IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, September 10, 2022

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beginning of new day, September 10

00:00 DaemonFC; So is it right for politicians to condemn a bunch of 30 year olds so some 90 year olds in a nursing home get another month?

00:00 DaemonFC; Besides, Sweden never locked down and didn't get it worse than anyone else did, ultimately.

00:01 DaemonFC; China is becoming too unreliable as a manufacturing economy. This Zero COVID Policy is insane.

00:01 DaemonFC; One person tests positive and 30 million people have to lock down and stay in their homes.

00:02 DaemonFC; All you do even with that kind of a dictatorship is postpone the inevitable.

00:02 DaemonFC; China obviously doesn't have vaccines that work.

00:02 DaemonFC; They shut down a vaccine clinic in Hong Kong that was encouraging people to take the Pfizer shot because the Chinese ones are junk and don't work at all.

00:03 DaemonFC; They manufacture COVID shots about as well as they manufacture MREs. You know, the MREs that give their own soldiers food poisoning.

00:04 DaemonFC; Such bad quality control on the Chinese COVID shots that there was a huge batch that contained live virus. It wasn't killed like it was supposed to be.

00:04 DaemonFC; And here people are rolling up their sleeve for some Commie vaccine that they can't even guarantee with any certainty that it is what they intended it to have in it.

00:07 DaemonFC; schestowitz[TR], Politics is pretty stupid really, when you consider it.

00:08 DaemonFC; Had Trump or Biden forced Pfizer and Moderna to sell to China at a reasonable price, maybe inflation wouldn't be so bad right now.

00:08 DaemonFC; But it's all about optics. No politician wants the news to say "He's giving them to those Godless Communists when our own people....blah blah!".

00:10 DaemonFC; That's the religion problem I have. Like 99% of the people in Japan aren't Christians. So essentially what Christians are saying is at least 99% of people in Japan who die are going straight to Hell.

00:10 DaemonFC; That's just one example.

00:11 DaemonFC; Christianity is like most of the others. It presumes that most of the world is going to Hell.

00:11 DaemonFC; And when it's finished saying the non-Christians are going, they turn on each other.

00:11 DaemonFC; Mom works for the Catholics and says they're not Christians.

00:11 DaemonFC; Protestantism is a pretty recent thing.

00:12 DaemonFC; The Catholic church was around WAY longer than the Protestants.

00:12 DaemonFC; It's awfully presumptuous of them to fork Catholicism and then declare that what they forked totally isn't Christian.

00:14 DaemonFC; schestowitz[TR], Mandy works with a lot of "zombie bite hiders". They sent one of them home a few days ago because her grandfather, which she lives with, had COVID for a week and she never said anything.

00:14 DaemonFC; Walmart has paid leave for having COVID that doesn't even count towards your sick time.

00:15 DaemonFC; Why would you bother to hide having COVID? You get to go home for a week, paid, and don't have to work, and it doesn't come out of your PPTO hours.

00:17 DaemonFC; Stallman is basically another Xi.


00:17 DaemonFC; Instead of "This is ridiculous. They barely work. People with eyeglasses can't see a fucking thing.".

00:17 DaemonFC; Doesn't he wear glasses?

00:19 immibis; get a better mask, one that actually filters your breath instead of just directing it onto your glasses

00:19 immibis; they work fine

00:19 immibis; DaemonFC: surely that is the fault of rent, not lockdowns

00:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

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00:20 DaemonFC; Well, the US doesn't really have public housing.

00:21 DaemonFC; It does, but unless you're black and have 8 kids and don't know who their dads are, good luck everybody else.

00:21 starstreak; alex jones:

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00:21 techuser; why have kids?

00:21 DaemonFC; Because then they open the Welfare Floodgates.

00:21 DaemonFC; And free shit comes pouring out.


00:22 DaemonFC; Like $12,000 worth of this each year for each unit.

00:22 DaemonFC; Not a bad racket.

00:22 DaemonFC; Have 'em as fast as you can!

00:23 DaemonFC; The government doesn't give a shit about you if you're a man.

00:23 DaemonFC; It's the only thing the Republicans and the Democrats seem to agree on.

00:23 DaemonFC; That's all these women do is complain when the welfare state carries them and cracks the whip on everyone else.

00:24 DaemonFC; Everyone who bothers to put their pants and workboots on and punch a time clock.

00:24 DaemonFC; Eventually, you realize there's no point paying taxes because you're not getting anything anyway and you look for ways to at least deduct from your income tax as much as you possibly can.

00:25 starstreak; my computer hates me today

00:25 starstreak; [7:24 PM]

00:25 starstreak; running 10GB of ram and 100% of 4 threads to render troll art all day

00:25 DaemonFC; The only thing this country gives to people who work is more work.

00:26 techuser; we have computers more powerful than supercomputers of the past, yet they have issues running things

00:28 techuser; stupid effects

00:29 DaemonFC; There's a woman who works at McDonalds who has one arm, and she works as quickly as anyone else there, it seems.

00:29 DaemonFC; Meanwhile, we have an army of uteruses on legs that only seem to eat, pop out babies, and go demand more free shit for it from their caseworkers.

00:30 DaemonFC; I'll tell you which one I respect and which one I have nothing but contempt for.

00:30 DaemonFC; There's an easy way to stop having illegitimate babies. Quit letting felons fuck you between prison sentences.

00:31 DaemonFC; But there's no reason to. Pritzker just keeps the free shit train coming while our roads fall apart and our buses hardly operate.

00:31 immibis; DaemonFC: would you recommend forced sterilization?

00:31 techuser; I'd support forced sterilization

00:32 immibis; i'd say DaemonFC should go first

00:32 techuser; there is no reason to have children

00:32 DaemonFC; Why bother? I fuck other men.

00:32 DaemonFC; If I didn't, I would have done it first thing.

00:32 immibis; or maybe what would be more sensible, would be reducing the amount of money needed to raise children, so the government wouldn't need to pay people as much to raise their children

00:32 techuser; reduce age of majority, and parents' role

00:32 DaemonFC; I may not be solving the problem, but at least I'm not adding anything to it.

00:33 immibis; Only in the USA are things like childcare considered to be rewards for the parents instead of an obligation towards the child!

00:33 DaemonFC; I have no obligation towards children I didn't sire.

00:33 DaemonFC; Fuck the state.

00:33 immibis; DaemonFC: then you have no right to complain about the state being full of criminals, since you voted for it

00:34 immibis; the country, rather

00:34 DaemonFC; More specifically, fuck Illinois, fuck the Democratic Party.

00:34 immibis; do you vote republican?

00:34 DaemonFC; Never have before, but I can see things going that way soon.

00:34 DaemonFC; Definitely for that open state Supreme Court seat.

00:34 DaemonFC; Time to get rid of the FOID Act.

00:34 techuser; giving birth to children who have no hope for good future

00:34 techuser; tech slavery

00:34 immibis; sounds like you are going to vote for that "uterus on legs" to be forced to have that child

00:34 DaemonFC; giving birth to children who have no hope for good future


00:35 immibis; you can't vote for forcing people to have children, and then complain about the children

00:35 DaemonFC; YOu have 8 kids, half of them pick up a gun and kill someone, the other half end up barely employed or in the military. Praise Joe! Praise Him!

00:35 techuser; IRC is better than children

00:35 DaemonFC; :)

00:35 immibis; DaemonFC: why do the?

00:35 immibis; why do they?

00:36 DaemonFC; It's like pouring gasoline on all the fires that we have raging on in our country.

00:36 immibis; and while we're at it: DaemonFC: why do you fuck men? isn't that irresponsible, degenerate, perverse sexual behaviour?

00:36 DaemonFC; Giving them incentive to breed and breed and breed and then no useful work to perform.

00:36 DaemonFC; and while we're at it: DaemonFC: why do you fuck men? isn't that irresponsible, degenerate, perverse sexual behaviour?

00:36 DaemonFC; I suppose some would say so.

00:36 DaemonFC; I don't care what they think.

00:36 immibis; maybe you take the child away and put it in a care home and the mother is unaffected, or punished for not having an abortion. That's probably better. Although it's eugenics.

00:37 techuser; I did go to university to become a programmer. A lot of other people do every year. I risk having no job eventually.

00:37 DaemonFC; Everyone risks having no job.

00:37 DaemonFC; The Matthew J. GULAGs laughed when it was just "unskilled labor".

00:38 immibis; DaemonFC: and these "uteruses on legs" don't care what YOU think

00:38 techuser; execute mothers

00:38 techuser; this way no overpopulation

00:38 DaemonFC; Now it's healthcare workers, San Francisco yuppies, engineers, everyone who thought they would be safe with no workers under then to support the economy and buy their services.

00:40 DaemonFC; DaemonFC: and these "uteruses on legs" don't care what YOU think

00:40 DaemonFC; Oh they will.

00:40 DaemonFC; They've finally overplayed their hand.

00:40 DaemonFC; And things will get much worse.

00:40 immibis; DaemonFC: you are fantasizing about punishing people you dislike

00:41 immibis; DaemonFC: the elites have won, they have taken your mind, they have convinced you to turn on your peers instead of on the elites

00:41 *ubuntourist has quit (Connection closed)

00:41 starstreak; immibis, he became a republican, there is no logical discussion anymore.

00:41 techuser; why reproduce?

00:41 DaemonFC; There's no reason for men to do so.

00:41 DaemonFC; The only thing the state does to men who reproduce is punishment.

00:41 immibis; techuser: feels good, allegedly

00:42 DaemonFC; They steal your money and then give it to her, along with all the welfare you already pay taxes for.

00:42 DaemonFC; Let some other poor dumb bastard fall for that.

00:42 techuser; masturbation feels as good I think, except it doesn't result in pregnancy

00:42 immibis; DaemonFC: again, the USA is the only place where this is seen as a transfer from man to woman instead of man to child. (and by the way, it can also come from the woman)

00:42 DaemonFC; LOL

00:43 techuser; and also cheaper

00:43 DaemonFC; Women never pay child support. It's like 2-3% of the time that men get the kids, and then like maybe 10% of those cases, he gets child support.

00:43 DaemonFC; Family court is a kangaroo court that always rules for women.

00:43 DaemonFC; You have to prove that she is such an unfit mother that it would be downright DANGEROUS for the kids to live with her, and even then you probably won't get your kids.

00:43 immibis; objectively false, in recent years. You can say it's biased, sure.

00:44 immibis; maybe you live in a place with an exceptionally biased one

00:44 DaemonFC; You'll be lucky if you even see them very much with all the hours you get to work to pay her alimony and child support.

00:44 DaemonFC; So she can live off you and some man she meets and doesn't marry because it would end the alimony.

00:44 immibis; DaemonFC: sounds like good motivation to raise your child

00:44 DaemonFC; Sounds like good motivation to not play the rigged game.

00:45 DaemonFC; Let them find someone else to sponge off of.

00:45 DaemonFC; Life's hard enough anyway.

00:45 techuser; going to sleep, see you tomorrow I guess

00:46 starstreak; goodnight techuser

00:46 DaemonFC; South Dakota only makes you live there for a day to become a state resident. You might consider moving there and hitting her with divorce papers out of South Dakota.

00:46 DaemonFC; Chances are she'll fail to appear and then it gets much better for you.

00:47 DaemonFC; You can become a South Dakota resident quickly and probably without your wife even noticing (on paper) then file in South Dakota.

00:47 DaemonFC; Do it all quickly. As soon as you know something is wrong with your marriage.

00:47 DaemonFC; Don't even confront her about her being adulterous. She might file first.

00:48 DaemonFC; Just let her think she's getting away with it and then BAM....South Dakota divorce papers.

00:48 DaemonFC; Meanwhile, you can start moving money over to accounts you control and wait to see what the judge in South Dakota says about things, not California!

00:49 DaemonFC; Most men are stupid though.

00:49 DaemonFC; They let women know that they know they're being screwed around on and then they get hit with divorce papers, and it's all in the county you live in so you're on her turf.

00:50 DaemonFC; Things get easier when she'd have to drive 3,000 miles to go to court.

00:57 starstreak; A.I is kinda scary

00:57 starstreak; the art is killer

00:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 22.28 k/sec., IPFS upstream 88.36 average k/sec., average swarm size 153.20

1 AM, September 10

01:01 starstreak; A.I Donald Trump:

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01:04 DaemonFC; I don't know what it is about men. Men sure are stupid.

01:05 DaemonFC; I see the same thing play out over and over again. They find out their wife is cheating on them, they confront them about it, want to go to counseling. Act like this is the only woman that does or will ever exist. What's there to talk about? We know what she is. A traitor! What do we do with traitors? We get them out of our lives as quickly and with as little personal loss as possible. I know that now.

01:05 DaemonFC; techuser, Mark my words, young man. Mark them well.

01:07 *Luis64_gamer has quit (connection closed)

01:08 DaemonFC; Don't learn it by experience. If anyone proves treacherous, get out of there. Don't make a stink about it. Don't have your "AHA! You were CHEATING ON ME!" moment. Just don't. Just get out of there. Surprise them. Don't be there one day. And if you did happen to marry them, sneak around and figure out a plan of attack quietly before she has a chance to go to some sleazy divorce lawyer and plot and scheme about how to file bogus restraining

01:08 DaemonFC; orders and take you for every nickel and both the kids.

01:08 starstreak; (putin)

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01:08 DaemonFC; YOU go to some sleazy divorce lawyer and hatch and plan and scheme.

01:09 DaemonFC; You say, "Well gee, she doesn't know that I know, and I thought it would be best to keep it that way until I spoke with you!".

01:09 DaemonFC; And they will say, "You're smarter than all the rest of my clients.".

01:10 DaemonFC; Only gay people have any business getting married though, when you think about it.

01:10 DaemonFC; With some exceptions.

01:11 DaemonFC; Unless you're both going to be a lot better off financially and are ABSOLUTELY certain this is solid, don't do it.

01:11 *starstreak is converting cpu cycles into memes

01:11 DaemonFC; Immigration doesn't accept "Sorry, we're just shacking up but we like each other a lot!".

01:12 DaemonFC; So that can be a good reason to get married. I'm not talking "sham". I mean, it shows them you're taking a risk and not just letting them live on your couch for a while.

01:12 DaemonFC; Marriage has risks!

01:12 DaemonFC; They take you to divorce court, you don't know what the hell will happen. It's court.

