate-falls-to-lowest-in-17-years )
[15:55] schestowitz-TR2 [TechrightsSocial] ( status 403 @ https://www.thelocal.se/20230222/swedens-birth-rate-falls-to-lowest-in-17-years )
[15:59] schestowitz-pi2 michaelwest is 90% or more just AAP
[15:59] schestowitz-pi2 Ausssie AP
[15:59] schestowitz-pi2 not too useful
[15:59] schestowitz-pi2 it perpetuates false narratives
● Feb 23
[16:00] schestowitz-pi2 the ones the rich try to 'normalise'
[16:00] schestowitz-pi2 rather the opp. of what michael sought to achieve
[16:00] schestowitz-pi2 maybe he stopped cating
[16:00] schestowitz-pi2 *caring
[16:00] schestowitz-pi2 but just giving traffic to (A)AP renders the site moot
[16:00] schestowitz-pi2 "what's the scam?" is like 1% of the articles there
[16:01] techrights[sec] Should Michael West's site be removed from the feeds?
[16:02] schestowitz-pi2 no, i just go through it very quickly
[16:02] schestowitz-pi2 he ruined the s/n ratio
[16:02] schestowitz-pi2 by diluting it with AAP
[16:03] techrights[sec] i wonder if the AAP material can be filtered out automatically in a reliable
[16:03] techrights[sec] manner.
[16:03] schestowitz-pi2 in quiterss a few times a week I'd filter all items by "aap" and mass mark them as read
[16:05] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@cbcfptirpkfqa.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[16:24] schestowitz-TR2 phoronix = microsoft 'news' https://www.phoronix.com/news/Microsoft-dotNET-RISC-V what the heck us the point of such a post, Michael??
[16:24] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Microsoft .NET Runtime Lands Initial Code For RISC-V Support - Phoronix
[16:27] techrights[sec] M$ spam
[16:27] schestowitz-pi2 shitposting
[16:31] schestowitz-TR2 Half of Finnish workers would consider leaving jobs without remote work option: Survey https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/business/23015-half-of-finnish-workers-would-consider-leaving-jobs-without-remote-work-option-survey.html
[16:31] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/business/23015-half-of-finnish-workers-would-consider-leaving-jobs-without-remote-work-option-survey.html )
[16:50] schestowitz-pi2 excellent, do we retrieve anything from that domain atm?
[16:50] schestowitz-pi2 if not, maybe add it
[16:50] schestowitz-pi2 the stuff that's NOT AAP is always good and I alrways checked all of it in quiterss
[16:52] techrights[sec] yes one or two per
[16:52] schestowitz-pi2 in recent days I've managed to make 3 heavy Daily Links posts
[16:52] schestowitz-pi2 if the day has some leaked docs, then I set some aside
[16:52] schestowitz-pi2 but all in all much better use of time (than before)
[16:53] techrights[sec] better to focus on quality than quantity though
[16:54] schestowitz-pi2 yes, this is why it takes so long
[16:54] schestowitz-pi2 also culstering things
[16:54] schestowitz-pi2 in tuxmachines there are now inline formatting things, inc. links and styles
[16:54] schestowitz-pi2 so the picks are more useful in general
[16:54] schestowitz-pi2 going to do Daily Linsk there
[16:54] schestowitz-pi2 I assume merged comes later today
[16:54] schestowitz-pi2 23-02
[16:58] techrightssec checking
[16:58] techrightssec Done. Please verify the Michael West parts
● Feb 23
[17:19] schestowitz-pi2 thanks!
[17:19] schestowitz-pi2 can we add a h6 bit for tuxmachines css?
[17:19] schestowitz-pi2 i can do so myself, it's just that I use that for headings inside the blockquote sometimes
[17:19] schestowitz-pi2 and it comes up very very tiny
[17:19] schestowitz-pi2 gonna post a new example in a few mins
[17:19] schestowitz-pi2 http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/02/23/Programming_Leftovers.1.shtml under the header has h6
[17:19] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Programming Leftovers
[17:51] schestowitz-pi2 just checked log rotation in tm-new
[17:51] schestowitz-pi2 works correctly
[17:51] schestowitz-pi2 i wanted to have a parked ssh session on that box
[17:51] schestowitz-pi2 as there was ample screen space
● Feb 23
[19:02] techrights[sec] parts
[19:02] techrights[sec] np
[19:02] techrights[sec] sure
[19:02] techrights[sec] checking
[19:02] techrights[sec] The size disparity seems to have something to do with the typefaces
[19:02] techrights[sec] installed on the viewing system.
[19:15] schestowitz-pi2 i tried in other browsers and it was too small
[19:15] schestowitz-pi2 so i made a def for h6
[19:15] schestowitz-pi2 pushed to ggit
[19:15] schestowitz-pi2 deployed to live
[19:15] schestowitz-pi2 feel free to muck about with it as you see fit
[19:15] schestowitz-pi2 i need some sleep ^_^
[19:15] techrights[sec] h6 is already in tuxmachines.css it is just a matter of tuning the body text
[19:15] techrights[sec] as far as I can tell, it is the body text which is too large proportionally
[19:15] schestowitz-pi2 yes, we can adapt as you see fit
[19:16] schestowitz-pi2 i just did a quick insertion of a block
[19:16] schestowitz-pi2 the new workflow will involve these subheadings, so..
● Feb 23
[21:49] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@pupsf4x2uvcgu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[21:50] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:50] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@pupsf4x2uvcgu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Feb 23
[22:06] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
[22:23] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[22:26] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[22:43] psydruid > [notice] Microsoft .NET Runtime Lands Initial Code For RISC-V Support - Phoronix
[22:43] psydruid They don't even have viable platform support for ARM
[22:44] psydruid It's just about shoving their crap into whatever they can now
[22:44] psydruid Because they can't bear a world without Microsoft legacy
[22:50] MinceR exactly
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