IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 23, 2022

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beginning of new day, September 23

00:31 *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-cu4.55m.ksenbp.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

1 AM, September 23

01:08 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

01:10 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

01:32 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

01:32 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

2 AM, September 23

02:02 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.13 [SeaMonkey 2.53.13/20220708150114])

02:03 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@mztzs6dkpajw6.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

3 AM, September 23

03:59 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

4 AM, September 23

04:00 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

5 AM, September 23

05:52 Techrights-sec; Google made that move several years ago already.

05:57 schestowitz-TR; '

05:58 schestowitz-TR; the suggestions you made are good

05:58 schestowitz-TR; if you push them upstream tell me so I can run a git diff ('show')

05:58 schestowitz-TR; and amend manutally at my side for consisntency

05:58 schestowitz-TR; '

05:58 schestowitz-TR; you can split apart and expand too

05:58 schestowitz-TR; I think Daily Links are very important

05:58 schestowitz-TR; and this overlaps TM

6 AM, September 23

06:50 *acer-box__ (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell

06:51 *acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

8 AM, September 23

08:09 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

08:31 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

9 AM, September 23

09:04 *starstreak has quit (connection closed)

09:04 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

09:08 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

09:08 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

09:14 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

09:35 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

09:40 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

09:40 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

09:41 Techrights-sec; It's all but impossible to connect to GMail using IMAPS since they made their

09:41 Techrights-sec; changes, and they've never provided standards-compliant support for the

09:41 Techrights-sec; protocol in the first place.

09:41 schestowitz-TR; i have updated my links template

09:46 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

09:58 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)

10 AM, September 23

10:02 Techrights-sec; ack

10:03 schestowitz-TR; going to cyclke to the shop soon

10:03 schestowitz-TR; last of the season

10:03 schestowitz-TR; still have epo mnaterial, cannot find the time yet to record about it

10:03 schestowitz-TR; maybe tonight

10:10 Techrights-sec; EPO material is very important IMHO

10:11 schestowitz-TR; yeah, this one set of docs is not urgent

10:21 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

11 AM, September 23

11:30 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

noon, September 23

12:12 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

12:12 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

12:23 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

12:23 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

1 PM, September 23

13:44 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

2 PM, September 23

14:05 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:07 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

14:07 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

14:07 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

14:13 *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:14 *wallacer (~quassel@6bsu33ajs4zs4.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

14:14 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

14:15 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

3 PM, September 23

15:54 schestowitz-TR; put away, covered, bicycle and garden furnishing till march or thereabouts

15:54 schestowitz-TR; we did manage to find some foods, but finding discounts got very hard

15:54 schestowitz-TR; and not as good, either

15:54 schestowitz-TR; still doable

15:54 schestowitz-TR; also got in the post a letter about further big increases in energy prices

15:54 schestowitz-TR; despite modest decreses in usage we expect price to be double in a matter of 2 years

15:54 schestowitz-TR; if one has a car (petrol) and children, this is magnified bya lot

15:54 schestowitz-TR; and car ownership if connected to kids as they cannot walk long distances

15:54 schestowitz-TR; based on what I read and hear, we are lucky

15:54 schestowitz-TR; the vindication is there, some mistakes cannot be undone

4 PM, September 23

16:04 schestowitz-TR; ---

16:04 schestowitz-TR; several points

16:04 schestowitz-TR; 1) fruit is hard to find at low prices since months ago

16:04 schestowitz-TR; not related to covid-19, maybe brexit lost us fruit pickers and imports

16:04 schestowitz-TR; 2) we did check prices of energy from other supplers earlier this year; turns out ours is already at the lower scale, maybe cheapest

16:04 schestowitz-TR; 2a) our friends who are a couple pay more than double

16:04 schestowitz-TR; 2b) i turn off some things now when afk (unlike before)

16:04 schestowitz-TR; 3) yesterday in irc i said that the more "sophisticated" (didn't say smart; the word became misleading) a car gets

16:04 schestowitz-TR; the more expensive or hard it is to repair

16:04 schestowitz-TR; some you can no longer tweak or fix yourself like a bicycle (like getting some parts off ebay, unscrewing etc)

16:04 schestowitz-TR; 4) apropos, i read (quickly) the link about finland importing liquified russian gas

16:04 schestowitz-TR; they are so desperate they literally subsidise an aggressive, insane neighbour

16:04 schestowitz-TR; bu t worry not, microcloth will warm up the homes

16:04 schestowitz-TR; by running some datacentres (pentagon spying apparatus) on solar ;-) in winter ;-) it runs on air!!

