IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, September 04, 2022

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beginning of new day, September 4

00:20 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

00:21 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

00:50 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

00:50 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

1 AM, September 4

01:05 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

01:05 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

2 AM, September 4

02:22 *Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

02:25 *Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-94q.u1q.26em7u.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

3 AM, September 4

03:06 *DaemonFC (~chatzilla@kqrrk2frjefqq.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

03:29 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

03:30 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

03:33 *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

03:36 *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

6 AM, September 4

06:59 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

7 AM, September 4

07:29 *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)

07:39 schestowitz-TR2; were any changs made aftere 10pm last night? I added two nodes and refreshed manually too. the rss feed remains unchanged, I don't see any error. Not sure where/

07:39 schestowitz-TR2; what to check.

07:43 schestowitz-TR2; OK, it's not limited to RSS

07:43 schestowitz-TR2; the front page, both gemini and HTTPS, are not refreshing to show the new items except in the top navigation bars

8 AM, September 4

08:30 schestowitz-TR2; it is now 4 nodes, I think

08:30 schestowitz-TR2; the front page does not show them

08:30 schestowitz-TR2; gemini shows nothing

08:30 schestowitz-TR2; feeds in gemini and https are same as last night

08:30 schestowitz-TR2; the navigation links do in fact show them

08:30 Techrights-sec; not after the ones above

08:30 Techrights-sec; which two nodes, specifically? I can check

08:30 Techrights-sec; the last 4

08:30 Techrights-sec; ?

08:30 Techrights-sec; checking

08:30 Techrights-sec; ok it's good that at least the navigation links show them; I can see them in

08:30 Techrights-sec; the db, too.

08:31 Techrights-sec; looking at the feed generator now

08:31 Techrights-sec; ok the feed generator is turning up an empty set

08:31 Techrights-sec; checking

08:32 schestowitz-TR2; maybe the long char fix? I don't think we added anything new after that change

08:32 Techrights-sec; yes I was just seeing that, it was not supposed to capture the filehandle too

08:32 Techrights-sec; yep, winding that down a little

08:34 schestowitz-TR2; no worries, being static page generator, it fails 'gracefully'

08:34 schestowitz-TR2; meanwhile I've made tarballs of ALL the accounts plus /var/www and am now copyiong those tarballc across to my PC

08:34 schestowitz-TR2; sometimes just having a second frozen copy of things comes to the rescure if you accidentally bungle some file

08:35 Techrights-sec; yes, failing gracefully is a good design feature

08:35 Techrights-sec; please try refreshing the feeds or the other stuff

08:37 schestowitz-TR2; gemini listings back

08:37 schestowitz-TR2; gemini atom ok

08:37 schestowitz-TR2; front page (https) ok

08:37 schestowitz-TR2; boom. 4 new items in

08:37 schestowitz-TR2; > Ok that was easy. Try now.

08:37 schestowitz-TR2; > hopefully it was not "too" easy

08:37 schestowitz-TR2; :>

08:38 Techrights-sec; excellent, thanks for spotting that

08:38 Techrights-sec; the data was there, and getting retrieved, it just was not getting through

08:38 Techrights-sec; to the destination files

08:38 Techrights-sec; :>

08:40 schestowitz-TR2; btw, news is not slow today

08:40 schestowitz-TR2; it's DEAD today

08:40 schestowitz-TR2; it's like "WTF? Is this thing refreshing?"

08:40 schestowitz-TR2; finished: copied tarballs of ALL the accounts and /var/www

08:40 schestowitz-TR2; to ssd

08:40 schestowitz-TR2; also did the wordpress backup and drupal backup (TM) last night

08:40 schestowitz-TR2; and htaccess (for old)

08:41 Techrights-sec; :/

08:41 Techrights-sec; There's a lot going on, it's just that the media has decided collectively not

08:41 Techrights-sec; to cover any of it, especially the items (which I guess would be all of them)

08:41 Techrights-sec; which touch on politics and national policy.

08:41 Techrights-sec; just /var/www/ is relevant to TM

08:45 schestowitz-TR2; thanks, yes, I cast the net a little wider just in case

08:45 schestowitz-TR2; I really should make a file with all the steps for future backups

08:45 schestowitz-TR2; done

08:45 schestowitz-TR2; next step would be a shell script, I want to run the steps manually one more time

08:45 Techrights-sec; A shell script would be appropriate for that.

