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00:01 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
00:01 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; one strange thing about barrier is,
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; and i very much suspect i had this issue before,
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; when several screens of different sizes are combined
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; it can get a little bit iffy when it comes to how cursor passes from
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; one machine/screen to another
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; not sure if synergy tackled this issue
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; one thing I disliked about synergy in my previous setup was,
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; the cross-pc clipboard did not work
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; i am going to spend some time now offloading processes and tasks to the pi400
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; it has a 27 inch screen
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; it was our monitoring machine before
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; with several vpns running, i had to disable ipsec yesterday
02:46 schestowitz[TR2]; first reboot in about 6 months
03:30 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
03:38 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
03:47 schestowitz-TR2; happy sunday, microsoft in a freefall, yet another round of layoffs, just 3 weeks after first!
04:10 *techrights[sec] (~tokwe@rbnv8qskr8rgw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
04:10 techrights[sec]; Yes, more layoffs, that is good but the "former" microsofters are now acting
04:10 techrights[sec]; as metastases through industry as they begin to seek income elsewhere.
04:10 techrights[sec]; Society needs to innoculate itself against their behavior and mode of operation.
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; for sure, that is a real problem
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; but it's also a tricky situation
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; would you rather they stay at Micrs
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; and Microsoft grows
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; this seems like the only alternative to that
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; and... as a bonus
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; it happens when few other places hire for IT
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; i did not check
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; rianne hasn't, either
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; she's not looking for a tech job atm
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; this means they might have to change craft
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; rianne looks for a low-demand job
04:13 schestowitz-TR2; just to pay our already-low bills, we need about1k/month
04:15 techrights[sec]; Oh, the layoffs are a better that then current situation. The layoffs are not
04:15 techrights[sec]; themselves without harmful side effects.
04:15 schestowitz-TR2; bonus: many companies now look for ways to cut spendigns rather than people/staff
04:15 schestowitz-TR2; some still value human beings
04:15 schestowitz-TR2; and are aware of needless spendings
04:15 schestowitz-TR2; choosing microsofters or choosing microsoft staff right now would not be priority
04:16 schestowitz-TR2; also, many 'freebies' from microsoft are culled
04:16 schestowitz-TR2; as they are seen as not sustainable
04:16 schestowitz-TR2; like "Teams"
04:16 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
04:19 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; lazyweb/tldr: any way to add translucency to raspiOS?
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; like, terminal windows?
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; i want to make it more pleasant to look at
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; the panels can be changed, but no compositor
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; there is front hinting
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; but no shadows in window bakcground
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; if I close a window is seems a bit animated
04:20 schestowitz-TR2; so there seems to be potential for effects
04:21 techrights[sec]; URL?
04:21 techrights[sec]; Wouldn't that be a setting in the Window Manager and if the current Window
04:21 techrights[sec]; Manager does not have that option then a different one can be loaded in.
04:21 techrights[sec]; If I understand correctly, a compositing Window Manager is necessary.
04:22 schestowitz-TR2; i will sniff around, but raspiOS is very limited in some sense
04:22 schestowitz-TR2; you can install loads of things (I have)
04:22 schestowitz-TR2; but the core system does not provide ample room for tinkering
04:22 schestowitz-TR2; i won't try apt-get install plasma/kde/plasmashell on such hardware
04:22 techrights[sec]; Settings > Window Manager Tweaks > Compositor > Opacity
04:22 techrights[sec]; I presume it is using OpenBox?
04:24 techrights[sec]; Compiz, Xfwm, Mir?
04:28 techrights[sec]; Compiz, Xfwm, Mir, Metisse?
04:33 schestowitz-TR2; oh, it does do shadows and transluency
04:33 schestowitz-TR2; let's try to install more advanced s/w..
04:33 schestowitz-TR2; adding konsole and the whole lot
04:57 *schestowitz-pi (~pi@rbnv8qskr8rgw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
04:57 schestowitz-pi; i've managed to overcome the limitations
04:57 schestowitz-pi; now some qt/kde software added
04:57 schestowitz-pi; and it looks much better
04:58 techrights[sec]; Excellent. Which WM is in use now?
04:59 schestowitz-pi; raspi os debian 11 deriv is coming with barebones destko
04:59 schestowitz-pi; i added some kde stuff on top of it
04:59 schestowitz-pi; so it is snappy
04:59 schestowitz-pi; the applications have all the advanced features, plus transluncency
04:59 schestowitz-pi; no kwin
05:00 techrights[sec]; Excellent. Which Window Manager is in use now?