16:04 schestowitz-TR; 5) mechanics are dishonest also because few are independent

16:05 schestowitz-TR; they are pressured to meet "targets"

16:05 schestowitz-TR; and the agencies are connected to the makers, which cannot sell many "new products" so instead milk existing clientele

16:05 schestowitz-TR; like apple sending price on a steep spike because they cannot sell many anymore (so price unit changed, or "app" ... 'maintenance')

16:05 schestowitz-TR; of course they blame "supply chain" to buy time from impatient shareholders... like how FB's shares tanked

16:05 schestowitz-TR; impacts morale, too

16:05 schestowitz-TR; the price of energy is no laughing matter

16:05 schestowitz-TR; to some people they say it is "eye-watering"

16:05 schestowitz-TR; "I CAN'T PAY IT looking for shouldee rto cry on"

16:05 schestowitz-TR; so we practice reducing usage and reusing energy

16:05 schestowitz-TR; like cooking more things at once in a smaller oven

16:05 schestowitz-TR; making showers shorter (gas-based boiler)

16:05 schestowitz-TR; from what I saw, our energy suppler changed the rate for electricty from 17/unit about 2 years ago to 32 or 35

16:05 schestowitz-TR; i don't watch gas closely; gas is used a lot less here (only water heating)

16:05 schestowitz-TR; i think that's all for now

16:05 schestowitz-TR; I still put finance news in the main TR channel as it is an urgent matter

16:05 schestowitz-TR; I added number above to make referencing easier

16:05 Techrights-sec; ack

16:07 schestowitz-TR; now the news cycle talks about making cities more efficient

16:07 schestowitz-TR; to avert any discussion of cities being massive consumers of energy partly because they're a massive concentration

16:07 schestowitz-TR; of "human biomass"

16:07 schestowitz-TR; which needs heat and more... food.. fertiliser, transport...

16:07 schestowitz-TR; the only solution sounds like incitement to genocide rather than birth control

16:14 schestowitz-TR; maybe if we use terms like "biomass" (like ants) for dramatic effect

16:15 schestowitz-TR; people will start paying more attention

16:15 schestowitz-TR; I wonder what % of mammels is humans who cannot even warm themselves where they reside or easily overheat in summar

16:15 schestowitz-TR; *summer

16:15 schestowitz-TR; the queen is now dead (we will need to cash in our 2000 or so in coins!)

16:15 schestowitz-TR; so delusions of grandeur go away

16:15 schestowitz-TR; the suffering is coming home, too

16:15 schestowitz-TR; coming home to roost

16:15 schestowitz-TR; starting with domestic "peasants" and plebs

16:15 schestowitz-TR; they will not tolerate the parasites at the top

16:15 schestowitz-TR; they will pass more laws

16:15 schestowitz-TR; to us, the digital laws are relevant

16:20 Techrights-sec; ack

16:20 Techrights-sec; much of the privatized car ownership will have to be eliminated from the cities

16:20 Techrights-sec; and even for visitors to the cities if things are to balance in time

16:20 schestowitz-TR; decimated too

16:20 schestowitz-TR; or more public transport

16:20 schestowitz-TR; for families it means being better balanced on budget and more robust to changes in prices

16:20 schestowitz-TR; i think by year's end not many publishers will stay

16:20 schestowitz-TR; eff is becoming a "big business" lobby like LF

16:20 schestowitz-TR; they don't do what they were meant to do

16:20 schestowitz-TR; to survive they get absorbed by the enemy

16:20 schestowitz-TR; like canonical with GAFAM

16:20 schestowitz-TR; and then they say "success"

16:20 schestowitz-TR; while disgusted people walk away

16:20 schestowitz-TR; like happened to novell

16:20 Techrights-sec; I wonder if or how long the FreeBSD foundation or even the OpenBSD Foundation

16:20 Techrights-sec; can hold out before following the sell-out model that the EFF and LF have

16:20 Techrights-sec; chosen to follow.

