●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, November 21, 2020 ●●

● Nov 21

[02:50] schestowitz >> I have uploaded

[02:50] schestowitz >>

[02:50] schestowitz >> http://techrights.org/images/irc/html.png

[02:50] schestowitz OK, fair point, how about

[02:50] schestowitz http://techrights.org/images/irc/hypertext.png

[02:50] schestowitz instead?

[02:50] schestowitz I will test this, let me know if you have better idea.

[02:50] schestowitz > :( Maybe some other image can be used inside the rectangle. The whole

[02:50] schestowitz > purpose of the icon is to convey a message artistically. Any text

[02:50] schestowitz > presents all kinds of usability problems as well. The shape is grand,

[02:50] schestowitz > but maybe the "HTML5" part could be replaced with some geometric forms

[02:50] schestowitz > or a pencil or something.

[02:50] schestowitz >

[02:50] schestowitz >> http://techrights.org/images/irc/text.png

[02:50] schestowitz >

[02:50] schestowitz > :) Excellent.

[02:51] schestowitz OK, good.

[02:51] schestowitz

[02:51] schestowitz >> public domain, see directory contents for original file

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> I believe each of us has a different program to generate IRC logs

[02:51] schestowitz >> index.

[02:51] schestowitz >

[02:51] schestowitz > Yes, I have a shell script here to generate the HTML and fetch a few things.

[02:51] schestowitz Mine is generating the lump of stuff along the way when crafting the html and txt. It even uploads the output (still) and I periodically delete all those.

[02:51] schestowitz >> At your end, the modifications should be trivial:

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> Replace the existing image with

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> http://techrights.org/images/irc/html.png (full path is better

[02:51] schestowitz >> because otherwise it won't show up when using RSS or aggregated from

[02:51] schestowitz >> external sites.. including tuxmachines)

[02:51] schestowitz >

[02:51] schestowitz > All set, I think. See publishing queue.

[02:51] schestowitz Checked in a moment..

[02:51] schestowitz >> Then

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> Make the same HTML bits get generated again, this time for linking to

[02:51] schestowitz >> the 4 text versions (will be uploaded for the first time today after

[02:51] schestowitz >> midnight)

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> Then make sure the files they link to are the same except ".txt"

[02:51] schestowitz >> instead of "html"

[02:51] schestowitz >

[02:51] schestowitz > I've been fetching the table from the IPFS machine at ~/ipfs/ for that

[02:51] schestowitz > since I don't calculate the URLs here.

[02:51] schestowitz There's no other way unless I upload that stuff to another machine, maybe a guest account on yours. Or if you configure to wget/curls that bit from some URL I upload it to. I still that might still take just as long.

[02:51] schestowitz

[02:51] schestowitz >> for image/icon,

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> Use http://techrights.org/images/irc/text.png

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> I think that the rest will be enough.

[02:51] schestowitz >>

[02:51] schestowitz >> I've just checked the IPFS bit for the posts is also OK. At the

[02:51] schestowitz >> moment it shows 8 entries, we can worry about how to better present

[02:52] schestowitz >> them later.

[02:52] schestowitz >

[02:52] schestowitz > Ok.

[02:52] schestowitz >

[02:52] schestowitz >> IRC has been busier lately, with 65-75 people online in #techrights

[02:52] schestowitz >> throughout the day and night.

[02:52] schestowitz >

[02:52] schestowitz > Nice.

[02:52] schestowitz >

[02:52] schestowitz >> This weekend I'll try to do lots and lots of posts, though I work

[02:52] schestowitz >> every evening.

[02:52] schestowitz >

[02:52] schestowitz > sw patent coverage is very important.

[02:52] schestowitz In EPO esp.

[02:52] schestowitz Iancu will be kicked out soon.

[02:57] schestowitz It's looking better now!

[02:57] schestowitz Found a small bug:

[02:57] schestowitz

[02:57] schestowitz -------------------------->>

[02:57] schestowitz

[02:57] schestowitz

[02:57] schestowitz #techrights log as text

[02:57] schestowitz -------------------------->> #boycottnovell log as text

[02:57] schestowitz

[02:57] schestowitz See two -------------------------->> (arrows) above. Those were linking to the HTML version instead of text version (in the second block), so clicking on the image of text anchor would lead to HTML instead of text. I corrected this manually for today's, but I assume this is also in the script you made.

