●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, September 10, 2022 ●●

● Sep 10

[03:16] *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)

[03:17] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

● Sep 10

[06:05] schestowitz-TR2 something a bit troubling happened today

[06:05] schestowitz-TR2 which shows a weakness in wordpress

[06:05] schestowitz-TR2 in the bulletin I noticed one post missing

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 as it turns out, after a lot of investigation

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 when the browser was restored following the reboot

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 the next node would rewrite the previous

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 as it was still 'stuck' on an old post_id

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 thankfully fixing that was easy

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 but it never happened to me before

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 basically one node I published overrode the previous

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 instead of making a new one

[06:06] schestowitz-TR2 issue solved, at least I know what actually happened

[06:09] schestowitz-TR2 ---

[06:09] schestowitz-TR2 wait, another technical issue/bug, this time with IRC logs

[06:09] schestowitz-TR2 do not touch the files yet, I need to diagnose and regenerate them

[06:12] Techrights-sec ack

[06:18] schestowitz-TR2 two incidents in one morning, but I have time to cope

[06:18] schestowitz-TR2 seems like some binary crap got into the irc log files

[06:18] schestowitz-TR2 I'm investigating

[06:26] schestowitz-TR2 this will take at least an hour to fully fix

[06:26] schestowitz-TR2 say you have a text file with some binary junk somewhere

[06:26] schestowitz-TR2 how would you pin-point it

[06:26] schestowitz-TR2 kate can see there is inavblid char but does not say where

[06:26] schestowitz-TR2 is there a text editor you can that can highlight it?

[06:26] schestowitz-TR2 I need to remove it, I suspect it's in one of the IRC links

[06:26] Techrights-sec maybe vi ?

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 I will try

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 oh, I think you were right

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 seems the system crash and reboot caused it

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 which I guess makes sense

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 I could not shut down cleanly

[06:31] Techrights-sec :(

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 all because of the generated smaller gif

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 but I caught this issue because of some sanity checks

[06:31] schestowitz-TR2 workign to fix this now

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 upsides:

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 we won't make smaller gifs anymore

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 we caught the issue

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 we seem to have fixed everything seems

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 machine rebooted back OK

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 main downsize was loss of time

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 likewise, I fixed the post issue

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 but one article was offline for half a day, the phoronix one

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 because it was 'overwritten'

[06:35] schestowitz-TR2 the irc logs will be ready for sure before the usual time of publication

[06:42] Techrights-sec thanks

[06:44] schestowitz-TR2 I'm removing the offending line using vi now

[06:44] schestowitz-TR2 the social channel logs are about 10 million lines on this box and 1GB raw

[06:44] schestowitz-TR2 those files are still opened habitually as the channels go on, I will wait for irc to get quieter

[06:49] *Now talking on #boycottnovell

[06:49] *Topic for #boycottnovell is: TechRights.org | Channel #boycottnovell for http://TechRights.org | Free Software Sentry watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social

[06:49] *Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@haii6za73zabc.irc at Tue Jun 1 20:22:10 2021

[06:49] *Now talking on #boycottnovell

[06:52] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)

● Sep 10

[07:04] Techrights-sec ack

[07:06] schestowitz-TR2 the amount of heavy listing done at those time, by about 5 accounts on 3 machines, is large

[07:06] schestowitz-TR2 *lifting

[07:06] schestowitz-TR2 but if one thing goes wrong, there's a knock-on effect and then things need to be done manually

[07:06] schestowitz-TR2 almost done with the work on vonick, then I need to rerun things on the pi (for gemini and all)

[07:06] schestowitz-TR2 then techrights-new (rerun ipfs add)

[07:06] schestowitz-TR2 then you will have all the correct hashes

[07:14] Techrights-sec ack

[07:34] schestowitz-TR2 if things go right, it's one minute to check output.text

[07:34] schestowitz-TR2 today it's one hour to fix

[07:34] schestowitz-TR2 and another chuck of time to double-check

[07:34] schestowitz-TR2 in the future I'll be able to fix it faster though

[07:39] Techrights-sec ok

[07:40] schestowitz-TR2 I've been wanting to back up tr-new for a while

[07:40] schestowitz-TR2 however a lot of it is just copies fo files and atm most of the "stuff" is in account-related configs

[07:40] schestowitz-TR2 and stuff that's built into the system at a level other than home directories

[07:40] schestowitz-TR2 sooner or later there will be more to back up there

[07:40] Techrights-sec ack

[07:40] Techrights-sec yes, though for now I have not paid much attention to it, aside from a

[07:40] Techrights-sec few preliminary modifications

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 ok, I think the files are ready

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 when you retreieve the ipgs bits

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 the hash for the bulletin should end with "Lup"

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 all the files are now updated

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 I will make backups this weekend

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 but I don't have complete backups of the old sites, I hope you make some also

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 I was relieved this morning to grasp what had happened to the post about phoronix

