IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, October 24, 2022

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beginning of new day, October 24

00:02 *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)

00:02 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@9j8scsswp2sz6.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

00:26 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

00:32 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

1 AM, October 24

01:01 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

01:01 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

01:03 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

01:03 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

01:21 *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-bv0.4pg.1lol4u.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

4 AM, October 24

04:00 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

04:20 techrights-sec[2]; Sometime, can you add a domain name for tr-new ( ?

04:20 techrights-sec[2]; I figure it is time to start looking at adding the prerequisite services

04:20 techrights-sec[2]; to it HTTP+TLS, Gemini, etc

04:21 schestowitz-TR2; at the moment "ipfs" domain is linked to that, but can add more

04:42 techrights-sec[2]; Any placeholder name will do

04:54 schestowitz-TR2; there is now "news", but wait for dns to propagate a little

5 AM, October 24

05:16 techrights-sec[2]; thanks

05:16 techrights-sec[2]; Placeholder in place

05:47 schestowitz-TR2; nice, that was fast

05:47 techrights-sec[2]; np

05:47 techrights-sec[2]; now the 'rest' can be added more leisurely between now and Feb.

05:49 schestowitz-TR2; did not sleep too well, oversplent too, thinking how to best approach the epo and upc thing

05:49 schestowitz-TR2; I'm still not sure, but now it's monday so there should be many comments

05:49 schestowitz-TR2; I will try to place all emphasis on the comments, without giving platform to the lies

05:49 schestowitz-TR2; later on ota, maybe soon

05:58 schestowitz-TR2; "A wiki that few people have seen but I occasionally use for private projects; Gopher and Gemini, because I despise the web and like toying with alternatives."

=> ↺

05:58 -TechrightsBN/ | SMTP, OrangeWebsite and using your own computing resources 2022-10-24 00:35

05:58 schestowitz-TR2; via Planet GNU hours ago

05:59 schestowitz-TR2; re MIT 'Reviews', I was expectedly annoyed by that, he probably paid to run those 3 URLs

6 AM, October 24

06:00 schestowitz-TR2; anyway, I'll OTA after I post Daily Links

06:00 techrights-sec[2]; ack

06:00 techrights-sec[2]; Likelt

06:00 techrights-sec[2]; ack

06:01 schestowitz-TR2; Graveley uses the same strategy

06:01 schestowitz-TR2; when you're as guilty as hell all you can try is help people "forget"

06:01 schestowitz-TR2; Nat Friedman knows we know what he did last summer

06:02 techrights-sec[2]; The MIT posts sure look like paid shill pieces

06:02 techrights-sec[2]; The corruption has probably gotten worse since the Epstein

06:02 schestowitz-TR2; I am sure it's paid for

06:02 techrights-sec[2]; The corruption has probably gotten worse since the Epstein and Ito scandals

06:02 techrights-sec[2]; Yes it is quite clearly paid for but the hard part is digging up or acquiring

06:02 techrights-sec[2]; proper evidence of that.

06:04 schestowitz-TR2; RMS gives a talk tomorrow, but I don't know the URL if any

06:04 schestowitz-TR2; I posted their intro/promotional video of it

06:04 schestowitz-TR2; if we let them shoot the man, then they shoot the concepts/ideas

06:04 schestowitz-TR2; brb 20 mins, Daily Links

06:04 techrights-sec[2]; revisionism :

=> ↺

06:04 -TechrightsBN/ | MIT Media Lab - Wikipedia

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; wikipedia is almost 20

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; it won't last so long

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; it's failing to guard itself

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; i think it turned 20

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; either way, it was not good 10 years agoi

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; but got worse, not better

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; it's optimised for politics and PR

06:06 schestowitz-TR2; not accuracy

06:07 techrights-sec[2]; It's more than 20 years old, there was some turnover about 20 years go though

06:07 techrights-sec[2]; and major changes. That might have been when they turned to corporate money

06:07 techrights-sec[2]; and abandoned proper research apparently in favor of product development.

