IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 22, 2022

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beginning of new day, May 22

00:04 *AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights

00:05 XRevan86; "*** "

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00:05 TR Bot; Telegram: Contact @romasuperromasuper

00:07 XRevan86; MinceR: Not too rude, is it?

00:07 MinceR;

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00:07 TR Bot; Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Finite

00:07 MinceR; who cares

00:07 TR News; Perl Weekly Challenge 165: Scalable Vector Graphics

=> ↺

00:07 MinceR; whoever is offended by that, let them be offended

00:07 TR Bot; Weekly Challenge 165: Scalable Vector Graphics | laurent_r []

00:08 XRevan86; Khui to War became a pretty big expression.

00:08 XRevan86; One 3 letter word replaced another.

00:09 XRevan86; In English that would be 4 letters in both cases: niet and khui.

00:09 XRevan86; in transliteration rather

00:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

00:17 *AdmFubar has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

00:18 *AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights

00:36 DaemonFC; schestowitz, Another big BIPA settlement.

00:36 DaemonFC; A vending machine company in Illinois was taking people's fingerprints when they ordered sandwiches, snacks, and drinks out of it.

00:36 DaemonFC; So they owe me $600 because I purchased a sandwich from one of their machines.

00:37 XRevan86; Also Finland having a long-term contract with Gazprom makes me think that the only real reason why they rejected the silly ruble demand that has no bearing on reality is that it forces Gazprom to violate and terminate the contract.

00:38 XRevan86; Which is a clean exit for Finland from the contract that would've otherwise haunted them for 9 years.

00:39 DaemonFC; You could say the gas deal blew up on Putin.

00:39 DaemonFC; Most of the people he's trying to "negotiate" like this don't really need the stuff that badly.

00:39 XRevan86; Putin made a statement and with that single statement worsened the situation for Russia.

00:40 DaemonFC; Well yeah, because now Finland isn't going to buy any Russian gas which hurts the Russian economy.

00:40 activelow; XRevan86: i think there is a misunderstanding

00:40 XRevan86; activelow: By you? :)

00:40 DaemonFC; After Ukraine throws them out, it will probably join NATO.

00:40 activelow; which is, the supposed gas supply shortage is not caused by Putin

00:41 activelow; instead, within "EU" various political actors aggressively agitate "climate change" etc...

00:41 DaemonFC; Had Russia bargained to withdraw immediately in exchange for neutrality from Ukraine, they could have gotten that, months ago.

00:41 DaemonFC; At this point about half the equipment Russia sent in with the invasion is destroyed or captured.

00:41 XRevan86; activelow: The situation is actually very single, I don't get what ye don't understand here.

00:41 XRevan86; * very simple

00:41 activelow; for various reasons, including excess taxation cash grabbing, while Gazprom supplied gas at 20Euro/MWh... i spare you the details, what the surplus margin is within "EU"

00:41 DaemonFC; The US sent "defensive weaponry", but the thing is our stuff works.

00:42 activelow; now, various political lunatics, in "EU", not russia, struggle with their bullshit propaganda

00:42 XRevan86; activelow: Ye previously said that there are no long-term contracts, and that's bad for Europe.

00:43 activelow; because, energy prices exploded, regarldes of any "war" wherever, the energy prices in EU are not realted to this

00:43 XRevan86; Meanwhile, there is a literal long-term contract, that exists, and which Gazprom violates and terminates, because Mr. Putin said a stupid thing.

00:43 activelow; now, "EU" propaganda apparatschiks intend to deflect and blame Putin

00:43 activelow; XRevan86: "sanctions", which were pushed by "EU"

00:44 XRevan86; activelow: Finland is not doing it because of the sanctions.

00:44 activelow; if Gazprom doesn't receive orders nor payment, then gas supplies vanish

00:44 DaemonFC; If Germany hadn't set out to shut down their nuclear power plants, you wouldn't be in this horrible quagmire involving Russian gas.

00:44 activelow; furthermore Putin clearly stated there isn't any conflict between Sweden/Finland and Russia

00:45 XRevan86; activelow: Let me tell you again: the old payment scheme and the new payment scheme are close enough that EU doesn't even consider the change as a violation of sanctions.

00:45 activelow; Putin expressed concern only about this: NATO weaponry at the borders of the russian federation

00:45 DaemonFC; The unified German government decided to turn off nuclear power plants that worked, and would still work today.

00:45 DaemonFC; Claiming that they were "unsafe" and then they started buying Putin's blood gas instead.

00:45 XRevan86; activelow: The ruble mess is nominal. Understand?

00:45 activelow; XRevan86: tbh. not really, i do not understand yet what the rublefication means

00:46 DaemonFC; Putin hasn't stabilized the value of the Ruble, he's just instituted policies that return the appearance of normality even though the economy is ruined.

00:46 XRevan86; activelow: Do I have to explain what they did again?

00:46 activelow; i only noticed, in the local grocery store, excess inflation, prices for bread +30%, although reports were germany produced all wheat it requires and doesn't depend on imports

00:46 activelow; which, again, i do not believe was related to Putin or Gazprom

00:47 activelow; it is a cash grabbing scam again by "EU" or "german" government

00:47 XRevan86; activelow: So after Putin made that demand, Gazprom realised that they have to conform but also keep the clients, so they proposed a new scheme: the clients pay in Gazprombank in whatever currency, then they internally convert it to rubles and that is considered the payment.

00:47 XRevan86; activelow: Trust me, this is what happened.

00:48 DaemonFC; You can make a currency worth almost anything you want, per unit.

00:48 DaemonFC; China and Japan have been maintaining Dollar pegs for years by buying US Treasury Bonds.

00:48 XRevan86; activelow: Most EU countries accepted the terms because who even cares.

00:48 XRevan86; activelow: But some, like Finland, considered it's not worth it, and declined.

00:48 DaemonFC; China can give that up, but they would ruin their biggest customer and create lots of unemployed angry people in China.

00:49 XRevan86; activelow: What this means is that de-facto Finland terminates the long-term contract, but de-jure Gazprom terminates it.

00:49 XRevan86; So Gazprom is culpable here.

00:49 XRevan86; and it is Putin and Gazprom who gave that exit for Finland, which additionally makes them culpable.

00:50 XRevan86; * to Finland

00:50 activelow; i do not think it is Gazprom or Putin at fault, it is the EU propaganda bullshit

00:50 XRevan86; In what world is that not a very self-harming thing to do?

00:50 XRevan86; This is not propaganda, this is literally events.

00:51 XRevan86; Things that happened.

00:52 activelow; you see, those EU propaganda prostitutes in politics and tv... to safe the climate and social ecological justice and this and that... this justified excess looting and plundering, within EU, this is unrelated to russia and gazprom

00:52 activelow; the problem within EU, is the financial and economic disparaties, corruption, mis-management

00:53 XRevan86; I said things that are very much related to Russia and Gazprom.

00:53 activelow; energy price explosion was extreme within "EU", long before the "war", without any impact on "climate" or "justice" blah

00:54 activelow; now they seek an excuse, why this excess taxation cash grabbing didn't have the desired effect on "climate change"... evil dictator Putin they say now

00:54 XRevan86; I prefer things that are concrete.

00:54 XRevan86; There is simple cause and effect here, very clearly visible.

00:55 XRevan86; If that doesn't fit into your broad scheme, then maybe it has a poor connection to reality or none at all.

00:55 activelow; furthermore, EU cheated Russia/Gazprom, by devaluating Euro currency

00:56 activelow; "EU" propaganda now argues, the recent inflation was caused by Putin... which is ridiculous propaganda

00:56 activelow; because, the last data i read about was Gas for 20Euro/MWh

00:56 XRevan86; In what fscking world is that true? Relative to ruble both USD and euro cheapen right now with such a degree individual fluctuations are not even noticeable.

00:58 MinceR;

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00:58 TR Bot; Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Grind

00:58 XRevan86; It's also probably the first time most economists see strengthening of a currency has a bad thing.

00:58 MinceR; presumably in the dream world of russian state media

00:58 MinceR; in which the date is no later than 2022-feb-27

00:58 XRevan86; It is actually strengthening, but there is a nuance, several actually.

00:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 21.15 k/sec., IPFS upstream 28.43 average k/sec., average swarm size 429.05

00:59 XRevan86; MinceR: One catch is that Russian economical isolation made currency conversion significantly less prevalent.

1 AM, May 22

01:00 XRevan86; Another catch is that exporters from Russia are obligated to sell 80% of their foreign currency profits, i.e. buy rubles.

01:01 XRevan86; And it seems that because they have to do it, and expect losses, they are inclined to buy rubles at a loss.

01:01 XRevan86; And that in turn makes the ruble more expensive.

01:02 XRevan86; And then there are restrictions for who can even buy USD and euros in Russia.

01:02 XRevan86; All that combined makes the ruble rapidly gain cost.

01:02 XRevan86; I'm curious how far it'll go.

01:03 activelow; what exactly would Russia import with Euros or USD? and too the chinese did rublefy their trade with russia

01:03 activelow; XRevan86: is there anything you couldn't by with Rubles?

01:05 MinceR; anything that isn't produced in terrorussia

01:06 MinceR; or at least not produced or sold

01:06 MinceR; a Big Mac, for example :>

01:09 XRevan86; activelow: Show me anything that China buys from / sells to Russia for rubles.

01:10 XRevan86; "what exactly would Russia import with Euros or USD?" <- everything

01:11 schestowitz_TR2; even from chiona?

01:11 XRevan86; With USD, yes.

01:11 schestowitz_TR2; i once read they use yuan more and more over time

01:11 schestowitz_TR2; maybe I misunderstood

01:11 schestowitz_TR2; i think they trade with china n their own currencies

01:11 schestowitz_TR2; be sure to double-check this

01:12 schestowitz_TR2; and, if true, it's pretty significsnt

01:12 schestowitz_TR2; because china gdp is about on par with eu zone and us

01:12 schestowitz_TR2; russia was about the same as spain or south korea

01:12 schestowitz_TR2; a bit smaller, maybe more so now with sanctions

01:13 schestowitz_TR2; XRevan86: did you consider seeking asylum in baltic states?

01:13 XRevan86; schestowitz: I don't know about in general, but Russia and the PRC exchange in USD.

01:13 schestowitz;

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01:13 TR Bot; ChinaRussia relations - Wikipedia

01:14 schestowitz; you ca search russia china yuan

01:14 schestowitz; I try NOT to use search [sic] engines

01:14 schestowitz; and will insted pursue references

01:14 schestowitz; "To facilitate financial transactions in the regions, China and Russia will conduct a currency swap. Central banks, with whom China has signed currency swaps, are able to issue loans to their banks in yuan. A currency swap agreement was signed with Russia in the amount of 150 billion yuan ($25 billion). "

01:14 schestowitz; "Currency swaps will make the ruble and the yuan more stable, which in turn will have a positive impact on the stability of the global financial system. Additionally, the expansion of currency trading may facilitate investment processes. By investing in an economy that is now facing certain problems due to the fall of the ruble and oil prices, China is carrying out soft expansion and supports one of its main partners"

01:15 schestowitz; "China and Russia have long advocated reducing the role of the dollar in international trade, and both aim to create conditions for the development of bilateral trade and mutual investment."

01:15 schestowitz; "The rate of de-dollarization chosen by the countries is due to the rapid growth of the RMB's share in international payments and settlements (Oct. 2013. 0.84%, Dec. 2014. 2.17%, Feb. 2015. 1.81%)."

01:15 schestowitz; reference

01:15 schestowitz;

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01:15 TR Bot; Yuan Falls to Seven-Month Low - WSJ

01:16 XRevan86; schestowitz: If that had any effect, I'm not seeing it.

01:16 schestowitz_TR2; if it will change soon, it'll change against USD

01:16 schestowitz_TR2; as china too feels besieged by US

01:17 schestowitz_TR2; and some say it fakes shotrages to cause "supply chain" crisis

01:17 schestowitz_TR2; for US and EU

01:17 XRevan86; schestowitz: Possible, but I think Russia backstage might not want this.

01:17 schestowitz_TR2; and if so, it's WORKING

01:17 schestowitz_TR2; lockdowns resulted in missing components

01:17 schestowitz_TR2; and whole products

01:17 schestowitz_TR2; XFaCE: Russia is screwed

01:17 schestowitz_TR2; but so is US and maybe EU

01:17 XRevan86; schestowitz: Despite what activelow thinks, Russia really wants dollars and euros that are accessible.

01:18 schestowitz_TR2; EU does not even a debt as severee

01:18 schestowitz_TR2; except maybe Greece and some other debt-saddled nations

01:18 XRevan86; So if it can get some hands on physical dollars and euros, it would.

01:18 schestowitz_TR2; China will emerge stronger from this war

01:18 schestowitz_TR2; Two world wars doomed Europe

01:18 schestowitz_TR2; then, USA emerged as a superpower for many years

01:18 XRevan86; Respectively, I doubt China wants rubles.

01:18 schestowitz_TR2; USSR fell first

01:18 schestowitz_TR2; in the 1990s

01:19 schestowitz_TR2; USSA is falling since around 2000

01:19 schestowitz_TR2; 1990s was a good period of tikme for USians

01:19 XRevan86; schestowitz: So it depends on whether they're ready to sacrifice their immediate needs for the cause.

01:19 schestowitz_TR2; good job propsects and international image

01:19 XRevan86; To take the fall for de-dollarisation.

01:19 schestowitz_TR2; dollars is already waning

01:19 schestowitz_TR2; theyh ruined nations to protect "petrodollar"

01:19 XRevan86; schestowitz: Definitely not compared to ruble.

01:20 schestowitz_TR2; KSA is already exploring yuan exchanges

01:20 schestowitz_TR2; instead of USD

01:20 schestowitz_TR2; ruble is f*ed

01:20 schestowitz_TR2; Russia collapsed when Putin still had hair

01:20 schestowitz_TR2; now it's just throwing tanks at it

01:20 schestowitz_TR2; next, maybe nukes

01:21 XRevan86; schestowitz: Maybe Russia'll figure the currency from the gas contracts is enough and will indeed switch exchanges with China to yuans.

01:21 schestowitz_TR2; XRevan86: not sure if you know this

01:21 schestowitz_TR2; we are huiring

01:21 TR News; Gemini is the Direction the Paginated Internet Should Have Taken (Not Bloated Web With JavaScript and DRM) | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

01:22 XRevan86; But ruble that's hard to believe.

01:22 TR Bot; Gemini is the Direction the Paginated Internet Should Have Taken (Not Bloated Web With JavaScript and DRM) | Techrights

01:22 schestowitz_TR2; Russia is hurting

01:22 schestowitz_TR2; but it hurts us too

01:22 schestowitz_TR2; inflation, energy a big component of this

01:22 schestowitz_TR2; thankfully I stopped driving

01:22 XRevan86; schestowitz: I know.

01:22 schestowitz_TR2; so people everywhere suffer

01:22 schestowitz_TR2; in africa there are serious food shortages

01:22 XRevan86; Russia also keeps grain in Ukraine hostage.

01:22 XRevan86; yea

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; china is making popcorn

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; it's affected a lot less by this

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; afaik, it can still import from Russia

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; just don't boast about it

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; and US needs china more than china needs US

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; because the US companies are in fact chinese companies

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; they workers are Chinese

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; in weatshops

01:23 schestowitz_TR2; china has got them by the balls

01:24 XRevan86; schestowitz: Honestly, the dependency is mutual.

01:24 schestowitz_TR2; yes, but

01:25 schestowitz_TR2; the impact is different

01:25 schestowitz_TR2; self-sufficiency

01:25 XRevan86; No one wants any impact.

01:25 schestowitz_TR2; and now china can get even moare energy and crops from Ukrussia

01:25 XRevan86; except Russia

01:25 schestowitz_TR2; Putin doesn't care about Russia

01:26 schestowitz_TR2; I don't think he ever truly care

01:26 schestowitz_TR2; it's his ego

01:26 schestowitz_TR2; |*cared

01:26 XRevan86; Maybe he cares, but his image of Russia has little resemblance of the real thing.

01:26 schestowitz_TR2; Trump didn't want to let go either

01:26 schestowitz_TR2; made false claims about the election

01:26 schestowitz_TR2; and then tried to rile up for a riot against the government

01:27 schestowitz_TR2; if he cared, he would step aside and let people elect someone else

01:28 XRevan86; When a person considers oneself a savior, they would do that.

01:30 TR News; 1. Delete Windows. 2) Install something better. There, 2 steps, not 20.

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01:30 TR Bot; 20 Things to Try When Your Mouse Keeps Freezing in Windows - Make Tech Easier

01:31 TR News; The Financial Squeeze Is Affecting the Photography Industry: Seven Ways to Protect Your Pocket Tux Machines Ubuntu GNU/Linux suggested

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01:31 TR Bot; The Financial Squeeze Is Affecting the Photography Industry: Seven Ways to Protect Your Pocket | Tux Machines

01:32 TR News; An update on Gemini and why you might wish to explore it (if you arent using it already)


01:32 TR Bot; Gemini is the Direction the Paginated Internet Should Have Taken (Not Bloated Web With JavaScript and DRM) | Techrights

01:33 DaemonFC; <schestowitz_TR2> because china gdp is about on par with eu zone and us

01:33 TR News; 10 years ago before Android became rather evil (listening device and worse)


01:33 TR Bot; Techrights to Embrace Android | Techrights

01:33 DaemonFC; With well over a billion people, so it doesn't really compare.