05:14 schestowitz-pi; i'm not sure tbh
05:14 schestowitz-pi; could check in ps
05:14 schestowitz-pi; we're leaving soon
05:14 schestowitz-pi; the liquidators upon around 7am, some sooner
05:14 schestowitz-pi; the good things vanish fast
06:12 schestowitz-pi; bbl
06:12 schestowitz-pi; happy about the microsoft news
06:12 schestowitz-pi; we'll hopefully live to see who dies first: bill or microsoft
06:42 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
06:51 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
08:15 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
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09:34 schestowitz-pi; another good day today
09:34 schestowitz-pi; 60 tubes of toothpaste, carpet for the office, 1.5 m long for 1 pound
09:34 schestowitz-pi; new laundry rack 10 pds
09:34 schestowitz-pi; pepsoden 25p a tube
09:34 schestowitz-pi; i took some two weeks ago to test them, at 3 uses a day a tube lasts a wek
10:24 schestowitz-pi; gonna test feeds in a bit
10:24 schestowitz-pi; just got back
10:24 schestowitz-pi; doing daily links first
10:24 schestowitz-pi; then 6 things in todo
10:24 schestowitz-pi; we've moved from foods to move homeware discounts
10:24 schestowitz-pi; it takes some patience, but it always pays off
10:25 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
10:36 schestowitz-pi; in this case, it's stuff that cannot be sold in the high street
10:36 schestowitz-pi; imperfections sometimes
10:36 schestowitz-pi; the laundry racked, for instance, lacks the tiny tiny plastic foot on one side
10:36 schestowitz-pi; so we took one from another, added it in, though the main store cannot do this
10:36 schestowitz-pi; i don't know why those acarpets were so cheap, time will tell perhaps...
10:36 schestowitz-pi; maybe those pieces are from wall to wall, but too narrow to sell on their own
10:36 schestowitz-pi; from the factory
10:36 schestowitz-pi; I need that as I move my chair around a lot
10:54 techrights[sec]; With Yahoo! in the news regarding layoffs it belatedly comes to mind that
10:54 techrights[sec]; m$ is doing to the LF the same thing and in much the same way. LF, Yahoo!,
10:54 techrights[sec]; Nokia, what others?
10:54 schestowitz-pi; Novell
10:55 schestowitz-pi; pj protested even novell entering the LF
10:55 schestowitz-pi; saying it would let microsoft get a foot in the doors
10:55 schestowitz-pi; that was before elop
10:55 schestowitz-pi; now look at LF
10:55 schestowitz-pi; far worse than novell
10:56 techrights[sec]; Maybe a short retrospective summary of such attacks is in order now with Yahoo!
10:56 techrights[sec]; laying off so many.
10:56 techrights[sec]; Good point and it is truly bizarre that LF allows their most hostile compitor
10:56 techrights[sec]; seats on the board, both indirectly but (far worse) directly
10:58 schestowitz-pi; with help from spamnil, perlow and co
10:58 schestowitz-pi; it now only sold openwashign as a service
10:58 schestowitz-pi; it effective killed the open source brand
10:58 schestowitz-pi; many fs devs no longer wish to use this term
10:58 schestowitz-pi; as for linux, it does not have a "community" connotation to it anymore
10:58 schestowitz-pi; any time people hear or see "linux foundation" it comes
10:58 schestowitz-pi; with household names like oracle, facebook, microsoft, and some
10:58 schestowitz-pi; military companies
10:58 schestowitz-pi; *some OTHER military...
10:58 schestowitz-pi; many tech firms are already technical contractoes for the "fedence ministry", DoD
10:59 techrights[sec]; They appear to plan to ride it into the ground, openwashing until the residue
10:59 techrights[sec]; of reputation is gone.
10:59 techrights[sec]; LF got rid of the community representatives long ago.