01:13 DaemonFC; Courts are unpredictable. Judges are unpredictable.

01:13 DaemonFC; They're supposed to apply the same laws the same ways, except that's not what they do.

01:13 DaemonFC; They're people, and they bring their own personal beliefs and prejudices to work.

01:14 DaemonFC; Sometimes you run into a judge like the Cash 4 Kids judges, who were sentencing every kid to jail because they got bribe money each time they did it!

01:14 *AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights

01:14 DaemonFC; I knew what mom was walking into in divorce court in Huntington. I told her to file a change of venue.

01:15 DaemonFC; She managed to, and she ended up getting a judge in Whitley that leaned heavily towards her.

01:16 DaemonFC; She asked me if I knew anything about "Judge Heffelfinger" in Huntington. I said, "Oh, Heffelfucker? He's a Republican, he's fucking your landlord, and he gets pulled over for DUIs all the time and the cops let him go because he's a judge.".

01:16 DaemonFC; "That about sum it up?"

01:17 immibis; please rate your trip through the incelsphere on a scale of 1 to 5: _ _ _ _ _

01:17 DaemonFC; It's a small town. Her landlord is a closet fag. And by that, I mean he's a gay man who thinks (a) it's the 1960s and people care and it will ruin him and (b) that everyone doesn't already know he's gay.

01:18 DaemonFC; immibis, How so?

01:18 starstreak; incelsphere?

01:19 DaemonFC; Even with what John put me through, at least it'll be over on November 9th when the court approves my expungement request.

01:19 DaemonFC; Women can be so much nastier than John.

01:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

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01:20 starstreak; if it has to do with incels it would be 0

01:20 DaemonFC; He lacks that ability to plot in a devious and truly unscrupulous and long term manner.

01:20 DaemonFC; That's kind of key to the female psyche.

01:20 DaemonFC; And why men can never really turn into women.

01:21 DaemonFC; Men don't have that potential in their brain.

01:22 DaemonFC; Some sort of approach it. Even me sometimes!

01:23 DaemonFC; It's no different than other animals.

01:24 DaemonFC; Women figure out who will be the "strongest" mate to have children with, and when they realize they've miscalculated, or think they have, they'll dump your ass and move on, and often take "their" kids with them, and the courts see it as "their" kids, not "yours".

01:24 DaemonFC; Hell, maybe a lot of them aren't even aware that they're like that on a conscious level.

01:25 DaemonFC; I don't trust people who make decisions more on "feelings" than facts in evidence.

01:25 DaemonFC; "Feelings" don't guide you well. They don't provide solid footing for decision making. At best, they sort of fill in the gaps when you have no access to a piece of information and have to act.

01:27 DaemonFC; And that's how I calculate what my enemies will most likely do. I take myself out of the situation, off the board, for the moment, and pretend I'm them. "Role play".

01:28 DaemonFC; I basically figure out every possible outcome that I can see from a given set of circumstances and based on the background information I have about the person, how they'll respond, how I'll respond if they do this, etc. etc.

01:29 DaemonFC; My mind doesn't work any other way than that because I lack the ability to react well to someone on the spot. I have to anticipate the entire encounter first.

01:30 DaemonFC; schestowitz[TR], I heard that there were a lot of Indian judges in the UK immigration courts.

01:31 DaemonFC; I was actually kind of surprised when we walked into the room and the one we got was an immigrant himself, and he was here from Nigeria.

01:31 DaemonFC; Hey, you get whichever one you get.

01:32 DaemonFC; Part of the reason I like having my attorney around is because she can fill me in on what this guy is like before we go in there.

01:32 DaemonFC; "Don't say this! He hates it when people do that!", you know.

01:32 DaemonFC; It kills me when I don't have information like that.

01:33 DaemonFC; Let other people's mistakes inform your behavior.

01:33 DaemonFC; This guy isn't just some run down schmuck in traffic that you'll never see again. He can make your life easy or he can make your life difficult. So wake up. Homework time.

01:34 DaemonFC; if it has to do with incels it would be 0

01:34 DaemonFC; I wouldn't say that the shitshow my mom put my dad (and me) through had any bearing on me "turning out gay".

01:35 DaemonFC; I've always known I was.

01:35 DaemonFC; But it sure didn't discourage me from admitting it to myself and moving on.

01:36 *superkuh has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)

01:36 DaemonFC; My dad is convinced that "I saw the way my mom acted, concluded that all women are evil insane fucks, and DECIDED to be gay.".

01:36 DaemonFC; Maybe that makes sense to him, especially since he never listened to me.

01:38 *superkuh (~superkuh@user/superkuh) has joined #techrights

01:39 *oarion7 (~anonymous@user/oarion7) has joined #techrights

01:40 DaemonFC; starstreak, I'm not a "person who becomes pregnant", are you?

01:40 DaemonFC; Let's be honest here, PWBP to PWBP (or not). ;)

01:43 DaemonFC; I will be switching VPNs again shortly.

01:43 DaemonFC; My NordVPN is almost up and they wanted twice as much this year. So that's not going to happen.

01:43 DaemonFC; schestowitz[TR], Any recommendations?

01:44 DaemonFC; Throwing DMCA letters in the trash is nice.

01:44 DaemonFC; Anything else is gravy.

01:45 DaemonFC; MinceR, I especially liked the character "Bob Pogo" on F is for Family.

01:45 DaemonFC; He opens up a fried chicken restaurant called SKINEES where he cuts the skin off, fries it, and throws the rest of the chicken away.

01:45 DaemonFC; Because the skin is the best part.

01:45 DaemonFC; Everyone is horrified and disgusted.

01:46 DaemonFC; One of them asks where the rest of the chicken's at. And he says, "IN THE GARBAGE WHERE IT BELONGS!!!!!" so forcefully he nearly has another heart attack.

01:46 starstreak; it literally generated a putin meme template:

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01:46 DaemonFC; That's sort of how I feel about DMCA letters.

01:47 DaemonFC; I may or may not be remembering it right, but mjg59_ managed to attack the MPAA using the DMCA and get their ISP to take down their university network spyware.

01:47 DaemonFC; Which was based on Ubuntu.

01:48 DaemonFC; That's probably the only time I've agreed with the DMCA being used.

01:48 DaemonFC; The other 14 quadrillion times, it's always intended to annoy, harass, threaten, censor......sue a single mother for 48 million dollars for 13 MP3 files.

01:49 DaemonFC; And they weren't even good songs.

01:51 DaemonFC; "2. Private Internet Access, Inc. is an Indiana corporation, under the parent company Kape Technologies PLC, a company listed on the London Stock Exchange."

01:51 DaemonFC; INDIANA?

01:51 DaemonFC; LOL

01:54 Helenah; You guys think you're cool with your fancy modern 3D printers? Well check these guys in the 1930s doing 3D printing!

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01:54 TR Bot;

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01:54 TR Bot; ( status 502 @ )

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01:57 starstreak; Helenah, nice vid

01:57 Helenah; starstreak: Thanks. :D

01:58 starstreak; yo know im gonna be all old and stuff some day and ill be like "we had to make our own memes back in my day, before the computers started writing them for us"

01:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 20.28 k/sec., IPFS upstream 73.00 average k/sec., average swarm size 142.38

2 AM, September 10

02:01 Helenah; I've also been reading up on sociology, psychology, object permanence (pychology, human perception of object existance if not sensed), the quantum theory of an object only existing if it is sensed. Basically if an object isn't sensed or measured then it doesn't exist but if it is sensed or measured then it does exist. The quantum theory states that it doesn't exist if it's not

02:01 Helenah; sensed or measured. Humans develop the perception that an object still exists even if they can't sense it and that skill is developed via sensorimotor interaction with objects such as touching them. Sorry this is a lot to get out lol

02:02 Helenah; Anyway, you may think "Well how does it make sense that it doesn't exist if not sensed or measured?" but remember that there is things sensing everywhere.

02:02 Helenah; *are

02:03 Helenah; So therefore everything exists if not sensed

02:03 Helenah; So yes, I struggled to get that out... lol

02:03 Helenah; Anyway... I'm stoned...

02:04 Helenah; Haven't been for a while, weeks.

02:04 Helenah; Got me into the "deep thought dream world" of mean where I gaze deeply into facts within my own mind.

02:04 Helenah; haha

02:04 Helenah; In that mode, I'll just sit there researching things.

02:05 starstreak; Helenah, interesting there

02:05 starstreak; Helenah, thats part of the reason why i think we're in a simulation

02:05 Helenah; So yes it's likely fact

02:05 Helenah; but at the same time all exists anyway

02:05 Helenah; because everything is sensed by something within its proximity.

02:05 Helenah; So yes like a graphics engine

02:05 starstreak; imagine we're in a video game where those things aren't rendered until sensed by us

02:06 Helenah; If it isn't in your viewport, it is unloaded. :D

02:06 starstreak; to save memory

02:06 starstreak; simulating everything would be tough and there would be shortcuts - such as not rendering audio or video until viewed

02:06 Helenah; Well yes but hey now we're talking about this, lets be careful not to get carried away in theories in like... I don't want to fall into a context of talking about it non-theoretically.

02:07 Helenah; I'm stoned.

02:07 starstreak; same

02:07 starstreak; being stoned is when i talk about cool theories like the simulation theory

02:08 Helenah; But yeah like... I met too many conspiracy theories in real life that talk about theory like it's absolute fact and never change, they are not actually theorising. If you know what I mean.

02:08 starstreak; while my computer renders memes into existence

02:08 Helenah; I'm on my mad deep brain moment

02:08 Helenah; Hey, "deep brain", cool term for it!

02:09 Helenah; Yeah... "deep brain"... :D

02:09 starstreak; I do believe we live inside a computer simulation :/

02:09 Helenah; I believe I live inside my head right now playing with logic.

02:09 Helenah; Okies

02:09 Helenah; starstreak: Yes, belief is one thing. :)

02:09 starstreak; you might be

02:10 Helenah; But are you willing to face facts as they arise?

02:10 starstreak; Helenah, yeah

02:10 Helenah; Good. :)

02:10 Helenah; That's healthy.

02:10 starstreak; Helenah, i would say simulation theory is my best attempt to figure things out but that could change

02:10 Helenah; Yes, so you're theorising there and I like that. :)

02:11 Helenah; And that's good. :)

02:11 starstreak; :)

02:11 starstreak; i think it would explain a lot

02:11 Helenah; Because like... I'm always questioning things, I don't like putting them to rest. Like I have hyperfocuses on different subjects at different times but I', always going back and forth. haha

02:12 starstreak; when you look at things from the perspective of being in a computer simulation, gods look like mere programmers

02:12 Helenah; The hyperfocusing I will admit

02:12 Helenah; Is not healthy

02:13 starstreak; Jesus was just some programmer with GM powers

02:15 starstreak; A.I generated music is a thing too

02:16 starstreak; imagine how easy it is to be replaced by a computer

02:16 *mib_rybtpq (~c775ec12@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

02:16 starstreak; people will listen to A.I generated music on their way home to watch an A.I generated movie

02:17 starstreak; lawyers will use A.I to draft court documents

02:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

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02:38 starstreak; eminem will have been dead for 50 years but the company that owns the rights to his music will just use computers to generate eminem songs

02:40 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

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02:40 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

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02:41 TR Bot; IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

02:42 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

02:42 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

02:43 TR News; Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

02:43 TR Bot; IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

02:44 starstreak; im sure there will be a day where you'll be like "Computer, play synthwave" and it'll just make up a brand new song on the spot

02:44 TR News; Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : | gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)

=> gemini://

02:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 28.45 k/sec., IPFS upstream 104.63 average k/sec., average swarm size 161.13

3 AM, September 10

03:05 IPFS; Gemini requests since start of month: 71006 total Total number of pages in capsule: 42521 Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-08-04 09:15:14 BST; 1 months 6 days ago

03:06 IPFS; IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated. TotalIn: 28 GB TotalOut: 7.5 GB

03:07 IPFS; New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.

03:08 *mib_rybtpq has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

=> ↺

03:16 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

03:17 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

03:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

03:27 *mib_rybtpq (~490b85f4@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

03:28 *scientes (~490b85f4@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

03:28 scientes; XRevan86 who was that philsopher you mentioned?

03:28 scientes; was I read was interesting

03:32 *mib_rybtpq has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

=> ↺

03:42 XRevan86; scientes: I do not remember mentioning a philosopher.

03:48 XRevan86; scientes: Not a fascist philosopher, right?

03:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 27.81 k/sec., IPFS upstream 46.86 average k/sec., average swarm size 162.45

4 AM, September 10

04:16 starstreak; "Computer, show me a picture of Karl Marx eating a big mac" "Processing..."

04:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

04:21 starstreak; i wish i had more threads and a gpu

04:21 starstreak; this is too fun

04:27 scientes; xraven86, no talkng about computers

04:27 scientes; thought I saw it here

04:27 scientes; but not technical,

04:31 scientes;

=> ↺

04:31 TR Bot; Colosus frames

04:31 scientes; that is what happens when the maker of the web-site dies

04:31 scientes; the downloadable version probably works

04:32 scientes; "

04:32 scientes; Please note that most of the simulators will only run in the Internet Explorer browser."

04:36 *scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

04:47 *mib_97vssn (~490b85f4@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

04:54 *scientes (~490b85f4@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

04:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 25.01 k/sec., IPFS upstream 96.20 average k/sec., average swarm size 156.81

5 AM, September 10

05:02 *scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

05:04 *mib_97vssn has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

=> ↺

05:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

05:28 *oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)

05:29 *AdmFubar has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

05:42 *horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

05:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 54.60 k/sec., IPFS upstream 83.43 average k/sec., average swarm size 124.73

6 AM, September 10

06:03 schestowitz; "Postponed as a mark of respect for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II "

06:03 schestowitz;

=> ↺

06:03 TR Bot; Manchester City 2022/23 Fixtures

06:04 TR News; #Techrights Bulletin for Friday, September 09, 2022 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext


06:04 TR Bot; Bulletin Archives

06:04 TR News; #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharing


06:04 TR Bot; Techrights Full IPFS Index

06:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

06:25 loner; they are using "the Queen" and her death to strengthen the monarchy

06:25 loner; that's why they broadcast North-Korean style Kitsch on all tv-channels 24/7

06:27 loner; it's "the royals" all time, not some ordinary eldery grandmother who died

06:29 loner; strangely, the propaganda Kitsch is broadcasted where this "Queen", the monarchy(!), isn't recognized

06:30 loner; germany isn't a member of united "kingdom", and monarchy is abandoned here, 100years ago already

06:31 loner; this monarchy, was involved with the crimes during WW1 and WW2, and them switching their names to "the windsors" doesn't relieve them from their responsibility

06:31 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

06:32 TR Bot; Release more package formats for Mozilla VPN on Li... - Mozilla Connect

06:32 loner; instead, those monarchs falsify and rewrite history 1984 style

06:32 DaemonFC; schestowitz, Mozilla can't be bothered to release an RPM file for "Linux".