01:33 schestowitz_TR2; doesn't mattr

01:33 DaemonFC; China is like someone forgot and left the copying machine going until it ran out of paper.

01:34 DaemonFC; As far as population.

01:34 schestowitz_TR2; eIU did not say china was prosperous

01:34 schestowitz_TR2; but it has the largest military

01:34 DaemonFC; So they're going to have a lot of money, but still be poor.

01:34 schestowitz_TR2; as measured by militarymen

01:34 DaemonFC; It does, but big militaries don't win wars.

01:35 schestowitz_TR2; It's possible that china+russia have a lot more nukes than eu+usa

01:35 DaemonFC; The Russian military is pretty big, but it's also incredibly backwards and corrupt.

01:35 schestowitz_TR2; but it's hard to count

01:35 DaemonFC; They sent a lot of obsolete and broken down equipment into Ukraine, and look where it got them.

01:35 schestowitz_TR2; because many were dismandled, are outdated, and size variess

01:36 DaemonFC; I mean, the Russians can't even manage things like tires, right?

01:36 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

01:36 DaemonFC; They roll into Ukraine and have a bunch of blowouts because of dry rotten tires that nobody changed out.

01:36 schestowitz;

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01:36 TR Bot; Germany and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia

01:36 schestowitz;

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01:36 TR Bot; Suitcase nuclear device - Wikipedia

01:36 DaemonFC; Where did the money go? Producing more and more equipment while the stuff they had sat there and aged badly.

01:37 DaemonFC; It's pretty bad for you when you lose a half a million dollar machine because of a tire, isn't it?

01:37 schestowitz; "ts explosive yield was extremely small for a nuclear weapon."

01:37 DaemonFC; Small for a nuclear weapon.......

01:37 DaemonFC; That's something you don't hear much.

01:37 schestowitz; "The existence and whereabouts of Soviet suitcase nuclear bombs became an increasing subject of debate following the disarray that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union"

01:37 DaemonFC; The US had the Davy Crockett.

01:38 schestowitz;

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01:38 TR Bot; Weapon of mass destruction - Wikipedia

01:38 DaemonFC; schestowitz, "Loose nukes".

01:38 DaemonFC; Yeah, the Russians are broke and incompetent, and always have been.

01:38 DaemonFC; And in the ten years of chaos, they had a lot of corruption in the military, selling things to terrorists and stuff.

01:38 DaemonFC; What would you do if the government wasn't paying you and your family still needs food?

01:39 schestowitz;

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01:39 TR Bot; Russia and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia

01:39 schestowitz; "Current stockpile5,976 total"

01:39 schestowitz; at one point USSR had far more nukes than the US

01:39 schestowitz; maybe 2-3 times more

01:40 schestowitz; maybe in the 70s

01:40 DaemonFC; If I was a Russian Army Colonel or something and the government was in the middle of a financial collapse and my children were not eating.....

01:40 DaemonFC; I can't say I'd do any differently, to be perfectly honest.

01:40 DaemonFC; at one point USSR had far more nukes than the US

01:40 schestowitz; "|The only country to have used a nuclear weapon in war is the United States, which dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II."

01:40 schestowitz; USA number one

01:40 schestowitz; first

01:40 schestowitz; and second

01:40 schestowitz; gold and silver

01:40 schestowitz; who will take bronze?

01:41 DaemonFC; The US still has quite a few, but not even 6% of the count we had at our peak.

01:41 DaemonFC; We obviously do need some.

01:41 DaemonFC; It's a threat that if we go down we're taking the invaders with us one way or the other. Ukraine gave up their nukes and ask them how that turned out.

01:42 schestowitz;

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01:42 TR Bot; History of biological warfare - Wikipedia

01:42 schestowitz; "Biologicals were extensively used in many parts of Africa from the sixteenth century AD, most of the time in the form of poisoned arrows, or powder spread on the war front as well as poisoning of horses and water supply of the enemy forces"

01:42 DaemonFC; War is nasty business.

01:42 schestowitz; ukraine having no nukes has nothing to do with iut

01:42 schestowitz; iirc, belarus had nuked too

01:42 schestowitz; what would ukraine do?

01:42 DaemonFC; Logically, there shouldn't be war.

01:42 schestowitz; nuke russia?

01:42 schestowitz; then what?

01:42 DaemonFC; It usually ends up as a disaster for everyone, even the people who started it.

01:43 schestowitz; poland and turkey haver nato nukes

01:43 DaemonFC; It's a way to tell them to back off or else.

01:43 DaemonFC; Which is all they seem to understand.

01:43 schestowitz;

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01:43 schestowitz; "A month later, Colonel Henry Bouquet, who was leading a relief attempt towards Fort Pitt, wrote to his superior Sir Jeffery Amherst to discuss the possibility of using smallpox-infested blankets to spread smallpox amongst Natives."

01:43 schestowitz; "Many Aboriginal Australians have claimed that smallpox outbreaks in Australia were a deliberate result of European colonisation,[32] though this possibility has only been raised by historians from the 1980s onwards, when Dr. Noel Butlin suggested "there are some possibilities that... disease could have been used deliberately as an exterminating agent."[33]"

01:43 DaemonFC; Has Russia or China invaded any state known to possess nuclear weapons?

01:44 DaemonFC; Obviously, they haven't been willing to so far.

01:44 schestowitz; "Prior to the publication of Warren's article (2013), a professor of physiology John Carmody argued that the epidemic was an outbreak of chickenpox which took a drastic toll on an Aboriginal population without immunological resistance"

01:44 schestowitz; Now they harp about monkey Firepox

01:44 schestowitz; let's see if the page mentions covid-19

01:45 DaemonFC; COVID-19 was such a shitshow, because the government ruined the economy and then everything that would have happened anyway just played out a little slower.

01:45 DaemonFC; On top of the financial devastation.

01:45 schestowitz; not even one mention of corona or covid

01:45 schestowitz; not even as a remote possibility

01:45 MinceR; 22 023640 < DaemonFC> Where did the money go? Producing more and more equipment while the stuff they had sat there and aged badly.

01:45 MinceR; into yachts around Cyprus

01:46 MinceR; 22 024231 <~schestowitz> ukraine having no nukes has nothing to do with iut

01:46 schestowitz; and malta

01:46 DaemonFC; I'll give XRevan86 some free advice.

01:46 MinceR; it has plenty to do with it

01:46 XRevan86; yay, advice for free

01:46 DaemonFC; If you're in the forest around Chernobyl, don't dig.

01:46 DaemonFC; ;)

01:46 MinceR; Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons in the Budapest Memorandum

01:46 schestowitz; from "dfc"

01:46 MinceR; in exchange, terrorussia gave up their territorial claims against Ukraine

01:46 MinceR; you can see how that turned out.

01:46 *bnchs has quit (Quit: Disappearing)

01:47 XRevan86; DaemonFC: That felt condescending.

01:47 DaemonFC; I mean, how the fuck is your military that stupid?

01:47 XRevan86; DaemonFC: Rigid hierarchy, outdated maps.

01:47 DaemonFC; Like, you're the reason it happened and nobody knows what's in the dirt surrounding the facility?

01:47 schestowitz; orbanistian welcomes ukraine back into ussr

01:47 XRevan86; corruption, et al.

01:48 DaemonFC; Bad maps!?

01:48 XRevan86; DaemonFC: Russia is a country of imaginary castles.

01:48 DaemonFC; They took over the facility. I assume they can read "CHERNOBYL".

01:48 schestowitz; not in English

01:49 DaemonFC; Well, you know....

01:49 schestowitz; they read "playmobyl"

01:49 XRevan86; DaemonFC: They thought short exposure would be fine. And then they entered the Orange Forest and that place is special.

01:49 schestowitz; and started playing with dust

01:49 XRevan86; * Red Forest

01:50 schestowitz; michael larabel went inside chernobyl

01:50 schestowitz; took photos and stuff

01:50 schestowitz; went into the facility itelf

01:50 schestowitz; no hazmat suit or anything

01:50 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

01:50 schestowitz; I gave him Darwindows Award

01:51 DaemonFC; "Hey Pavel? "Da!" "It says Chernobyl. I think maybe something happened here but I can't quite put finger on it! Ah hell, let's dig a trench!"

01:51 schestowitz;

=> ↺

01:51 TR Bot; Chernobyl. Helicopter crashes. - Invidious

01:52 DaemonFC; DaemonFC: They thought short exposure would be fine. And then they entered the Orange Forest and that place is special.

01:52 DaemonFC; Short exposure to something that fries the dosimeter (which I'm guessing they don't have because Russians) is fine.

01:52 schestowitz; Movie

=> ↺

01:52 TR Bot; Chernobyl (2019) Nuclear Reactor Explosion Scene - Invidious

01:52 MinceR; they saw "" (Chornobyl) and had no idea it had anything to do with what they call "" (Chernobyl) :>

01:53 XRevan86; DaemonFC:

=> ↺

01:53 TR Bot; Telegram: Contact @MaksymZhorin

01:54 XRevan86; > Many are surprised that the Russians dug trenches in the Red Forest and were not afraid of radiation exposure. As it turned out, no wonder - Putin's "liberators" were given field maps created in 1985. At that time, there was simply no accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

01:54 MinceR; :)

01:55 XRevan86; Source: ex-commander of the Azov battalion.

01:56 XRevan86; A photograph of the map is attached. If this is an elaborate joke, it's already telling that I believe it.

01:58 XRevan86; DaemonFC: "Short exposure to something that fries the dosimeter (which I'm guessing they don't have because Russians) is fine." <- The power plant has personnel and is a tourist attraction.

01:58 DaemonFC; DaemonFC: "Short exposure to something that fries the dosimeter (which I'm guessing they don't have because Russians) is fine." <- The power plant has personnel and is a tourist attraction.

01:58 DaemonFC; The personnel are required to wear dosimeters and leave if they get too much radiation exposure.

01:58 chicksahoy; facebook makes it really hard to delete old posts, i had to use software to automate my mouse and keyboard, running inside a vm

01:59 XRevan86; My point is that in principle that operation could've been done more or less safely.

01:59 DaemonFC; The tourists don't stay long enough or go to see anything that is irradiated enough to suffer any long term effects.

01:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 21.73 k/sec., IPFS upstream 30.26 average k/sec., average swarm size 371.53

01:59 DaemonFC; My point is that in principle that operation could've been done more or less safely.

01:59 DaemonFC; Except that your government doesn't have any field maps that are a little newer than nearly 40 years ago?

01:59 DaemonFC; You do have spy satellites, right?

2 AM, May 22

02:00 XRevan86; DaemonFC: There is GLONASS

02:00 DaemonFC; The person issuing the field maps could have updated them to reflect that it is a disaster area?

02:01 XRevan86; DaemonFC: Like I said, the Russian army eroded under glorious Putin's system, and is not fit for war.

02:01 XRevan86; In Putin's head it looks a tiny bit in the exact opposite way.

02:02 DaemonFC; DaemonFC: There is GLONASS

02:02 DaemonFC; Right, the shittier Russian version of GPS.

02:02 DaemonFC; Not as accurate. They also have had trouble maintaining the coverage of the network.

02:03 XRevan86; And they use components that are no longer accessible, so no new GLONASS for Russia.

02:03 DaemonFC; LOL

02:03 DaemonFC; So the system will degrade even more the longer that goes on.

02:03 XRevan86; Unless they figure something out fast.

02:04 DaemonFC; Other than launching more satellites or moving the ones you have to different positions to expand the field of coverage at the price of reducing the accuracy even more.

02:04 XRevan86; Russia does have actual surveillance satellites, but I know jack shit about them.

02:04 DaemonFC; The second part would only work for as long as you can maintain at least some minimal number of satellites in the system.

02:05 DaemonFC; It'll be interesting when those start failing too.

02:05 chicksahoy; gmail is pissing me off, i finally got xoauth2 working with alpine email and every time I open it i'm forced to "reauthorize" in my browser

02:05 DaemonFC; Not only due to lack of components, but because Roscosmos depended heavily on income from foreign launch contracts.

02:06 chicksahoy; i might just change email providers

02:10 XRevan86; DaemonFC: But at least Roscosmos doesn't have a head who's a Nazi.

02:10 XRevan86;

=> ↺

02:16 *collaborative (~9ff2ea7c@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

02:26 *collaborative has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

02:26 *program (~0fec905a@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

02:27 chicksahoy; im watching the mouse and keyboard inside a vm delete my old facebook posts

02:28 chicksahoy; im a facebook junkie, omg

02:30 *program has quit (Quit: Connection closed)

02:31 chicksahoy; using a program called "atbswp"

02:32 *bleeding-edge (~2578cb46@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

02:36 *bleeding-edge has quit (Quit: Connection closed)

02:38 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

02:38 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 21, 2022

02:39 TR News; Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

02:39 TR Bot; IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 21, 2022

02:40 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

02:40 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 21, 2022

02:40 DaemonFC; schestowitz, I came across a crazy figure today.

02:40 DaemonFC; To learn to cut hair, a person can expect to rack up $20,000 in student loan debt.

02:40 DaemonFC; Guess I never thought about it.

02:41 TR News; Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

02:41 TR Bot; IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 21, 2022

02:41 XRevan86; I've seen this article 3 days ago, but it took me a bit to process.

=> ↺

02:41 TR Bot; Opinion | Russias War on Ukraine Shows That It Is Fascist - The New York Times

02:42 XRevan86; I see the cult of necessary war in propaganda now, and that was the missing piece for me to promote Russia from dictatorship to a fascist state.

02:43 chicksahoy; XRevan86: I don't understand why there are communists who believe Putler's crap

02:43 TR News; Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : | gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)

=> gemini://

02:45 MinceR; stalinists and fascists aren't as different from each other as they'd like to have you believe

02:46 chicksahoy; MinceR: you're right, i figured out these "communists" actually love Stalin

02:46 chicksahoy; it was a facebook group called "Queer Communism"

02:46 chicksahoy; Stalinists

02:47 chicksahoy; and there was this dude on tiktok who was the same as them too

02:47 activelow; XRevan86: this history lesson from NYT is remarkable

02:47 activelow; because, germans already lived in ukraine and russia, long before any conquest during ww2

02:48 activelow; it was preceeding "red terror" which ignited fear of "bolshevism" in germany

02:48 activelow; and the historical roots date back at least to the times of Katherine the Great

02:48 activelow; when german farmers and craftsmen were called for to settle in ukraine and russia

02:49 XRevan86; chicksahoy: Because people who believe in clichs are easily hooked with targeted propaganda.

02:50 chicksahoy; XRevan86: does the ukraine military have actual nazis?

02:50 chicksahoy; thats one i hear all the time

02:51 XRevan86; activelow: Ye are not wrong, but what relation does this have to the Snyder's article?

02:51 activelow; XRevan86: it's propaganda and falsification of history

02:52 XRevan86; chicksahoy: They have a minority that associates itself with symbols like swastika and such. So does the Russian army unsurprisingly.

02:53 chicksahoy; oh yeah Russia does have nazis in its military

02:53 chicksahoy; that being said, Canada has nazis in its military too

02:53 chicksahoy; nazis are everywhere

02:54 XRevan86; chicksahoy: Russia wants to paint a narrative that organisations like Right Sector are powerful and infiltrated the government.

02:55 XRevan86; In the same fashion it takes the less than stellar right-wing origin of the Azov regiment and present it as actual fact.

02:55 chicksahoy; Russian Propaganda

02:56 XRevan86; It relies on people not knowing the real state of affairs.

02:58 chicksahoy; XRevan86: you make a good point

02:58 chicksahoy; thank you for elaborating

02:58 XRevan86; And it is also never ashamed to accuse others of its own sins.

02:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 19.90 k/sec., IPFS upstream 10.76 average k/sec., average swarm size 342.63

02:59 XRevan86; activelow: I've no idea what ye consider falsification.

02:59 chicksahoy; XRevan86: i figured it was russian propaganda and it was stalinists spreading it

3 AM, May 22

03:00 activelow; XRevan86: the narrative of "conquest"

03:00 XRevan86; chicksahoy: It absolutely is.

03:00 chicksahoy; im an anarchist socialist

03:00 chicksahoy; im not a fan of stalinists

03:00 activelow; during red terror, german farmers were the victims, and after 1945 dozens of millions of germans were expelled from their homeland

03:01 XRevan86; What

03:01 XRevan86; Hitler's conquest was not a thing!?

03:01 activelow; what exactly was conquered if i may ask?

03:02 activelow; and by whom?

03:03 XRevan86; activelow:

=> ↺

03:03 TR Bot; German-occupied Europe - Wikipedia

03:04 XRevan86; activelow: Notice how it goes into Ukraine.

03:05 activelow;

=> ↺

03:05 TR Bot; Jewish Bolshevism - Wikipedia

03:06 XRevan86; Hitler had a thing for Jews, yes.

03:07 chicksahoy; and the LGBTQ2+

03:07 XRevan86; To be fair, the antisemitic allegations were there before Hitler, but still.

03:07 activelow; reminds me of something:

03:08 activelow; "sanctions"

03:09 MinceR; 22 035418 < XRevan86> chicksahoy: Russia wants to paint a narrative that organisations like Right Sector are powerful and infiltrated the government.

03:09 MinceR; meanwhile terrorussia is actually run by nazis

03:09 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

03:10 XRevan86; MinceR: It's too hard of a concept that Ukraine has a thing called "elections", and the right-wingers lost miserably.