08:45 schestowitz-TR2; or something recrusive can exhaust disk space

08:46 schestowitz-TR2; like backing up roy to roy

08:46 schestowitz-TR2; from what I saw, it would omit the archive itself

08:46 schestowitz-TR2; but I want to be 100% sure again

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; just to note:

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; with geek4geeks I used to filter on "interview"

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; far too much shit and webspam there

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; then I decided that site deserves no traffic at all, it's rogue like spamnil

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; regarding michael west, most of the stuff there is not (A)AP reposts

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; so I filter and delete all on "AAP"

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; soon the site as a whole will be no better than just getting MSM directly

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; with all the usuala BS about how the economy is recovering

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; the Germany incel in the IRC channel is now ranting about soaring food prices

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; and I cannot blame him

08:52 schestowitz-TR2; the media is gaslighting

9 AM, September 4

09:01 schestowitz-TR2; Why you should avoid the news media and what to do instead

=> ↺

09:01 -TechrightsBN/ | Why you should avoid the news media and what to do instead

09:01 schestowitz-TR2; "News media is not about relating relevant information, it's all about controlling the masses, making money, inhibit thinking, and they do that by creating sensational, graphic, shocking, scary, story-formattet crap that keeps our brains wired on "happy hormones"."

=> ↺

09:06 Techrights-sec; ack

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; I think he might be missing a point; he wrote another post (about tech media) in tandem)

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; media was not always THIS bad

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; I remember as a younger person some truly good journalism

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; and speaking truth to power

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; not always, but a lot more ofpten

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; when it comes to EPO, back in 2015 the media played along with us a lot more

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; now it talks down on us

09:07 schestowitz-TR2; like we're interfering with "the system"

09:08 Techrights-sec; ack

09:08 Techrights-sec; Yes, there was quite a bit. Including some major investigative work,

09:08 Techrights-sec; perhaps most famously "The Pentagon Papers" as well as "Watergate"

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; even the media collabs with snowden and wikileaks -- not to long ago

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; pro publica not bags bribes from billg

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; so do billbc and 'guardian'

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; WashPo (pentagon paper) is owned by bezos

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; and nytimes lost risen

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; but he ran to another trap, the one of omidyar

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; where is he now? gone.

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; I had another examle in mind but forgot...

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; there are plenty anyway

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; risen and others (charlie something) covered secret US programs

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; like CIA stuff

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; APA, Stuxnet, Sterling...

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; now it's something [pro-trump] and [anti-trump] and "tweet wars" over the tribalism

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; or sho dances at a private party

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; I still kick myself for forgetting the other example I had in mind

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; like, when they spend a lot time unearthing stuff that's really bad

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; and big

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; and had impact for a very long time

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; if snowden came out to journalists today, e.g. gaurdian

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; they would spurn him, saying he's just trying to 'bash' biden

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; like they paint a twitter wber as some musk enabler

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; kiriakou warned about what the trump raid means to people who are not trump

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; nobody paid attention except scheer

09:13 schestowitz-TR2; and since rt is effectively dead, nobody will give him a voice at all

09:20 Techrights-sec; not too long ago and certainly not for very long either

09:20 Techrights-sec; topci ideas for later: Bill Binney, John Kiriakou, Thomas Drake, Daniel Ellsberg

09:20 Techrights-sec; Each brought up important issues, and the attacks on each case are relevant

09:20 Techrights-sec; to the attacks on ES and JA

09:20 Techrights-sec; Yes. There are also newer ones like Reality Winner, Kirk Weibe, and others.

09:20 Techrights-sec; Lifting up their cases occasionally can be covered from different angles each

09:21 Techrights-sec; times since there are so many facets to each one.

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; binney was no longer media darling the moment he said something to tge effect (or sounding like) of supporting trump

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; and he more or less vanished

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; if he died, we would not know

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; kirk beibe followed me in tiwtter

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; *weibe

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; nobody ever mentions him; he never existed!

