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00:45 schestowitz-TR; nobody knows
00:45 schestowitz-TR; except liars who claim to k
00:45 schestowitz-TR; now
00:45 schestowitz-TR; *know
00:45 schestowitz-TR; or claim to control the future
00:45 schestowitz-TR; no single person has THAT much power
00:45 schestowitz-TR; not even Putin
00:46 schestowitz-TR; having said that
00:46 schestowitz-TR; 1) keep healthy
00:46 schestowitz-TR; 2) keep good knowledge
00:46 schestowitz-TR; with (1) you are safe for the top of the pyramid of "needs" (Maslow)
00:47 schestowitz-TR; (2) is good if you want gainful employment in the future
00:47 schestowitz-TR; some people let (1) and (2) stagnate
01:38 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Connection closed)
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03:01 techrigthssec; that was probably when I ran an update of the packages but it said nothing about\
03:01 techrigthssec; removing anything, just updating afiak
03:01 techrigthssec; by the way there were / are a lot of hotlinks in the tm gallery
03:01 schestowitz-TR; in the original (old) or static )new)?
03:01 schestowitz-TR; i didn't even know gulag analytics was in there
03:07 schestowitz-TR; OTA
03:07 schestowitz-TR; should I do a video about MSFT layoffs? or no need? (mind you, it's in "the news" already; we 'don't matter' now)
03:07 schestowitz-TR; 8k+ requests over gemini https proxy yesterday
03:07 schestowitz-TR; msft layoffs and mjg
03:07 schestowitz-TR; OTA
03:07 schestowitz-TR; biab
03:09 *Techrights-sec is now known as ts2
03:23 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
03:23 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
04:31 techrigthssec; The screen shots are probably now complete in the tm-new gallery
04:31 techrigthssec; There are still some hotlinks in there somewhere, but I have not hunted them
04:31 techrigthssec; down. There are however some accidental captures of the tm main page and
04:31 techrigthssec; they can be removed and the links to them replaced with links to tm-new, but
04:31 techrigthssec; that will take a bit of thought first.
04:31 techrigthssec; Maybe the orphaned file names could be culled too.
04:31 techrigthssec; Should any javascript at all be allowed to remain?
04:31 schestowitz-TR; i think js is only in the dropdown box for screenshot res
04:35 techrigthssec; I haven't tested if it evem works in the archived version. I presume that it
04:35 techrigthssec; ought to though.
04:35 techrigthssec; Nope. It seems not to. The link below it does work, however.
04:44 schestowitz-TR; draft
04:48 techrigthssec; checking
04:50 techrigthssec; The bold face text near the bottom is broken
04:50 techrigthssec; s/If I could do this/If I can do this/
04:50 techrigthssec; Remember that m$ makes journalists toe the line to retain their "access" to
04:50 techrigthssec; official channels of information. Link to the relevant PXE from Comes v M$
04:50 techrigthssec; The phrase "XBox sales lose the company money!" is what should be highlighted
04:50 techrigthssec; in bold, not the rest
04:50 techrigthssec; A few words about how/why Azure is failing could be useful.
04:55 schestowitz-TR; editing, thanks
04:55 schestowitz-TR; i assume current msfters might watch the video
04:55 techrigthssec; Xbox has not ever really been much about being a games console but has been
04:55 techrigthssec; about making a test bed for DRM and other lock-in using commodity hardware.
04:55 schestowitz-TR; and try to convince them to leave
04:55 schestowitz-TR; can i quote that?
04:56 techrigthssec; loose paraphrasing is preferable if possibe
04:59 psydruid; even saying something like not buying any games from companies that get acquired by Microsoft is seen as hostile instead of a decision any person should be able to make for themselves
05:16 techrigthssec; Well put!
