●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, July 09, 2022 ●●
● Jul 09
[00:20] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[00:20] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Jul 09
[01:35] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@qq626xqcwn5t8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Jul 09
[02:18] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[02:18] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Jul 09
[04:51] schestowitz-TR BillBC: COVID-19 is Everywhere Now https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/07/09/covid-19-is-everywhere/
[04:51] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com Blog Archive BillBC: COVID-19 is Everywhere Now
[04:52] Techrights-sec apparently in most (all?) countries
[04:53] schestowitz-TR we still get sanitiser at all the shops here (and use it)
[04:53] schestowitz-TR just because everyone jumps or falls of the bridge does not mean you should too
[04:54] schestowitz-TR *off
[04:54] Techrights-sec few still wear masks or keep distance any more
[04:55] schestowitz-TR i did not look scary enough yesterday, so some people walked near
[04:55] schestowitz-TR I need a Hannibal mask
[04:55] Techrights-sec ack
[04:55] Techrights-sec I will think about the navigation part of the UI for the TM mockup
[04:56] schestowitz-TR at first it can be very simple and crude, then improved over time
[04:56] schestowitz-TR tuxmachines was a lot simpler when susan handed over to us
[04:57] Techrights-sec It's far easier to get the basics right in the early stages
[04:57] Techrights-sec retrofitting is inefficient, unpleasant, and disruptive
[04:57] schestowitz-TR hmm, true... esp. with static html files
[04:59] Techrights-sec Well, if the bodies and metadata are stored in a database the static part
[04:59] Techrights-sec can be re-generated at will
[04:59] Techrights-sec but that adds complexity.
[04:59] Techrights-sec It won't waste most of the current testing scripts though
● Jul 09
[05:01] schestowitz-TR "modernising" pages that mrely link to external sites is not as impoirtant as speed and uptime
[05:01] schestowitz-TR think technocrat or "hacker" "news"
[05:01] schestowitz-TR whioch was offline yesterday btw
[05:01] schestowitz-TR according to our irc channels (I did not check to verify)
[05:11] schestowitz-TR upsides: https
[05:11] schestowitz-TR better mobile (fluid design
[05:11] schestowitz-TR speed
[05:11] schestowitz-TR easier to maintain and back up
[05:11] schestowitz-TR less bloated (cheaper for kaniini)
[05:12] Techrights-sec ack
[05:12] Techrights-sec M$ is like a mix of scientology, amway, and herbalife business models
[05:12] Techrights-sec less bloated is good all the way around, esp kaniini
[05:13] schestowitz-TR tuxmachines does many sql queries per page servced and drupal caching isn't great, at least not in this version of it
[05:13] schestowitz-TR for people who read over rss that's OK
[05:13] schestowitz-TR but search engines can eaily cause load spikes
[05:15] Techrights-sec putting the body information and the metadata into an sql database would
[05:15] Techrights-sec not mean that the database is queried per http request, only once to generate
[05:15] Techrights-sec a new static page per page
[05:15] Techrights-sec so static pages would be generated -- once -- from SQL and then save to disk
[05:15] Techrights-sec and served as normal static pages w/CSS and such
[05:18] schestowitz-TR dbs are still fragile, hard to inspect in some cases, longer time to back up, and security overhead
[05:19] Techrights-sec yes they are
[05:19] Techrights-sec SQLite3 might be ok, it's not networked AFAIK
[05:19] Techrights-sec a lock file would be needed though to ensure no concurrent acccess, but
[05:19] Techrights-sec since the access would be needed /only/ when actually adding a post, that's not
[05:19] Techrights-sec so much of an issue
[05:20] schestowitz-TR I will take a nap soon
[05:20] schestowitz-TR the db is has been holding up OK for over a day without repairs
[05:20] schestowitz-TR buying us more time
[05:21] Techrights-sec I think I'm starting to lean towards trying SQLite3 a bit
[05:21] Techrights-sec ack
[05:21] Techrights-sec or a tied hash would work too, though that might not scale well and might
[05:21] Techrights-sec be more fragile. so never mind
[05:23] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[05:23] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[05:30] schestowitz-TR lol, need popcorn
[05:30] schestowitz-TR musk and twitter
[05:30] schestowitz-TR tons of free pblicity
[05:30] schestowitz-TR not a dime spent
[05:30] schestowitz-TR and now twitter ie xposed for the botfarm it is
[05:30] schestowitz-TR good
[05:30] schestowitz-TR btw, some shop here had popcorn on sale with 10p label on it
[05:30] schestowitz-TR but would not be available, I think the cashier kept it aside for himself
[05:30] schestowitz-TR or maybe a day past expiration
[05:32] Techrights-sec yes I hope that twitter collapses as a result of all this
[05:33] schestowitz-TR i hope so too
