=> back to Techrights (Main Index)
00:27 Techrights-sec; fixed the permissions on /var/log/apache2/
00:27 Techrights-sec; it is now in the group adm
00:27 schestowitz-TR; thanks, i am working on the po stuff atm
00:27 schestowitz-TR; *epo
00:39 Techrights-sec; systemd's goal is non-technical: the decommodification of the distros
00:39 Techrights-sec; a la The Halloween Documents but with IBM this time around rather than only M$
00:39 Techrights-sec; by the way, it might be a good idea to revisit the Halloween Documents next
00:39 Techrights-sec; month. It being October plus what's going on with systemd combine to make
00:39 Techrights-sec; a strong reason.
00:39 Techrights-sec; I'm noticing that even though robots.txt has "Crawl-delay: 10" the "binbot"
00:39 Techrights-sec; and a few others seem to be really bothering tm-new. I have not checked to
00:39 Techrights-sec; see if they are constantly re-downloading the same pages again and again
00:39 Techrights-sec; but at first glance the rate at which they are harvesting implies that.
00:39 Techrights-sec; Should we turn on mod_ratelimit for the bot's addresses?
00:39 Techrights-sec; Or use the option of tc with queuing for the bot's addresses?
00:56 schestowitz-TR; bear with me while i finish the epo staff, avoiding multitasking..
00:56 schestowitz-TR; *stuff
00:56 schestowitz-TR; ok, draft ready
00:56 schestowitz-TR; catching up with ytalk
00:56 schestowitz-TR; wanna spot-check?
00:56 schestowitz-TR; systemd is not the only thing to cause such issues, but it's a large example of it
00:56 schestowitz-TR; I can think of seveal more, inc. some from Canonical
00:56 schestowitz-TR; now with LP at Microsoft and WSL marketing with new slant (systemd) we can point to the Hal Docs
00:56 schestowitz-TR; and show what that means
00:56 schestowitz-TR; probably a big task
00:56 schestowitz-TR; regarding bots, I've not chjecked logs, except that time I mentioned numbers 1-2 weeks ago
00:56 schestowitz-TR; just grepped for shtml and rss/xml
00:57 Techrights-sec; checking
00:57 Techrights-sec; The opening sentence in the summary is confusing.
00:57 Techrights-sec; "The Central Staff Committee of the European Patent Office (EPO)" could be the
00:57 Techrights-sec; start and then leave the "EPO" acronym in the rest.
00:57 Techrights-sec; The second paragraph probably alludes to harassment, bullying, or other illegal
00:57 Techrights-sec; behavior. It would be good to be more specific. "toxic male" is not
00:57 Techrights-sec; a legally actionable fault AFAIK unless it involves an illegal behavior
00:58 schestowitz-TR; right, i will clarfy
00:58 schestowitz-TR; she used a different term, which i quote
00:58 schestowitz-TR; staff remembers what she said
00:58 schestowitz-TR; even many years later
00:58 Techrights-sec; And a word or two about the significance of the two HTML parts would help:
00:58 Techrights-sec; why should the public be interested?
01:00 schestowitz-TR; handing over at work atm (1am)
01:00 schestowitz-TR; i got 1.5 hours left till cutoff (bulletin)
01:00 schestowitz-TR; will reword a bit
01:00 schestowitz-TR; I assumer you saw no typos/layout issues
01:00 schestowitz-TR; it was my first pass
01:00 Techrights-sec; I was looking for the topic and theme
01:01 schestowitz-TR; catching typos as welkl helps
01:01 schestowitz-TR; it's the hioghest priority in blogs, then in irc bot, then informal irc chat
01:01 schestowitz-TR; as people nitpick on such stuff
01:01 schestowitz-TR; to change the subject
01:01 schestowitz-TR; and resort to ad hom
01:05 Techrights-sec; ack
01:05 Techrights-sec; Speaking of bots again, here are some data that bingbot is running amok:
01:05 Techrights-sec; % awk '/bingbot/ && $7~/^/n// {a[$7]++} END { for (u in a) {if(a[u]>0){print a[u], u;} } }' /var/log/apache2/tuxmachines.org.access.log | sort -rn
01:05 Techrights-sec; (the >0 can be tuned to a higher threshold)
01:05 schestowitz-TR; thanks, will leave this to you
01:05 schestowitz-TR; am doing handover
01:05 schestowitz-TR; will amend epo article after that
01:05 schestowitz-TR; then do a meme
01:05 schestowitz-TR; btw, did you watch the video on excesss deaths?
01:06 Techrights-sec; In other ways, one can see that those are all GET requests and not HEAD or
01:06 Techrights-sec; if-modified-since requests
01:06 Techrights-sec; No, I usually can't get to the videos lately.
01:06 Techrights-sec; I do check the accompanying text though.
01:08 schestowitz-TR; tl;dr: across europe exxcess deaths soar this past summer
01:08 schestowitz-TR; and nobody is explaining why
01:08 Techrights-sec; Ok, I'll think about tc or mod_ratelimit and which is less difficult in the
01:08 Techrights-sec; long run.
01:08 Techrights-sec; Yes. There are many. It gets covered over.
01:17 schestowitz-TR; https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/covid-19-coronavirus-pandemic-omicron-boosters-20-september/
01:18 schestowitz-TR; https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Cross-Section/Corona/Society/population_death.html
=> ↺ https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Cross-Section/Corona/Society/population_death.html
01:18 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.weforum.org | COVID-19: What you need to know about the pandemic this week | World Economic Forum
01:18 Techrights-sec; https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/covid-19-coronavirus-pandemic-omicron-boosters-20-september/
01:18 Techrights-sec; https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Cross-Section/Corona/Society/population_death.html
=> ↺ https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Cross-Section/Corona/Society/population_death.html
01:18 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.destatis.de | Number of deaths and excess mortality - German Federal Statistical Office
01:20 schestowitz-TR; my mom got 4 jabs, got infected 3 times AFTER the third
01:20 schestowitz-TR; the infections were obv.
01:20 schestowitz-TR; you sort of know when you feel ill
01:20 schestowitz-TR; the body won't tell you if it defeats the virus upon entry
01:20 schestowitz-TR; I told her it has long-term damage
01:20 schestowitz-TR; but she isn't listening
01:20 schestowitz-TR; too drunk of gov. assurances
01:20 schestowitz-TR; sshe thinks it's just another flu
01:22 Techrights-sec; Yes it apparently causes long term damage each time.
01:24 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
01:25 schestowitz-TR; was it you weho sent me the link from weforum or another forum re longterm mental health damage?
