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00:41 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
01:12 schestowitz; http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2022/01/19/upc-provisional-application-period-enters-into-force/#comments
01:12 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | UPC - Provisional Application Period enters into force - Kluwer Patent Blog
01:12 schestowitz; "
01:12 schestowitz; 10 comments
01:12 schestowitz; Andre Frans
01:12 schestowitz; JANUARY 19, 2022 AT 4:15 PM
01:12 schestowitz; How to declare a treaty into force when the condition to declare it into force have not been met.
01:13 schestowitz; So no more signing ceremony to overcome Brexit?
01:13 schestowitz; BTW its not the European Commission website, but the Council website.
01:13 schestowitz; Thorsten Bausch
01:13 schestowitz; JANUARY 19, 2022 AT 4:31 PM
01:13 schestowitz; Thank you for spotting the error in the origin of the website. I have corrected the post.
01:13 schestowitz; Otherwise, the treaty has obviously not yet been declared into force, but the Preparatory Committee will work towards making this possible within a year (or even 8 months, in the most optimistic scenario) and Germany has already concluded its internal preparations to ratify as soon as the Preparatory Committee is ready.
01:13 schestowitz; Concerned observer
01:13 schestowitz; JANUARY 19, 2022 AT 5:18 PM
01:13 schestowitz; Thorsten, I think that the Treaty to which Andre refers is the PAP which allegedly HAS entered into force.
01:13 schestowitz; I too had expected a signing ceremony for a Declaration on the authentic interpretation of Art. 3 of the PAP-Protocol, which was supposed to take place in the margins of a future COREPER meeting.
01:13 schestowitz; Perhaps a signing ceremony will still happen, though there is no mention of such in connection with this weeks COREPER meeting (https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/mpo/2022/1/coreper-1-(313748)/). However, even if one accepts the rather dubious premise that the crystal-clear wording of Art. 3 of the PAP-Protocol can be given an alternative meaning, it is far from clear whether it is permissible to rely upon a purported authentic
=> ↺ https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/mpo/2022/1/coreper-1-(313748)/).
01:13 schestowitz; interpretation that has not yet been formally approved by the Participating Member States.
01:13 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.consilium.europa.eu | Meeting calendar - Consilium
01:13 schestowitz; We shall have to wait and see what the Member States agree regarding reallocation of the duties of the London branch of the central division. I very much hope that it is more legally defensible than what has happened with the PPI and PAP.
01:13 schestowitz; Extraneous Attorney
01:13 schestowitz; JANUARY 19, 2022 AT 6:11 PM
01:13 schestowitz; It is still not crystal-clear to me how the conditions for entry into force of the Protocol on provisional application can have been met, since the United Kingdom has withdrawn its consent to be bound by that Protocol.
01:13 schestowitz; Perhaps the Preparatory Committee will helpfully explain how that can be.
01:13 schestowitz; Andre Frans
01:13 schestowitz; JANUARY 20, 2022 AT 10:49 AM
01:13 schestowitz; Perhaps the Preparatory Committee will helpfully explain how that can be.
01:13 schestowitz; Nope, they wont be of any help.
01:13 schestowitz; Maybe a question to the CJEU would help?
01:13 schestowitz; Concerned observer
01:13 schestowitz; JANUARY 20, 2022 AT 11:52 AM
01:13 schestowitz; I am a little confused about the legal basis for transitional measures introduced by the President of the EPO.
01:13 schestowitz; For example, the Decision dated 22 December 2021 (https://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/official-journal/president-notices/archive/20220119.html) cites Article 10(2)(a) EPC as legal basis. However, that provision only provides the President with the power to take necessary steps to ensure the functioning of the European Patent Office.
01:13 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.epo.org | EPO - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 22 December 2021 concerning the forthcoming introduction of the Unitary Patent and the possibility of requesting a delay in issuing the decision to grant a European patent in response to a communication under Rule 71(3) EPC
01:13 schestowitz; Whilst it will no doubt prove useful for increasing opportunities to file requests for unitary effect, I think that it would be hard to argue that the ability to request a delay to the issuance of a decision to grant is a step that is necessary to ensure the functioning of the EPO. The possibility of delaying the issuance of a decision to grant also arguably conflicts with the mandatory language used in Article 97 (the Examining Division
01:13 schestowitz; SHALL decide to grant a European patent ) and Rule 71a(1) (The decision to grant the European patent SHALL be issued if .