11:00 schestowitz-pi; it was obstructing "opportunities" (to profit more)
11:00 schestowitz-pi; the product that sells more is misinformation
11:00 schestowitz-pi; not honest reporting but manipulation
11:00 schestowitz-pi; the best known example of that has a name
11:00 schestowitz-pi; it is called "ADVERTISING"
11:40 schestowitz-pi; billPR perpetuates this idea that health concerns are irrational
11:40 schestowitz-pi; and promotes the idea that "back to business" is acceptable
11:40 schestowitz-pi; because "everyone is smok... wait, I man, everyone is doing it"
11:45 schestowitz-pi; testing script05
12:06 schestowitz-pi; trmpting to put this on the raspi400 with apache on and some alternative port number
12:06 schestowitz-pi; (yes, am aware it is not finished)
12:06 schestowitz-pi; my script, which is not quite evolving yet, merely throws a lot of html into a plain text file
12:06 schestowitz-pi; faster to work with it than "view source"
12:06 schestowitz-pi; one thing I noticed is, the script that adds site named to urls chomps the spaces before and after "href"
12:06 schestowitz-pi; elements inside blockquote
12:06 schestowitz-pi; did not check why
12:06 schestowitz-pi; but either way, those are big strides that increase the usefulness of the links we curate
12:06 schestowitz-pi; on a dail basis thousands of people use those
12:19 schestowitz-pi; just backed up ergo/ircd
12:19 schestowitz-pi; first time this year, next step is doing bubi->external drives
12:19 schestowitz-pi; for peace of mind, i am playing with r.r.r.r.r.r.
12:19 schestowitz-pi; it's very handy, but i recognise the workflow is yet to be decided on
12:19 schestowitz-pi; i have a 'minkey mouse' approac in the interim, rianne checks quiterss as before
12:19 schestowitz-pi; we passed the library twice today, it is very very large, not far from the manchester city training
12:19 schestowitz-pi; ground ("academy"), just across the road from it. iirc, some of the library building costs was covered
12:19 schestowitz-pi; by the OILigarchs
12:32 schestowitz-pi; ergoirc backup includes some server logs, but the key part is channel and user data in case recovery is needed (one day that can happen; quick D-R would be neat)
12:44 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@cbcfptirpkfqa.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
12:48 techrights[sec]; Eventually the feed reader script could sit on one of your machines
12:48 techrights[sec]; and dump its output to the local web server's document root via cron
12:49 schestowitz-pi; yes, this is ezaactly what I had in mind
12:49 schestowitz-pi; splitting apache based on domains without some HA machine somewhere would be the hard part for part 80
12:49 schestowitz-pi; *port
12:52 techrightssec; Apache can do vhosts based on IP address or by port number or both
12:53 schestowitz-pi; the scenario i had in mind was
12:53 schestowitz-pi; rss.something
12:53 schestowitz-pi; > rasp400
12:53 schestowitz-pi; gemini.tr
12:53 schestowitz-pi; > raspi4
12:53 schestowitz-pi; on same home network
12:54 schestowitz-pi; same port
12:54 techrights[sec]; You'd have to have one machine be the main unit and cache the other if
12:54 techrights[sec]; you want both accessible via the same host name and same port
12:55 schestowitz-pi; yes, hence HA
12:55 schestowitz-pi; but I think it can be a more generic splitter
12:55 schestowitz-pi; no HA per se
12:55 schestowitz-pi; either way, something needs to manage or route requests
12:55 schestowitz-pi; varnish can do that, i think
12:55 schestowitz-pi; maybe squid too
12:56 techrights[sec]; s/cache/proxy/
13:19 techrights[sec]; Minor update; I think the CSS is now more or less done. Now it is a matter
13:19 techrights[sec]; of finding feeds which are not processed correctly. The most common problem
13:19 techrights[sec]; has been with malformatted dates.
13:32 schestowitz-pi; the script run nicelyt
13:32 schestowitz-pi; is there a simple way to expand the whole tree in one fell swoop?
13:39 techrightssec; Maybe, but probably not -- at least not with the current CSS model
13:39 techrightssec; The workflow I have found so far is to start at the bottom and work upwards,
13:39 techrightssec; openening as I go. There's less scrolling that way.
13:49 *psydruid has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
13:50 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
14:01 techrights[sec]; Wait. There might be a way. But the XSLT might be in the way.
