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00:07 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
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02:45 *parsifal (~parsifal@8vte7vm6885eu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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03:01 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell
03:09 schestowitz-TR; Efficacy Declining Due to Bad COVID-19 Policy (a Do-Nothing Attitude) https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/10/04/covid-19-variant-efficacy/
=> ↺ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/10/04/covid-19-variant-efficacy/
03:10 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com Blog Archive Efficacy Declining Due to Bad COVID-19 Policy (a Do-Nothing Attitude)
03:10 *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:12 schestowitz-TR; 10% more than the usual deaths this past month https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending16september2022
03:12 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.ons.gov.uk | Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional - Office for National Statistics
03:12 Techrights-sec; https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending16september2022
03:12 Techrights-sec; https://www.salon.com/2022/10/03/is-19-hurting-our-hearts-a-new-study-finds-cardiac-muscle-damage-in-patients/
03:12 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Is COVID-19 hurting your heart? A new study finds cardiac muscle damage in COVID patients | Salon.com
03:25 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
03:26 Techrights-sec; "Last weeks public appearance by Torvalds seemed ...",
03:26 Techrights-sec; which public appearance?
03:26 schestowitz-TR; there is a URL further down
03:26 schestowitz-TR; also in gemini
03:26 schestowitz-TR; \
03:34 schestowitz-TR; ONS Data: In May (Latest Data Available) COVID-19 Killed 149 Brits Who Turned Down COVID-19 Vaccines, 1,439 Who Received Such Vaccines https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/10/04/ons-vaccine-data/
=> ↺ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/10/04/ons-vaccine-data/
03:34 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com Blog Archive ONS Data: In May (Latest Data Available) COVID-19 Killed 149 Brits Who Turned Down COVID-19 Vaccines, 1,439 Who Received Such Vaccines
03:34 Techrights-sec; checking
03:34 Techrights-sec; The text is not understandable and is is not clear which link would clear that
03:34 Techrights-sec; up. :/
03:34 Techrights-sec; gemini.techrights.org/2022/10/03/bought-by-wintel/
03:34 Techrights-sec; Enough context is missing that the whole post is confusing, at least to me.
03:35 schestowitz-TR; the post was meant partly as a joke and partly as an effort to get people to watch LP trolling Torvalds
03:35 schestowitz-TR; with the images visible the satirical aspect is clearer
03:36 Techrights-sec; RIght but enough context is missing that it is only confusing.
03:39 schestowitz-TR; sorry about that, unintended
03:39 schestowitz-TR; as a side note:
03:39 schestowitz-TR; "let's open up, it'll save the economy" [economy collapses]
03:39 schestowitz-TR; "let's leave the UK, we can do better on our own" [3 MPs step down in ~6 years]
03:39 schestowitz-TR; PMs rather
03:39 schestowitz-TR; the decisions here are made by corporate tools
03:39 schestowitz-TR; rianne's lawyers all wore masks all the time
03:39 schestowitz-TR; then again, HK heritage
03:39 schestowitz-TR; they take health precautions more seriously
03:39 schestowitz-TR; *leave the UK -> i meant EU
03:40 Techrights-sec; I think it's mostly a side-effect of you being very familiar with things
03:40 Techrights-sec; and I am considering the more casual visitor.
03:40 Techrights-sec; The UK politics are driven, like the politics in many countries, by easily
03:40 Techrights-sec; debunkable lies. However, too few politicians gain from working in a fact
03:40 Techrights-sec; based environment and just decide to LARP like the business community is doing.
03:44 schestowitz-TR; well, in our own home we make out own policies and ecisions
03:44 schestowitz-TR; based on verifiable data
03:44 schestowitz-TR; chomsky used to say something along the lines of,
03:44 schestowitz-TR; it takes people doing lots of effrot to realsie what's really going on
03:44 schestowitz-TR; and most just toil away at work
03:44 schestowitz-TR; and when they get back home sit on the TV sofa or attend kids
03:44 schestowitz-TR; so no time to study, just absorb
03:45 schestowitz-TR; this means them very easy to manipulate/deceive
03:45 schestowitz-TR; at least the vast majority of the "herd"
03:45 schestowitz-TR; the covid-19 posts are merely a residue of me tryingt o figure out the current situatn
03:45 schestowitz-TR; and then I send rianen "reports" on current threat level
03:45 schestowitz-TR; like, based on how many are estimate to be infected at present
03:45 schestowitz-TR; and how transmittable that is
03:45 schestowitz-TR; it seems to be like we have half-baked 'solutions'
03:45 schestowitz-TR; but the regime won't acknowledge that\
03:45 schestowitz-TR; the lobbyists want business-as-usual status
03:45 schestowitz-TR; even if we are not ready for it
03:45 schestowitz-TR; precarious capitalism where wone wuhan virus leads to systemic collapse in under 3 years
03:45 schestowitz-TR; and now we have protests in the streets -- unthinkable back in 2019
03:45 schestowitz-TR; and nhs staff resigning in droves
03:45 schestowitz-TR; inflation won't keep them at work
03:45 schestowitz-TR; because their salaries are in effect only decreased
03:45 schestowitz-TR; and they want to protest what they see at work and the Tories' policies
03:48 Techrights-sec; ack
03:48 Techrights-sec; Some of the parties have been deliberately undermining the NHS and the staff
03:48 Techrights-sec; have been a particular target of theirs. Remember how well the NHS was
03:49 Techrights-sec; even back a decade ago? Tricks like defunding, destaffing, and selling off
03:49 Techrights-sec; properties have made it impossibile for the NHS to operate smoothly, then
03:49 Techrights-sec; that is combined with an incessant drumbeat in the corportate press about
03:49 Techrights-sec; privatization as a response to the "failure" rather than addressing the
03:49 Techrights-sec; real cause of the failure, which is the aforementioned defunding, destaffing, and selling off of properties.
03:49 Techrights-sec; Then you have propaganda campaigns where finding a work-life balance and
03:49 Techrights-sec; working the agreed upon contractual terms is considered a form of "quitting"
03:49 Techrights-sec; Again, those too are pushed by the corporate press, not that there is any
03:49 Techrights-sec; other kind left these days, not even NPR or PBS at least in the US
03:50 schestowitz-TR; I guess I am fortunate to work from home 100% of the time and also never have to work outside hours
03:50 schestowitz-TR; then again, there are other issues
03:50 schestowitz-TR; from what I'm told by a friend who lives her (director), I'm not entitled to as much money if I leave (as I thought before)
03:51 Techrights-sec; https://99designs.com/blog/tips/the-7-step-guide-to-understanding-color-theory/
=> ↺ https://99designs.com/blog/tips/the-7-step-guide-to-understanding-color-theory/
03:51 Techrights-sec; https://designwebkit.com/web-and-trends/color-combinations-hell-death-sentence-designs/
=> ↺ https://designwebkit.com/web-and-trends/color-combinations-hell-death-sentence-designs/
03:51 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-99designs.com | Color Theory - Understanding the 7 fundamentals of color
03:51 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-designwebkit.com | Color Combinations from Hell Death Sentence for Your Designs
03:52 schestowitz-TR; are these colour pallette commentaries concerning the CMS?