06:42 schestowitz-TR2; a) about to delete what's left temporarily of gulag'

06:42 schestowitz-TR2; b) gulag nose downtime this past week

06:42 schestowitz-TR2; c) spying re-added

06:42 schestowitz-TR2; d) almost nothing shows up in recent days

06:42 schestowitz-TR2; some time this week I will delete it ("linux")

06:42 schestowitz-TR2; is mostly ok for search

06:42 schestowitz-TR2; OTA

7 AM, October 24

07:54 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@h635kpe3hju7k.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

8 AM, October 24

08:05 schestowitz-TR2; done, 50-min video

08:05 schestowitz-TR2; showing only the comments

08:05 schestowitz-TR2; we should contact breyer from german PP

08:05 schestowitz-TR2; he can raise the subject again

08:05 schestowitz-TR2; he already confronts breton over UPC

08:05 schestowitz-TR2; do you have contacts with him? I just know his blog (rss)

08:08 *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: Leaving)

08:08 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@h635kpe3hju7k.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; I was just thinking about Breyer but have no address for him or other means

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; to contact him, and am furthermore outside of his geographic area. The reason

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; though that I was thinking was that some countries have very, very strictly

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; enforced laws prohibiting registers of ethnicity, with the goal to prevent

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; another round of the genocide that went on in WWII. However, Facebook has

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; thousands of datapoints with specificially identify religion, ethnicity,

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; political leanings and other explicitly prohibited factors. Furthermore,

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; they have the ability to further aggregate and synthesize such information.

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; So along those lines maybe Schrems would know who to contact.

08:13 schestowitz-TR2; FB can be paid to change people's leanings (CA scandal)

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; The EFF,

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; if it weren't so busy rolling over, would also be one to contat. Yes, that

08:13 techrights-sec[2]; is why FB is tolerated, I would guess.

08:13 techrights-sec[2];

=> ↺

08:13 -TechrightsBN/ | Zur Person / Kontakt Patrick Breyer

08:14 schestowitz-TR2; it's safe to assume he read TR

08:14 schestowitz-TR2; I will contact him some time later

08:14 schestowitz-TR2; he also opposes swpats

08:15 techrights-sec[2];

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08:15 techrights-sec[2];

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08:15 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Contact | Max Schrems | | Max Schrems

08:15 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Contact |

08:44 techrights-sec[2]; So there may be laws on the books in several countries prohibiting what FB does

08:44 techrights-sec[2]; if they can be enforced, but FB and M$ seem excempt from any and all laws,

08:44 techrights-sec[2]; regulations, and guidelines.

08:59 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)

9 AM, October 24

09:47 schestowitz-TR2; draft

09:47 schestowitz-TR2; (you should contact your mep, I will contact breye as a german)

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; yes

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; The first paragraph should (yet again) mention that the UPC is invalid/illegal/ddefunct

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; It's implied in the one sentence but could be stated clearly just to be sure.

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; The European Patent Contention did improve things, and it should be stated

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; (yet again) for emphasis what it prohibits (hint sw patents). Yes, that can

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; risk being repetitive but the aspects can vary each time and it is very

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; important that the posts kind of be able to stand on their own.

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; The paragraph "All three havent been active..." could be merged with the one

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; preceding it.

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; "EPO" has a link but the acronym should be expanded in the text itself once.

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; Is the UPC in crisis or causing a constitutional crisis. The former is not

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; important, the latter is very bad.

09:50 techrights-sec[2]; Some context on who Grabinksi is and how he relates to the topic in the post.

09:51 schestowitz-TR2; gym, biab

09:51 schestowitz-TR2; still encoding

09:51 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

noon, October 24

12:00 schestowitz-TR2; "Dropping out of the fediverse"

=> ↺

12:00 -TechrightsBN/ | Linux User Space: Episode 3:09: The Pico-Sized History of Nano

12:08 techrights-sec[2]; ack

12:08 schestowitz-TR2; I hope for more of this

12:08 schestowitz-TR2; it would lessen time-wasting

12:25 techrights-sec[2]; biab

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; i cannot find the email of breyer in his web page

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; I'm sure he know TR's work

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; and want to speak to him on telephone

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; schrems is another issue altogether, the outsoucing of epo to microsoft

12:39 techrights-sec[2]; checking

12:50 schestowitz-TR2; see email

12:50 schestowitz-TR2; I wrote it in a rush, it's not as important as what follows, if anything...

12:50 schestowitz-TR2; we need to remind more people to contact MEPs

12:50 schestowitz-TR2; I might prepare a template later, in order for others to raise a stink

12:50 schestowitz-TR2; right now I want to get on top of links, as I'm back to work tonight

12:50 schestowitz-TR2; Free software and the media are in a crazy state, and I think it's TR's cup of tea

12:51 techrights-sec[2]; ack

12:51 techrights-sec[2]; It was worded a little rushed but perhaps that is ok

12:51 techrights-sec[2]; Among other things the salutation and honorifics were missing, but more context

12:51 techrights-sec[2]; about the 1000's of hours of writing might have helped.