14:01 schestowitz-pi; i can put my latest script in /tmp but it has not changed much and would not be easy to read
14:01 schestowitz-pi; the cascading navigation thing url can help orientation, except see what is new since the last time
14:01 schestowitz-pi; then, I can turn to the raw html and handle it there
14:01 schestowitz-pi; i regret I did not do OFF-SITE backup of OPML in months
14:01 schestowitz-pi; but then again those are all just mere URLs
14:01 schestowitz-pi; and not much of great value was lost in the crash
14:01 schestowitz-pi; I had planned to back it up weeks prior
14:01 schestowitz-pi; but assumed booting one last time to take latest files would be possible
14:01 schestowitz-pi; the real goal is not to retain everything
14:01 schestowitz-pi; but to move on and watch further for what little is left of actual journalissm
14:01 schestowitz-pi; or coverage of real substance in free software
14:01 schestowitz-pi; the in-deapth journalism is so scarce that it has become hard to actually
14:02 schestowitz-pi; come up with article idea
14:02 schestowitz-pi; and it's clear who benefits from such informatioin vacuums, which PR can fill up
14:02 schestowitz-pi; or not be needed to compensate for
14:32 schestowitz-pi; i might be doing something wrong
14:32 schestowitz-pi; 1) got latest file
14:32 schestowitz-pi; 2) ran with --open before the target file
14:32 schestowitz-pi; 3) checked output in firefox esr
14:32 schestowitz-pi; 4) checked --h
14:32 schestowitz-pi; 5) seems like i used it correctly
14:32 schestowitz-pi; 6) checked again, it did not auto-expand 'live' nodes
14:32 schestowitz-pi; btw, i think i'm on top of all feeds now
14:32 schestowitz-pi; this weekend i have other "lesser" tasks like shopping (we saved like 150 pounds again)
14:32 schestowitz-pi; and still need to back up "bubi" tonight
14:32 schestowitz-pi; want to do some video (have topic, lack time)
14:33 schestowitz-pi; and improved the layout of the office
14:33 schestowitz-pi; with a coffee table
14:33 schestowitz-pi; and a raspi and 27 inch monitor on it
14:33 schestowitz-pi; formerly the monitoring bot upstairs
14:33 schestowitz-pi; very very nice offe now, lower row, 5 keyboard, controlled by one master keyboar,d the 6th one
14:33 schestowitz-pi; middle tier: two large monitor
14:33 schestowitz-pi; top tier: 2 smaller monitors (22 inch)
14:33 schestowitz-pi; they all hibernate when afk
14:33 schestowitz-pi; so I think i balanced energy use, to the best of my abilitity
14:33 schestowitz-pi; as you can see, my typos are now fewer and i can type a lot faster too
14:33 schestowitz-pi; as this is a machines that is controlled by the mechanical keyboard over barrier
14:33 techrights[sec]; checking
14:33 techrights[sec]; found it
14:33 techrights[sec]; try now
14:33 techrights[sec]; (new upload)
14:33 techrights[sec]; Yes, the precision of typing has improved noticably
14:37 schestowitz-pi; getting the new file now
14:37 schestowitz-pi; yes, you should see how I was typing before, leaning over one keyboard to reacha distant one
14:37 schestowitz-pi; I'm glad I found a solution to it
14:37 schestowitz-pi; rather, an alternative
14:37 schestowitz-pi; now this ytalk session shows up on two computers at once
14:37 schestowitz-pi; so 3 participants, sort of
14:37 schestowitz-pi; irc has been rather busy lately and has cost a lot of time in general
14:37 schestowitz-pi; i don't mind tbh, as long as it is on topic
14:37 schestowitz-pi; i got some messages from fans of the tuxmachines and techrights sites
14:37 schestowitz-pi; some analysts and forrmer editors of news site
14:37 schestowitz-pi; yesterday one asked about fsfe
14:37 schestowitz-pi; so one can get a smell of the covert impact
14:37 schestowitz-pi; but I wish i could write more, it's just still a transitionary perdiot, esp. due to the probing
14:37 schestowitz-pi; of the pensiona dn speaking to old colleagues
14:37 schestowitz-pi; in the context of life in general, a few lost days is no worse than air travel or a journey
14:37 schestowitz-pi; and staying healthy (not hospital stay) is also important
14:38 techrights[sec]; wait, indent problem, just a sec
14:38 techrights[sec]; just a sec
14:38 techrights[sec]; ok I think all the Ts are crossed and Is dotted
14:38 techrights[sec]; try the current incarnation using the --open option
14:38 techrights[sec]; Yes health is important the pandemic seems to show no sign of easing up
14:39 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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14:46 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell
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14:50 schestowitz-pi; very nice, this works now
14:50 schestowitz-pi; i try not to think of covid-19 too much
14:50 schestowitz-pi; it can be mentally paralysing at times
14:50 schestowitz-pi; i need to look after my wife and i
14:50 schestowitz-pi; i cannot lecture others too much
14:50 schestowitz-pi; or impose masks on them
14:50 schestowitz-pi; the stores we go to are "open air"
14:50 schestowitz-pi; and at 7am it's sparsely populated
14:50 schestowitz-pi; we finish by 8am sunday
14:59 schestowitz-pi; in my latest draft, was i fair and diplomatic enough do you think? rianne says yes
14:59 schestowitz-pi; btw, she saw the feeds page (06) and likes that
14:59 schestowitz-pi; for now she covers quiterss
14:59 schestowitz-pi; don't think we're missing any major news or reach it too late
14:59 schestowitz-pi; when done right and consistently we'll be vastly better off
14:59 schestowitz-pi; seeing that hunting for stories got harder
15:04 techrights[sec]; \
15:04 techrights[sec]; In the draft it might be useful to make a distinction between ads and javascript
15:04 techrights[sec]; Malvertising usually rides along in javascript but javascript and ads are really
15:04 techrights[sec]; two separate things. It would be disingenuous of Larabel to try to conflate the
15:04 techrights[sec]; two. I'm sure people still visiting his old site have no problem with actual
15:04 techrights[sec]; ads but they get blocked along with the malicious javascript.