● Nov 21

[05:02] schestowitz >> I cannot access his site.

[05:02] schestowitz >

[05:02] schestowitz > If you mean because it is offline, there are public archives elsewhere

[05:02] schestowitz > for people who need assurances about the source.

[05:02] schestowitz >

[05:02] schestowitz > If you mean due to javascript, that is why I copied the entire text into

[05:03] schestowitz > the email.

[05:03] schestowitz >

[05:03] schestowitz > wget -O- https://slated.org/ https://slated.org/ 2>&1

[05:03] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 500 @ https://slated.org/ )

[05:03] schestowitz >

[05:03] schestowitz > https://slated.org/ https://slated.org/

[05:03] schestowitz > Resolving slated.org (slated.org)...

[05:03] schestowitz > Connecting to slated.org (slated.org)||:443... connected.

[05:03] schestowitz > HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error

[05:03] schestowitz > ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.

[05:03] schestowitz What a shame.

[05:03] schestowitz Side story: slated is the one who helped me set up the IRC channels initially... more than 12 years ago. His name is Keith, he's Scottish.

[05:05] schestowitz > I haven't read all the back issues yet! ;-)

[05:05] schestowitz >

[05:05] schestowitz > Oh, by the way, I have resumed working on my GitHub replacement, provisionally called GitGnext. From what I understand, TechRights is building a "distributed" back end. Is there any way I can find out more about this?

[05:05] schestowitz We wrote some articles about it and there are also pages in:

[05:05] schestowitz http://techrights.org/ipfs

[05:05] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Techrights Full IPFS Index

[05:05] schestowitz http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt

[05:05] schestowitz http://techrights.org/txt

[05:05] schestowitz http://techrights.org/txt-archives

[05:05] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Bulletin Archives

[05:05] schestowitz Later today we release IRC logs as ASCII for the first time. With a new format, too. First change in over a decade.

● Nov 21

[07:18] schestowitz

[07:18] schestowitz Monitoring failed login attempts on Linux

[07:18] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ https://www.networkworld.com/article/3598048/monitoring-failed-login-attempts-on-linux.html">Monitoring )

[07:18] schestowitz

[07:18] schestowitz Repeated failed login attempts on a Linux server can indicate that someone is trying to break into an account or might only mean that someone forgot their password or is mistyping it. In this post, we look at how you can check for failed login attempts and check your system's settings to see when accounts will be locked to deal with the problem.

[07:18] schestowitz

[07:18] schestowitz Building A Dashcam With The Raspberry Pi Zero W

[07:18] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/building-dashcam-raspberry-pi-zero-w">Building )

[07:18] schestowitz

[07:18] schestowitz I wanted the camera and Pi Zero W mounted on the dashboard and to be removed with ease. On boot it should autostart the RamDashCam (RDC) and there should also be 4 desktop scripts dashcam.sh, startdashcam.sh, stopdashcam.sh, shutdownshutdown.sh. Also create and a folder named video on the Desktop for the older video files. I also needed a way to power the RDC when there is no power to the vehicle's usb ports.

[07:18] schestowitz Lastly I wanted it's data accessible on the local LAN when the vehicle is at home.

[07:18] schestowitz Here is the parts list: [...]

● Nov 21

[09:08] schestowitz "Propaganda isn't journalism. I just saw an FSF piece on DRM and demonisation of Netflix. When they openly embrace GitHub. Probably because Microsoft wants a piece of that Netflix cake. If FSF hates DRM so much, why not grill Microsoft? FSF polluting my Planet GNU feed" Anon, #techrights

[09:13] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)

[09:13] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)

[09:19] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

[09:20] *liberty_box (~liberty@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

● Nov 21

[10:53] *Blakereeate (~jaqueline@ has joined #boycottnovell

[10:53] *Blakereeate has quit (K-Lined)

● Nov 21

[11:01] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

[11:02] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)

[11:02] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

[11:03] *liberty_box (~liberty@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

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[11:37] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

[11:39] *liberty_box (~liberty@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

● Nov 21

[13:33] schestowitz Anon:

[13:33] schestowitz "If you want to grab some information from anything not a part of this section for a TR piece, please mix up the words and refrain from direct quotation (so that my writing patterns are not recognisable). High-level security is a small circle. It won't be hard for people to sniff out sources from the slightest hint we give them. As always, when I'm ready to share my resources with TR, I'll let you know and give a helping hand."

