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00:24 *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)
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01:19 *britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
03:01 *Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
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03:02 *Topic for #boycottnovell is: TechRights.org | Channel #boycottnovell for http://TechRights.org | Free Software Sentry watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social
03:02 *Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@haii6za73zabc.irc at Tue Jun 1 20:22:10 2021
03:02 *libertybox (~schestowitz_log@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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03:15 *schestowitz[TR] (~schestowi@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell
06:00 acer-box; rant: 2.5 hours ago bt rebooted the router after it had remoately sent an update the night before
06:00 acer-box; I didn't check last night if there was a firmware upate
06:00 acer-box; first time since April IIRC
06:00 acer-box; anyway, 2.5 hours of gemini downtime alone with various other annoyances
06:00 acer-box; but at least that did not happen during the most important cron jobs
06:00 acer-box; so all in all recovery did not take long,
06:00 acer-box; maostly had to reconnect to sessions and rerun some monitoring tasks
06:00 acer-box; BT can do this again at any timew
06:00 acer-box; without alerting us
08:04 Techrights-sec; ack
08:07 acer-box; asny router that requies downtime or patching means IP address changes and such
08:07 acer-box; so I think the issue right now is, assuming no more electric outages, isn't a UPS
08:07 acer-box; or another router
08:07 acer-box; unless there's some magic one that alwayys works perfectly and never needs patching
08:07 acer-box; techrightss was again listed as 10k in lupa (first time sincer thew outage), not it's at 9955 due to it
08:07 acer-box; of course lupa doesn't mean s*** but that's just a reminder that for 2.5 hours when I was afk nobody could reach
08:07 acer-box; the capsule
08:07 acer-box; my fault was ignoring rianne's warningh, who said she could not reach the address
08:07 acer-box; I was just too tired
08:07 acer-box; she uses this address to save her files too
08:07 acer-box; I've meanwhile resumed ipfs on the pi
08:07 acer-box; I want to see if running it actually worsens access to objects
08:08 Techrights-sec; one work-around is to use ddclient to assign an A name via a dynamic DNS service
08:08 Techrights-sec; and then have gemini.techrights.org be a CNAME which points to the A name
08:08 Techrights-sec; ack
08:08 Techrights-sec; https://ddclient.net/
08:08 Techrights-sec; apt-cache search ddclient
08:08 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-ddclient.net | Home page - ddclient docs
08:09 acer-box; I like the idea of dynamic dns, except if I understand correctly that means I hand over control of the domain to some third party
08:09 acer-box; one that can "manage" the assignement for me
08:09 acer-box; afqaik gemini does not easily support multiple domains for the same cert
08:10 Techrights-sec; no, you would use a second domain, though that second domain would be under
08:10 Techrights-sec; the control of the dynamic DNS service. It has an API that ddclient can
08:10 Techrights-sec; interacte with and keep updated as to the actual IPv4 address. No changes
08:10 Techrights-sec; to the gemini certificat is needed.
08:11 acer-box; I think this is the first time this year my ip address changes while I'm afk
08:11 acer-box; if that happens again, I'll look into it
08:11 acer-box; another option is an alerting system re the router
08:11 acer-box; with sound alarms
08:11 acer-box; rianne warned me already, but I didn't realise our address had changed
08:11 acer-box; and went back to sleep
08:11 Techrights-sec; Catalyst2.net might offer a dynamic service
08:11 Techrights-sec; as well, for a fee or as part of the service
08:13 acer-box; today it took 10-15 mins for the dns changes toi propaganda through to the dns server I use via bt
08:13 acer-box; so even if that dynamic scheme worked, there would still be downtime
08:13 acer-box; depending on how quickly people's isps (or gulkag or clownflare...) update the record
08:13 *britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
08:24 Techrights-sec; not so much down time since the CNAME would always point ot the same A name
08:24 Techrights-sec; and the A name would have the short TTL
08:26 Techrights-sec; It'd be easy to set up dynamic DNS for TR but the question is where.