16:23 schestowitz-TR; LF is already imploding a bit

16:23 schestowitz-TR; part of that is a lack of events, due to covid-19

16:23 schestowitz-TR; 40 million a year iirc

16:23 schestowitz-TR; and they have no grassroots support anymore

16:23 schestowitz-TR; so they will suck up harder and hardeer to github etc.

16:26 Techrights-sec; One of the things that the FreeBSD Foundation has worked hard at is to ensure

16:26 Techrights-sec; that there are many small donors, too, not just big ones. They may not be

16:26 Techrights-sec; the source of the most money but they seem to be enough, for now, to prevent

16:26 Techrights-sec; some of the less scrupulous donord from walking all over the project and looting

16:26 Techrights-sec; it.

16:26 Techrights-sec; There were two relevant (old) articles linked to today or yesterday regarding

16:26 Techrights-sec; the danger of M$ GitHub to projects and to the community in general.

16:40 Techrights-sec; I'd rather the LF expel the microsofters, microsoft apologists, and

16:40 Techrights-sec; GPL-abusers in a reform. I recall about 10 years ago, Linus gave that

16:40 Techrights-sec; famous Q&A session where he swore at Nvidia and then commented about the GPL

16:40 Techrights-sec; choice being his best decision ever. Giving the finger to Nvidia on camera

16:40 Techrights-sec; got a lot of attention, but his bosses at LF, and their bosses, probably

16:40 Techrights-sec; decided that they would have to do him in over the GPL support at that point.

16:40 Techrights-sec; Bruce Perens pointed out that the LF had become more or less a GPL infringers'

16:40 Techrights-sec; club.

16:40 schestowitz-TR; LF does damage

16:41 schestowitz-TR; so we need to reciprocate the damage

16:43 Techrights-sec; They are helping Google / Alphabet and M$ to render the kernel moot.

16:43 Techrights-sec; The latter through restricted boot and OEM monopolies, the former through

16:43 Techrights-sec; their monopoly on smartphones and similar devices which, once the courts clear,

16:43 Techrights-sec; will move quickly to Fuchsia.

16:43 schestowitz-TR; seconds ago, while multitasking, I added an update abour Framework Chromebook

16:43 schestowitz-TR; some people who tried that said it sucked

16:44 schestowitz-TR; not sure they really tried it hands-on

16:44 schestowitz-TR; and they were in a podcast connected to Microsofters

16:44 schestowitz-TR; so maybe just the usual badmouthing

16:44 schestowitz-TR; like wsl boosting

16:44 schestowitz-TR; this week you can really see who's serious about 'linux'

16:44 schestowitz-TR; and who is a pretender or totally clueless (wsl trash)

16:44 Techrights-sec; Framework has gotten otherwise good reviews

16:44 Techrights-sec; so unless there is something specific to ChromeOS I am suspicious of such

16:44 Techrights-sec; outlier reviews.

16:44 Techrights-sec; Canonical is no longer serious.

16:46 schestowitz-TR; framework and several toehrs are subsidised by someones

16:46 schestowitz-TR; to seed faker reviews

16:46 schestowitz-TR; I could name others, but not important for irc (informal)

16:47 schestowitz-TR; it's very easy to tell when a review is real

16:47 schestowitz-TR; phoronix quit being serious

16:47 schestowitz-TR; i was thinking today when cycling that all those that are funded by VC and ebt

16:47 schestowitz-TR; they will be forced to sell out

16:47 schestowitz-TR; even against their will

16:47 schestowitz-TR; ads, corporate cash, anytrhing!

16:47 schestowitz-TR; they are not REALLY in chargwe in any sense

16:47 schestowitz-TR; like om malik (gigaom)

16:47 schestowitz-TR; maybe they dislike their own decisions

16:47 schestowitz-TR; maybe linus still doesn't trust rust

16:47 Techrights-sec; Yes, the loss of Phoronix was sad.