[13:41] *rianne_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

[13:42] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

● Nov 21

[14:01] schestowitz x https://www.theverge.com/2015/11/19/9759874/microsoft-windows-35-years-old-visual-history

[14:01] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.theverge.com | Windows turns 35: a visual history - The Verge

[14:01] schestowitz # spam

[14:09] *rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[14:09] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

● Nov 21

[15:06] schestowitz > It looks much better.

[15:06] schestowitz >

[15:06] schestowitz >> I will test this, let me know if you have better idea.

[15:06] schestowitz > I'll think for a bit on it.

[15:06] schestowitz >

[15:06] schestowitz >> ...>>> This weekend I'll try to do lots and lots of posts, though I work

[15:06] schestowitz >>>> every evening.

[15:07] schestowitz >>> sw patent coverage is very important.

[15:07] schestowitz >> In EPO esp.

[15:07] schestowitz >>

[15:07] schestowitz >> Iancu will be kicked out soon.

[15:07] schestowitz > I hope so, but he will need a replacement who is unlike him or his

[15:07] schestowitz > predecessors in order to start solving the several dozen major problems

[15:07] schestowitz > and dozen or so severe scandals.

[15:07] schestowitz His predecessor Michelle Lee was actually relatively OK and we wrote many times in her defence.

[15:07] schestowitz > OK, fair point, how about

[15:07] schestowitz >

[15:07] schestowitz > http://techrights.org/images/irc/hypertext.png

[15:07] schestowitz >

[15:07] schestowitz > instead?

[15:07] schestowitz I later realised that there were 4 places -- not two places -- in the TEXT 'quartet' where the links still led to the HTML version

[15:11] schestowitz >>> I've been fetching the table from the IPFS machine at ~/ipfs/ for

[15:11] schestowitz >>> that since I don't calculate the URLs here.

[15:11] schestowitz >> There's no other way unless I upload that stuff to another machine,

[15:11] schestowitz >> maybe a guest account on yours.

[15:11] schestowitz > The two machine I am able to keep running most of the time (not during

[15:11] schestowitz > storms) have very little spare space. For example,

[15:11] schestowitz >

[15:11] schestowitz > $ df -h /

[15:11] schestowitz > Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on

[15:11] schestowitz > /dev/wd0a 150M 62.8M 79.8M 44% /

[15:11] schestowitz >

[15:11] schestowitz > Replacing the hardware is still on my list of things to do. I'm not

[15:11] schestowitz > finding the right kind for sale at the moment.

[15:11] schestowitz >

[15:11] schestowitz >> Or if you configure to wget/curls that bit from some URL I upload it

[15:11] schestowitz >> to. I still that might still take just as long.

[15:11] schestowitz > That might be the most practical way to do it. It might be best to keep

[15:11] schestowitz > that on TR anyway. When there is time, after the OS upgrade, we could

[15:11] schestowitz > put an MQTT+TLS broker on it to coordinate some of the messaging maybe.

[15:12] schestowitz I am assuming rsync me@/home/links....$(date).something would also allow easy pull of the missing bits, without having to necessarily run anything on a remote terminal.

[15:12] schestowitz I made some changes an hour ago, seeing there was invalid html in the table with ipfs links in it.

[15:12] schestowitz Need to think of to better present that table. I have some spare time now... so I might as well get to that NOW.

[15:48] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

[15:48] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)

[15:53] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

[15:55] *liberty_box (~liberty@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

● Nov 21

[17:32] schestowitz https://twitter.com/jvantill/status/1330092516880904192

[17:32] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jvantill: @schestowitz Like all dictatorships the prioritize loyalty&obedience over competence.

[17:32] schestowitz https://twitter.com/xav68696618/status/1330060429964554240

[17:32] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@xav68696618: @lillyabbi @BLWBebopKid @schestowitz @DrJillStein Yup... he showed how he earned it by dropping more bombs than Bus https://t.co/EH6aUjM9Ls

[17:32] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@xav68696618: @lillyabbi @BLWBebopKid @schestowitz @DrJillStein Yup... he showed how he earned it by dropping more bombs than Bus https://t.co/EH6aUjM9Ls

[17:32] schestowitz "

[17:32] schestowitz Yup... he showed how he earned it by dropping more bombs than Bush Jr.