08:26 Techrights-sec; As mentioned, perhaps Catalyst2 offers the service. I think you'd have to
08:26 Techrights-sec; contact their support to find out the answer though.
08:26 Techrights-sec; Otherwise, companies like No-IP have both "free" and paid for options:
08:26 Techrights-sec; https://www.noip.com/sign-up
=> ↺ https://www.noip.com/sign-up
08:26 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.noip.com | Sign Up - Create a No-IP Dynamic DNS Account
08:26 acer-box; tuxmachines used no-ip for a long time
08:26 acer-box; remember no-ip itself had a major incident over a decade ago
08:26 acer-box; and susan was affected
08:26 Techrights-sec; M$ or something decided to block No_IP for a while
08:28 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
08:28 acer-box; oh, yes, there was that too
08:28 acer-box; but there was a prior incident or incident
08:28 acer-box; that's why I said "third party" earlier
08:28 acer-box; many that use clownflare or some of the other '\acccelerators'/CDNs occasionalyl have downtime outside their control
08:28 acer-box; even EFF was down for very many hours due to this ~2 years ago
08:28 acer-box; these fallbacks are, in essence, add yet another layer or tier of failure
08:28 acer-box; instead of makin things more robust
08:29 Techrights-sec; Or you could write your own in Python or Perl since there is access to the
08:29 Techrights-sec; remote machine. The question would be how to update the Catalyst2 DNS entry
08:29 Techrights-sec; in an automated manner.
08:29 acer-box; if it happens again when I am afak, I can set up alarms
08:36 Techrights-sec; The easy part is feching the current external IP address.
08:38 acer-box; yes, I do this from the CLI already.
08:38 acer-box; automating update of dns records comes with its own risk
08:38 acer-box; human operator//supervision is better
08:38 acer-box; in theory something like pingdom phjone alert with your new ip address
08:38 acer-box; then you can log in and enter it
08:38 acer-box; but you can get flase positives as many things can go wrong
08:43 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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08:47 Techrights-sec; logging in and changing it manually is repetitive and wasteful of time though
08:47 acer-box; if that happens 4 times a year and usually I detect it right away (I have alerts here), then I can live with it
08:49 Techrights-sec; ack
09:03 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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09:24 acer-box; August 2022 Sets New Record Lows for PCR Testing (We're Blinding Ourselves to COVID-19), Positively Rate Climbed From Under 1% in August 2020 to 6% This Year https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/08/18/tests-of-covid-19/
=> ↺ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/08/18/tests-of-covid-19/
09:24 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com Blog Archive August 2022 Sets New Record Lows for PCR Testing (Were Blinding Ourselves to COVID-19), Positively Rate Climbed From Under 1% in August 2020 to 6% This Year
09:58 acer-box; trying to locate breakdown of net b/w by prtocol
09:58 acer-box; sandvine used to do analyses
09:58 acer-box; but they seem to have languished this past decade
09:58 acer-box; this is the kind of s*** media SHOULDbe covering
09:58 acer-box; instead getting "ideas" (ASSIGNEMENTS) from GAFAM PR depts. :
09:58 acer-box; :(
10:00 Techrights-sec; ack
10:02 acer-box; https://nitter.it/AdeleMcVayAHF/status/1560163037914566657#m
=> ↺ https://nitter.it/AdeleMcVayAHF/status/1560163037914566657#m
10:02 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Adele (@AdeleMcVayAHF): "Here's Dr Pizza, convicted paedophile, invested a lot of time on here upset at women asserting boundaries. http://techrights.org/2020/08/16/microsoft-peter-convicted/"|nitter.it
=> http://techrights.org/2020/08/16/microsoft-peter-convicted/"|nitter.it
10:05 acer-box; just saw it via script
10:05 acer-box; I still think TR needs to focus on topics other media fails to report on
10:05 acer-box; doing "me tooism" is pointless and has no material contribution
10:05 acer-box; the immaterial stuff is suppressed stuff, invaluable due to scarcity
10:05 Techrights-sec; ack
10:06 acer-box; if netflix has more drm competitor or if drm as a whole is a bubble (video drm/eme), it'll be interesting
10:07 acer-box; to see protocol breakdown in 20202
10:07 acer-box; still researching this...