01:25 schestowitz-TR; i forgot the domain
01:25 schestowitz-TR; men toioned it in irc twice
01:25 schestowitz-TR; after you had sent it
01:25 schestowitz-TR; spoke to mate over phone 15+ mins hours ago
01:25 schestowitz-TR; he is coming over here tomorrow
01:25 schestowitz-TR; referee for rianne's application
01:25 schestowitz-TR; he is the one who sent me this video
01:25 schestowitz-TR; riane turns out to have watched his videos before
01:25 schestowitz-TR; he's really causing a panic here in the regime
01:25 schestowitz-TR; and the billBC had to do "rebuttals"
01:25 schestowitz-TR; because he shows what the gov. is tryingf to dent
01:25 schestowitz-TR; as I myself showed
01:25 schestowitz-TR; rianne mentioned somem guy to me showing the same as me
01:25 schestowitz-TR; but I did not know who he was
01:25 schestowitz-TR; had not seen it till today
01:25 schestowitz-TR; when mike mentioned him and sent me the link
01:25 schestowitz-TR; the data does not lie much
01:26 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
01:28 Techrights-sec; Probably
01:28 Techrights-sec; Statistics do not lie, only mislead. :/
01:28 Techrights-sec; A "recent" problem is that it is time-effective for clowns to mash the data
01:28 Techrights-sec; through model after model, regardless of relevance, until they get the output
01:28 Techrights-sec; they wanted rather than picking the relevant model and reading what it tells
01:28 Techrights-sec; them about the data.
01:28 schestowitz-TR; i pointed out many counterproints to mike
01:28 schestowitz-TR; inc. how the excees is calculated
01:28 schestowitz-TR; past 5 yearssd
01:28 schestowitz-TR; so in 2022 we compare 2 covid years to 2 non-covid
01:28 schestowitz-TR; and then average those
01:28 schestowitz-TR; so you need the raw, absolute numbers
01:28 schestowitz-TR; and I downloaded, then uploaded the reports for every year since about 15 years ago
01:28 schestowitz-TR; to my site
01:28 schestowitz-TR; and showed the relevant graphis
01:28 schestowitz-TR; if there is push-back asna sense the public was misled
01:28 schestowitz-TR; I will have all the data//.info at hand
01:29 Techrights-sec; A rolling base point will make the curve look smaller as we progress into the
01:29 Techrights-sec; third year of this pandemic.
01:29 Techrights-sec; Pushback is not really possible because so many are pacified via social control
01:29 Techrights-sec; media and that filters what they are 1) allowed to write, and 2) what they
01:29 Techrights-sec; are allowed to read.
01:29 Techrights-sec; I think using tc will allow the most flexibility, but it will take some time
01:29 Techrights-sec; to plan it out properly.
01:31 schestowitz-TR; I noticed thatt gulagtube sot of flagged his videos
01:31 schestowitz-TR; adding links below it
01:31 schestowitz-TR; to the "official" message
01:31 schestowitz-TR; I guess they found no valid reason to outright ban him
01:31 schestowitz-TR; like oither videos I saw of doctors who dissent
01:31 schestowitz-TR; he clearly pisses off the powers that be
01:31 schestowitz-TR; pbased on what rianne saw of him in billbc and gulagtube
01:31 schestowitz-TR; of course he did not mentioon the v word even once in his video
01:34 schestowitz-TR; prior to being able to watch his video
01:34 schestowitz-TR; I was presented with TWO long ads
01:34 schestowitz-TR; the first one I was not ablke to even skip
01:34 schestowitz-TR; so I hit mute and looked away
01:34 schestowitz-TR; then come the second one
01:34 schestowitz-TR; I was only forced to watch firsdt 5 seconds
01:34 schestowitz-TR; then had to manually intervene
01:34 schestowitz-TR; lots of work just to watch some video, with some "flagging" below it
01:34 schestowitz-TR; youtube is social control
01:34 schestowitz-TR; and it started by flagging russian and chinese channels
01:34 schestowitz-TR; later it kjust BANNED those channels
01:34 schestowitz-TR; 'cox war'
01:34 schestowitz-TR; *xcoz
01:34 schestowitz-TR; now it does the same to british doctors
01:34 schestowitz-TR; "coz" safety"
01:34 schestowitz-TR; what he says is not unreasonable
01:34 schestowitz-TR; but it upsets some firms
01:34 schestowitz-TR; while bill gates PAYS YouTube
01:34 schestowitz-TR; for many ads
01:35 Techrights-sec; They could make up an excuse but anyone who is off-message gets flagged or
01:35 Techrights-sec; banned.
01:35 Techrights-sec; YouTube is about unusable anyway. I checked for the first time in months and
01:35 Techrights-sec; there are 10x ads most of which are unskippable and then the comments are
01:35 Techrights-sec; in some random, non-chronological sequence. Complete waste of time and I amd
01:35 Techrights-sec; disappointed in any vloggers still feeding that platform.
01:35 Techrights-sec; There is also the 'endless' scrolling or whatever it is called, which makes
01:35 Techrights-sec; the unskippable videos worse because you cannot listen while skimming comments
01:35 Techrights-sec; any more.
01:35 Techrights-sec; % awk '/bingbot/ && $7~/^/n// {a[$1]++} END { for (u in a) {print u; } }' /var/log/apache2/tuxmachines.org.access.log | sort -rn -k1,1rn -k2,2rn -k3,3rn -
01:35 Techrights-sec; k4,4rn -t .
01:41 schestowitz-TR; what i like about all this is,
01:41 schestowitz-TR; 1) it's not going away or aging. we'll keep getting data, one way of another
01:41 schestowitz-TR; 2) it shows web suppression/censorship in action
01:41 schestowitz-TR; (gulag did not make it pleasant to acess this video)
01:41 schestowitz-TR; 3) i said to rianne tonight, owing to working from home we likely dodged a bullet
01:41 schestowitz-TR; either the virus or another aspects
01:41 schestowitz-TR; my health has been fine throughout and we built some savings
01:41 schestowitz-TR; also lowered bills
01:41 schestowitz-TR; by next summer she might pursue the passport (next step)
01:41 schestowitz-TR; though it's not clear how much she would use it
01:41 schestowitz-TR; i last flew to germany (2018)
01:41 Techrights-sec; #2 is very important but due to ongoing campaigns, including strawman whackdoodle crazies and kooks, it is hard to do
01:41 Techrights-sec; Best to have the passport on hand anyway
01:42 schestowitz-TR; after naturalisation
01:46 schestowitz-TR; in 2010 flights were still ok compared to now
01:46 schestowitz-TR; where they demand your phone
01:46 schestowitz-TR; and I'm told now they want you to test, quarantine etc.