16:47 Techrights-sec; VC tends to insist on sw patents, iirc

16:47 Techrights-sec; and almost prefer liquidation / bankruptcy to a successful launch

16:47 Techrights-sec; Maybe it's less work or less paperwork or a faster, but smaller, return on

16:47 Techrights-sec; the investment.

16:48 schestowitz-TR; maybe the goal is all along a shutdown

16:48 schestowitz-TR; need to chase the financial chain

16:58 Techrights-sec; Yeah pump-and-dump is an accepted tactic by some. IPO-and-crash is a variant.

5 PM, September 23

17:01 schestowitz-TR; got KGs of soft mozarella cheese today almost quarter price

17:01 schestowitz-TR; any saving can be used to sustain the sites

17:01 schestowitz-TR; but it takes more effort to find these

17:01 schestowitz-TR; we checked small fridges last weekend

17:01 schestowitz-TR; but they are expensive to buy, even "on the cheap"

17:01 schestowitz-TR; and then you pay to operate them

17:01 schestowitz-TR; the rpcies of eggs here is INSANE

17:02 Techrights-sec; Small fridges are very inefficient, energywise. There is an optimal size,

17:02 Techrights-sec; for home use, but that optimal size is substantially larger than 'small'

17:05 schestowitz-TR; ok, we need sauce for some of these

17:05 schestowitz-TR; maybe monday we can get missing ingredients

17:05 schestowitz-TR; we have lots of lasagne sheets in the freezer

17:05 schestowitz-TR; but need more stuff

17:05 schestowitz-TR; I'm going to record in a bit

17:05 schestowitz-TR; news has slowed down for the friday

17:05 schestowitz-TR; i need to produce more articles/day but am struggling

17:05 schestowitz-TR; to make enough time for it

17:05 schestowitz-TR; not too sure why

17:11 schestowitz-TR; i doin't want to sayu lost or wasted time in irc

17:11 schestowitz-TR; but i think it was a big part of that lately

17:11 schestowitz-TR; many still envy a thriving irc channel

17:11 schestowitz-TR; and more so a good irc NETWORK

17:11 schestowitz-TR; it also gives a human cloud to the site

17:11 schestowitz-TR; otherwise iot's a site writing to itself

17:11 schestowitz-TR; and lack of feedback can reduce morale

17:11 Techrights-sec; yes, the IRC network part is the most significant aspect. I am saddened

17:11 Techrights-sec; that the EFF and FSF don't have their own or share their own

17:13 schestowitz-TR; i was wrong

17:13 schestowitz-TR; the chef says we do have the neede ingredient

17:13 schestowitz-TR; except the cheese type is not ideal

17:13 schestowitz-TR; it's the one in a bag with water/brine

17:13 schestowitz-TR; we'll see..

17:13 schestowitz-TR; we have too many sheets in the freezer, good opportunity to make space there

17:17 schestowitz-TR; --

17:17 schestowitz-TR; she says ok

17:17 schestowitz-TR; it'll be vegetarian

17:17 schestowitz-TR; we have enough for 2 or more

17:17 schestowitz-TR; i start work in 15 mins

17:17 schestowitz-TR; will still post tm news

17:17 schestowitz-TR; gulag noise (voice, not news) failed to function yesterday

17:17 schestowitz-TR; the asterisk phone is a lot more reliable

17:17 schestowitz-TR; so i wrote in public it's a "broen product"

17:17 schestowitz-TR; *broken

17:17 schestowitz-TR; not my problem, i'm not s shareholder

17:17 schestowitz-TR; they can die in the clown

17:17 schestowitz-TR; "we died, but we did it in style with all the trendy shit'

17:19 Techrights-sec; Louis Rossmann had a recent brief video praising GrapheneOS which he now has

17:19 Techrights-sec; on his phone. He gives an informative review of it.

17:19 Techrights-sec; s/gives/gave/

17:45 schestowitz;

=> ↺

17:45 -TechrightsBN/ | Volkswagen T-Roc 2.0 TDI review - A chunky, fun SUV

17:45 schestowitz; first post from him in a veyr long time

17:45 schestowitz; I totally forgot about him

17:45 schestowitz; another voice silently vanishing

17:45 schestowitz; and you don't even notice till...

