●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, July 11, 2021 ●●

● Jul 11

[00:05] schestowitz [10:31] wrt "ethical" source I just never name any names

[00:05] schestowitz [10:32] http://techrights.org/2021/01/19/unethical-source/

[00:05] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Ethical Source is Not Ethical and Not a Movement But a Misguided Self-Serving PR Stunt | Techrights

[00:06] schestowitz [10:32] i had made my first baby step to the dark side

[00:06] schestowitz [10:32] you pulled me out of it just now. thanks for that

[00:06] schestowitz [10:33] mjg does the same to michael from phoronix http://techrights.org/2021/03/05/google-funded-trolls/

[00:06] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Professional Troll Matthew Garrett Spreads Libel, Defamation and Slander About the Free Software Community to Entertain Microsoft and Friends | Techrights

[00:06] schestowitz [10:34] yeah i mean mjg does all the secureboot stuff

[00:06] schestowitz [10:34] which clearly benefits microsoft

[00:06] schestowitz [10:34] tldt: michael is responsible for everything ever uttered in the phoronix forums and what people say in IRC is my own stance somehow

[00:06] schestowitz [10:35] libreboot is the exact opposite of restricted boot

[00:06] schestowitz [10:35] oh my

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] Our world is not divided by race, color, gender, or religion. Our world is divided into wise people and fools. And fools divide themselves by race, color, gender, or religion.

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] this made my day

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] thanks

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] he does technical sabotage

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] I don't give a fuck who he fucks

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] yeah fuck mjg

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] he sabotages for monopolies

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] oh, yeah he did that to me too

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] "my partner is non-binary lulz"

[00:06] schestowitz [10:36] fuck off with that

[00:06] schestowitz [10:37] i'm non-binary

[00:06] schestowitz [10:37] oh, yeah did i tell you that?

[00:06] schestowitz [10:37] "i have black friends..."

[00:06] schestowitz [10:37] i'm not very public about it, because presenting female is easier, and doesn't cause me any pain doing so, but i actually identify non-binary. i came out as such a few months ago but thought better of it and reverted it, so now it's a well-known secret

[00:06] schestowitz [10:38] what matter is your good work

[00:06] schestowitz [10:38] we're all weird in some ways. weird in scare quotes

[00:06] schestowitz [10:39] rms is more weird than me, I think, but he lets me sit right now in front of 4 laptops running gnu with freedom

[00:06] schestowitz [10:40] turing made work on foundations of computers

[00:06] schestowitz [10:40] he was "weird"

[00:06] schestowitz [10:40] but...

[00:06] schestowitz [10:40] those attacks miss the point

[00:06] schestowitz [10:40] they wait to be attacked based on something (the trolls), so then they can call you things...

[00:06] schestowitz [10:40] you need to respond by focusing on moral and technical harms they do

[00:06] schestowitz [10:41] they will try to change the subject

[00:06] schestowitz [10:41] like mjg PMing Ryan about child pr0m

[00:06] schestowitz [10:41] and asking him hard question about the subject... out of the blue

[00:06] schestowitz [11:51] well, thanks again for showing me my error

[00:06] schestowitz [11:51] you pulled xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx off of a slippery slope earlier

[00:06] schestowitz [11:51] also:

[00:06] schestowitz [11:52] https://libreboot.org/docs/gnulinux/grub_hardening.html

[00:06] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-libreboot.org | Libreboot Hardening GNU GRUB

[00:06] schestowitz [11:52] https://libreboot.org/docs/gnulinux/encrypted_debian.html

[00:06] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-libreboot.org | Libreboot Encrypted Debian GNU+Linux

[00:06] schestowitz [11:52] follow these two guides and you'll have something far superior to that secureboot uefi bullshit

[00:07] schestowitz [11:52] (other distros can be used in this way too, debian is just an example)

[00:07] schestowitz [11:53] mjg attacked libreboot on twitter, years ago

[00:07] schestowitz [11:53] so fuck him

[00:07] schestowitz [11:54] https://nitter.domain.glass/mjg59/search?f=tweets&q=libreboot&since=&until=&near=

[00:07] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-nitter.domain.glass | Matthew Garrett (@mjg59) | nitter tweet view

[00:07] schestowitz [11:54] it's subtle because at the time he wanted to get a job at the fsf

[00:07] schestowitz [11:54] fuck him

[00:07] schestowitz [11:57] and fuck his SJW status. he's just pandering

[00:07] schestowitz [11:57] fuck SJWs btw

[00:07] schestowitz [11:57] here's what i think:

[00:07] schestowitz [11:57] https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/manifesto.html#we-are-not-social-justice-warriors-or-sjws