03:52 schestowitz-TR; in gemini, you choose you OWN theme
03:52 schestowitz-TR; and it stays consistent
03:52 schestowitz-TR; which I suppose makes perfect sense
03:52 schestowitz-TR; I don't care for sites' "branding"
03:52 schestowitz-TR; I care for my eyes, screen/medium etc.
03:54 Techrights-sec; Right, leaving on your own usually means a big disadvantage. There may be
03:54 Techrights-sec; many other disadvantages to that as well. If you make it look involuntary
03:54 Techrights-sec; then there are usually a lot of legal compensations which they must provide.
03:54 Techrights-sec; Not directly, instead concerning the Windows in Africa chart specifically.
03:54 Techrights-sec; The label at least with this screen and this lighting is hardly readable.
03:54 Techrights-sec; A better color choice would make the point come across better because
03:54 Techrights-sec; it would be less strain to read. It's a form of usability bordering on
03:54 Techrights-sec; accessibility.
03:58 schestowitz-TR; of note: i don't know what formula the patent cartel uses to caalculate efficacy
03:58 schestowitz-TR; and what data gets used, therein lies the BS
03:58 schestowitz-TR; maybe somethign to look into another day
03:58 schestowitz-TR; john campbell and I both came to the conclusion (separately) that excess deaths foruma is BS
03:58 schestowitz-TR; because it factors in prior years of pandemic, a 20-year median would be a lot better
03:58 schestowitz-TR; so you end up having to study the absolute numbers/totals
03:59 schestowitz-TR; campbell has a boss called Alphabet Gulag
03:59 schestowitz-TR; it's based in another continent
03:59 schestowitz-TR; and he spends like 50% of his videos having to apologise
03:59 schestowitz-TR; and recite guidelines
03:59 schestowitz-TR; and compliment the boss
03:59 schestowitz-TR; just to avert more censorship than being delisted from the "recommendation engine" and other "engagement" levers
03:59 schestowitz-TR; it's ridiculous!!
04:04 Techrights-sec; http://techrights.org/2022/10/03/microsoft-windows-african-market/
=> http://techrights.org/2022/10/03/microsoft-windows-african-market/
04:04 Techrights-sec; Note the text box/arrow's colors. It'd be easy enough to find
04:04 Techrights-sec; two colors and then keep the hex codes on file for reuse.
04:04 Techrights-sec; The hearsay is that the vaccines reduce the need for hospitalization.
04:04 Techrights-sec; However, if that is not true, they are certainly not going to allow social
04:04 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Microsoft Windows Sinks to Just 16% of the African Market | Techrights
04:04 Techrights-sec; control media to cite any articles, studies, or data to the contrary.
04:04 Techrights-sec; There have been a lot of accounts wiped out recently. They are gone without
04:04 Techrights-sec; a trace most of the time and only occasionally do any other vloggers
04:04 Techrights-sec; comment on the disappearance and the reasons for it. Then, that too, is lost
04:04 Techrights-sec; in the noise and effectively gone forever.
04:04 Techrights-sec; Apologies for wikipedia link:
04:04 Techrights-sec; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operant_conditioning_chamber
=> ↺ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operant_conditioning_chamber
04:04 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-en.wikipedia.org | Operant conditioning chamber - Wikipedia
04:04 Techrights-sec; old:
04:04 Techrights-sec; https://behavioralscientist.org/21st-century-skinner-box/
=> ↺ https://behavioralscientist.org/21st-century-skinner-box/
04:04 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-behavioralscientist.org | The 21st Century Skinner Box - Behavioral Scientist
04:05 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
04:08 schestowitz-TR; The data I've studied does show a decrease in chance of escalation
04:08 schestowitz-TR; but the question is, by how much?
04:08 schestowitz-TR; Another question is,
04:08 schestowitz-TR; what is the effect of the jabs themselves
04:08 schestowitz-TR; all jabs, even good ones, will have SOME side effects
04:08 schestowitz-TR; this is common knowledge, not crackpot stuff
04:08 schestowitz-TR; and also, what are the effects of complacency, i.e. letting it spread freely
04:08 schestowitz-TR; based on false assumptinons of over-states/exeggerated (aofrementioned) "success"
04:08 schestowitz-TR; if the change of hospitalisation is reduced by 70%, is that enbough to fill up
04:08 schestowitz-TR; football stadiums? How about 99%? Huge difference.
04:08 schestowitz-TR; the problem is, there is not much research
04:08 schestowitz-TR; and that which exists can be biased or suppressed
04:08 schestowitz-TR; I just want to know what's going on
04:08 schestowitz-TR; and, for now, "I see dead people"
04:08 schestowitz-TR; more than 2021 and 2020
04:08 schestowitz-TR; in 2020 we went back to the gym and all
04:08 schestowitz-TR; as the virus was mostly contained around summertimee
04:08 schestowitz-TR; even in September
04:08 Techrights-sec; Yes
04:19 Techrights-sec; There are few articles which are uncontroversial or unprofitable enough to
04:19 Techrights-sec; be neutral. The rest are camped on by corporate marketeers or political
04:19 Techrights-sec; lobbyists or both. Any incursion on those squatted pages ends up, at best,
04:19 Techrights-sec; as an edit war which due to the malice/laziness of the moderators is handed
04:19 Techrights-sec; to those with the most resources to bulk edit and or endure over time.
04:19 Techrights-sec; A timlely example is the banksters who ratchet forward each year towards
04:19 Techrights-sec; making their pretend award for "Economics" appear legitimate.
04:19 Techrights-sec; "puleez"
04:19 Techrights-sec; Economics exists to make astrology look legit.
04:19 Techrights-sec; It has nothing to do with science or scientific method, nor much to do with
04:19 Techrights-sec; actual facts and observable conditions.
04:19 Techrights-sec; It's phrenology for numbers.
04:19 Techrights-sec; Anyway, in regards to Wikipedia, it is very hard to find any page at all which
04:19 Techrights-sec; is not squatted on by a corporation or two, especially anything related
04:19 Techrights-sec; to computing, since it has become such a high-stakes fight over control of
04:19 Techrights-sec; information/disinformation/propaganda and mind share.