01:46 schestowitz-TR; and then follow some strict rules on board
01:46 schestowitz-TR; if you catch this one virus, you cannot fly back
01:46 schestowitz-TR; and no refund for the missed flight
01:46 schestowitz-TR; so why the fork would I even think of flying?
01:46 schestowitz-TR; prices also went up by a LOT
01:46 schestowitz-TR; i sometimes have unpleasant dreams where I cannot distance myself from people
01:46 schestowitz-TR; and 3 years down the drain
01:51 Techrights-sec; It's far worse than that, if I read correctly. There are worse conditions
01:51 Techrights-sec; than ever before both onboard and in the airport. That goes double for
01:51 Techrights-sec; the mistreatment of customers.
01:58 schestowitz-TR; kjids have a warped sense of reality
01:58 schestowitz-TR; and very selective memories
01:58 schestowitz-TR; but from what I remember in the 80s (domestic) and early 90s (portgula, spain)
01:58 schestowitz-TR; the flights weere pleasant and airports were just like bus stations with passports and shops (duty free)
01:58 schestowitz-TR; the seats on the plane were good
01:58 schestowitz-TR; meals were integral part of the journey
01:58 schestowitz-TR; prices were still high (they should be; it discourages BS 'travel')
01:58 schestowitz-TR; and service was like customer service
01:58 schestowitz-TR; not kids' gloves
01:58 schestowitz-TR; in the pedo sense, everyone a suspect
01:58 schestowitz-TR; tat was after lockerbee and other attacks had shown risk
01:58 schestowitz-TR; but reaction to them was not panic and oppression
01:58 schestowitz-TR; 9/11 was one of several escalations
01:58 schestowitz-TR; even "good" airports like copehagen suck
01:58 schestowitz-TR; I never enjoyed airports
01:58 schestowitz-TR; and they are as time-inefficient as the planes themselves
01:58 schestowitz-TR; you often spend x2 times as much in and traveling to/from airports
01:58 schestowitz-TR; than you spend onboard
01:58 schestowitz-TR; what a shitty roi
01:58 schestowitz-TR; i say i';d rather sit on a sofa at home
01:58 schestowitz-TR; then be on a plane or in airport (or communing)
01:58 schestowitz-TR; so there has to be very compelling reason to travel
01:58 schestowitz-TR; like funeral
01:58 schestowitz-TR; even to funerals I rarely fly
01:58 schestowitz-TR; seems like a luxiry
01:59 schestowitz-TR; luxury
01:59 schestowitz-TR; in the days of cross-atlantic boat travel you could not travel fast enough to attend funerals
01:59 schestowitz-TR; you used telegram or similar
02:00 Techrights-sec; The bot attacks from:
02:00 Techrights-sec;,,,,,,,,,,
02:00 Techrights-sec; They have more contact hours per day with CCP's TikTok than they do with
02:00 Techrights-sec; friends or family combined. Thus although they may speak English just fine
02:00 Techrights-sec; they are not culturally British. That distorts their worldview further.
02:00 Techrights-sec; Yes, in the 1980s and the 1990s, passengers were treated as valued customers
02:00 Techrights-sec; instead of as paroled criminals. The prices are high, but not high enough
02:00 Techrights-sec; to impair the real polluters: business travel.
02:00 Techrights-sec; https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/nov/17/people-cause-global-aviation-emissions-study-covid-19
02:00 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.theguardian.com | 1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions study | Airline industry | The Guardian
02:00 Techrights-sec; https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=AIRTRANS_CO2
=> ↺ https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=AIRTRANS_CO2
02:00 Techrights-sec; On the continent, in most situations, rail travel is far more time-efficient
02:00 Techrights-sec; and less risky for the health, not to mention lower impact for emissions
02:00 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-stats.oecd.org | Air Transport CO2 Emissions
02:01 schestowitz-TR; the guardian failed to note it takes bribes from the 1 (not 1%) that pollutes the most ^_^
02:02 Techrights-sec; true, they omit mentioning such conflicts of interest -- always
02:05 schestowitz-TR; the boat we took to ireland was swedish
02:05 schestowitz-TR; stina line
02:05 schestowitz-TR; *stena
02:05 schestowitz-TR; not sure how well they do now
02:05 schestowitz-TR; but the time getting TO the boat was long too
02:05 schestowitz-TR; we took the coach, then had to cross a tunnel by taxi
02:05 schestowitz-TR; smae in northern ireland
02:05 schestowitz-TR; at least the time on the boat itself was almost ok
02:05 Techrights-sec; ack
02:05 schestowitz-TR; but still long waiting times
02:05 schestowitz-TR; woul;d not do that again soon
02:05 schestowitz-TR; we just need a good catapult with trampolines
02:05 schestowitz-TR; "incoming!"
02:05 schestowitz-TR; or beam me up scotty (teleport)
02:19 schestowitz-TR; humans were never good at covering long distances
02:19 schestowitz-TR; no wheels
02:19 schestowitz-TR; and no wings
02:19 schestowitz-TR; even a lack of hydrodynamics
02:19 schestowitz-TR; we're a tree-dwelling animal that lost its ability to even clib on tress
02:19 schestowitz-TR; climb
02:28 Techrights-sec; Walking is very energy efficient, even when carrying a load.
02:30 schestowitz-TR; per mile, underwater movement is efficient
02:30 schestowitz-TR; birds are light
02:30 schestowitz-TR; soi gliding is also efficent
02:30 schestowitz-TR; humans lack inertia
02:30 schestowitz-TR; we compensate by making "vehicles"
02:34 Techrights-sec; https://www.themarginalian.org/2011/12/21/steve-jobs-bicycle-for-the-mind-1990/
=> ↺ https://www.themarginalian.org/2011/12/21/steve-jobs-bicycle-for-the-mind-1990/
02:34 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.themarginalian.org | Steve Jobs on Why Computers Are Like a Bicycle for the Mind (1990) The Marginalian
02:34 Techrights-sec; Sort of the opposite of what computers (software) has become in recent years
02:34 Techrights-sec; "... its the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds."
04:07 schestowitz-TR; social/techpol ~850k
04:07 schestowitz-TR; same for techrights
04:07 schestowitz-TR; so it was split by topic
04:07 schestowitz-TR; going to sleep in a bit
04:07 schestowitz-TR; lasange sheets in the fridge (after months in freezer)
08:17 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
09:03 schestowitz-TR; itwire offline
09:03 schestowitz-TR; still azure?