01:13 schestowitz; I would have thought that it would be more appropriate (and legally sound) for the possibility to request a delay to the issuance of the grant decision to be introduced by way of a decision of the AC, using its powers under Article 33(1)(c) EPC. Whilst this is perhaps a pedantic point, I am more than a little uncomfortable with the thought of the President assuming the power to significantly alter the grant procedure (relative to the procedure set
01:13 schestowitz; out in the EPC and its Implementing Regulations).
01:13 schestowitz; A. Nonymous
01:13 schestowitz; JANUARY 21, 2022 AT 5:33 PM
01:13 schestowitz; These measures have been presented to the Member States, and only one (non-participating) commented negatively. It may not have been a decision, but in fact, these measures have little impact: they apply only after Germany has deposited its instrument of ratification of the UPCA, i.e. some 12 to 16 weeks before entry into force, whilst those decisions to grant issued in the last five weeks do not need to be postponed because they will anyway be
01:13 schestowitz; published when the UPCA will be in force.
01:13 schestowitz; Anyway, applicants know how to delay the decision to grant. These measures contribute to the functioning of the EPO, by minimising the waste of resources otherwise required to delay a decision to grant.
01:13 schestowitz; Concerned observer
01:13 schestowitz; JANUARY 21, 2022 AT 7:37 PM
01:13 schestowitz; So, in essence, your main argument is that nobody is going to complain about the new measures with the consequence that whether or not they have a sound legal basis is unlikely to make any practical difference (especially in view of the limited time during which the measures will be in force).
01:13 schestowitz; Whilst this may be true, you will have to forgive me if I still feel uncomfortable with the thought of the President adopting the approach of unilaterally assuming powers that are not (clearly) ascribed to him. There are simply far too many things that could go badly awry if this kind of approach becomes commonplace.
01:13 schestowitz; Also, whilst the measures may have been presented to the Member States, this only happened on 19 January, which is almost a month AFTER the date of the Presidents decision (and the date of the two Notices from the EPO). It therefore seems that the measures were presented to the Member States as a fait accompli. This hardly seems appropriate in the circumstances.
01:14 schestowitz; Moreover, why on earth did the President not consult on these matters much earlier, so that they could receive PRIOR approval from (the Select Committee of) the AC?
01:14 schestowitz; Finally, I am not persuaded that the mere fact that a measure might contribute to the functioning of the EPO means that it falls within the Presidents power to issue that measure. This is because the Presidents powers under Article 10(2)(a) EPC are limited to NECESSARY steps to ensure the functioning of the EPO. In other words, I do not believe that necessary steps to ensure can be afforded an interpretation as broad as steps
01:14 schestowitz; contributing to.
01:14 schestowitz; Attentive Observer
01:14 schestowitz; JANUARY 21, 2022 AT 10:33 PM
01:14 schestowitz; That the UK can be replaced by IT when it comes to the PAP can be understood, but there is no indication that the famous declaration hinted at by Mr Ramsay has been signed at the Coreper.
01:14 schestowitz; One has thus to consider that the Commission jumped at the gun and decided something which could manifestly not be decided at this moment and thereby created a fait accompli.
01:14 schestowitz; One should not forget that the proponents of the UPC actually wanted the UPCA to enter into force as quickly as possible in order to exactly create a fait accompli. It was necessary to do so, otherwise all the flaws in the UPCA and the corresponding problems would have been apparent.
01:14 schestowitz; They just did it now with the PAP.
01:14 schestowitz; I know that some national judges are counting all the money they are loosing due to the delayed entry into force of the UPC. For them it will be irrelevant if they get a contract by an instance which has no legal standing. Money matters. Thats it.
01:14 schestowitz; It is clear that the President of the EPO, like its predecessor, is eager to see the start of the UPC.
01:14 schestowitz; For the time being, the decision of 22.11.2021 is relatively harmless as it is presently not of application, and will only be applicable during a relatively short period.
01:14 schestowitz; It however shows a mind setting which is problematic. Rather to bring social peace, reason for which he had been appointed, he is concerned about problems which are not important at all for the EPO.
01:14 schestowitz; He should rather take care of his staff and improve the working conditions. On the contrary he has worsened them.
01:14 schestowitz; It does not appear that there has been a decision setting aside the rules found illegal by the TA-OIT restricting the right of industrial action by the staff.
01:14 schestowitz; This is a disgrace, but since 2010 the tail is wagging the dog, he could not care less.
01:14 schestowitz; He continues his destructive efforts of the EPO so that in the end the patents would be granted more or less automatically, the BA just playing judges, but the UPC becoming the court in which the decisions of the EPO and its BA would be vetted.