06:32 DaemonFC; I'm thinking about subscribing to Mullvad directly. It's the same price, you can go month to month, and they have an RPM.

06:34 loner; it was this monarchy, "the windsors" and their affiliates who were responsible for WW1 igniting

06:35 loner; besides, the german monarch Willhelm 2 didn't resign because he felt any moral obligation, he was removed because the defeat harmed the prestige of the monarchy

06:37 loner; the brits however, chose to switch their names, to relieve themselves from responsibility and avoid their prestige being harmed, as if it wasn't them who were responsible

06:49 *Now talking on #techrights

06:49 *Topic for #techrights is: IRC discussions @ localhost | Channel #techrights for [logged online] :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell for related discussions. For scrollback see

=> ↺

06:49 *Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~roy@22e8m8t4gqjin.irc at Fri Jun 18 16:51:47 2021

06:49 *Now talking on #techrights

06:49 *Now talking on #techrights

06:49 *Topic for #techrights is: | Unofficial channel #techrights for

=> ↺

06:49 *Topic for #techrights set by superkuh!~superkuh@user/superkuh at Thu May 20 20:25:48 2021

06:50 loner;

=> ↺

06:50 loner; it wasn't "germany" who lost WW1, it was the monarchy who lost

06:52 loner; besides, constitutional nation states with a democratic parliament is the opposite of monarchist/feudal ruling with dozens of little kings and queens of federal states under feudal rule

06:52 TR News; Replaying Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

06:52 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)

06:53 TR News; What I look forward to in the fall gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

06:54 TR News; "I believe Go language was first that came with source formatter built into compiler." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

06:54 TR News; "I heard about Zig programming language before, and was quite dismissive about it as "yet another C replacement". Short-sighted of me." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

06:55 TR News; Freezr "P.E.B.C.A.K." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

06:56 TR News; [cat] gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

06:56 TR News; [cat] gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

06:58 schestowitz[TR]; re-generating the irc logs

06:58 schestowitz[TR]; there was an issue, now fixed

06:59 loner; was there anthing lost from the irc logs?

06:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 30.30 k/sec., IPFS upstream 117.31 average k/sec., average swarm size 123.30

7 AM, September 10

07:02 schestowitz[TR]; no

07:09 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

07:09 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

07:10 TR News; The Police Are Watching Us All - Invidious | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

07:10 TR Bot; The Police Are Watching Us All - Invidious

07:10 TR News; What a stupid, lousy gimmick

=> ↺

07:10 TR Bot; Get a Mcanbr Floating Pool Speaker for Under $35 - Make Tech Easier

07:10 TR News; Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

07:10 TR Bot; IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

07:11 *horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

07:11 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

07:11 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

07:12 TR News; Giant squid returns to Timaru for new exhibition

=> ↺

07:12 TR Bot; squid returns to Timaru for new exhibition |

07:12 TR News; Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://

07:12 TR Bot; IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 09, 2022

07:14 TR News; Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : | gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)

=> gemini://

07:17 TR News; Researchers publish post-quantum upgrade to the Signal protocol but Signal remains inherently flawed

=> ↺

07:17 TR Bot; Researchers publish post-quantum upgrade to the Signal protocol - Help Net Security

07:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

07:26 TR News; (NEW): GNOME Shell on Mobile Is Shaping Up Nicely, Gets New Navigation Gestures, Quick Settings | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

07:26 TR Bot; Tux Machines GNOME Shell on Mobile Is Shaping Up Nicely, Gets New Navigation Gestures, Quick Settings

07:45 loner; "property passing from monarch to monarch is exempt from inheritance tax"

07:46 TR News; Gemini Radio Episode 44 gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

07:47 TR News; LZR's button rebinding menu gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

07:53 *GNUmoon2 has quit (connection closed)

07:53 *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@bhd63h3m8r8m2.irc) has joined #techrights

07:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 39.30 k/sec., IPFS upstream 116.83 average k/sec., average swarm size 137.25

8 AM, September 10

08:02 TR News; "Or imagine you have an email account at a provider that doesn't do spam- and virus filtering." | Source: HowTo Forge

=> ↺

08:02 TR Bot; Retrieving Emails From Remote Servers With fetchmail on Debian

08:02 TR News; "Now, one rarely needs to know things like that runtimes are "serverless," and ssh is disappearing" | Source: Matt Rickard

=> ↺

08:02 TR Bot; The Lost Art of System Administration

08:02 TR News; "A little more than fifteen years after I first published a note about the public spamtrap list for my greytrapping setup" | Source: BSDly

=> ↺

08:02 TR Bot; That grumpy BSD guy: The Things Spammers Believe - A Tale of 300,000 Imaginary Friends

08:03 TR News; "Most indie artists are recording music from their bedrooms." | Source: Digital Music News

=> ↺

08:03 TR Bot; ( status 520 @ )

=> ↺

08:03 TR News; "So I recently started renewing them for as long as possible." | Source: Terence Eden

=> ↺

08:03 TR Bot; Whats the cheapest domain you can register for 10 years? Terence Edens Blog

08:04 TR News; "As a side note, my blog is a self-hosted instance of Ghost on Digital Ocean." | Source: Chris Hannah

=> ↺

08:04 TR Bot; How I Set Up My Ghost Blog to Support Micro Posts

08:04 TR News; "Assumed knowledge: This post assumes technical knowledge with microformats." | Source: James G

=> ↺

08:04 TR Bot; TIL: Fixing the author card on my home page h-feed | James' Coffee Blog

08:04 TR News; "Let me end by extending a big thank you to miekg and everyone who worked on the aforementioned DNS library in Go." | Source: James G

=> ↺

08:04 TR Bot; Hosting a fun DNS server with Go and a DNS library | James' Coffee Blog

08:08 TR News; Open Hardware | Source: Jeff Geerling

=> ↺

08:08 TR Bot; A YouTuber built a tool that beat Snap-On | Jeff Geerling

08:12 *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

08:15 TR News; Open Source vs Free Software |

=> ↺

08:15 TR Bot; Open Source vs Free Software - Alexandru Nedelcu

08:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

08:21 -A_Dragon/Wallops-We are aware of continuing desync problems over the past several days involving the matrix bridge. We have been attempting to get a resolution in place from EMS who maintain the bridge

08:27 *CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)

08:29 TR News; "cache invalidation" | Source: Matt Rickard

=> ↺

08:29 TR Bot; Materializing Results

08:30 TR News; "I was looking for a simple way to prevent pushing a specific git branch." | Source: Data Swamp

=> ↺

08:30 TR Bot; Solene'% : Git - How to prevent a branch to be pushed

08:30 TR News; "I have been writing code in some form for more than 20 years now." | Source: Geshan

=> ↺

08:30 TR Bot; 101 software engineering realities you must be aware of (especially as a junior engineer)

08:30 TR News; "All of this meant that for almost twenty years, Perl had no next version number to use." | Source: Stack Overflow

=> ↺

08:30 TR Bot; This is not your grandfather's Perl - Stack Overflow Blog

08:31 TR News; "JetBrains Pycharm has released a new update 2022.2 with a range of features like providing code insight for Python 3.11, run-environment selection in HTTP client" | Source: AIM

=> ↺

08:31 TR Bot; Pycharm Extends Support for Python 3.11 with Improved HTTP Client and UX Enhancements

08:32 TR News; "Apple CEO Tim Cook seemed to reject the idea of adopting a new messaging protocol on the company's devices" | Source: NPR

=> ↺

08:32 TR Bot; Apple CEO Tim Cook's fix for those pesky green text bubbles? 'Buy your mom an iPhone'

08:33 TR News; Pope Fibonacci | Source: Mark Dominus

=> ↺

08:33 TR Bot; The Universe of Discourse : Pope Fibonacci

08:35 TR News; (NEW): 5 Reasons Ubuntu Is the Ideal Linux Distro for Software Developers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

08:35 TR Bot; Tux Machines 5 Reasons Ubuntu Is the Ideal Linux Distro for Software Developers

08:35 loner; whatever else the propaganda Kitsch articulates currently, this is what "the Queen" represents first and foremost only: Monarchy

08:36 TR News; (NEW): $60 Raspberry Pi Mini Tower NAS kit takes one M.2 SATA SSD | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

08:36 TR Bot; Tux Machines $60 Raspberry Pi Mini Tower NAS kit takes one M.2 SATA SSD

08:36 TR News; (NEW): This week in KDE: Getting Plasma 5.26 ready | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

08:36 TR Bot; Tux Machines This week in KDE: Getting Plasma 5.26 ready

08:36 loner; not some "mother", or being friendly or unifying personality, it's Monarchy which "the Queen" represents only

08:36 TR News; (NEW): Traditional Linux Packaging is not Suitable for Modern Applications [Opinion] | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

08:36 TR Bot; Tux Machines Traditional Linux Packaging is not Suitable for Modern Applications [Opinion]

08:36 TR News; (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

08:36 TR Bot; Tux Machines Android Leftovers

08:38 loner; a Monarchy by definition relies upon Feudalism as the social order, not a constitutional nation state, with equal rights, a democratic parliament, separations of powers

08:42 *horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

08:44 loner; "the windsors" changing names doesn't neither relieve them from their historical responsibility, the Monarchy having ignited WW1

08:45 loner; "we changed our names, it wasn't us"... it wasn't monarchs, it was germany they say

08:45 TR News; "Need to get your Steam Deck fixed up? Well, you no longer have to do it yourself as Valve have officially opened up some repair centers." | Source: GamingOnLinux

=> ↺

08:45 TR Bot; opens official Steam Deck repair centers | GamingOnLinux

08:46 TR News; monopoly abuse; "we went in this weird direction with the Internet we had this potential for everything to be open"'s-lead,:d

=> ↺'s-lead,:d

08:46 TR Bot; eBay follows amazon's lead, consolidating & destroying the refurbished marketplace

08:47 TR News; CIA and oligarchy businessinsider paywall

=> ↺

08:47 TR Bot; The CIA Made Larry Ellison a Billionaire

08:47 TR News; iophk: zatko (mudge) has accepted hush money from twitter (saud)

08:48 TR News; newsom ... again

=> ↺

08:48 TR Bot; California electric grid on the verge of collapse days after Governor Newsom signs Electric Vehicle Mandate. | BaronHK's Rants

08:48 TR News; 19,000 dead in Sweden - The occasional scrivener - Gustaf Erikson's blog Source: Gustaf Erikson | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

08:48 TR Bot; 19,000 dead in Sweden - The occasional scrivener - Gustaf Erikson's blog

08:49 TR News; OBS 28 Is Even Better Than I Hoped!!:5

=> ↺!:5

08:49 TR Bot; OBS 28 Is Even Better Than I Hoped!

08:49 TR News; Net Neutrality: Zero Lives Left For Zero-Rating? - Telecoms, Mobile & Cable Communications - Germany Source: Mondaq | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

08:49 TR Bot; Net Neutrality: Zero Lives Left For Zero-Rating? - Telecoms, Mobile & Cable Communications - Germany

08:56 TR News; IRC Proceedings: Friday, September 09, 2022 | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

08:56 TR Bot; IRC Proceedings: Friday, September 09, 2022 | Techrights

08:58 loner; then, what is this anti-german sentiment of the "Brits": in germany Monarchy was abandoned; obviously this united "Kingdom" and their "King" and "Queen" hasn't at least learned this historical lesson

08:59 loner; and a Monarchy doesn't recognize nation states such as germany either, a monarch recognizes any arbitrary territory only

08:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 31.68 k/sec., IPFS upstream 44.50 average k/sec., average swarm size 132.50

08:59 *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

08:59 *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

9 AM, September 10

09:00 loner; it was Monarchs, including "the Windsors" who ignited WW1, and it too was Monarchs who were defeated

09:00 *liberty_box_ has quit (connection closed)

09:02 *gnunitedfruit (~gnunitedfruit@eisxmsaznv6uu.irc) has joined #techrights

09:03 loner; another recent propaganda kitsch of theirs, "the Queen befriended Germany and United Kingdom"; no, she hasn't, there isn't any Monarch in Germany nor any desire among the overwhelming majority of the population to be "blessed" with yet another Monarch of theirs, "the windsors", or whatever other names and designations they have

09:03 gnunitedfruit; obviously no one would befriend germany

09:03 *horseface has quit (Quit: PING TIMEOUT!!! >9000 FOR SURE!!!)

09:03 gnunitedfruit; because theres nothing to like

09:05 *gnunitedfruit has quit (connection closed)

09:06 *gnunitedfruit (~gnunitedfruit@6byxczt6txq2u.irc) has joined #techrights

09:10 *liberty_box (~liberty@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #techrights

09:10 *rianne (~rianne@freenode-vjf.peq.k31cok.IP) has joined #techrights

09:10 *rianne (~rianne@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #techrights

09:13 schestowitz[TR]; gnunitedfruit: nice nym

09:13 schestowitz[TR]; banana republic gnu?

09:14 TR News; "The teacher didn't exactly put it like that." | Source: Jeff Geerling

=> ↺

09:14 TR Bot; Short is good | Jeff Geerling

09:15 TR News; Voice-operated smartphones | Source: RTL

=> ↺

09:15 TR Bot; RTL Today - 'Superphone': Voice-operated smartphones target Africa's illiterate

09:15 *horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

09:16 gnunitedfruit; cia backed takeover

09:16 TR News; "I never intended for it to be this way" | Source: Kev Quirk

=> ↺

09:16 TR Bot; iCreep - Kev Quirk

09:16 TR News; "ARM64 servers have grown by leaps" | Source: Klara

=> ↺

09:17 TR Bot; Deploying FreeBSD on Oracle Cloud - Klara Inc.