[05:33] schestowitz-TR the fraud got a ton of free pubblicity from this
[05:33] schestowitz-TR and harmed a company I never liked anyway
[05:33] schestowitz-TR notice the "news" now places emphasis on twitter being a botfarm
[05:33] schestowitz-TR which IS IS
[05:34] schestowitz-TR *IT IS
[05:34] schestowitz-TR I said it for ages
[05:36] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[05:45] schestowitz-TR oh, no automated links at all today
[05:45] schestowitz-TR something went wrong
[05:46] Techrights-sec ok checking
[05:46] Techrights-sec typo: missing a single char
[05:46] Techrights-sec rerunning
[05:46] Techrights-sec may take a few minutes
[05:46] Techrights-sec uploaded, check now
[05:47] schestowitz-TR thnaks,
[05:47] schestowitz-TR will refetch when done with this one, will then ignore completely the first sectiion, which I've just "finished"
[05:47] schestowitz-TR i think musk shaved off several years from twitter's life expenctancy
[05:47] schestowitz-TR maybe it'll get bought cheaply by some other survillance company with ambitions to manipulate
[05:51] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[05:58] schestowitz-TR scanning tuxmachines db...
[05:58] schestowitz-TR done, it was search-related only
[05:58] Techrights-sec too many public officals misuse twitter and feed it by using it for announcements instead of sticking to official channels. They only feed the disinformation
[05:58] Techrights-sec problem and reduce their own credibility by doing so.
● Jul 09
[06:00] schestowitz-TR many political actors built their "reputation" with "successful" tweet
[06:00] schestowitz-TR the most famous one was banned in January last year
[06:00] Techrights-sec ack
[06:00] Techrights-sec and twitter calls the shots, choosing winners and losers in the publicity game
● Jul 09
[07:40] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
● Jul 09
[10:00] Techrights-sec renamed the document root on the mockup in preparation for a second round
[10:00] Techrights-sec of experiments later today
[10:00] Techrights-sec
[10:11] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
[10:11] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[10:12] schestowitz-TR back from sleep
[10:12] schestowitz-TR yes, that would be good
[10:12] schestowitz-TR I noticed Bill's Pro Publica has not been active in recent years
[10:12] schestowitz-TR and wonder what's going on
● Jul 09
[11:10] schestowitz-TR Microsoft lobbyists infecting techdirt and others: "narrative over the past few years is that four companies Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Google have basically..." https://www.techdirt.com/2022/07/08/if-its-impossible-to-compete-with-google-how-come-new-search-engines-keep-launching/ | Source: Techdirt
[11:10] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-If Its Impossible To Compete With Google, How Come New Search Engines Keep Launching? | Techdirt
[11:28] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[11:28] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[11:35] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[11:35] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
● Jul 09
[12:37] schestowitz-TR oha
[12:37] schestowitz-TR new leaks (epo)
[12:37] schestowitz-TR microsoft squirming over our github series, got contact from lawyer, NOT threatening, more like hovsepian
[12:37] schestowitz-TR OTA
[12:54] *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)
● Jul 09
[13:44] schestowitz-TR just got more leaks re github
[13:44] schestowitz-TR added draft for first video
[13:44] schestowitz-TR will record sanother
[13:44] schestowitz-TR video
[13:44] schestowitz-TR OTA
● Jul 09
[14:09] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[14:37] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
[14:40] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[14:45] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
[14:46] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
[14:57] *Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Jul 09
[16:03] Techrights-sec the phoronix article about Lennart moving to M$ has no second source verifying
[16:03] Techrights-sec the rumor; also, as expected, the phoronix comments are a waste of space with
[16:03] Techrights-sec many M$ apologists and shills pumping out talking points and ad hominems
[16:03] Techrights-sec s/talking points/debunked talking points/
[16:03] schestowitz-TR wait
[16:03] schestowitz-TR the ones i saw
[16:03] schestowitz-TR when it was 14
[16:03] schestowitz-TR \weere ok
[16:03] schestowitz-TR wherre
[16:03] schestowitz-TR eating
[16:03] schestowitz-TR maybe infested lated
[16:03] schestowitz-TR 160+ comments whebn i scrolled later
[16:03] schestowitz-TR re github publication, i wa asked to delay puyblication
[16:03] schestowitz-TR but we have some good stuff coming
[16:03] schestowitz-TR i am now editing text for second epo video
[16:04] Techrights-sec yes they are much further down
[16:06] schestowitz-TR the comments are sorted or 'ranked' based on time
[16:06] schestowitz-TR so the PR brigade would have better luck in /.