04:20 schestowitz-TR; you brought up wikipedia
04:20 schestowitz-TR; wikipedia does resist interference by states
04:20 schestowitz-TR; except certain states
04:20 schestowitz-TR; those aare AlwaysRight(R)
04:20 schestowitz-TR; That's aside from well-connected corporations doing whatever they want to articles which mention them
04:20 schestowitz-TR; "perception management" as a "service"
04:20 schestowitz-TR; a shadow industry built around wikipedia
04:20 schestowitz-TR; and reputation laundering
04:20 schestowitz-TR; or rather, censorship
04:27 schestowitz-TR; "Critical thinking is the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of humankind. It is like a sharp sword that cuts through the follies of society, leaving nothing undefiled in its wake. Yet, when deployed improperly, it can also injure the thinker, bring ruin to his or her life, and ultimately accomplish nothing productive." gemini://jhpotter.srht.site/gemlog/chestertons-fence.gmi
=> ↺ gemini://jhpotter.srht.site/gemlog/chestertons-fence.gmi
04:41 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@fnxwuy3nahvpc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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09:37 schestowitz-TR; no irc post yet today?
10:01 *Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
10:38 schestowitz-TR; wow, I was just using google search for something linux-related
10:38 schestowitz-TR; tuxmachinea and TR are very prominent in results
10:38 schestowitz-TR; that helps explain some things
10:38 schestowitz-TR; remember old TM still gets a lot more traffic than new TM, which I guess makes sense given the size differences
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11:30 Techrights-sec; Yes, TM and, depending on the topic, TR show up high in many searches.
11:31 schestowitz-TR; Jim Zemlin keeps saying "intellectual property"
11:31 schestowitz-TR; Linux Foundation's LFX seems to be proprietary software. Needs to be verified though.
11:31 schestowitz-TR; Recently, Jim Zemlin did not even give talks. His keynotes were just him reading a script. Ridiculous.
11:31 schestowitz-TR; Zemlin now spread the "supply chain" FUD of Microsoft proxies. To make "Open Source", not NSA and its tentacles (like Microsoft) seem like the real disk, inc. back doors.
11:31 schestowitz-TR; Zemlin also bags about Microsoft working with Linux Foundation on "trust" (while Microsoft works for the NSA, a back doors booster)
11:31 schestowitz-TR; Zemlin became like a Microsoft salesperson (like his wife, who is technically a fraud). He even uses the same talking points, e.g. "log4j" (even a year after this was patched)
11:31 schestowitz-TR; <-- psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-social
11:31 schestowitz-TR; Zemlin also perpetuates the lie that in proprietary software there are good security practices but the same is untrue in "Open Source"; he's in effect repeating Microsoft lies
11:31 schestowitz-TR; not sure if [topic]
11:31 schestowitz-TR; as that would require giving audience to his BS
11:32 schestowitz-TR; btw, a week later this video of LF has just 200 views
11:32 schestowitz-TR; despite claiming to have over 150,000 youtube subscribers
11:32 schestowitz-TR; probably another bunch of spamnils
11:36 *techrights_guest|83 (~5198ecf9@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
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11:37 Techrights-sec; I'm hoping that the popularity with the HTTPS service carries over to Gemini
11:37 Techrights-sec; at least a bit.
11:37 Techrights-sec; Best to ignore spamnil for the most part except to mention how he is being
11:37 Techrights-sec; used to degrade the brand.
11:37 schestowitz-TR; Zemlin says "Open Source movement", but it's not a movement but a corporate push to attack the movement (Free software) or what he dubs "collective innovation"
11:42 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
11:42 schestowitz-TR; what the heck is it that makes a channel with 150k+ subscribers barely exceed 300 views in a month?
11:42 schestowitz-TR; imho, lots of fakes
11:42 schestowitz-TR; the big rich orgs just buy fakes
11:42 schestowitz-TR; to "look big"
11:42 schestowitz-TR; it's like twitter
11:43 schestowitz-TR; lol, LF talk uses the term "non-male"
11:43 schestowitz-TR; that's like "gentile"
11:43 schestowitz-TR; they define people as what they're not
11:43 schestowitz-TR; repeatedly
11:44 Techrights-sec; Yes, to a certain extent it started as a corporate end-run around software
11:44 Techrights-sec; freedom. But regardless of how much it was like that or not from the start,
11:44 Techrights-sec; it became that quite quickly.
11:44 Techrights-sec; Misconfigured bots with unused fake accounts>
11:44 Techrights-sec; ?
11:44 Techrights-sec; :(
11:44 Techrights-sec; The more they avoid technical aspects, the more harm they succeed in doing
11:44 Techrights-sec; to the kernel. Such is their apparent goal.
11:47 schestowitz-TR; lol, if you scroll down a bit you see videos that get same vie count as spamnil
11:47 schestowitz-TR; one monyh, 37 views
11:47 schestowitz-TR; over a month, 23 views
11:47 schestowitz-TR; hardly even worth the efort encoding and uploading
11:47 schestowitz-TR; hat a lump of fakes
11:47 schestowitz-TR; but there is nothing too insightful I can say about it
11:47 schestowitz-TR; one aspect of it is,
11:47 schestowitz-TR; gulag used to show people channels they subscribed to
11:47 schestowitz-TR; now it's like broadcast TV, optimised for "engagement"
11:47 schestowitz-TR; so they scre channels with subscribers
11:47 schestowitz-TR; google is 'managing' what people are watching and when
11:47 Techrights-sec; When Lunduke was on topic, he was really good, but that only happened for
11:47 Techrights-sec; a little while. Now he makes a lot of noise but produces nothing of substance
11:47 Techrights-sec; for the most partt.
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11:51 schestowitz-TR; yes, he blog is mostyly skip, skip, old, nonsense, brag, sales, skip, joke...
11:51 schestowitz-TR; his head cannot come up with topics
11:52 schestowitz-TR; so he makes up satire and does "open mic" with no real topic
11:52 schestowitz-TR; just "ask me antyhing"
11:56 Techrights-sec; A few of the ones he did like four or five years ago were really great. He
11:56 Techrights-sec; was on a roll for a few months, then BAM nothing.
12:07 schestowitz-TR; important: draft
12:07 schestowitz-TR; see the one-minute video
12:07 schestowitz-TR; and barf
12:07 Techrights-sec; checking
12:08 Techrights-sec; The worst part is that from a marketing perspective, it is chump change and
12:08 Techrights-sec; not even noticeable money they're selling out for.
12:17 Techrights-sec; m$ very presence violates the CoC :(
12:17 Techrights-sec; JZ engages in a bit of revisionism. FOSS is not becoming a part of industry.
