●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, November 10, 2022 ●●
● Nov 10
[01:06] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[01:06] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[01:12] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qqashmmai9reg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[01:12] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[01:23] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[01:23] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[01:57] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
● Nov 10
[02:23] *Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[02:31] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-49a.8n8.i4ua3j.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[02:54] schestowitz-TR so my theory was correct
[02:54] schestowitz-TR 11k laid off at FB is just round 1
[02:54] schestowitz-TR there might be 3 rounds at least
● Nov 10
[04:22] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:23] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@egupbynb2qmf2.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Nov 10
[05:32] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:33] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[05:35] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@wbbz7p3sasfe2.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[05:46] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[05:47] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qqashmmai9reg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Nov 10
[08:42] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[08:42] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[08:55] Techrightssec FB doesn't need so many people any more now that the election has been tripped
[08:55] Techrightssec up properly.
[08:55] Techrightssec Also people realize that although addicted social control media is a waste of
[08:55] Techrightssec time.
[08:55] Techrightssec http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-091122.html#tNov%2009%2017:28:21
[08:55] Techrightssec Many countries have laws prohibiting making such lists especially when they
[08:55] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[08:55] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, November 09, 2022
[08:55] Techrightssec encompass politics or ethnicity or religion. FB does this explicitly as well
[08:55] Techrightssec as being able to generate more fine-tuned lists by aggregating several of
[08:55] Techrightssec the data points they collet on people.
[08:55] Techrightssec [citation for the specific laws needed, esp Germany]
[08:55] Techrightssec ^ topic ?
[08:56] schestowitz-TR thanks, I\ve put that down as a topic
[08:56] Techrightssec np
[08:57] Techrightssec They not only do they have those lists as explicit data points but also can
[08:57] Techrightssec generate them and worse on the fly.
[08:58] schestowitz-TR musk says he wants to authenticate users
[08:58] schestowitz-TR that would eliminate many dissident accounts overnight
[08:58] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
● Nov 10
[09:01] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[09:03] Techrightssec Musk neither knows what he is doing nor cares. It is a mystery how he or
[09:03] Techrightssec his sponsors are going to recover $44bn from what's left of Twitter.
[09:03] Techrightssec Maybe throw a few more elections over time.
[09:03] Techrightssec Like they've helped do so far.
[09:08] Techrightssec Eliminating 'dissident' accounts would be a happy side effect for his sponsors.
[09:08] Techrightssec They have an active history in suppressing dissidents, with or without the
[09:08] Techrightssec use of tandoori ovens.
[09:16] Techrightssec Links scripts can now run on tr-new, but a smooth work flow must be figured out
[09:16] Techrightssec first, especially in regards to Git. Maybe Git should be moved to tr-new first?
[09:17] schestowitz-TR yes, now is a good time as I have time and we don't make many changes at git
[09:18] schestowitz-TR ina dn out of kitchen atm, we got some very cheap pumpkins
[09:51] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
● Nov 10
[10:00] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[10:05] *starstreak has quit (Quit: Leaving)
● Nov 10
[11:23] Techrightssec Tomorrow is Armistice Day
[11:23] Techrightssec Could you please add a cname for git.techrights.org pointing at
[11:23] Techrightssec news.techrights.org ?
[11:23] Techrightssec Thanks
[11:24] schestowitz-TR sure, give me 20 mins to finish Daily Links and my mug of tea
[11:24] schestowitz-TR anyway, dns will take time to propagate
[11:30] schestowitz-TR pc has not crashed for nearly 2 days now
[11:30] schestowitz-TR my mom got mumble working
[11:30] schestowitz-TR going to do the task while posting some "merged"
[11:30] schestowitz-TR multitasking is very difficult
[11:31] schestowitz-TR at least irc is calm
[11:39] schestowitz We successfully saved the following A record for techrights.org: git.techrights.org.
[11:46] Techrightssec thanks
[11:46] Techrightssec works from here
[11:53] Techrightssec locking the old Git account
[11:53] schestowitz-TR great!