09:04 Techrights-sec; checking
09:04 Techrights-sec; maybe not any more:
09:04 Techrights-sec; route:
09:04 Techrights-sec; origin: AS55803
09:04 Techrights-sec; descr: DIGITAL PACIFIC PTY LTD
09:04 Techrights-sec; It's online at the moment.
09:04 Techrights-sec; But nothing of note lately.
09:04 Techrights-sec; Just some politics and a bit of fluff
09:04 schestowitz-TR; rianne cooking a lasagne now
09:04 schestowitz-TR; smells nice
09:28 schestowitz-TR; it's ready
09:28 schestowitz-TR; we managed to use ALL the sheets (pasta) and almost all the cheese
09:28 schestowitz-TR; made space in the freezer for almost 15 packs of humous we found discounted
09:28 schestowitz-TR; i don't have enough topics to cover, i'll do daily links shortl
09:28 Techrights-sec; :)
09:28 Techrights-sec; Hmm. I had just forgotten a good topic based on recent news, aside from
09:28 Techrights-sec; a revisit of the Halloween Document in the context of current events.
09:29 schestowitz-TR; happens to me a lot
09:29 schestowitz-TR; i need to write down more
09:29 schestowitz-TR; you sometimes wrongly assume you'd remember later
09:29 schestowitz-TR; and then "it's not so important anyway"
09:29 schestowitz-TR; but time becomes available
09:30 Techrights-sec; News deserts?
09:30 Techrights-sec; PeppermintOS Devuan variant?
09:30 schestowitz-TR; yeah, but what about it?
09:31 Techrights-sec; General decommodification of protocols, i.e. mail protocols, and standards,
09:31 Techrights-sec; i.e. HTTP
09:31 Techrights-sec; HTTP/3 looks like it can't be run by normal programmers because it moves so
09:31 Techrights-sec; much of what used to be covered by TCP up higher into the stack. As a side
09:31 Techrights-sec; effect it blocks TCP-based proxies such as VPNs and specifically the Tor network
09:33 schestowitz-TR; i don't know SPDY well enough except the basics
09:33 schestowitz-TR; and I am guessing many others, except stenberg who must grasp it, cannot know either
09:33 schestowitz-TR; we studied networking in a course 20+ years ago, inc. ipv6
09:33 schestowitz-TR; all this time later ipv4 is STILL predominant
09:33 schestowitz-TR; and the promise of QC has not quite materialised
09:34 Techrights-sec; It's not SPDY
09:34 Techrights-sec; Exactly. The pool of people capable of managing it shrinks to what one
09:34 Techrights-sec; can count on one hand. In the old days, with HTTP over TCP, writing a web
09:34 Techrights-sec; server was basically considered the "Hello, World" of network service programming.
09:34 Techrights-sec; IPv6 had lofty goals but was killed by over-engineering and complexity.
09:34 Techrights-sec; Even Henning Brauer and his colleagues had headaches from it.
09:37 schestowitz-TR; yes, that's the correct term
09:37 schestowitz-TR; we see it outside the network stack too
09:37 schestowitz-TR; P/Ls
09:37 schestowitz-TR; UNIXes
09:37 schestowitz-TR; CSS
09:37 schestowitz-TR; you kill things by adding too much complexity
09:37 schestowitz-TR; soon: linus
09:37 schestowitz-TR; *linus
09:37 schestowitz-TR; *linux
09:37 schestowitz-TR; now you need more skills
09:37 schestowitz-TR; not fewer
09:37 schestowitz-TR; and they tell us that plain-text email is the "hard" part
09:37 schestowitz-TR; con colivas wrote about it
09:37 schestowitz-TR; and he was not visible this year
09:37 schestowitz-TR; with human disease, which he studies as a physicians, the stuff reomains more or less the same
09:37 schestowitz-TR; for 90%+ of the conditions
09:38 Techrights-sec; By "helping" like helping restricted boot avoid scrutiny of the courts.
09:38 Techrights-sec; I've been getting an increasing amount of javascript-laden web documents
09:38 Techrights-sec; posing as e-mail, without an accompanying plaintext summary. So far those
09:38 Techrights-sec; can be deleted without concern but I wonder for how much longer as Alphabet
09:38 Techrights-sec; and M$ grab the last of e-mail.
09:39 Techrights-sec; The work on restricted boot 1) helped M$ avoid the courts over such ongoing
09:39 Techrights-sec; anti-competitive abuse of its OEM monopoly, 2) helped M$ gain control over
09:39 Techrights-sec; the distros through Canonical using M$ key and not a general GNU/Linux keu
09:39 Techrights-sec; or even a Ubuntu / Canonical key.
10:11 schestowitz-TR; i think this lasgagne is 10-20 servings
10:11 schestowitz-TR; lentils instead of meat
10:11 Techrights-sec; ack
10:22 schestowitz-TR; i am thinking how to fix the workflos and speed up publication
10:22 schestowitz-TR; one approach is
10:22 schestowitz-TR; make a share space for topics to cover in video
10:22 schestowitz-TR; i find videos very helpful as initial outlet that then motivates to writes textual summary
10:22 schestowitz-TR; but videos are better done in bulk
10:22 schestowitz-TR; not one view with many topics in it
10:22 schestowitz-TR; but pertinent bits, even short
10:22 schestowitz-TR; yuou made about 3 topic suggestions
10:22 schestowitz-TR; with links
10:22 schestowitz-TR; in 2021 I managed to do about 3 videos a day
10:22 schestowitz-TR; something then got in the way and I lost time, i think due to adding more rss feeds
10:26 Techrights-sec; One file per topic, to avoid locking problems? Or set up some shared editor?
10:26 Techrights-sec; IIRC you prefer to avoid Emacs even though it supports collaborative editing.
10:27 schestowitz-TR; ytalk is like collaborative editing already
10:27 schestowitz-TR; just need a way to mark topic to cover, even in 2 minutesd
10:27 schestowitz-TR; like 3-minute rebuttal to the latest security FUD
10:27 schestowitz-TR; i didn't cover any of the recent ones at all
10:30 schestowitz-TR; re bombay, i remember this from my childhood
10:30 schestowitz-TR; funny how garret insisted strongly on "dr"
10:30 schestowitz-TR; usually a sign of insecurity when one insists on it
10:30 schestowitz-TR; and "drpizza" gives toom for jokes
10:30 schestowitz-TR; *room
10:30 schestowitz-TR; http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-230922.html#tSep%2023%2008:33:15
=> http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-230922.html#tSep%2023%2008:33:15
10:30 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 23, 2022
10:31 Techrights-sec; RSS / Atom feeds are very time-consuming to process, even though they are orders
10:31 Techrights-sec; of magnitude faster to work with than raw HTTP/HTTPS. First there is the matter
10:31 Techrights-sec; of topics covered within any given feed, that's fine, it's their feed. But it
10:31 Techrights-sec; does take time to triage posts. Then once a post is triaged, it must be skimmed
10:31 Techrights-sec; and the structure of each author and sometimes each post of each author
10:31 Techrights-sec; has a different flow or structure making it impossible to have a shortcut
10:31 Techrights-sec; method to skimming each.