03:10 chicksahoy; MinceR: the Z is just another swastika

03:10 MinceR; indeed

03:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

03:10 XRevan86; activelow: Cool.

03:11 activelow;

=> ↺

03:11 TR Bot; 1933 anti-Nazi boycott - Wikipedia

03:12 activelow; although, this wikipedia article too is missing context, such as versaille "peace treaty", boycotts, famine in germany

03:13 activelow; instead, "historians" such as Dr. Snyder smear the propaganda label "fascist" onto, and call it history

03:13 MinceR; funny

03:13 MinceR; i seem to remember some italians who "smeared the propaganda label" "fascist" onto themselves

03:15 activelow; and what escalated the war, wasn't "antisemitism", the final spark to escalation with WW1 was... "bagdhad railway" which connected berlin to iraq, a trade route for oil imports, ~1914

03:15 IPFS; Gemini requests since start of month: 333589 total Total number of pages in capsule: 40713 Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-02-07 16:50:38 GMT; 3 months 12 days ago

03:16 IPFS; IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated. TotalIn: 67 GB TotalOut: 15 GB

03:17 activelow; nowadays, it wasn't a railway connection, it was Northstream2, which the comedian from kiev and his friends in "EU" and "USA" didn't control

03:17 IPFS; New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.

03:17 MinceR; and which also has nothing to do with ukraine

03:18 DaemonFC; MinceR, When I went to go get my check from Facebook, this is what came to mind.

03:18 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

03:18 TR Bot;

=> ↺

03:18 TR Bot; reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version. ( status 0 @ )

=> ↺

03:18 XRevan86; "To be fair, the antisemitic allegations were there before Hitler, but still" <-

=> ↺

03:22 chicksahoy; DaemonFC: why is facebook paying you?

03:22 XRevan86; Russian Empire was pretty antisemitic, so such connotations were to be expected.

=> ↺

03:22 IPFS; Qme5YRqRD2nNFguK86DA7U515gXMgkk7XTh9q848YXMD91

03:22 IPFS; New daily bulletin has just been added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with the CID above.

03:23 DaemonFC; DaemonFC: why is facebook paying you?

03:23 DaemonFC; They broke the law.

03:23 XRevan86; Nordstream-2 was still alive as a project (but barely) until the invasion.

03:23 DaemonFC; So they had to pay me $397 and they had to pay Mandy $397.

03:24 chicksahoy; DaemonFC: im glad you got some money out of them

03:26 XRevan86; MinceR: It does have something to do with Ukraine: NS-2 was being built to pipe gas around Ukraine. That's about it.

03:27 MinceR; not much of a casus belli, is it?

03:28 XRevan86; MinceR: It takes a lot to figure out what casus belli activelow even sees in one thing or another.

03:28 XRevan86; I usually fail at that.

03:29 activelow; i had not noticed once the Ukrainian pipelines should stop operations, never, not once did anyone argue to terminate the ukrainian pipeline, not the russians, not the germans, noone

03:29 activelow; although, i do wonder, what Burisma Bidler did, in Ukraine, and why USA dumped billions of cash

03:30 activelow; then the comedian seeks to join EU, yet EU currency isn't USD, it is Euro

03:30 MinceR; maybe because the ukrainian pipeline goes to hungary, not germany

03:30 activelow; and the Russian currence to conduct russian gas business with, is Rubles, not Dollars...

03:30 MinceR; and the hungarian government doesn't mind global warming

03:30 MinceR; and neither does it mind being dependent on the orcs for absolutely everything

03:31 activelow; remember this? a few weeks before Iraq war rumors were Saddam planned to switch USD against Euro... little later there was boots on the ground in Iraq again, 2004

03:31 XRevan86; activelow: Ukraine doesn't want to harm the state that help them, so they have an incentive to keep the pipeline going.

03:31 MinceR; remember this? [random whataboutism straight from putler's state media]

03:31 XRevan86; But there was one thing: Ukraine officially doesn't take responsibility for the parts of the pipeline on the territory that Russia occupies.

03:32 DaemonFC; DaemonFC: im glad you got some money out of them

03:32 DaemonFC; Yeah, that'll pay for about half of the body shop stuff the Buick is in for.

03:32 DaemonFC; That's turning into a real bear.

03:33 DaemonFC; They had to completely rebuild a rocker panel and grind, fill, and paint rust off a few other areas.

03:33 DaemonFC; So uh, hopefully that holds together and the car looks decent for quite a while.

03:33 activelow; anyone, NYT >/dev/null

03:34 activelow; anyway

03:35 XRevan86; If one doesn't see the article then maybe it doesn't exist.

03:40 XRevan86;

=> ↺

03:40 XRevan86; "Ukraine warned about stopping the pumping of Russian gas along a key route" May 10th.

03:40 TR Bot;

03:40 XRevan86; So there was that hiccup.

03:41 XRevan86; > and the Russian currence to conduct russian gas business with, is Rubles, not Dollars...

03:41 XRevan86; MinceR: How many times do I have to explain that to him?

03:42 XRevan86; I tried everything, the information just isn't landing in his head.

03:43 MinceR; _()_/

03:43 MinceR; presumably it's filled with bullshit from RT and anti-spiegel


03:44 XRevan86; NONE. NONEXISTENT.

03:48 XRevan86; It's not even sanction dodging, because the money goes to Gazprombank-Luxembourg, it's a single choke point.

03:48 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

03:48 TR Bot; created a robocaller to waste Russian officials time and you can listen in on the calls | TechSpot

03:49 XRevan86; MinceR: Maybe he just can't accept that this move is really-really dumb.

03:50 chicksahoy; im switching from gmail to gmx

03:50 MinceR; well, they wouldn't say that on RT

03:51 DaemonFC; im switching from gmail to gmx

03:51 DaemonFC; Good luck with that "consent page".

03:51 MinceR; "Dear Leader fucked up, doomed our country, caused tens of thousands of our soldiers to die, all that without any benefit"

03:51 MinceR; imagine them reporting that on state media

03:51 chicksahoy; DaemonFC: do you have a better option?

03:52 DaemonFC; Not really.

03:52 DaemonFC; I have lots of email accounts.

03:52 chicksahoy; gmail is locking out "less secure" clients on may 30, 2022

03:52 DaemonFC; I use the Vivaldi one sometimes.

03:52 chicksahoy; i need something that works with alpine mail

03:53 chicksahoy; i can get alpine mail to work with gmail over xoauth2 but every time i open alpine it wants me to re-authorize it through a browser

03:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 19.45 k/sec., IPFS upstream 17.98 average k/sec., average swarm size 336.75

4 AM, May 22

04:02 psydruid;

=> ↺

04:02 TR Bot; Discovery of the one-way superconductor, thought to be impossible

04:46 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

04:46 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

04:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 18.71 k/sec., IPFS upstream 31.96 average k/sec., average swarm size 345.93

5 AM, May 22

05:19 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

05:19 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

05:58 DaemonFC; XRevan86, I read about your mental asylums in Russia. Modern Russia.

05:58 DaemonFC; Sounds worse than anything we've ever had in this country.

05:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 18.78 k/sec., IPFS upstream 3.75 average k/sec., average swarm size 334.21

6 AM, May 22

06:03 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

06:03 TR Bot; How can I increase my Credit Line? : CreditCards

06:03 DaemonFC; "Yeah, thats because of the way the algorithms work. Basically, if one issuer sees that another issuer is willing to give you a higher CL, then the new issuer will be more likely to trust you enough to give you a CL if the first issuer trusts you enough to do it. They also probably try to use this as a tactic to make you convert to them over Discover. As long as your on-time payment history is good and the algorithm feels that there

06:03 DaemonFC; s a good chance you wont become delinquent, a new issuer will more often than not give you a higher CLI than you current issuer, even if it approaches your yearly income. Years ago I had a card give me $20,000 even though it exceeded my annual income lol."

06:03 DaemonFC; Probably explains why the banks gave me such high limites the last time.

06:04 DaemonFC; XRevan86, I enjoyed the story about the Russian man who rewrote the terms of the credit card offer to no minimum payment, 0% interest, and an unlimited credit line.

06:05 DaemonFC; The bank didn't read it, and the court ruled he didn't have to pay any of his debt to the bank.

06:30 IPFS; Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

06:53 *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)

06:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 19.55 k/sec., IPFS upstream 48.85 average k/sec., average swarm size 309.33

7 AM, May 22

07:13 TR News; #Techrights Bulletin for Saturday, May 21, 2022 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext


07:13 TR Bot; Bulletin Archives

07:13 TR News; #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharing


07:13 TR Bot; Techrights Full IPFS Index

07:15 TR News; Gary Kildall | Source: Bryan Lunduke

=> ↺

07:15 TR Bot; Remembering Gary Kildall on what would have been his 80th birthday

07:16 TR News; [Old] "I got my Raspberry Pi 4 running OpenBSD 6.9 with full-disk encryption" |

=> ↺

07:16 TR Bot; on Raspberry Pi 4 with Full-Disk Encryption ::

07:16 TR News; "Here are three additional insights you might have missed" | Source: Silicon Angle

=> ↺

07:16 TR Bot; insights you might have missed from the Red Hat Summit event - SiliconANGLE

07:19 TR News; iophk: the digital edition of kildall's memoir is incomplete and missing the Gates stuff

07:20 TR News; "The functions of copy and paste are a critical part of file editing since it is performed quite often." | Source: Linux Handbook

=> ↺

07:20 TR Bot; How to Cut, Copy and Paste in Vim

07:21 TR News; "You know Vim. It is your favorite text editor. Using Vim makes you feel at home." | Source: Linux Handbook

=> ↺

07:21 TR Bot; Visual Mode in Vim [Beginner's Guide]

07:23 TR News; "Pop!_OS 22.04 is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution featuring a custom GNOME Shell experience." |

=> ↺

07:23 TR Bot; How to Install Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS Step by Step (Screenshots)

07:23 TR News; "There it is, the next big milestone for the Steam Deck has been hit with over 3,000 games..." | Source: GamingOnLinux

=> ↺

07:23 TR Bot; Deck hits over 3,000 games either Verified or Playable | GamingOnLinux

07:25 TR News; "The ARES-WHI0 is an ATX server board built around the [back-doored] processor" | Source: Linux Gizmos

=> ↺

07:25 TR Bot; ( status 520 @ )

=> ↺

07:27 TR News; Linux dot com used to attract TENS OF THOUSANDS of views per article. Linux Foundation attacked the site so badly that not it barely gets even 40 hits.

=> ↺

07:27 TR Bot; Linux Foundation and Fintech Open Source Foundation Announce the Schedule for Open Source in Finance Forum London 2022, July 13 -

07:30 TR News; Microsoft Windows TCO | Source: Silicon Angle

=> ↺

07:30 TR Bot; Rica's president says country at war with Conti ransomware gang - SiliconANGLE

07:30 TR News; "authentication bypass flaw in VMware products" | Source: IT Wire

=> ↺

07:30 TR Bot; - Experts urge VMware users to patch critical flaws right away

07:31 TR News; "Netflix and the ability to stream on-demand, non-interactive media was a significant innovation in the last two decades." | Source: Matt Rickard

=> ↺

07:31 TR Bot; Streaming Applications

07:35 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines

=> ↺

07:35 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

07:37 TR News; "But it does have a few problems the industry needs to address." | Source: Stacy on IoT

=> ↺

07:37 TR Bot; We need to talk about Thread - Stacey on IoT | Internet of Things news and analysis

07:37 TR News; "Looks like my next adventure will be cleanup and repair of the keyboard" | Source: Andrew Hutchings

=> ↺

07:37 TR Bot; Amiga 1000 Restoration: Recap, Cleaning and Testing LinuxJedi's /dev/null

07:38 TR News; "The era of fixing your own gadgets has nearly arrived, and Valves Steam Deck handheld gaming PC may be setting the best example" | Source: The Verge

=> ↺

07:38 TR Bot; iFixit will sell nearly every part of the Steam Deck including the entire motherboard - The Verge

07:38 TR News; "The thing you should understand about Apples home repair process is that its a far cry" | Source: The Verge

=> ↺

07:38 TR Bot; Apple shipped me a 79-pound iPhone repair kit to fix a 1.1-ounce battery - The Verge

07:38 TR News; [Old] "Others in the field have experimented with varying printing patterns to reduce heat buildup" | Source: uni Michigan

=> ↺

07:38 TR Bot; Smarter 3D printing makes better parts faster | University of Michigan News

07:40 TR News; "I wanted to conduct a little experiment, and it turned into a few experiments in one.I wanted to conduct a little experiment, and it turned into a few experiments in one." | Source: Ted Unangst

=> ↺

07:40 TR Bot; css vs webgl cubes

07:40 TR News; "I teased last week that Ive been working on a new brutalist design for this website." | Source: Kev Quirk

=> ↺

07:40 TR Bot; A Brutally Simple Site - Kev Quirk

07:42 TR News; Security Leftovers Tux Machines

=> ↺

07:42 TR Bot; Security Leftovers | Tux Machines

07:42 TR News; "InfluxDB is the MIT licensed time series database of my monitoring stack of choice" | Source: Yarmo Machenbach

=> ↺

07:42 TR Bot; InfluxDB 2 migration

07:43 TR News; "Suppose, for reasons to be discussed in a later entry, you would like to write a shell script that turns an embedded here document into a shell variable" | Source: uni Toronto

=> ↺

07:43 TR Bot; Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/BourneShellHereDocToVariable

07:43 TR News; "Not everything at a big company involves writing code." | Source: Rachel

=> ↺

07:43 TR Bot; Tasks, lists, and promises

07:44 TR News; The Cyborg and the State gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

07:45 TR News; "I see positive shifts, though, in the direction of decentralization of care and cooperative reinvestment in communities through the mutual aid groups that have popped up in the last few years (may they flourish well beyond this pandemic...) and a growing dissatisfaction among many with the current structures of power" gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

07:46 TR News; [cat] gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

07:46 TR News; [cat] gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

07:47 TR News; "I don't really do things out of a sense of lack anymore. This has led to much less action in my life, as I find different motivations" gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

07:49 TR News; FOMO | Source: BillPR, protector of Jeffrey Epstein's ring (for money from Bill Gates)

=> ↺

07:49 TR Bot; How to overcome FOMO

07:50 TR News; "Millions of digital locks worldwide, including on Tesla (TSLA.O) cars, can be remotely unlocked by" crackers | Source: Reuters

=> ↺

07:50 TR Bot; cars, Bluetooth locks, vulnerable to hackers, researchers say | Reuters

07:51 TR News; "the promise to launch a fully open source Pwned Passwords" | Source: Troy Hunt

=> ↺

07:51 TR Bot; Troy Hunt: Downloading Pwned Passwords Hashes with the HIBP Downloader

07:52 TR News; "LibreSSL 3.5.3 was released on May 18th, 2022";sid=20220521113447 | Source: Undeadly

=> ↺;sid=20220521113447

07:52 TR Bot; LibreSSL updated to 3.5.3

07:52 TR News; Buffalo | Source: New York Times

=> ↺

07:52 TR Bot; Facebook Has Been Monetizing Searches for the Buffalo Shooting Video - The New York Times

07:53 TR News; "FTX plans on routing orders directly through the Nasdaq exchange" | Source: The Verge

=> ↺

07:53 TR Bot; Crypto exchange FTX is getting into stock trading - The Verge

07:53 TR News; "There are fundamental tradeoffs to using a blockchain architecture" | Source: Matt Rickard

=> ↺

07:53 TR Bot; Crypto Without Blockchains

07:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 21.61 k/sec., IPFS upstream 4.21 average k/sec., average swarm size 336.45

07:59 TR News; Monopolies | Source: TruthOut

=> ↺

07:59 TR Bot; Omar Leads Call for Probe of Baby Formula Industry Amid National Shortage

07:59 *matey (~matey@tzqf6zhjvi89e.irc) has joined #techrights

8 AM, May 22

08:00 TR News; "The City of Bratislava is currently building a whole new ecosystem of open source digital services under the leadership of its CIO Petra Dzurovinov." | Source: Joinup

=> ↺

08:00 TR Bot; Open Source developments in Bratislava | Joinup

08:03 TR News; "Jankowicz spoke with NPR about the board's botched rollout" "Conservatives [sic] seized on her tweets and past public statements as evidence" | Source: BillPR

=> ↺

08:03 TR Bot; She joined DHS to fight disinformation. She says she was halted by... disinformation

08:04 TR News; "Footage of Russian intelligence agents detaining a man shared on social media" | Source: RTL

=> ↺

08:04 TR Bot; RTL Today - Fact Check: Crimea arrest footage shared in false reports of 'US general detained in Ukraine'

08:15 TR News; "According to the plaintiffs claim, Apple, Google, Tesla, Microsoft and Dell buy battery grade cobalt from Umicore" | Source: Netzpolitik

=> ↺

08:15 TR Bot; Series on Digital Colonialism: The bloody footprint of our digital devices

08:16 TR News; "I opposed and ended a trivial patent once" | Source: Idiomdrottning

=> ↺

08:16 TR Bot; Trivial Patents

08:17 TR News; Open Source developments in Bratislava Tux Machines

=> ↺

08:17 TR Bot; Open Source developments in Bratislava | Tux Machines

08:20 TR News; COVID-19 | Source: TruthOut

=> ↺
=> ↺

08:20 TR Bot; The Greatest Trick COVID Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World It Didn't Exist

08:20 TR Bot; Blog Archive NHS UK Retroactively Adds Weeks of Excess Mortality to 2021 (6 Months Later!), Were Still Seeing Excess Deaths This Spring as Backlogs of Death Certificates Are Caught up With

08:28 TR News; 8 Best Free and Open Source Survey Tools Tux Machines

=> ↺

08:28 TR Bot; 8 Best Free and Open Source Survey Tools | Tux Machines

08:31 TR News; Programming Leftovers Tux Machines

=> ↺

08:31 TR Bot; Programming Leftovers | Tux Machines

08:31 TR News; Google #Android Leftovers Tux Machines

=> ↺

08:31 TR Bot; Android Leftovers | Tux Machines

08:32 *kiki (~kiki@nn58qcu3qngy2.irc) has joined #techrights

08:32 kiki; Hi .