[17:32] schestowitz And the Nobel committee is nothing but a bunch of old white men supporting the old white supremacy ideology that the US implement around the world.

[17:32] schestowitz "

[17:33] schestowitz https://twitter.com/JulieWebgirl/status/1330019628421050369

[17:33] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JulieWebgirl: fuckers fuckers fuckers fuckers There needs to be an end to this whole Microsoft/Google war on email. ARGHHHHHHH https://t.co/QAX4OrwTQI

[17:33] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: So #microsoft decided to just blacklist our #email server at work. Thank you, Microsoft. So we cannot communicate w https://t.co/qwVLbG3d5x

[17:33] schestowitz https://twitter.com/iridesce57/status/1329984141027381250

[17:33] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@iridesce57: @schestowitz not blame and until critical thinking skills and meditation become components of education, this will continue

[17:34] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1QLOCZ7OeNVuMyFfM

[17:34] schestowitz "theorethically they could also havet their stop the steal groups on mastodon."

[17:34] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-mastodon.online | anders: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site theorethically they cou" - Mastodon

[17:35] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1Q6amsEjKZQgASMXg

[17:35] schestowitz " for those who still don't think data is the new oil..."

[17:35] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-fosstodon.org | Klaus J Zimmermann: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site for those who still don" - Fosstodon

[17:35] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1Q4jntq5MvQYhNTmq

[17:35] schestowitz "

[17:35] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-fosstodon.org | Klaus J Zimmermann: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site wonder how services li" - Fosstodon

[17:35] schestowitz wonder how services like #Nitter will fare then. It's currently a good alternative to view twitter similar to what Invidious did to YT.

[17:35] schestowitz https://nitter.snopyta.org

[17:35] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-nitter.snopyta.org | nitter

[17:35] schestowitz "

[17:36] schestowitz read only

[17:36] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1PzwUaKhzkweJU7k0

[17:36] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-pleroma.site | pleroma.site

[17:36] schestowitz " New and exciting proprietary circlejerks"

[17:36] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1PqeEQl8H95kODzWq

[17:37] schestowitz "

[17:37] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-mstdn.social | `Da Elf: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site *shares chips and salsa" - Mastodon

[17:37] schestowitz shares chips and salsa

[17:37] schestowitz Uh, huh/

[17:37] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1PSbCIwBQHXNtaPtQ

[17:38] schestowitz "

[17:38] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-mas.to | RustedKitsune: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site kid is going places, or" - mas.to

[17:38] schestowitz kid is going places, or least knows the places people need to go.

[17:38] schestowitz I think one of the weakness of the FOSS movement is the lack of non-tech people. As long as FOSS can be tied to being just a computer nerd thing, a lot of people will dismiss it because they arent tech people. To them, its not a matter of being able to review the source code, its which tech people do they trust to review it for them; and they end up trusting the tech companies who have products everywhere.

[17:38] schestowitz "

[17:38] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1PJZ2ofadhrn5KMca

[17:38] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-fosstodon.org | Ivan: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site Wow, it sounds great" - Fosstodon

[17:38] schestowitz "Wow, it sounds great"

[17:38] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1OrMHKhVbgWKeQyWW

[17:38] schestowitz " interesting... will keep an eye out and ask a few questions :)"

[17:38] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-mastodon.nzoss.nz | Dave Lane: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site interesting... will kee" - Mastodon - NZOSS

[17:38] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2020/07/19/azure-layoffs-and-beyond/

[17:38] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Microsoft Lays Off Azure Staff and Much More, Spins These Layoffs as Optimization Strategy | Techrights

[17:39] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1OhvmqxJHuEgToX44

[17:39] schestowitz "What if a different company made a version of Firefox named "Firefox Enterprise"? Would you stop seeing the original Firefox as open? "

[17:39] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-framapiaf.org | Rmi Rampin: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site What if a different com" - Framapiaf

[17:39] schestowitz https://pleroma.site/notice/A1OhP0yplUpSwTs8ES

[17:39] schestowitz "You are only "open" if your company doesn't sell anything? How would that work?"