12:51 techrights-sec[2]; Good luck, I hope the message gets through and that there is a useful response

12:55 schestowitz-TR2; I'm sure he read TR before and knows what I wrote

12:55 schestowitz-TR2; as for the UK, it's not relevant to the UPC

12:55 schestowitz-TR2; I met some politicians here who stumbled upon TR

12:55 schestowitz-TR2; one was deupty PM, IIRC

12:56 schestowitz-TR2; so you generally see that, despite us being so small, the hard work has impact

12:56 schestowitz-TR2; I need to post the copyright troll's letters around xmas

12:56 schestowitz-TR2; and use other means of deterreance against MSFT, Friedman, and Graveley

12:56 schestowitz-TR2; don't expect shitholes like 'hacker' 'noise' and reddit to help this gain visibility

12:56 schestowitz-TR2; they already have us labeled as "enemies" of... their paymasters, I suppose

12:56 schestowitz-TR2; but beter labeled than DEPLATFORMED

12:56 techrights-sec[2]; ack

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; side point

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; 1) john campbell's videos are becoming ridiculous because of the 'paranoia' of gulag censoring the channel

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; 2) I don't need to waste 5 mins of each video going through guidelines or removing words or flattering gulag's

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; glorious guidelines

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; 3) today when doing exercise with indivious we noticed the track kept getting muted when there was music

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; 4) exercise channels with no voice are useless

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; 5) gulag used to "label" copyright stuff (based on signatures of sound being matched)

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; I think they start to "act"

12:59 schestowitz-TR2; and they ruined this exercise video with 38+ million views

1 PM, October 24

13:00 schestowitz-TR2; your [topic] suggestion re gulag and meial was good, but I don't yet know the topic well enough to say

13:00 schestowitz-TR2; something insightful

13:00 schestowitz-TR2; this is related to what they do in other protocols

13:00 schestowitz-TR2; /smeial/email/.

13:27 schestowitz-TR2; opensourcecom-sellout.webm

13:27 schestowitz-TR2; /kristall-techrights.webm

13:28 schestowitz-TR2; testing upstream speeds, despite gemini being poor at that file size, as the speed is the main advantage over sel

13:28 schestowitz-TR2; f-hosting from home. kirstall and lagrange download the files (6.9mg, 67mb) correctly

13:31 schestowitz-TR2; v

13:32 schestowitz-TR2;

=> ↺

13:32 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-AfroLeadership: Governance, Data & Right in Africa (@AfroLeadership_): "We all have to care about #AI. We will be impacted about#AI. #techrights #techethics #AIEthics"|

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; Azure has just had more layoffs

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; senile BB is trying to appease the lobbyists

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; that's expected

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; a criminal syndicate does not slow down when cornered or threatened

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; anyway, clown computing was all along a scam

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; and expensive when they try to swing into profitability

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; now the spainners in thelayoffs spalining why layoffs are a GOOD thing

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; and then someone says, but this is 4th time in 6 months

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; I've just tested large and smalled webm files with 6 or 7 clients, inc. amfora

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; the ones that don't cope are beta versions

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; the sole advantage (atm) of the second gemini server is the DC-grade connection

13:50 schestowitz-TR2; passing files from ole tr to new-tr is like 1gb/sec

13:50 techrights-sec[2]; ack

13:50 techrights-sec[2]; I doubt solderpunk will fix the specification to repair the bug when handling

13:50 techrights-sec[2]; large files.

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; even if only TEMPORARILY done, we would be the first capsule to offer a large, extensive set of large

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; videos over gemini://

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; maybe aliad/subdomain *alias

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; "media" or similar

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; some gemini servers we used deal ok with multiple domains for the certs

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; certainly the one drew default made

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; so we can access and

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; i could copy across the webm files, then run a bash script to make an index

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; it would also make copies of the video files as 'backups' (yes, ame device, I know)

13:53 schestowitz-TR2; *same

13:57 techrights-sec[2]; ack

2 PM, October 24

14:05 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; are you ok if I go for it?

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; same url struct

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; i.e.

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; gemini-base-domain/videos/[video path]

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; I mean, not going live

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; rather, using (like with ipfs) the machine for backup

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; ok, best that way, yes

14:13 schestowitz-TR2; I thought linkage of files rather of duplication would be most suitable

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; ok with what? I'm out if the tr-new is put into production prior to janaryD

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; in any form

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; Best to wait, I would think. There are more elegant options.

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; Thinking about the work flow for the posting, I'm thinking that only the date

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; field (in the form of an integer repesenting the epoch) is the way to go and

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; that if the date is in the future, that particular post remains unpublished

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; but then an 'at' job gets launched either manually or automatically to run

14:14 techrights-sec[2]; at the designated time.