10:32 Techrights-sec; but with a very short cache
10:33 Techrights-sec; Another topic would be investigating or at least raising the question of
10:33 Techrights-sec; the non-technical control over the technical aspects (or lack thereof) for the
10:33 Techrights-sec; Rust project via the CoC and other hobbles.
10:34 schestowitz-TR; you mentioned mjg, was that related?
10:40 schestowitz-TR; those topics are better off:
10:40 schestowitz-TR; a) not touches firectly or
10:40 schestowitz-TR; b) mentioned in passing inside a video
10:40 schestowitz-TR; i think i have: protocol/mail/spdy
10:40 schestowitz-TR; coc
10:40 schestowitz-TR; youtueb censorship (i hope you saw the video by now; it's not long; second half is about google censoring him)
10:40 schestowitz-TR; like i said, i don't keep a list but should
10:40 schestowitz-TR; as it's fast to reecord and process '\in bulk'
10:40 schestowitz-TR; and estblishign a solid pipeline would be a good investment
10:40 schestowitz-TR; TR was barely active this past week; i barely "got around to it", i think due to irc occupying hours of attention
10:40 Techrights-sec; not spdy the problem is now the proposed http/3
10:42 schestowitz-TR; webp pisss me off too
10:42 schestowitz-TR; and they want to add yet more of these formats to the www
10:42 schestowitz-TR; they prolifirate
10:42 schestowitz-TR; oldeer client balk/choke
10:42 schestowitz-TR; *clients
10:42 schestowitz-TR; some cannot be updated, e.g. "smart" TVs
10:54 Techrights-sec; Not keeping a list seems like a problem though.
10:54 Techrights-sec; IRC as DoS
11:09 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@58nejqa2kp9h2.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
11:23 Techrights-sec; I'm wondering if there is even a raison d'tre for dedicated televisions any
11:23 Techrights-sec; more. Increasingly people get their programming over TCP/IP so Kodi + a
11:23 Techrights-sec; nicer but less expensive display would be less work, less cost, and more secure
11:23 Techrights-sec; and more capable / flexible.
11:23 Techrights-sec; What is the software patent encumberance for webp? https://github.com/ImageMagick/webp/blob/main/PATENTS
=> ↺ https://github.com/ImageMagick/webp/blob/main/PATENTS
11:23 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-webp/PATENTS at main ImageMagick/webp GitHub
11:24 schestowitz-TR; shit. just been oln the phone 20 mins
11:24 schestowitz-TR; after i had received a distressed meil
11:24 schestowitz-TR; froma prof frine
11:24 schestowitz-TR; he got scammed by crypto cranks
11:24 schestowitz-TR; lost $50k
11:24 schestowitz-TR; brb, catcing up
11:24 schestowitz-TR; i see many people scammed, they are av en afriaif/shy to speak about them
11:24 schestowitz-TR; feeling stupid
11:24 schestowitz-TR; and the scam is still online
11:24 schestowitz-TR; now sure about webp patents
11:24 schestowitz-TR; but maybe gulag has some but licensed others'
11:24 schestowitz-TR; to make it "safe"
11:24 schestowitz-TR; gulag is NOT helping with swpats
11:24 schestowitz-TR; it helps uspto 'organise' the monopolies
11:25 schestowitz-TR; same in EPO
11:25 schestowitz-TR; *not sure
11:26 Techrights-sec; :(
11:26 Techrights-sec; cryptocurrency scammers?
11:26 Techrights-sec; That's a lot of money to lose
11:26 Techrights-sec; ack
11:26 Techrights-sec; cryptocurrency is basically a scam to begin with. The experiment ended in 2009
11:26 Techrights-sec; when " Satoshi Nakamoto " dumped the experiment in the trash and shysters
11:26 Techrights-sec; picked through the trash for his code, reminiscent of Bill digging through
11:26 Techrights-sec; the trash for BASIC code. The shysters then have run with what they found
11:26 Techrights-sec; in Nakamoto's trash.
11:26 Techrights-sec; Google cannot be trusted much and is increasing the harm of sw patents over time
11:29 schestowitz-TR; graveley the "$200,000,000 man" (he tells girls
11:29 schestowitz-TR; who lives with dad and barely has $200,000 in the bank
11:29 schestowitz-TR; more on that next year... there's court stuff related to this
11:29 schestowitz-TR; they want him to prove he lost the job
11:29 schestowitz-TR; "plastic" society
11:29 schestowitz-TR; lies as the norm
11:29 schestowitz-TR; with kirk wiebe said
11:30 schestowitz-TR; *what
11:30 schestowitz-TR; has 200 milliopn, takes MORTGAGE for a home
11:30 schestowitz-TR; lives with dad and girlfriend, hopping between the two
11:30 schestowitz-TR; serial plgiarist and drug dealer
11:30 schestowitz-TR; microsoft: fancy beinga MANAGER?
11:30 Techrights-sec; ack
11:30 Techrights-sec; Another topic is that the pervasive presence of M$ products inside various
11:30 Techrights-sec; national borders has put whole countries into severe crises regarding
11:30 Techrights-sec; cybersecurity. For most, the situatin is intractable. The presence of M$
11:30 Techrights-sec; products is a problem in and of itself but in the big picture only a symptom
11:30 Techrights-sec; of staffing problems and general managerial incompetence + malice.
11:30 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
11:34 schestowitz-TR; the problem is bigger than microsoft
11:34 schestowitz-TR; but microsoft is a big part of it
11:34 Techrights-sec;
11:34 Techrights-sec; And lack of actual educational opportunities in applied computer science
11:34 Techrights-sec; at a national level. Yes, in that context, m$ is only a tool. But that
11:34 Techrights-sec; does not absolve their complicity in dragging down whole countries and
11:34 Techrights-sec; even whole economies.
11:34 Techrights-sec; Windoze kills.
