IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, July 06, 2023

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beginning of new day, July 6

00:10 *asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

00:10 *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

1 AM, July 6

01:26 schestowitz[TR]; "Dear SUEPO Members,

01:26 schestowitz[TR]; Few months ago, SUEPO provided a request for review template (RfR) to challenge the lack of reimbursement of the Lunch Time Supervision costs at European School The Hague (ESH). Some of you submitted a RfR and received a negative decision from the administration.

01:26 schestowitz[TR]; The deadline to submit an appeal is within 3 months from the date of your RfR rejection.

01:26 schestowitz[TR]; SUEPO has prepared for you a model Internal Appeal Template that you can adapt to your personal case.

01:26 schestowitz[TR]; Note: The complaint form is only available to SUEPO members and has been sent to them by e-mail today. Please contact us if you are a SUEPO member and have not yet received the template or if you are becoming a member and would like to receive it.

01:26 schestowitz[TR]; "

2 AM, July 6

02:22 schestowitz[TR]; "It is a mess. Somebody will get a bonus for it. Business as usual."[1]

02:22 schestowitz[TR]; Dear SUEPO members, dear colleagues,

02:22 schestowitz[TR]; While the implementation of Bringing Teams Together (BTT) was in full swing - and with the administration unwilling to survey its staff - we invited our colleagues to a short, anonymous survey.

02:22 schestowitz[TR]; It was launched in March 2023 and swiftly collected some 350 replies.

02:22 schestowitz[TR]; With the present paper we provide some conclusions from this survey, from which it appears that the implementation of BTT leaves much to be desired.

02:22 schestowitz[TR]; Your SUEPO The Hague Team"

02:25 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

02:26 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h9w2ackdz5nh2.irc) has joined #techbytes

02:50 *rianne (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

02:50 *asusbox (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

3 AM, July 6

03:02 *asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

03:02 *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

03:25 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

03:30 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h9w2ackdz5nh2.irc) has joined #techbytes

4 AM, July 6

04:49 schestowitz[TR]; are you going to fix this issue with my nicks?

5 AM, July 6

05:11 *asusbox (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

05:12 *rianne (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

6 AM, July 6

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Lobbying Spain

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > The launch of the Unified Patent Court and its impact in Spain

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Madrid | July 12th, at 3 pm

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > The Fide Foundation

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > presents this interesting roundt

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06:15 schestowitz[TR]; able discussion in which we'll discuss the the consequences that the start of the UPCs operations may have for Spain and the various Spanish stakeholders operating in the field of patents and innovation.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Meet the panel:

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > * ngel GALGO PECO, President Section 28th, Audiencia Provincial de

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Madrid, Spain

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > * Klaus GRABINSKI, President of the Unified Patent Court of Justice

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > (Bundesgerichtshof) of Germany

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > * David PELLIS URQUIZA, Managing Partner of Pellis Abogados

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Moderator: Manuel DESANTES REAL, Professor of Private International

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Law, University of Alicante. Fide Academic Advisor

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > The event will take place in Madrid, on *Wednesday, 12th of July, from

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > 3 pm to 4.30 pm*. Prior to the session, there will be served some snacks

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > and drinks at 2.15 to 2.50 pm.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Sing up now

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > <

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06:15 schestowitz[TR]; yI8IqWYnKCsyx4h_Ujv93KlU7Jx478hYgw9JEO_SabtqHYFXqRJqFruSKQLSeRSYZvjy6OJlWye-nQfGGw-Bow>

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Objectives:

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > On June 1st, 2023, the Unified Patent Court (UPC) came into operation,

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > and the Regulations (EU) 1257/2012 and 1260/2012, which establish the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > unitary European patent and its linguistic regime, started to be

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > applied. This marks the culmination of a project that dates back to the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > early 1960s.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > The uncertainties that arise with the establishment of any new

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > institution are heightened in this case due to various factors. Firstly,

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > the innovative nature of the UPC, both in terms of its legal nature as

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > an international court and a court belonging to the judicial power of

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > the Member States, its jurisdiction, structure, organization, and

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > operating rules. Secondly, the potential impact on the functioning of

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > the Court resulting from the multinational origin of the judges, each

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > with their own legal culture. Thirdly, the context in which the new

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Court is being established, with the maintenance of existing national

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > judicial structures that serve as an alternative forum based on the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > preferences of the rights holders (opting out). Finally, the existence