12:17 Techrights-sec; It is what built and runs the Internet and the WWW.
12:17 Techrights-sec; It's not /becoming/ part of product and service development, it has been
12:17 Techrights-sec; there since day one already.
12:17 Techrights-sec; It has not /become/ the cornerstone, it started out as the cornerstone going
12:17 Techrights-sec; back to the first days of computing in the 1940s and 1950s, though back
12:17 Techrights-sec; then it was referred to merely as "software" since the availability of the
12:17 Techrights-sec; source code went without saying. It was only IBM and M$ in the 1980s
12:17 Techrights-sec; that worked to undermine that, helped along with a lot of revisionism in the last 5 to 10 years by marketeetrs like JZ
12:20 Techrights-sec; JZ's video is long. Yewtewbe seems to have autoplayed it from the short
12:20 Techrights-sec; lead video.
12:21 schestowitz-TR; I've just added your response
12:21 schestowitz-TR; his talks are mostly the same
12:21 schestowitz-TR; tmpleate
12:21 schestowitz-TR; so rebutting one rebuts a lot of recent "talks"
12:21 schestowitz-TR; we'll needf to proofread carefully
12:21 Techrights-sec; The headline of the draft probably should not give free advertising to M$
12:21 Techrights-sec; though.
12:21 schestowitz-TR; we stepped on a land mine
12:22 schestowitz-TR; i beg to differ: it causes disgust, and rightly so
12:22 Techrights-sec; It can be alluded to without naming explicitly, I think.
12:22 Techrights-sec; FOSS's most hostile enemy as diamond sponsor for LF event.
12:24 schestowitz-TR; we have a different target audience in mind
12:24 schestowitz-TR; we don't need to explain what microsoft means to us
12:24 schestowitz-TR; in a site like TR
12:24 schestowitz-TR; it's not IDG
12:24 Techrights-sec; Not so much. The point is that naming the company in that context gives
12:24 Techrights-sec; them free advertising and even more bang for the buck for the pennies they
12:24 Techrights-sec; tossed to LF for that name placement
12:24 schestowitz-TR; ok, wll rewrite
12:25 schestowitz-TR; try again now
12:25 Techrights-sec; https://www.dpkpr.com/articles/media-training-fundamentals-dont-name-the-competition/
=> ↺ https://www.dpkpr.com/articles/media-training-fundamentals-dont-name-the-competition/
12:25 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.dpkpr.com | Media Training Fundamentals: Don't Name the Competition - 03-31-2016 : Public Relations Management contact: Daniel Keeney in Portland, Oregon
12:28 Techrights-sec; https://www.roi-selling.com/blog/talking-about-your-competition
=> ↺ https://www.roi-selling.com/blog/talking-about-your-competition
12:28 Techrights-sec; checking
12:28 Techrights-sec; thanks! The new title is much more clear!
12:28 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.roi-selling.com | The Etiquette of Talking about Your Competition
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12:50 schestowitz-TR; new policy
12:50 schestowitz-TR; stop tracking the spam-NIL
12:50 schestowitz-TR; I've not given up on statcounter though
12:50 schestowitz-TR; I think it touches where it hurts
12:50 schestowitz-TR; and fills a gap where media dares not enter
12:50 schestowitz-TR; but we need topics
12:50 schestowitz-TR; you know... there are coincidences, but...
12:50 schestowitz-TR; sometimes it feels like as soon as I call out zdnet on "Linux"
12:50 schestowitz-TR; a day later they respond
12:50 schestowitz-TR; but it lasts only about a day
12:50 schestowitz-TR; same happens a lot with epo and LF
12:50 schestowitz-TR; like, you bring up a massive scandal
12:50 schestowitz-TR; and then they're out in FULL FORCE, never ending PR rushed out
12:50 schestowitz-TR; and then silence
12:50 schestowitz-TR; I think it's a PR tactic of signal saturation
12:50 schestowitz-TR; Debian is said to have done the same
12:50 schestowitz-TR; but it's very hard to prove
12:51 schestowitz-TR; I am organising a list of items that help with brainstorming, original article ideas
12:51 schestowitz-TR; just going throiugh rss feeds does not always bring up topics
12:55 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@h635kpe3hju7k.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
12:57 Techrights-sec; Probably they are in meetings about it.
13:04 schestowitz-TR; I've long had a saying
13:04 schestowitz-TR; what you see in public is just a small portion of the whole
13:04 schestowitz-TR; what people read 'second hand' (through other sites)
13:04 schestowitz-TR; what people say/hear (the water coller)
13:04 schestowitz-TR; *cooler
13:04 schestowitz-TR; boardrooms, walled gardened chats etc.
13:05 schestowitz-TR; so the impact is always a bit more than it seems
13:05 schestowitz-TR; with our whistleblowers
13:05 schestowitz-TR; I had to explain to them
13:05 schestowitz-TR; that the PR tactic is to make them feel powerless
13:05 schestowitz-TR; having no impact
13:05 schestowitz-TR; and keep secrey all mentions of them
13:05 schestowitz-TR; but like a submarine a lawyer comes your way every now and then
13:05 schestowitz-TR; a lot of the time epo.org 'feels' like it's having tit-for-tat with us
13:05 schestowitz-TR; based on the topics they 'cover'
13:05 schestowitz-TR; and esp. the timing
13:05 schestowitz-TR; because I'm told "almost all" EPO staff reads TR
13:05 schestowitz-TR; no word from the copyright troll in about a week
13:05 schestowitz-TR; I reckon it's barking, but won't ever bite
13:05 schestowitz-TR; if it tries to bite, the law is on m side, but time-wasting
13:05 schestowitz-TR; like mmasnick and shiva
13:11 schestowitz-TR; Linux Foundation is trying to change its pitch in response to posts that expose its hypocrisy; for instance, they now openly admit Linux is just a little project in the corner. http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Linux_Foundation
=> http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Linux_Foundation
13:11 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Linux Foundation - Techrights
13:13 Techrights-sec; ack
13:13 schestowitz-TR; "Total Coronavirus Cases in New Zealand" in this page shows what happens when you 'open up' BEFORE you even have a potent solution to COVID-19. 3k deaths in a small island. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/new-zealand/
=> ↺ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/new-zealand/
13:13 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.worldometers.info | New Zealand COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
13:18 schestowitz-TR; NZ is at 90% COVID-19 vaccine uptake for ages 12+. https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-vaccine-data and when opening up COVID-19 spreads to millions, killing thousands. Hardly an efficacy success story. Try the same with polio. We need more vaccine development (and clinical trials), not more patents and higher prices.