08:32 schestowitz_TR2; wb, kiki

08:33 kiki; anything wrong with https on techrights website ?

08:34 schestowitz_TR2; no

08:35 schestowitz_TR2; but many Web browsers are wrong

08:35 mjg59_; Self-signing tells you nothing about identity

08:35 *rianne has quit (connection closed)

08:35 *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

08:36 *rianne (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

08:36 *rianne (~rianne@freenode-b0g.0m6.7132oi.IP) has joined #techrights

08:36 mjg59_; So based on what https is supposed to be doing, browsers are behaving correctly

08:36 schestowitz_TR2; TOFU

08:36 schestowitz_TR2; says a tool who wants me to ask MICROSOFT is my distro is legit and safe

08:36 schestowitz_TR2; *if

08:36 mjg59_; TOFU tells you nothing about identity

08:38 mjg59_; But in any case, there's no need to ask Microsoft - you can make your own decision instead

08:38 schestowitz_TR2; no

08:38 schestowitz_TR2; in theory

08:38 *kiki has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

08:38 schestowitz_TR2; go back to making cars that decide whether to crash you into a tree

08:38 *kiki (~kiki@8tzi6shhd2jf2.irc) has joined #techrights

08:39 TR News; Links 22/05/2022: Free Software Developments in Bratislava | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

08:39 TR Bot; Links 22/05/2022: Free Software Developments in Bratislava | Techrights

08:39 mjg59_; Not sure what you mean by "in theory"

08:39 schestowitz; [16:09] Reality strikes hard

=> ↺

08:39 TR Bot; Autonomous cars hit third of cyclists, all oncoming cars The Register

08:40 mjg59_; That's a test of L2 vehicles - they're not expected to avoid obstacles

08:40 mjg59_; They're definitely not autonomous

08:41 schestowitz_TR2; you want to outsource everything

08:41 schestowitz_TR2; trjust for booting

08:41 schestowitz_TR2; trust for browsing

08:41 schestowitz_TR2; trust for driving

08:41 schestowitz_TR2; next: trust for binaries (sigstore)

08:42 schestowitz_TR2; all those are hardwired to trust some dodgy cabal

08:42 schestowitz_TR2; that wants to dominate people, not emancipate people

08:42 schestowitz_TR2; but that's what you do

08:42 *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

08:42 *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

08:42 schestowitz_TR2; I don't expect morality to get down to your consciousness

08:42 *rianne (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

08:42 *rianne (~rianne@freenode-b0g.0m6.7132oi.IP) has joined #techrights

08:42 matey;

=> ↺

08:42 mjg59_; Everyone should be able to make their own trust decisions, and everything I've worked on has made that possible

08:42 TR Bot; Hamster eating popcorn - Invidious

08:43 schestowitz_TR2; bbl

08:43 TR News; Open Hardware/Modding and Linux Devices Tux Machines

=> ↺

08:43 TR Bot; Open Hardware/Modding and Linux Devices | Tux Machines

08:43 TR News; Todays Leftovers Tux Machines

=> ↺

08:43 TR Bot; today's leftovers | Tux Machines

08:43 kiki; works with OCSP disabled .

08:44 TR News; "Arent ball races and marble runs fun?" | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

08:44 TR Bot; Ball Race Robot Toils Gracefully, Magnetically | Hackaday

08:45 TR News; Bright House | Source: Torrent Freak

=> ↺

08:45 TR Bot; Labels and ISP Seek Summary Judgments in Piracy Lawsuit * TorrentFreak

08:45 TR News; "Its getting harder and harder for New York magazine writer Jonathan Chait to argue hes exempt from ethical disclosure" | Source: FAIR

=> ↺

08:45 TR Bot; New York's Chait Quietly Defended Charter Program That Benefited His Spouse's Employer - FAIR

08:46 TR News; On trademarks | Source: Techdirt

=> ↺

08:46 TR Bot; Brewing, Sycamore Brewing Reach Settlement | Techdirt

08:46 TR News; "Voyager 1 interplanetary probe was launched in 1977 and has now reached interstellar space" | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

08:46 TR Bot; 1 Talks Some Nonsense, But Is Still Working | Hackaday

08:47 TR News; "The world awaits thedecision of U.K. Home Secretary Priti Patelin the case of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks publisher who has been a political prisoner in London since his arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2019." | Source: Scheerpost

=> ↺

08:47 TR Bot; Future of Press Freedom Depends on Assange Case

08:50 TR News; "[Samuel]s first foray into making DIY hardware authentication tokens was a great success" | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

08:50 TR Bot; DIY Security Token Gets (Re)designed For Durable, Everyday Use | Hackaday

08:51 TR News; "ever smaller-integrated silicon circuits providing faster and faster computing" | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

08:51 TR Bot; Thin-Film Flexible 6502 | Hackaday

08:54 TR News; "Its not uncommon for a radio enthusiast to have multiple antennas for the same radio" | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

08:54 TR Bot; Receive Antenna Switcher With An Espressif Brain | Hackaday

08:54 TR News; "On a Sunbeam is a web comic that was published in installments between Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, and then later published in dead tree form"

=> ↺

08:54 TR Bot; Review: On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden

08:57 TR News; 'Low' tech but still very effective

=> ↺

08:57 TR Bot; How Did the Bar Code Infiltrate the World? | by Barry Silverstein | May, 2022 | History of Yesterday

08:58 TR News; "It should not be forgotten, that the internal review of the contested strike regulations, other strike related decisions and the social democracy rules took place during Campinos tenure. He decided to maintain them and openly defended them."

=> ↺

08:58 TR Bot; Silence at the EPO after angry outburst president Antnio Campinos - Kluwer Patent Blog

08:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 19.36 k/sec., IPFS upstream 4.08 average k/sec., average swarm size 333.95

08:59 TR News; "And yet again the EPO announces a decision, taken without consultation, that degrades the service that the EPO provides to its users"

=> ↺

08:59 TR News; "And yet there has been no decrease in the EPOs fees. Quite the opposite. Which of course means that users are now paying more for a service that, in various ways, is inferior to what it used to be."

=> ↺

08:59 TR News; "It makes you wonder how bad things need to get before the EPOs users stand up and demand the restoration of a proper level of service and whether, even if this happens, the EPOs response will be to simply raise a middle finger"

=> ↺

9 AM, May 22

09:00 TR News; EPO corruption. "And once again: the Council could decide not to reappoint him and start an election procedure with endless rounds of political horse-trading But why would they ever be inclined to go down that arduous road when they can take the path of least resistance "

=> ↺

09:01 TR News; "The EPO has a monopoly over the granting of European (as opposed to national) patents. Looking elsewhere for such patents is therefore not an option. The best that can be hoped for is that the system for granting European patents is run in a reasonable way. This is one reason why people tend to get upset when this does not happen."

=> ↺

09:01 TR News; "No boss of any company using the EPO to protect their inventions would use profanities like Mr.Campinos, because -manners apart it does not work. So now Mr Campinos is not achieving the objective to restore social peace at the EPO.. I rest my case, surrender, youre not up to it."

=> ↺

09:02 TR News; "Mr. Campinos should resign" (EPO has become organised crime)

=> ↺

09:03 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

09:04 TR News; Today Techrights will be focused almost solely on EPO corruption, patent injustice, and Team UPC breaking the law while shamelessly spreading fake news. EPO is a hub of crime in Europe.

09:06 TR News; Linux hardware video encoding on Amlogic A311D2 processor - CNX Software Source: Linux | GNU | Hardware | cnxsoftware

=> ↺

09:06 TR Bot; Linux hardware video encoding on Amlogic A311D2 processor - CNX Software

09:06 TR News; scummvm takes more money from Gulag Inc.

=> ↺

09:06 TR Bot; ScummVM :: Home

09:07 TR News; IRC Proceedings: Saturday, May 21, 2022 Techrights Source: Techrights | GNU | Linux | FreeSW | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

09:07 TR Bot; IRC Proceedings: Saturday, May 21, 2022 | Techrights

09:08 TR News; Not a substitute to clinical trials

=> ↺

09:08 TR Bot; Paducah Public Schools to offer KDE vaccine incentive to employees | News | WPSD Local 6

09:11 TR News; Do not let it become an accepted norm ("new normal") that drugs and vaccines can just leapfrog protocols like proper testing and clinical trials. These strict standards exist for a reason. BECAUSE OF PAST DISASTERS. Then there's the patent monopoly issue. Swine monkey flu 19 pox or whatever... should we give carte blanche for political reasons? And money in politics?

09:13 TR News; NHS data: something's not right. See how data for 7 months ago suddenly changes.

=> ↺

09:13 TR Bot; Blog Archive NHS UK Retroactively Adds Weeks of Excess Mortality to 2021 (6 Months Later!), Were Still Seeing Excess Deaths This Spring as Backlogs of Death Certificates Are Caught up With

09:14 TR News; "Unlike malicious hackers, who are typically motivated by financial gain, ethical hackers aim to help companies (and society as a whole) keep their data safe"

=> ↺

09:14 TR Bot; Ethical Hacking courses in 2022 | by Sharmila Musunuru | May, 2022 | Medium

09:15 TR News; Twitter is NOT a thing! Twitter should die. Stop running the political sphere based on a shitposting manipulation and censorship site of MusKSA.

=> ↺

09:15 TR Bot; Fact-check: Is INC leader Adhir Chowdhury's controversial tweet on Rajiv Gandhi 'fake'? - Alt News

09:16 TR News; Twitter is a net negative on society and it's also a net negative financially. It should be euthanised.

09:17 TR News; Twitter will never be bought for moralistic reasons; it's a mass manipulation site, hence its purchase is pursued by serial, chronic frauds and people who literally chop off women's heads for so-called "witchcraft"

09:18 *GNUmoon2 has quit (connection closed)

09:18 *GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

09:19 TR News; Ever since ~2015 I've said that Twitter increasingly became/becomes Facebook clone with all the exact same issues we see in FB. In 2020 it imposed proprietary JS too, so I cannot understand why FSF still posts there. The FSF admitted this issue.

09:20 TR News; FSF should focus not on market share (or even market). It ought to focus on the principles.

09:20 TR News; Richard Stallman on Twitter


09:20 TR Bot; Richard Stallman on Google+ and Twitter | Techrights

09:21 TR News; Software Patents: "patent relates to a method for remote acquisition and delivery of goods involving a server in communication with a customers computer through a user interface via the Internet. The patent had been asserted against MapleBear Inc. d/b/a Instacart."

=> ↺

09:21 TR Bot; Consumeron prior art found Unified Patents

09:22 TR News; "patent generally relates to a device for initiating and handling an emergency IP request using an IP enabled device having GPS capability and had been asserted against General Motors."

=> ↺

09:22 TR Bot; K. Mizra patent likely invalid Unified Patents

09:22 TR News; "For the past decade, across more than 300 proceedings, Unified Patents has won every real party-in-interest (RPI) challengewhether at institution, on final written decision, or before the Federal Circuit."

=> ↺

09:22 TR Bot; Unified Succeeds in RPI Decisions Unified Patents

09:23 TR News; Interesting now that IETF became a client of ours...

=> ↺

09:23 TR Bot; Unified Patents Launches IETF OPEN Unified Patents

09:24 TR News; Software Patents in Japan... enabling a very extortionate cartel (SISVEL)

=> ↺

09:24 TR Bot; InterDigital AV1/VP9 patent opposed in Japan Unified Patents

09:25 TR News; Software Patents: "the 476 patent is generally related to displaying video images generated by a camera on a display, and more particularly to tracking a head portion of a person image in camera-generated video images."

=> ↺

09:25 TR Bot; DigiMedia Tech patent held invalid Unified Patents

09:25 TR News; "patent relates to adjusting frame intervals during compression of a video signal"

=> ↺

09:25 TR Bot; Jeffrey M. Gross entity Compression Vectors reexamination granted Unified Patents

09:27 TR News; Zemlin = ego problems


09:28 TR News; Non-Profit? "Intellectual property trademark right"? Right? Right? So-called "intellectual property"? The "foundations" and "charities" are becoming little but PR and tax-evading vessels.

=> ↺

09:28 TR Bot; Titanium App Development Software Under New Non-Profit Management

09:31 TR News; New/2022-05-22 Locrian.Zone: Assorted articles from The SCP Foundation (licensed CC-BY-SA) added to library. gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

09:31 TR News; Techrights keeps an archive of links to new Gemini posts gemini://

=> gemini://

09:40 TR News; SICK Antnio Campinos. Treats patent attorneys like the victims of the pandemic. Patent heist. he uses fake numbers, too.

=> ↺

09:40 TR Bot; Antnio Campinos: message to our users - Invidious

09:52 *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights

09:52 *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@y8gkm2u3m6yjy.irc) has joined #techrights

10 AM, May 22

10:14 TR News; Jorge Campinos was a good speaker. His corrupt son Antonio Campinos (nepotism) looks like a total idiot, speaking with his hands while reading a FUCKING SCRIPT.

=> ↺

10:14 TR Bot; DAY 1: MAIN SESSION - Antonio Campinos - Invidious

10:22 *tayy_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)

10:24 TR News; It Took Campinos Three or More Years to Undo Illegal Battistelli Actions on Boards of Appeal and Strike Regulations (Only After Losing at ILO-AT!), But He Does Not Mention That | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

10:24 TR Bot; It Took Campinos Three or More Years to Undo Illegal Battistelli Actions on Boards of Appeal and Strike Regulations (Only After Losing at ILO-AT!), But He Does Not Mention That | Techrights

10:35 TR News; [Meme] Monopoly Tony | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

10:35 TR Bot; [Meme] Monopoly Tony | Techrights

10:37 TR News; Missing disclosure: this site received BRIBES from pandemic profiteer and Jeffrey Epstein enabler Bill Gates

=> ↺

10:37 TR Bot; Northshore Labs Tested Across Nevada. Its COVID Tests Didnt Work. ProPublica

10:44 TR News; Today in #Techrights Tux Machines

=> ↺

10:44 TR Bot; Today in Techrights | Tux Machines

10:54 TR News; Planet m68k (Gemini Version) gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

10:54 *bnchs (~bnchs@mmik4f4bu3t5g.irc) has joined #techrights

10:56 TR News; Geminis in usenet too. "It's actually for the new Gemini internet protocol." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

11 AM, May 22

11:00 *kiki has quit (connection closed)

11:24 XRevan86; Would ye look at that

=> ↺

11:24 TR Bot; Telegram: Contact @ilyashepelin

11:25 XRevan86; "Thomas Rper. Journalist of the Anti-Spiegel publication /Germany/"

11:31 TR News; "We are expecting our second child to be born in July" and hence software development slows down gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

11:44 *GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

11:46 *Red_ is now known as Redfoxmoon

11:47 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrights

11:47 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@ytcs5kc9pjgm6.irc) has joined #techrights

11:48 *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights

11:59 XRevan86; "Over 2,000 citizens charged for discrediting Russian army, human rights group reports"

=> ↺

11:59 TR Bot; .

11:59 XRevan86; MinceR: So now we know that Anti-Spiegel is not some noname propaganda outlet.

noon, May 22

12:06 schestowitz_TR2; afaik, it is a russian site

12:06 TR News; Number of Working/Online Gemini Capsules, Known to Totally Legit Gemini Search (TLGS) and to Lupa, Exceeds 2,500 | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

12:06 TR Bot; Number of Working/Online Gemini Capsules, Known to Totally Legit Gemini Search (TLGS) and to Lupa, Exceeds 2,500 | Techrights

12:06 schestowitz_TR2; sometimes you can use links for it

12:06 schestowitz_TR2; and assess those in isolation

12:08 TR News; 4 more hours. Last match, maybe a nice trophy.

=> ↺

12:08 TR Bot; Manchester City 2021/22 Fixtures

12:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

12:10 IPFS; Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

12:10 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 23.30 k/sec., IPFS upstream 15.55 average k/sec., average swarm size 361.50

12:10 XRevan86; schestowitz: "afaik" <- That's literally what I'm saying.

12:11 XRevan86; schestowitz: "sometimes you can use links for it" <- Honestly, the quality is so low, it's better not to even do that.

12:12 TR News; [PATCH] [x86_64]: Zhaoxin lujiazui enablement Source: gcc

=> ↺

12:12 TR Bot; [PATCH] [x86_64]: Zhaoxin lujiazui enablement

12:12 XRevan86; They lie and fabricate, when they're stretching the truth that already feels like an accomplishment.

12:15 XRevan86; And of course there's literally no accountability for them.