10:08 Techrights-sec; The nitter link goes to someone trying to gaslight the poster for pointing
10:08 Techrights-sec; out facts about several criminals having been convicted in court
10:08 Techrights-sec; I don't get how people are still trying to defend that microsofter.
10:08 Techrights-sec; The poster holds her own, but it is shocking that there are attempts at
10:08 Techrights-sec; gaslighting her
10:10 acer-box; I've looked at the context
10:10 acer-box; and still lack context
10:10 acer-box; twitter is like a scene of an accident
10:10 acer-box; either way, I'd focus on real news sites
10:10 acer-box; not such gossip
10:10 acer-box; mastodon is languishing also
10:10 acer-box; diaspora is zombie/dead man walking
10:10 acer-box; FB admits loss of users
10:10 acer-box; trying to compensate with "engagement"
10:10 acer-box; 'doping' for traffic
10:10 acer-box; we don't need to wait for them to die
10:10 acer-box; they will die
10:10 acer-box; we need to move on already
10:11 Techrights-sec; as for the earlier question about bandwidth, here is a link without sources:
10:11 Techrights-sec; https://circleid.com/posts/20220221-the-explosive-growth-of-worldwide-broadband-usage
=> ↺ https://circleid.com/posts/20220221-the-explosive-growth-of-worldwide-broadband-usage
10:11 Techrights-sec; social control media mostly exists for spreading disinformation and more
10:11 Techrights-sec; generally for mass manipulation of public opinion
10:11 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-circleid.com | The Explosive Growth of Worldwide Broadband Usage
10:12 acer-box; thanks, looking...
10:12 acer-box; I think Internet freedom is closely related to software freedom, in a number of ways..
10:12 acer-box; and there is not enough reporting on the state of the Net
10:12 acer-box; some conflate twitter with "the Internet'\
10:12 acer-box; like "gmail" with email etc.
10:12 acer-box; they confine themselves to bubbles
10:14 acer-box; bubbles and echoi chambers or sorts
10:14 acer-box; where some "trending hashtag" is like the centre of the(ir) universe
10:15 Techrights-sec; https://www.sandvine.com/hubfs/Sandvine_Redesign_2019/Downloads/2022/flipbooks/Global%20Internet%20Phenomena%20Report%202022/global-internet-phenomena-report-2022.html
10:15 Techrights-sec; yes very much a correlation
10:15 Techrights-sec; or conflate the 'Web' with The Internet, where the web from their point of view
10:15 Techrights-sec; is basically the browser acting as a VM for unvetted scripts of dodgy provenance
10:15 Techrights-sec; The 'trending' part is generally a lie and the 'hashtag' has been chosen by
10:15 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Sandvine GIPR January 2022
10:15 Techrights-sec; that social control media company for focus.
10:31 Techrights-sec; they inject unvetted code of unknown origin into the browser to run blindly
10:31 Techrights-sec; in place of static data. Static data would be much more efficient to produce
10:31 Techrights-sec; and publish but that must not be the goal any more.
10:43 acer-box; lol, wtf happened to the sandvine site
10:43 acer-box; \they give "app"
10:43 acer-box; not pages :-)
10:43 acer-box; I've added a crude first draft
10:43 acer-box; my worries from 5 years ago seem to be a reality
10:43 acer-box; too many "phones"
10:43 acer-box; and "apps"
10:43 acer-box; and no concept of what web browsing really is
11:24 Techrights-sec; checking
11:24 Techrights-sec; [ytalks] 0:ytalk*
11:32 acer-box; I think we're at skinnerbox stage "online"
11:33 acer-box; netflix, "apps"...