[07:44] schestowitz-TR2 at one point I worried that maybe the DB went bad

[07:48] Techrights-sec checking

[07:52] schestowitz-TR2 thinking back, after 15 years almost, I probably spent 1000 hours processing IRC stuff

[07:52] schestowitz-TR2 not participating, just processing

[07:53] schestowitz-TR2 at the start I'd manually copy from logs, save, process

[07:53] schestowitz-TR2 nowadays it's a lot faster provided it goes as planned

[07:53] schestowitz-TR2 but IRC outlived all that other stuff

[07:53] schestowitz-TR2 commaents, digg, social control media

[07:56] Techrights-sec ack

● Sep 10

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 yes, APA's problem to deal with

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 not my problem

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 to me, the part about "lizard" is problematic

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 as in, some idiots might try to claim it's our positiopn

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 so I monitor that BS closely

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 to avoid such BS

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 thankfully we don't allow comments

[08:00] schestowitz-TR2 some articles would be defaced if every nutcase could leave a comment

[08:05] Techrights-sec http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-090922.html#tSep%2009%2020:31:04

[08:05] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

[08:07] schestowitz-TR2 yes, I was referring to this

[08:07] schestowitz-TR2 it was mentiones partly as a joke in references to royals as well

[08:07] schestowitz-TR2 like I said, I'm monitoring this

[08:07] schestowitz-TR2 it can be mitigated by making it very clear that it's treated as a total farce and joke

[08:07] schestowitz-TR2 even if one person does not

[08:07] schestowitz-TR2 in whikch case ridicule on the record helps

[08:07] schestowitz-TR2 same for nazi sympathisers

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 ----

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 seeing a geerling pick from you

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 I am thinking

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 he refers to people asd "youtuber"

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 but their work is in no way related to youtube

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 imagine calling politicians "twitterers"

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 instead of what they are or supposed to be

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 trump spent many hours "running rhe country" from a shitty vulnerable "app"

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 of course all his "work" was later deleted

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 even my replies to him are orphaned tweets now

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 lots wrong with this world

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 last night I read that the royal family TWEETED the death of the queen

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 like BillG "tweeted" his divorice

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 I did not mention this because that same sentence said they tweeted AND make an official statement

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 iow, it was no twitter (us/ksa) "exclusive"

[08:13] schestowitz-TR2 when they make it exclusive the media coverage will turn into promotion of "tweets" and twitter

[08:14] schestowitz-TR2 exacerbating the FOMO

[08:14] schestowitz-TR2 "trump" 'broke' a lot of news in twitter

[08:14] schestowitz-TR2 so his fans worldwide flocked there

[08:14] schestowitz-TR2 and @potus account was barely used

[08:14] schestowitz-TR2 he knew it was just temporarily his

[08:14] schestowitz-TR2 so he cannot continue running the office after his term is terminated

[08:14] schestowitz-TR2 like stealing papers that inly a seating president is supposed to have access to

[08:16] Techrights-sec ack

[08:16] Techrights-sec I expect they are cognizant of feeding the machine but to what extent are they

[08:16] Techrights-sec aware that it's maniuplative powers are outside their grasp and controlled byu

[08:16] Techrights-sec others?

[08:16] Techrights-sec IIRC the Saudis have restored controlling shares in Twitter

[08:16] Techrights-sec ... and then some

[08:16] Techrights-sec yes he was not about the office but about his own puffed up ego

[08:16] Techrights-sec There were some tweaks in the sorting order for latest-news.html

[08:16] Techrights-sec Given that the sorting happens within the script (Perl instead of SQL)

[08:16] Techrights-sec it is possible to make the algorith even more complex. Complexity is generally

[08:17] Techrights-sec bad but it would make it possible for the modification date to be ignored

[08:17] Techrights-sec in regards to the sort order for the items below the gap. Would that improve

[08:17] Techrights-sec usability?

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 yes, I saw that

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 I thought that horizontal split or vertical split can maybe somehow improve digestion

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 in the old TM there were feeds along the sides and down at the bottom of pages

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 I don't know how helpful those were to visitors, SEO etc.

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 but TM, I think, should be about "bang for buck" in ino sense

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 like, how quickly you can grasp what's truly important in the news

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 clustering of "lesser" news, I think, can help

[08:19] schestowitz-TR2 or setting aside "timeless" howtos

[08:19] Techrights-sec They probably weren't helpful to either.

[08:20] schestowitz-TR2 those bits of the page were partly inherited from susan, at least the general style was

[08:21] Techrights-sec Right now "RIP, Peter Eckersley (UPDATEDx5)" is at the top after the gap, but

[08:21] Techrights-sec it is from the 4th. So maybe it could be at the end of the list? It was updated recently but not in the last 24 hours and therefore could be sorted by

[08:21] Techrights-sec creation date rather than modification date. Thinking outloud on that one.