13:18 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.health.govt.nz | COVID-19: Vaccine data | Ministry of Health NZ
13:22 schestowitz-TR; NZ, once a role model on COVID-19, now has a higher mortality rates overall than another island, Iceland. Those Islands are valuable as reference points to study COVID-19 mitigation approaches in insulation/isolation.
13:23 schestowitz-TR; And now in NZ they'll have millions with "LONG COVID(-19)" and lifelong conditions associated with infection, based on extensive research published just a month ago. They have a health service, so the high cost will be long-term and collective.
13:23 Techrights-sec; ack
13:24 Techrights-sec; I would speculate that the cost for the same scenario but without a national
13:24 Techrights-sec; health service would actually be far higher and longer lasting.
13:30 schestowitz-TR; yes, the point was not to take shots at nationalisation of well-bring
13:30 schestowitz-TR; *being
13:30 schestowitz-TR; health population is generally healthy for a nation
13:30 schestowitz-TR; crime and all
13:30 schestowitz-TR; (albeit welfare of public housing is a bigger factor there)
13:30 schestowitz-TR; the 'NZ experiment' is still ongoing
13:30 schestowitz-TR; insulate, vaccinate 90% of adolescents up
13:30 schestowitz-TR; then test on the "weak" variants
13:30 schestowitz-TR; and now they have remorse as they try to bring cases back down and under control
13:30 schestowitz-TR; based on what I hear from friends, each "case" is not "recovered" or "dead"
13:30 schestowitz-TR; but "lucky" or "damaged" or "dead"
13:30 schestowitz-TR; we don't know the ratios, but some studies provide insights, with breakdown by age groups mostly
13:30 schestowitz-TR; gender is not a big factor in the case of this virus, it's the age
13:30 schestowitz-TR; and to some extent race too
13:31 Techrights-sec; Understood
13:31 Techrights-sec; The current global situation is quite frustating because neither the shortcomings in the current set of vaccines is discussed or allowed ot be discussed,
13:31 Techrights-sec; nor (as part of that) is there any apparent plan to develop functional
13:31 Techrights-sec; vaccines
13:34 schestowitz-TR; wanted to say earlier,
13:34 schestowitz-TR; that this will become a bigger issue (than Tories) as winter comes
13:34 schestowitz-TR; and that my initial prediction that "this can take 5 years" was not so insane
13:34 schestowitz-TR; but I did not imagine we'd stay away from the gym after the temporary recovery in summer 2020
13:34 schestowitz-TR; few cases, sometimes 0 deaths per day
13:34 schestowitz-TR; and the economy was not going to recover after brexit and other blunder, inc. wars with the second/third superpower
13:34 schestowitz-TR; we've always been at war with eur-asia/russia/eu-russia
13:34 schestowitz-TR; brexit, russia, covid
13:34 schestowitz-TR; perfect storm
13:34 Techrights-sec; ack
13:34 schestowitz-TR; i don't suppose they'll export energy to us this winter, we snubbed them since 2016
13:38 schestowitz-TR; my next (I think very hard, due to lack of transparent) task will be to check what efficacy is advertised
13:38 schestowitz-TR; and then what the methods of measuring that IS
13:38 schestowitz-TR; there is no consistent/uniform method, I suspect
13:38 schestowitz-TR; which makes that even more cumbersome
13:38 schestowitz-TR; just as they advertise ingredients with % on food products
13:38 schestowitz-TR; (I know vaccines do tend to mention ingredients, but little about composition beyond that)
13:38 schestowitz-TR; I think efficacy needs to be advertised honstly, transparently, independentl
13:38 schestowitz-TR; in a language that the 'hoi polloi' can grasp
13:38 schestowitz-TR; so as to make decisions of select the right "product"
13:44 schestowitz-TR; List of capsules (as per Lupa) gemini://gemini.bortzmeyer.org/software/lupa/lupa-capsules.txt
=> ↺ gemini://gemini.bortzmeyer.org/software/lupa/lupa-capsules.txt
13:44 schestowitz-TR; you are there now
13:49 schestowitz-TR; New Zealand and Australia deaths rates for COVID-19 the same almost (less than 5% margin), but NZ had a long head start with vaccination before the spread. Demography similar, so it's not entirely clear if mass vaccination is anywhere near as effective as distance, mask, insulation. We need independent efficacy studies, not marketing junk from salespeople.
13:52 *psydruid has quit (Quit: Gateway shutdown)
13:52 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
13:53 schestowitz-TR; In the UK, 90% of those who die of COVID-19 are vaccinated with COVID-19 products, based on the official data. Efficacy can't be THAT good. https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/10/04/ons-vaccine-data/
=> ↺ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/10/04/ons-vaccine-data/
13:53 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com Blog Archive ONS Data: In May (Latest Data Available) COVID-19 Killed 149 Brits Who Turned Down COVID-19 Vaccines, 1,439 Who Received Such Vaccines
13:53 schestowitz-TR; COVID minimisers: people who think it's OK to mingle while COVID-19 is prevalent. Examples: British government. COVIDiots: people who say "the pandemic is over" when in fact it is rebounding if not surging. In the UK, it's worse now than same time 1 year ago and 2 years ago.
13:54 schestowitz-TR; in irc, this is OK to state such facts. if I still posted this in social control media, I'd risk ALL my account (history) based merely on 'touching'
13:54 schestowitz-TR; the 'wrong' words
13:54 Techrights-sec; ack
13:57 schestowitz-TR; bloody hell, it's hard to find the information you'd assume is publicly available
13:57 schestowitz-TR; I don't use Gulag Search
13:57 schestowitz-TR; but if I did, it would likely bombard me with "fact checks" in place of actual results
13:57 schestowitz-TR; not that I tried
13:57 schestowitz-TR; 1) efficacy calculation method/s 2) advertised rates in 2022 (if that's still advertised at all this year)
13:57 schestowitz-TR; they "settled" on the provider and product
13:57 schestowitz-TR; AZ is the "windows" of the UK
13:57 schestowitz-TR; sinofarm, china, sputnik russia
13:57 schestowitz-TR; "vaccine natinalism"
13:58 Techrights-sec; ack
13:58 Techrights-sec; yep, it appears to be about the same model
13:58 Techrights-sec; privatized patents built from publicly funded research
13:59 schestowitz-TR; big farma = farming the market
13:59 schestowitz-TR; populatinon size x product x # of patents (acquired using publicly-funded R&D)
13:59 schestowitz-TR; you can't say this in twitter, then ban you for the words used to express this totally legitimate gripe
14:00 schestowitz-TR; happened to me twice
14:00 schestowitz-TR; I was even careful with the wording, it did not help
14:00 schestowitz-TR; and added authoritative URLs to the "offending" tweets
14:00 schestowitz-TR; maybe therein lies the whole "value proposition" of such sites
14:00 schestowitz-TR; at least in 2020 onwards
14:00 Techrights-sec; and then if they acquiesce at all they blame what they've done on "AI"
14:00 Techrights-sec; There are no longer such things as authoritative sources :(
14:02 schestowitz-TR; about 5 years ago when wikileaks was still alive I kept pointing out that "algorithm" (before the AI hype)
14:02 schestowitz-TR; would be blamed for arbitrary and improper censorship
14:02 schestowitz-TR; later wikileaks and even high-profile pro-Wikileaks accounts would be suspended, hidden, locked..