11:35 schestowitz-TR; my head is too foggy satm to do 3 videos, i will focus fiorst in cleaning the feeds
11:35 schestowitz-TR; then see if it clears up a bit
11:35 schestowitz-TR; I lso exzpect a guest later
11:35 schestowitz-TR; (he too fell for borderline scams... all that "gold " shit...in places he cannot see like spain)
11:35 schestowitz-TR; it predates the shitcoins
11:35 schestowitz-TR; men don't like to acknowledge mistake
11:35 schestowitz-TR; it damages the image and 'masculinity'
11:35 schestowitz-TR; so it can drag them deep into isolation and denial
11:36 Techrights-sec; Excercise usually helps more than sitting in front of a screen.
11:36 Techrights-sec; Even just 20 minutes at rate.
11:36 Techrights-sec; :(
11:37 schestowitz-TR; good idea, one productive way to take a break
11:37 schestowitz-TR; not down, just mind not focused enough
11:37 schestowitz-TR; posting links is drone-like at times
11:37 schestowitz-TR; so lets the mind settle
11:37 schestowitz-TR; esp. when working 18 hours a day
11:38 Techrights-sec; It gives time to think and prioritize, too
11:38 Techrights-sec; Yet it is still "sitting in front of a screen"
11:38 Techrights-sec; If one needs a break from sitting in front of a screen then one must
11:38 Techrights-sec; do something else than continuing to sit in front of a screen for the break
11:38 Techrights-sec; to actually count
11:38 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
11:38 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
11:39 schestowitz-TR; maybe I will take a hike around the stadium
11:39 schestowitz-TR; there are some new statues there I've not seen yet, it's nearby
11:39 Techrights-sec; Walking is usually exceptionally good for the body.
11:46 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
11:46 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
12:37 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
12:43 schestowitz-TR; back also
12:43 schestowitz-TR; passed by the official man city stopre
12:43 schestowitz-TR; a bit like a museaum on the way while doing the walk/jog
12:43 schestowitz-TR; will do that again in the future
12:43 schestowitz-TR; saw many tourists
12:43 Techrights-sec; :)
12:43 Techrights-sec; Instructions or directions?
12:43 schestowitz-TR; some asked me for instructions
12:43 schestowitz-TR; directions rather
12:44 schestowitz-TR; anyway, it helped reset the mind
12:44 schestowitz-TR; except when rianne started talkin about the friend again
12:57 schestowitz-TR; you know, i figured it's similar to covid-19
12:57 schestowitz-TR; nobody wants to talk about facts anymore
12:57 schestowitz-TR; that would be "endangering"
12:57 schestowitz-TR; even if your complaint is that we don't do enough to protect people
12:57 schestowitz-TR; people aren't meant to talk but let "officials" do the talking for them
12:57 schestowitz-TR; in the uk (some other countries too; france for sure) we cannot talk about the issue
12:57 schestowitz-TR; because of "investment"
12:57 schestowitz-TR; the stadium I just went to is sportwashing exercise of uae
12:57 schestowitz-TR; trying to open up prospects as airline/travel powerhouse
12:57 schestowitz-TR; in case the oil empire sinks, which is inevitable sooner or later
12:57 schestowitz-TR; we reap some benefit off the investment, but at what long-term cost?
12:57 schestowitz-TR; it's similar to companies that take vc money
12:58 schestowitz-TR; or founders
12:58 schestowitz-TR; they lose the ability to lead and to judge
12:58 schestowitz-TR; russia uses national energy resources for political leverga
12:58 schestowitz-TR; in the same way gulf states do
12:58 schestowitz-TR; putin did this in belarus, not does this in eu and beyond
12:58 schestowitz-TR; cheap energy? there are conditions
13:01 Techrights-sec; Yes and Germany was warned for decades and, strangely, the US backed off on
13:01 Techrights-sec; sanctions, allowing Nordstream2 to go ahead in spite of pretty much everyone
13:01 Techrights-sec; seeing where it would lead to. I wonder how much overlap there is between
13:01 Techrights-sec; the group of German politicians that pushed for the Nordstream2 and those
13:01 Techrights-sec; that ensure that only M$ products are deployed in federal activities.
13:06 schestowitz-TR; schroder?
13:07 Techrights-sec; It was over the last 5 or so years.
13:07 schestowitz-TR; yes, but gazprom board scandsals is not outdated
13:08 Techrights-sec; The warnings were for decades before that too, but as things started coming to
13:09 Techrights-sec; a head in recent years, the warnings had to increase in both frequency and
13:09 Techrights-sec; loudness. Germany ignored all the "risks"
13:11 Techrights-sec; Thinking about the long term attack against e-mail as a commodity service,
13:11 Techrights-sec; most, nearly all, software development is coordinated using e-mail. Eliminating
13:11 Techrights-sec; that will create chokepoints and crash efficients to a promille of what it is
13:11 Techrights-sec; now.
13:12 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:13 Techrights-sec; Yes, proprietarty silos exist but they cannot spontaneously interact with other
13:13 Techrights-sec; silos, the are not (technically) reliable nor secure/private, and have
13:13 Techrights-sec; very inefficient proprietary interfaces restricted to very specific platforms.
13:14 schestowitz-TR; in messaging, protocols exist or existed too
13:14 schestowitz-TR; now there are many that are islands and proprietary
13:14 schestowitz-TR; i still use the landline a lot
13:15 schestowitz-TR; so-caled 'IT' proficiency makes sure workarounds exist and are used
13:15 schestowitz-TR; but maybe not with "the enterprise"
13:15 schestowitz-TR; so what's needed it better education
13:15 schestowitz-TR; hacker culture
13:15 schestowitz-TR; and stuff such as IRC
13:15 schestowitz-TR; IRC != libera
13:15 schestowitz-TR; libera has its own objectives, almost same staff as OFTC
13:15 schestowitz-TR; or whatever the acronym was
13:15 Techrights-sec; 'IT' has become a euphemism for an embedded M$ Sales team
13:15 Techrights-sec; FSF should not touch Libera with a barge pole
13:16 schestowitz-TR; too late now, i cationed rms about it and quoted his reply
13:16 schestowitz-TR; same re billg in sept. 2019
13:16 Techrights-sec; Not too late, but certainly much less convenient than doing it right the first
13:16 Techrights-sec; time.
13:17 schestowitz-TR; fsf and gnu are now renting off the "intel agencies" of companies that seek to steal from the commons the way i see it, or just steal the commons
13:17 schestowitz-TR; they did a token congrats to zoe when she was annnounced
13:17 schestowitz-TR; a network-wide message was sent
13:17 schestowitz-TR; but nothing pro-rms
13:19 Techrights-sec; ack
13:21 schestowitz-TR; i've not messaged him in month as meaningful exchanges with him are less probable
13:21 schestowitz-TR; he is babysat by someone/s
13:21 schestowitz-TR; it's obscene that gnu/linux continues to grow
13:21 schestowitz-TR; this coming tue turning 39
13:21 schestowitz-TR; but the people who made it happen are stored inside a cupboard
13:22 Techrights-sec; Yes, FSF could prepare a proper Freedom campaign during the coming year,
13:22 Techrights-sec; with contingency plans for taking on Vista12 should the opportunity arise.