15:04 techrights[sec]; The content of larabel's page might be substantially less than 25% of one
15:04 techrights[sec]; counts the scripts (but not the graphics)
15:04 techrights[sec]; checking
15:04 techrights[sec]; QuiteRSS is too slow and crashy. It's great otherwise
15:05 schestowitz-pi; thanks, i will rephrase a bit
15:05 schestowitz-pi; good points
15:09 techrights[sec]; His latest page is about 430kB minus the graphics and minus most scripts. Yet
15:09 techrights[sec]; the text itself is about 2k which is 0.4% if my arthimetic is still ok
15:09 techrights[sec]; s/page/post/
15:11 techrights[sec]; 0.47%
15:11 schestowitz-pi; 0.47%
15:11 techrights[sec]; So yes 0.4% is less than 25%
15:11 techrights[sec]; by a lot
15:11 techrights[sec]; Mistake with bc and scale
15:14 techrights[sec]; I'm disappointed that bc just truncated the extra decimal place and did not round up. I guess I'll go back to n
15:14 techrights[sec]; ot using it and stay with perl or python for
15:14 techrights[sec]; quick math.
15:14 techrights[sec]; One-liners all the way.
15:15 schestowitz-pi; i usee kcalc, i fire it off with ctrl+alt+f in xbindeys
15:15 schestowitz-pi; klauncher/krunner can also do basic maths
15:15 schestowitz-pi; which it can cope with, unlike spsmGPT
15:15 schestowitz-pi; kde: the HEY HI smart desktop env.
15:15 techrights[sec]; Is it RPN?
15:15 techrights[sec]; I wouldn't mind a fast graphical RPN calculator like a virtual HP 15C or sometghing but otherwise math is done e
15:15 techrights[sec]; asily on one line in the shell with perl
15:18 schestowitz-pi; kcalc has a very simple mode
15:18 schestowitz-pi; i just fire it up.. cause qt
15:18 schestowitz-pi; since 20 eyars ago or more
15:18 schestowitz-pi; and use numpad
15:18 schestowitz-pi; rianne does the same
15:18 schestowitz-pi; i had some interim spreadsheets for covid-19 before the drive crash
15:18 schestowitz-pi; i did not back these up as important odf files were uploaded to my site anyway
15:18 schestowitz-pi; i don't think i lost anything of much value
15:18 schestowitz-pi; and recovering data from bad ssd is expensive
15:18 schestowitz-pi; I asked around
15:18 schestowitz-pi; doable, but not worth the time and money
15:21 *wallacer has quit (connection closed)
15:21 schestowitz-pi; urgency proportional to sense of urgency and importance. in this case,
15:21 techrights[sec]; Proactive backups are better but easier said than done, in practice.