11:33 acer-box; think of someone in africa with only an android gadget
11:33 acer-box; repeating and copying what they see/read
11:44 Techrights-sec; yep
11:44 Techrights-sec; TV (incl netflix hulu and others) no longer reflects society but is there to
11:44 Techrights-sec; shape it
11:47 acer-box; it is generally easier to commandeer populations that think alike
11:47 acer-box; social norms are OK
11:47 acer-box; but now there seem to be effort to divide along BS lines
11:47 acer-box; the british did this in india and 'pakistan'
11:47 Techrights-sec; not just divide but also cultivate bizarre values, ethics, and mores
11:50 acer-box; I saw a very bizarre example of it yesterday but forgot what it was
12:03 acer-box; dr. dobbs is compromised and lxer has just linked to a 2014 (!!!!!) article from it, entitled "redmon's remarkable reversal"
12:03 acer-box; what the fork is lxer doing?
12:03 Techrights-sec; it's common enough, most young people spend far more contact hours with the
12:03 Techrights-sec; various corporate skinner boxes than they do with friends+family combined
12:03 Techrights-sec; If you think about how much bad influence one kid acting out in class
12:03 Techrights-sec; was, that was the results of only a few minutes per day. Not only are kids
12:03 Techrights-sec; spending /hours/ per day being programmed, but the skinner boxes are adaptive
12:04 Techrights-sec; and change their interaction for maximal influence and control
12:04 Techrights-sec; "engagement"
12:04 Techrights-sec; Speaking of crap UIs, the new Thunderbird UI is a step or two downward
12:04 acer-box; thunderbird was ok before ryan started messing with it, breaking a ton of extensions very quickly
12:04 acer-box; all they had to do was keep gecko up to date, more or less
12:12 Techrights-sec; ack
12:13 acer-box; you need 200mb of ram to check a football score over a web browser now
12:13 acer-box; and the pages do not look better than 20 years ago
12:13 acer-box; you also need to open like 20,000 files on your system for it
12:21 acer-box; exercise to the 'reader': come up with "real world" analogies for the scenario above
12:21 acer-box; (i need to free up or use up about 2gb of ram just to open thunderbird now... to read a 2k email message)
12:21 acer-box; "can you scratch my back?" "sure we'll book you for a 1-hour $100 massage sesssion"
12:21 acer-box; "I want to try french cheese" "oh, you need to book a holiday to france"
12:21 acer-box; "I need to scan a QR code to get a URL" "Your phone is too old, you need a quad-core new phone"
12:21 acer-box; "excuse me, where is the bathroom?" "The house across the road is on sale"
12:21 acer-box; "Can you replace my casio battery?" "We have a all new range of casios... why do you still use a 90s watch?" (true story)
12:22 *britney has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
12:27 Techrights-sec; ack
12:29 acer-box; i still receive a lot of email, most of it spam, and I check it at most once a day
12:29 acer-box; I don't even WANT to receive legit email anymore
12:29 acer-box; I prefer NOT to
12:29 acer-box; last night I checked "sent" folder
12:29 acer-box; I sent on average about 2 emails per day
12:29 acer-box; most of them are relatively short
12:29 acer-box; thunderbird does not make the email experience any better anymore
12:29 acer-box; opening it is a burden and nuisance
12:29 acer-box; contrariwise, irc is fun, fast, and light
12:34 acer-box; what needs to be accomplished, I think, is change in perspewctive re patents, Web/Net, censorship prospeccts, etc.