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; the incentive to beocme a wber has been lower

09:21 schestowitz-TR2; as the media is not playing alone

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; *along

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; even when women are harmed

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; they don't csre

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; *Care

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; \

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; I brought up ES because many assume that because it is "old" it is no longer true

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; or not relevant

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; even though it very much is

09:22 schestowitz-TR2; even more so then before

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; *then

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; I wonder if Jessica Raddack is still active at all

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; she was receiving a ton of attention in the 'golden day' of US gov. whistleblowers

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; before it was all about Trump Trump Trump

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; *than

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; there were several cia wbers

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; they got slandered in twitter

09:26 schestowitz-TR2; so that people would not pay any attention to them

09:31 schestowitz-TR2; (NEW): Opinion: Car Design Was Better Before Computers | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

09:31 -TechrightsBN/ | Tux Machines Opinion: Car Design Was Better Before Computers

09:37 Techrights-sec; I recall her. She was also important.

09:37 Techrights-sec; Daniel Hale was another

09:37 Techrights-sec; (Radack is spelled with a single 'd')

09:46 schestowitz-TR2; that was when bush ii was normalising torture even of us citizens

09:46 schestowitz-TR2; later obama droned them too

09:46 schestowitz-TR2; by intention

10 AM, September 4

10:02 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

10:21 schestowitz;

10:21 schestowitz; Ban the Spam!

=> Ban">↺">Ban

10:21 -TechrightsBN/ | Ban the Spam! - Kev Quirk

10:21 schestowitz;

10:21 schestowitz; Ive had the same email address on display in my contact page for a few years now, and because its been listed publicly for so long, I get a metric tonne of spam to that address.

10:21 schestowitz; Luckily the spam filter on my mail host catches a lot of it, but its still annoying for me to deal with. So I started to think about what I can do to have both an email address published on my site, yet minimise spam.

10:21 schestowitz; Heres what I came up with

10:21 schestowitz;

10:21 schestowitz;

10:21 schestowitz;

10:21 schestowitz; Updating My Contact Email Automatically

=> Updating">↺">Updating

10:21 -TechrightsBN/ | Updating My Contact Email Automatically - Kev Quirk

10:21 schestowitz;

10:21 schestowitz; Cast your mind all the back to yesterday, dear reader, where I published the Ban the Spam post. In that post I talk about combatting spam, yet having my contact email plastered across this site.

10:21 schestowitz; Problem is, I have 3 places where I list this contact email; on my contact page (of course), on my reply by email button at the bottom of every post, and in a similar link at the bottom of every post in my RSS feed.

10:21 schestowitz;

10:21 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz; Convert an old telephone into a MIDI instrument

=> Convert">↺">Convert

10:23 -TechrightsBN/ | Convert an old telephone into a MIDI instrument | Arduino Blog

10:23 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz; The phone used in this project and most others like it have numeric keypads set up in the same way as keyboards, with a matrix reducing the number of I/O pins needed on a connected microcontroller. Multiply the number or rows in the matrix by the number of columns to get the maximum number of keys. This particular keypad had a combined row/column total of 11, which means it could support up to 30 unique

10:23 schestowitz; keys. But only 12 of those are connected, so the tutorial includes instructions on how to identify the key that each row/column combo triggers. Once you know that information, you can connect the row and column wires to the I/O pins of an Arduino.

10:23 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz; VK_EXT_mesh_shader finally released

=> VK_EXT_mesh_shader">↺">VK_EXT_mesh_shader

10:23 -TechrightsBN/ | Geek Blight - VK_EXT_mesh_shader finally released

10:23 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz; Vulkan 1.3.226 was released yesterday and it finally includes the cross-vendor VK_EXT_mesh_shader extension. This has definitely been an important moment for me. As part of my job at Igalia and our collaboration with Valve, I had the chance to work reviewing this extension in depth and writing thousands of CTS tests for it. Youll notice Im listed as one of the extension contributors. Hopefully, the new

10:23 schestowitz; tests will be released to the public soon as part of the open source VK-GL-CTS Khronos project.