[17:39] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-framapiaf.org | Rmi Rampin: "@schestowitz@pleroma.site You are only "open" if " - Framapiaf

● Nov 21

[18:29] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)

[18:29] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)

[18:30] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

[18:30] *liberty_box (~liberty@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

● Nov 21

[21:07] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)

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● Nov 21

[22:30] schestowitz >> I am assuming rsync me@/home/links....$(date).something would also allow

[22:30] schestowitz >> easy pull of the missing bits, without having to necessarily run

[22:30] schestowitz >> anything on a remote terminal.

[22:30] schestowitz > An rsync transfer would run rsync on the remote system. That's hard to

[22:30] schestowitz > chroot but otherwise possible to lock down within the key itself.

[22:30] schestowitz >

[22:30] schestowitz >> I made some changes an hour ago, seeing there was invalid html in the

[22:30] schestowitz >> table with ipfs links in it.

[22:30] schestowitz >>

[22:30] schestowitz >> Need to think of to better present that table. I have some spare time

[22:30] schestowitz >> now... so I might as well get to that NOW.

[22:30] schestowitz > Some browsers have plug-ins for IPFS. Should some items in that table

[22:30] schestowitz > become IPFS hotlinks?

[22:30] schestowitz I spent an hour looking into it last week.

[22:30] schestowitz I've just spent another 10 minutes on it.

[22:30] schestowitz Short story, that's just not how IPFS works. It's inherently not a hypertext, click-pressing thing. There are some HTTP gateways, but they're sort of centralised, which beats the point. I refined the script and sample output has been added to http://techrights.org/2020/11/21/irc-log-201120/

[22:30] schestowitz I hope it renders OK for the next batch, automatically. Need to double check those 8 links (yes, 8) to the text versions (4 times two, image and text anchor for each).

[22:30] schestowitz I'm trying to think how to further improve those things. We can lower server load is people pick static pages, cruft-free. It's not like we push ads or something... or sell data.

[22:30] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | IRC Proceedings: Friday, November 20, 2020 | Techrights

[22:30] schestowitz We have 2 more weeks stuck at home, we invest more time in the fish and arranging the setup at home. I also tweak my sleep patterns.

[22:30] schestowitz I might soon finish the trove of EPO files I have. I'm told Mediapart will follow, but have no contacts there. When done with EPO I'll likely get back to Microsoft stuff.

[22:30] schestowitz [21:36] SJVN pushing "MAC" shite now https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-new-m1-macs-make-cutting-edge-machine-learning-workstations/

[22:31] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.zdnet.com | The new M1 Macs make cutting-edge, machine-learning workstations | ZDNet

[22:31] schestowitz [21:36] [Notice] -TechrightsBot-tr to #techrights- The new M1 Macs make cutting-edge, machine-learning workstations | ZDNet

[22:31] schestowitz [21:36] SJVN is bygone

[22:31] schestowitz [21:36] and here's all in on the ZDNet "Script"

[22:31] schestowitz [21:36] inc. "Microsoft loves Linux"

[22:31] schestowitz [21:36] or Linux is "hard"

[22:31] schestowitz [21:36] Assimilation complete

[22:34] schestowitz >> "Trumpism has developed into a religious sect, illogicaly worshiping

[22:34] schestowitz > one person: Donald. America should return to be a secular nation. Or

[22:34] schestowitz > slide back into the dark ages."

[22:34] schestowitz >

[22:34] schestowitz > It is a mistake to think of this as religious-- not because it insults

[22:34] schestowitz > religion, but because it won't tell you as much about what it really is.

[22:34] schestowitz >

[22:34] schestowitz > This is more like the personality cult that Hitler already had in United

[22:34] schestowitz > States, and Trump is not their leader, he is just another hero to them.

[22:34] schestowitz > I caution against considering this either exclusively neo-Nazi, or

[22:34] schestowitz > neo-Nazi transforming itself into this. It has overlap. But treating it

[22:34] schestowitz > as exactly the same thing is also misleading- it is related, but not

[22:34] schestowitz > exclusively.

[22:34] schestowitz > They really aren't worshiping Donald Trump, is the thing. They are

[22:34] schestowitz > inspired and defensive, but they will have schisms very soon. Many will

[22:34] schestowitz > get back to what they were doing before, and Trump will come up as

[22:34] schestowitz > someone who "helped" their cause a lot.

[22:34] schestowitz >

[22:34] schestowitz > Trump may prove too busy to keep "helping" their cause. This isn't what

[22:34] schestowitz > a religion looks like, and I don't think it's going to stay this way. He

[22:34] schestowitz > is more of a chapter in some story that isn't about him.