12:34 acer-box; and of course reminding people what Microsoft really is
12:35 acer-box; if you can change the minds of x people
12:35 acer-box; those x people can change the minds of y people
12:35 acer-box; either type x or number [x]
12:35 acer-box; and that's how society has betterment prospects
12:35 acer-box; the www and wikipedia, even cc, were inspired by gnu
12:35 acer-box; gnu itself was inspired by some political movements and thinkers
12:35 acer-box; some people run sites, thinking it would flourish as a business
12:35 acer-box; eff was barlow's way of changing the world, along with online friends
12:35 acer-box; the people who run eff mistake it for something else now
12:35 acer-box; spamnil is still clickfrauding (I checked last night... not sure if to laugh or shake my head)
12:46 Techrights-sec; a confound there is social control media and the agenda(s) of those who control
12:46 Techrights-sec; it
12:48 acer-box; ksa:
12:48 acer-box; we own twitter (partially)
12:48 acer-box; by far the most pro-isis accounts are based in ksa (study)
12:48 acer-box; we send moles to work as STAFF of Twitter, fishing dissidents
12:48 acer-box; we use Twitter to put critics on trial
12:48 acer-box; that's just one example: ksa
12:48 acer-box; it is a multi-stakeholder platform
12:48 acer-box; I am still not happy with their handling of covid and response to it
12:49 acer-box; i think must genuinely wanted to buy it
12:49 acer-box; then it saw it was lots of sockpuppet and crap
12:49 acer-box; falsely marketed to investors
12:49 acer-box; and to "media" that uses "tweets" as authoritative links
12:49 Techrights-sec; yes multiple interests work through twitter and the others
12:53 acer-box; is tiktok profitable? i know what 'media' might say, but net, overall, no small prints a la uber
12:53 acer-box; does the thing make money or just a power broker?
12:53 Techrights-sec; as a means to control the youth of the US? As such it is probably an excellent
12:53 Techrights-sec; return on investment? If that is not counted, then it's probably also running
12:53 Techrights-sec; at a loss
12:55 acer-box; 2020: the skinnerbox wars
12:55 acer-box; WHOSE box will you take? nintendo/sony (jp) or mirosoft (china)?
12:55 acer-box; whose "apps" will you run? who runs your synapses?
12:55 acer-box; "pick your poison"
12:55 acer-box; (console: waste of time, paralysing a future generation, numbing the brain)
12:56 Techrights-sec; They're still talking about "revenue" not profit,
12:56 Techrights-sec; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-06-23/tiktok-becomes-cash-machine-with-revenue-tripling-to-12-billion
12:56 Techrights-sec; So the conclusion is that it is running deeply into the red still.
12:56 Techrights-sec; It probably always will.
12:56 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
12:58 acer-box; you can BUY "revenue"
12:58 acer-box; example: dumping
12:58 acer-box; bribery
12:58 acer-box; ads, banners, subsidies
12:58 acer-box; increasing revenue is the easy part
12:58 acer-box; give me $10,000,000,000 and I can create a LARGE company
12:58 acer-box; will it be a good RoI? haha, that's the hard part
12:58 acer-box; in-q-tel
12:58 acer-box; (or pentagjon graft)
12:58 acer-box; all those "successful" businesses
13:05 *acer-box is now known as schestowitz-TR2
13:15 *roy is now known as ts2
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16:18 schestowitz-TR2; I took 2 days off work next week: tue and weds
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; the site is holding up well do far
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; it "feels" like over time adding new pages is a little slower
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; but I suppose it might be db-related
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; and it's still reasonably fast
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; we're talking about sub-1sec for key steps
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; and we're probably at page 700+ by now
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; also, some bots are starting to hammer away
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; this is OK
16:18 Techrights-sec; ack
16:18 Techrights-sec; should the bots be identified and rate-limited?
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; at least we get indexed quickly
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; I think that for visibility of all pages we'll need daily/weekly/monthly archive pags
16:18 schestowitz-TR2; we don't have categories (no need, those were typically a nuisance anyway)
16:19 schestowitz__[TR]; "Posted by bob "
16:19 schestowitz__[TR]; http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/319827/index.html
=> ↺ http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/319827/index.html
16:19 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-LXer: Redmond's Remarkable Reversal
16:19 schestowitz__[TR]; this is bad as it is OLD and he is the founder
16:19 schestowitz__[TR]; weird choice of news pick today
16:21 Techrights-sec; on a slightly different topic, would this be relevent to have:
16:21 Techrights-sec; https://securitytxt.org/
16:21 Techrights-sec; maybe he has sold out / is selling out?