13:24 schestowitz-TR; like the absoloute bat*** insane campaign of asking microsoft for windows source code
13:24 schestowitz-TR; ans shipping them a HDD for it?
13:24 schestowitz-TR; iirc, that was mattl idea
13:24 schestowitz-TR; mostly legitimises windows
13:24 schestowitz-TR; and makes it look like we are longing for openWINDOWS
13:24 schestowitz-TR; that's not revolutionary
13:24 schestowitz-TR; but it got a lot of attention from Microsoft 'news' (noise) sites
13:24 schestowitz-TR; maybe because it sucked
13:24 schestowitz-TR; they could instead say something for WINE and even reactOS (the latter is not a good idea either)
13:25 Techrights-sec; Yes that any move to legitimize M$ or Windows is harmful to society not just
13:25 Techrights-sec; software. ReactOS is interesting but less serious than TempleOS
13:25 Techrights-sec; Either way, ReactOS does not do away with the technical shortcomings of
13:25 Techrights-sec; bad design and bad implementation
13:28 schestowitz-TR; echrights-news> The price inflation crisis... not energy https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/09/23/what-you-need-know-about-energy-crisis | Source: Common Dreams
=> ↺ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/09/23/what-you-need-know-about-energy-crisis
13:28 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | What You Need to Know About the Energy Crisis | Richard Heinberg
13:28 schestowitz-TR; -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- www.commondreams.org | Opinion | What You Need to Know About the Energy Crisis | Richard Heinberg
13:29 schestowitz-TR; It was all along a mistake (short-sighted convenience), a HUGE mistake in fact, to build an energy grid and food supply that relies on relations with your political
13:38 Techrights-sec; Ah, that explains the lack of recent development:
13:38 Techrights-sec; "Terry A. Davis (1969 - 2018)"
13:38 Techrights-sec; https://templeos.org/
13:38 Techrights-sec; Now there's just ReactOS left in that category.
13:38 Techrights-sec; https://reactos.org/
13:38 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-templeos.org | TempleOS
13:38 Techrights-sec; In contrast, Haiku OS seems to be doing ok:
13:38 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-reactos.org | Front Page | ReactOS Project
13:38 Techrights-sec; https://www.haiku-os.org/
=> ↺ https://www.haiku-os.org/
13:38 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.haiku-os.org | Home | Haiku Project
13:42 Techrights-sec; http://www.codersnotes.com/notes/a-constructive-look-at-templeos/
=> ↺ http://www.codersnotes.com/notes/a-constructive-look-at-templeos/
13:42 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.codersnotes.com | A Constructive Look At TempleOS
13:42 schestowitz-TR; well, he's dead
13:43 schestowitz-TR; like gary
13:43 schestowitz-TR; died in a bar brawl or something
13:43 schestowitz-TR; perfectly routine
16:26 Techrights-sec; http://www.codersnotes.com/notes/a-constructive-look-at-templeos/
=> ↺ http://www.codersnotes.com/notes/a-constructive-look-at-templeos/
16:26 Techrights-sec; Kildall aparently tried to see a doctor but was sent home
16:26 Techrights-sec; Ian Murdock did actually see a doctor but was beaten a second time at home.
16:26 Techrights-sec; Dang that is going to be seven years ago already.
16:26 Techrights-sec; Who knows what actually happene to him after that. He was ranting online
16:26 Techrights-sec; that he was preparing a description of what had happened. Then he was dead.
16:26 Techrights-sec; His family has been quiet about all that.
16:27 schestowitz-TR; had a friend over for 3 hours, he is also rianne's referee
16:27 schestowitz-TR; so fell behind schedule for the day
16:27 schestowitz-TR; will still do videos later
16:42 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
16:42 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
16:44 schestowitz-TR; had a very very very long talk, inc. what happens in TR with the brigades
16:44 schestowitz-TR; seems likee a very familiar tactic
16:44 schestowitz-TR; I've know him over 20 years
16:44 schestowitz-TR; *known
16:44 schestowitz-TR; he plans to break the world record this winter
16:45 schestowitz-TR; across the road from us at the stadium
16:45 schestowitz-TR; (over 50s)
16:50 Techrights-sec; ack
16:52 schestowitz-TR; turns out the jab ruined his kneww too
16:52 schestowitz-TR; my two best friends here
16:52 schestowitz-TR; both with knee issues because of astrozeneca and knee specialist blames it too
16:52 schestowitz-TR; saying it was very commonplace
16:52 schestowitz-TR; the media... silence
16:52 Techrights-sec; ack
16:52 Techrights-sec; Interesting and unfortunate.
16:58 Techrights-sec; THe media is not quite silent, they amplify the strawman arguments and then
16:58 Techrights-sec; use those to ridicule all dissent up to even merely questioning the approach
16:58 Techrights-sec; chosen by the key pharmaceutical companies
17:01 schestowitz-TR; I will varry on reporting what I see every eweek
17:01 schestowitz-TR; in my own style, which is safe and factual
17:01 schestowitz-TR; if the data becomes less available, less readily accessible, or less complete/reliable (they
17:01 schestowitz-TR; did they several times already; changing defs and announcing "missing" past data)
17:01 schestowitz-TR; then I will turn to alternative sources of data and use those
17:01 schestowitz-TR; I always say,
17:01 schestowitz-TR; it's hard to hide body/bodies or lies about the number of people who died
17:01 schestowitz-TR; because death is a very significant event in one's "life"time
17:01 schestowitz-TR; I also make local copies of many PDFs in my site
17:01 schestowitz-TR; one day the original links will be broken
17:01 schestowitz-TR; esp. if there is greater financial incentive to break them
17:01 schestowitz-TR; and censoring british doctors who cite official data by deleting their youtube accounts won't be enough
17:02 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
17:02 Techrights-sec; Changing the definitions and baselines are the most problematic and deceptive
17:02 Techrights-sec; because it (intentionally) prevents tracking the situation over time.
