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	sha256 varchar(64) unique not null,
	epoch integer not null,
	image varchar(256) not null);

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS fingerprint on images (sha256);



    Techrights — Welcome to the New Techrights

Welcome to Techrights

Welcome to the current iteration of Techrights, online since 2006 with a major infrastructural upgrade in late 2022. Here you will find our latest posts. In addition to HTTP/HTTPS here, Techrights is also available via Gemini and IPFS editions, though the IPFS service is on hiatus for the foreseeable future. Just the other year, Techrights upgraded from a heavy content management system to a much lighter and lower maintenance static site generator which produces both HTML for the WWW and GemText for the Gemini space. The site is mostly prose, but there are also quite a few topical videos in the Techrights archive. A complete, chronological index of current and past articles is also available, from the latest to the oldest.

Recent posts are syndicated and can be tracked via RSS. An audio file with the latest headlines in Morse is updated every four hours.

Enter our self-hosted IRC channel to contact us or have a chat about information communication technology and digital rights. Or, for privacy, take contact via e-mail encrypted with OpenPGP.

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery  


Recent Techrights' Posts


 IRC and Techrights


IRC and Techrights

Techrights invites further discussion of the shared articles on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)...

The main IRC channel is #techrights at To use your own IRC client, join channel #techrights in

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Use any of the above. Again, use with caution. There may be privacy concerns with using the browser-based clients, so try to use your own IRC client before trying browser-based clients like Mibbit or Kiwiirc. Download an IRC client and enter the required details into it. The Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel is #techrights at the IRC network

The IRC chats can be used for direct messaging as well.

Other Recent Techrights Posts


    Techrights — Welcome to the New Techrights' Site Map
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery  

Welcome to Techrights' Site Map

Welcome to the new generation of Techrights (Techrights Has Upgraded), a site founded in 2006.



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Recent Techrights' Posts



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	border-bottom: 1px solid #D3D3D3




About Techrights

The site was founded in 2006 and it focuses on Free/libre (sometimes known as Open Source) software, especially GNU/Linux.

Why it counts: This site offers an independent and direct analysis of world affairs, especially in the digital realm, not seeking to appease any commercial interests in doing so.

2023 Rebirth: The site tackled 17 years of technical debt by going static.

Other Recent Techrights Posts



use utf8;
use Getopt::Long;
use URI;
use DBI qw(:sql_types :utils);
use Date::Calc qw(Today_and_Now);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
use HTML::FormatText;
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture capture_stdout);
use Term::ANSIColor;

use English;

use strict;
use warnings;

if ($ENV{'USER'} eq 'root' && ! $ENV{'EUID'}) {
    print STDERR qq(Cannot run as root!\nAborting\n);

my $url = "";
my $recno = 0;
my $status = 1;
my $delete = 0;
my $help = 0;

our $force = 0;
our $VERBOSE = 0;

GetOptions ("url=s" => \$url,
	    "recno=i" => \$recno,
	    "delete" => \$delete,
	    "force" => \$force,
	    "help" => \$help,
	    "verbose+" => \$VERBOSE,
    or die("Error in runtime options\n");

my ($script) = ($0 =~ m/([^\/]+)$/);

my %metadata = ();
my $body = '';
my $rawtext = '';

my $dbfile = "/var/www/";
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
		       { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
    or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

if (!$delete) {
    if ($recno) {
	$status = &get_status($dbh, $recno);
	%metadata = &get_metadata($dbh, $recno);

    } elsif ($url) {
	( $recno, $status ) = &get_recordnumber_from_url($dbh, $url)
	    or die("Record not found for '$url'\n");
	if ($recno) {
	    %metadata = &get_metadata($dbh, $recno);