01:14 schestowitz; This is how the EUIPO works. A bit of examination and opposition, a bit of appeal, and the rest is done in Luxembourg, so why bother too much in Alicante, sorry in Munich.
01:14 schestowitz; The problem is that the UPC is not the CJEU. It is not even sure that the UPC is a court having a legal standing in the EU. Its compatibility with the Union law has never been tested.
01:14 schestowitz; One wonders why? Fait accompli???
01:14 schestowitz; Attentive Observer
01:14 schestowitz; JANUARY 22, 2022 AT 5:39 PM
01:14 schestowitz; Whether the PAP has legally entered into force is not really clear. Mr Ramsay has announced a declaration to be signed at the COREPER, but no such ceremony has been announced. Would it have taken place, it is more than certain that the Preparatory Committee would have heralded it loud and clear.
01:14 schestowitz; Replacing UK by IT is in principle acceptable, provided that all the signatory states agree, or at least those having ratified up to now.
01:14 schestowitz; Amending in such a way Art 3 of the PAP is however not changing anything as far Art 7(2) UPCA is concerned. In the explanatory note for the second ratification a reference to Art 31 VCLT was made. But nothing has apparently happened.
01:14 schestowitz; Whilst an agreement on Art 3 PAP seems possible, it is more than doubtful that an agreement on Art 7(2) UPCA is possible. I cannot see IT and NL accepting that the duties originally allocated to London will provisionally be transferred to Paris and/or Munich. This is the more since Mr Ramsay, in his latest interview in JUVE, clearly mentioned the fact that in the end there could only be 2 sections in the central division. Should three sections
01:14 schestowitz; remain, it is also not sure whether FR and DE would not prefer to keep the very interesting files in IPC classes A and C for themselves and shift less interesting technical domains to a third and why not even a fourth location.
01:14 schestowitz; The three locations were only chosen as none of the three contenders FR, GB and DE would not let loose and claimed the whole central division for themselves.
01:14 schestowitz; It is very surprising that the head of the EPO had to take shortly before the Christmas break a decision on something which will only be a temporary measure, and only once the opening date of the UPC will be known. And this in a few months at the earliest.
01:14 schestowitz; in spite of what A.Nonymous has said, it is difficult to understand in which way this measures contribute to the functioning of the EPO, and why they are able to minimise the waste of resources otherwise required to delay a decision to grant. It is not apparent how leaving a file resting for a short length of time would represent a real waste of resources.
01:14 schestowitz; I would have thought that there are more urgent tasks to perform at the EPO than to take such a decision. This is the more so since Art 10(2,a) EPC has a totally different finality as explained by other commenters. For example, the social situation is still problematic at the EPO.
01:14 schestowitz; We should also not forget that Art 10(2,a).was the Art referred to by the head of the EPO when introducing mandatory OP by ViCo in the first instance during the pandemic.
01:14 schestowitz; Whilst at a pinch such Art 10(2,a) can be considered applicable during the pandemic, it is doubtful that even a very extensive application of Art 31 and 32 VCLT would allow to make such a provisional measure a permanent feature of the procedure before the EPO.
01:14 schestowitz; The (too) frequent use of Art 10(2,a) is becoming suspect. But since the tail is wagging the dog, probably nothing much will happen.
01:14 schestowitz; "
02:21 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:39 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@asrpphbur8fa4.irc) has joined #techbytes
05:10 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
05:11 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@asrpphbur8fa4.irc) has joined #techbytes
05:24 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
07:09 *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@3rd3devshh7bn.irc) has joined #techbytes
09:11 schestowitz; >> I'll be back to work 9:30pm instead of 5:30pm having covered for 4 extra
09:12 schestowitz; >> hours for the person who did not show up for their shift last night. I
09:12 schestowitz; >> need more sleep.
09:12 schestowitz; >
09:12 schestowitz; > Just for future reference, if this happens again, could you please check
09:12 schestowitz; > the shift rota and see who is supposed to be taking over and then call
09:12 schestowitz; > them if they are more than 15 minutes late. If there is no response
09:12 schestowitz; > after 30 minutes over your shift then please call either myself or Mark
09:12 schestowitz; > and we will find them for you.