[00:07] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Unknown error ( status 0 @ https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/manifesto.html#we-are-not-social-justice-warriors-or-sjws )

[00:07] schestowitz [11:57] that's a page from my website. my trans chat network

[00:07] schestowitz [11:57] (which actually technically only just started, because of the whole irc split, and this is the new domain)

[00:07] schestowitz [11:57] read that page. i talk about being an SJD instead

[00:07] schestowitz [11:58] that's what i am. SJD. D means diplomat. i think you'll like what I wrote there... in 2016

[00:07] schestowitz [11:58] :)

[00:07] schestowitz [11:58] (the domain name recently changed)

[00:07] schestowitz [12:00] mjg59 can pretend to care about social stuff, and use it as a wedge to attack everyone i care about, including rms

[00:07] schestowitz [12:00] but i'm the real fucking deal. and i'm a real free software hacker, not some pretender to the throne

[00:07] schestowitz [12:00] anyway, thanks. you've made my day

[00:07] schestowitz [12:00] keep being awesome :)

[00:07] schestowitz [12:27] actually

[00:07] schestowitz [12:28] back

[00:07] schestowitz [12:28] i should have gone after mjg59 in my article, whe i did it. things were crazy back then, and i kinda glossed over some things. the opportunity is lost now

[00:07] schestowitz [12:28] was recording on EPO

[00:07] schestowitz [12:28] i could have mentioned some of mjg's shitty behaviours, since he was on that list opposing rms

[00:07] schestowitz [12:28] oh well

[00:07] schestowitz [12:29] ryan wrore about hjm yesterday

[00:07] schestowitz [12:29] oh?

[00:07] schestowitz [12:30] https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2021/07/07/social-justice-warrior-cling-ons-pitch-bad-financial-advice-and-products-using-victimhood-mentality/ context: http://techrights.org/2021/03/05/google-funded-trolls/

[00:07] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-baronhk.wordpress.com | Social Justice Warrior Cling-Ons pitch bad financial advice and products using victimhood mentality. BaronHK's Rants

[00:07] schestowitz [12:33] nicely done

[00:07] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Professional Troll Matthew Garrett Spreads Libel, Defamation and Slander About the Free Software Community to Entertain Microsoft and Friends | Techrights

[00:07] schestowitz [12:46] btw

[00:07] schestowitz [12:46] i happen to know for a fact that mjg59 doesn't work for google anymore. though i don't know who he currently works for, but i have seen this:

[00:07] schestowitz [12:46] Just checking, you know I don't work for Google now? My current employer has no involvement in the free software space at all (I'm allowed to release my work as free software, and most of what I work on has no direct impact on our product)

[00:07] schestowitz [12:47] this was recent

[00:07] schestowitz [12:47] the general modus operandi is, let'\s not consider if [pers] is correct but instead examine [pers] perceived view on some other issues and then rile up some masses/mobs tto cancel [pers] based on that other unrelated things, USUALLY based on a distortion

[00:07] schestowitz [12:47] so yeah. who's side do you think this dude is on?

[00:07] schestowitz [12:47] the side of $

[00:07] schestowitz [12:47] check career path

[00:07] schestowitz [12:47] oh my god, don't use that pers bullshit lol

[00:07] schestowitz [12:47] always money

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] pers is what RMS said

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] you know i don't support per/pers right? it makes me cringe. i'm not against it either, i just think rms is being very stupid

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] and I used him as an example

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] i say they/them. but it's ok

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] our enemies slay us heavily for it, but without good reason

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] so they canceled him over that

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] yeah i know the tactic

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] I used squared brackets

[00:08] schestowitz [12:48] find one thing someone said and it's:

[00:08] schestowitz [12:49] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mih9xvo7a8

[00:08] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.youtube.com | Your Love Is Cancelled - YouTube

[00:08] schestowitz [12:49] I turned RMS into "pers"

[00:08] schestowitz [12:49] pronouns are possible to avoid entirely

[00:08] schestowitz [12:50] invidious link https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=2mih9xvo7a8

[00:08] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-ytprivate.com | Your Love Is Cancelled - YTPrivate

[00:08] schestowitz [12:50] in my video I say "this person", the "Microsoft employee"

[00:08] schestowitz [12:50] listen to the song lol. it's where "cancelled" comes from

[00:08] schestowitz [12:50] the song itself is great

[00:08] schestowitz [12:50] mentioning gender if it is female leads to accusations of sexism, which ia another but related tactics

[00:08] schestowitz [12:50] the term was originally used by black people as sort of a joke