17:51 schestowitz;

=> ↺

17:51 -TechrightsBN/ | Kubernetes Basics Explained

17:51 schestowitz; "

17:51 schestowitz; Once you've written your first container-based application and have it running in Docker or Podman, you're ready to move to the next level, says Don Schenck. That means multiple applications microservices running within a managed environment, such as Kubernetes.

17:51 schestowitz; In this article, Schenck briefly explains Kubernetes basics, including names, ports, YAML files, secrets, and more.

17:51 schestowitz; "

6 PM, September 23

18:11 schestowitz; [18:10] Phoronix marketing spam: "Solidigm kindly provided the 1TB and 2TB units as review samples for testing at Phoronix. They provided two of the 1GB drives, which will be interesting for a Linux RAID follow-up benchmarking article."

=> ↺

18:11 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Solidigm P41 Plus NVMe SSD Review - Phoronix

18:11 schestowitz; about $300 in gifts

18:11 schestowitz; less than a day's work

18:14 Techrights-sec; ack

18:14 Techrights-sec; :(

18:14 schestowitz-TR; just to be very clear:

18:14 schestowitz-TR; he is NOT returning these

18:14 schestowitz-TR; he keeps them for "just in case"

18:14 schestowitz-TR; future "benchmarks"

18:14 schestowitz-TR; then ebay or whatever

18:16 schestowitz-TR; ---

18:16 schestowitz-TR; i remember when he used to actually buy what he reviwed

18:16 schestowitz-TR; in irc I posted other reecent examples

18:16 schestowitz-TR; sp-called newsa na revie sites

18:16 schestowitz-TR; that even admit upfront they review a product sent to them by the company

18:16 schestowitz-TR; and the review was "sponsored"

18:16 schestowitz-TR; www = disinfo

18:16 schestowitz-TR; another kind of it

18:19 schestowitz-TR; ---

18:19 schestowitz-TR; so you look at marketing basically

18:19 schestowitz-TR; good value for money for these companies

18:19 schestowitz-TR; phoronix is collecitn lots of laptops sent to him

18:19 schestowitz-TR; from all the supposedly "linux" OEMs

18:19 schestowitz-TR; for "benchmarks"

18:19 schestowitz-TR; but AMD was the step too far

18:19 schestowitz-TR; those CPUs are incredible expensive

18:19 schestowitz-TR; he can "liquidate one per 6 months and living off it for 6 months where he is

18:19 schestowitz-TR; IL or Mich. iirc

18:19 schestowitz-TR; *incredibly

18:19 schestowitz-TR; "EPYC"

18:19 schestowitz-TR; and "threadripper"

18:19 schestowitz-TR; even ampere sent him one

18:19 schestowitz-TR; they cost like a car

18:19 Techrights-sec; spiraling into debt to vendors

18:19 Techrights-sec; yes but its not a beneficial relationship for him. They have started him on

18:19 Techrights-sec; a death spiral and are extracting value on his way down. He, in return, gets

18:19 Techrights-sec; little to nothing in exchange for burning his followership.

18:22 schestowitz-TR; the cycle, ime, goes like this

18:22 schestowitz-TR; site gains reputation

18:22 schestowitz-TR; gains following

18:22 schestowitz-TR; faces financial dilemma

18:22 schestowitz-TR; ("i want to do this full time")

18:22 schestowitz-TR; readers chiop in (or supporters, a la fsf)

18:22 schestowitz-TR; then it's not enough

18:22 schestowitz-TR; never enough

18:22 schestowitz-TR; so you signal you need "big bucks"

18:22 schestowitz-TR; you get some

18:22 schestowitz-TR; and then small sponsored feel unnecessary

18:22 schestowitz-TR; and stop funding

18:22 schestowitz-TR; then the site/org is depeendent on the "big money"

18:22 schestowitz-TR; LF used to get money off of people's credit card spendings

18:22 schestowitz-TR; when you reach this last phase you are at the mercy of the wrong entiries