16:21 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-securitytxt.org | security.txt: Proposed standard for defining security policies
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; I hope not becayse
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; 1) his PREVIOUS site, LinuxToday, sold out
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; 2) I soemtiems find picks in lxer
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; 3) this is not good for temper (I really dislike seeing antyhing Microsoft in my feeds when I actively look for the ALTERNATIVES to it)
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; what might be useful and risk-free to do first is,
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; change the text at the top of all pages (the one that says go to old site)
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; and maybe add a link to the rss feed in
16:25 schestowitz-TR2; robots.txt already gives OK defaultsa
16:25 schestowitz__[TR]; From old site: (under )
=> ↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/feed"
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16:54 Techrights-sec; ack
16:54 Techrights-sec; There is no RSS feed, but there is an Atom feed at the new site. That has to
16:54 Techrights-sec; do with the limitations of the feed generation module which is in use rather
16:54 Techrights-sec; than writing a new module. The link is already present in the head of the
16:54 Techrights-sec; XHTML documents:
16:54 Techrights-sec;
16:54 Techrights-sec; The text pointing to the old site which also names the new site as an alpha
16:54 Techrights-sec; version ought to be removed if the old site is no longer getting updates.
16:54 schestowitz-TR2; at the moment it is sort of self-referential because of a redirect
17:03 schestowitz-TR2; I've just released trial/prosecutor docs on Graveley
17:03 schestowitz-TR2; I think he's trying hard to hide this by
17:03 schestowitz-TR2; 1) create a NEW twitter account
17:03 schestowitz-TR2; s) creating a site with fluff and lies
17:03 schestowitz-TR2; 3) using sockpuppets
17:04 schestowitz-TR2; we run circles around him
17:04 schestowitz-TR2; and he is a MASSIVE liability to MS and Mono
17:04 Techrights-sec; ok the navigation menu is updated now
17:04 schestowitz__[TR]; "
17:04 schestowitz__[TR]; () These pages are on an alpha (tesing) site.
17:04 schestowitz__[TR]; For the production/live site, please see tuxmachines.org instead.
17:04 schestowitz__[TR]; "
17:05 schestowitz__[TR]; much cleaner now without it
17:05 schestowitz__[TR]; I assume we want to keep it simple, stupid
17:05 schestowitz__[TR]; like in gemini
17:06 Techrights-sec; yep
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; I was thinking for two days no
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; *now
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; how to differentiate the UDPATED bits from latest
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; I checked css selectors
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; and ascii
17:10 Techrights-sec; which updated bits, where?
17:10 Techrights-sec; time of creation can be folded in so that it will behave as expected
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; and maybe separattors
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; of id or span in the markup
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; the reason being, both rianne and marius thought their new pages had failed to appear
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; because they didn't know it prioritised by time of update
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; so then I thought, could I use css to somehow highlight one bit as different?
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; the db just sorts by date_modified so once it printf's them there's nothing except the word "UPDATE" to say it's bumped up
17:10 schestowitz-TR2; so I still don't know of an elegant approach
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; I think it does behave as expected
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; except the items where modified date is not the same as creation (newer than todat at midnight)
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; could be marked as such
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; like "hot stories"
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; ongoing, updates etc.