[00:08] schestowitz [12:51] I also avoid all the loaded terms

[00:08] schestowitz [12:51] no need to convince me btw

[00:08] schestowitz [12:51] for reasons I explained this week

[00:08] schestowitz [12:51] i'm on your side

[00:08] schestowitz [12:51] they are politicised

[00:08] schestowitz [12:51] "snowflake", "SJW", "cancel culture"

[00:08] schestowitz [12:51] yeah

[00:08] schestowitz [12:52] well snowflake was originally from the fight club movie, in tyler durden's rant where he said nobody is special and shouldn't have more rights than someone else

[00:08] schestowitz [12:52] so it's actually ironic how the term is used nowadays

[00:08] schestowitz [12:52] (it's used to silence people)

[00:08] schestowitz [12:58] maybe we should make a list of terms better to avoid

[00:08] schestowitz [12:58] like RMS does

[00:08] schestowitz [12:58] for politically-loaded terms

[00:08] schestowitz [12:58] that undermine debates over substance

[00:08] schestowitz [12:58] yeah like the SJD thing

[00:08] schestowitz [12:59] did you write some?

[00:08] schestowitz [12:59] yes

[00:08] schestowitz [12:59] read this:

[00:08] schestowitz [12:59] https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/manifesto.html#we-are-not-social-justice-warriors-or-sjws

[00:08] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Unknown error ( status 0 @ https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/manifesto.html#we-are-not-social-justice-warriors-or-sjws )

[00:08] schestowitz [12:59] this is my trans chat network

[00:08] schestowitz [12:59] i wrote this section

[00:08] schestowitz [12:59] lots of that boils down to words that became stigma/insults

[00:09] schestowitz [12:59] most people who identify SJW are actually SJD

[00:09] schestowitz [12:59] and to tackle the issue you need to work around the loaded terms

[00:09] schestowitz [12:59] then it makes you less touchable to them

[00:09] schestowitz [13:00] SJW is an extreme terminology, a bogeyman invented by the alt-right

[00:09] schestowitz [13:00] read that link

[00:09] schestowitz [13:00] CRT is another new one

[00:09] schestowitz [13:00] what?

[00:09] schestowitz [13:00] fucking hell no, now i can't find crt monitors

[00:09] schestowitz [13:00] tell me anyway

[00:09] schestowitz [13:01] that page does not contain a list of words but focuses on one acronym

[00:09] schestowitz [13:01] tell me about crt

[00:09] schestowitz [13:02] but what i had in mine was like http://techrights.org/wiki/A_Critic%27s_Free_Software_Dictionary

[00:09] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | A Critic's Free Software Dictionary - Techrights

[00:09] schestowitz [13:02] though merely listing those words can lead to condemnation

[00:09] schestowitz [13:02] "fascist" is a leftist one

[00:09] schestowitz [13:02] to call everyone

[00:09] schestowitz [13:02] even just some minor disagreement

[00:09] schestowitz [13:03] right

[00:09] schestowitz [13:03] crt is an acronym now that the right uses to justify being bigots

[00:09] schestowitz [13:03] critical race theory

[00:09] schestowitz [13:03] well, you know what i do when i see a alt-right and hard-left communicating in one of my channels?

[00:09] schestowitz [13:03] i'm on the political center line. i say:

[00:09] schestowitz [13:04] based? woke? both sides are the same: useless cunts

[00:09] schestowitz [13:04] something like that

[00:09] schestowitz [13:04] then i ban them both

[00:09] schestowitz [13:04] :D

[00:09] schestowitz [13:04] thanks i'm reading the page now

[00:09] schestowitz [13:05] i think most people are normal

[00:09] schestowitz [13:05] just normal people who want to get on with life, and mostly just not bother anyone

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] that includes oppressed people, whose voices are sidelined by those, on both sides, who have an agenda, and the oppressors co-opt both sides

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] there's only one fight: all of us, divided amongst ourselves, versus the people with money

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] the people with money don't want us to see that

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] yes

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] that's why these other, more arbitrary divides exist

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] media riles that up

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] well, SOME of the media

[00:09] schestowitz [13:06] I follow better media than that

[00:09] schestowitz [13:07] put SJD on that page

[00:09] schestowitz [13:07] oh my

[00:09] schestowitz [13:07] i like the one about tech journalists

[00:09] schestowitz [13:15] it is no longer being updated

[00:10] schestowitz [13:15] we focus on converting the wiki to gemini

[00:10] schestowitz [13:15] gemini://gemini.techrights.org/wiki/

[00:10] schestowitz [13:37] so you're really set on the gemini thing then

[00:10] schestowitz [13:37] i'd recommend maintaining the web site too though

[00:10] schestowitz [13:38] technically there's nothing wrong with it

[00:10] schestowitz [13:38] it's up to you though

[00:10] schestowitz [13:38] it's your site

[00:10] schestowitz [13:38] both

[00:10] schestowitz [13:38] the LONG term vision is gemini

[00:10] schestowitz [13:39] already, for many people, gemini is it

[00:10] schestowitz [13:39] they use it for docs when they program instead of web browsers