05:17 schestowitz-TR; just added a url for letter to hobbyists at the end
05:17 schestowitz-TR; to show how far back this goes
05:17 schestowitz-TR; psydruid: it is a hate crime
05:17 schestowitz-TR; corporations are people, my friend. MinceR likes that quote
05:20 techrigthssec; Excellent addition
05:22 schestowitz-TR; i could add a reference to the pharma/vaccine business, but it would alienate and distract from the topic at hand
05:22 schestowitz-TR; scicnece is now "political" and "divisive"
05:22 schestowitz-TR; my nhs "record" can "prove" I support trump and lex jones and... (straw man)
05:22 schestowitz-TR; there is that twitter leak about pharma companies asking twitter to censor activists for generic vaccines
05:22 schestowitz-TR; i.e. no patents
05:22 schestowitz-TR; yes, those "terrorists" who think public-funded stuff should be... gasp... public
05:43 techrigthssec; Pharma would be a distraction
07:19 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
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07:29 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
08:00 schestowitz-TR; whoa
08:00 schestowitz-TR; pinkish sky this morning
08:00 schestowitz-TR; and snow
08:00 schestowitz-TR; very odd hue
08:17 schestowitz-TR; --
08:20 schestowitz-TR; tesla makes budget cars
08:20 schestowitz-TR; "budget" AYE QUE
08:20 schestowitz-TR; buy this green car
08:20 schestowitz-TR; that runs on power made elsewhere
08:20 schestowitz-TR; don't pay attention to Tesla whistleblowers, they are just terrorists sceming a mass shooting
08:20 schestowitz-TR; *scheming
08:20 schestowitz-TR; Tesla cultists make me more sick than Apple cultists
08:20 schestowitz-TR; but both engage in financially self-harming behaviour, so I'm sort of fine with that
08:38 techrigthssec; ack
08:41 schestowitz-TR; they would be better off SupportingTheEconomy(TM) by spending local
08:41 schestowitz-TR; not feeding CultOfApple and MuskCult/OPccult
08:41 schestowitz-TR; back in a biot
08:41 schestowitz-TR; worming exercise
08:41 schestowitz-TR; we started feeding the birds near us lately, they hang in the trees and are visible from binuculars
08:41 schestowitz-TR; they are visible from where we exercise, they come to the garden when the cats are not around, and once
08:41 schestowitz-TR; they locate one feed the rest follow
08:41 schestowitz-TR; bbl
10:28 schestowitz-TR; strategically iw would help to know WHAT and WHERE microsoft does cuts
10:28 schestowitz-TR; a bit too early to check atm
10:28 schestowitz-TR; because of gossips HR 1-to-1 meetings today
10:28 schestowitz-TR; on my 'TODO'
10:28 schestowitz-TR; I hope they cut off lots of "OS" stuff
10:28 schestowitz-TR; that would help gnu/linux grow
10:45 techrigthssec; Maybe they are cutting "coders" because, given the quality, they can be replaced
10:45 techrigthssec; with ChatGPT which does a better job they they generally do. ;)
10:45 techrigthssec; More seriously cutting the OS stuff would make some sense but what they do
10:45 techrigthssec; seldom makes sense. I guess it is about where they see the strongest chances
10:45 techrigthssec; for maintaining a monopoly or if they will transition further to "financialization" like Apple has.
10:45 schestowitz-TR; catching up
10:46 schestowitz-TR; draft
10:46 schestowitz-TR; (reading your message)
10:46 schestowitz-TR; I am not saying OS staff/stuff gets cut
10:46 schestowitz-TR; but would love to know if t hey do
10:46 schestowitz-TR; maybe we'll never find out easily
10:46 schestowitz-TR; drawing blood froma rock and from liars
10:52 techrigthssec; It would be difficult to find out in advance and to a certain extent even after
10:52 techrigthssec; the fact, for the reasons you mention.
10:54 schestowitz-TR; we enjoy the news nonetheless
10:54 schestowitz-TR; the collectiev achievement of millions of gnu/linux advocates
10:54 schestowitz-TR; ebuzz, DT, groklaw etc.