● Nov 10
[12:16] Techrightssec Seems to work. Same keys. Point at git.techrights.org now
[12:19] *Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[12:19] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-uua.rkc.l1fhkg.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
● Nov 10
[13:07] schestowitz-TR FCC and 5G https://www.propublica.org/article/fcc-5g-wireless-safety-cellphones-risk | Source: Pro Publica http://techrights.org/2021/12/27/fact-based-5g-criticism/
[13:07] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.propublica.org | How the FCC Shields Wireless Providers From Safety Concerns ProPublica
[13:07] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | What Real (Fact-Based) 5G and Privacy Issues the Media Casually Distracts From | Techrights
[13:33] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[13:49] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[13:49] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[13:51] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[13:51] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qqashmmai9reg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[13:55] schestowitz-TR in the truthout rss feed, all the titles are not the headline but say "RSS Circle Icon" in merged-
[13:55] schestowitz-TR maybe soomething has changed in the site or the software chain
● Nov 10
[14:01] Techrightssec checking the site, the software has not changed in a while
[14:04] schestowitz-TR due to new deserts, no sites has been worth adding in a while
[14:04] schestowitz-TR some quietly died down, e.g. fossforce
[14:04] schestowitz-TR evewn craig murray is not blogging much these days
[14:04] schestowitz-TR and when he does, it's not esp. interesting/important
[14:04] schestowitz-TR IndyRef, Assange etc. gradually become "old news"
[14:04] schestowitz-TR and he himself becomes old
[14:04] schestowitz-TR I checked assange news this morning, found a few
[14:04] schestowitz-TR not using search but a filter through all my feeds
[14:04] schestowitz-TR polsted in ric and some in Links
[14:04] Techrightssec I wonder what's up. There are hundreds of defunct sites listed in the OPML file
[14:04] Techrightssec here.
[14:04] Techrightssec Speaking of Assange, there seems to be news blackout on him. Some trouble
[14:04] Techrightssec would then be brewing. It's probably time to check if any updates can be found.
[14:07] Techrightssec Interesting, the parser chokes on an embedded SVG which also contains a //title
[14:07] Techrightssec XPath. Fortunately another XPath can be found for the feed.
[14:08] schestowitz-TR there are no strict standards for those things
[14:08] schestowitz-TR same for html
[14:08] schestowitz-TR specs
[14:08] Techrightssec It shouldn't be a problem it is just that the parser pre-dates that practice
[14:08] Techrightssec by many years.
[14:10] Techrightssec The W3C Validtaor shows lots of full Errors with that site
[14:10] Techrightssec so it's not a surprise that the content can be a be wonky.
[14:11] schestowitz-TR this site is generally ok and worth keeping
[14:11] schestowitz-TR a lot of that is commondream repsosts, but not all
[14:11] schestowitz-TR they rarely say things that are very obv. false or inflammatary
[14:11] Techrightssec Yes.
[14:15] schestowitz-TR i think that rather than radar detectors now you have some people with "apps" that help report
[14:15] schestowitz-TR where to slow down
[14:15] schestowitz-TR but i stopped driving ages ago
[14:15] schestowitz-TR and lack the incentive to buy a car based on what I read, inc. last week about cars with 3g in them losing functionality after
[14:15] schestowitz-TR as little as one decade
[14:15] schestowitz-TR rianne's dad still drives a 30 yo clunker
[14:19] schestowitz-TR maybe buy a tesla and wait fore the 20th MASS recall of 2022
[14:19] schestowitz-TR maybe after twitter musk will have some loose change left to issue compensation
[14:19] schestowitz-TR rather than give the inconvenience of NOT having a car for WEEK
[14:19] schestowitz-TR just waiting to get back what you ALREADY paid for
[14:19] schestowitz-TR based on false advertising
[14:19] schestowitz-TR e.g. brakes that actually work
[14:19] schestowitz-TR and stweering wheel that - gasp - allows YOU to control the car
[14:19] schestowitz-TR dfc told a story yesterday on how kia takes over the wheel
[14:19] schestowitz-TR I thought it was limited to brakes and sometimes throttle
[14:19] schestowitz-TR i reckon today's pedal are like "arcade" pedals
[14:19] schestowitz-TR nothing physical behind them, just like a fucking button
[14:20] schestowitz-TR they gradually turn "CAR SIMULATORS" into actual cars!
[14:20] schestowitz-TR That's NOT how it's means to work, the other war around
[14:20] schestowitz-TR *meany
[14:20] schestowitz-TR *meant
[14:28] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[14:29] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[14:34] Techrightssec Stripe apparently laid off 14% of its work force the other day, too.
[14:34] Techrightssec When humanoids like zuckerberg 'take full responsibility', what kind of
[14:34] Techrightssec responsibility is it? Where are the penalties, of any kind?