12:20 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

12:20 TR Bot;

=> ↺

12:20 TR Bot; | Brita LongLast 6 Month Water Filter COMPARED Brita Standard 2 Month Water Filter WHAT IS DIFFERENT? - Invidious

12:21 DaemonFC; I decided to pick up some of the long last ones. I'll probably write about what I find.

12:21 DaemonFC; According to Brita, it's 6 months, but what they also say is "or 120 gallons". The standard ones say 2 months "or 40 gallons".

12:22 DaemonFC; We go through water way faster than 40 gallons every 2 months. So I usually just change the standard cartridge every month or so.

12:23 DaemonFC; The ion exchange resin eventually gets spent and the filter doesn't do a great job anymore.

12:23 DaemonFC; The most important point about water is getting it in you, and that's hard to do if it tastes bad.

12:24 matey; They lie and fabricate, when they're stretching the truth that already feels like an accomplishment.

12:25 matey; And of course there's literally no accountability

12:25 DaemonFC; It's hard to come up with a quantifiable method of filter replacement advice. About all you can do is take the average tap water and base the manufacturer recommendations on that, but everyone has different problems with their water. Even within the county I live in, different municipal systems have better or worse tap water.

12:25 matey; sounds familiar

12:26 DaemonFC; In Fox Lake, you're lucky to get 10 gallons out of a "lead removal" rated filter before it clogs up entirely, but in Waukegan you can easily do at least 80 gallons. That was my experience when Great Value still made them, anyway.

12:26 DaemonFC; I'll be very surprised if the Brita Long Last filter actually gets anywhere near 120 gallons before I can't stand the flow rate anymore.

12:27 TR News; "Wikidot (and by extension the SCP Wiki) is down until Monday." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

12:27 DaemonFC; So far, nothing that filters over 95% of lead as stated by NSF standard 52 lasts more than about 80 or 90 gallons with Lake Michigan as the municipal water source.

12:28 DaemonFC; The standard Brita filters can easily go on for a very long time without clogging, so unless you set your phone to remind you to change them out, you won't remember to.

12:29 DaemonFC; I switched to the standard Brita from the Great Value Lead Removal filter because Walmart got out of the water filter business, and Brita actually has patents to make their filters flow well anyway. When I tried using Walmart's standard Brita compatible cartridges, I ended up taking them back to the store.

12:30 IPFS; Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

12:30 DaemonFC; 1. They had a terrible problem with (air pocket) clogging and 2. They made the tap water taste even worse than it did coming out of the faucet.

12:30 DaemonFC; It's hard getting decent results out of a gravity-fed water filter system.

12:31 DaemonFC; Either you accept mediocre filtration ability to get a better flow rate, or you accept that it's going to take a long time to filter the water to get more stuff out.

12:31 DaemonFC; I've been drinking water out of a Brita system since the 1990s when they were the latest fad appliance.

12:32 DaemonFC; So anywhere I go that I don't have one at hand, I usually am disgusted by the taste of the tap. At the same time, Walmart does have those "water island" machines.

12:33 DaemonFC; The problem with those is you don't know what the servicing schedule is like. When California investigated, they found that many were so poorly maintained that they were actually dangerous to get water from. The water going in met EPA standards at least, but the water coming out had problems such as coliform bacteria that would have violated had it happened at the treatment plant.

12:34 TR News; Phoronix: "PostgreSQL 15 Performance Improving" but PostgreSQL 15 isn't even RELEASED YET. Benchmarking things when they still have debug code, crash reports etc. is... well...

12:34 DaemonFC; schestowitz_TR2, Windows almost poisoned people in Florida.

12:35 schestowitz_TR2; yes

12:35 schestowitz_TR2; I remember

12:35 DaemonFC; A "hacker" got in and changed some settings and almost dumped in a bunch of treatment chemicals in dangerous amounts.

12:35 schestowitz_TR2; it also caused an oil shortage more recently

12:35 schestowitz_TR2; people started filling up plastics with gasoline

12:35 schestowitz_TR2; pipeline... running Windows

12:35 DaemonFC; Yeah, and setting their cars on fire.

12:36 *dimkr (~dimkr@sa54heryavwfu.irc) has joined #techrights

12:36 DaemonFC; Gasoline in a trash bag.

12:36 DaemonFC; Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!

12:36 schestowitz_TR2; Using WIndows is also dumb

12:36 schestowitz_TR2; but governments like a dumb population

12:36 schestowitz_TR2; with back-doored junk

12:36 schestowitz_TR2; it's easier to control

12:37 schestowitz_TR2; problem is

12:37 schestowitz_TR2; 1) hostile nations also take control of those dumb people

12:37 schestowitz_TR2; 2) domestic crime preys on it

12:37 schestowitz_TR2; now Costa Rica

12:38 schestowitz_TR2; of course the criminals from Microsoft game the media now

12:38 schestowitz_TR2; a whole bunch of headlines warning about Linux

12:38 schestowitz_TR2; coz MICROSOFT SEZ Linux dangerous

12:39 TR News; Lets all remember that as the EPOs so-called President Antnio Campinos (Monopoly Tony) vigorously defended completely unlawful actions of Benot Battistelli until courts compelled him to stop doing that


12:39 TR Bot; It Took Campinos Three or More Years to Undo Illegal Battistelli Actions on Boards of Appeal and Strike Regulations (Only After Losing at ILO-AT!), But He Does Not Mention That | Techrights

12:39 TR News; The gentlest, kindest president the EPO ever had


12:39 TR Bot; [Meme] Monopoly Tony | Techrights

12:39 TR News; Assuming that Lupa reduced its crawling capacity (this graph seems to confirm this), weve decided to aggregate data from 3 sources and assess the size of Geminispace; Lupa says it can see 1,947 active capsules, but there are many more it has not kept track of


12:40 TR Bot; Number of Working/Online Gemini Capsules, Known to Totally Legit Gemini Search (TLGS) and to Lupa, Exceeds 2,500 | Techrights

12:41 TR News; Wayland is mostly a can of worms that breaks a lot of things which have worked for decades

=> ↺

12:41 TR Bot; Wayland information for r515 beta release - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums

12:43 TR News; Wrong platform to put code on

=> ↺

12:43 TR Bot; Needs a New Name | Ovid []

12:43 TR News; "Hypnotix is an IPTV streaming application with support for live TV, movies and series. It can support multiple IPTV providers of the following types: M3U URL, Xtream API, Local M3U playlist."

=> ↺

12:43 TR Bot; Hypnotix SparkyLinux

12:46 XRevan86;

=> ↺

12:46 TR Bot; Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews): "Another revealing clip from Russia's state TV. Their language is as appalling as their messaging, but it's important to seeas a reminder that they don't belong in polite society, there can be no meaningful negotiations and no concession would ever satisfy their growing appetite." | nitter

12:48 DaemonFC; schestowitz_TR2, You need Microsoft to secure the edge of your Linux cloud.

12:49 DaemonFC; You know you want it.

12:49 DaemonFC; At least that's what Gates told her.

12:50 *dimkr_ (~dimkr@w8t8cxzwp2asw.irc) has joined #techrights

12:50 *dimkr has quit (connection closed)

12:52 DaemonFC; schestowitz_TR2, Even most of his complaints about the Wayland side involved their driver in particular.

12:52 DaemonFC; I've been using Wayland okay for a while now with Intel.

12:56 SomeH4x0r; - seen this elsewhere. idk if is true/helpful

=> ↺

12:56 TR Bot; GNU is the Largest Cult in the world: GNG is Not GNU

12:59 schestowitz_TR2; it's the usual FUD

12:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 25.53 k/sec., IPFS upstream 15.11 average k/sec., average swarm size 347.88

12:59 schestowitz_TR2; the cults are opponents of free software

12:59 schestowitz_TR2; greedy corporations like apple

12:59 schestowitz_TR2; and moles of Microsoft

12:59 schestowitz_TR2; which infiltrate everything

12:59 schestowitz_TR2; like the most dangerous cults and the mafia

12:59 schestowitz_TR2; and they try to saay a bunch of coders is a cult now..

1 PM, May 22

13:00 matey; - seen this elsewhere. idk if is true/helpful

=> ↺

13:00 matey; its a load of shit actually

13:01 matey; about as useful as russian propaganda

13:01 matey; post some of that too, about ukranians

13:02 matey; used to justify killing people for no reason

13:02 schestowitz_TR2; the whole site (other pages) is a smear

13:03 matey; the person its aimed at has been talking about real cults for ages

13:03 matey; when the people exposed the cult of scientology, and ran a website for people who ran away

13:03 matey; to escape

13:03 matey; scientology bought the organisation, and used its website for their own cult propaganda

13:03 matey; then they used the information the organsiation had on escaped members to harass them further

13:04 matey; THATS the sort of crap is

=> ↺

13:04 matey; its when you take someone who has been exposing corruption

13:04 matey; and turn everything back against them

13:04 matey; its slime, basically

13:04 matey; but some people fall for it

13:04 matey; putlin does the same to ukraine

13:04 matey; some people fall for that too

13:05 matey; figuratively and literally

13:05 matey; dead

13:05 matey; and if the people who did it this time dropped dead

13:05 matey; that would be fine

13:05 TR News; Intel, Intel, Intel, Intel, Intel... is this an ad? Like an athlete with Nike everywhere?

=> ↺

13:05 TR Bot; 5.19 Will Be Super Exciting For Intel Customers, Many Other Features Expected - Phoronix

13:06 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

13:06 matey; theyre only better than putin by the count of dead

13:06 matey; fuck them

13:06 DaemonFC; According to the Brita website, people should avoid running a TDS meter on a new filter cartridge.

13:07 matey; when putin kills the leader of ukraine

13:07 matey; and installs himself as a replacement

13:07 DaemonFC; They say the active charcoal can increase the level of TDS in the filtered water for the first gallon or so and throw off the readings.

13:07 schestowitz; ICBM: we are for DIVERSITY


13:07 TR Bot; IBM (Red Hat) Lectured FSF That It Needed More Diversity, But Was It Looking at the Mirror? IBM and Red Hat Are Even Less Diverse. | Techrights

13:07 matey; be sure to say anyone saying this was wrong just "hero-worshipping" the former leader

13:07 schestowitz; Zemlin PAC: RACIAL EQUALITY!!


13:07 TR Bot; Linux Foundation, With Zero African-American Employees (in a Country Where 13.4% Identify as African-American), Boasts About Its Support for the Black Community | Techrights

13:07 DaemonFC; Pur was tested and found to have no effect on TDS at all, and says you shouldn't go by TDS to determine quality anyway (they're right).

13:08 DaemonFC; ZeroWater insists you should aim for 0 TDS, which is wrong, but hey, marketing.

13:08 matey; everything that happened in ukraine was for a good reason

13:08 matey; these people are just zelensky worshippers.

13:08 schestowitz; DaemonFC: trump derangement syndrome?

13:09 DaemonFC; Total Dissolved Solids.

13:09 matey; only then, will you understand what is

=> ↺

13:09 TR Bot; GNU is the Largest Cult in the world: GNG is Not GNU

13:09 DaemonFC; According to the Waukegan consumer confidence report, the highest level of lead detected in 2021 was 5 parts per billion.

13:09 schestowitz; matey: it's a political tactic

13:09 DaemonFC; And the TDS reading was 140.

13:09 matey; you dont say

13:10 schestowitz; "they want to wipe us out", say people who push millions of people into a little strip surrounded by fences

13:10 DaemonFC; So given that a standard Brita cartridge will get that down to about 70 or 80, you already have fairly soft water by that point anyway.

13:10 schestowitz; "they hate our freedom"-bush

13:10 schestowitz; then passes patriot act

13:10 DaemonFC; In Fox Lake, the TDS readings can be well over 400.

13:10 DaemonFC; If you leave the water in a pitcher, it will turn reddish black.

13:11 matey; "they want to wipe us out", say people who push millions of people into a little strip surrounded by fences <- indeed

13:14 TR News; Top 15 Best Linux PDF Viewers and Readers in 2022 Tux Machines

=> ↺

13:14 TR Bot; Top 15 Best Linux PDF Viewers and Readers in 2022 | Tux Machines

13:16 TR News; Lately the site "ubuntupit" has been promoting a lot of Gulag proprietary software instead of Free software for GNU/Linux. Gulag leads us AWAY from Software Freedom, even if it's "platform agnostic" (but it MUST be a GULAG browser and the browser is just a massive VM).

13:17 TR News; MQ-2 with Raspberry PI Pico: Gas Sensor Wiring and MicroPython Code

=> ↺"><img

13:17 TR Bot; MQ-2 with Raspberry PI Pico: Gas Sensor Wiring and MicroPython Code

13:19 matey; "they want to wipe us out", say people who push millions of people into a little strip surrounded by fences <- and yet debian has demonstrated a zero tolerance policy (in practice at least) against any sympathy towards palestine

13:20 matey; shades of coc

13:20 matey; but of course its only used to prop up censorship and other heavy handed tactics

13:27 TR News; FOSS Patents: IP Bridge wins 4G patent injunction against Ford's German subsidiary: Munich I Regional Court announced bench ruling at end of yesterday's trial Source: fosspatents

=> ↺

13:27 TR Bot; FOSS Patents: IP Bridge wins 4G patent injunction against Ford's German subsidiary: Munich I Regional Court announced bench ruling at end of yesterday's trial

13:35 dimkr_; why is Lupa "not doing as much crawling as before"?

13:51 dimkr_; @schestowitz, ^

13:53 schestowitz_TR2; 0/

13:53 schestowitz_TR2; not sure why

13:54 *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC -

=> ↺

13:56 XRevan86;

=> ↺

13:56 TR Bot; Such Bad Guys Will Come: How One Russian Brigade Terrorized Bucha - The New York Times

13:58 *includeals ( has joined #techrights

2 PM, May 22

14:07 MinceR; 22 093659 < mjg59_> TOFU tells you nothing about identity

14:07 MinceR; PKI tells you whatever the goons holding a gun to a CA operator's head want to tell you about identity

14:29 TR News; UPC special focus: Invalidity risk a bitter pill for pharma to swallow

14:36 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)

14:38 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:38 *CrystalMath (~coderain@udwdepd7788w4.irc) has joined #techrights

14:43 TR News; Trial by media is trial by media owners. When oligarchs own the media it means that oligarchs become judges of their own (and our) behaviour...

14:44 TR News; Trial by social control media is trial by head choppers, who partly own Twitter and many other things. Do you want to be judged by manipulation? By people who lob heads off over "atheism" and alleged "witchcraft"?

14:45 matey; PKI tells you whatever the goons holding a gun to a CA operator's head want to tell you about identity

14:45 matey; :>

14:46 matey; thats an upstream problem

14:46 matey; dont worry about context, the statement was still factual

14:46 matey; if one-sided

14:47 MinceR; :>

14:47 MinceR; "That's not my department", said Wernher von Braun

14:47 matey; lol

14:48 matey; i had enough fun like that with years of lennarts poetterings

14:48 matey; "this breaks security"

14:48 matey; "thats an upstream problem"

14:48 matey; good, so remove all local mitigations and blame the authorities for not doing an adequate job

14:49 matey; because if you shoot yourself in the foot, a cop is going to leap between you and your foot to save it

14:49 MinceR; lol

14:49 matey; "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

14:49 MinceR; you can also hand your sensitive information to state officials for safekeeping

14:49 matey; yes, if you cant trust them...

14:50 matey; erm, they have root, you already trust them!

14:50 matey; shuttlejerk

14:51 matey; sometimes developers say things worthy of chinese government offices

14:51 matey; i dont know how they can stand it

14:52 MinceR; being an authoritarian probably helps

14:52 matey; yeah i mean

14:52 matey; the nice thing about being authoritarian is youre always right

14:54 matey; id did something fun recently

14:55 matey; i mirrored my filesystem

14:55 matey; spent about a week scrubbing it of anything too personal

14:55 matey; and then backed it up to someone i trust on the other side of the planet

14:55 matey; of course id trust them with even more

14:55 XRevan86;

=> ↺

14:55 TR Bot; - Are you a robot?

14:56 matey; though i trust the method of sending it (encrypted without cert auths at least) less

14:56 matey; they didnt get any keys or passwords

14:56 matey; i did later find a password from a few years ago, which goes to fuck knows what and probably isnt an active account anymore

14:57 matey; i would have removed that too but im not too bothered

3 PM, May 22

15:02 matey; now where am i going to find an airline that serves kompot with meals

15:03 bnchs;

=> ↺

15:03 TR Bot; paid YouTubers to say nice things about Xbox One - report |

15:03 bnchs; is this new?