09:16 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@asrpphbur8fa4.irc) has joined #techbytes
10:23 *u-amarsh04 has quit (connection closed)
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12:28 schestowitz; https://twitter.com/AnmolCh56896470/status/1485898649997836291
=> ↺ https://twitter.com/AnmolCh56896470/status/1485898649997836291
12:28 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AnmolCh56896470: @schestowitz Promote it on @nftArt_World
12:28 schestowitz; https://twitter.com/glynmoody/status/1485892651853492225
=> ↺ https://twitter.com/glynmoody/status/1485892651853492225
12:28 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: what an appalling individual https://t.co/Uoay9FSFPZ
12:28 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: NEWS #TruthOut #Gingrich Gingrich Tells Dems to Prepare for "Jail" Over January 6 Inquiry https://t.co/aGNjlPdbls
12:28 schestowitz; https://twitter.com/jamesabernard/status/1485868393974890497
=> ↺ https://twitter.com/jamesabernard/status/1485868393974890497
12:28 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jamesabernard: There's still hope. https://t.co/oA4DYOObwl
12:28 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: NEWS #DontExtraditeAssange #assange #wikileaks Assange extradition argument certified for UK Supreme Court ap https://t.co/qn6dzQwrLC
12:29 schestowitz; https://twitter.com/iridesce57/status/1485797568747646978
=> ↺ https://twitter.com/iridesce57/status/1485797568747646978
12:29 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: #AndThenYouWin https://t.co/KMH9zFlI2j
12:29 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #microsoft #windows in trouble? https://t.co/mZ9LdalMaz
13:03 *psydroid4 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #techbytes
14:11 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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15:55 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytes
18:30 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@geufhbnmd9gbq.irc) has joined #techbytes
19:55 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:42 schestowitz; https://joindiaspora.com/posts/22282896
=> ↺ https://joindiaspora.com/posts/22282896
21:42 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@podmin@joindiaspora.com: # Hello JoinDiaspora there is some unfortunate news to share. Feneas will be dissolved and as Joindiaspora is one of the services. JD will also be shut down on 1 March. This is unless we can find someone who wants to take over the service. If you think you can handle the task please contact us via hq@feneas.org. You can find the original post below or via https://git.feneas.org/feneas/
=> ↺ https://git.feneas.org/feneas/
21:42 schestowitz; "
21:42 schestowitz; Hello JoinDiaspora
21:42 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> git.feneas.org | meetings/agm-minutes-2021-12-09.txt master Feneas / association GitLab
21:42 schestowitz; there is some unfortunate news to share. Feneas will be dissolved and as Joindiaspora is one of the services.
21:42 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> git.feneas.org | meetings/agm-minutes-2022-01-04.txt master Feneas / association GitLab
21:42 schestowitz; JD will also be shut down on 1 March.
21:42 schestowitz; This is unless we can find someone who wants to take over the service.
21:42 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> git.feneas.org | Feneas GitLab
21:42 schestowitz; If you think you can handle the task please contact us via hq@feneas.org.
21:42 schestowitz; You can find the original post below or via https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/-/raw/master/comms/dissolving-the-association-2022-01-09.txt
21:42 schestowitz; Federated Networks Association ry will be dissolved
21:42 schestowitz; Due to recent lack of activity within the association, issues maintaining the current services and lack of new committee members wanting to step up, the members of Federated Networks Association ry (Feneas) have decided to dissolve the association. The decision to do so was done as per the rules of the association in two Annual General Meetings held no more than 30 days apart. You can find the meeting logs via the below links:
21:42 schestowitz; 9th December 2021 - https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/-/blob/master/meetings/agm-minutes-2021-12-09.txt
=> ↺ https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/-/blob/master/meetings/agm-minutes-2021-12-09.txt
21:42 schestowitz; 4th January 2022 - https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/-/blob/master/meetings/agm-minutes-2022-01-04.txt
=> ↺ https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/-/blob/master/meetings/agm-minutes-2022-01-04.txt
21:42 schestowitz; What happens next?
21:42 schestowitz; The current committee will start to send out service closure warnings to all users using the current services.
21:42 schestowitz; The timeline of shutting down the services is as follows:
21:42 schestowitz; Discourse (talk.feneas.org) will be shut down on or soon after the 1st of February (UTC morning time).
21:42 schestowitz; Friendica (friendica.feneas.org) will be shut down on or soon after the 1st of February (UTC morning time).
21:42 schestowitz; The following services will be shut down on or soon after the 1st of March (UTC morning time). This includes:
21:42 schestowitz; Matrix (matrix.feneas.org), Element client (chat.feneas.org) and the various bots
21:42 schestowitz; GitLab (git.feneas.org)
21:42 schestowitz; Searx (searx.feneas.org)
21:42 schestowitz; Etherpad (pad.feneas.org)
21:42 schestowitz; Nextcloud (cloud.feneas.org)
21:42 schestowitz; Before turning off the Matrix homeserver, all local users will be deactivated, parting them from all the rooms they have joined. This will start happening on the 1st of March (UTC morning), with the homeserver turned off a few days after the process ends.