[22:35] schestowitz ---------

[22:35] schestowitz >> I don't understand the whole trans thing and I can't say that I

[22:35] schestowitz > approve it disapprove of it, and it wouldn't really be appropriate for

[22:35] schestowitz > me to do either since it doesn't really affect my life either way.

[22:35] schestowitz >

[22:35] schestowitz > I had a trans friend of mine at my wedding-- FTM, I honestly didn't know

[22:35] schestowitz > until he came out. Our friendship lasted longer than the marriage.

[22:35] schestowitz >

[22:35] schestowitz > Obviously all marginalised groups are ripe for exploitation by

[22:35] schestowitz > corporations wishing to use them as a human shield for their lack of

[22:35] schestowitz > ethics. "No, we aren't bad people-- YOU ARE, for not following our lead

[22:35] schestowitz > on blah blah cynical pandering bullshit blah blah blah" I mean... what's

[22:35] schestowitz > the point of having the most effective PR companies in the world, if you

[22:35] schestowitz > don't use them to manipulate the public to your exclusive benefit?

[22:35] schestowitz > LOL, I had no idea he was so conservative.

[22:35] schestowitz >

[22:35] schestowitz >> Life is sometimes sacrificing your own happiness or goals for other

[22:35] schestowitz > people, and I mean, if you can't do that then don't start a family for

[22:35] schestowitz > one thing.

[22:35] schestowitz >

[22:35] schestowitz > I know, we can send them to religious camps to teach them how to be cis.

[22:35] schestowitz > I'm sure we can find a boatload of homosexuals to say that's fair,

[22:35] schestowitz > amirite? It's not who you are, it's just "happiness and goals" for you

[22:35] schestowitz > to set aside-- for the greater good, o' course. Jee-zus...

[22:36] schestowitz > https://diasporing.ch/posts/6775954

[22:36] schestowitz > https://diasporing.ch/posts/1a10f1800e08013910aa7085c2fdcc0b

[22:36] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-diasporing.ch | Releasing my long in development suckless game Anarch!

[22:36] schestowitz >

[22:36] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-diasporing.ch | Releasing my long in development suckless game Anarch!

[22:36] schestowitz >

[22:36] schestowitz > Releasing my long in development suckless game Anarch!

[22:36] schestowitz >

[22:36] schestowitz >

[22:36] schestowitz > Hello, I am releasing my game thats a kind of manifesto to the ideas

[22:36] schestowitz > and philosophies I hold.

[22:36] schestowitz >

[22:36] schestowitz > It is extremely small, completely public domain (CC0) free software, has

[22:36] schestowitz > no-dependencies, is extremely portable, suckless, made completely

[22:36] schestowitz > from-scratch in the 90s-style of the original Doom. I made it for the

[22:36] schestowitz > benefit of all living beings and am now sharing it with you. Enjoy!

[22:36] schestowitz >

[22:36] schestowitz > TRAILER

[22:36] schestowitz > https://libre.video/videos/watch/c968774a-c12d-46d6-8851-0c578ffa8dcb

[22:36] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-libre.video | Anarch | Trailer - Libre.Video

[22:36] schestowitz >

[22:51] schestowitz http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/11/20/upca-draft-ratification-bill-to-crucial-legal-committee-german-bundestag/

[22:51] schestowitz "

[22:51] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | UPCA ratification bill progresses in German Bundestag - Academics: UPC not the best solution for Europe and for innovation - Kluwer Patent Blog

[22:51] schestowitz : Die Vereinbarkeit des EPG mit dem Grundgesetz, insbesondere den Grundrechten, sowie mit dem Unionsrecht wurde umfassend geprft.

[22:51] schestowitz Could they publish the result of this examination?

[22:51] schestowitz Just because the legality has been thoroughly examined does not say anything about the result of this examination.

[22:51] schestowitz "

[22:52] schestowitz "UPCA ratification is also on the Bundestag agenda for the second and third deliberations on Thursday next week (item #15, https://www.bundestag.de/resource/blob/473450/ad9836b2695cf011e527e52a1feffe76/Tagesordnung-komplett-kommende-Woche-data.pdf), so no doubt that said Committees support of the project is guaranteed."