10:23 schestowitz;

10:23 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz; When extension pages are web-accessible

=> When">↺">When

10:24 -TechrightsBN/ | When extension pages are web-accessible | Almost Secure

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz; Note: This article is part of a series on the basics of browser extension security. Its meant to provide you with some understanding of the field and serve as a reference for my more specific articles. You can browse the extension-security-basics category to see other published articles in this series.

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz; Validating HTML

=> Validating">↺">Validating

10:24 -TechrightsBN/ | Validating HTML - Jim Nielsens Blog

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz; Turns out, I still make lots of errors when marking up my hypertext documents. The HTML parser is so good at skipping over problems that I never discovered through my testing that these issues existed. Thats a pretty wonderful thing, but I also see how it led me to being lazy.

10:24 schestowitz; Having a validator really helped me stay on point in writing my markup. I give the html-validator CLI tool two big thumbs up ! Maybe I'll get to their recommended presets one day and fix the other ~10,000 problems in my markup.

10:24 schestowitz; Now I just need that nice little W3C Validated HTML bumpersticker on my site ;)

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz;

10:24 schestowitz;

10:25 schestowitz; Looking at LibreOffice's Windows installer

=> Looking">↺">Looking

10:25 -TechrightsBN/ | Nibble Stew: Looking at LibreOffice's Windows installer

10:25 schestowitz;

10:25 schestowitz; There has long been a desire to get rid of Cygwin as a build dependency on LibreOffice. In addition to building dependencies it is also used to create the Windows MSI installer. Due to reasons I don't remember any more I chose to look into replacing just that bit with some modern tooling. This is the tragedy that followed.

10:25 schestowitz; The first step to replacing something old is to determine what and how the old system works. Given that it is an installer one would expect it to use WiX, NSIS or maybe even some less know installer tool. But of course you already guessed that's not going to be the case. After sufficient amounts of digging you can discover that the installer is invoked by this (1600+ line) Perl script. It imports 50+

10:25 schestowitz; other internal Perl modules. This is not going to be a fun day.

10:25 schestowitz;

10:25 schestowitz;

10:25 schestowitz;

10:25 schestowitz; How a Local Community Produced the First Nation-wide R useR Group

=> How">↺">How

10:25 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-How a Local Community Produced the First Nation-wide R useR Group | R-bloggers

10:25 schestowitz;

10:25 schestowitz; The R Consortium recently interviewed Szilard Pafka with the Real Data Science USA R Group (formerly known as the Los Angeles R User Group). The former Los Angeles R useR Group had been based in Los Angeles for more than 10 years, but after organizer Szilard moved to Texas, he kept the group going and even expanded!

10:25 schestowitz;

10:25 schestowitz;

10:26 schestowitz;

10:26 schestowitz; Waste versus slack in production engineering

=> Waste">↺">Waste

10:26 -TechrightsBN/ | Waste versus slack in production engineering

10:26 schestowitz;

10:26 schestowitz; Economics teaches us that one persons income is another persons expenditure. But we dont think like that when we think of waste. Instead, our usual intuition for waste is it's something expended that we didnt have to, or something left behind after we did what we needed to.

10:26 schestowitz; In todays distributed systems and cloud-first environment, however, that perfectly fine concept is a little trickier. Many apparently obvious examples of it become a bit less obvious when you look at them more closely. Its also hard to decide what to do about that waste, even when youve decided what it is.

10:26 schestowitz; But fundamentally, there is one kind of waste which is ongoing, pernicious, and which nearly every organisation underestimates, and should be the real target of our efforts. Of which, more later.

10:26 schestowitz;

10:26 schestowitz;

10:43 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

10:54 schestowitz;

10:55 schestowitz; Clear lines against chat control: Liberals paper puts German Interior Minister Faeser on the spot

=> Clear">↺">Clear

10:55 schestowitz;

10:55 -TechrightsBN/ | Clear lines against chat control: Liberals paper puts German Interior Minister Faeser on the spot Patrick Breyer

10:55 schestowitz; The red lines drawn in the letter concern the core of the planned EU legislation. Among other things, the ministries demand: No regulations that lead to chat control. Messages sent via messenger or email must be explicitly excluded from automated searches. This would remove the central and name-given measure from the planned regulation.

10:55 schestowitz; Material that users upload to personal cloud storage and do not share with anyone, such as a backup of their own photos on their mobile phone, should also not be subject to the search orders.