14:02 schestowitz-TR; sometimes based on "algorithm"
14:02 schestowitz-TR; like "suspicious activity"
14:03 schestowitz-TR; "bad" content"
14:03 schestowitz-TR; it's like a CoC
14:03 schestowitz-TR; but another context
14:03 schestowitz-TR; trump had to wage a war on the country before twitter took action
14:03 schestowitz-TR; and mostly to suck up to the upcoming (elected) senile
14:03 schestowitz-TR; The OtherSenile(TM)
14:05 Techrights-sec; Yep, similar model
14:06 schestowitz-TR; kids take two decadesx to 'raise'
14:06 schestowitz-TR; and even that alone is no guarantee of them becoming independent and leaving the 'nest'
14:06 schestowitz-TR; even pseudoscience like "economics" cannot see 20 years ahead
14:06 schestowitz-TR; even if it's greenspan in a suit and tie during the clinton era
14:06 schestowitz-TR; with a constume and media support to seem like "doctor prosperity"
14:06 Techrights-sec; ack
14:06 schestowitz-TR; the solutions they offer, like bush 2nd did after 9/11, is "go shop more"
14:06 schestowitz-TR; i.e. max up some more debt cards
14:06 schestowitz-TR; to sustain a system where the currency became deficits based upon false assumption about a future gainful employment
14:12 schestowitz-TR; my friend lost EVERYTHING! job, money, partner, health. all in one year.
14:12 schestowitz-TR; he would not talk to friends. went into hiding and therapy.
14:12 schestowitz-TR; he now panders against to sino 'farm' [sic] for a second chance
14:12 schestowitz-TR; after they already burned him badly
14:12 schestowitz-TR; along with some saudi and italian charlatans whom I warned him about all along
14:12 schestowitz-TR; posers and pretenders
14:12 schestowitz-TR; some of whom I met in person
14:12 schestowitz-TR; same thing happened to my dad, went broke, I even sent him money for a while (from my salary)
14:12 schestowitz-TR; people who worked decades and approach pension age, only to have neither money nor assets
14:12 schestowitz-TR; while those at the top moan that their wealth is not growing fast enough to keep up with inflation
14:12 schestowitz-TR; which they themselves created
14:12 schestowitz-TR; by taking all the capital out of the market, impeding ability to make any further "lucrative" purchases
14:12 schestowitz-TR; by the way, daemonfc has a child
14:12 schestowitz-TR; her name is buick
14:12 schestowitz-TR; she cost him like $5000 or more only on the first year
14:12 schestowitz-TR; birth price was just north of that
14:12 schestowitz-TR; so he complained in irc last night
14:12 schestowitz-TR; after I had warned him atxis would be vastly cheaper
14:12 schestowitz-TR; *taxis
14:12 schestowitz-TR; I also reckon dishonest garage 'grease monkeys' would become more dishonest
14:12 schestowitz-TR; and even sabotage things
14:12 schestowitz-TR; because they could really use more money
14:12 schestowitz-TR; and their work ethics are not exactly renowned
14:12 schestowitz-TR; having a buick is a sign on your back that says "happy to waste money to keep up status/sppearance"
14:14 Techrights-sec; :/
14:14 Techrights-sec; ack
14:14 Techrights-sec; The independent garages are often fairly honest, especially if you are
14:14 Techrights-sec; a regular. It is the dealerships where one has to be especially alert.
14:14 Techrights-sec; However, the independent repair shops are being squeezed out through various
14:14 Techrights-sec; means hinging on closed source, closed protocols, and closed APIs among others.
14:14 Techrights-sec; If I understand the dealerships are selling a kind of maintenance subscription
14:14 Techrights-sec; to futher lock buyers into the dealer's services and to keep any money at all
14:14 Techrights-sec; from going to the independent repair shops.
14:18 schestowitz-TR; when I was a kid you have one spare tire at the back
14:18 schestowitz-TR; a kit
14:18 schestowitz-TR; and some oil, water, maybe a set of tools
14:18 schestowitz-TR; a lot of stuff was mechanical and could be repaired on the go
14:18 schestowitz-TR; without having to get another vehicle to drag you to a shop
14:18 schestowitz-TR; just roadside work
14:18 schestowitz-TR; might take several hours
14:18 schestowitz-TR; but you could get by
14:18 schestowitz-TR; sort of like bicycle
14:18 schestowitz-TR; we've not needed to take them to the shop in a decade
14:18 schestowitz-TR; I can fix things on my own
14:18 schestowitz-TR; and improve at it over time
14:18 schestowitz-TR; the wheels are easily detachable
14:18 schestowitz-TR; so the flat tyre was a case of taking it at hand for new inner tube
14:19 schestowitz-TR; I never changed inner tube on my own
14:19 schestowitz-TR; and the cost of them doing it for you when you purchase the replacement is only a few pounds
14:19 schestowitz-TR; with their tools, they do it really fast
14:19 schestowitz-TR; and we have a shop near to us
14:19 schestowitz-TR; I dread the idea of some SBC with critical info now functioning properly in a car
14:19 schestowitz-TR; you cannot get int here to replace it
14:19 schestowitz-TR; even if you somehow got the spare module
14:19 schestowitz-TR; a garage would tell you fairy tales about having to "order it from x"
14:19 schestowitz-TR; and how it takes like a week to get it installed
14:19 schestowitz-TR; computer repair shops are the same
14:19 schestowitz-TR; they ask you to leave it over for the perception of complexity
14:19 schestowitz-TR; even for a job they can do on the spot while you go to the loo
14:20 Techrights-sec; No spare tires any more, that too is a subscription service.
14:20 schestowitz-TR; wait till smart wheels
14:20 schestowitz-TR; with "LIGHTS ON THEM"
14:20 schestowitz-TR; and cameras and stuff
14:20 schestowitz-TR; and microphone
14:20 schestowitz-TR; and.......