09:17 TR News; [Old] "Oracle Corporation is working with the CIA and the FBI on plans to create a national database" | Source: ABC

=> ↺

09:17 TR Bot; The World Today - Oracle joins in FBI, CIA database plans

09:17 TR News; [Old] "The CIA was not just Oracle's first customer. Founded in May 1977, the firm's name came from a CIA project" | Source: SFGate

=> ↺

09:17 TR Bot; Oracle's coziness with government goes back to its founding / Firm's growth sustained as niche established with federal, state agencies

09:17 TR News; [Old] "Oracle has pulled in billions of dollars each year working for governments at all levels for all manner of projects" | Source: Gizmodo

=> ↺

09:17 TR Bot; Larry Ellison's Oracle Started As a CIA Project

09:19 *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

09:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

09:20 *horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

09:24 TR News; CIA: control the world's info to control companies, govs, people. Pour out money into private company to pay big salaries for DB 'tech', but mostly marketing and FUD. Alternatives like MySQL emerge? BUY them.

09:24 TR News; People still escape the "Big DB" (ICBM, Oracle)? Then promote CLOWN COMPUTING hype (outsourcing DBs, data), subsidise GAFAM to do it (Amazon, Microsoft, Gulag "defence" contracts)

09:26 TR News; "What this means for us is that the sensitive data of up to 10% of the population such as peoples DNA..." | Source: EDRI

=> ↺

09:26 TR Bot; New EU law amplifies risks of state over-reach and mass surveillance - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

09:26 TR News; [Old] "The interesting thing about the capture attribute is for users coming to your website on a mobile device" |

=> ↺

09:26 TR Bot; TIL: You Can Access A User's Camera with Just HTML

09:26 TR News; "I took the summer off to move with my family from California to Virginia, thus escaping the inevitable fires" | Source: I Cringely

=> ↺

09:26 TR Bot; yesterdays Apple satellite announcement really means | I, Cringely

09:26 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

09:34 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@pmeqtjandsa9n.irc) has joined #techrights

09:49 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

09:53 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@pmeqtjandsa9n.irc) has joined #techrights

09:56 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

10 AM, September 10

10:08 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

10:08 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

10:08 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights

10:08 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

10:12 TR News; "I recently stumbled upon one of these designated exchange places by accident" | Source: Krebs On Security

=> ↺

10:12 TR Bot; Transacting in Person with Strangers from the Internet Krebs on Security

10:12 TR News; "Last night, the Internet learned that Patreon fired their entire security team, abruptly." | Source: Dhole Moments

=> ↺

10:12 TR Bot; Should You Delete Your Patreon Account After They Laid Off Their Entire Security Team? - Dhole Moments

10:12 TR News; Something is up with Patreon | Source: Xe's Blog

=> ↺

10:12 TR Bot; Developing Situation: Something is up with Patreon - Xe

10:13 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

10:19 *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

10:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

10:20 TR News; "The White House has released six proposals for reforming tech industry regulation that span areas such as privacy" | Source: Silicon Angle

=> ↺

10:20 TR Bot; House releases six proposals for reforming tech industry regulation - SiliconANGLE

10:20 TR News; "Theyre paying the guy $7 million and making sure hes quiet" | Source: New York Times

=> ↺

10:20 TR Bot; Twitter Reached $7 Million Settlement With Whistle-Blower - The New York Times

10:21 TR News; "Be smart: Its not what TikTok is doing today that has people most concerned" | Source: Axios

=> ↺

10:21 TR Bot; TikTok unites tech factions against it

10:23 TR News; I've been enjoying a couple of Gemini puzzle games. gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

10:26 schestowitz; "conditional/cross compilation, checking versioning schemes, or the availability of Mima, a plugin meant to check for breakages of binary compatibility. Its a useful case study in communities adapting to their sins. But being the user, and having to deal with all the breakage, is still painful as hell, and I feel that in general many libraries have no respect for downstream users suffering from breakage."

=> ↺

10:26 TR Bot; ( status 403 @ )

=> ↺

10:26 schestowitz; scala-isnt-fun-anymore/

10:26 schestowitz; "conditional/cross compilation, checking versioning schemes, or the availability of Mima, a plugin meant to check for breakages of binary compatibility. Its a useful case study in communities adapting to their sins. But being the user, and having to deal with all the breakage, is still painful as hell, and I feel that in general many libraries have no respect for downstream users suffering from breakage."

=> ↺

10:26 schestowitz; scala-isnt-fun-anymore/

10:26 schestowitz;

=> ↺

10:26 TR Bot; Scala isn't fun anymore - Alexandru Nedelcu

10:26 TR News; "My fear here is that we have built a world in which nobody understands how anything actually works." | Source: Jay Little

=> ↺

10:26 TR Bot; Jay Little - Software Obsessionist - All Hail the Tech Magicians and their Cantrips

10:27 TR News; "Western ideals have now deteriorated to arresting citizens for posting online, and laughing at urgent warnings" | Source: Carl Svensson

=> ↺

10:27 TR Bot; Charles III and the Swedish General Election |

10:27 TR News; "Those who have denounced the attack in printed newspapersmost of which are directly or indirectly controlled by the staterarely do so in the name of free speech" | Source: The Atlantic

=> ↺

10:27 TR Bot; Orhan Pamuk: Life as a Target of Violence - The Atlantic

10:28 TR News; "This question delivered a number of affirmatives, denials, and up-to-a-points" | Source: Observer Research Foundation

=> ↺

10:28 TR Bot; ( status 403 @ )

=> ↺

10:28 TR News; "He also noted that a Kurdish song on Eser's phone was cited as evidence in the case file." | Source: BIA Net

=> ↺

10:28 TR Bot; Journalists Sadiye Eser, Sadk Topalolu sentenced to six years in prison - english

10:29 TR News; "he journalist is under investigation for "slander and insult."" | Source: BIA Net

=> ↺

10:29 TR Bot; Journalist investigated after report on vehicles rented for Erdoan rally - english

10:29 TR News; "Ataman was a reporter for the Dicle News Agency (DHA), which was shut down by a statutory decree" | Source: BIA Net

=> ↺

10:29 TR Bot; Journalist Ziya Ataman says strip searched in prison - english

10:29 TR News; "The problem is not the blocked streets, it is Erdoan." | Source: BIA Net

=> ↺

10:29 TR Bot; European Federation of Journalists head protests Erdoan in Zagreb - english

10:30 TR News; "On Labor Day, theres perhaps no one better to read than Eugene V. Debs." | Source: Jacobin Magazine

=> ↺

10:30 TR Bot; Eugene V. Debs: In a Just Society, Every Day Would Be Labor Day

10:31 TR News; "As Qatar prepares to host the FIFA World Cup in November, the country is once again drawing criticism" | Source: France24

=> ↺

10:31 TR Bot; For Qatar's foreign workers, protesting can lead to deportation

10:32 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

10:33 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

10:34 TR News; "So, the entire issue of network neutrality, interconnection and settlements, termination monopolies, cost allocation" | Source: APNIC

=> ↺

10:34 TR Bot; Sender pays | APNIC Blog

10:34 TR News; "In recent years, the RIPE NCC has been very publicly managing the challenge of complying with EU sanctions" | Source: RIPE

=> ↺

10:34 TR Bot; Towards a Sanctions Solution Space | RIPE Labs

10:35 TR News; "Given these conditions, in which fixed broadband Internet connectivity, where there is generally no data cap" |

=> ↺

10:35 TR Bot; Zero rating and the infrastructure of political (mis)communication in Brazil Raquel Renn and Juliana Novaes Perifries Urbanes

10:35 *gnunitedfruit has quit (connection closed)

10:36 TR News; [Old] "In a proceeding that has gotten almost no press attention, BEREC is deciding what the new rules should be for carriers that zero-rate some applications by exempting them from customers monthly data caps" | Source: uni Stanford

=> ↺

10:36 TR Bot; Facebook, Google & Big Telecoms Want to Keep Violating Net Neutrality in Europe. Regulators Should Stop Them. | Center for Internet and Society

10:36 TR News; [Old] "BERECs previous net neutrality guidelines did not categorically ban selective zero-rating programs" | Source: uni Stanford

=> ↺

10:37 TR Bot; European Regulators Just Stopped Facebook, Google and Big Telecoms Net Neutrality Violations | Center for Internet and Society

10:37 TR News; [Old] "Throughout the world, people access the Internet via various zero-rated offers." |

=> ↺

10:37 TR Bot; Zero-rating in Africa, Reconsidered - Stanford PACS

10:37 TR News; [Old] "Last but certainly not least, one of the fastest growing concerns related to zero-rating" |

=> ↺

10:37 TR Bot; The High Cost of Free Data: Zero-Rating and its Impacts on Disinformation in Brazil - Data-Pop Alliance

10:38 TR News; [Old] "The first sale doctrine, codified at 17 U.S.C. 109, provides that an individual who knowingly purchases a copy of a copyrighted work" | Source: USDOJ

=> ↺

10:38 TR Bot; 1854. Copyright Infringement -- First Sale Doctrine | JM | Department of Justice

10:38 TR News; [Old] "The first sale doctrine (17 U.S.C. 109(a)) gives the owners of copyrighted works the rights to sell, lend, or share their copies" |

=> ↺

10:38 TR Bot; First Sale Doctrine - Copyright for Libraries - LibGuides at American Library Association

10:38 TR News; "In other areas of law, such as patent law, this principle is called the exhaustion principle" |

=> ↺

10:38 TR Bot; First Sale (or Exhaustion) Doctrine in Copyright | Copyright News & Opinion

10:40 TR News; "Moreover, Hipgnosis will reportedly need to achieve a 20 percent revenue boost (assuming that costs remain steady) to fund its dividend for the fiscal year ending in March of 2023" | Source: Digital Music News

=> ↺

10:40 TR Bot; ( status 520 @ )

=> ↺

10:40 TR News; "The film was taken at the Inglewood Forum on September 4, 1970 then sat in a drawer for 50 years." | Source: Digital Music News

=> ↺

10:40 TR Bot; ( status 520 @ )

=> ↺

10:41 TR News; "The footage was despatched to another collector, a French Led Zeppelin expert and audio synchroniser named Etienne Marchand" |

=> ↺

10:41 TR Bot; Seven minutes of unseen Led Zeppelin film gathered dust for 50 years: now it's online | Louder

10:41 TR News; "Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, a noted Tolkien fan, had his company acquire the rights to Lord of the Rings' appendices for a reported $250 million US." | Source: CBC

=> ↺

10:41 TR Bot; Rings of Power could cost $1B. What's making TV so expensive? | CBC News

10:46 TR News; "Politico owner and Axel Springer CEO Mathias Dpfner has been craving U.S. press attention" | Source: Techdirt

=> ↺

10:46 TR Bot; New Owner Signals Hes Doubling Down On Feckless He Said, She Said Journalism | Techdirt

10:49 TR News; ArduinoNmore | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

10:49 TR Bot; Filamentmeter: For When You Absolutely Want To Count Every Meter Used | Hackaday

10:50 TR News; Internet | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

10:50 TR Bot; Internet Without The Computer: 1990s Style | Hackaday

10:51 TR News; "During the 2020 campaign, there were a few times when candidate Joe Biden insisted he wanted to get rid of Section 230 entirely" | Source: Techdirt

=> ↺

10:51 TR Bot; House Releases Performatively Ridiculous Principles For Tech Platform Accountability That Include Removing Section 230 | Techdirt

10:51 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

10:52 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

10:52 TR News; "This week, Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams and Assignments Editor Kristina Panos had a lot of fun discussing the best of the previous weeks hacks in spite of Elliots microphone connectivity troubles." | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

10:52 TR Bot; Podcast 184: What Is Art, Bulk Tape Eraser Go Brr, And The Death Of Email | Hackaday

10:52 TR News; "his April, a coalition of entertainment companies convinced a judge to sign a pirate site blocking injunction that affected every ISP in the United States." | Source: Torrent Freak

=> ↺

10:52 immibis; starstreak: the idea that divorce courts exist to rape men for assets is basically an incel thing

10:52 TR Bot; Piracy Blocking Lawsuit Enters New Phase - Part Public, Part Hidden * TorrentFreak

10:53 TR News; FOSS News Quiz for September 9, 2022 | Source: Unicorn Media

=> ↺

10:53 TR Bot; FOSS News Quiz for September 9, 2022 - FOSS Force

10:58 TR News; Wall Street | Source: TruthOut

=> ↺

10:58 TR Bot; Wall Street Giants Set to Smash Profit Records Off Energy Crisis, Global Hunger

10:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 44.20 k/sec., IPFS upstream 58.20 average k/sec., average swarm size 138.03

11 AM, September 10

11:00 TR News; "President Joe Bidens student debt cancellation plan may not be full forgiveness" | Source: FAIR

=> ↺

11:00 TR Bot; Media Summon Inflation Specter to Oppose Student Debt Forgiveness - FAIR

11:00 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrights

11:05 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@u2ktffzf7g4uc.irc) has joined #techrights

11:05 TR News; Tor Browser | Source: Tor

=> ↺

11:05 TR Bot; New Alpha Release: Tor Browser 12.0a2 (Android, Windows, macOS, Linux) | The Tor Project

11:06 DaemonFC; starstreak: the idea that divorce courts exist to rape men for assets is basically an incel thing

11:07 DaemonFC; Wrong. If it was anything else, it would go the other way a significant percentage of the time. And yet, it does not.

11:07 TR News; Pilger | Source: Scheerpost

=> ↺

11:07 TR Bot; Pilger: Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda Works

11:09 TR News; Putin | Source: Scheerpost

=> ↺

11:09 TR Bot; Sees Future With Asia and Claims Western Economic Decline in New Speech

11:10 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

11:11 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

11:11 DaemonFC; They exist to asset strip men and sentence men to work themselves to death under penalty of prison if they don't, so that some woman can sit on her fat ass doing nothing, collecting your money.

11:12 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

11:12 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

11:12 DaemonFC; It's so widely known what divorce court really is, that in the 90s, SNL had Farley do a sketch about it where he goes to the state prison in Joliet for non-payment of alimony and gets forced to deal with kids in the scared straight program.