18:22 schestowitz-TR; like christine hall

18:22 schestowitz-TR; asking for MONEY for fossforce like 8 years ago

18:22 schestowitz-TR; raised over $1000

18:22 schestowitz-TR; when kenstarks wrote therer

18:22 schestowitz-TR; now sporting LF spam all over the site

18:23 schestowitz-TR; they planted a flag there

18:23 schestowitz-TR; psydroid2: giftronix

18:26 schestowitz-TR; just checked; half od today'd phoronix articles have no comments

18:26 schestowitz-TR; reminds me of ipwatchdog

18:26 schestowitz-TR; later they start hiding the count

18:26 schestowitz-TR; spamnil started hiding viewcounts too

18:26 schestowitz-TR; just checked

18:26 schestowitz-TR; yes, it's still hidden

18:26 schestowitz-TR; it wasn't like this before

18:26 schestowitz-TR; in youtube he cannot hide # of vieww

18:26 schestowitz-TR; so needs to pay for clickfraud

18:26 schestowitz-TR; checking youtube..

18:26 schestowitz-TR; no videos in 3 days already

18:26 schestowitz-TR; there are videos there for over 1 week with 13 views

18:26 schestowitz-TR; better hurry up with those bots, swap

18:27 Techrights-sec; Again, I say it looks like a goal of the LF is to create animosity against

18:27 Techrights-sec; the brand and degrade the trademark.

18:29 schestowitz-TR; i don't see the framing like this

18:29 schestowitz-TR; rather than ctively attack it

18:29 schestowitz-TR; they milk it

18:29 schestowitz-TR; "monetise it"

18:29 schestowitz-TR; for short-term money-grabbing self-promotiunal purposes

18:29 schestowitz-TR; and the members take a share of the deflation

18:29 schestowitz-TR; as they deflame 30 years of gratis advocacy's value

18:29 schestowitz-TR; apple is still a very powerful brand

18:29 schestowitz-TR; but apple spent many billions lying to people

18:29 schestowitz-TR; so they revere it

18:29 schestowitz-TR; seen it in paid placement in movies etc.

18:29 schestowitz-TR; paid celebs in queues in apple sotres..

18:29 Techrights-sec; That too, the two types of attack are not mutually exclusive.

18:29 Techrights-sec; It is, in part, the organizational equivalent of character assassination so

18:29 Techrights-sec; that no one complains when the plug is pulled.

18:32 schestowitz-TR; wow, spamnil has done clickfruad for 5 months already

18:32 schestowitz-TR; if you go beyond that you see

18:32 schestowitz-TR; 6 months, 13 views lol

18:32 schestowitz-TR; that's like 1 view per 2 weeks

18:32 schestowitz-TR; fleecing firms via LF

18:32 schestowitz-TR; frauds

18:33 Techrights-sec; yep

18:33 schestowitz-TR; open sores

18:37 schestowitz-TR; in hindsight, re brand dilution

18:37 schestowitz-TR; in his video he has a wal with the word "linux" on it

18:37 schestowitz-TR; the show is about proprietary crap

18:37 schestowitz-TR; and the show is done on an apple mac

18:47 Techrights-sec; Yes, one of the goals is to milk the brand while destroying its value and

18:47 Techrights-sec; reputation. With the reputation gone, it cannot come back. With the value gone

18:47 Techrights-sec; no one will be able to afford to try.

18:47 Techrights-sec; Linus is in the unenviable situation where his imployer is actively working

18:47 Techrights-sec; against him and working to eradicate his past, present, and future work.

18:48 schestowitz-TR; works

18:48 schestowitz-TR; github

18:48 schestowitz-TR; remember what it does

18:48 schestowitz-TR; commodity under attack

18:49 Techrights-sec; s/work/works/

18:49 Techrights-sec; Yes, that's a general theme everywhere: decommoditization

18:49 Techrights-sec; see also your comments about e-mail protocols earlier

18:49 Techrights-sec; Other areas include productivity software file formats and even GNU/Linux distros, the latter via systemd

18:52 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@58nejqa2kp9h2.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

7 PM, September 23

19:11 schestowitz-TR; Connection to Linux? ZERO! Why cover this? "Thanks to Rakoit for sending us the Arylic S50 Pro+ for todays audio test."