14:21 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
14:28 Techrights-sec; not just one microphone, many
14:28 Techrights-sec; not just one camera, dozens both inside and outside
14:28 Techrights-sec; https://eu.usatoday.com/story/tech/2019/04/23/cameras-inside-outside-new-cars/3506205002/
=> ↺ https://eu.usatoday.com/story/tech/2019/04/23/cameras-inside-outside-new-cars/3506205002/
14:28 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.usatoday.com | Car cameras are no longer just on dashboards or outside your vehicle
14:30 schestowitz-TR; at what cost?
14:30 schestowitz-TR; what for?
14:30 schestowitz-TR; trying to recall an example from the other day...
14:30 schestowitz-TR; some gadget that has ... ah, smoker detector
14:30 schestowitz-TR; now they have connectioon
14:30 schestowitz-TR; FUCKING SMOKE DETECTORS!
14:30 schestowitz-TR; what for?????
14:30 Techrights-sec; To sell to the insurance companies, police, and any other group with the right
14:30 Techrights-sec; contacts and a bit of money.
14:30 schestowitz-TR; the 'roy law': the more "smart" things become, the more expensive they will become (purchase, maintenance, human rights)
14:30 schestowitz-TR; but it's far too banal to be a "law"
14:31 Techrights-sec; Yes, and it adds to the mark up.
14:34 schestowitz-TR; last night I jokes with dfc,
14:34 schestowitz-TR; that horses are quickly becoming more appealing as means of transport
14:34 schestowitz-TR; compared to "smart" cars, "modern" cars, EVs, and "self-driving" with lidar or whatever
14:34 schestowitz-TR; horses also have dual purpose
14:34 schestowitz-TR; "hybrids"
14:34 schestowitz-TR; you can ride them
14:34 schestowitz-TR; or attach them to a wagon for more passengers
14:34 schestowitz-TR; never mind traffic, companion
14:34 schestowitz-TR; repair means veta
14:34 schestowitz-TR; and they lost over a decade is "maintained" properly
14:34 schestowitz-TR; and make a good pet, too
14:34 schestowitz-TR; /is/if/
14:35 Techrights-sec;
14:35 Techrights-sec; Horses are not practical for similar reasons as bicycles are not practical,
14:35 Techrights-sec; at least in the US and countries following a similar (lack of) urban planning.
14:35 Techrights-sec; The towns and cities have been intentionally laid out to prevent foot traffic
14:35 Techrights-sec; and short-distance travel.
14:35 Techrights-sec; Horses are great. As long as you can stay in the saddle it'll find its own
14:35 Techrights-sec; way home from the pub with you on its back. :P
14:37 schestowitz-TR; two horses walk into a pub
14:37 schestowitz-TR; get inebriated
14:37 schestowitz-TR; run off a cliff
14:39 schestowitz-TR; the replace-machanics-with animal rhetoric is meant as a joke
14:39 schestowitz-TR; to make a point
14:39 schestowitz-TR; the same is sometimes true for quad-core "phones" replaced with a node pad (pen, paper)
14:40 schestowitz-TR; because you never need to charge the latter
14:40 schestowitz-TR; we use paper as backup when travelling, still
14:40 schestowitz-TR; the ev/smart/moderm/autonomous bs makes the costs very high
14:40 schestowitz-TR; to the point where even a slow horse might be worth the tradeoff
14:40 schestowitz-TR; if you nleave near land with flora or hay
14:46 schestowitz-TR; #AmishWasRight ;-)
14:46 schestowitz-TR; EVs would become less sustainables as the energy gets tapped by more and more onboard computers
14:46 schestowitz-TR; and energy prices go up to the point where some states BAN rechanging the car
14:46 schestowitz-TR; with petrol you can stockpile a bit (no, not plastic bags! don't try this at home!)
14:46 Techrights-sec; Electric vehicles have a problem with the componentns not being sustainable,
14:46 Techrights-sec; especially the batteries. Some of the is slowly chaning but in the near
14:46 Techrights-sec; and medium term the larger threat is from the software payloads the cars
14:46 Techrights-sec; carry into peoples' lives.
14:47 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@kqvcqbcq5tvms.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
14:48 schestowitz-TR; of corse the FSF writes about this all the timne :s
14:48 schestowitz-TR; or not even once
14:48 schestowitz-TR; iirc, it never wrote to caution about nasty tech introduced under the auspices of COVID-19
14:48 schestowitz-TR; because... "antivaxxer"
14:48 schestowitz-TR; if they say "emacs virgins" if sexist and pro-abortion if "ableist"
14:48 schestowitz-TR; then anything vaccine related is "conspiracy crank"
14:50 Techrights-sec; FSF / EFF
14:50 Techrights-sec; Yes, anything that is written is silenced regardless of the position or
14:50 Techrights-sec; backing literature.
14:50 Techrights-sec; FSF / EFF
14:50 Techrights-sec; Yes, anything that is written is silenced regardless of the position or
14:50 Techrights-sec; backing literature.
14:51 schestowitz-TR; the same people working from the inside to undermine EFF are sometimes the same people -- or connected to people -- who did this in FSF
14:51 schestowitz-TR; while calling gillmore and moglen names
14:51 schestowitz-TR; with neither proof nor context
14:54 schestowitz-TR; TR is not a big team
14:54 schestowitz-TR; but we are not invaded
14:54 schestowitz-TR; nor do we need to suck up to cocs and corporations
14:54 schestowitz-TR; as it stands..
14:54 schestowitz-TR; rms has not given talks in a while
14:55 schestowitz-TR; when it does they barely advertise it
14:55 schestowitz-TR; i thinkf for fear of online protests to cancel these talks
14:55 schestowitz-TR; (it happened before)
14:55 schestowitz-TR; or to condemn him for canceling a talk
14:55 schestowitz-TR; (also happened before)
14:55 schestowitz-TR; i think the term "cancel culture" is connected to that specifically
14:55 schestowitz-TR; not the defamation brigades
14:55 schestowitz-TR; but rather, groups online organising to cancel talks
14:55 schestowitz-TR; or deplatform people physically, rather than from some "platform"
14:56 schestowitz; http://techrights.org/2019/07/06/honeytraps/
=> http://techrights.org/2019/07/06/honeytraps/
14:56 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | Honeytraps | Techrights
14:57 schestowitz-TR; [14:56] schestowitz[TR], Now I have another fume leak somewhere it seems.
14:57 schestowitz-TR; [14:56] More smoke tests if the code comes back.