14:16 schestowitz-TR2; version control on a live server (like wordpress and drupal with extensions) is a waste of DB space, imho

14:16 schestowitz-TR2; I reckon more than half of the wordpress DB is prior revisions of the posts

14:16 schestowitz-TR2; wordpress is becoming to www what MS Office became to laptops and desktops

14:16 schestowitz-TR2; to the point many people opted out and chose worse: clown and "apps"

14:17 techrights-sec[2]; That would allow for pre-loading posts to appear

14:17 techrights-sec[2]; later. It would not be version control just a postponement of publication

14:17 techrights-sec[2]; If changes are needed, then the post would have to be deleted and a new one

14:17 techrights-sec[2]; created it its place. WordPress is bloated in and of itself but the version

14:17 techrights-sec[2]; control causes the data space to grow at least arithmetically.

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; I think we ought to revisit the publication 'style' in general, seeing that many effective posts

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; can be short but higher in volume

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; not "tweets" but rather rapid updates

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; and some are more or less a template

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; like the irc posts

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; you could almost generate them based on some variables and save a lot of space

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; we don't have any head deadlines or "costs" to "manage", which means less stress

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; (our stupid stupid company still blows like $1000 a month on a few shitty VMs nobody uses 99% of the time

14:21 schestowitz-TR2; that's because of dumb colleagues)

14:35 techrights-sec[2]; Ok it would make sense to review and possibly revise the work flow.

14:35 techrights-sec[2]; What relative to the new TM work flow could be improved?

14:52 *parsifal (~parsifal@8vte7vm6885eu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

3 PM, October 24

15:03 schestowitz-TR2; not too sure yet, maybe too early to think of the specifics

15:03 schestowitz-TR2; but the way TM works is good for short posts

15:03 techrights-sec[2]; It also needs to work with automated updates like for IRC logs.

15:14 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

15:16 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

15:20 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qag554p6m7u28.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

15:21 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

15:25 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

15:27 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

15:28 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-u4q.v28.2lrerj.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

15:28 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@s9xek7hahrdji.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

15:40 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@w46rkvwdeebd6.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

4 PM, October 24

16:03 *Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

16:25 *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)

16:25 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@w46rkvwdeebd6.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

16:27 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

5 PM, October 24

17:17 techrights-sec[2]; Maybe once the TR site is rebuilt, the search engines might restore it to

17:17 techrights-sec[2]; their indexes.

17:43 schestowitz-TR2; we always had the occasional trolls

17:43 schestowitz-TR2; it was a lot worse around 2009

17:43 schestowitz-TR2; btw, several sites I follow sold out this week

17:43 schestowitz-TR2; it's like spamfarms

17:43 schestowitz-TR2; I shed no tear, I'll delete them if it persists for a few more days

17:43 schestowitz-TR2; www is not the future

17:43 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

17:43 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@h635kpe3hju7k.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

17:58 schestowitz-TR2; wait, better yet, I'll take screenshot and call them out if that persists

17:58 schestowitz-TR2; like we did for weeks when GoogleNoise deteriorated

17:58 techrights-sec[2]; What was the gist of this one?

17:58 techrights-sec[2];

17:58 techrights-sec[2]; A bit can be inferred from the URL but not the body text. RMS is speaking?

17:59 schestowitz-TR2; yes, two posts mentioned today's (latert today) talk in india

6 PM, October 24

18:25 schestowitz-TR2; draft

18:25 schestowitz-TR2; I think I capstured this in a way that's intuitive

18:25 schestowitz-TR2; what I mean by "short posts"

18:25 schestowitz-TR2; easier to manage with TM-style cms

18:25 techrights-sec[2]; checking

18:25 techrights-sec[2]; Can something be added to the summary to describe the phenomenon observed or to

18:25 techrights-sec[2]; back up the assertion made? Remember, GemText is text-only.

18:26 schestowitz-TR2; I added a couple of lines at the top to summarise what the image shows

18:35 techrights-sec[2]; thanks

7 PM, October 24

19:14 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

8 PM, October 24

20:59 *starstreak has quit (Quit: Leaving)

9 PM, October 24

21:52 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

21:53 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

10 PM, October 24

22:52 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

11 PM, October 24

23:41 schestowitz-TR2;

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23:41 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Gavin (@CamperMotorhome): "Links 22/09/2022: GNOME Builder 43.0 and Hype Over Ubuntu Wallpaper Roy Schestowitz"|


IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, October 24, 2022

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