21:42 schestowitz; JoinDiaspora (joindiaspora.com) will inform soon separately about the situation for that service via the official podmin@joindiaspora.com account.
21:42 schestowitz; WeDistribute (wedistribute.org) are Fediverse Party (fediverse.party) will be announced once the stakeholders for those services have been contacted fully. They are expected to re-own their service for their own hosting, but if that doesnt happen, the services will shut down on a date agreed with the stakeholders.
21:42 schestowitz; All remaining data will be destroyed on or soon after the 1st of April. This will include backups. Some exemptions will be;
21:42 schestowitz; membership details will be kept until necessary by law (date to be cleared)
21:42 schestowitz; financial details will be kept until necessary by law (date to be cleared)
21:42 schestowitz; the public repositories of the association on the GitLab instance will be mirrored on GitLab.com. These can be found from https://git.feneas.org/feneas
=> ↺ https://git.feneas.org/feneas
21:42 schestowitz; The feneas.org domain will be handed over to standing committee vice-president Lukas Matt as agreed in the 4th January AGM. A static website will be hosted there to give details on what Feneas was and what happened to it.
21:43 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-git.feneas.org | Feneas GitLab
21:43 schestowitz; The Matrix homeserver server key will be securely stored should the homeserver ever need to come back online. All other homeserver data will be destroyed.
21:43 schestowitz; Once all the services have been ramped down or moved over, and data destroyed, any accounts left over will be closed and the association will be terminated in the Finnish associations registry.
21:43 schestowitz; As agreed in the 4th January AGM, if any funds remain in the Feneas bank account (possibly in the amount of tens of euros), they will be donated to Framasoft.
21:43 schestowitz; So long and thanks for federating
21:43 schestowitz; As the Feneas committee president and founding member, I want to thank all the members and users who trusted Feneas over the years. Its been a good and often fun 3,5 years of Feneas. While we managed to create a sometimes vibrant collection of services and attract people and projects from around the Fediverse, ultimately we failed to build a community that would last longer than the amount of time founding members could dedicate a good chunk of
21:43 schestowitz; their life. For both the main founders (Lukas and me, Jason) real life and other priorities caught up with us, and thus its time to move forward. It was also clear from the discussions at the end that not enough active community members exist to keep the association afloat. Im personally happy we did this project, even though it had to reach its end.
21:43 schestowitz; Our chat rooms are still active over at Matrix (#feneas:feneas.org) and Libera (#feneas). If you have questions, for example about exporting your data, or just want to say hi, feel free to pop in. At least the main chatroom is going to stay alive after the association is finally taken off the official association registry, so youre welcome to say hi even afterwards.
21:43 schestowitz; If you have concerns or questions you can also reach out via email with generic questions to hq@feneas.org or privacy@feneas.org (for privacy queries). You can also reach me via a private message on Matrix at @jaywink:federator.dev.
21:43 schestowitz; All the best to everyone!
21:43 schestowitz; Best regards,
21:43 schestowitz; Jason Robinson
21:43 schestowitz; Founder and committee president
21:43 schestowitz; Federated Networks Association ry
21:43 schestowitz; #feneas #federatednetworksassociation #joindiaspora #news
21:43 schestowitz; 52
21:43 schestowitz; Ferdi Zebua Jason Robinson Chuck Dee 136.2 pc from home... Jakub Klawiter Trolli Schmittlauch linus Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account) redj2@diaspora.psyco.fr Pavithran S Passagier 451 dubbel mubbel p7@joindiaspora.com leshoshin@pod.dapor.net [phle] Nathan Weaver mm jesuiSatire bitPickup Le Gnral Midi Au Physsiaile Bosshammer 0mega [d*] phle@diasp.org p70@diasp.de Elodie V noam@socialhome.network Susan
21:43 schestowitz; kanis_latranz Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter Salinger 3 Ferdi Zebua (sunsetting account)
21:43 schestowitz; 13
21:43 schestowitz; Poligraf Poligrafovich Bouboulov Peter Oram Gene Jakub Klawiter David Morley V Lain Ferdi Zebua (sunsetting account) Jakub Klawiter Ferdi Zebua John Sauchelli harry haller Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)
21:43 schestowitz; 44
21:43 schestowitz; David Morley
21:43 schestowitz; David Morley - 16 days ago
21:43 schestowitz; Lots of other great diaspora servers out there https://diaspora.fediverse.observer/
=> ↺ https://diaspora.fediverse.observer/
21:43 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-diaspora.fediverse.observer | Fediverse Observer
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account) - 16 days ago
21:43 schestowitz; @podmin@joindiaspora.com Which of the FENEAS services have any appreciable user content?