10:55 schestowitz;

10:55 schestowitz;

11 AM, September 4

11:06 schestowitz;

11:06 schestowitz; ExtremeBB: Supporting Large-Scale Research into Misogyny and Online Extremism

=> ExtremeBB:">↺">ExtremeBB:

11:06 schestowitz;

11:06 -TechrightsBN/ | ExtremeBB: Supporting Large-Scale Research into Misogyny and Online Extremism | Light Blue Touchpaper

11:06 schestowitz; Are extremism and misogyny linked? Joan Smith documented how the great majority of the men who committed terrorist killings in Europe since 9/11, whether far-right or Islamist, display strongly misogynistic attitudes. Most also have a history of physically abusing women often in their own families before committing acts of violence against strangers. The Womanstats database, created by Val

11:06 schestowitz; Hudson and colleagues, has uncovered many statistically significant relationships between the physical security of women and the security of states: authoritarian patriarchal attitudes undermine good government in multiple ways.

11:06 schestowitz;

11:06 schestowitz;

11:20 schestowitz-TR2;

=> ↺

11:20 -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Andr Esteves (@aifesteves): "Executivos da Microsoft Tomam a Linux Foundation e triplicam a si prprios os ordenados."|


noon, September 4

12:02 schestowitz-TR2; it is actually possible to find quite a few weibe videos

12:02 schestowitz-TR2; I will post something

12:02 schestowitz-TR2; but tbh, i struggle to think of a new slant to put on "old news"

12:02 schestowitz-TR2; what I liked about the ES video was, he spoke about rise of "mobile" in 2019

12:02 schestowitz-TR2; and what it meant to privacy

12:02 schestowitz-TR2; I didn't know he had done that 'video'

12:02 schestowitz-TR2; With Rogue-An

12:08 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

12:12 Techrights-sec; ctrl-C in wrong window

12:13 schestowitz-TR2; did you type something before it happened?

12:13 schestowitz-TR2; i was afk

12:24 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

12:33 Techrights-sec; no, it has been quiet for a long while

12:34 schestowitz-TR2; ota

12:34 schestowitz-TR2; gotta record about 'url tax'

12:34 Techrights-sec; ack

12:35 schestowitz-TR2; journalismm regarding PATENT issues is dead already

12:35 schestowitz-TR2; and EFF focuses on crap, not real issue

12:35 schestowitz-TR2; of course they never got back to me re epo

12:35 Techrights-sec; yes, and that allows the issue to fly under the radar entirely

12:35 Techrights-sec; They are probably using M$ instead of e-nmail and either the incoming message

12:35 Techrights-sec; or the reply got lost.

12:36 schestowitz-TR2; when they ahve shared or overlapping interest with mark cuban

12:36 schestowitz-TR2; AND CUBAN PAYS THEM

12:36 schestowitz-TR2; then they cover some subkject

12:36 schestowitz-TR2; to me it looks like rich people's PAC

12:36 schestowitz-TR2; ie.. same as LF

12:37 Techrights-sec; basically

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; I'll try to tie iin the link issue to death of journalisl

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; the impact of the web

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; etc.

12:38 Techrights-sec; ack

12:38 schestowitz-TR2; OTA

1 PM, September 4

13:32 schestowitz-TR2; Using the interest on savings alone, Linux Foundation could keep going with journalists. One can conclude the goal was to crush and ruin the site.

13:32 schestowitz-TR2; draft

2 PM, September 4

14:00 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

3 PM, September 4

15:02 schestowitz-TR2; been posting several things since

15:02 schestowitz-TR2; now cleaning what remains in rss (not much :/ )

15:02 schestowitz-TR2; even some youtube channels that I follow are winding down

15:02 schestowitz-TR2; the ones about "Linux"

15:02 schestowitz-TR2; DT did a video about a video

15:09 Techrights-sec; more details / reminders are needed about JZ's lack of qualifications, maybe

15:09 Techrights-sec; that can be fit in another post. Also, it ought to be pounded on again and

15:09 Techrights-sec; again, just the salary increase alone would have covered a /team/ of journalists

15:09 Techrights-sec; So he is just bleeding the project to death.