15:04 matey; not as a microsoft tactic

15:04 TR News; UPC: Turning Patent Lawyers Into Liars and the Media Into Their Money-Grabbing Megaphone (Platform for Fake News) | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

15:04 TR Bot; UPC: Turning Patent Lawyers Into Liars and the Media Into Their Money-Grabbing Megaphone (Platform for Fake News) | Techrights

15:04 matey; theyve (literally) bought a lot of good will over the past few years

15:04 matey; even microbel

15:04 matey; wait sorry, thats amd

15:04 matey; (afaik)

15:05 matey; its usually microsoft though

15:05 psydroid2; at&t and the baby bels

15:05 matey; there are no baby bells left, verizon bought them all

15:05 matey; now verizon is auntie bell

15:05 matey; because i think theyre still not as large as ma bell was

15:05 TR News; Congrats to Man City for NOT using TWEETS to announce their starting lineup. Orgs should use their own platforms, NOT outsource to MusKSA

=> ↺

15:06 TR Bot; Stones and Foden return for Villa title decider

15:06 psydroid2; bhabi

15:06 matey; hehehe

15:06 psydroid2; lol

15:06 matey; bbhabi bell

15:06 matey; when you try to use non-standard equipment she points at your face and yells at you

15:06 matey; if youre really lucky she isnt holding a big spoon

15:08 psydroid2; she will feed you well

15:08 psydroid2; maybe a bit too well

15:09 psydroid2; when she rams the big spoon down your throat

15:09 matey; hai ram

15:09 psydroid2; but that's because she loves you unconditionally

15:09 matey; bilkul

15:10 matey; love hurts, from a bhabhi

15:11 psydroid2; tainted love

15:13 psydroid2; supported by a gypsy love song played on a gypsy violin

15:14 matey; ha

15:14 matey; learned something amazing yesterday, not sure if its true but i bet it is

15:14 bnchs; found something lol

15:14 matey; charlie chaplin-- roma!

15:15 matey; france can suck a giant croissant

15:15 matey; they dont even know what century it is

15:15 bnchs;

=> ↺


15:16 matey; rofl

15:16 matey; who needs a coc when what you say has a eula?

15:16 psydroid2; it's really easy to starve Microsoft of revenue by not buying games for Xbox or Windows

15:17 matey; oh good, im doing my part then

15:17 psydroid2; I wonder if they're going to buy EA next

15:17 psydroid2; gotta catch them all

15:17 bnchs;

=> ↺

15:17 bnchs; the tag search

15:17 TR Bot; XB1M13 - Invidious

15:17 matey; i dont know, if they consume ea they might get indigestion

15:18 matey; imagine if a country decided annex north korea

15:18 matey; i mean, who would wnat it

15:19 matey; i think even china would be like "eh, no thanks"

15:19 bnchs; "You may not say anything negative or disparaging about Machinima, Xbox One or any of its Games in your Campaign Video;"

15:19 bnchs; "You must verbally mention that you are playing the game shown on the Xbox One console."

15:19 bnchs; "Campaign Video(s) must annotate to the Xbox One YouTube channel, or another Campaign Video on Your YouTube Channel that is part of this Campaign;"

15:20 bnchs; "Do not use excessive inappropriate language or profanity in your Campaign Video;"

15:20 bnchs; they're asking for too much

15:20 bnchs; AND FOR?

15:20 bnchs; "You shall be paid the consideration of One U.S. Dollar ($3.00) CPM (CPM Compensation) for every valid View"

15:20 bnchs; ONE DOLLAR PER VIEW

15:21 psydroid2; this is a billion dollar business

15:22 psydroid2; mo views mo money

15:22 matey; One U.S. Dollar ($3.00) <- ?

15:23 bnchs; > One U.S. Dollar ($3.00) <- ?

15:23 bnchs; the lawyer was on drugs

15:23 matey; it reminds me of the board member agreement and "code of ethics" the fsf added in january

15:24 matey; which was straight from the american version of "the office"

15:24 matey; not to mention joshua gay just days after stallman was cancelled

15:26 matey; consideration = compensation

15:27 matey; i dont know if theres three compensations to the consideration, i still dont understand the exchange rates

15:27 bnchs; it's 1 dollar CPM

15:27 matey; no, its One dollar ($3)

15:28 bnchs; 1 dollah (3 dollah)

15:28 matey; they didnt say anything about "1" dollar

15:29 matey; since they clearly mentioned two amounts, i wonder if theyre willing to haggle

15:29 matey; "only one dollar? i have to pay for internet, you know! my kids have to eat!"

15:30 bnchs; oh about that

15:30 bnchs; "The Campaign is open only to Machinima Channel Affiliates, who are thirteen (13) years of age or older (Machinima Channel Affiliates who are thirteen (13) to seventeen (17) years of age at the time of signature of this Agreement must receive written permission from his or her parent or legal guardian in accordance with the terms herein prior to participating in this Campaign)."

15:31 matey; well i knew someone who had a kid when she was 16

15:31 psydroid2; fortunately the perfect solution already exists

15:31 matey; which she realised was not a great idea

15:31 psydroid2; you can save your children now by selling out to Microsoft

15:31 matey; the kid is probably in college now. and her mother is now a doctor

15:31 bnchs; you can save your children now by selling (them) out to Microsoft

15:32 matey; only if your kids are in their teens though

15:33 matey; "The Campaign is open only to Machinima Channel Affiliates, who are thirteen (13) years of age or older"

15:33 matey; you dont suppose this dates to when epstein was still alive

15:33 matey; not a joint venture?

15:34 schestowitz_TR2; ;"well, it's dead anyway"

15:34 bnchs; this was from 2014

15:35 matey; does it mention anything about pizza?

15:36 matey; there are so many fans of machinima older than 17, its such a weird cutoff date

15:37 matey; maybe they were worried older contributors might make better videos and get too many views

15:38 matey; oh wait

15:38 matey; there isnt a cutoff date

15:38 matey; i just reread it

15:38 matey; (13) years of age or older (Machinima Channel Affiliates who are thirteen (13) to seventeen (17) years of age at the time of signature of this Agreement must receive written permission

15:39 TR News; [Meme] UPC is Always Next Year (and Next Year Itll Surely be the Year After That) | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

15:39 TR Bot; [Meme] UPC is Always Next Year (and Next Year Itll Surely be the Year After That) | Techrights

15:43 TR News; This SOB is miraculously the head of Europe's SECOND-LARGEST ORG!!!


15:43 TR Bot; Its Not a War, Its Special Military Operation campinos-gap-lies Techrights

15:46 bnchs; the PS5 can't read CDs anymore

15:47 TR News; Searching "Lagrange Gemini" in the iOS App Store gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

15:47 TR News; AEHIST-W [Wordo: FUZED] gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

15:48 TR News; EPO makes Europe seem like a "third-world country". Yes, country.

15:48 TR News; The above 26 screenshots (with necessary annotation added) hopefully illuminate the degree of deceit, manipulation, bribery and distortion of public discourse (fake news and advocacy of patently unlawful activities)


15:48 TR Bot; UPC: Turning Patent Lawyers Into Liars and the Media Into Their Money-Grabbing Megaphone (Platform for Fake News) | Techrights

15:49 psydroid2; lol

15:49 TR News; The UPC will come next year, just like every year (since almost a decade ago) just because the lunatic promises so and crushes the law, quite frankly as usual, cusioned and protected by the UPC lobby


15:49 psydroid2; the PS5 killed itself

15:49 psydroid2; Sepukku Sony-style

15:49 bnchs; it can only read DVD/BDs now

15:50 bnchs; unlike the PS4 which can read CD/DVD/BDs

15:50 bnchs; so no audio CDs anymore bitch

15:51 MinceR; balesteysn fayvvf

15:51 TR News; "Computers were "good enough" 5 years ago, and we're still using them for the exact same purposes. So why do we have gigs of software updates every week, and why do our computers get slow and "out-of-date" every 2 years" gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

15:52 MinceR; a small part of it is fixing security holes

15:52 TR News; "GNU Parallel 20220522 ('NATO') has been released. It is available for download at: lbry://@GnuParallel:4"

=> ↺

15:52 TR Bot; GNU Parallel - News: GNU Parallel 20220522 ('NATO') released [Savannah]

15:52 bnchs; balesteysin fayvvf: introducing

15:52 bnchs; wbkit security holes

15:52 bnchs; to get jailbrek

15:53 psydroid2; go raibh maith agat

15:53 TR News; HP Team Up With System76 for New Linux Laptop

=> ↺

15:53 TR Bot; HP teamed up with System76 for the HP Dev One laptop with Pop!_OS Linux | Tux Machines

15:55 TR News; Minisforum HX90G Mini-PC powered by AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX CPU and discrete AMD GPU

=> ↺

15:55 TR Bot; MINISFORUM DeskMini UM350 mini PC now available with Manjaro Linux for $299 and up | Tux Machines

15:56 TR News; "Gemini[1] is a nice alternative to the web. It is lighter than the web and very simple to host so I decided to host a copy of this blog as a Gemini server." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

4 PM, May 22

16:00 psydroid2; "HP, System76 and AMD Gang Up on the Independent Hardware Industry"

16:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

16:10 IPFS; Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

16:10 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 19.43 k/sec., IPFS upstream 31.66 average k/sec., average swarm size 354.23

16:19 activelow; what a joke, a liberal politician in german parliament shouted: "1 and 1 is 1 and not 3"...

16:19 activelow; few days later this circulated, and he was bashed for this...

16:20 activelow; however... 1AND1 is 1, 1PLUS1 is 3 ...; so true

16:21 matey; unlike the PS4 which can read CD/DVD/BDs

16:21 matey; is the ceo of sony 10 years old or something?

16:23 *dimkr_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)

16:27 CrystalMath; well if you "bitwise and" 1 and 1, you get 1 :P

16:35 *SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

16:35 activelow; default linux console keyboard mappings are strange... function keys, pos1/end, and i don't know yet how to map to AltGr+1,2,3,4,5,6

16:36 activelow; i will remap F1..F4 to "\033[11~" .. "\033[14~"... and see if Vim eats it

16:37 activelow; F11 and F12 are strange too, because a code-point is skipped between F10 and F11... no idea why

16:39 activelow; yep... Vim does appreciate the F1..F4 remapping for linux console keyboard... finally got that

16:44 *SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@bh5jyjy7qts7w.irc) has joined #techrights

16:46 activelow; and if i remap to AltGr then i won't need to toggle keyboard layout anymore and keep the US one, which i am alway using

16:46 activelow; US layout is easier for programming

16:47 activelow; i lived with keyboard labels not matching the characters for 20 years

16:48 activelow; a keyboard with kyrillic labels would be neat, because i wouldn't want to memorize this when i wanted to type russian hieroglyphs

16:49 activelow; and with mathematics, i needed greek glyphs, and sometimes hebrew (for example the Aleph)

16:50 matey;

=> ↺

16:50 TR Bot; A short history of Irish Travellers - Invidious

16:50 TR News; Ultramarine Linux: Fedora with Pantheon, Budgie, Cutefish and GNOME Tux Machines

=> ↺

16:50 TR Bot; Ultramarine Linux: Fedora with Pantheon, Budgie, Cutefish and GNOME | Tux Machines

16:50 AdmFubar;

=> ↺

16:50 TR Bot; Deepfake attacks can easily trick facial recognition The Register

16:56 activelow; german keyboard layout is extremely annoying when programming ... never used that

16:57 XRevan86;

=> ↺

16:57 TR Bot; Freedom to Ukraine, Putin's the devil. Dagestan schoolgirl shouts anti-war slogans as last bell rings

16:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 19.28 k/sec., IPFS upstream 19.58 average k/sec., average swarm size 337.80

16:59 TR News; "The community bonding period has already started (from May 20) and it will last until June 12. During this time, the contributors are expected to coordinate with their mentors and community."

=> ↺

16:59 TR Bot; NetBSD Blog

5 PM, May 22

17:00 TR News; "For the purposes of this post, a component is an encapsulation of a reusable piece of a view template responsible for its rendering. Components can technically be unique, but the core idea is to build common reusable parts and stay away from one-off components. Think buttons, alerts, or icons."

=> ↺

17:00 TR Bot; Understanding ViewComponent concepts by building a button

17:00 activelow; it is almost an act of sabotage, how brackets are mapped with german keyboard layout

17:02 activelow; [] are mapped to AltGR+8,9, () is mapped to shift+8,9, while US layout maps () to shift+9,0

17:02 *darwin has quit (connection closed)

17:03 activelow; AltGR for the [] brackets is stressing the right-hands bones, and the () shift+numbering mismatch is both useless and irritating

17:03 activelow; why did they do this?

17:03 *Red_ (~Red@freenode-vq3.aj5.jaj210.IP) has joined #techrights

17:03 *Redfoxmoon has quit (Connection closed)

17:03 TR News; Peppermint OS Release 5-22-2022 Tux Machines

=> ↺

17:03 TR Bot; Peppermint OS Release 5-22-2022 | Tux Machines

17:06 TR News; HP designing AMD-based Dev One laptop loaded with Linux

=> ↺

17:06 TR Bot; HP teamed up with System76 for the HP Dev One laptop with Pop!_OS Linux | Tux Machines

17:06 activelow; equal sign = too, because it was mapped shift+0 with german keyboard layout, which is awful, for programming

17:07 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines

=> ↺

17:07 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

17:07 activelow; the useless differences between US layout and german layout are annoying already, yet even when using german layout only the entire keymapping is awful

17:12 activelow; and then orthography reforms, which dropped the character entirely from german alphabet... no, it's not B

17:12 activelow; it's the hissing sound of a snake

17:13 activelow; they replaced with ss, in old language and ss were pronounced slightly different, and the articles das and da are gramatically different

17:14 activelow; now i shall write dass instead, which is confusing

17:15 XRevan86; > The letter is only used in German, and can be replaced with ss if the character is unavailable or capitalized, though a capitalized version has existed officially since 2017. In the 20th century, it was completely replaced by ss in Swiss Standard German (used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein), while it remains part of the orthography of Standard German elsewhere.

17:17 activelow; i see US-layout is missing another one:

17:20 activelow; i will keep us layout, and map the missing pieces to AltGR; plus the sign, ... none of this will conflict with us layout

17:21 activelow; another problem is greek glyphs, and various mathematical expressions

17:22 activelow; the Ti89 and Ti92 graphing calculators got dedicated keys for mathematics...

17:22 activelow; what a ridiculous joke typical computer keyboards are in comparison

17:28 activelow; and i would want to re-label the keyboard, for the baphometos keyboard layout

17:29 activelow; AltGr+t will be the cruzifix

17:29 *Red_ has quit (Connection closed)

17:29 *Red_ (~Red@freenode-vq3.aj5.jaj210.IP) has joined #techrights

17:31 *Red_ is now known as Redfoxmoon

17:36 TR News; Top 15 Linux Performance Monitoring Tools/ Tux Machines

=> ↺

17:36 TR Bot; Top 15 Linux Performance Monitoring Tools/ | Tux Machines

17:42 TR News; uClibc

=> ↺

17:42 TR Bot; DNS bug found in C standard library used in popular IoT products | SC Media

17:42 TR News; My Unholy Battle With a Rock64 Tux Machines

=> ↺

17:42 TR Bot; My Unholy Battle With a Rock64 | Tux Machines

17:43 TR News; Fake love

=> ↺

17:43 TR Bot; ( status 403 @ )

=> ↺

17:44 XRevan86; "This is a novel about a totalitarian state: 1984 translator disproves Russian diplomats claims that Orwells novel represents the end of liberalism"

=> ↺

17:44 TR Bot; .

17:44 XRevan86; So he's a proponent of a global fake and an enemy of the people? Writing it down

17:44 TR News; A bioactive phlebovirus-like envelope protein in a hookworm endogenous virus

=> ↺

17:44 TR Bot; ( status 503 @ )

=> ↺

17:47 TR News; Proprietary software

=> ↺

17:47 TR Bot; VMware issues critical fixes, CISA orders federal agencies to act immediately (CVE-2022-22972) - Help Net Security

17:49 TR News; Linux hardware video encoding on Amlogic A311D2 processor Tux Machines

=> ↺

17:49 TR Bot; Linux hardware video encoding on Amlogic A311D2 processor | Tux Machines

17:56 TR News; Links 22/05/2022: Rock64 and Peppermint OS Release | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

17:56 TR Bot; Links 22/05/2022: Rock64 and Peppermint OS Release | Techrights

17:56 TR News; Security Leftovers Tux Machines

=> ↺

17:56 TR Bot; Security Leftovers | Tux Machines

6 PM, May 22

18:02 matey;

=> ↺

18:02 TR Bot; New 60 Days with the Gypsies 2022 - Invidious

18:07 matey; theres definitely more than one group lumped under the exonym "gypsy"

18:07 matey; some are travellers by lifestyle, and dont want to give that up, while others are happy to but find it hard to find a place where they arent treated like shit, so they keep moving

18:07 matey; its always made to be about the law, which dfc is fond of leaning on

18:08 matey; but the laws are applied disproportionally to them

18:08 matey; so many places have created laws against discrimination that are poorly written

18:09 matey; but there seems to be almost nothing in the way of anti-discrimination that helps these people

18:09 matey; if nothing else it shows that such legislation is mostly for convenience and opportunism

18:09 matey; its got less to do with ending discrimination

18:10 matey; either way, you dont need this to know that europe is becoming more right wing

18:10 matey; i dont think the fake left is helping

18:11 matey; however, some of the initiatives to create legal parking areas (permanent sites) for travellers are obviously helpful

18:12 psydroid2; they are becoming more right wing even against other (white) europeans

18:12 psydroid2; it's totally screwed up

18:13 TR News; It's ours again :-)

=> ↺

18:13 TR Bot; Champions | Manchester is Blue

18:13 psydroid2; with the brexit thing germans who had been living in the UK for many years were being threatened

18:13 psydroid2; I know my friends and colleagues didn't know how quickly to leave

18:14 *techrights_guest|29 (~4b434370@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

18:14 matey; germans, really

18:14 *techrights_guest|29 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)

18:14 psydroid2; yes

18:14 matey; interesting

18:14 *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

18:15 *darwin has quit (Quit: Leaving)

18:15 *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

18:15 psydroid2; I haven't read this yet

18:15 psydroid2;

=> ↺

18:15 TR Bot;

18:16 psydroid2; but I remember reading news articles at the time

18:16 matey; what is it

18:16 matey; oh about the germans?