[00:10] schestowitz [13:39] likewise, when GNU exists, many people can compute in freedom

[00:10] schestowitz [13:39] the option at least exists

[00:10] schestowitz [14:04] yeah it's on my todo

[00:10] schestowitz [14:04] xxxxxxxxxxxxx have a static site generator: https://untitled.vimuser.org/

[00:10] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-untitled.vimuser.org | Untitled Untitled static site generator

[00:10] schestowitz [14:05] the code isn't great, it's just something i hacked together, but it works well for xxxxxxx purpose. converts markdown to html

[00:10] schestowitz [14:05] i have it on todo to also make it generate gemini sites

[00:10] schestowitz [14:20] I have some ffmpef toolsets to process and publish videos

[00:10] schestowitz [14:20] *ffmpeg

[00:10] schestowitz [14:26] are they online?

[00:10] schestowitz [14:26] i could take a look. might come in handy for me. i sometimes do install tutorials for various things

[00:10] schestowitz [14:32] they are in git but not public-facing yet

[00:10] schestowitz [14:32] ffmpeg is the best VIDEO EDITOR

[00:10] schestowitz [14:37] i actually use kdenlive for video editing

[00:10] schestowitz [14:37] which uses ffmpeg ultimately

[00:10] schestowitz [14:37] i also use obs studio for live streaming and recording

[00:10] schestowitz [14:38] however, sometimes these are overkill. a simpler set of tools would be more efficient

[00:10] schestowitz [15:28] kdenlive needs you firing up a gui

[00:10] schestowitz [15:29] for most videos you do the same over and over again

[00:10] schestowitz [15:29] we also want thumbnails http://techrights.org/videos/

[00:10] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Techrights Full Videos Index

● Jul 11

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● Jul 11

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[15:35] Techrights-sec The script making a mirror of the wiki needs tweaking.

[15:35] Techrights-sec It is only indexing some of the articles, even if it does reserve

[15:35] Techrights-sec a directory for them.

[15:35] Techrights-sec It may be Tue or Wed before I can take a closer look.

[15:35] Techrights-sec Scraping is brittle. :(

[15:36] schestowitz thanks,. no urgency or rush needed. That can even take as much as months. This week we change to fibre and I hope for no catastrophe like new router or no ipv4 IP address. Some time soon the hv+tm+tr need ip address changes, as kaniini has said, so maybe we can chains that with server relocation to another colo

[15:45] Techrights-sec Ok. One piece was easy to fix, so that is patched in Git now and should

[15:45] Techrights-sec show up tomorrow. I'll pick away at the others as the opportunity arises.

[15:46] schestowitz great stuff. Will pull. I think I want to just focus on fibre this week and not put too much on my plate :-) been a very eventful week here.

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[15:56] Techrights-sec Will you have the pull det cord at the same time as they pull the fiber?

[15:56] schestowitz i have no idea tbh, but I assume the worst to keep expectations low. worse case scenario, fall back on copper

[15:56] schestowitz *worst

● Jul 11

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[16:49] Techrights-sec How should PDFs be handled in Gemini? Should they be archived on the

[16:49] Techrights-sec Gemini server, or just pointed to over at the HTTP server?

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[16:49] schestowitz I never any PDF in even a single capsule. if this a good protocol for such file types?

[16:50] Techrights-sec No it is not a good protocol for PDF, especially if they are largish.

[16:50] Techrights-sec Most of them are large. So I guess it would be best to just point to

[16:50] Techrights-sec the HTTP location.

[16:51] schestowitz quite likely, depending on the system, a browser would not be needed to open these. Same for multimedia files, but in amfora it only has the notion of browser in config file; you cannot specify client type per mime

[16:52] Techrights-sec Too bad that Gemini does not handle large files. I think that is probably

[16:52] Techrights-sec more of an oversight than an intentional design decision.

[16:53] schestowitz before browsers became 'media players' (WMP, youtube, built in DRM and MP4 support) they focused on what they were originally for and it made them safer too

● Jul 11

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● Jul 11

[19:57] Techrights-sec Yes, they have become basically proprietary application servers for

[19:57] Techrights-sec proprietary repositories, all javascript. :(

● Jul 11

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