11:12 TR News; "We're in a market where speculators are driving prices up." | Source: Common Dreams

=> ↺

11:12 TR Bot; Wall Street Giants Set to Smash Profit Records Off Global Hunger, Energy Crisis

11:14 DaemonFC; the judge awards women alimony, often times even if you make less money than she does, or can't even find a job.

11:14 TR News; "U.S. federal employees and retirees can give to EFF by going to and clicking the DONATE button to give via payroll deduction" ... but the big money comes to EFF from oligarchs | Source: EFF

=> ↺

11:14 TR Bot; U.S. Federal Employees Can Take A Stand for Digital Freedoms | Electronic Frontier Foundation

11:14 DaemonFC; It's a court ordered ransom.

11:14 DaemonFC; "Pay up by Monday or else!"

11:14 DaemonFC; "Stand and deliver!"

11:16 DaemonFC; You also can't cram it into bankruptcy.

11:18 DaemonFC; If you're a man and have any assets, you probably can't afford the risk of getting married.

11:19 DaemonFC; About the only way you may get through divorce court with anything left, is if there are no kids and you're making about minimum wage or something and the judge realizes there's not much to steal.

11:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

11:20 DaemonFC; You know what they say. "Don't steal! The government hates competition.".

11:21 TR News; "The Supreme Court may have extended constitutional protection to historical cell site location info" | Source: Techdirt

=> ↺

11:22 TR Bot; Another Data Broker Found To Give Massive Amounts Of Location Info To Law Enforcement | Techdirt

11:22 TR News; Two frauds, Twitter and Musk, drowning in a long battle | Source: Techdirt

=> ↺

11:22 TR Bot; Musk, Once Again, Fails To Get His Big Asks From Delaware Chancery Court | Techdirt

11:22 TR News; On copyrights | Source: Techdirt

=> ↺

11:22 TR Bot; Decides A Siren Sound Effect Is Covered By Copyright And Silences Stream | Techdirt

11:27 DaemonFC; The left has basically three goals when it comes to what they want to do with America.

11:28 schestowitz[TR]; gm,, DaemonFC

11:28 schestowitz[TR]; sorry, was on phone

11:28 DaemonFC; Convince everyone that working is pointless so they'll stop trying to build the country up. You do this by having the IRS punish them for working harder or getting an education and a better job, and making them go into a mountain of debt to get an education.

11:28 schestowitz[TR]; just try to focus on tech if possible

11:29 DaemonFC; To ruin the nuclear family. You accomplish this mostly by making marriage an unaffordable gamble, and worse if there's kids.

11:29 TR News; "The PDP-11, the Altair 8800, and the IMSAI 8080 were some of the heroes of the computer revolution" | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

11:29 TR Bot; The Old Fashioned Way | Hackaday

11:29 DaemonFC; Convince people that having any national pride or being a man is the most wicked thing a person can do.

11:29 TR News; Microsoft criminals trying to buy their way | Source: Techdirt

=> ↺

11:29 TR Bot; Claps Back At Microsoft Over Limited Promise For CoD Cross-Platform Plans | Techdirt

11:30 DaemonFC; When you make them hate their country and hate their own gender, you sow discord and cause the system to go ahead and finally collapse.

11:30 TR News; "When Frank Drake began his astronomy career in the late 1950s, this was an incredibly exciting time for the field." | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

11:30 TR Bot; Drakes Legacy, Or: Are We All Alone In The Universe? | Hackaday

11:30 DaemonFC; They don't want a strong country. They want to ruin it so they can remake it in their own image.

11:31 DaemonFC; Part of the way you get rid of national pride is by promoting social rot like crime, and bringing in people without our traditional values to replace us, like mjg59_

11:32 DaemonFC; He burrows and attacks people who love their country and hate seeing it like this, so you let him in and you get another person that claims to be an American, yet wants to see everything about the country fail and die because he's not really one of us.

11:33 TR News; "Surveillance Empire" | Source: Common Dreams

=> ↺

11:33 TR Bot; Coalition Tells FTC to Curb Amazon 'Surveillance Empire' by Blocking Purchase of iRobot

11:34 TR News; "'Quiet Fleecing' of US Workers" | Source: Common Dreams

=> ↺

11:34 TR Bot; Analysis Shows 'Quiet Fleecing' of US WorkersNot 'Quiet Quitting'Is the Real Problem

11:34 DaemonFC; The left likes to do all sorts of bizarre and perverse things. Only a real corrupt mind can imagine gender confusion being normal, or plugging in 40 million electric cars in California when the grid is having rolling blackouts now when 98% of the cars in California run on gasoline and the left wants to shut down the power plants they do have.

11:35 TR News; "Recording law enforcement interactions is one of the best tools to hold police accountable" | Source: Common Dreams

=> ↺

11:35 TR Bot; 'Huge Win' for Civil Liberties as Judge Blocks Arizona Law Limiting Filming of Police

11:35 TR News; "We generally think of 3D printed components as being hard bits of plastic" | Source: Hackaday

=> ↺

11:35 TR Bot; Rubber Parts Made With A 3D Printed Plug | Hackaday

11:36 DaemonFC; California won't be able to actually go through with this because it ignores reality, and they're going to find out you don't change reality by passing a law.

11:36 DaemonFC; Lawyers arguing over bills at the state legislature don't seem to get that there's no power, yet where will they get power to plug all these stupid EVs in?

11:36 schestowitz[TR]; they had outages again

11:36 schestowitz[TR]; news

11:36 DaemonFC; They aren't proposing any new power plants. They want to shut the nuclear power plants down.

11:36 schestowitz[TR]; search newsom in this channel's logs

11:37 schestowitz[TR]; e.g. | Source: Counter Punch

=> ↺

11:37 TR Bot; Gavin Newsom Finally Help California's Farmworkers? -

11:37 schestowitz[TR]; "go electric"

11:37 schestowitz[TR]; "oh, maybe don't

11:37 schestowitz[TR]; "don't drive"

11:37 schestowitz[TR]; oops, wrong link

11:37 DaemonFC; You can't plug in cars with no electricity to charge them with. It's so simple a child would understand it.

11:37 DaemonFC; Not Matt J. GULAG, SUPER GENIUS, though.

11:38 *ubuntourist (~kjcole@freenode-imgi44.19lt.ffno.0juu4j.IP) has joined #techrights

11:38 DaemonFC; Who undoubtedly voted for that moron.

11:38 DaemonFC; Could you see him voting for anyone but Newsom, assuming he votes.

11:38 DaemonFC; Even JB Pritzker isn't this bad.

11:39 DaemonFC; Gavin Newsom = thinks electricity comes from nowhere and has maskless dinner parties while trapping you in your house.

11:40 TR News; This was faaaar simple with so-called 'dumb' phones in the 90s

=> ↺

11:40 TR Bot; How to Add a Contact to the Home Screen on Android and iPhone - Make Tech Easier

11:41 schestowitz[TR]; *simpler

11:41 schestowitz[TR]; DaemonFC: that's the thing

11:41 schestowitz[TR]; electricity comes usually from coal

11:41 schestowitz[TR]; they burn it

11:41 schestowitz[TR]; in some countries oil and nuclear

11:41 schestowitz[TR]; you need to show the 'EV yuppies' some footage of the power plants

11:41 schestowitz[TR]; and how much smoke comes from the top

11:42 schestowitz[TR]; then you say,

11:42 schestowitz[TR]; "this iy you.. driving"

11:43 TR News; Interruption

=> ↺

11:43 TR Bot; Interruption

11:44 DaemonFC; Fox News points it out.

11:44 DaemonFC; 21% of the electricity comes from coal.

11:44 DaemonFC; When you plug in your EV, you charge it on coal.

11:45 DaemonFC; Mostly coal and natural gas. Some nuclear.

11:45 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

11:45 DaemonFC; Maybe 1-2% wind and solar because it's really a pointless way to generate power that people only go with because of government subsidies.

11:46 DaemonFC; When they're done with the equipment, they shred it and toss it into a landfill because green.

11:46 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

11:46 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

11:47 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

11:48 DaemonFC; There's not too many ways to generate power at scale that make any sort of economic sense.

11:49 DaemonFC; That's why leftist states and Europe have a complete mess on their hands.

11:50 DaemonFC; Lefties don't want to think about where their stuff comes from (sweatshops) and where the power comes from (spewing carbon like everyone else) or where their Starbucks coffee is grown (slash and burn of the rain forest while the CEO goes to war with the labor unions).

11:51 DaemonFC; They come up with bullshit like "paying other people not to pollute" so that they can pollute instead.

11:51 DaemonFC; Except that the entire carbon credit scheme is bullshit designed to give money to the government, and does not result in less pollution,

11:53 DaemonFC; Everything the government comes up with is bullshit.

11:53 DaemonFC; But they give you lots of big red flags so you know it's bullshit.

11:54 DaemonFC; Like, being proposed by the government. That's a red flag.

11:54 schestowitz[TR]; red china

11:55 DaemonFC; Yeah, they're a big problem.

11:55 *techrights_guest|31 (~2d23221a@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

11:55 DaemonFC; Everyone spent the 1920s ignoring what was brewing in Germany.

11:56 DaemonFC; And they're spending the 2020s in denial about what China will eventually do.

11:56 schestowitz[TR]; hi, techrights_guest|31

11:56 schestowitz[TR]; new here?

11:56 schestowitz[TR]; DaemonFC: germany is not the same

11:56 schestowitz[TR]; a whole different scenario

11:56 schestowitz[TR]; brb

11:56 DaemonFC; Broadly speaking.

11:57 TR News; (NEW): Today's HowTos | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

11:57 TR Bot; Tux Machines today's howtos

11:57 DaemonFC; What was going on in the 1920s in Germany was the war reparations ruining their economy and causing huge resentment, and then the Great Depression hit the world on top of that.

11:58 DaemonFC; I've noticed that invariably, the workers know there's a recession years before one gets declared.

11:58 *techrights_guest|31 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)

11:58 DaemonFC; The last people to admit it are bankers and government officials.

11:59 DaemonFC; Workers notice that they can't find a job, but the media portrays it as "losers who don't want one".

11:59 DaemonFC; "Great Resignation. Quiet Qutting.

11:59 TR News; ZDNet rerunning pieces from 11 years ago. LOL. "Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2011 and updated in 2022."

=> ↺

11:59 TR Bot; Dennis Ritchie, there would be no Jobs | ZDNET

11:59 schestowitz[TR]; DaemonFC: yes, exactly

noon, September 10

12:00 schestowitz[TR]; and we need to fight back aagionst this narraticve

12:00 TR News; (NEW): diaspora* version released! | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

12:00 TR Bot; Tux Machines diaspora* version released!

12:01 DaemonFC; In a nation of over 300 million people, many of which are up to their head in debts and can't provide for their families.....

12:01 DaemonFC; CNBC be like: "Here's this one Millennial who quit Home Depot because he didn't wanna sweep the parking lot: Source, TikTok."

12:03 DaemonFC; Everything bad = Millennial

12:03 DaemonFC; They're getting younger too. The Millennials are having Millennials!

12:03 DaemonFC; My God! I told you to keep them from eating anything after midnight or getting water on them!

12:03 TR News; (NEW): Wine Announcement - The Wine development release 7.17 is now available. | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

12:03 TR Bot; Tux Machines Wine Announcement - The Wine development release 7.17 is now available.

12:06 DaemonFC; schestowitz[TR], My "Nord" VPN expired.

12:06 DaemonFC; That famous Nordic country, Saudi Arabia.

12:07 DaemonFC; There's a lot of Nordic countries.

12:08 DaemonFC; Panama, China, Saudi Arabia.....

12:08 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

12:08 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

12:09 TR News; ultimateedition is still run by a madman or someone not sober, I'm afraid... (he did say he had a criminal record, but we can judge by present behaviour)

=> ↺

12:09 TR Bot; The ripper is up! - Ultimate Edition

12:11 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

12:11 TR Bot; WHO: COVID cases drop everywhere, but pandemic not over | WGN-TV

12:11 DaemonFC; China keeps dumping something new an improved on us.

12:11 DaemonFC; "Scientists warn the coronavirus will linger far into the future, partly because it is getting better and better at getting around immunity from vaccination and past infection. Experts point to emerging research that suggests the latest omicron variant gaining ground in the U.S. BA.4.6, which was responsible for around 8% of new U.S. infections last week appears to be even better at evading the immune system than the dominant BA.5."

12:14 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

12:14 TR Bot; China locks down 65 million, discourages holiday travel | AP News

12:14 DaemonFC; Pooh Bear keeps locking down millions because one person tests positive for COVID.

12:14 DaemonFC; This is ridiculous.

12:17 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

12:17 *Noisytoot has quit (Connection closed)

12:18 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights

12:19 TR News; War on self-hosting

=> ↺

12:19 TR Bot; After self-hosting my email for twenty-three years I have thrown in the towel. The oligopoly has won.

12:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

12:20 TR News; The New Numbers on Music Consumption Are Very Ugly

=> ↺

12:20 TR Bot; The New Numbers on Music Consumption Are Very Ugly

12:21 TR News; Self-Hosted email is the hardest it's ever been, but also the easiest.

=> ↺

12:21 TR Bot; Self-Hosted email is the hardest it's ever been, but also the easiest.

12:21 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

12:21 *Noisytoot has quit (Excess Flood)

12:22 TR News; You Can Build Portable Binaries of Python Applications

=> ↺

12:22 TR Bot; You Can Build Portable Binaries of Python Applications

12:22 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

12:22 TR News; Accelerate Python code 100x by import taichi as ti | Taichi Docs

=> ↺

12:22 TR Bot; Accelerate Python code 100x by import taichi as ti | Taichi Docs

12:23 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

12:24 TR News; Visually impaired, blind children benefit from new coding project

=> ↺

12:24 TR Bot; Visually impaired, blind children benefit from new coding project

12:25 TR News; "This post outlines what separates good and bad interviewers, inspired by Ben Horowitzs timeless post about what distinguishes good product managers from those that are bad."

=> ↺

12:25 TR Bot; Good Interviewer/Bad Interviewer

12:26 DaemonFC; There we go. New VPN.

12:26 TR News; "Apple first announced their return-to-office policy, which resulted in their Director of ML leaving, then retracted it, then re-introduced it, resulting in a petition against the change." "Our work is deep"

=> ↺

12:26 TR Bot; Do we need an office?