[14:35] schestowitz-TR come to mumble
[14:36] schestowitz-TR ours (for 2 mins)
● Nov 10
[16:31] schestowitz-TR Gmail is not E-mail and it works UNLIKE or AGAINST E-mail. Tell people to dumb GMail and use REAL E-mail. https://www.maketecheasier.com/google-eliminating-original-gmail-design/
[16:31] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.maketecheasier.com | Google Eliminating Option to Revert to Original Gmail Design - Make Tech Easier
[16:39] Techrightssec further web-mail is not e-mail and is not even a suitable client for most work
[16:39] Techrightssec flows; it's a toy
● Nov 10
[17:22] schestowitz-TR NHS Approach to 'Solving' COVID-19: Abandon Transparency and Abandon Testing https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/11/10/abandoning-transparency/
[17:22] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com Blog Archive NHS Approach to Solving COVID-19: Abandon Transparency and Abandon Testing
[17:23] *Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[17:24] *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-eun.oi4.qunln7.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
[17:32] schestowitz-TR Now MICROSOFT tells Mozilla how to do Thunderbird https://blog.thunderbird.net/2022/11/important-message-for-microsoft-office-365-enterprise-users/ see http://techrights.org/2022/09/25/microsoft-vs-pop-and-imap/
[17:32] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-blog.thunderbird.net | Important Message For Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise Users
[17:32] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Microsoft is Trying to Eliminate POP3 and IMAP for E-mail (Attack on Commodity or Standard Protocols) | Techrights
[17:40] Techrightssec ack
[17:40] Techrightssec :(
[17:40] Techrightssec Not a surpise. Google, which is Baker's boss, is fully infiltrated by m=
[17:40] Techrightssec microsofters
[17:41] Techrightssec It looks like both M$ and Google are trying to close the door and hold
[17:41] Techrightssec captive those stuck on their respective "mail" services.
[17:54] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[17:54] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
● Nov 10
[18:29] Techrightssec Git seems to be ok in its new home on tr-new
[18:29] Techrightssec I think most or all of the dependencies are in place for the links scripts
[18:29] Techrightssec there too
[18:30] schestowitz-TR wow, that was fast!
[18:30] schestowitz-TR I've nearly cleaned the rss feeds, news id DEAD SLOW
[18:30] schestowitz-TR this week more so
[18:30] schestowitz-TR so far I have that one topic (FB) and maybe some EPO
[18:51] schestowitz-TR "The golden age of globalisation, in 1990-2010, was something to behold"... debt piling up until explosion while few thieves amass all the capital https://blog.irvingwb.com/blog/2022/11/the-restructuring-of-global-supply-chains.html
[18:51] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-blog.irvingwb.com | Irving Wladawsky-Berger: The Changing Structure of Global Supply Chains
[18:51] schestowitz-TR [18:44] [Notice] -TechrightsBot-tr to #techrights- blog.irvingwb.com | Irving Wladawsky-Berger: The Changing Structure of Global Supply Chains
[18:51] schestowitz-TR [18:46] And that's quoting The Economist, which is literally edited by a Rothschild. https://www.economist.com/britain/2022/11/10/remembering-evelyn-de-rothschild-chairman-of-the-economist-for-17-years
[18:52] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Remembering Evelyn de Rothschild, chairman of The Economist for 17 years | The Economist
[18:52] schestowitz-TR [18:46] [Notice] -TechrightsBot-tr to #techrights- Remembering Evelyn de Rothschild, chairman of The Economist for 17 years | The Economist
[18:52] schestowitz-TR [18:47] "Remembering Evelyn de Rothschild, chairman of The Economist for 17 years. The banker, philanthropist and bon viveur died on November 7th" -Rothschild-run paper, The Economist. When will MSM criticise an oligarch posthumously? Oh, "philanthropist"... really?
[18:52] schestowitz-TR [18:47] People online: quote a reputable source! Like one owned by billionaires.
[18:52] schestowitz-TR major coincidence: I looked up the name of the guy who runs the economist with a relative
[18:52] schestowitz-TR and today they announced that he had died days ago
[18:52] schestowitz-TR only 3 hours ago!
[18:52] schestowitz-TR just when I looked it up
[18:53] schestowitz-TR Microsoft down, Microsoft down, and Microsoft not even listed anymore (going extinct on the Web) https://news.netcraft.com/archives/202
[18:53] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ https://news.netcraft.com/archives/202 )
[18:53] schestowitz-TR 2/11/10/november-2022-web-server-survey.html
● Nov 10
[19:12] Techrightssec :(
[19:12] Techrightssec MSM will never criticize money
[19:37] schestowitz-TR "Both Thonny and Visual Studio Code are built in to the Raspberry Pi OS." https://www.maketecheasier.com/thonny-vs-visual-studio-code-raspberry-pi/ WHAT???