10:54 schestowitz-TR; they can only try to undermine, infiltrate etc.
10:54 schestowitz-TR; like paying OSI to call plagiarism "HEY HI"
10:54 schestowitz-TR; OSI is finished
10:55 schestowitz-TR; Android (Linux) Has Kicked Windows to the Curb in African Nations | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/01/18/android-linux-in-africa/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/18/android-linux-in-africa/
=> http://techrights.org/2023/01/18/android-linux-in-africa/
=> gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/18/android-linux-in-africa/
10:55 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Android (Linux) Has Kicked Windows to the Curb in African Nations | Techrights
10:56 schestowitz-TR; gonna check on the bird now to relax
10:56 schestowitz-TR; and round of coffee
10:56 schestowitz-TR; only slept 4 hours
10:56 schestowitz-TR; rianne woke me up to tell me abotu the perl issue
11:02 psydruid; they find it hard enough to hire people who are familiar with their technologies, because a whole generation of developers has grown up with free software
11:03 schestowitz-TR; the thing is, they bought github
11:03 schestowitz-TR; we need to present good reasons NOT to use it
11:03 schestowitz-TR; so their takeover turns out to be WORTHLESS
11:03 schestowitz-TR; and still make losses
11:03 schestowitz-TR; the copilot PLAGIARISM is a good reason to avoid it
11:03 schestowitz-TR; and even SFC, which took Microsoft money, decided to tell people to boycott github
11:03 schestowitz-TR; so that's a plus
11:04 techrigthssec; One can hope that the new generation represents a return to Free Software.
11:09 schestowitz-TR; back with coffee
11:09 schestowitz-TR; hundreds of small birds outside in the snow and trees
11:09 techrigthssec; Schools tend to search for such students though so that they can be weeded out
11:09 techrigthssec; and those that progress down the M$ pipeline generally lack not just skills but
11:09 techrigthssec; aptitudes necessary for gaining ICT skills.
11:32 techrigthssec; Many good reaons are listed in the lawsuit against m$ over its using to strip
11:32 techrigthssec; both licensing and attribution from the code that chumps have left in GitHub
11:33 schestowitz-TR; [rant] just spent 20 minutes digging through over a dozen "news" reports on the layoffs
11:33 schestowitz-TR; lots wrong with them and barely clues about which divisions affected
11:34 schestowitz-TR; IOW, not journalism, just parroting, parroting, parroting
11:44 techrigthssec; PR dressed up as journalism
11:45 schestowitz-TR; AIM has not done attack pieces on Linux
11:45 schestowitz-TR; after we called them out on it
11:45 schestowitz-TR; it featured in LinuxToday etc.
11:45 schestowitz-TR; I'm sure they noticed
11:47 techrigthssec; Or "churnalism" dressed up as news
11:47 techrigthssec; Churn for the sake of keeping m$ in the news.
11:47 techrigthssec; but without critique, analysis, or investigation
11:47 techrigthssec; let alone actual criticism
11:47 techrigthssec; Yes but they are still M$ "partners" so their goal is to promote M$ above all
11:47 techrigthssec; else and their backing off is only a tactical move and most likely just
11:47 techrigthssec; temporary at best
11:48 schestowitz-TR; if the financial "perkjs" steop
11:48 schestowitz-TR; lewiis calls them bribes
11:48 schestowitz-TR; then they will move to other "topics"
11:48 schestowitz-TR; or focus on other companies, potential "partners"
11:48 schestowitz-TR; that would at least be a step in the "right" direction
11:48 schestowitz-TR; so we need to keep at it
11:48 schestowitz-TR; it does work
11:50 techrigthssec; yes
11:51 schestowitz-TR; tryint to think of more angles to cover
11:51 schestowitz-TR; to be a thorn on their side at a time they hurt a lot
11:51 schestowitz-TR; like market share erosion
11:51 schestowitz-TR; I could not find out which divisions are affected
11:51 schestowitz-TR; except when reading anon gossip sites
11:51 schestowitz-TR; but it should be feasible for good journalists to extract
11:51 schestowitz-TR; info from insiders
11:51 schestowitz-TR; they JUST DO NOT TRY!!!