15:24 schestowitz-pi; urgency proportional to sense of urgency and importance. in this case,
15:24 schestowitz-pi; a) lost a few dozens of rss feeds (merely a list of urls, no biggie)
15:24 schestowitz-pi; those were backups up to the same drive, but not recently to another machine
15:24 schestowitz-pi; b) "original" raw video recordings
15:24 schestowitz-pi; since 3 months ago
15:24 schestowitz-pi; i didn't mind losing those
15:24 schestowitz-pi; c) some changes to local scripts that changed in recent months and didn't get git commit
15:24 schestowitz-pi; d) some various image files like templates that i use for memes sometimes
15:24 schestowitz-pi; last backup to another machine was months ago
15:24 *wallacer (~quassel@6bsu33ajs4zs4.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
15:28 schestowitz-pi; when i worked in mcc, manchester computing
15:28 schestowitz-pi; i saw the faces of people turning white
15:28 schestowitz-pi; if they list their work
15:28 schestowitz-pi; on usb keys, sometimes not even nfs
15:28 schestowitz-pi; sometimes we could recover
15:28 schestowitz-pi; somettimes not
15:28 schestowitz-pi; i remember one black person with african-sounding accent
15:28 schestowitz-pi; we did try to help
15:28 schestowitz-pi; intl' student
15:28 schestowitz-pi; i gave a talk about those sorts of things when i was 22
15:28 schestowitz-pi; the eye hospital kept having "cyber" problems
15:28 schestowitz-pi; i was pleased that i gave lectures at such a young age
15:28 schestowitz-pi; i also started my web site 1-2 years earlier
15:28 schestowitz-pi; and was amazed by how good reach one could get on www in that
15:28 schestowitz-pi; golden era
15:47 schestowitz-pi; in the 90s novell netware was used at my school
15:47 schestowitz-pi; we even used the lan to play warcraft multiplayer at the computer lab
15:47 schestowitz-pi; and descent
15:47 schestowitz-pi; i didn't like the latter much
15:47 schestowitz-pi; descent 2 also, iirc
15:47 schestowitz-pi; fifa 95 worked ok over modem
15:47 schestowitz-pi; despite high latency
15:47 schestowitz-pi; zip was still all the rage for backups
15:47 schestowitz-pi; not the zip format but the iomega thing
16:22 schestowitz-pi; ----
16:22 schestowitz-pi; s/song/sons/
16:22 schestowitz-pi; btw, japan and s korea kept ahead by working hard
16:22 schestowitz-pi; excelling at their arts
16:22 schestowitz-pi; some was copies from europe a century ago
16:22 schestowitz-pi; like photography tech
16:22 schestowitz-pi; europe must work hard to keep ahead
16:22 schestowitz-pi; "afternoon tea" won't cut it
16:22 schestowitz-pi; uk has a big advantage: almost no natural disasters and "rebuilding"
16:22 schestowitz-pi; since ww1+2
16:22 schestowitz-pi; distribution of wealth is not a problem unique to us
16:22 schestowitz-pi; i think overpopulation leads to it
16:22 schestowitz-pi; over-saturation of workforce, cheapning the labourers
16:22 schestowitz-pi; i am back to the coffee machine today, trying to be productive while having 'fun' too
16:22 schestowitz-pi; /s/arts/crafts/ , /copies/copied/
16:22 schestowitz-pi; biab, football kickoff in 10 mins, I 'watch' by listening to the crowd only
16:22 schestowitz-pi; you can tell when there is change, goal, penalty, sub, based on sound footprints
16:22 schestowitz-pi; usually you can even guess the score right, just by listening
16:22 schestowitz-pi; now the announcer is reading out the name of starting lineup
16:27 schestowitz-pi; go to r.r.r.r.
16:27 schestowitz-pi; look under phoronix
16:27 schestowitz-pi; you will see very low s/n ratio
16:27 schestowitz-pi; i hardly find even one per day to be useful or informative
16:27 schestowitz-pi; for 6-12 months I was using that to assess lkml work of importance
16:27 schestowitz-pi; but then it became links to JS (gitlab) and microsoft (gh, not so JS-intensive)
16:27 schestowitz-pi; with very very very minor changes, like 5-20 lines of code +-
16:27 schestowitz-pi; so the articles were longer
16:28 techrights[sec]; On which system?
16:30 schestowitz-pi; i wonder, are we accepting the idea of using the new tr for apache/tor/onion yet?
16:30 schestowitz-pi; or just ipfs, links, git?
16:43 techrights[sec]; We could phase in HTTP/HTTPS on it but with care so that the old site can be
16:43 techrights[sec]; moved over as an archive while retaining the old link structure.
16:45 schestowitz-pi; i think txumachines is priority because of its older OS, but now without a full-time job
16:45 schestowitz-pi; we can progress while building new things
16:45 schestowitz-pi; and normal sleeping hours
16:45 schestowitz-pi; (for me anyway)
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17:09 techrights[sec]; With TM would 301 or 308 be better for the redirection? Or just flip a coin
17:09 techrights[sec]; and deploy the mapping for the gallery?
17:09 schestowitz-pi; oh, yeah, we talked about this and another thing (maybe "Blogs") just before death in the family and HD failure
17:10 techrights[sec]; The blogs ended up a little scattered and not all under one directory as planned
17:10 techrights[sec]; They can be redone but that'd be more delay;
17:20 schestowitz-pi; fsf is cautioning people to leave twitter by writing tweets about it ^_^
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