21:43 schestowitz; I know that JoinDiaspora does.
21:43 schestowitz; Im presuming that the Friendica instance may.
21:43 schestowitz; Any others?
21:43 schestowitz; Im reaching out to ArchiveTeam in the event theres an interest in archival.
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account) - 16 days ago
21:43 schestowitz; Reddit thread for ArchiveTeam:
21:43 schestowitz; https://old.reddit.com/r/Archiveteam/comments/s05wk0/federated_networks_association_ry_dissolving/
=> ↺ https://old.reddit.com/r/Archiveteam/comments/s05wk0/federated_networks_association_ry_dissolving/
21:43 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-old.reddit.com | Federated Networks Association ry dissolving, Joindaispora.com and friendica.feneas.org shutting down : Archiveteam
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account) - 16 days ago
21:43 schestowitz; HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29868837
=> ↺ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29868837
21:43 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-news.ycombinator.com | Federated Networks Association ry will be dissolved | Hacker News
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)
21:43 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account) - 16 days ago
21:43 schestowitz; Ping @Ferdi Zebua and @Glyn Moody
21:44 schestowitz; STORMZ OV KREATION
21:44 schestowitz; STORMZ OV KREATION - 16 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; What about diaspora social? Sorry to hear all this man
21:44 schestowitz; V
21:44 schestowitz; V - 16 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Switch pods to prevail! Do not give up! Maybe one day one of them will secure a million dollar donation!
21:44 schestowitz; **joe
21:44 schestowitz; **joe - 16 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Theres so many people on joindiaspora! Somebody needs to take it over the way you took it over from the original 4 developers.
21:44 schestowitz; Fla
21:44 schestowitz; Fla - 16 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Hello @Federated Networks Association, thank you for maintaining these services for all this years my friend. Maybe we can discuss the future of joindiaspora.com? Im sure there are things I / the other core members can do ;)
21:44 schestowitz; Konrad
21:44 schestowitz; Konrad - 15 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Menno.
21:44 schestowitz; Im not so busy here but one of the earlies ;-) It will be sad to stop this here. For now i will look forward and see the options in the sky Thanks for the work in all that days - and nights!
21:44 schestowitz; 0mega [d*]
21:44 schestowitz; 0mega [d*] - 15 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Such a shame
21:44 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius
21:44 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius - 15 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Given that this discussion is on a server that will be disappearing as of 1 March 2022, planning and organising should occurr elsewhere.
21:44 schestowitz; Ive initiated one such thread on Diaspora* here
21:44 schestowitz; full URL:
21:44 schestowitz; https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/ef340f905469013a0101448a5b29e257
=> ↺ https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/ef340f905469013a0101448a5b29e257
21:44 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-diaspora.glasswings.com | Joindiaspora Migration / Exodus Planning / Discussion Thread
21:44 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)
21:44 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account) - 15 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Lukas: thanks for all your efforts over the years, BTW.
21:44 schestowitz; mm jesuiSatire bitPickup
21:44 schestowitz; mm jesuiSatire bitPickup - 15 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; #bookmark
21:44 schestowitz; Pavithran S
21:44 schestowitz; Pavithran S - 12 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; Wow I didnt know about this, will this pod stay or will it die soon? If I remember correctly the migration is not fully functional? Anyways this is such an old pod. :(
21:44 schestowitz; Wow @zauberstuhl has given this pod for feneas which is dying, so sad to see such an old pod with such a huge user content going down. @Fla How much of content will save/get deleted when we migrate our account to other instance?
21:44 schestowitz; Michael Vogel
21:44 schestowitz; Michael Vogel - 12 days ago
21:44 schestowitz; @Pavithran S When there are people who want to take over, then the pod will continue. When there are no people who want to do the work and want to pay for the server then the server will be discontinued.
21:44 schestowitz; Pavithran S
21:44 schestowitz; Pavithran S - 12 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; Thats sad, why not keep an announcement on the left where it says its maintained by feneas to going to shutdown.