11:51 techrigthssec; Anything in the SEC filings or are they still too sanitized to provide
11:51 techrigthssec; an assessment of any kind?
11:53 schestowitz-TR; for SEC they change the buckers
11:53 schestowitz-TR; product/brand names
11:53 schestowitz-TR; and umbrellas
11:53 schestowitz-TR; e.g. "entertainment"
11:53 schestowitz-TR; very value
11:53 schestowitz-TR; and they can add/remove things from that reporting "silo"
11:53 schestowitz-TR; so SEC is designed badly in case informing shareholders was the intent
11:54 schestowitz-TR; they have inside/r info
11:54 schestowitz-TR; we need insiders
11:54 schestowitz-TR; I have some contacts
11:54 schestowitz-TR; and this time I was spot on, even the date
11:54 schestowitz-TR; 5000+6000=11,0000
11:54 schestowitz-TR; those WORKERS only know MICROSOFTISM
11:54 schestowitz-TR; so finding another job is VERY HARD
11:54 schestowitz-TR; not just because of the economic "climate"
11:54 schestowitz-TR; I hope they change occupation
11:54 schestowitz-TR; do something that does not harm society
11:56 schestowitz-TR; according to gemini stats page, there is another topic/theme now competing with the layoffs :) ^_^
12:01 schestowitz-TR; adding an over-encompassing wiki page belatedly?
12:01 schestowitz-TR; it would lend "credibility" (notability)
12:02 techrigthssec; Not sure
12:06 techrigthssec; gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/12/jan-17-layoffs-rumour/ is missing the\
12:06 techrigthssec; assessment that the downsizing can be about one third of the microserfs
12:06 techrigthssec; currently on the payroll
12:08 schestowitz-TR; i saw no such numbers
12:08 schestowitz-TR; msft says 11k out (not "officially" yet)
12:08 schestowitz-TR; same as FB
12:08 schestowitz-TR; 11k, one of 3 waves apparently
12:08 schestowitz-TR; 10%, 10%, 10% (some believe)
12:08 schestowitz-TR; but that's FB, not MSFT
12:09 schestowitz-TR; it would be nice to see much deeper cuts
12:09 schestowitz-TR; but nobody is investigating
12:09 schestowitz-TR; and what they "reported" oin Sky was easy
12:09 schestowitz-TR; the only advantage they have is, it is "official" news site
12:09 schestowitz-TR; and they asked MSFT
12:09 schestowitz-TR; MSFT said, "no comment"
12:10 techrigthssec; For what it's worth, you could ask m$ too so that you can point out, too,
12:10 techrigthssec; that they responded with "no comment" or failed to respond at all ...
12:10 schestowitz-TR; reminds me of the time around 2007 when we emailed microsoft's legal dept.
12:10 schestowitz-TR; asking for a patent licence for mono
12:10 schestowitz-TR; or similar
12:10 schestowitz-TR; and they did reply
12:14 schestowitz-TR; i wanted to tell you earlier, but reckoned you were already busy with links,
12:14 schestowitz-TR; that it would help to have another pair of eyes on:
12:14 schestowitz-TR; - how many laid off
12:14 schestowitz-TR; - divisions
12:14 schestowitz-TR; - another round this coming july?
12:14 schestowitz-TR; as an aside, in tuxmachines I enter many summaries into pages but they vanish as pages age
12:14 schestowitz-TR; one way to "do them justice" would be deriving from the DB a weekly/monthly page
12:14 schestowitz-TR; that contains the "description" for each page
12:14 schestowitz-TR; so that SEs can pick that up too
12:14 schestowitz-TR; and navigation also becomes simpler
12:14 schestowitz-TR; we have date, not categories
12:14 schestowitz-TR; and that it fine, spare us the extra work needd in drupal ("taxonomy")
12:15 techrigthssec; The few articles on th etopic have been weak and not included details like that
12:15 techrigthssec; but the hint is that there are likely more rounds of layoffs to come.