    } else {

    if (! %metadata) {

    $body = &get_body($dbh, $recno);
    ($body, $rawtext, %metadata) = &edit_record($body, %metadata);

    my $draft = 0;
    my $i = '';
    while (1) {
	if ($status == 2 or $status == 3) {
	    print "\nOK? [y/N/d] ";
	} else {
	    print "\nOK? [y/N] ";
	$i = lc ;
	chomp $i;
	if ($i eq 'y' or $i eq 'n' or $i eq 'd') {
	    if ($status != 2 and $status != 3 and $i ne 'd') {
	    } elsif ($status == 2 or $status == 3) {

    if ($i eq 'y') {
	if ($status == 2) {
	    $draft = 3;
    } elsif (($status == 2 or $status == 3) and $i eq 'd') {
	$draft = 2;
    } else {
	print qq(Exiting without changes\n);
	my $rc = $dbh->disconnect or warn $dbh->errstr;

    if (&write_database($dbh, $recno, $draft, $body, $rawtext, %metadata)) {
	if ($draft == 2) {
	    print "Record $recno Modified Successfully as Draft\n";
	} else {
	    print "Record Modified Successfully\n";
	my $rc = $dbh->disconnect or warn $dbh->errstr;
    } else {
} else {
    if (!$recno && $url) {
	$recno = &get_recordnumber_from_url($dbh, $url)
	    or die("Record not found for '$url'\n");
    } elsif (!$recno) {
    if (&delete_record_and_file($dbh, $recno, 0)) {
	print "Record $recno deleted\n";

my $rc = $dbh->disconnect or warn $dbh->errstr;


sub usage {
    my ($script) = (@_);

    print <<"EOU";

$script [dfhv] --recno n | --url url
 -r, --recno   the record number in the SQL database
 -u, --url     the http(s) URL for the post in question
 -d, --delete  remove the record designated by record number or URL
 -f, --force   don't stop for any errors during, for deletion only
 -v show debugging info

 -h show this message

Either the record number or the URL is necessary, but not both.  If both
are supplied, only the record number will be used.  If the URL is used,
it will be parse for the date and the slug and those used to figure out
which record to work on.

sub get_recordnumber_from_url {
    my ($dbh, $url) = (@_);

    my $u = URI->new($url)
	or die("Bad URL: $url\n");
    my $scheme = $u->scheme;
    my $host = $u->host;
    my $path = $u->path;

    if ($VERBOSE) {
	print "S=$scheme\n";
	print "H=$host\n";
	print "P=$path\n";

    my $query;
    my $keydate;
    my ($year, $month, $day, $slug, $ballast);
    if ( ($year, $month, $day, $slug, $ballast) =
         ( $path =~ m|^/n/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/
                      (.*)\.([0-9]+)\.shtml$|x ) ) {
	$keydate = $year.$month.$day;
	$query = qq(SELECT recno, writeen FROM keys
                    WHERE date="$keydate"
                    AND slug="$slug" AND ballast="$ballast");

    } elsif ( ($year, $month, $day, $slug) =
	 ( $path =~ m|^/n/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/
                      (.*)\.shtml$|x ) ) {
	$keydate = $year.$month.$day;
	$query = qq(SELECT recno, written FROM keys
                    WHERE date="$keydate"
                    AND slug="$slug");

    # get the next record number

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
    my $row = $sth->fetch;
    my $recno = $row->[0] ? $row->[0] : 0;
    my $status = $row->[1] ? $row->[1] : 1;


    return($recno, $status);

sub get_metadata {
    my ($dbh, $recno) =(@_);
    my %metadata = ();

    # get the next record number
    my $query = qq(SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE recno=$recno);

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

    while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
	my $term = $row->{'term'};
	my $value = $row->{'value'};

	push(@{$metadata{$term}}, $value);



sub get_status {
    my ($dbh, $recno) =(@_);
    my %metadata = ();

    # get the next record number
    my $query = qq(SELECT written FROM keys WHERE recno=$recno);

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

    my $written = 0;
    if (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
	$status = $row->{'written'};


    return($written, $status);

sub get_body {
    my ($dbh, $recno) = (@_);
    my $body = "";

    # get the next record number
    my $query = qq(SELECT body FROM body WHERE recno=$recno);

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

    my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
    $body = $row->{'body'} || 0;



sub edit_record {
    my ($body, %metadata) = (@_);

    my $done = 0;
    while (!$done) {
	for my $k (sort keys %metadata) {
	    if ($k =~ m/^dc\.date\.created/) {
		print "$k [",join(';', @{$metadata{$k}}),"] \n";
	    } elsif ($k =~ m/^dc\.date\.modified/) {
		my ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$min,$sec) = Today_and_Now(1);
		my $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d",
		@{$metadata{$k}}[0]= $date;
		print "$k [",join(';', @{$metadata{$k}}),"] \n";
	    } else {
		print "$k [",join(';', @{$metadata{$k}}),"] ";
		my $v = ;
		$v =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f//ds;
		$v =~ tr/\x09/ /s;
		if ($v) {
		    # 0x3B is a semicolon
		    @{$metadata{$k}} = split(/\{x3b}/, $v);
	print "\nOK? [y/N] ";
	my $i = ;
	chomp $i;
	if ($i eq 'y' or $i eq 'Y') {
	    $done = 1;
	} else {