21:45 schestowitz; harry haller ( )
21:45 schestowitz; harry haller ( ) - 11 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; @podmin@joindiaspora.com, can you upload ALL the files from the pod to archive.org, please?
21:45 schestowitz; They should be tar/zipped, but not in one huge archive, as thats impractibable for up and downoading - archive.org isnt fast and it has lots of users.
21:45 schestowitz; If ALL the file files are up on archive.org, that takes off the time pressure and we can work out how to rescue stuff from the uploaded files.
21:45 schestowitz; Joindiaspora.com was the first pod and thus is of historical value to everyone on the net interested in internet history, quite apart from those of us who have been posting on joindiaspora since the early days.
21:45 schestowitz; Benjamin Neff
21:45 schestowitz; Benjamin Neff - 11 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; @harry haller ( ) @podmin@joindiaspora.com
21:45 schestowitz; DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT upload all data from joindiaspora to any public place there is private data in there to which not everybody should have access, and not only would that leak private data, it would even give EVERYBODY access to ALL ACCOUNTS on JD so uploading everything to a public place is a VERY BAD idea.
21:45 schestowitz; If you want, you can make backups from the public posts you can see yourself as many as you want and if you want you can download your own data and make with it what you want and you dont need Lukas for that. But dont do anything with the private data of others.
21:45 schestowitz; harry haller ( )
21:45 schestowitz; harry haller ( ) - 11 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; Well thats that then.
21:45 schestowitz; Everything lost.
21:45 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius
21:45 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius - 11 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; As a very rough estimate:
21:45 schestowitz; My own 2,728 posts were ~18 MB total storage as an exported GZipped JSON archive.
21:45 schestowitz; All 2,960,590 posts on JoindiasporaCom will likely be ~20 GB of textual content.
21:45 schestowitz; This excludes images.
21:45 schestowitz; Benjamin Neff
21:45 schestowitz; Benjamin Neff - 11 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; @harry haller ( ) Everybody can make backups of their own data (you included), so its not lost but you cant publish other peoples private data and give everybody control over other peoples accounts.
21:45 schestowitz; And if you want to backup some public posts you can take snapshots of the data that is publicly visible too.
21:45 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius
21:45 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius - 11 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; Also, agreed that private data should not be uploaded or archived.
21:45 schestowitz; A transfer to a successor operator of JoindiasporaCom under the same terms as originally posted should be acceptable.
21:45 schestowitz; An archive of public content should be acceptable.
21:45 schestowitz; Theres an argument that can be made for deletion of all private / non-public data. Thats something that should be worked out for other pods as well. This situation will likely occur again.
21:45 schestowitz; Mulkurul
21:45 schestowitz; Mulkurul - 9 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; Heads up @James ....
21:45 schestowitz; James ....
21:45 schestowitz; James .... - 9 days ago
21:45 schestowitz; @Mulkurul
21:45 schestowitz; Pavithran S
21:45 schestowitz; Pavithran S - 7 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Dear @podmin@joindiaspora.com I am unable to export profile. It says wait for some time but is never exported. I got my pictures though.
21:46 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius
21:46 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius - 7 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; @podmin@joindiaspora.com Any update on status of transferring JoindiasporaCom to another operator?
21:46 schestowitz; Jakub Klawiter
21:46 schestowitz; Jakub Klawiter - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Does anyone know how far we are from working import backup feature? Maybe it is close to finish and it is possible to wait few months more?
21:46 schestowitz; Just asking
21:46 schestowitz; Poligraf Poligrafovich Bouboulov
21:46 schestowitz; Poligraf Poligrafovich Bouboulov - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Men, sorry to hear this Does anyone have good ideas and why not some advice on how to switch on another good pod for beginners ? That would be cool.
21:46 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius
21:46 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; @Jakub Klawiter The back-end is built, the front-end is not. Discussed at my Migration Issues post linked above, and again, here
21:46 schestowitz; https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/ef340f905469013a0101448a5b29e257
=> ↺ https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/ef340f905469013a0101448a5b29e257
21:46 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-diaspora.glasswings.com | Joindiaspora Migration / Exodus Planning / Discussion Thread
21:46 schestowitz; Again a reminder that THIS THREAD HERE will cease to be active or interactive after JoindiasporaCom shuts down.
21:46 schestowitz; Mulkurul
21:46 schestowitz; Mulkurul - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Why is there no comment box available to me on that glasswings post ?