12:15 techrigthssec; It would be possible to extract title and description from the db and make
12:15 techrigthssec; a fresh page. Can you make a mockup?
12:15 techrigthssec; (in plain html)
12:17 schestowitz-TR; I am going to make a mock-up later today
12:17 schestowitz-TR; for date, afaik there are too fields. not secondary/primary keys: date added, date last modified
12:17 schestowitz-TR; the code would be super-similar to the code that creates the main gemini page and front page
12:17 schestowitz-TR; except the query SELECT part
12:17 schestowitz-TR; time range specified
12:18 techrigthssec; Title + Description for last n days sorted descending by date?
12:21 schestowitz-TR; yes, those two can suffice in long lists, with limits that contrain page size, e.g. 2023 week 1
12:21 schestowitz-TR; or 1/1/2023 archive
12:21 schestowitz-TR; January 2023 would be like 1500 links
12:21 schestowitz-TR; search engines penalise pages with over 200 (Google) links, IIRC
12:22 schestowitz-TR; have not checked for over a decade
12:22 schestowitz-TR; but they won't crawl these deep
12:22 schestowitz-TR; can also be split by author, e.g. WHERE author=joebloggs
12:22 techrigthssec; I'm thinking only one page which would be updated either daily or once
12:22 techrigthssec; per edit, which ever is a shorter interval. It is not good to have too many
12:22 techrigthssec; redundant pages cluttering things.
12:22 techrigthssec; Yes, it can be split by auther.
12:22 techrigthssec; ^authhor
12:22 techrigthssec; ^author
12:22 techrigthssec; grouping is not a problem
12:25 schestowitz-TR; such a page can be generated at the end of each month manually or by cron
12:25 schestowitz-TR; or, if daily, by midnight cronjob
12:25 schestowitz-TR; for gemini and https it only takes a few seconds to run and spew out the output of the query
12:25 schestowitz-TR; linking to the resultant pages can be done manually, e.g. as par tof end-of-month tasks
12:25 schestowitz-TR; but 1500 links in a page is too much, I think
12:25 schestowitz-TR; for usenet I used to make calendar-like links that then link to subpages, made with MonARCH (ruby)
12:25 schestowitz-TR; *mhonarc (iirc)
13:51 schestowitz-TR; "Alas, 2023 is not likely to be any different and will probably be even more chaotic than last year" https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/01/18/the-uk-a-return-to-the-past-masquerading-as-the-future/ | Source: Counter Punch
=> ↺ https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/01/18/the-uk-a-return-to-the-past-masquerading-as-the-future/
13:51 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-The UK: a Return to the Past Masquerading as the Future. - CounterPunch.org
15:31 schestowitz-TR; Twitter censorship for patent cartels https://truthout.org/articles/big-pharma-pushed-twitter-to-hide-vaccine-equity-tweets-new-report-reveals/ | Source: TruthOut
15:31 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-truthout.org | Big Pharma Pushed Twitter to Hide Vaccine Equity Tweets, New Report Reveals - Truthout
16:49 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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17:22 schestowitz-TR; https://nitter.pussthecat.org/your_dads_bully/status/1615758254474133521#m
=> ↺ https://nitter.pussthecat.org/your_dads_bully/status/1615758254474133521#m
17:22 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-nitter.pussthecat.org | Cement Mixer Stan (@your_dads_bully): "Techrights . Org... Sounds legit Bill gates doesn't have anything to do with Microsoft and hasn't for years" | Nitter | PussTheCat.org
19:15 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@uax6j9r5apawe.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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22:18 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
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23:48 techrigthssec; still polishing the gallery archive, redoing some processes on a RAM disk
23:48 techrigthssec; next iteration, for speed
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