17:05 schestowitz-TR; told mike, it is AMAZING how, looking at old veideos of that same doctor yesterday/last nightm it turtned out we showed and said the SAQME thing
17:05 schestowitz-TR; though I never watched him before
17:05 schestowitz-TR; because we both ended up chasing death related data
17:05 schestowitz-TR; and en ded up with ONS
17:05 schestowitz-TR; and then reached the exact same conclusions
17:05 schestowitz-TR; and made remarks on omisssions and averages
17:05 schestowitz-TR; except
17:05 schestowitz-TR; I cannot be easily censotred
17:05 Techrights-sec; That adds substantial support to the conclusion then. :/
17:05 schestowitz-TR; whereas he is threatened with loss of ALL his videos ever
17:05 schestowitz-TR; videos that years ago helped save lives in poor countries
17:05 schestowitz-TR; reminds me of winston in 1984
17:05 schestowitz-TR; they steer him towards "rightspeak"
17:05 schestowitz-TR; by intimidation
17:05 schestowitz-TR; 2+2=5
17:08 schestowitz-TR; let's jsut say that my 3 best friends all report very serious angst and (I think) have regarets
17:08 schestowitz-TR; all of them, except one i think, must work with other people and thus to them it is barely a choice
17:08 schestowitz-TR; rianne and i both work from home and it pays off now
17:08 schestowitz-TR; btw, he says i should keep my job
17:08 schestowitz-TR; both he and rianne saw reports today re expectation of 24% or 25% inflation by April
17:08 schestowitz-TR; hence, value of savings will erode considerably
17:08 schestowitz-TR; so I said, ok, I won't rush to leave
17:08 schestowitz-TR; he also knows how severance is canculate for my job
17:08 schestowitz-TR; *calculated
17:08 schestowitz-TR; he isa director (technical company, 3 masters degrees)
17:08 Techrights-sec; Not a surprise. There is also "shrinkflation" at the same time which is hiding
17:08 Techrights-sec; that the situation is even slightly worse than the official numbers.
17:08 Techrights-sec; Excellent that he could advise.
17:10 schestowitz-TR; inflation is not uniform and depends on people's spending habits
17:10 schestowitz-TR; my friend just lost 150k
17:10 schestowitz-TR; to a scam
17:10 schestowitz-TR; and want to try to recover some
17:10 schestowitz-TR; all his money
17:10 schestowitz-TR; his home liquidated
17:10 Techrights-sec; 150k ???
17:10 Techrights-sec; :(
17:12 schestowitz-TR; crypto bros
17:12 schestowitz-TR; got to his via microsoft linkedin
17:12 schestowitz-TR; i am still learning more, lots of communication today
17:12 schestowitz-TR; hence TR will be lower priority
17:12 schestowitz-TR; you'd think a 59 yo lecturers would know better
17:12 schestowitz-TR; turns out not
17:12 schestowitz-TR; people want get-rich-fast schemes
17:13 Techrights-sec; crypto XOR cryptocurrency?
17:13 Techrights-sec; Crypto has been ok but cryprocurrency has been a scam since the beginning
17:13 Techrights-sec; Back in 2009 ...
17:15 schestowitz-TR; in 2022 "linux" also means cryptocranks
17:15 schestowitz-TR; hyperledger etc.
17:15 schestowitz-TR; "fintech"
17:15 schestowitz-TR; banksters
17:15 schestowitz-TR; the brand is without lustre anymore
17:15 schestowitz-TR; sorry to think I spent my whole adult life promoiting this brand
17:15 schestowitz-TR; now I focus on other terms
17:15 schestowitz-TR; I also promotes the term "open source" for a long time
17:15 schestowitz-TR; but sucvh is the nature of subversive tactics
17:15 schestowitz-TR; hijacking wordsds
17:15 schestowitz-TR; so you need to keep on moving
17:15 schestowitz-TR; like switching from SUSE to somehting else
17:15 schestowitz-TR; from SUSE lover and booster to leading a boycott
17:15 Techrights-sec; ack
17:16 schestowitz-TR; gay used to mean happy
17:16 schestowitz-TR; linux used to imply freedom
17:16 schestowitz-TR; freedom means libertarian now I think
17:16 schestowitz-TR; so we need more clarity
17:16 schestowitz-TR; tech authonomy
17:16 schestowitz-TR; etc etc
17:17 schestowitz-TR; we need to move with the times
17:17 schestowitz-TR; the media changes the words
17:17 schestowitz-TR; btw, my fridnd knew far too little about gates
17:17 schestowitz-TR; I brought him up to date
17:17 schestowitz-TR; he was in irc many times over the ywars, but not real name
17:22 Techrights-sec; ack
17:22 Techrights-sec;
17:22 Techrights-sec; digital sovereignty ?
17:22 Techrights-sec; It hurts cyber readiness that Gates' minions are in and out of DC more than
17:22 Techrights-sec; Redmond even.
17:22 Techrights-sec; Windows kills
17:22 schestowitz-TR; i know someone who lost everything because of a microsoft linked scam - famous new words
17:22 schestowitz-TR; *linkedin
17:22 schestowitz-TR; rianne just saw the email
17:22 schestowitz-TR; on the screen
17:22 schestowitz-TR; post mortem
17:48 schestowitz-TR; ----
17:48 schestowitz-TR; it's a crazy day here
17:48 schestowitz-TR; but much being done at "personal life" level
17:48 schestowitz-TR; not online
17:49 schestowitz-TR; so bear with us, rianne will catch up with rss shorly
17:49 schestowitz-TR; I will do videos before midnight
17:49 schestowitz-TR; i still cannot digest the extent of the crypto scam
17:49 schestowitz-TR; and ramifications
17:49 schestowitz-TR; set aside the damage I'm told the jab did
17:49 schestowitz-TR; but only off-the-recrod
17:49 schestowitz-TR; because you get punished severely career-wise for talking about it
17:49 schestowitz-TR; rianne says we learned a lot today
17:49 schestowitz-TR; from her two referees
17:49 schestowitz-TR; btw, the lasagna turned out to be very successful, about 7 servings already
17:49 schestowitz-TR; along with chocolate cake
18:16 schestowitz-TR; your recipe ;-)
19:01 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
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19:57 chunky; wonderful!
21:33 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@pg22z8ea8nzde.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
21:52 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
22:22 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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22:33 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
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22:46 schestowitz-TR; "So, today I received an email about a second community strike, but no action appears to have been taken. Am I being hunted by the dogs? Is my time almost up? I am not sure. As of now, I do not have any notice on the channel itself, but just an email so I thought I would get this message out. If I disappear from the YT kingdom, I will be covertly releasing videos here..." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WRhTZmGuFN0
=> ↺ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WRhTZmGuFN0
22:46 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-yewtu.be | WTH YouTube? | Queen Wiciwici may be after me again! - Invidious
22:46 schestowitz-TR; gulag vs linux channels
22:58 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:01 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@vryz9fzjqmc2k.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
23:57 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
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