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; they stay on top as long as some sites still cover the theme/news
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; and are therefore (typically) more important news
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; like the pine64 contreoversy
17:13 schestowitz-TR2; or the chinese distro, deepin
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; -----
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; btw, if you see the graveley docs I've just publish, you'd know whyt it took so long to put esptein in prison (FL, acosta)
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; and why there's no way they'll put billg behind bars again
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; as the saying goes, "bought and paid for" (legal system)
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; but in the court of public opinion, that's another matter
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; iow, the real trial might be in the independent media
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; now some robed shills
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; *not
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; twitter will just ban people who try to do "trial by social media"
17:16 schestowitz-TR2; unless it's conformant with objectives of twitter's owners
17:20 Techrights-sec; ack
17:20 Techrights-sec; ok the time of creation is tracked, I think
17:20 schestowitz-TR2; I think the desirable behaviour is,
17:20 schestowitz-TR2; updated items re-emerge or resurface in rss feeds and go back to top of page
17:20 schestowitz-TR2; so as to attract attention to typically-bigger stories snd the updates in them
17:20 schestowitz-TR2; without adding any actual clutter to the modest, fast site
17:23 schestowitz-TR2; got the git changes
17:23 schestowitz-TR2; ok, so now it takes also the time of day
17:23 schestowitz-TR2; and adds a condition in the cascading set
17:23 Techrights-sec; ok the time of creation is tracked, I think -- more fixing is needed
17:23 Techrights-sec; in the update / deletion part
17:28 schestowitz__[TR]; gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/18/A_test_of_time_of_creation.gmi
=> ↺ gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/18/A_test_of_time_of_creation.gmi
17:28 schestowitz__[TR]; I know it's a test page
17:28 schestowitz__[TR]; the android link there points to time
17:29 schestowitz__[TR]; I guess it's due to it being a "dummy page"
17:29 Techrights-sec; yes but it is half broken ... working
17:39 schestowitz-TR2; excellent, it's all working now, http/s+gemini
17:39 schestowitz-TR2; rianne has just sold javeline shoes, buyer abroad, lots in profit
17:39 schestowitz-TR2; somew weeks those slaes can cover food bills
17:39 schestowitz-TR2; I work tonight, monday, then free till next weekend
17:39 Techrights-sec; ack
17:43 schestowitz-TR2; I don't know how you set up and use those notificatio systems, MQTT
17:43 schestowitz-TR2; I remember pieter (ffii) did a lot of pioneering work in that area
17:43 schestowitz-TR2; does that interact with sms/phone?
17:43 schestowitz-TR2; so-called "apps"?
17:43 Techrights-sec; the MQTT stuff is based on mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub
17:43 Techrights-sec; the broker info is in /etc/mosquitto in two text files
17:43 Techrights-sec; the ACLs, logins, and identifiers could be handled better
17:43 Techrights-sec; a TCP connection is maintained between the broker and the clients
17:44 schestowitz-TR2; if i understand correctly, the agent dispatches notifs when some events happen
17:44 schestowitz-TR2; instead of clients polling for updates throughout the day
17:45 Techrights-sec; it's quite low bandwidth
17:45 Techrights-sec; and lower CPU
17:47 schestowitz-TR2; years ago we made a tuxmachines "app" for android
17:47 schestowitz-TR2; in effect a preloaded and rebranded rss reader that uses the main rss feed
17:47 schestowitz-TR2; in this day and age many cannot install anything (easily) outside a "store"
17:47 schestowitz-TR2; even random apk files are hard
17:47 Techrights-sec; I won't touch "app" development :(
17:47 Techrights-sec; If someone does want to do that, I'll help from the sidelines but nothing more
17:48 schestowitz-TR2; "apps" have very short lifetime
17:48 schestowitz-TR2; for several reasons
17:49 schestowitz-TR2; let me check if plasma5 and gnomeshell have some mqtt clients
17:54 schestowitz-TR2; twitter, dikstrowatch, rss, gmail... kde notifications... nothihg mqtt upstream
17:54 schestowitz-TR2; lots of other "widgets" though
17:54 schestowitz-TR2; you said making a public borker is possible so that got me thinking
17:54 schestowitz-TR2; knowing that no similar site does this
17:54 schestowitz__[TR]; https://store.kde.org/p/1316886
=> ↺ https://store.kde.org/p/1316886
17:54 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-store.kde.org | MQTT-Explorer - KDE Store
17:54 schestowitz-TR2; our updates are also quite plain while www "bores" some people
17:54 schestowitz-TR2; btw, site works well in netsurf
17:54 schestowitz__[TR]; https://mqtt-explorer.com/
=> ↺ https://mqtt-explorer.com/
17:54 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-mqtt-explorer.com | MQTT Explorer | An all-round MQTT client that provides a structured topic overview