12:27 TR News; Microsoft-funded sites keep pushing this narrative; Linux typically has nothing to do with the malware, which gets put there some other way.

=> ↺

12:27 TR Bot; New Linux malware combines unusual stealth with a full suite of capabilities | Ars Technica

12:29 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

12:29 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

12:29 *Noisytoot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

12:31 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights

12:31 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

12:32 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

12:36 TR News; "The systems I am working with have 80 or more cores in them. Ive recently had to investigate processes around core start up. Here are my notes."

=> ↺

12:36 TR Bot; Starting CPUs on ARM64 | Adam Young's Web Log

12:39 TR News; "We cover events and user groups that are running in Estonia. This article forms part of our Linux Around The World series."

=> ↺

12:39 TR Bot; Around The World: Estonia - LinuxLinks

12:40 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

12:43 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

12:46 TR News; (NEW): GNOME Shell on mobile: An update | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

12:46 TR Bot; Tux Machines GNOME Shell on mobile: An update

12:47 *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

12:58 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

12:59 *starstreak has quit (connection closed)

12:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 37.70 k/sec., IPFS upstream 53.05 average k/sec., average swarm size 152.91

1 PM, September 10

13:03 TR News; Links 10/09/2022: diaspora*, Tor Browser 12.0a2, and Wine 7.17 | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

13:03 TR Bot; Links 10/09/2022: diaspora*, Tor Browser 12.0a2, and Wine 7.17 | Techrights

13:03 TR News; (NEW): Open Source vs Free Software | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:03 TR Bot; Tux Machines Open Source vs Free Software

13:03 TR News; (NEW): Programming Leftovers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:03 TR Bot; Tux Machines Programming Leftovers

13:03 TR News; (NEW): Hardware: ARM64, Modding, and Steam Deck | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:03 TR Bot; Tux Machines Hardware: ARM64, Modding, and Steam Deck

13:03 TR News; (NEW): Today's Leftovers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:03 TR Bot; Tux Machines today's leftovers

13:07 TR News; CLOWN... HEY HI... buzzwords

=> ↺

13:07 TR Bot; Red Hat OpenShift Certified and Supported for the Public Cloud with NVIDIA AI Enterprise

13:10 TR News; Do you REALLY want DICOM in a BROWSER? privacy bomb

=> ↺
=> ↺

13:10 TR Bot; Turn your Google Chrome into a DICOM Viewer with These Free Extensions

13:10 TR Bot; Google releases Chrome 105 emergency update to address security issue - gHacks Tech News

13:10 TR News; What do we want? Radiologists with telemetry??

13:12 TR News; [PULL] drm-intel-gt-next Source: intel | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:12 TR Bot; [PULL] drm-intel-gt-next

13:13 TR News; Those systems need to be infected in the first place, and not the fault of "Linux"

=> ↺

13:13 TR Bot; 'Shikitega' Linux Malware Grabs Complete Control of Infected Systems | SecurityWeek.Com

13:14 TR News; "AT&T didn't say how the initial infection occurs" better find out the actual cause of breach, and it's not likely to be Linux

=> ↺

13:14 TR Bot; Shape-shifting cryptominer savaging Linux endpoints and IoT The Register

13:15 TR News; [Test-Announce] Fedora Linux 37 Beta is GO

=> ↺

13:15 TR Bot; [Test-Announce] Fedora Linux 37 Beta is GO - test-announce - Fedora Mailing-Lists

13:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

13:21 TR News; (NEW): Fedora Family / Red hat / IBM | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:21 TR Bot; Tux Machines Fedora Family / Red hat / IBM

13:37 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@5bnyh3kjti54w.irc) has joined #techrights

13:38 DaemonFC; Well, it seems that turning off ipv6 in network manager actually works now.

13:44 TR News; [RFC PATCH 00/23] sched: Introduce classes of tasks for load balance - Ricardo Neri Intel

=> ↺

13:45 TR Bot; [RFC PATCH 00/23] sched: Introduce classes of tasks for load balance - Ricardo Neri

13:46 TR News; zstd compressed debug sections | MaskRay Source: | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:46 TR Bot; zstd compressed debug sections | MaskRay

13:50 TR News; Using the Subversion Version Control System on a Server Source: Make Use Of | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:50 TR Bot; Using the Subversion Version Control System on a Server

13:52 TR News; Saint Kotar | Linux Game - Invidious | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:52 TR Bot; Saint Kotar | Linux Game - Invidious

13:52 TR News; (NEW): New Builds of Debian 11 and Debian 10 | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:52 TR Bot; Tux Machines New Builds of Debian 11 and Debian 10

13:53 TR News; (NEW): StormD StormOS Debian Variant | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:53 TR Bot; Tux Machines StormD StormOS Debian Variant

13:56 TR News; (NEW): MakuluLinux Max ( Debian ) Dev Build 2022.09.10 | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:56 TR Bot; Tux Machines MakuluLinux Max ( Debian ) Dev Build 2022.09.10

13:59 TR News; "To control the dot matrix with MAX7219 using Arduino and display different patterns/characters on a dot matrix"

=> ↺

13:59 TR Bot; ( status 520 @ )

=> ↺

13:59 TR News; (NEW): 5 Best Free and Open Source Lisp Static Site Generators | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

13:59 TR Bot; Tux Machines 5 Best Free and Open Source Lisp Static Site Generators

2 PM, September 10

14:01 TR News; "I've met an old Debian friend who told a lovely story about his 5 year old daughter, who since recently is a Debian user using an old laptop with LUKS encryption, knowing her data will be lost when she forgets her passphrase... "

=> ↺

14:01 TR Bot; 20220910-youngest-LUKS-user

14:03 TR News; Joachim Breitner: rec-def: Behind the scenes

=> ↺

14:03 TR Bot; rec-def: Behind the scenes Blog Joachim Breitner's Homepage

14:06 TR News; Lufthansa paid back its debt, Qantas bought its own shares - Michael West Source: Michael West Media | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

14:06 TR Bot; Lufthansa paid back its debt, Qantas bought its own shares - Michael West

14:11 TR News; "R Consortium recently talked to Mario Amau, co-organizer of the Vienna<-R about the lively R community in Vienna"

=> ↺

14:11 TR Bot; Industry Supports Robust Vienna R Community | R-bloggers

14:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

14:20 MinceR;

=> ↺

14:20 TR Bot; IRCZ makes your life worth living created on 2022-07-31 16:23:20.046393

=> ↺

14:21 DaemonFC; I don't think you should use the Internet without a VPN if you're in the US. It's just too risky.

14:21 DaemonFC; Mainly due to all of the lawyers crawling around.

14:30 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

14:30 TR Bot; Waukegan goes to court to get apartment building landlords to address concerns

14:31 DaemonFC; Yeah, that apartment building by the post office that I said always has obvious gang lookouts outside, was formally declared a public nuisance yesterday.

14:31 DaemonFC; I could have told them that.

14:39 DaemonFC; schestowitz-TR2, Mullvad seems pretty nice so far.

14:39 DaemonFC; Much faster than NordVPN.

14:40 DaemonFC; Even though I'm using a server in the Netherlands.

14:43 DaemonFC; The client software is under the GPLv3.

14:43 DaemonFC; NordVPN's was proprietary.

14:46 *horseface (~horseface@rwq434ydswn2i.irc) has joined #techrights

14:48 *horseface_ (~horseface@49buy8kidb5ai.irc) has joined #techrights

14:49 *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:49 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

14:50 TR Bot; We are removing the option to create new subscriptions - Blog | Mullvad VPN

14:50 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:50 DaemonFC; Theoretically, you can scramble your account every month by paying monthly (it's the same price) and logging back in for the next month.

14:51 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

14:56 *horseface_ has quit (Quit: PING TIMEOUT!!! >9000 FOR SURE!!!)

14:56 *horseface (~horseface@49buy8kidb5ai.irc) has joined #techrights

14:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 35.28 k/sec., IPFS upstream 39.75 average k/sec., average swarm size 136.55

3 PM, September 10

15:18 TR News; [Meme] Were Back to Medieval Times: The Case of EPO | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

15:18 TR Bot; [Meme] Were Back to Medieval Times: The Case of EPO | Techrights

15:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

15:24 TR News; EUKLNQI Wordo: SABRA gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

15:24 TR News; "Of course, here in Alaska we have plenty of darkness once we get deep into winter, but the benefit is offset somewhat by the sub-zero temperatures." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

15:25 TR News; "It's a very simple app I made with Python and sqlite with no proper coding standards applied, but hopefully the code would be useful for other people trying to learn more about Gemini and cgi scripts in general." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

15:26 TR News; Prusa Mini

=> ↺

15:26 TR Bot; jmtd log Prusa Mini

15:27 TR News; This Tool Converts Arch Linux Packages To AppImage - Invidious | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

15:27 TR Bot; This Tool Converts Arch Linux Packages To AppImage - Invidious

15:28 TR News; Microbell showing off AMD gifts again just a small portion of the whole:

=> ↺

15:28 TR Bot; Aims To Squeeze More EPYC Performance Out Of Linux With User-Space Hinting For Tasks - Phoronix

15:28 TR Bot; Techrights Statement on Phoronix | Techrights

15:29 TR News; [RFC PATCH 0/5] sched: Userspace Hinting for Task Placement - K Prateek Nayak Source: amd | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

15:29 TR Bot; [RFC PATCH 0/5] sched: Userspace Hinting for Task Placement - K Prateek Nayak

15:30 TR News; Grantlee version 5.3 now available | Steveires Blog Source: Stephen Kelly | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

15:30 TR Bot; Grantlee version 5.3 now available | Steveire's Blog

15:31 TR News; Top 7 New Games to Play on Linux with Proton | August 2022 - Invidious | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

15:31 TR Bot; Top 7 New Games to Play on Linux with Proton | August 2022 - Invidious

15:33 psydroid2; I wonder when Microbell is going to review this device

15:33 psydroid2;

=> ↺

15:33 TR Bot; AYANEO Unveils Geek 2 Handheld Gaming Console With AMD Ryzen 7 6800U APU

15:34 psydroid2; Ayaneo Deck Extreme

15:43 *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

15:46 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

15:47 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

15:47 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

15:47 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights

15:49 MinceR;

=> ↺

15:49 TR Bot; Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Align

15:55 *phebus has quit (Quit: POKE 1,0)

15:56 *mib_97vssn (~42dacaa6@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

15:56 *mib_rybtpq (~42dacaa6@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

15:58 TR News; Never Let Courts Be Controlled by Those Who Ignore Court Rulings (European Patent Office, European Patent Organisation, or EPO) | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

15:58 TR Bot; Never Let Courts Be Controlled by Those Who Ignore Court Rulings (European Patent Office, European Patent Organisation, or EPO) | Techrights

4 PM, September 10

16:13 *CrystalMath (~coderain@yucq8767q4eni.irc) has joined #techrights

16:15 TR News; (NEW): Videos: AppImage on GNU/Linux and Games Roundup | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

16:15 TR Bot; Tux Machines Videos: AppImage on GNU/Linux and Games Roundup

16:15 TR News; (NEW): Today in TechrightsToday in Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

16:15 TR Bot; Tux Machines Today in TechrightsToday in Techrights

16:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

16:20 *cuddlybear66 (~cuddlybear66@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

16:20 techuser; hi

16:23 schestowitz[TR]; hi, cuddlybear66

16:24 TR News; The EPOs management thinks that it is the royal family or the Queen of England; is the EPO aware that this is not how patent offices are meant to work? The EPO became a for-profit corporation that views itself as entirely above the law.


16:26 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

16:27 TR News; "COVID-19 cases are rising as the BA.5 Omicron variant puts more people in the hospital amid high rates of reinfection."

=> ↺

16:27 TR Bot; Reinfection Wave: Ed Yong on BA.5 Omicron Variant Spread Amid Mask Mandate Rollbacks, Funding Cuts | Democracy Now!

16:28 TR News; Military-Industrial Complex Clinches Nearly 450,000% Return on Investment - Public Citizen

=> ↺

16:28 TR Bot; Military-Industrial Complex Clinches Nearly 450,000% Return on Investment - Public Citizen

16:28 TR Bot; The United States Government Should Quit Bailing Out Microsoft at Taxpayers Expense | Techrights

16:28 TR News; Street protests around the world - neritam

=> ↺

16:28 TR Bot; Street protests around the world neritam

16:30 TR News; Pro Publica takes bribes from Bill Gates, deflect or distracts from interference by Bill and Lolita Gates Foundation

=> ↺

16:30 TR Bot; Trump Supreme Court Is Nothing New -

16:31 cuddlybear66; hii

16:31 starstreak; hi :)

16:31 TR News; We're meant to think interference by Bill and Lolita Gates Foundation is corrective or benign, even benevolent... for "our health". While that interference grows that wealth in Cayman Island. It's robbery of us... and bribery of media.

16:32 TR News; (NEW): A fresh look at FreeBSD | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

16:32 TR Bot; Tux Machines A fresh look at FreeBSD

16:33 TR News; The history of sending signals to Unix process groups

=> ↺

16:33 TR Bot; Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/ProcessGroupsAndSignals

16:35 TR News; "If you can find any other news that's being buried under the royal succession whoopsie? This is your thread."

=> ↺

16:35 TR Bot; London Bridge - Charlie's Diary

16:36 *phebus (~phebus@f95gnd3zj7732.irc) has joined #techrights

16:37 TR News; "catch up in reporting of deaths by NHS England" how do you miss deaths??? Of the peasants, yes!