18:16 psydroid2; "The limits of tolerance: before and after Brexit and the German Refugee Crisis"

18:16 psydroid2; and Brexit

18:17 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

18:19 matey; the eu is too draconian, corrupt and (ironically, but not very ironically) capitalist

18:19 matey; but the freedom of movement was a step forward

18:19 matey; nobody likes immigrants-- not even immigrants

18:20 matey; come here, spend your money-- then get the fuck out, please

18:20 matey; at least thats what people obviously feel

18:20 psydroid2; yes

18:20 matey; meanwhile

18:21 matey; native americans were welcoming

18:21 matey; they shared the land

18:21 matey; and then got treated like invaders themselves

18:21 matey; and the people who proudly say their ancestors came on the mayflower

18:21 matey; they would certainly rather shut the doors

18:22 psydroid2; they were trespassing on the land the invaders legitimately conquered

18:22 matey; ah, yes-- trespassing

18:22 matey; an important word, but sometimes it can be a bit magical and mythological

18:23 matey; i mean you should have a right to defend the area around you-- im not against that

18:23 matey; just that it never seems to work out that way for everyone

18:24 matey; some people end up with more right to defend themselves than others

18:24 matey; and then people wonder why theres so much blood everywhere

18:24 matey; as if it was going to work out some other way

18:25 matey; its never the fault of those with the biggest holdings of wealth and land though

18:25 matey; theyre always blameless somehow

18:26 matey; someone figured out at some point

18:26 matey; if you have a lot of land and a lot of money

18:26 matey; thats gods way of saying youre right

18:26 matey; or as i said earlier, the nice thing about being authoritarian

18:27 matey; is that youre always right

18:28 matey; theyre hunting pigeons and squirrels for food

18:28 matey; with a slingshot

18:29 matey; and this guy whos decided to spend 60 days living as a "gypsy"

18:29 matey; hes eating squirrel and magpie

18:30 psydroid2; new age "gypsy"

18:31 TR News; Manchester City Did It!!!

=> ↺

18:31 TR Bot; Blog Archive Manchester City Did It!!!

18:32 matey; no hes doing it to get the story

18:33 matey; and to raise awareness of a really fucked up law

18:33 matey; its not because he wants to live like this, or finds it romantic

18:34 matey;

=> ↺

18:34 TR Bot; New 60 Days with the Gypsies 2022 - Invidious

18:47 matey; some places leave bins for travellers to put their rubbish in

18:48 matey; but this place doesnt, so the guy tries to take his rubbish to the tip

18:48 matey; he doesnt have a permit so he cant put it there

18:48 matey; they say theyre dump their rubbish in piles illegally

18:48 matey; but theres no legal place for them to put it!

18:48 matey; theres literaelly no where they can take it

18:48 matey; in some instances

7 PM, May 22

19:00 *CParadoxum__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

19:06 *matey has quit (connection closed)

19:15 *darwin has quit (Quit: Leaving)

19:16 *CParadoxum__ (~quassel@9xkr6pdp2c5xu.irc) has joined #techrights

19:23 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@ytcs5kc9pjgm6.irc) has joined #techrights

19:25 XRevan86;

=> ↺

19:25 TR Bot; Exclusive: Russian officer reveals why he risked it all to quit Putin's war in Ukraine - CNN

19:29 *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

19:30 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

19:30 TR Bot; Consumers defy inflation to support economy. For how long? | WGN-TV

19:30 DaemonFC; I commented.

19:30 DaemonFC; "Washington (AP) - Three heroic consumers braved the burning wreckage of the Biden economy today to support the American way of living. Between all of them, they could afford three gallons of gas and a day's worth of groceries. Their combined income was $200,000 a year, which in the past 12 months has been reduced to $20,000.

19:30 DaemonFC; When reached for comment about the ordeal, Elon Musk accused all three of them of just not wanting to work hard enough and said that he'd vote for Donald Trump to come back and pass more trade amendments to allow Tesla to flee to China without consequence."

19:30 activelow; ... nice, no need for switching keyboard layout anymore for this, F1..F4 remapped to the regular codepoints to be happy with Vim

19:33 activelow; not sure yet, if and how to cope with cyrillic, for this i need a cyrillic labeled keyboard, won't memorize three different layouts (de, us, ru) without a correctly labeled keyboard

19:33 activelow; and mathematical expression... yet those are context sensitive and an sqrt/sin/tan etc. expand differently depending on context

19:34 activelow; with C language the unicode glyphs are useless of cause, and sqrt should expand to the corresponding math.h function name at least

19:34 activelow; within TeX typesetting context sqrt had to expand to the unicode glyph

19:35 DaemonFC; schestowitz, Mom said she found something bizarre at "Dollar Tree".

19:35 DaemonFC; Previously, everything in the store cost $1, hence the name.

19:35 DaemonFC; When I used to shop there 17-18 years ago, you could actually get some decent stuff for $1.

19:35 DaemonFC; In fact, I even went there to get multi-packs of soap and high quality scented candles.

19:36 activelow; and keyboards are missing the labeled keys for mathematical expressions anyway; i had wanted a Ti89 style numpad

19:36 DaemonFC; But then as the years went by, they shrank the size and quantity of things, and then skimped on quality too. You could buy trash bags, but as soon as you threw anything in them, they'd tear and you lost them all. So I stopped shopping there.

19:37 DaemonFC; A couple days ago, mom went in after they rebranded to Dollar Tree Plus.

19:38 DaemonFC; She went to find a broom, and the broom was $1.25. But it was one of those little brooms that you have to get down on hands and knees to use, like if you broke a glass or something and needed to make sure you swept it all up, or a small mess. So she asked the worker there where the full sized brooms were.

19:38 activelow; instead, what have we got, instead of an opensource texas instruments firmware?

19:38 DaemonFC; It turns out that you could buy a handle that twisted into the small broom to make it a full sized broom, for another $1.25. And while they used to have a full sized broom, with a full sized handle, with a dustpan included, now you have to buy the dustpan, for $1.25.

19:39 DaemonFC; So the set that cost $1 5 years ago is now $3.75 if you want a full sized broom and a dustpan.

19:40 DaemonFC; I told her last time I was in there was years ago, and they had "$1 ribeye steaks, frozen" and I said "I don't even want to know what's in that.".

19:40 DaemonFC; Well, fortunately, there's the Internet, so other people bought them and reviewed it. It's as nasty as you'd suspect.

19:41 DaemonFC; I told mom that inflation whittled away the cheap dollar store a long time ago. I used to shop there even when I worked at Walmart because you could get things like a 4 pack of full sized bath soaps at the Dollar Tree for $1. Now they're 2 travel sized bars and they want $1.25 for it.

19:43 DaemonFC; So really you pay triple for the same volume of bath soap, and by this point, you're better off going to Walmart and getting a 8 pack of full sized bars for $3.98.

19:44 DaemonFC; About the only way the Dollar Tree math works out in your favor anymore is if you need a bar of soap today, right now, Dollar Tree is right there, Walmart is on the other side of town, and gas costs $5.15 because Biden, and you just can't get by until your normal shopping day because you forgot to buy soap.

19:46 MinceR; 22 171914 < activelow> what a joke, a liberal politician in german parliament shouted: "1 and 1 is 1 and not 3"...

19:46 DaemonFC; "We printed up 35% of the previous total of all Dollars in circulation. The oil companies want the same inflation-adjusted profits as before. Putin's war in Ukraine is the entire reason for the gas prices." -Politicians

19:46 MinceR; i guess not many people know bitwise logical operations

19:47 MinceR; 22 180059 < activelow> it is almost an act of sabotage, how brackets are mapped with german keyboard layout

19:47 MinceR; just use us layout :>

19:47 MinceR; maybe altgr-intl variant

19:47 MinceR; 22 181358 < activelow> they replaced with ss, in old language and ss were pronounced slightly different, and the articles das and da are gramatically different

19:47 MinceR; what was the difference in pronunciation?

19:48 MinceR; especially considering that afaik is just a ligature of 2 different forms of 's' :>

19:49 *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

8 PM, May 22

20:06 *darwin has quit (connection closed)

20:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

20:10 IPFS; Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

20:10 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 20.23 k/sec., IPFS upstream 24.98 average k/sec., average swarm size 391.30

20:31 *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

20:32 MinceR; (audio:important)

=> ↺

20:32 TR Bot;

=> ↺

20:32 TR Bot; | Like UNTUCKit Shirts But Wish You Could Tuck Them In? Try GoTUCKyourself! - Invidious

20:41 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@ytcs5kc9pjgm6.irc) has joined #techrights

20:41 XRevan86; I remembered something incredibly random.

20:42 XRevan86; Which is the existence of this film: (Cinderella 2013)

=> ↺

20:42 XRevan86; * 2012

20:42 activelow; MinceR: i always use us layout, this one was missing various mappings for other tasks than programming C

20:43 XRevan86; Which in Russian is called (and stylised) as "Z".

20:43 activelow; US is missing mappings for mathematics, currency symbols, and german

20:43 *bnchs has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

20:44 activelow; the only problem remaining is, Vim and home-end in insert mode

20:45 MinceR; a compose key can supplement many missing glyphs

20:45 activelow; tried those, linux terminal and yaft didn't accept various sequences

20:45 MinceR; but german characters you can even enter with altgr in the intl and altgr-intl variants

20:45 XRevan86; And that Cinderella film is not legal in some countries now :)

20:45 MinceR; yeah, probably works better in X

20:45 XRevan86; At least it would have been if anyone actually cared.

20:46 activelow; nope, X isn't any better or worse

20:46 MinceR; pretty sure these things work fine for me

20:46 DaemonFC; "Never bet against the U.S. consumer, Ashworth said."

20:46 MinceR; altgr+q = , compose,",a =

20:46 activelow; MinceR: how do you handle Vim in insert mode with home/end keys? this one is a headache on linux console

20:46 MinceR; altgr+s = , compose,s,s =

20:46 DaemonFC; Except for that one time when baby boomers took out HELOCs and equity loans on their house and car to prop up expensive vacations to Disney World and then lost their houses and cars.

20:46 DaemonFC; But that was different.

20:47 DaemonFC; Basically, never bet against this bunch.

20:47 MinceR; activelow: esc (to normal mode), then 0 to go to start of line and $ to go to end of line

20:47 activelow; i said insert mode

20:47 MinceR; have you tried whatever emacs uses for those?

20:47 MinceR; you could bind (map) them if they are unbound

20:47 activelow; emacs got no modes

20:47 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

20:47 TR Bot; CrimeStoppers work to help find stolen violin from 1800s | WGN-TV

20:48 DaemonFC; City with 12,000 people shot every year offers reward for violin.

20:48 activelow; and besides, i'll try to remove GNU readline and see how bash behaves then

20:48 MinceR; yeah, so it has a bunch of ctrl+whatever combinations for such commands

20:48 MinceR; afaik gnu readline can do vi and emacs modes for you

20:49 activelow; i remapped hom-end to ctrl+a ctrl+e with linux console (loadkeys), to keep this consistent

20:49 activelow; then there is .inputrc for readline .less for less etc... all that is working OK already, within X11 and on linux console

20:50 activelow; it is only Vim insert mode with home/end which sucks

20:51 activelow; even got back win-keys and mappings for dvtm terminal multiplexer... except Vim

20:52 MinceR; you can create your own key mappings in vim

20:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 20.65 k/sec., IPFS upstream 17.40 average k/sec., average swarm size 350.53

9 PM, May 22

21:09 TR News; Todays Leftovers Tux Machines

=> ↺

21:09 TR Bot; today's leftovers | Tux Machines

21:09 TR News; Google #Android Leftovers Tux Machines

=> ↺

21:09 TR Bot; Android Leftovers | Tux Machines

21:13 TR News; Ubuntu 22.10 Makes PipeWire Default

=> ↺

21:13 TR Bot; Looks Like Ubuntu 22.10 Will Finally Switch to PipeWire by Default and Drop PulseAudio | Tux Machines

21:15 TR News; "A question that I often get asked is "Why don't you use BSD?" The answer to this question is rather simple, but I wanted to ramble a bit on some of the reasons that I think people "assume" are my reason why I choose Linux over BSD."

=> ↺

21:15 TR Bot; Why Do I Use Linux Instead Of BSD? - Invidious

21:16 MinceR; (cat)

=> ↺

21:16 TR Bot; IRCZ makes your life worth living created on 2022-05-18 22:02:50.425600

=> ↺

21:16 TR News; Linux Kernel 5.18 Officially Released, This Is Whats New Tux Machines

=> ↺

21:16 TR Bot; Linux Kernel 5.18 Officially Released, This Is Whats New | Tux Machines

21:17 TR News; "We have feedback on Deepin concerns, information about UbuntuDDE, LinuxFX, NxOS, and the application Flameshot. Bill breaks KDE Neon and Ambrose is annointed Engineer Minion."

=> ↺

21:17 TR Bot; Going Linux Shownotes

21:21 TR News; "Dumping some data out of an Android app at a specific point for reverse engineering purposes. While it worked great in the simulator, it was painfully slow on hardware via lldb. The solution was to write a patch and apply it to the ELF file."

=> ↺

21:21 TR Bot; Another ELF On The Stack | Hackaday

21:22 activelow; got a custom keymappings for Vim, for auto-indentation, spell-checking, line-breaks...

21:22 activelow; including home/end, only do not know how to cope with this in Vim insert mode

21:22 TR News; LF puff piece

=> ↺

21:22 TR Bot; Kubernetes ecosystem hits its inflection point - SiliconANGLE

21:23 *bnchs (~bnchs@mmik4f4bu3t5g.irc) has joined #techrights

21:23 MinceR; inoremap ... or inoremap ...

21:24 TR News; Microsoft liar and shill Rob Enderle now name-dropping "Metaverse" while exploiting Ukraine to write total bullshit. Microsoft typically uses him when things turn very, very sour.

21:25 TR News; Buffalo is now famous for something else...

=> ↺

21:25 TR Bot; the push to turn UB into a startup stronghold | Business Local |

21:26 TR News; They should be worried about their IQ if they enter such data into a so-called 'smart' 'phone'

=> ↺

21:26 TR Bot; Should women worry about data from their period-tracking app being used against them?

21:29 DaemonFC; schestowitz, I'm writing a science-based explanation of countertop water filter systems.

21:29 DaemonFC; It basically just breaks down and explains lab results of a comparison in a YouTube video I found between all the systems.

21:30 IPFS; Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

21:30 XRevan86; "Dagestan high school senior shoots apology video after saying No to war! Freedom to Ukraine! Putin is a bastard! at school celebration"

=> ↺

21:30 TR Bot; .

21:30 TR News; Manchester City Fans Invade The Pitch at Full Time after Winning Premier League vs Aston Villa

=> ↺

21:30 TR Bot; Manchester City Fans Invade The Pitch at Full Time after Winning Premier League vs Aston Villa - Invidious

21:38 TR News; Linux 5.18

=> ↺

21:38 TR Bot; Linux Kernel 5.18 Officially Released, This Is Whats New | Tux Machines

21:39 TR News; "The Internet is not what you think it is" gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

21:40 TR News; Technology for the Ageing gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

21:41 TR News; "Many Neocities sites, including sites owned by teenagers (born after the 90's, of course) are stylized like websites from the 90's, or Geocities sites in particular." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

21:42 TR News; "This weekend, I finnaly did something that I should have done long ago:

21:42 TR News; "This weekend, I finnaly did something that I should have done long ago: I implemented text search for my gopher- and gemini-client ncgopher." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

21:43 TR News; Slacking on Weight Loss gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

21:45 MinceR;

=> ↺

21:52 activelow; another one, linux framebuffer, it's alot faster when switching from 32bit to 16bit

21:52 mjg59_; MinceR: Certificate transparency makes it easy to identify any CAs that are mis-issuing certificates

21:53 MinceR; how?

21:53 activelow; however, an 8bit 256 color palette too suffices, sixels for example, and visual quality is still good... yet, various drm gpu drivers do not support 8bi

21:53 mjg59_; You see that a certificate for your domain was issued without you requesting it

21:53 activelow; 8bit

21:53 MinceR; as a user, how do i find out whether the certificate my bank's website shows me was issued by a CA that mis-issues certificates?

21:54 mjg59_; MinceR: Oh, you rely on your bank having their shit together

21:54 mjg59_; I mean, they're your bank, you're relying on them making good decisions in a bunch of ways

21:54 MinceR; yeah, but that would mean my bank handing me a device with their cert on it

21:54 MinceR; which none of them do

21:55 mjg59_; No, your bank detects it and immediately gets it revoked

21:55 MinceR; and in the easy case -- if i find out someone issue a cert for my domain without my requesting it, what can i do about that?