[08:23] schestowitz-TR2 I updated it less than a day ago

[08:23] schestowitz-TR2 people care about the death

[08:23] schestowitz-TR2 I would not call it "hot" news

[08:23] schestowitz-TR2 but that's why there might be room for high-profile news

[08:23] schestowitz-TR2 balanced against "most recent"

[08:23] schestowitz-TR2 afaik,. gulag noise did that too or does it now

[08:23] schestowitz-TR2 so some stoiries bubble up to the top a lot

[08:24] Techrights-sec Yes, I'm not picking on that title because of the content but simply picking

[08:24] Techrights-sec the title which happens to be at the top after the gap at this particular

[08:24] Techrights-sec moment in time.

[08:24] Techrights-sec How should 'high profile' be tagged and how long should the priority from

[08:24] Techrights-sec that tagging persist? Right now, updated items get a boost for 24 hours.

[08:27] schestowitz-TR2 I can tell you how that used to work

[08:27] schestowitz-TR2 in drupal, a newly updated item was shown as having "new comments" near the very very very front page at the top

[08:27] schestowitz-TR2 so there was a way to see the change

[08:27] schestowitz-TR2 also through "latest comments"

[08:27] schestowitz-TR2 how we handle things going forward, an open question

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 but there are things that get updated nearly a dozen times

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 to avoid flooding the site with more and more of the same thing

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 which is sometthing both rianne and I agree can be annoying

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 like a major ubuntu release flooding everything for many days

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 so people lose sightg of other, unique news

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 when accessing social controel media you might go

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 "what da fuck did I just do there? What did I waste time on? I know I did something. But what new stuff did I learn?? Why am I just angry"

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 so we want to do the opposite of that

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 no microsoft clickbait and provocation, we filter the BS/noise/PR

[08:28] schestowitz-TR2 and high return on time

[08:28] Techrights-sec Ah. That is a bug. That post was updated less than 24 hours ago and appears

[08:28] Techrights-sec below the gap. The date calculation is in error.

[08:29] schestowitz-TR2 the provocation apor noise is also a negative strtategy

[08:29] schestowitz-TR2 in mass manipulating

[08:29] schestowitz-TR2 distracting from somthing

[08:29] schestowitz-TR2 or getting people angry, en masse, over things

[08:29] schestowitz-TR2 also see: brigading

[08:29] schestowitz-TR2 outrage culture, cancel culture

[08:29] schestowitz-TR2 this has caused many suicides already (my dad said the same)

[08:32] Techrights-sec Good idea to de-escalate things like that, or at least attempt to.

[08:32] Techrights-sec Ad-based culture is already supersaturated with fear.

[08:32] schestowitz-TR2 insecurity

[08:41] Techrights-sec That is a type of fear. Fear develops into anger according to some models.

[08:41] Techrights-sec If it is allowed to fester untreated for too long. Remember that the younger

[08:41] Techrights-sec the target of the effects is, the more permanent impact the manipulation has.

[08:41] Techrights-sec The emotional damage, including stunting, and (mis-)socialization afflicting

[08:41] Techrights-sec the current crop of teens has removed them from the societies they would have

[08:41] Techrights-sec otherwise grown to become part of. They are lost. They may speak the local

[08:41] Techrights-sec language but they are not, and can no longer, become part of that society

[08:41] Techrights-sec having been acculturated by Tiktok or whatever instead.

[08:42] schestowitz-TR2 interesting, i never thought too much along those themes

[08:51] Techrights-sec

[08:51] Techrights-sec It's unfortunate and may be a civilization-ending public health problem.

[08:51] Techrights-sec Those that have not been afflicted with smartphones yet have a chance

[08:51] Techrights-sec if their parents can collectively find a way out of having to assign

[08:51] Techrights-sec a smartphone (and its associated skinner box-like "apps") to the next crop.

[08:51] Techrights-sec But they are small and growing fast all the while their parents are more

[08:51] Techrights-sec and more addicted to the hand-held skinner boxes themselves, and thoughtlessly

[08:51] Techrights-sec handing a small one a smartphone is currently considered an acceptable way

[08:51] Techrights-sec to pacify them. No wonder ADHD and other problems are enhanced these days.

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 in hindsight:

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 i was 19 when my aunt in FL bought me a Palm PDA

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 at first it helped me organised

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 then it started to control my life

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 at some stage I recognised it had downsides too

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 it has not controlled my life in a very long time

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 but this is not the same thing at all, except it's a handheld in the pocket

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 it's more like diary and todo, not FOMO and "likes"

[08:53] schestowitz-TR2 so I guess one is a lot more addictive and has little practical gain

[08:59] *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[08:59] *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

● Sep 10

[09:00] *liberty_box_ has quit (connection closed)

[09:10] *liberty_box (~liberty@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[09:10] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-vjf.peq.k31cok.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

[09:10] *rianne (~rianne@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[09:12] Techrights-sec ack

[09:12] Techrights-sec And the PDA was not actively, adaptively modifying your values, mores, ideas,

[09:12] Techrights-sec and emotions real-time. Remember that many (most?) teens are probably wasting

[09:12] Techrights-sec around five or six hours per day being programmed by those dis-services.