=> ↺

16:37 TR Bot; ( status 403 @ )

=> ↺

16:40 TR News; UK approaching 210,00 deaths

=> ↺

16:40 TR Bot; 19,000 dead in Sweden - The occasional scrivener - Gustaf Erikson's blog

16:41 TR News; November 2022 FreeBSD Vendor Summit

=> ↺

16:41 TR Bot; DevSummit/202211 - FreeBSD Wiki

16:43 TR News; On my resignation as regulator of the Dutch intelligence and security services - Bert Hubert's writings Source: Bert Hubert | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

16:43 TR Bot; On my resignation as regulator of the Dutch intelligence and security services - Bert Hubert's writings

16:44 *loner has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

16:44 TR News; Tracking: announcing new R package TrackMateR

=> ↺

16:44 TR Bot; Tracking: announcing new R package TrackMateR quantixed

16:51 TR News; 4.2 Gigabytes, or: How to Draw Anything

=> ↺

16:51 TR Bot; 4.2 Gigabytes, or: How to Draw Anything -

16:52 TR News; Exploring 12 Million of the 2.3 Billion Images Used to Train Stable Diffusions Image Generator - Source: Andy Baio

=> ↺

16:52 TR Bot; 12 Million of the 2.3 Billion Images Used to Train Stable Diffusion's Image Generator -

16:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 26.21 k/sec., IPFS upstream 41.83 average k/sec., average swarm size 139.93

5 PM, September 10

17:09 *loner (~loner@sf2k3tzt9a34c.irc) has joined #techrights

17:12 *horseface (~horseface@q5zcyghuhyqpw.irc) has joined #techrights

17:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

17:22 *Luis64_gamer (~Luis64_gamer@4v4vwik9pe4fy.irc) has joined #techrights

17:23 *loner has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

17:23 TR News; Mozillas Strategy: More Lawyers and Spam, Not More Engineers | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

17:23 TR Bot; Mozillas Strategy: More Lawyers and Spam, Not More Engineers | Techrights

17:23 *loner (~loner@haw8n4b42f5e6.irc) has joined #techrights

17:23 *horseface has quit (connection closed)

17:32 TR News; (NEW): Today's HowTos | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

17:32 TR Bot; Tux Machines today's howtos

17:37 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

17:43 TR News; Metagaming: An Interview With Andrew Ringlein - Daniel Miessler Source: Daniel Miessler | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

17:43 TR Bot; Metagaming: An Interview With Andrew Ringlein - Daniel Miessler

17:44 TR News; Democracy 4 DLC now available to add to wishlist! - Cliffskis Blog Source: Positech Games | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

17:44 TR Bot; Democracy 4 DLC now available to add to wishlist! Cliffski's Blog

17:46 techuser; fuck your wishlist

17:46 techuser; use notepad

17:48 *n0mad_ (~n0mad@freenode-d1p.1tu.26em7u.IP) has joined #techrights

17:51 TR News; "This year, 300 young people who have called Mental Health Finland's crisis line have already been in acute danger of committing suicide."

=> ↺

17:51 TR Bot; Mieli rf larmar om sjlvmordstankar hos unga: Srskilt orovckande hur dligt flickor och unga kvinnor mr Inrikes

17:51 TR News; Finland surveyed or voted the world's happiest country this year

6 PM, September 10

18:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

18:30 *mib_rybtpq has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

=> ↺

18:31 *mib_97vssn has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

=> ↺

18:40 starstreak; the new documentary of John McAfee is pretty good

18:40 starstreak; he was a badass

18:41 schestowitz[TR]; WAS

18:41 starstreak; yeah i know, thats why i used was

18:48 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

18:49 *Noisytoot has quit (Connection closed)

18:49 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

18:51 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights

18:55 *n0mad_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)

18:58 *n0mad_ (~n0mad@freenode-d1p.1tu.26em7u.IP) has joined #techrights

18:58 *n0mad_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)

18:59 *n0mad_ (~n0mad@freenode/user/n0mad-x-2b67af0dcd9e85a5) has joined #techrights

18:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 30.48 k/sec., IPFS upstream 22.40 average k/sec., average swarm size 145.60

7 PM, September 10

19:07 TR News; Mozilla Hired Top-Level Managers Directly From the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Can They Be Trusted on Privacy? | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

19:07 TR Bot; Mozilla Hired Top-Level Managers Directly From the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Can They Be Trusted on Privacy? | Techrights

19:14 *yuhong (~yuhong@8bhg8w55itquy.irc) has joined #techrights

19:15 *yuhong has quit (Quit: Leaving)

19:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

19:22 MinceR; fuck your notepad

19:22 MinceR; i use vim

19:23 psydroid2; fuck your vim

19:23 psydroid2; I use a clay tablet

19:24 MinceR; lol

19:25 MinceR; fuck your clay tablet

19:25 MinceR; i use quantum fluctuations

19:26 schestowitz[TR]; fuck your foss conference

19:26 schestowitz[TR]; said nobody int this irc channel

19:26 schestowitz[TR]; except one person

19:28 TR News; [Meme] Mozilla Does Not Trust Web Sites, But It Trusts the CIA Enough to Hire Managers From It | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

19:28 TR Bot; [Meme] Mozilla Does Not Trust Web Sites, But It Trusts the CIA Enough to Hire Managers From It | Techrights

19:29 TR News; "The Mozilla company (corporation and foundation) and Firefox were historically good, but things turned sour as users migrated elsewhere and the company's leadership made self-harming moves."


19:29 TR Bot; Mozilla - Techrights

19:32 starstreak; schestowitz[TR], who is that one person

19:33 schestowitz[TR];


19:37 *schestowitz[TR] will use falkon and librewolf as before

19:37 schestowitz[TR]; mozilla firefox is just a contegency now

19:37 schestowitz[TR]; when nothign else works

19:40 starstreak; i use brave btw

19:46 psydroid2; brave uses you btw

19:54 starstreak; wait, brave is endorsed by mincer. whats wrong with it?

19:54 techuser; could be a bribe

19:55 starstreak; lol

19:55 CrystalMath; i think Brendan Eich is a good man at heart, his removal from Mozilla was shameful

19:57 CrystalMath; btw, can someone recommend a search engine?

19:58 CrystalMath; duckduckgo seems to be increasingly failing to work in its non-js version

19:58 techuser; searx

19:58 MinceR; every "modern" browser is crap, but the others won't run "modern" websites

19:59 techuser; there is no good search engine. Searx will at least get results from a few big ones.

19:59 CrystalMath; hmm...

19:59 CrystalMath; it seems like it may work actually, but it requries POST for searches, rather than GET

19:59 MinceR; have you tried using GET?

8 PM, September 10

20:00 MinceR; it seems to tend to work even with search engines that would use POST

20:00 *Noisytoot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

20:00 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

20:00 CrystalMath; hmm, seems to work, but the html version rather than the lite version

20:01 CrystalMath; i had my old shortcuts point to the lite version

20:02 CrystalMath; so it seems that the lite version now requires js

20:02 CrystalMath; but it didn't used to

20:08 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

20:09 starstreak; have you tried turning it off and back on again?

20:10 psydroid2; the internet?

20:10 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights

20:11 CrystalMath; brave uses chromium which kinda sucks, also some people said it spies on people

20:11 *Noisytoot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

20:11 CrystalMath; MinceR: is there some checklist of things to do after a brave installation?

20:11 MinceR; hopefully brave manages to remove a significant amount of spyware features from their browser

20:11 MinceR; i'm not aware of one

20:12 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

20:12 CrystalMath; well doesn't brave have telemetry and stuff?

20:12 CrystalMath; i always go through a firefox usage checklist

20:12 MinceR; dunno

20:12 MinceR; i haven't audited its source code

20:13 CrystalMath; i mean, going through about:config and disabling telemetry, disabling stupid things, disabling "speculative" browsing, etc...

20:15 CrystalMath; also does Brave have a LTS release

20:16 MinceR; _()_/

20:16 XRevan86; "also does Brave have a LTS release" <- Cute.

20:16 CrystalMath; it just doesn't seem like a good browser to me, it probably requires senseless updating, wastes bandwidth on telemetry, not customizable enough, i don't know

20:16 XRevan86; CIT (War in Ukraine):

=> ↺

20:16 TR Bot; Dispatch for September 9 Telegraph

20:17 MinceR; of course it isn't, it downloads code and runs it without asking you and it's way too complicated

20:17 *Noisytoot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

20:17 MinceR; unfortunately, both of those are required for "modern" websites

20:17 CrystalMath; firefox seems like a more easily tameable beast, for now

20:17 techuser; Brave is cryptoshit

20:17 techuser; "web3"

20:17 starstreak; CrystalMath, there doesn't appear to be telemetry

20:18 starstreak; CrystalMath, the worst is a user ping

20:18 CrystalMath; starstreak: update pings send quite a lot of data and a client ID

20:18 techuser; I know does promote Brav e

20:18 techuser; *Brave

20:18 techuser; they were bribed most likely

20:18 techuser; it is already a trust issue

20:18 starstreak; all i need is a good reason to switch back to firefox

20:18 techuser; just switch to Ungoogled Chromium I guess

20:18 CrystalMath; lots of right-wingers promote brave as well, this is kinda why i hear about it almost every day :)

20:19 techuser; because eventually they kill Firefox

20:19 techuser; and only Chromium remains

20:19 CrystalMath; techuser: that thing doesn't even let you set a homepage

20:19 CrystalMath; you have to use a plugin

20:19 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

=> ↺

20:19 CrystalMath; to have a homepage...

20:19 starstreak; techuser, a better reason to use firefox, so it is less likely to die

20:19 CrystalMath; something i can do in IE 2

20:19 techuser; why do you want to use a homepage anyway?

20:19 starstreak; i dont like ungoogled chromium

20:19 CrystalMath; techuser: mostly i want the browser to be completely blank on start

20:19 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

20:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

20:20 techuser; you don't like it, but corporations don't care about what you like or not

20:20 CrystalMath; techuser: you don't have to use nor like ungoogled chromium

20:20 CrystalMath; i tried it for like 15 seconds and immediately regretted it

20:21 starstreak; i do need at least access to an extension store

20:21 starstreak; there was a plugin that barely ever worked

20:22 CrystalMath; techuser: i don't understand why anyone would use chrom(e|ium)

20:22 techuser; iirc the plugin did work

20:22 techuser; because Google wants it to be the only browser

20:22 techuser; I think they will kill Firefox

20:22 techuser; and then you use Chrome

20:22 starstreak; firefox is more likely to switch to chrome than die

20:22 CrystalMath; i don't care what google wants

20:22 MinceR; 10 211743 < CrystalMath> firefox seems like a more easily tameable beast, for now

20:23 CrystalMath; starstreak: ugh, that would be "switch to chrome THEN die" :P

20:23 MinceR; if you want to build it with an audio driver they do not officially support anymore, that is :>

20:23 CrystalMath; i would not use firefox if it ran webkit

20:23 MinceR; 10 211904 < techuser> because eventually they kill Firefox

20:23 CrystalMath; MinceR: i have apulse system-wide

20:23 MinceR; mozilla already killed firefox

20:23 starstreak; firefox does seem to be faster than brave on my system, brave doesn't support hardware wayland gpu

20:23 starstreak; like way faster

20:24 MinceR; windows and macos are both more "modern" than waylandows

20:24 starstreak; chrome is removing support for ad blockers in january

20:24 CrystalMath; i don't let firefox use hardware acceleration

20:24 starstreak; which means that the chrome store won't have adblockers on it anymore

20:25 starstreak; brave will probably have to do a bunch of extra work for its ad blocker

20:25 CrystalMath; starstreak: another reason to ditch chrome

20:25 starstreak; yeah

20:25 CrystalMath; i just wanted to try it and couldn't stand like a minute of using it

20:25 CrystalMath; though mots of the time i just run a modified felinks

20:26 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

20:26 starstreak; CrystalMath, brave or ungoogled chromium?

20:26 CrystalMath; *most

20:26 CrystalMath; starstreak: it was ungoogled chromium

20:26 starstreak; CrystalMath, i checked and i only had to disable user ping in brave

20:26 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

20:26 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights

20:26 starstreak; there wasn't telemetry

20:27 MinceR; brave has a built-in native ad blocker

20:27 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

20:27 starstreak; MinceR, it does but I'd much rather use ublock origin

20:27 MinceR; you can use both

20:27 starstreak; i am using both

20:27 MinceR; so am i

20:28 starstreak; but come january, chrome isn't going to support ad blockers, which means they'll also disappear from the chrome extension site

20:28 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights

20:29 CrystalMath; so chrome is going to purposely regress itself

20:30 starstreak; so theres that and no hardware rendering support

20:30 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

20:31 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

20:32 CrystalMath; starstreak: felinks launches mpv to play videos, which ironically has hardware rendering support

20:32 starstreak; i don't let firefox use hardware acceleration <-- why not?

20:33 CrystalMath; starstreak: could be privacy leaking, if js reads the canvas element somehow

20:33 starstreak; its one of the reasons I use lagrange for gemini, SDL with hardware rendering

20:33 CrystalMath; also it causes firefox to crash often, but that's probably because i'm missing some proprietary firmware

20:34 CrystalMath; anyway, i don't even slightly mind living in the 90s (or 80s) computing-wise

20:34 starstreak; my website looks like it came from the 90s

20:34 starstreak; it uses the style of maddox

20:34 CrystalMath; i'm trying to make one like that

20:34 CrystalMath; but i just don't remember much of the early net

20:34 CrystalMath; so everything i make doesn't look right to me and i throw it away

20:35 CrystalMath; i'm trying to find old people to help me with gaudy style decisions

20:35 starstreak; I just did it with raw html and vscode

20:35 TR News; (NEW): Password Manager KeePass 2.52 is out | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

20:35 TR Bot; Tux Machines Password Manager KeePass 2.52 is out (UPDATED)

20:35 CrystalMath; starstreak: yeah, raw html sure, but i kinda like to generate static sites.... i can't just copy-paste stuff across pages, it feels wrong :P

20:35 starstreak; CrystalMath, you could try a static site generator like jekyll

20:36 MinceR; 10 212818 < starstreak> but come january, chrome isn't going to support ad blockers, which means they'll also disappear from the chrome extension site

20:36 MinceR; hopefully the site will be replaced then

20:36 MinceR; or supplemented

20:36 CrystalMath; starstreak: i just generate it with ksh

20:36 TR News; (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

20:36 TR Bot; Tux Machines Android Leftovers

20:36 starstreak; CrystalMath, fair enough, whatever works :)

20:37 starstreak; i like that jekyll lets me write in markdown

20:37 CrystalMath; i don't really like markdown

20:37 CrystalMath; it's too modern

20:37 starstreak; but for a site from the 90s, jekyll/markdown doesn't work

20:37 CrystalMath; yeah

20:37 CrystalMath; that's the problem

20:38 starstreak; lol markdown is too modern?