[16:06] schestowitz-TR where you can game the order of appearance
[16:06] schestowitz-TR michael is underestimating the power of astroturfs
[16:06] schestowitz-TR and is bagging bribes
[16:06] schestowitz-TR he might niot even recognise them as such
[16:06] schestowitz-TR biab
[16:06] schestowitz-TR want to finish this draft
[16:06] schestowitz-TR then record third video re github proxy in gemini \0/
[16:06] schestowitz-TR at long last
[16:16] schestowitz-TR draft in place
[16:16] schestowitz-TR we have some good stories coming
[16:16] schestowitz-TR I've prodded kaniini by mentioning our progress
[16:39] Techrights-sec checking
[16:39] Techrights-sec can the text have some details as examples of the problems?
[16:39] Techrights-sec Do you think the post summaries (dc.description) can each be shoehorned into
[16:39] Techrights-sec less than 256 characters? Or will the field need to be longer?
[16:39] Techrights-sec 256 is the limit for varchar in sqlite3. The next size up would be a blob
[16:39] Techrights-sec ^for TuxMachines
[16:39] Techrights-sec aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[16:39] Techrights-sec aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[16:39] Techrights-sec that's 256 characters, just over three lines
[16:39] schestowitz-TR back
[16:39] schestowitz-TR at the moment drupal 6 is configured for titles to be non-unicode, non-html string about this long, unlike the body
[16:40] Techrights-sec the body is a different matter, I'm wondering about the description specifically
[16:40] Techrights-sec at the moment. The title and keywords will be shorter. I can do a quick run
[16:40] Techrights-sec through the Gemini titles and find an average size, I think,
[16:41] schestowitz-TR TR titles aren never very very long
[16:41] schestowitz-TR TM does not have summaries, just title and body
[16:41] schestowitz-TR for new stories
[16:41] Techrights-sec ok what about TM
[16:41] Techrights-sec ?
[16:41] Techrights-sec however, instead of title, what length should be reserved for the description?
[16:44] Techrights-sec should a description be arranged? What is the average size of the bodies?
[16:44] Techrights-sec https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_meta.asp
[16:44] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.w3schools.com | HTML meta tag
[16:45] Techrights-sec https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2731.txt
[16:45] Techrights-sec The RSS / Atom feed can be just the title IMHO, that keeps it simple
[16:45] Techrights-sec people can click on the link if they want more
[16:45] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.ietf.org | A Dirge
[16:46] schestowitz-TR maybe an abbreviated version of the body
[16:46] schestowitz-TR that's what wordpress does for rss at least
[16:46] schestowitz-TR if not full body rss feed
[16:46] schestowitz-TR yes, that's fine too as the site will be fast anyway
● Jul 09
[17:07] schestowitz-TR added 5 links to the post for context
[17:07] schestowitz-TR will record i n a few mins
[17:07] schestowitz-TR re gemini as proxy for shithub pages
[17:07] Techrights-sec thanks
● Jul 09
[18:00] schestowitz-TR i've searched searx without success
[18:00] schestowitz-TR on HR tricks
[18:00] schestowitz-TR I know how notorious HR is... from the EPO
[18:01] schestowitz-TR Regarding separation fees, I think I see a tactic of theirs
[18:01] schestowitz-TR but all I can see is fake 'articles' about social control media BS
[18:01] schestowitz-TR I guess this is what qualifies as "journalism" now
[18:01] schestowitz-TR if I managed to get dismissed, according to an online calculator, and if it's not discriminatory, I can receive
[18:01] schestowitz-TR 17,500 in compensation for the 11+ years
[18:01] schestowitz-TR it's more if discrimation can be proven
[18:01] schestowitz-TR the employe is aware, their HR people try to play tricks, which I've not fallen for
[18:01] schestowitz-TR so if you know some HR-fluent person, that can help me net a lot of money
[18:01] schestowitz-TR on my way out
[18:03] schestowitz-TR it says if after age 41, it's another 2k
[18:03] schestowitz-TR if discriminatory on minor basis, 600-6000 more
[18:04] Techrights-sec back
[18:04] Techrights-sec no one I can think of at the moment but watch out for various NDAs and
[18:04] Techrights-sec non-disparagement clauses and other muzzles as well as for non-competes
[18:04] Techrights-sec They throw everything in. If everything is on paper, in some jurisdictions
[18:04] Techrights-sec you can cross out the offending clauses, senteces, or paragraphs. In electronic
[18:04] Techrights-sec form you can try tricking them by getting the electronic copy, editing it, and
[18:04] Techrights-sec then signing the edited copy and see if they notice.