[09:12] Techrights-sec Subjectively time is experienced quite differently the younger you are and so

[09:12] Techrights-sec those hours in a teen are probably the behavioral equivalent to days or weeks

[09:12] Techrights-sec in an adult or older person.

[09:26] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[09:26] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[09:26] Techrights-sec ack

[09:34] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

[09:34] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@pmeqtjandsa9n.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

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[09:56] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

● Sep 10

[10:13] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[10:32] *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)

[10:33] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[10:51] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[10:52] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

● Sep 10

[11:00] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[11:05] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@u2ktffzf7g4uc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[11:10] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[11:11] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[11:34] schestowitz-TR2 "'Quiet Fleecing' of US Workers" https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/09/09/analysis-shows-quiet-fleecing-us-workers-not-quiet-quitting-real-problem | Source: Common Dreams

[11:34] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.commondreams.org | Analysis Shows 'Quiet Fleecing' of US WorkersNot 'Quiet Quitting'Is the Real Problem

[11:34] schestowitz-TR2 relevant to the blame-shifting that we spoke about

[11:34] schestowitz-TR2 reminds me of "great resignation;"

[11:34] Techrights-sec ack

[11:46] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[11:47] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[11:52] schestowitz-TR2 i spent (don't want to use the word "wasted") another half an hour

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 rectiofying something with rirc logs in gewmini://

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 at least some lessons learned

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 been a plot more productiuve (the day) since

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 many incidents today

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 inc. rianne having to reboot after kwin crashed (rare)

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 spoke to my dad, mostly agreeing about the state of the economy

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 told him rianne got 100%

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 they don't say, but she knew all the questions and was confident

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 it looks like we've done all the work at our end, now it's mostly waiting ahead

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 and so this morning rianne posted half a dozen pages in TM

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 let me know when you feel like the image uploader is read and/or can be added to the workflow

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 I've meanwhile decided to participate a bit less in irc so as to focus more on videos and articles

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 starting today it'll be more productive again

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 put some more urgent things behind, notable rianne's papers

[11:53] schestowitz-TR2 *notably

● Sep 10

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 ---

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 btw, there was two visits to the lawyer's office yesterday

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 solicitor, attorney,w hatever

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 there's a paralegal ana assiatent too

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 they're of HK origin, I think

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 the second visit was rianne only

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 as she needed to bring in some additional papers

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 power of attorney my passport etc. and I think we're done now

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 the rest can be done digitally

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 i told rianne they don't need to confirm she got 100% if she knew all the questions and the knowledge acquired ius valuable and relevant anyway

[12:06] schestowitz-TR2 she knows the british system and history far better than me now

[12:08] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[12:08] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[12:10] Techrights-sec ack

[12:10] Techrights-sec The image re-scaler is probably ok, but the aminated GIF problem raised some

[12:10] Techrights-sec questions. Will there be a lot of animated GIFs?

[12:10] Techrights-sec Nice once that is finally all settled.

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 animated gifs always seemed not to work right because the process is likely complex

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 de-assembling frame and then assembling new ones

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 I just messed around with it

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 in the more distant mast I hotlinked

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 last night I just wget the originals

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 and now came the resizer

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 and the risizing is what caused wrong output

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 before doing the real damage of crashing my machine

[12:10] schestowitz-TR2 of course I hurried to remove that from the page, too

[12:12] schestowitz-TR2 ---

[12:12] schestowitz-TR2 the paperwork is a onc-in-a-lifetime thing, not just a passport

[12:12] schestowitz-TR2 I'd not spend as much time ona visa or passport

[12:12] schestowitz-TR2 in fact, I'd rather avoid countries that require a visa because of ratio between pursuing visa and being there (time spent can be almost the same!)

[12:16] schestowitz-TR2 --

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 on to a less personal topic, so discussed the whole kids and news and economy thing, ...

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 my dad views kids as zombies now.

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 he mentioned "fotnight" (I read about it, never assessed if 'firsthand')

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 dad is not smart, but compensates for it with car

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 the demise of the news is felt, the weakening of kids, apparently there's also the angle of

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 making kids more feminise, lowering the chance of challenge from the lower class

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 *deminine/affiminate

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 *not sure about spelling, does not matter

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 passive workers and the false narrative is discussed in irc atm (or was discussed)

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 *compensates with cars, not car

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 he sees today's young kids glued to "smart" phones, which worries him and the parents

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 maybe younger parents cannot see what the issue is

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 *cars -> care

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 typo after typo

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 he's OK, but his insights are never very special

[12:18] schestowitz-TR2 his grandkids are unable to communicate properly

[12:22] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[12:29] Techrights-sec "Fortnight" is not a game but a social media event."