21:46 schestowitz; 0mega [d*]
21:46 schestowitz; 0mega [d*] - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; @Mulkurul Try this link
21:46 schestowitz; **joe
21:46 schestowitz; **joe - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Because your account is on diasp.eu, not glasswings,Mulkurul. Try this:
21:46 schestowitz; https://diasp.eu/posts/ef340f905469013a0101448a5b29e257
=> ↺ https://diasp.eu/posts/ef340f905469013a0101448a5b29e257
21:46 schestowitz; Mulkurul
21:46 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-diasp.eu | Joindiaspora Migration / Exodus Planning / Discussion Thread
21:46 schestowitz; Mulkurul - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Thx. O & Joe
21:46 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius
21:46 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; @Mulkurul The here text should be a sharable link.
21:46 schestowitz; I like to expose the full URL for posts for those who arent on Diaspora* instances (Diaspora*-style links and references dont work for them), and in the event the post is printed out or otherwise has hyperlinks rendered unusable.
21:46 schestowitz; Jakub Klawiter
21:46 schestowitz; Jakub Klawiter - 6 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Many ppl are turning off email notification, they are not here right now. Is it possible to send them one time email with link to this post and short instruction how to export their profiles? @podmin@joindiaspora.com?
21:46 schestowitz; Mulkurul
21:46 schestowitz; Mulkurul - 5 days ago
21:46 schestowitz; Okay thanks Doc.
21:46 schestowitz; Pavithran S
21:46 schestowitz; Pavithran S - 5 days ago
21:47 schestowitz; Can we use the API to dump our profile content to a tar zipped file @Fla should have an idea about it.
21:47 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)
21:47 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account) - 5 days ago
21:47 schestowitz; @Pavithran S The profile export tools will do this for you and are far simpler for most people.
21:47 schestowitz; mm jesuiSatire bitPickup
21:47 schestowitz; mm jesuiSatire bitPickup - 5 days ago
21:47 schestowitz; first of all:
21:47 schestowitz; looks like we need to lift the spirit a littel bit
21:47 schestowitz; JD is going down!
21:47 schestowitz; mm jesuiSatire bitPickup
21:47 schestowitz; mm jesuiSatire bitPickup - 5 days ago
21:47 schestowitz; question:
21:47 schestowitz; What would be the cost to simply place the site on a server per year?
21:47 schestowitz; (without updating, moderaing or perhaps even giving further access to the existing users)
21:47 schestowitz; Dr_Steve
21:47 schestowitz; Dr_Steve - 2 days ago
21:47 schestowitz; I presume it is more involved than I am able to simply spin up a digital ocean droplet and install the diaspora code base and then to federate it with other droplets. But once there is a codebase that is simple and easy to deploy that can be used in that way, then well have individual freedom and control to socially network with one another using one application. I just have a simple website hosted, of course most of my IRL contacts will just
21:47 schestowitz; remain on all of the spyware sites.
21:47 schestowitz; Dr_Steve
21:47 schestowitz; Dr_Steve - 2 days ago
21:47 schestowitz; Also one of the original coder writers for diaspora had envisioned decentralized encryption for all of the data and users. It never was implemented prior to their death however and nothing has been done to make that part of the whole set-up. Now people will join other social media platforms run by other smaller entities to avoid censorship to a greater extent. We need great code writers for privacy and individual liberty to create something that is
21:47 schestowitz; simple to deploy on individual servers, that can network with other individuals using GPG. I dont have the knowledge and skill-set to create such a thing, nor the time.
21:47 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius
21:47 schestowitz; Doc Edward Morbius - 2 days ago
21:47 schestowitz; Id like to note that weve seen no further communication from the JoindiasporaCom podmin account in 14 days.
21:47 schestowitz; Ive also had no response to direct email sent to Lukas Matts personal email account. (Hes responded to that on other issues previously.)
21:47 schestowitz; Last I attempted to use the official support email account, September/October of 2021, that apparently simply vanished silently into a black hole.
21:47 schestowitz; Communications here are not going well.
21:47 schestowitz; Id specifically like to know:
21:47 schestowitz; Are there any active plans to migrate JoindiasporaCom to new ownership/management?
21:47 schestowitz; Who if anyone is involved in this?
21:47 schestowitz; I understand that @Fla may have expressed an interest.
21:47 schestowitz; Ive also posted this separately here
21:47 schestowitz; https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/9894df705eed013a2cb0448a5b29e257
=> ↺ https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/9894df705eed013a2cb0448a5b29e257
21:47 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-diaspora.glasswings.com | On the JoindiasporCom shutdown and podmin communications
21:47 schestowitz; "
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