[18:04] Techrights-sec Severance bonus
[18:04] Techrights-sec too bad the union cannot help out in this case :/
[18:04] Techrights-sec maybe not too late to join though
[18:10] schestowitz-TR last year I had concerns that if I left, they'd punish rianne too
[18:10] schestowitz-TR but now she can stay while I take a hike
[18:10] schestowitz-TR after I had brought her in
[18:10] schestowitz-TR I can try to be evasive or absent
[18:10] schestowitz-TR to reduce chance of getting tricked
[18:10] schestowitz-TR and make records of everything
[18:10] schestowitz-TR UK-specific HR so-called 'consultants' would not be cheap
[18:10] schestowitz-TR seeing how much money is at stake, no wonder they contracted "HR" from the outside
[18:10] schestowitz-TR and they memorise what to say and how
[18:10] schestowitz-TR some law firms here could be 'trick' into giving free advice
[18:10] schestowitz-TR but none is needed at this point
[18:10] schestowitz-TR the goal is to bag what I'm entitled to and retire
[18:10] schestowitz-TR the pension ripens when I turn 55
[18:10] schestowitz-TR ok, recording re github now
[18:10] schestowitz-TR OTA
[18:10] Techrights-sec ack
[18:44] schestowitz-TR draft
[18:44] Techrights-sec checking
[18:44] Techrights-sec Nice to use a Gemini source. Might want to close with a paragraph about where
[18:44] Techrights-sec to get Gemini clients for GNU/Linux or *BSD
[18:50] schestowitz-TR sure, I'll add more after cofffe (video will take another 20 mins to process+upload)
[18:50] schestowitz-TR gemini is getting super-useful
[18:50] Techrights-sec also the SFLC or some such had a long article encouraging people to drop GitHub
[18:50] Techrights-sec already
[18:50] Techrights-sec I'm not sure if you wish to send them traffic, but if you do, that's the article
[18:50] Techrights-sec s/SFLC/SFC/
[18:50] Techrights-sec I get them mixed up
[18:50] Techrights-sec https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2022/jun/30/give-up-github-launch/
[18:50] Techrights-sec Regardless of past problems, their in-house decision to drop GitHub should be
[18:50] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-sfconservancy.org | Give Up GitHub: The Time Has Come! - Conservancy Blog - Software Freedom Conservancy
[18:50] Techrights-sec praised even if no traffic is pointed their direction.
[18:50] Techrights-sec https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=22/07/03/1449204
[18:50] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-soylentnews.org | Give Up GitHub: The Time Has Come! - SoylentNews
[18:53] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@mtucc7snyy5zw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
● Jul 09
[21:21] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
● Jul 09
[22:49] schestowitz "Social networks are not good for you. The Fediverse brought out the worst in me, and it can bring out the worst in you, too. The behaviors it encourages are plainly defined as harassment, a behavior which is not unique to any ideological condition."
[22:49] schestowitz http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/167034
[22:49] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.tuxmachines.org | The Fediverse can be pretty toxic | Tux Machines
● Jul 09
[23:12] schestowitz-TR Only 3% of COVID-19 Hospital Admission in England Are Under 18s, 0.02% of Deaths Are Toddlers https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/07/09/hospital-admission-stats/
[23:12] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com Blog Archive Only 3% of COVID-19 Hospital Admission in England Are Under 18s, 0.02% of Deaths Are Toddlers
[23:38] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
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