[12:29] Techrights-sec Many kids entering school / kindergarten do not have basic motor control

[12:29] Techrights-sec skills. Even many older kids, such as those entering pre-med at university.

[12:29] Techrights-sec old: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/26/future-tense.html

[12:29] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-boingboing.net | "Affordances": a new science fiction story that climbs the terrible technology adoption curve | Boing Boing

[12:29] *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)

[12:30] schestowitz "A new science fiction story about how technical restrictions start with powerless people before coming for us all."

[12:30] schestowitz spy metets, self-service...

[12:31] schestowitz-TR2 --a theme that keeps coming back, also to TR

[12:31] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[12:32] schestowitz-TR2 [11:58] The last people to admit it are bankers and government officials.

[12:32] schestowitz-TR2 [11:59] Workers notice that they can't find a job, but the media portrays it as "losers who don't want one".

[12:32] schestowitz-TR2 [11:59] "Great Resignation. Quiet Qutting.

[12:32] schestowitz-TR2 Microsoft-funded sites keep pushing this narrative; Linux typically has nothing to do with the malware, which gets put there some other way. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/09/new-linux-malware-combines-unusual-stealth-with-a-full-suite-of-capabilities/

[12:32] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-arstechnica.com | New Linux malware combines unusual stealth with a full suite of capabilities | Ars Technica

[12:35] Techrights-sec ack

[12:40] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[12:43] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[12:47] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[12:58] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[12:59] *starstreak has quit (connection closed)

● Sep 10

[13:19] schestowitz-TR2 Those systems need to be infected in the first place, and not the fault of "Linux" https://www.securityweek.com/new-shikitega-linux-malware-grabs-complete-control-infected-systems

[13:19] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-New 'Shikitega' Linux Malware Grabs Complete Control of Infected Systems | SecurityWeek.Com

[13:19] schestowitz-TR2 -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- New 'Shikitega' Linux Malware Grabs Complete Control of Infected Systems | SecurityWeek.Com

[13:19] schestowitz-TR2 "AT&T didn't say how the initial infection occurs" https://www.theregister.com/2022/09/10/in_brief_security/ better find out the actual cause of breach, and it's not likely to be Linux

[13:19] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.theregister.com | Shape-shifting cryptominer savaging Linux endpoints and IoT The Register

[13:20] schestowitz-TR2 thought about doing a video, but this covers a pattern we covered several times before

[13:20] schestowitz-TR2 if you can suggest a topic, it'll help

[13:20] schestowitz-TR2 net rating a bit outside my confort soze

[13:20] schestowitz-TR2 no firsthand experience

[13:20] schestowitz-TR2 *comfort zone

[13:37] Techrights-sec ack

[13:37] Techrights-sec Net neutrality is always under threat.

[13:37] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@5bnyh3kjti54w.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

● Sep 10

[14:04] Techrights-sec The question is which angle to discuss it from.

[14:05] schestowitz-TR2 never mind, i got some new epo material

[14:05] schestowitz-TR2 OTA

[14:05] schestowitz-TR2 (michael west site became useless unless you want to read AP/AAP with a different theme)

[14:07] Techrights-sec Yes, I check the Michael West site but it is just wire feed content.

[14:08] schestowitz-TR2 I still cull all the stuff matching "AAP"

[14:08] schestowitz-TR2 but even afetr that, linking to the site if it's an AP syndication/content farm

[14:08] schestowitz-TR2 basically send traffic to AP, not to Michael West

[14:08] schestowitz-TR2 in which case, it'll be like sending traffic to the spammers at geeks4geeks

[14:09] schestowitz-TR2 or to spamnil's spamfarm for that matter

[14:09] schestowitz-TR2 or various redmond sites

[14:09] Techrights-sec I'm considering stopping checking it at all.

[14:09] Techrights-sec He used to write very good material.

[14:10] schestowitz-TR2 the top of the site still says "Independent Journalists"

[14:10] schestowitz-TR2 but below that there's staff of AP

[14:10] schestowitz-TR2 if you don't play close attention

[14:10] schestowitz-TR2 so it's misportraying what's there now

[14:10] schestowitz-TR2 OTA

[14:10] schestowitz-TR2 for now I'll wait a bit and reserve judgement

[14:10] schestowitz-TR2 they might come around

[14:50] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[14:50] schestowitz "

[14:50] schestowitz ILOAT Judgment 4551 on mass emails - Waiting for execution

[14:50] schestowitz Dear colleagues,

[14:50] schestowitz As already explained in a letter of 29 July 2022, there is no legal or technical requirements preventing the EPO from granting authorisation to Staff Committees and their members to use the EPO mailing lists. In fact, granting authorisation is technically a matter of seconds for the EPO internal IT services (BIT) and could have been easily done already immediately after the Judgment was issued.