    # use a temp file to get the XHTML over to the next script
    my $editor = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'temp.XXXXX',
				  DIR      => '/tmp',
				  SUFFIX   => '.tm.body1.tmp',
				  UNLINK   => 1 );

    my $validator = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'temp.XXXXX',
                                     DIR      => '/tmp',
                                     SUFFIX   => '.tm.body2.tmp',
                                     UNLINK   => 1 );

    my $tmpfile = $editor->filename;
    -f $tmpfile && unlink($tmpfile);    # clear the way for nano

    my $vfile = $validator->filename;
    -f $vfile && unlink($vfile);        # clear the way for nano

    open (my $tf, ">", $tmpfile)
	or die("Could not open '$tmpfile' for writing: $!\n");

    print $tf $body;


    my @cmd = ();
    $done = 0;
    while (!$done) {
        @cmd = ('/usr/bin/nano', '--tabstospaces', $tmpfile);
        system(@cmd) == 0
            or die("editing '@cmd' failed: $?\n");

        open(my $tf, "<", $tmpfile)
            or die("Could not open '$tmpfile' for reading\n");

        my $lines = "";
        while (my $line = <$tf>) {
	    $line =~ s| \& | \& |gm;
            $lines .= $line;
        close ($tf);

        open(my $ov, ">", $vfile)
            or die("Could not copy to '$vfile'\n");

        if ($lines =~ m/^(?!<[^>]+>).*(?=\n\n)/m) {
            #       or $lines =~ m/^(?!]+>).*(?=\n\n)/m ) {
            $lines =~ s|^|

|; $lines =~ s|\n\n+|


\n|gm; } print $ov $lines; close ($ov); @cmd = ('/usr/bin/tidy', '-m', '-q', '--output-xml', '--preserve-entities', 'yes', '-utf8', '-asxml', $vfile); my ($stdout, $stderr, $result) = capture { system(@cmd) }; @cmd = ('/usr/bin/tidy', '-q', '--show-info', 'no', '--output-xml', '--preserve-entities', 'yes', '-utf8', '-xml', $vfile); ($stdout, $result) = capture_stdout { system(@cmd) }; if ($result) { print STDERR "HTML validation failed\n"; print STDERR "press RETURN to continue editing"; my $i = ; } else { # look for hotlinked images, report error if they are found my $xhtml = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new; $xhtml->implicit_tags(1); $xhtml->parse_file($vfile) or die("Could not parse '$vfile' : $!\n"); my $error = 0; for my $hotlink ($xhtml->findnodes('//img[starts-with(@src,"http")]')) { $error++; } if ($error) { print STDERR "Failure: image hotlinking present. "; print STDERR "Remove it to proceed.\n"; print STDERR "press RETURN"; my $i = ; } else { $done++; } $error = 0; for my $alt ($xhtml->findnodes('//img[not(@alt) or @alt[not(string())]]')) { $error++; } if ($error) { print color('bold white'); print STDERR "Failure: missing or empty ALT attribute in IMG."; print STDERR " Add it to proceed.\n"; print STDERR "press RETURN"; print color('reset'); my $i = ; $done = 0; next; } else { $done++; } $xhtml->delete; } my $xhtml = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new; $xhtml->implicit_tags(1); $xhtml->no_expand_entities(1); open (my $xhtmlfile, "<", $vfile) or die("Could not open '$vfile' for reading: $!\n"); $xhtml->parse_file($xhtmlfile) or die("Could not parse content from '$vfile' : $!\n"); $body = ''; my $rawtext = ''; my $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 78); for my $bd ($xhtml->findnodes('//body')) { $rawtext = $rawtext . $formatter->format($bd); for my $b ( $bd->detach_content ) { eval { $body = $body . $b->as_HTML('', ' ', {}) . "\n"; }; if ($@) { print STDERR qq(\n),$@,qq(\n); print STDERR qq(Failed HTML. Press RETURN.\n); $done=0; my $i =; last; } } } $body =~ s/\n+$//m; $xhtml->delete; close($xhtmlfile); } close($editor); close($validator); # turn 'hair space' into a normal space $body =~ s/\x{200a}/ /gm; # klude to deal with body element $body =~ s|^||m; $body =~ s|^||m; return($body, $rawtext, %metadata); } sub write_database { my ($dbh, $recno, $draft, $body, $rawtext, %metadata) = (@_); my $query = ""; # clear original metadata my $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM metadata WHERE recno=?') or die("Could not prepare deletion\n"); eval { $sth->execute($recno); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; exit(1); # error } # place new metadata $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO metadata (recno, term, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'); for my $k (sort keys %metadata) { for my $v (@{$metadata{$k}}) { eval { $sth->execute($recno, $k, $v); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not reinsert metadata: $!\n"); } } } # update body text $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE body SET body=? WHERE recno=?'); eval { $sth->execute($body, $recno); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; exit(1); # error } # update raw fulltext mirror of body + metadata $rawtext = join(' ',@{$metadata{'dc.title'}}).' '.$rawtext; $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE rawtext SET fulltext=? WHERE recno=?'); eval { $sth->execute($rawtext, $recno); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; exit(1); # error } # mark record as being unwritten or a draft $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE keys SET written=? WHERE recno=?'); eval { $sth->execute($draft, $recno); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; exit(1); # error } $sth->finish; $dbh->commit; return(1); } sub iso_8601_date { my ($date) = (@_); if ($date =~ s/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/$1-$2-$3T00:00/) { 1; } elsif ($date =~ s/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/$1-$2-$3T00:00/) { 1; } elsif ($date =~ m/^[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/) { 1; } else { $date = 0; } return($date); }