15:09 schestowitz-TR2; did you see my latest post with many links and two memes?

15:09 schestowitz-TR2; it more or less covers the thin surfave of it

15:09 schestowitz-TR2; with more in irc

15:25 *Now talking on #boycottnovell

15:25 *Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social

=> ↺

15:25 *Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@haii6za73zabc.irc at Tue Jun 1 20:22:10 2021

15:25 *schestowitz (~roy@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

15:25 * sets mode +q #boycottnovell schestowitz

15:26 *Now talking on #boycottnovell

15:26 *schestowitz (~schestowi@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell

15:31 *Now talking on #boycottnovell

15:31 *Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social

=> ↺

15:31 *Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@haii6za73zabc.irc at Tue Jun 1 20:22:10 2021

15:31 *schestowitz_log_ (~schestowitz_log@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

15:32 *schestowitz_log_ has quit (connection closed)

15:50 schestowitz-TR2; sy

15:50 schestowitz-TR2; stem update and reboot

15:50 schestowitz-TR2; not planned

15:50 schestowitz-TR2; but since I broke X with my own stupidity

15:50 schestowitz-TR2; I thought, hey, might as well do routine patching and reboot

15:50 schestowitz-TR2; I also try to 'refactor' all the things, inc tasks, as the workflows change over time

15:50 schestowitz-TR2; and old habits are are to abandon unless there' sa clean slate

15:57 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

4 PM, September 4

16:00 schestowitz-TR2; I was thinking, as I shuffle around

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; if inotify does not work as expected, as if we don't want to permit upload by every user

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; how about this in the workflow

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; after choosing slug

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; it'll ask for a URL of an image

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; then wget that

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; and then process it, output the code to paste for it

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; assuming it was deposited OK in the appropriate directory

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; this way, no "upload" directory and inotify

16:01 schestowitz-TR2; just interactive

16:30 *Seaduck- has quit (connection closed)

16:47 schestowitz-TR2; (NEW): RIP, Peter Eckersley | Gemini address: gemini://

=> ↺
=> ↺ gemini://

16:47 -TechrightsBN/ | Tux Machines RIP, Peter Eckersley

5 PM, September 4

17:29 schestowitz-TR2; alternatively, maybe inotify will pick something up from a wget command or callback from em-extract/add-and-update

17:29 schestowitz-TR2; arindam is confined to the latter, so it cannot be done with wget directly

7 PM, September 4

19:12 *_Mio14 (~quassel@freenode-75p.f2j.3h2ode.IP) has joined #boycottnovell

19:13 *Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

19:24 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

19:57 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

19:58 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

8 PM, September 4

20:28 schestowitz-TR2; I thought maybe somethijng had gone wrong with ytalk, phew...

20:29 Techrights-sec; inotify seems not to work as it should, I thought it worked in the beginning

20:29 Techrights-sec; but it is not reliable or seems not to work at all now. So perhaps the approch

20:29 Techrights-sec; you suggest, of asking for a URL during the addition and then fetching and

20:29 Techrights-sec; processing the image, might be more appropriate.

20:29 Techrights-sec; Ok

20:30 schestowitz-TR2; this would help marius post in the old style

20:30 schestowitz-TR2; in fact, it can propose the template with the image in place

20:30 schestowitz-TR2; and then assure consistency among authors

20:30 schestowitz-TR2; i think there was something else I wanted to tell you, I shuffles lots of machines and tasks around today, very much for the better

20:30 schestowitz-TR2; and I wanted to say something about EFF losing key people

20:40 schestowitz-TR2; "In 1970, Ronald Reagan was running for reelection as governor of California. He had first won in 1966 with confrontational rhetoric toward the University of California public college system and executed confrontational policies when in office."

=> ↺

20:40 -TechrightsBN/ | The Origin of Student Debt: The Danger of Educated Proles

20:40 *DaemonFC (~chatzilla@c4qaus68ih5hi.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

20:48 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

9 PM, September 4

21:17 *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

21:50 *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

10 PM, September 4

22:12 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

11 PM, September 4

23:19 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

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23:39 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

23:45 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

23:52 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell

23:52 *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell

IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, September 04, 2022

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