[14:50] schestowitz The EPO has not executed Judgment No. 4551 two months after the ruling of the Tribunal. In this open letter, the Central and the four Local Staff Committees demand the immediate execution of Judgment No. 4551 and no later than 30 September 2022.

[14:50] schestowitz The Central Staff Committee - CSC

[14:50] schestowitz "

[14:51] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

● Sep 10

[15:19] schestowitz-TR2 anger over epo corruption is building up again

[15:19] schestowitz-TR2 of course politicians don't life a finger

[15:19] schestowitz-TR2 8*lift

[15:42] Techrights-sec ack

[15:42] Techrights-sec What would it take, besides bribes, for EU representatives to begin to

[15:42] Techrights-sec examine the EPO disaster?

[15:53] schestowitz-TR2 darft

[15:53] schestowitz-TR2 it's hopeless

[15:53] schestowitz-TR2 expanding acronyms

● Sep 10

[16:08] Techrights-sec checking

[16:08] Techrights-sec Just be sure to expand acronyms once in the text itself, please.

[16:08] Techrights-sec thanks!

[16:26] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

● Sep 10

[17:13] schestowitz-TR2 mozilla is a fiasco

[17:13] schestowitz-TR2 dreaft

[17:13] Techrights-sec More details about the warning given by thunderbird would be interesting.

[17:13] Techrights-sec Notice that their links is to AWS and not to Mozilla.

[17:13] Techrights-sec More can be said about the embargo or lack thereof.

[17:24] schestowitz-TR2 thanks, I have amended it with more info

[17:24] schestowitz-TR2 I could say more, but am being a little lazy about it

[17:24] schestowitz-TR2 and being from SF, they had to add that genderphobic BS to the email

[17:24] schestowitz-TR2 like I don't know cherie is the name of a girl

[17:26] Techrights-sec thanks!

[17:26] Techrights-sec checking

[17:26] Techrights-sec thanks!

[17:26] Techrights-sec checking

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 I need more topics tbh, email is mostly spam

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 notice how often hause of saud bribes people for silence

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 like the families of victims

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 or whistleblowers

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 here, they buy the politicians

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 so the corrollary is,

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 if you do the crime, don't do the time

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 just pay the people who can hold you accountable

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 it works

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 football is all postponed

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 I told you it's taken VERY seriously here

[17:31] schestowitz-TR2 you can see many .uk sites going "dark"

[17:37] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[17:49] schestowitz-TR2 she is a relic from BE (empire's era)

[17:49] schestowitz-TR2 and her existence

[17:49] schestowitz-TR2 helps justified some people's sense of entitlement

[17:49] schestowitz-TR2 not just naked nationalism

[17:50] schestowitz-TR2 and she is not coming back

[17:50] schestowitz-TR2 her kids are already tarnished

[17:50] Techrights-sec Looking

[17:53] schestowitz-TR2 financial issues, inc. parents'

[17:53] schestowitz-TR2 that's likely a bigger factor

[17:53] schestowitz-TR2 set aside climate issues, hose price, job propsects

[17:53] schestowitz-TR2 *house

[17:53] Techrights-sec Mozilla won't remove or let you remove that Pocket crap.

[17:53] Techrights-sec Techdirt has some article on twitter politics

[17:53] Techrights-sec TechDirt has had its 25th anniversary, https://www.techdirt.com/2022/09/09/last-chance-to-join-us-for-the-techdirt-25th-anniversary-party/

[17:53] Techrights-sec congratulations on the /tech/ coverage

[17:53] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Last Chance To Join Us For The Techdirt 25th Anniversary Party! | Techdirt

[17:57] Techrights-sec One of Louis Rossmann's videos had direct mention of FOSS

[17:57] Techrights-sec recently.

[17:58] schestowitz-TR2 his fight has not been in the headlines for years

[17:58] schestowitz-TR2 he must adapt

● Sep 10

[18:00] Techrights-sec There is overlap between right to repair, doctrine of first sale, and

[18:00] Techrights-sec software freedom.

[18:00] schestowitz-TR2 I posted some of his latetss, from daily links, and also all the above-mentioned from techdirt

[18:00] schestowitz-TR2 I don't see the ads~spam from techdirt

[18:00] schestowitz-TR2 michael geist was active for a whole, then he disappears for ages

[18:00] schestowitz-TR2 no consistent momnetum

[18:03] Techrights-sec Not entirely, it is 1) gaining ground albeit unevenly and 2) raising awareness

[18:03] Techrights-sec of the /necessity/ of software freedom among an entirely new and different base

[18:03] Techrights-sec than traditional software developers and hardcore power users

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 the way I see it, the terms change, the trends are waves

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 like swpats

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 patent trolls

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 then other framings

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 the media chooses how to frame it for the masses

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 maybe now social control media too

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 and lobbying 'events'

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 so one must keep up

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 right to repair is seen as yesterday's battle

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 same for NN

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 and swpats

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 you can still write like FSF

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 but even FSF no longer writes like FSF

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 now it's "HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI"

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 same in OSI site

[18:03] schestowitz-TR2 HEY HI all the time

[18:04] Techrights-sec Social control media exisits for mass manipulation of public opinion and to

[18:04] Techrights-sec poison attitudes against specific positions. Softeware freedom is one.