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > of Member States, currently ten, that do not participate in the system.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > On the other hand, the emergence of this new institution in the European

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > patent law landscape occurs at the beginning of Spains assumption of

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Spain is one of the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > three Member States that have not signed the Agreement on the Unified

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Patent Court.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > In this scenario, FIDE considers it of utmost interest to organize a

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > roundtable discussion that serves as a framework for reflecting on the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > consequences that the start of the UPCs operations may have for Spain

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > and the various Spanish stakeholders operating in the field of patents

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > and innovation. The discussion will address, among other issues, the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > possibility for Spanish professionals to participate in the UPC, the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > treatment of cases with connections to Spain, and the influence of the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > doctrine established by the UPC on the resolution of proceedings before

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Spanish courts.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > To this end, we will have the presence of Dr. Klaus Grabinski, President

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > of the Unified Patent Court, who will be visiting Spain for the first

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > time in such capacity. Joining him will be David Pellis, Managing

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Partner of Pellis Abogados, and ngel Galgo Peco, President of the 32nd

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Section of the Provincial Court of Madrid, all moderated by Manuel

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Desantes Real, Professor of Private International Law at the University

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > of Alicante and member of FIDEs International Academic Council.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Methodology:

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > The dynamic of the session will respect the usual rules of Fide and the

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > participation and interaction of the speakers and attendees as well,

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > making only the changes required for its celebration on line. All

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > sessions organized at Fide are convened under the Chatham House Rule,

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > participants have the right to use the information they receive, but

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > neither the identity nor the affiliation of any other participant may be

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > revealed.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Schedule:

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > The session will be held from 3.00 to 4.30 pm. Prior to the session,

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > there will be served some snacks and drinks at 2.15 to 2.50 pm.

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Location:

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > FIDE Headquarters at COAM (C/Hortaleza 63, Madrid)

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > Fide Foundation

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > C/ Ramn de la Cruz 38 Espacio Loom, 28001, Madrid

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > This email was sent to:

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; >

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > You're receiving this email because at some point you have either

06:15 schestowitz[TR]; > participated at of subscribed to the Global Digital Encounters Contact List.

06:15 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 400 @ Launch of the Unified Patent Court and Its Impact in Spain&utm_medium=email )

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06:16 -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ...

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06:25 *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

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06:27 *311DRINB0 (~quassel@freenode-pc127e.71tb.6ao7.hij1op.IP) has joined #techbytes

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06:44 *311DRIQFU (~quassel@freenode-uksr3h.71tb.6ao7.hij1op.IP) has joined #techbytes

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7 AM, July 6

07:10 *311DRIS29 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

07:10 *208ACUF0L has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

07:11 *311DRIVM0 (~quassel@freenode-7gos43.71tb.6ao7.hij1op.IP) has joined #techbytes

07:11 *208ACUI4M (~quassel@freenode-7gos43.71tb.6ao7.hij1op.IP) has joined #techbytes

07:27 *311DRIVM0 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

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07:29 *311DRIY76 (~quassel@freenode-7uc.ra8.a7lnth.IP) has joined #techbytes

07:29 *208ACUMLZ (~quassel@freenode-7uc.ra8.a7lnth.IP) has joined #techbytes

07:38 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

8 AM, July 6

08:11 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h9w2ackdz5nh2.irc) has joined #techbytes

08:51 *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

08:51 *asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

9 AM, July 6

09:52 schestowitz[TR]; x

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09:52 schestowitz[TR]; # pro-tiktok spin dressed as news

09:52 -TechBytesBot/ | tiktok montana ban: TikTok asks US judge to block Montana ban before January 1 effective date - The Economic Times

2 PM, July 6

14:01 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techbytes

14:01 *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

14:01 *rianne_ has quit (connection closed)

14:01 *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:02 *rianne_ (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

14:02 *rianne (~rianne@freenode-7uc.ra8.a7lnth.IP) has joined #techbytes

14:02 *liberty_box (~liberty@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

4 PM, July 6

16:23 *psydroid3 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techbytes

5 PM, July 6

17:12 *asusbox (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

17:12 *rianne (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techbytes

6 PM, July 6

18:11 *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -

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8 PM, July 6

20:47 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytes

9 PM, July 6

21:33 *asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

21:34 *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

21:38 *psydroid3 has quit (connection closed)

21:39 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, July 06, 2023

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