[22:54] schestowitz http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/11/20/upca-ratification-bill-progresses-in-german-bundestag-academics-upc-not-the-best-solution-for-europe-and-for-innovation/#comments

[22:54] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | UPCA ratification bill progresses in German Bundestag - Academics: UPC not the best solution for Europe and for innovation - Kluwer Patent Blog

[22:54] schestowitz "

[22:54] schestowitz Well, I think that we can conclude that my powers of prediction are very strong indeed. On 2 November 2020, I stated that:

[22:54] schestowitz we can already predict with 100% confidence what the responses will be, namely Everything is in order. Nothing to see here. We can also be certain that the responses will amount to nothing more than hand-waving, smoke and mirrors and half truths.

[22:54] schestowitz Well, the answers provided by the German government match this prediction PRECISELY. My personal favourite is the answer provided in connection with questions regarding the absence of a cost-benefit analysis for the UPC and the possible impact upon SMEs. This is because the governments excuse for not conducting any analysis is that they were happy to rely upon two prior studies that were conducted in 2009!

[22:54] schestowitz The trouble with this is that, back in 2009, the legislation relating to unitary patents was COMPLETELY different. This is because the flavour of the day back then was the ECPC. That proposed system was struck down by the CJEU as being incompatible with EU law. Thus, unsurprisingly, the provisions of the UPC Agreement look rather different. There is also the matter that neither of the 2009 studies includes anything close to a

[22:54] schestowitz comprehensive cost-benefit analysis.

[22:54] schestowitz Thus, the German governments excuse for not conducting a full cost-benefit analysis is effectively that other people did some back of a fag packet calculations more than a decade ago in connection with a proposed legal system that was really quite different to what we have now.

[22:54] schestowitz Well, in the face of such compelling reasoning, I am sure that no one will doubt any of the governments other assertions, such as:

[22:54] schestowitz The compatibility of the UPCA with the Basic Law, in particular the fundamental rights, as well as with Union law was comprehensively examined; and

[22:54] schestowitz The federal government does not see any further constitutional deficits.

[22:54] schestowitz I mean, there is no way on earth that these statements could be viewed as being deliberately misleading, right?

[22:54] schestowitz "

● Nov 21

[23:50] *rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[23:50] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell

[23:58] schestowitz https://joindiaspora.com/posts/19496782#ed7e1d500e6a013910d87085c2fdcc0b

[23:58] schestowitz "

[23:58] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tomgrz@diasporing.ch reshared: NEWS #Propublica #Finance #oligarchy #Georgia Senator #DavidPerdue Privately Pushed for a Tax Break for Rich Sports Teamowners https://www.propublica.org/article/georgia-senator-david-perdue-privately-pushed-for-a-tax-break-for-rich-sports-teamowners

[23:58] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> www.propublica.org | Georgia Senator David Perdue Privately Pushed for a Tax Break for Rich Sports Teamowners ProPublica

[23:58] schestowitz Follow the money.

[23:58] schestowitz Daniel

[23:58] schestowitz Daniel - about 3 hours ago

[23:58] schestowitz Probably looking to buy a sports team at some point.

[23:58] schestowitz tomgrz

[23:58] schestowitz tomgrz - about 3 hours ago

[23:59] schestowitz Republicans love their sports, for some reason.

[23:59] schestowitz Gaffer

[23:59] schestowitz Gaffer - about 2 hours ago

[23:59] schestowitz Sports are a great distraction from political scandal.

[23:59] schestowitz "

[23:59] schestowitz https://joindiaspora.com/posts/19496784#d2284e200e6e01396e22722ef41c0a88

[23:59] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tomgrz@diasporing.ch reshared: #techrights access to our (sometimes anonymised) #IRC logs by issuing text ( #ASCII ) versions, which will from now onwards be a nightly/daily occurrence; were also making everything we publish accessible from a large number of #IPFS nodes (akin to #P2P ) http://techrights.org/2020/11/21/transparent-but-secure/

[23:59] schestowitz "

[23:59] schestowitz I wonder if Gnunet might be preferable to Sequoia?

[23:59] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> techrights.org | Go Distributed, Go Encrypted, Go Secure, Transparency Still Possible | Techrights

[23:59] schestowitz bsdfan@diasporing.ch

[23:59] schestowitz bsdfan@diasporing.ch - about 2 hours ago

[23:59] schestowitz its certainly easier to find information about.

[23:59] schestowitz "

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