[18:04] Techrights-sec The doctrine of first sale is another (right to repair). '

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 it changes how people speak and WHAT they speak about

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 hence, algospeak'

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 the thing to do, therefore, is ignore it altogether

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 flush it down

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 speak about the REAL issues

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 the social control media's REAL owners' goal is to distract from such issues

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 like they bury some biden scandals

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 and even admit it

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 that's also frames as a binary choice; 'bash' biden, that makes you pro-trump nazi

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 or "election denier"

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 (person who rejects proprietary abck-dooed voting 'PCs')

[18:06] schestowitz-TR2 that you can buy from ebay to reverse-engineer

[18:06] Techrights-sec Yes Newspeak.

[18:06] Techrights-sec https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/more-tech-support/201403/the-new-skinner-box-web-and-mobile-analytics

[18:06] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.psychologytoday.com | The New Skinner Box: Web and Mobile Analytics | Psychology Today

[18:08] schestowitz-TR2 take my words for it: they are a fad

[18:08] schestowitz-TR2 "smart" mobile "phones", social control media

[18:08] schestowitz-TR2 some games

[18:08] schestowitz-TR2 my dad is clueless about most tech, but he too can see endless harm

[18:08] schestowitz-TR2 hence he keeps some distance (and he worked his whole life selling electronics!)

[18:08] schestowitz-TR2 society will rebel against at least some of these things

[18:09] Techrights-sec The endless harm won't bring about an end to Facebook or its properties nor

[18:09] Techrights-sec to the smartphones, rather it is a factor in prolonging their painful existence

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 with narcotics

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 the addicted die younger, alarming the rest

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 those who become addicted to ewaste shit will perish and vanish

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 annd they don't have much pourchasingf power, either

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 the mistake we make is,

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 we sometimes think we can 'help' them

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 but they are addicts

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 and our 6 minutes of plaetings are beaten by 6 hours a day with fake 'friends'

[18:12] Techrights-sec cancel and troll

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 who are just used as pawns and avataar by mass manipulation companies that hire psychs to enhance the dependability

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 either way, if we stick to the issues, and if we foster young rebels, there's hope counter-momvements will grow

[18:12] schestowitz-TR2 then yuo have idiots on meds like mr. gulag trying to 'cancel' those who do pave the way

[18:14] schestowitz-TR2 those trolls have very limited shelf liefe

[18:14] schestowitz-TR2 they're discarded/.disploased by oligarchs who hold their strings

[18:14] schestowitz-TR2 becausee each round of trolling makes them enemies

[18:14] schestowitz-TR2 then they 'leave' kernel dev

[18:15] schestowitz-TR2 after like 10 years wasted, learning the APIs but pissing off all the colleagues

[18:15] schestowitz-TR2 not just gulag but also nnot-so-shapr

[18:15] schestowitz-TR2 who not build a a career in trollling at SFC

[18:15] schestowitz-TR2 *now builds

[18:15] Techrights-sec https://www.theregister.com/2022/09/09/mozilla_cso_ftc_surveillance/

[18:15] Techrights-sec https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/events/2022/09/commercial-surveillance-data-security-anpr-public-forum

[18:15] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.theregister.com | Mozilla wants FTC to fine Big Tech's surveillance giants The Register

[18:15] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.ftc.gov | Commercial Surveillance and Data Security Public Forum | Federal Trade Commission

[18:16] schestowitz https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/about/people/marshall-erwin

[18:16] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-cyberlaw.stanford.edu | Marshall Erwin | Center for Internet and Society

[18:16] schestowitz-TR2 checking where erwin came from..

[18:16] schestowitz-TR2 https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/about/people/marshall-erwin

[18:20] Techrights-sec "Marshall began his career in the intelligence community, where ..."