=> ↺

19:11 -TechrightsBN/ | Review of Arylic S50 Pro+ wireless stereo pre-amplifier - CNX Software

19:15 schestowitz-TR; Microsoft moles in Linux kernel, destroying POSIX

=> ↺

19:16 -TechrightsBN/ | [PATCH 0/2] fs/ntfs3: Add option "nocase" and refactoring - Konstantin Komarov

19:18 Techrights-sec; There was a blog post recently about FreeBSD and the maneuver to sink

19:18 Techrights-sec; POSIX rather than update it.

19:18 Techrights-sec; Eliminating POSIX was pushed as a good thing by that blogger.

19:18 Techrights-sec; POSIX is far more important than most people know, even among those few that

19:18 Techrights-sec; know of POSIX.

19:20 schestowitz-TR; when many systems can integrate we reduce wasteful coding

19:20 schestowitz-TR; when many systemd bits of shit infect stuff, and get changes every release (weeks apart)

19:20 schestowitz-TR; we have islands and things like ssh can barely work

19:20 schestowitz-TR; no consistent universl rules for file names

19:20 schestowitz-TR; systemd is not controlled by Microsoft

19:20 schestowitz-TR; (now

19:22 schestowitz-TR; Microsoft-funded 'analyst': "If we normalize projects baiting developers with an open source license to gain traction and switching to a non-open source license to monopolize the returns on that traction, then the logical next step for investors will be skipping that first step entirely."

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19:22 -TechrightsBN/ | The Dead End tecosystems

19:25 Techrights-sec; It's the parable of the broken window all over again:

19:25 Techrights-sec;

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19:25 Techrights-sec; The world benefits when there are commodities and when the effort goes into

19:25 Techrights-sec; growth and improvement and efficiency. A tiny minority benefit, at the cost

19:25 Techrights-sec; of everyone else, when things are not commodities. Some 15 years ago

19:25 Techrights-sec; there was a lot of public and high-level discussion of commodity markets.

19:25 Techrights-sec; Even Nokia chairman Jorma Ollila spoke about the benefits of commodity markets.

19:25 -TechrightsBN/ | That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen; by Frederic Bastiat

19:25 Techrights-sec; Though the articles covering those statements have long since been eradicated

19:25 Techrights-sec; from magazines, newspapers, and journals stil in existence.

8 PM, September 23

20:16 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

20:43 *Mio14 has quit (Connection closed)

20:44 *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-rh1.ag9.u5m0nn.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

9 PM, September 23

21:24 *Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

10 PM, September 23

22:13 DaemonFC; systemd doesn't even work consistently between GNU/Linux distributions.

22:13 DaemonFC; Its goal isn't to have stable releases.

22:16 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

22:17 schestowitz; >

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22:17 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Invidious:

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22:17 schestowitz; Good video. Thanks!

22:17 schestowitz; Will share.

22:17 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Record excess deaths in Europe - Invidious

22:17 schestowitz; Yesterday:

22:17 schestowitz;

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22:17 -TechrightsBN/ Blog Archive Figures From UKs Office for National Statistics (ONS) Confirm: This Past Summer COVID-19 Caused the Most Deaths

22:18 schestowitz-TR; Record Excess Deaths in Europe

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22:18 -TechrightsBN/ Blog Archive Record Excess Deaths in Europe

22:24 schestowitz; >

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22:24 schestowitz; I sent this to rianne. She says she knows him and watched many of his videos.

22:24 schestowitz; What he says is similar to what I've written hundreds of blog posts about, citing the official data, based it on verifiable facts.

22:34 *techrights_guest|84 (~0e61191e@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

11 PM, September 23

23:04 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: right

23:05 schestowitz-TR; and ICBM has advantage

23:05 schestowitz-TR; or Microsoft

23:05 schestowitz-TR; they can intentionally break other distros

23:08 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: also see the video above

23:22 *techrights_guest|84 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)

IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 23, 2022

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