20:38 CrystalMath; markdown is like from the 21st century

20:38 starstreak; i have an online resume i did in markdown/jekyll

20:38 starstreak; its on my github pages

20:38 CrystalMath; i'm really trying to get into how people did things in the 90s

20:38 CrystalMath; like how did people make gifs

20:38 starstreak; there are some situations where modern can be good

20:39 CrystalMath; i mean i would use dynamic SVGs

20:39 CrystalMath; but that's kinda a modern extension

20:39 starstreak; CrystalMath, have you seen my screenshots of windows 3.11 on techrights irc?

20:39 CrystalMath; no but i have windows 3.11

20:39 CrystalMath; wait, no, i have windows 3.1

20:39 starstreak; i like 3.11 better because its the latest version of 3.x

20:40 starstreak; dosbox-x, emulated ne2000, microsoft tcp/ip and mIRC

20:44 TR News; (NEW): GNOME 43 Is Almost Here! Here's What You Can Expect | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

20:44 TR Bot; Tux Machines GNOME 43 Is Almost Here! Here's What You Can Expect


=> ↺

20:44 TR Bot; What Is the Most Secure OS? 5 Secure PC Operating Systems to Consider

20:45 CrystalMath; starstreak: i use regular DOSBox, SLIP, and my very own NAT-routing SLIP internet emulator called slippage

20:45 CrystalMath; Serial Line Internet Protocol Passthrough-AchievinG Emulator (SLIPPAGE)

20:45 starstreak; that route seemed harder

20:45 CrystalMath; yeah but it was fun to code a full TCP/IP stack in C

20:46 starstreak;

=> ↺

20:46 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

20:46 CrystalMath; if i can find that mIRC i can show you regular DOSBox doing that :)

20:46 CrystalMath; (but through slippage)

20:47 TR News; Wash them inside the bidet

=> ↺

20:47 TR Bot; How to Clean Your AirPods - Make Tech Easier

20:47 CrystalMath; i still don't know where to host that project properly

20:47 CrystalMath; since i use RCS for version control, not git

20:47 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

20:48 TR News; "This is yet another Gemini capsule and interweb site. This is more of an experiment and I don't know yet if it will roll. Let's see! I will take bets!" gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

20:50 TR News; progress in design gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

20:51 TR News; "There's decades worth of solid libraries in the ecosystem, as well as a new generation of modern, C++17-and-above-supporting libraries." gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

20:51 DaemonFC; Mullvad seems nice. I think this is the fastest VPN I've used.

20:51 TR News; My first year with OpenBSD gemini://

=> ↺ gemini://

20:53 TR News; WINE site promotes proprietary OS only?

=> ↺

20:53 TR Bot; Wine Reviews : Bundlehunt Epic macOS Fall Bundle

20:54 CrystalMath; starstreak: in my quest for a free speech git host, i somehow forgot that i stopped using git

20:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 38.73 k/sec., IPFS upstream 49.86 average k/sec., average swarm size 146.60

20:59 TR News; Not only is Europes second-largest institution exceedingly corrupt; when taken to court it refuses to obey rulings against it and at the same time it calls monarchs "role models"; to make matters yet worse, the EPO tries to replace courts that are answerable to the population with kangaroo courts answerable to corrupt EPO management


20:59 TR Bot; Never Let Courts Be Controlled by Those Who Ignore Court Rulings (European Patent Office, European Patent Organisation, or EPO) | Techrights

20:59 TR News; It was a huge mistake to give the EPO any immunity; instead of upholding the law the EPO breaks the law, and moreover it violates conventions and constitutions with impunity


20:59 TR Bot; [Meme] Time to Take Away the EPOs Diplomatic Immunity | Techrights

9 PM, September 10

21:00 TR News; Mozilla has been contacting a load of people, asking them to generate inane hype over a useless hire by a notoriously wasteful CEO


21:00 TR Bot; Mozillas Strategy: More Lawyers and Spam, Not More Engineers | Techrights

21:00 TR News; Mozillas composition of managers is a parade of spies and monopolies; the message (or promise) does not match the actions


21:00 TR Bot; Mozilla Hired Top-Level Managers Directly From the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Can They Be Trusted on Privacy? | Techrights

21:00 TR News; Who do you trust more? Mozilla or yourself? Or the so-called Linux Foundation, which outsourced Lets Encrypt to Microsoft?


21:00 TR Bot; [Meme] Mozilla Does Not Trust Web Sites, But It Trusts the CIA Enough to Hire Managers From It | Techrights

21:04 starstreak; CrystalMath, lol i use git to update my gemini capsule

21:04 CrystalMath; starstreak: maybe i can do some kind of quick RCS viewer in ksh as a part of static site generation

21:04 starstreak; gemini is nice, its almost like markdown

21:05 CrystalMath; so you'd be able to see the RCS repos with the generated html

21:05 CrystalMath; i mean it's trivial, considering how simple RCS is, a ksh script can do it

21:05 TR News; (NEW): Linux Encryption and FUD | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

21:05 TR Bot; Tux Machines Linux Encryption and FUD

21:07 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

21:07 TR News; (NEW): Debian GNU/Linux 11.5 Bullseye Released with 53 Security Updates and 58 Bug Fixes | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

21:07 TR Bot; Tux Machines Debian GNU/Linux 11.5 Bullseye Released with 53 Security Updates and 58 Bug Fixes

21:08 TR News; (NEW): Programming Leftovers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

21:08 TR Bot; Tux Machines Programming Leftovers

21:08 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights

21:10 starstreak; "I run the computers"

21:10 TR News; Links 10/09/2022: New Debian Builds and KeePass2 2.52 Released | Techrights | Gemini address: gemini://

=> gemini://

21:10 TR Bot; Links 10/09/2022: New Debian Builds and KeePass2 2.52 Released | Techrights

21:10 TR News; (NEW): Today's Leftovers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

21:10 TR Bot; Tux Machines today's leftovers

21:15 starstreak; oh wow, schestowitz[TR] is a beef cake

21:15 starstreak;

=> ↺

21:16 XRevan86;

=> ↺

21:16 TR Bot; In 10 days, Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated 2,000 square kilometres of territory ? Zelenskyy | Ukrainska Pravda

21:17 XRevan86; "Russias Defence Ministry: retreat from Kharkiv region regrouping in order to liberate Donbas"

=> ↺
=> ↺>

21:17 TR Bot; .

21:17 MinceR;

=> ↺

21:17 TR Bot; 1264 Also an Uncanny Resemblance - Giant in the Playground Games

21:17 XRevan86; It's a very special type of humour.

21:18 XRevan86; "Moldova's civil aviation authority blocks Air Moldova from restarting flights between Chiinu and Moscow"

=> ↺

21:18 TR Bot; .

21:18 starstreak; trying to find a good photo of roy to run through the A.I art generator

21:18 XRevan86; Should've used this link, no JS.

=> ↺

21:18 TR Bot; Instead of admitting retreat from Kharkiv Russian Defense Ministry says troops are regrouping

21:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

21:20 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

21:20 psydroid2;

=> ↺

21:21 psydroid2; presumably also exiting discrete graphics cards for laptops and desktops

21:21 psydroid2; those were a few interesting years of vapourware

21:21 starstreak; i was looking forward to the intel discrete graphics

21:22 MinceR; long ago, so was i

21:22 MinceR; but then a bunch of things happened

21:22 MinceR; i've seen intHell's iGPU behave strangely, i've seen intHell kill "legacy" boot support in their stuff

21:22 MinceR; plus it could be another poulsbo

21:23 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

21:37 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

21:43 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

21:44 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

21:45 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

21:49 *Luis64_gamer has quit (Quit: Leaving)

10 PM, September 10

22:02 MinceR; (cat)

=> ↺

22:02 TR Bot; This cats are very suspicious of you - rimgo

22:02 *Luis64_gamer (~Luis64_gamer@4v4vwik9pe4fy.irc) has joined #techrights

22:03 *Luis64_gamer has quit (Quit: Leaving)

22:10 *mib_97vssn (~d839d5c2@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

22:10 *mib_rybtpq (~d839d5c2@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

22:12 XRevan86; Holy crap, this is a confession!

=> ↺

22:12 TR Bot; Telegram: Contact @grey_zone

22:12 XRevan86; > While it was necessary to hit bridges, railway hubs, and LDPE, which had to have been previously opened by intelligence, we reported every day with missiles on Kharkiv. Kalibrs, Iskanders and Tochka-U's flew somewhere to the side, in the morning with a stroke of a pen 200 enemy units were destroyed, believing that the enemy was there only because someone photographed against the background of this h

22:12 XRevan86; ouse in Kharkiv in a military uniform, and it is not even clear when.

22:12 XRevan86; I fscking knew ye did exactly that!

22:13 XRevan86; (Grey Zone is the PMC Wagner's channel)

22:14 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

22:14 XRevan86; We all knew they did that. Well, loner didn't I'm sure.

22:14 starstreak; I switched from brave to firefox

22:14 starstreak; didnt take long lol

22:16 DaemonFC; "... to liberate Donbas it was decided to regroup the Russian troops in the area of Balakliya and Izium to scale up efforts in Donetsk direction," Konashenkov said in a video, even as Russian state media reporters on the ground insisted the move was taken to avoid a rout by Ukrainian forces.

22:16 DaemonFC; It wasn't a retreat! It was a strategic moving backwards type thing......

22:16 XRevan86; DaemonFC: A gesture of goodwill.

22:17 DaemonFC; Putin is famous for those!

22:17 XRevan86; He is. Can't believe they didn't say that verbatim this time.

22:18 starstreak; "Import bookmarks from brave?" "Yes"

22:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

22:20 *loner has quit (connection closed)

22:20 XRevan86; DaemonFC: One funny thing is that if this were actually true, they should not have showed their hand.

22:21 *loner (~loner@atf6w5egrybyq.irc) has joined #techrights

22:23 DaemonFC; Well, the Russians are just really good sports and like to give their opponent a fighting chance, you know.

22:23 DaemonFC; Like sending hundreds of tanks down a narrow street that was obviously a kill zone.

22:24 XRevan86; DaemonFC: Too much goodwill for our own good.

22:25 XRevan86; And plenty of mystery bawona too.

22:26 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

22:26 TR Bot; Marsha Hunt, 1940s Hollywood star and blacklist victim, dies at 104 : NPR

22:26 DaemonFC; Ruh Roh.

22:26 DaemonFC; The lefties at National Propaganda Radio forgot to say DENYLIST.

22:27 DaemonFC; mjg59_ should start a petition to cancel NPR, on GitHub.

22:27 DaemonFC; We have to retcon historical events too you know.

22:27 DaemonFC; schestowitz[TR], Like that time the DENY PLAGUE swept across Europe.

22:28 DaemonFC; Send a memo to infospeak division and correct the historical records for current narrative.

22:30 DaemonFC; Tea Plantation is racist. We must remember that time the Confederacy invaded Sri Lanka and put black slaves to work on the tea plantations.

22:37 *mib_rybtpq has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

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22:38 *mib_97vssn has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

=> ↺

22:44 MinceR; 10 232700 < DaemonFC> mjg59_ should start a petition to cancel NPR, on GitHub.

22:44 MinceR; will MICROS~1 or dehomag pay him to do that?

22:47 psydruid; Both together, both for one and one for both

22:48 psydruid; what is mjg59_ going to do when Intel gets cancelled?

22:48 psydruid; what will become of his security skills?

22:49 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

22:49 TR Bot; Independence Day "Peace, no peace" scene - Invidious

22:51 *AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights

22:53 MinceR; nothing, so they will not change

22:54 DaemonFC; Most security disasters in computing are not something that mjg59_ is qualified to fix or even talk about.

22:54 DaemonFC; Because it's simple.

22:54 DaemonFC; So very simple.

22:54 *AdmFubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.)

22:54 DaemonFC; Update your software and if someone proposes something that could be a trap, it's probably a trap.

22:58 *AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights

22:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 35.98 k/sec., IPFS upstream 51.60 average k/sec., average swarm size 155.36

11 PM, September 10

23:11 *ubuntourist has quit (Connection closed)

23:13 DaemonFC; Chrome isn't a Web browser, it's a host for malware written by an ad tech. People sometimes confuse it for a Web browser because it does do that, but that's not really its purpose.

23:15 DaemonFC; Its primary purpose is to run Google's replacements for the Web (Google's Web apps) and make it really easy for Google's ad servers to display ads and spy on you, its second purpose is to corrupt the Web sites that are not Google's so that you cannot access them without Chrome.

23:20 IPFS; () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini://

=> gemini://
=> gemini://
=> gemini://

23:22 *mib_97vssn (~d839d5c2@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrights

23:25 psydruid; I haven't used Chrome in almost 4 years, although I have Chromium installed for those websites that don't work in other browsers

23:25 starstreak; psydruid, thats why i'm keeping brave

23:27 psydruid; I avoid closed source software in general

23:27 starstreak; is brave closed source?

23:28 psydruid; where is the source code?

23:28 MinceR; on shithub

23:28 starstreak; github

23:30 *mib_97vssn has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

=> ↺

23:32 psydruid; when I first tried it they didn't have a public source code repository

23:34 MinceR; you tried it too early, i guess :>

23:35 MinceR;

=> ↺

23:35 TR Bot; 1265 Non-Killer App - Giant in the Playground Games

23:37 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights

23:37 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights

23:38 *techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

23:38 *techuser (~techuser@gp9eqhnjgg74i.irc) has joined #techrights

23:50 *loner has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

23:50 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

23:50 TR Bot; Dont use Google Chrome. Bonus: Microsoft Azure Clown Computing | BaronHK's Rants

23:50 *loner (~loner@rfm83qjeum9ga.irc) has joined #techrights

23:52 DaemonFC;

=> ↺

23:56 DaemonFC; Brave partners with financial criminals like Uphold.

23:57 DaemonFC; They seize people's money and won't even say why or it's "stolen" but they don't answer their emails....

23:57 DaemonFC; "Riiiiiiiiiight......"

23:58 DaemonFC; People flood Reddit every day saying things like "I had $16,000 in my Uphold wallet and now it's gone and nobody will answer my emails!".

23:58 DaemonFC; Have fun with Brendan Eich's partners.

23:59 DaemonFC; You have $16,000 that some sketchy Crypto "Exchange" says is there. Is it really? Of course not.

IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, September 10, 2022

=> back to Techrights (Main Index)

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