21:55 schestowitz_TR2; a lot og banking should not be done "online" anyway

21:55 mjg59_; Or the entire CA gets their trust revoked

21:55 schestowitz_TR2; it has led to far too much fraud

21:55 schestowitz_TR2; and now so many annoying "checks" that it doesn't even save much time

21:55 MinceR; schestowitz_TR2: a visit to an OTP office would quickly change your mind about that

21:55 schestowitz_TR2; and can be a nuisance

21:56 schestowitz_TR2; MinceR: depends which country and bank

21:56 schestowitz_TR2; just withdraw a lot of cash

21:56 schestowitz_TR2; we take out thousands at a time

21:56 schestowitz_TR2; bbl

21:56 schestowitz_TR2; making a couple of videos

21:56 MinceR; lol

21:57 MinceR; they don't even like dealing with cash

21:57 TR News; Vidoes: Going Linux and Why Linux Instead Of BSD Tux Machines

=> ↺

21:57 TR Bot; Vidoes: Going Linux and Why Linux Instead Of BSD | Tux Machines

21:57 MinceR; they like to direct you to their cash deposit capable ATM, they like to close their cash services 2 hours before closing

21:58 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines

=> ↺

21:58 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

21:58 activelow; didn't mean to interrupt; anyway, if the entire system includign framebuffer was limited to 8bit color palette, this reduced required memory bandwidth accordingly

21:59 activelow; however, the industry pushed for their GPU/DRM with 32bit, this alone slowed down processing ~75%

21:59 MinceR; 24bit and 32bit color is a lot nicer to look at

21:59 activelow; and the mali gpu for example, doesn't support 8bit, not yet...

21:59 MinceR; also works better with photos and video

10 PM, May 22

22:00 activelow; obviously not, with 16bit there isn't any noticable difference at all

22:00 activelow; and with 8bit high quality photos look very good still

22:00 MinceR; that is, you can't notice the difference

22:00 activelow; was surprised myself, 8bit color palette suffices, although with 8bit visual quality is slightly degrade, barely noticable

22:00 MinceR; and high quality photos need the right palette and dithering to look even passable in an 8bit mode

22:01 activelow; i converted various photos for testing into sixels, 8bit color palette, with very good visual quality

22:01 MinceR; even in 24bit true color, a grayscale transition won't look perfectly smooth without dithering

22:01 MinceR; (and afaik 32bit is just +8 bits of alpha or padding)

22:02 activelow; yes, 32bit contains the alpha channel

22:02 activelow; and with 8bit, a conversion into 256-greyscale is possible...

22:02 MinceR; (or maybe something like a z-buffer)

22:02 activelow; meaning, there is absolutely no need for any higher color depth than 8bit per pixel

22:03 MinceR; there is a need for it

22:03 activelow; and this would be 3x or 4x as fast often

22:03 MinceR; just generate a plain gradient from #000000 to #ffffff with a length of 1000 pixels and observe

22:03 activelow; sure, although i am not looking at gradients, i am looking at photos

22:04 activelow; and the problem isn't 16/24/32bit, problem is 8bit mode is missing

22:04 MinceR; the gradients demonstrate that not every color you can distinguish can be represented in true color

22:07 activelow; 8bit color palette has another benefit, which is i am using yaft+dvtm, and yaft allocates a separate pixel buffer

22:08 activelow; which is 64MiB RAM with 32bit per pixel, with 16bit it is roughly 32MiB... and guess what, with 8bit a FullHD pixel buffer would require ~16MiB only

22:10 activelow; visual quality is very good nonetheless, framebuffer requires 75% less memory bandwidth etc.

22:11 activelow; i think the raspberry can provide 8bit framebuffer, the rockchip with mali graphics cannot, not yet, i'll see to if i can hack it into

22:12 activelow; and then, see again, what ffmpeg-sixel or mplayer/sdl-sixel could do

22:13 activelow; tmux is known to tweak scrolling and terminal line buffer, meaning if alot of data arrives lines could be skipped

22:15 activelow; which is, a problematic design, and yaft/dvtm don't do this, gladly; already tweaked yaft to improve performance, which is with 16bit framebuffer and some other tweaks to buffer sizes it's 4x faster already

22:18 activelow; yaft is neat, it extends linux (and too netbsd/openbsd/freebsd) console framebuffer, with extended unicode support and sixels

22:18 activelow; i think, some yaft features could be moved into linux kernel, which would improve performance of it further

22:21 activelow; besides X11/wayland the real alternative is... yaft+dvtm... which are almost ready for production use

22:21 XRevan86;

=> ↺

22:21 TR Bot; Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews): "On Russian state TV, political scientist Sergey Mikheyev summarized what seems to be the Kremlin's strategy in Ukraine: grab whatever Russia can get and later claim it was their goal anyhow. At the max, they want all of Ukraine and the final solution of the "Ukrainian question."" | nitter

22:21 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

22:21 TR Bot; The science says that ZeroWater is not worth the money or hype. Brita is among the best countertop models. BaronHK's Rants

22:21 DaemonFC; "Amusingly, my mom bought a ZeroWater and ended up switching to Brita later when she complained about what it was costing her and asked what I recommended instead.

22:21 DaemonFC; The stupid TDS meter was saying the filter was unacceptable about every 10 gallons or so, but that was if you could even get the ZeroWater to filter 10 gallons. More often, she had them plug up on her Indiana tap water and couldnt even get half of the manufacturers stated life expectancy out of the filter.

22:21 DaemonFC; At that point youre paying between $1 and $1.50 per gallon of filtered water before the stupid ZeroWater is totally crapped up and useless.

22:21 DaemonFC; This amounts to roughly 10 or 15 times the cost of Brita.

22:21 DaemonFC; And when you consider that each person in your house uses about a gallon of water per day for drinking and cooking, you can see what the problem with that is.

22:21 DaemonFC; All of a sudden, the Brita is costing you about $3 per person/per month, whereas the stupid ZeroWater system could cost you $45 per person/per month."

22:23 DaemonFC; "So the price of the starter kit is the camel's nose in the tent, and the ZeroWater cartridges are the rest of the camel."

22:24 DaemonFC; "The entire system is designed to rip you off in such small increments, you may not even notice it right away."

22:32 *SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

22:34 *GNUmoon2 has quit (connection closed)

22:35 *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@mx37frrr3wre4.irc) has joined #techrights

22:35 AdmFubar; now this is a great title and so true

=> ↺

22:35 TR Bot; Phones are like a scab we know we shouldnt pick: the truth about social media and anxiety | Social media | The Guardian

22:36 TR News; "In this video, we are looking at how to install Krita on Debian 11."

=> ↺

22:36 TR Bot; How to install Krita on Debian 11 - Invidious

22:36 *matey (~matey@2cz86ibfpnxa6.irc) has joined #techrights

22:36 matey; upgraded mplayer

22:36 matey; it pulls in libass like before

22:36 matey; only now libass pulls in harfbuzz

22:37 matey; it already pulled in fribidi, which is microsoft gnuhub

22:37 TR News; Brodie Robertson "I have no idea how it's happened but I've finally made 1,000 videos and that's kind of crazy, it's only been 3 years but it feels like it's been so much longer and so much less at the same time."

=> ↺

22:37 TR Bot; I've Finally Made 1,000 Videos: Content Changes Are Coming - Invidious

22:37 matey; and mpv is even worse

22:37 matey; let people bullshit and tell you this is getting better

22:37 matey; theyre full of fucking shit

22:38 matey; full. of. shit.

22:38 *techrights_guest|79 (~50bb51e5@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

22:40 TR News; "ZeroWater sells incredibly expensive replacement filter cartridges."

=> ↺

22:42 *SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@r6euiqubu4z6w.irc) has joined #techrights

22:46 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

22:46 TR Bot; Strange fluctuations in egg prices in the United States. BaronHK's Rants

22:47 *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

22:48 *SomeH4x0r has quit (connection closed)

22:49 *techrights_guest|79 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)

22:51 *matey has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

22:53 *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

22:54 *SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@65v8kqgb32pk6.irc) has joined #techrights

22:54 schestowitz; :-)

=> ↺

22:54 TR Bot;

=> ↺

22:54 TR Bot; | Man City lift Premier League Trophy 2022 Pep Guardiola and Kevin De Bruyne Crazy Reactions HD - Invidious

22:54 schestowitz; DaemonFC: not just US

22:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 17.18 k/sec., IPFS upstream 29.56 average k/sec., average swarm size 319.05

11 PM, May 22

23:00 TR News; Gemini is Bigger Than Most People Care to Realise | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

23:00 TR Bot; Gemini is Bigger Than Most People Care to Realise | Techrights

23:03 DaemonFC; DaemonFC: not just US

23:03 DaemonFC; I suppose Rianne uses a bunch of them?

23:04 DaemonFC; I practically have to either wait until brown eggs are in stock or buy half a gross of white eggs when the price dips a bit.

23:04 DaemonFC; :/

23:05 DaemonFC; Because strangely this is enough of the budget to make a $5-6 dent in the grocery bill each month depending on if you time it wrong or the price of one goes up or down vs. the other.

23:06 AdmFubar;

=> ↺

23:06 TR Bot; Why Open Access To The ACM Digital Library Matters | Associations Now

23:07 DaemonFC; I suppose you can say that "second bankruptcy" was a bit of an eggonomic eggsageration. Eggtreme eggsample. But all yolking aside, the good days of this country are basically ovum now.

23:07 DaemonFC; *Eggstreme

23:16 *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

23:16 schestowitz; DaemonFC: eggsa re common ingredient

23:16 schestowitz; but if not discounted we might not buy them at all

23:16 schestowitz; lately you could get more fruit and veg discounted

23:17 schestowitz; got almost 30 lemons, I use them a lot in tea

23:17 schestowitz; you mentioned the us has "chicken shortage"

23:17 schestowitz; and you know where eggs come from...

23:18 schestowitz; [23:07] *Eggstreme

23:19 schestowitz; Blame the market in New YOlk

23:19 schestowitz; I try to avoid egg, though I'm not a vegan

23:20 schestowitz; it's part of the "meat industry" pipeline

23:21 DaemonFC; you mentioned the us has "chicken shortage"

23:21 *techrights_guest|44 (~8bb8df8a@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

23:21 DaemonFC; Yes, I froze about 200 and some pounds of chicken breasts and thighs.

23:21 DaemonFC; By weight, that's the meat off of over 50 chickens.

23:23 DaemonFC; schestowitz, The deep freeze gives me some more options. Like waiting for a quarter where grocery stores are 5% on the Capital One card and then quickly going over to Aldi or Jewel and buying up all of their store brand chicken instead of dealing with this Walmart bullshit where the only thing they stock anymore are the expensive chickens.

23:25 schestowitz_TR2; this month we saw whole chickens sold for one pound

23:25 schestowitz_TR2; that's like 1.2 dollars, I think

23:26 DaemonFC; Walmart seems to have told their suppliers to stop giving them the chicken they normally sell for $2.69 and $2.99 a pound (thighs and breasts) and start only packaging the expensive national brands that cost $7-9 a pound instead.

23:26 schestowitz_TR2; these are things you can stuff in an oven

23:26 DaemonFC; So if you get your chicken at Walmart, the implication is that it's going to be a major drag on your grocery bill.

23:26 schestowitz_TR2; so expiry date is not a big issue

23:27 DaemonFC; Walmart has made sure that the people who suffer from the chicken shortage are the people who normally buy the store brand chicken because they need to save money.

23:34 schestowitz_TR2; wow, poor spamnil

23:34 schestowitz_TR2; not using his youtubebots

23:34 schestowitz_TR2; again

23:34 schestowitz_TR2; 6 days, 12 views

23:34 schestowitz_TR2; amazing

23:35 schestowitz_TR2; maybe hee need to buy clickbots agin

23:41 *matey (~matey@fici29dumxqp6.irc) has joined #techrights

23:41 matey; kristall is shit, it brings in poetterware and maybe dbus

23:42 matey; amfora is shit too, i wont recommend it

23:42 matey; av-98 is good

23:42 matey; this is if you want a command line clinet

23:42 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

23:42 TR Bot; Walmart has made sure that the people who suffer from the chicken shortage are the people who need to save money and live better. BaronHK's Rants

23:42 DaemonFC; "Mad props for being very relatable.

23:42 DaemonFC; Their highlight to show shit is, in fact, getting real is a tuba player who had to cancel his Netflix account.

23:42 DaemonFC; But it gave me a great idea. We should start a fundraising campaign to get a guy with a tuba to walk around playing it while Elon Musk is speaking.

23:42 DaemonFC; That way we can get some entertainment and drown out his whinging about the American work ethic and praise for the Chinese Communists."

23:43 matey; if you want a graphical one, im sure theyll make a good one eventually

23:43 matey; i actually was surprised that amfora was useless

23:43 matey; it had potential

23:44 matey; unlike html, gemtext really shines on the vt

23:44 DaemonFC; Amazon is back to doing 40% off coupons for your first S&S order for stuff.

23:44 matey; you dont really NEED a graphical client

23:45 matey; i used elinks for a long time though

23:45 DaemonFC; So I stock up on things and cancel the subscriptions again.

23:48 DaemonFC; Amazon Brand - Presto! 308-Sheet Mega Roll Toilet Paper, Ultra-Soft, Half Pallet, 24 Cases (6 Count Packs of 4) = 576 Rolls

23:48 DaemonFC; Wow, an entire pallet of toilet paper.

23:49 DaemonFC; I'm sure someone would buy this. Might make sense if you had a business or something and needed a good unit price.

23:50 schestowitz_TR2; kristall is actually good for many thins, matey

23:50 matey; you miss the point

23:50 schestowitz_TR2; tyou can use it as a web broeser

23:51 schestowitz_TR2; it would not load css

23:51 matey; it pulls in cups and avahi

23:51 schestowitz_TR2; systemd you say

23:51 schestowitz_TR2; at what level?

23:51 matey; no

23:51 matey; cups and avahi

23:51 schestowitz_TR2; cups??

23:51 schestowitz_TR2; weird

23:51 matey; at the magical "dependency" level

23:51 matey; which isnt a real thing

23:51 schestowitz_TR2; maybe the dep can be removed

23:51 matey; sure

23:51 schestowitz_TR2; maybe something in the build system, excssive

23:51 matey; and when its removed ill reevaluate it

23:52 schestowitz_TR2; maybe a simple patch, like removing one line

23:52 schestowitz_TR2; when I checked around march last commit was november

23:52 schestowitz_TR2; [shithub url]

23:52 schestowitz_TR2; now it says jan 30

23:52 matey; thats the other thing

23:52 matey; gemini is young

23:53 matey; starting with github just gives microsoft WAY more power

23:53 matey; recommending github clients WHEN SO MANY NEW CLIENTS ARE COMING

23:53 schestowitz_TR2; the commit is from charles something

23:53 matey; is just destructive

23:53 schestowitz_TR2; not felix

23:53 schestowitz_TR2; most gemini things are not in shithub

23:53 matey; maybe a simple patch, like removing one line <- then compile the whole thing with all the

23:53 schestowitz_TR2; these are people who grasp self-hosting

23:53 matey; most gemini things are not in shithub <- im not sure this is true anymore

23:54 matey; i think it was to begin with

23:54 schestowitz_TR2; matey: it does a nightly

23:54 schestowitz_TR2; you just get an appimage

23:54 schestowitz_TR2; which I prefer over snap and flatpak

23:54 matey; as do i

23:54 schestowitz_TR2; you don't need to install am kitchen sink

23:54 matey; we will see

23:54 schestowitz_TR2; lastest changes

23:54 schestowitz_TR2; "Removes build date from manpage to make kristall builds reproducible"

23:55 schestowitz_TR2; "src/ append CPPFLAGS to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS "

23:55 matey; imo a web browser loses one of the best points of gemini

23:55 schestowitz_TR2; https://github. com/MasterQ32/kristall/commits?author=charles2910

=> ↺ https://github.

23:55 TR Bot; not resolve host: github; Unknown error ( status 0 @ https://github )

=> ↺ https://github

23:55 matey; which is that it doesnt need the bloat of a web browser

23:55 matey; so sure someones going to throw in a web browser

23:56 matey; but web browsers exist

23:56 schestowitz_TR2; try web browsing in kristall

23:56 schestowitz_TR2; it's even simpler than netsurf

23:56 schestowitz_TR2; and works

23:56 schestowitz_TR2; for most sites

23:56 schestowitz_TR2; the ones that don't try to be websppa

23:56 schestowitz_TR2; *"webapps"

23:56 matey; i dont need yet another github web browser

23:56 matey; most are github based already

23:56 matey; im trying to get AWAY from that

23:56 schestowitz_TR2;

=> ↺

23:56 TR Bot; $(title)

23:57 matey; anyway, im happy with av-98

23:57 schestowitz_TR2; tell him

23:57 schestowitz_TR2;

23:57 schestowitz_TR2; he is called "xq"

23:57 schestowitz_TR2; felix

23:57 matey; av-98 is solderpunk afaik

23:57 schestowitz_TR2; yeah

23:57 matey; unless solderpunk = felix

23:57 schestowitz_TR2; no

23:58 schestowitz_TR2; they're just both germany

23:58 matey; no ones perfect

23:58 schestowitz_TR2; I don't know the real name of solderpunk

23:58 schestowitz_TR2; nor did I see a photo

23:58 matey; im not going to bother felix about github

23:58 schestowitz_TR2; he prefers it that way

23:58 schestowitz_TR2; so it would feel like "ousting" him if we posted name/photo

23:58 schestowitz_TR2; it's also risky

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; for the ad hom crowd

23:59 *techrights_guest|44 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; vitaly from ethereum is worried about it

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; he's "oiriginally" russian

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; in canada now, iirc

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; and ehtereum as a band

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; and its trust

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; lies too much upon his face/name

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; so they try to change that

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; "

23:59 schestowitz_TR2; If you want to participate in development or file issues, please use GitHub or write me a mail to

23:59 schestowitz_TR2;"

IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 22, 2022

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