17:57 schestowitz__[TR]; this comes as snap or appimage
17:57 schestowitz__[TR]; not in debian repos
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; for buster:
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; golang-github-eclipse-paho.mqtt.golang-dev/oldstable 1.1.1-1 all
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; Go package implementing MQTT client library by Eclipse Paho
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; libmosquitto-dev/oldstable,oldstable 1.5.7-1+deb10u1 amd64
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 client library, development files
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; libmosquitto1/oldstable,oldstable,now 1.5.7-1+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 client library
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; libmosquittopp-dev/oldstable,oldstable 1.5.7-1+deb10u1 amd64
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; MQTT version 3.1 client C++ library, development files
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; libmosquittopp1/oldstable,oldstable 1.5.7-1+deb10u1 amd64
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 client C++ library
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; libmqtt-client-java/oldstable 1.14-1+deb10u1 all
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; Java MQTT Client API
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; mosquitto/oldstable,oldstable,now 1.5.7-1+deb10u1 amd64 [installed]
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 compatible message broker
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; mosquitto-clients/oldstable,oldstable,now 1.5.7-1+deb10u1 amd64 [installed]
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; Mosquitto command line MQTT clients
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; mosquitto-dev/oldstable,oldstable 1.5.7-1+deb10u1 all
17:58 Techrights-sec; store.kde.org seems blocked by javascript or something
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; Development files for Mosquitto
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; node-mqtt-packet/oldstable 6.0.0-2 all
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; parse and generate MQTT packets
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; prosody-modules/oldstable,oldstable 0.0~hg20190203.b54e98d5c4a1+dfsg-1+deb10u1 all
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; Selection of community modules for Prosody
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; python-paho-mqtt/oldstable 1.4.0-1 all
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; MQTT client class (Python 2)
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; python3-paho-mqtt/oldstable 1.4.0-1 all
17:58 schestowitz__[TR]; MQTT client class (Python 3)
18:02 schestowitz__[TR]; "
18:02 schestowitz__[TR]; No personal data is processed, sent or stored.
18:02 schestowitz__[TR]; The app sends telemetry and error reports, this enables me to quickly react on bugs/errors and understand whats going on. Responding quickly to errors is one key element in producing a reliable software product.
18:02 schestowitz__[TR]; It basically sends: app version, processor architecture, operating system, used memory, user interactions and error stacks.
18:02 schestowitz__[TR]; "
18:08 schestowitz__[TR]; https://www.fosslife.org/3-ways-use-steampipe
=> ↺ https://www.fosslife.org/3-ways-use-steampipe
18:08 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.fosslife.org | 3 Ways to Use Steampipe
18:08 schestowitz__[TR]; "
18:08 schestowitz__[TR]; Steampipe is an open source tool that translates REST API calls directly into SQL tables, says Jon Udell. Or, as the Steampipe docs say: Steampipe exposes APIs and services as a high-performance relational database, giving you the ability to write SQL-based queries to explore dynamic data.
18:08 schestowitz__[TR]; In this article, Udell provides three examples of SQL queries using Steampipe, noting that when APIs frictionlessly become tables, you can devote your full attention to reasoning over the abstractions represented by those APIs.
18:08 schestowitz__[TR]; "
18:32 *britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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20:33 Techrights-sec; ack
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; No personal data is processed, sent or stored.
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; The app sends telemetry and error reports, this enables me to quickly react on bugs/errors and understand whats going on. Responding quickly to errors is one ke
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; y element in producing a reliable software product.
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; It basically sends: app version, processor architecture, operating system, used memory, user interactions and error stacks.
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; "
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; they used to warn you before sending "crash report"
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; now they dub it "Telemetry" and hardl even tell you that this is happening
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; unless you read very fine prints (if they exist)
21:05 schestowitz-TR2; kate got caught
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