15:13 *psydroid3 (~psydroid@h635kpe3hju7k.irc) has joined #boycottnovell
15:19 Techrights-sec; ack
15:32 schestowitz-TR; btw, shoehorning entryism is done outside net/tech
15:32 schestowitz-TR; I am told that some group whose name I cannot recall atrget institutions
15:32 schestowitz-TR; inc. academic
15:32 schestowitz-TR; they find one member of staff that make anti-trans joke some time in the past
15:33 schestowitz-TR; and then threatsn the employer with a smear campaign
15:33 schestowitz-TR; unless it complies with a list od demands and buys some eductional material
15:33 schestowitz-TR; to "correct" the problem
15:33 schestowitz-TR; this, in turn, is enough to put off some people
15:33 schestowitz-TR; but the strategy seems similar
15:33 schestowitz-TR; in our case, dfc is the one for whom the irc channels have topics altered
15:33 schestowitz-TR; to trigger a response
15:33 schestowitz-TR; so we try to keep the channel on topic
15:33 schestowitz-TR; to the extent feassible
15:54 Techrights-sec; ack
15:56 schestowitz-TR; there is a VERY annoying new family of popups
15:56 schestowitz-TR; that I think take JS to remove
15:56 schestowitz-TR; when entering a whole lot of site since weeks ago
15:56 schestowitz-TR; inc. howtoforce
15:57 schestowitz-TR; but many a dozen sites
15:57 schestowitz-TR; youi must have noticed some in quiterss
15:57 schestowitz-TR; I don't know how to bypass them
15:57 schestowitz-TR; as soon as you oopen the page, overlay with useless dialogue
15:57 schestowitz-TR; pretending to care about consent
15:57 schestowitz-TR; the www is becoming a lot less accessible very rapidly
15:57 schestowitz-TR; the sites that have this all outsourced to the same malware
15:57 schestowitz-TR; and that malware become more malicious weeks ago
15:57 schestowitz-TR; to the point where you cannot even get to the text
16:21 Techrights-sec; ack
16:21 Techrights-sec; WWW has quickly turned into an unauthenticated malware delivery mechanism
16:21 Techrights-sec; and the browsers have turned into the world's crappiest VMs.
16:21 Techrights-sec; By the way, the FOIA request on the Franklin surveillance resulted in a partial
16:21 Techrights-sec; release of documents. It'll be interesting to see what was released even it
16:21 Techrights-sec; s/it$/if/
16:21 Techrights-sec; it is not a large amount and partially redacted at that.
16:22 schestowitz-TR; yes, I was surprised they targeted her too
16:23 schestowitz-TR; al gore's favourite singer, he claimed
16:23 schestowitz-TR; if she passes muster for "extra treatment", the barrier was already very low decades ago
16:24 Techrights-sec; I figure, at least back then when they were musicians and not 'entertainers'
16:24 Techrights-sec; and certainly not under corporate control, they watched as many as they
16:24 Techrights-sec; had resources to watch. Now most that are allowed access to distribution
16:24 Techrights-sec; channels are under full corporate control and fully congnizant of their
16:24 Techrights-sec; tenuous status and disposability.
16:24 schestowitz-TR; they call it the "zemlin syndrome " ;-)
16:27 schestowitz-TR; it takes a lot of effort to "fully" cancel LT and RMS
16:27 schestowitz-TR; they had a first (test?) run in 2015
16:27 schestowitz-TR; they just need "attackl fodder"
16:27 schestowitz-TR; to reduce the "blowback"
16:27 schestowitz-TR; one fodder is known as MJG
16:27 schestowitz-TR; and some loon who is not the sharpest tool in the box
16:27 schestowitz-TR; so they take the heat
16:27 schestowitz-TR; instead of Intel, Red Hat, Microsoft, Gulag
16:27 schestowitz-TR; and then people fight one another along social aspectas
16:27 schestowitz-TR; not corporarte aspects
16:27 schestowitz-TR; community vs corporate power
16:32 schestowitz-TR; extra point: usuaulyl it's not even legit social aspects or lines
16:32 schestowitz-TR; as people of the same class can see eye to eye
16:32 schestowitz-TR; so it needs to be some trollish bullish bullshit
16:42 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:50 Techrights-sec; ack
16:52 schestowitz-TR; one good feature of mjg (to them) is that he too is highly disposable (by them)
16:52 schestowitz-TR; for all sorts of reasons we find over time
16:52 schestowitz-TR; he stalks our channels becase we've canceled him
16:52 schestowitz-TR; in some circles he's not welcome
16:52 schestowitz-TR; because they see the track record and smell trouble
16:53 schestowitz-TR; by the way, did you see what tor project posted yesterday?
16:53 schestowitz-TR; I'm not sure what to make of it
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16:58 Techrights-sec; checking
16:58 Techrights-sec; About the conflicts of interests?
16:58 Techrights-sec; I haven't seen the Vice (Motherboard) article it refers to.
16:58 Techrights-sec; It looks like they have a representative from "Team Cymru" and whether he himself is ok is overshadows by "Team Cymru" having services which run counter
16:58 Techrights-sec; to the Tor Project's goals, thus making him an inappropriate choice for board.
17:00 schestowitz-TR; my remark in irc was, what about the bribes tor took from microsoft (DDG) to help promote the NSA/MS spying?
17:00 schestowitz-TR; Tor is a farce to me at this point
17:00 schestowitz-TR; like newEFF
17:00 schestowitz-TR; also shilling Microsoft and DDG
17:00 schestowitz-TR; maybe the objective is to discredit both
17:06 Techrights-sec; That could always be either a side objective or a main objective.
17:06 Techrights-sec; If people lose enough confidence in the tool, then they will not use it and
17:06 Techrights-sec; might even avoid it.
17:06 Techrights-sec; However, rummaging around, there seems to be no web index of anything relevant
17:06 Techrights-sec; which appears like a Motherboard article.
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20:26 Techrights-sec; Debian: systemd, anti-RMS libel / lynch letter, proprietary drivers
20:26 Techrights-sec; found it: https://www.vice.com/en/article/akejp8/cyber-inside-the-tool-the-us-military-is-using-to-monitor-emails-and-web-traffic
20:26 Techrights-sec; """
20:26 Techrights-sec; One of the companies buying up all that data is Team Cymru who watches over all of it with a tool it calls Augury. Who buys Augury? Weve just learned a lot
20:26 Techrights-sec; of agencies within the federal government. Cyber Command, the Army, the Navy, are all using Augury to paw through internet traffic. But what, exactly, are
20:26 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.vice.com | CYBER: Inside the Tool the US Military Is Using to Monitor Emails and Web Traffic
20:26 Techrights-sec; they looking for? And what can they even see?
20:26 Techrights-sec; """
20:26 Techrights-sec; That's not really indexed though.
20:27 schestowitz-TR; Ddbian votes to not make a statement on RMR
20:27 schestowitz-TR; RMS
20:27 schestowitz-TR; Some devs signed the letter as persons
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