[18:20] Techrights-sec https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/about/people/marshall-erwin?qt-tabs_user_related=2#qt-tabs_user_related

[18:20] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-cyberlaw.stanford.edu | Marshall Erwin | Center for Internet and Society

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 Hitler started his career as a defence worker

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 (artillery)

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 sorry

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 the "defence COMMUNITY"

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 it does not say which agency he was in, but they mention Libya

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 he could just as well be a CIA hire for mozilla

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 like github hired from NSA to CSO of GitHub

[18:20] schestowitz-TR2 which would show how closely connected mozilla became to the State (capitalised)

[18:22] schestowitz-TR2 can you find out which "Company" is "intelligence community"

[18:22] schestowitz-TR2 there is ther joke

[18:22] schestowitz-TR2 that CIA is known as "the Company"

[18:22] schestowitz-TR2 also we need to be sure what year he was hired and whether there was another employer in between

[18:22] schestowitz-TR2 aka "cool-off" periods

[18:23] Techrights-sec https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/about/people/marshall-erwin?qt-tabs_user_related=2#qt-tabs_user_related

[18:23] Techrights-sec https://docs.house.gov/meetings/HA/HA00/20220216/114403/HHRG-117-HA00-Bio-ErwinM-20220216.pdf

[18:23] Techrights-sec The Company

[18:23] Techrights-sec "I spent roughly the first five years of my career in the CIAs ..."

[18:23] Techrights-sec https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/marshall-erwin-trust/

[18:23] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-blog.mozilla.org | Rapid Fire: Marshall Erwin talks trust and security at Mozilla and Firefox

[18:23] Techrights-sec "He joined the company six years ago..."

[18:23] Techrights-sec https://www.protocol.com/mozilla-employees

[18:23] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Ex-Mozilla employees lead the tech reform charge - Protocol

[18:26] schestowitz-TR2 the libya thing was not long beforehand

[18:26] Techrights-sec ack

[18:46] schestowitz-TR2 draft

[18:46] schestowitz-TR2 still working on it

[18:46] schestowitz-TR2 it'll be a good ref in the future

[18:46] schestowitz-TR2 notice they only added CIA later in an update to their post

[18:46] schestowitz-TR2 maybe it was intentionally timed

[18:46] schestowitz-TR2 to be missed

[18:46] Techrights-sec There's little/no content in the text part?

[18:46] Techrights-sec ack

[18:46] Techrights-sec s/trustowrthy/trustworthy/

[18:48] schestowitz-TR2 i think I will do a vieo about it, citing the images, then do text

[18:48] schestowitz-TR2 my question about where he came from

[18:48] schestowitz-TR2 was based on past patterns I noticed

[18:48] schestowitz-TR2 and then you wonder why those MFers aree pushing the CA artel down our throats

[18:48] schestowitz-TR2 for all I know, Moz is GAFAM and state

[18:48] schestowitz-TR2 not 'free' software

[18:48] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[18:49] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

[18:59] Techrights-sec ack

[18:59] Techrights-sec The CA model they uses facilitates MitM

[18:59] Techrights-sec especially with their antipathy towards self-vouched for certificates.

[18:59] Techrights-sec They are especially state, then after that Google specifically though

[18:59] Techrights-sec pandering to M$ a lot.

[18:59] Techrights-sec https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=22/09/08/0113234#1270987

[18:59] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-soylentnews.org | Honoring Peter Eckersley, Who Made the Internet a Safer Place for Everyone - SoylentNews

● Sep 10

[19:11] schestowitz-TR2 he was friends with Daniel P.

[19:11] schestowitz-TR2 If it was not cancer, you'd be able to make up or come up with theories

[19:11] schestowitz-TR2 anyway, his intentions were good at first

[19:11] schestowitz-TR2 in recent years we saw Gulag et al treating sites not controlled by THEM like they're a bunch of lepers

[19:11] schestowitz-TR2 "get me out of here!"

[19:11] schestowitz-TR2 failing that, zero rating ;-)

[19:11] schestowitz-TR2 I wonder but did not check which CA the FSF outsources services to

[19:29] schestowitz-TR2 making a meme

[19:29] schestowitz-TR2 hopefully not over the top

[19:29] schestowitz-TR2 humour never killed anyone

[19:29] Techrights-sec ack

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 many orgs are being defang

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 metaphorically getting their dicks removed

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 and projects, orgs, communities orphaned

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 RMS, EFF, Moz...

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 what's left is a relic without charisma or clue

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 I choose to think what happend to freenode too is a misfortunate turn of events

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 there is an NDA ending next year iirc

[19:32] schestowitz-TR2 phanes then has some stories to tell

[19:32] Techrights-sec ack

[19:32] Techrights-sec https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/sanford-and-son-star-redd-foxxs-death-sadly-imitated-his-sitcom-shtick.html/

[19:32] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.cheatsheet.com | 'Sanford and Son' Star Redd Foxx's Death Sadly Imitated His Sitcom Shtick

[19:32] Techrights-sec Hopefully those dumb enough to have signed the NDA will speak up then.

[19:34] schestowitz-TR2 andrew tried to hire me also

[19:34] schestowitz-TR2 and kaniini

[19:34] schestowitz-TR2 we turned that down

[19:36] Techrights-sec Thankfully so.

● Sep 10

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[20:34] Techrights-sec https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/posts/messaging-and-chat-control/

[20:34] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.patrick-breyer.de | Chat Control Patrick Breyer

[20:36] mjg59_ schestowitz-TR2: On meds?

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● Sep 10

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● Sep 10

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