[19:37] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.maketecheasier.com | Thonny vs. Visual Studio Code: Which One Is Better for the Raspberry Pi User? - Make Tech Easier
[19:38] schestowitz-TR if raspi is not PRE-bundling PROPRIETARY, SPYWARE, of MICROSOFT... then it needs to be reported
[19:38] schestowitz-TR afaik, debian might have something to say too
[19:38] schestowitz-TR (if that's true)
[19:40] schestowitz-TR if microsoft now uses this company to make an "installedbase" to spy on
[19:40] schestowitz-TR and lock iin a generation of coders
[19:40] schestowitz-TR then we need to find out who and when
[19:40] schestowitz-TR if..
[19:42] Techrightssec s/not/now/ ??
[19:42] schestowitz-TR yes, critical typo
[19:44] Techrightssec remember that m$ and others push crap then walk it back under duress only
[19:44] Techrightssec to wait for the fuss to die down and roll back the same changes plus worse
[19:44] Techrightssec later when no one is watching any more
[19:44] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[19:44] Techrightssec ack
[19:44] Techrightssec s/not/now/ ??
[19:44] Techrightssec remember that m$ and others push crap then walk it back under duress only
[19:44] Techrightssec to wait for the fuss to die down and roll back the same changes plus worse
[19:44] Techrightssec later when no one is watching any more
[19:44] schestowitz-TR is there a quick way to check without installing the OS
[19:44] schestowitz-TR ?
● Nov 10
[20:02] Techrightssec checking
[20:03] schestowitz-TR it is hard to fit WIndows on these (many spam articles tried promoting that last week!)
[20:03] schestowitz-TR so they will try to turn Linux into Microsoft
[20:03] schestowitz-TR OLPC XO
[20:03] schestowitz-TR but again, worth verifying before writing anything
[20:06] Techrightssec http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/dists/bullseye/main/binary-arm64/Packages
[20:06] Techrightssec someone more familiar with Debian derivatives will have to assess that, but
[20:06] Techrightssec it's there :/
[20:06] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Missing content type. Ignoring.
[20:06] schestowitz-TR in repo or IMG?
[20:06] schestowitz-TR if only in the repos, then less of a big deal
[20:06] schestowitz-TR esp. is the repo is now microsoft.com
[20:07] schestowitz-TR NOT
[20:07] schestowitz-TR and if not added secretly to existing devices
[20:07] schestowitz-TR though obv. it's still proprietary and still CrimeSoft
[20:07] Techrightssec but not by default, just the repository
[20:07] Techrightssec The repository in question is archive.raspberrypi.org not anything m$
[20:07] Techrightssec that much is good.
[20:08] schestowitz-TR in that case, the aforementioned article is, at best, poorly worded
[20:08] Techrightssec It seems that the article is based on out of date or just plain wrong assumptions and poorly worded.
[20:09] schestowitz-TR a bit of a relief tbh
[20:11] Techrightssec What actually is problematic is when official RPi articles go out of their
[20:11] Techrightssec way to boost m$ gimmicks or show images featurign m$ logos and displays
[20:12] schestowitz-TR one 'solution' is to help accelerate the demmise of the "Vole"
[20:12] schestowitz-TR like netcraft
[20:12] schestowitz-TR see the damage they dop to OSI
[20:12] schestowitz-TR I update my post 5 mins ago
[20:12] schestowitz-TR OSI is dead, stick a fork in that POS
[20:14] Techrightssec ack
[20:15] schestowitz-TR there is nothing to write about :-)
[20:15] schestowitz-TR but it's good that we debunk false 'news'
[20:15] schestowitz-TR even if just in passing
[20:15] schestowitz-TR i'll have enough for more Daily Links soon, I think 4th batch for today
[20:20] Techrightssec quality is more important than quality with links, especially since
[20:20] Techrightssec they good ones can be combined and used as topics for articles
[20:20] schestowitz-TR many are seen through rss
[20:20] schestowitz-TR making it compact is useful
[20:21] schestowitz-TR A vastly better approach would be to make a Gemini capsule for LWN https://lwn.net/Articles/914410/
[20:21] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-A pair of new LWN site features [LWN.net]
[20:24] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Nov 10
[21:45] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@g3jnesygbvdni.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Nov 10
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