use Getopt::Long;
use Date::Calc qw/check_date Today_and_Now Delta_DHMS/;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
use XML::RSS;		# RSS for HTML
use XML::Feed;		# Atom for GemText
use URI::Escape;
use DateTime;
use Encode;
use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities_numeric decode_entities);
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_stderr);

# use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);

use English;

use warnings;
use strict;

if ($ENV{'USER'} eq 'root' && ! $ENV{'EUID'}) {
    print STDERR qq(Cannot run as root!\nAborting\n);

our %opt;
our $VERBOSE = 0;

GetOptions ("xml|a"            => \$opt{'a'},
	    "body|b"	       => \$opt{'b'},
            "date|d=s"         => \$opt{'d'},
            "gemini"           => \$opt{'g'},
            "number=i"         => \$opt{'n'},
            "output=s"         => \$opt{'o'},
            "xhtml|x"          => \$opt{'x'},
            "update|u"         => \$opt{'u'},
            "verbose+"         => \$opt{'v'},
            "help"             => \$opt{'h'},

if ($opt{'h'}) {

if ($opt{'v'}) {
    $VERBOSE = $opt{'v'};

my %metadata;		# merged
my %metadata_date;	# by date only
my %metadata_number;	# last n records only

# get posts on or since the date provided
if ($opt{'d'}) {
    my ($year, $month, $day) = get_date($opt{'d'});
    %metadata_date = &fetch_metadata_date($year,$month,$day);
    print "$year, $month, $day\n" if ($VERBOSE);

# get the latest N posts from the database
if($opt{'n'}) {
    # force conversion to number
    my $nth = $opt{'n'} + 0;
    if (!$nth) {
	warn("An integer is missing.  One is needed when -n is used.");
    %metadata_number = &fetch_metadata_nth($nth);

if (!$opt{'d'} && !$opt{'n'}) {
    warn("Either a date -d or a quantity -n needs to be supplied.\n");

# create union of by-date and latest Nth posts by running through both
while ((my $k, my $v) = each(%metadata_date)) {
    $metadata{$k} = $v;
while ((my $k, my $v) = each(%metadata_number)) {
    $metadata{$k} = $v;

my $feed;
if (defined($opt{'a'})) {
    my $bodies;
    if (defined($opt{'b'})) {
	$bodies = &fetch_bodies(sort keys %metadata);

    if ($opt{'x'}) {
	$feed = &make_http_rss_feed(\%metadata, \$bodies);
    } elsif ($opt{'g'}) {
	$feed = &make_gemini_atom_feed(%metadata);
    } else {
	die("An option -g or -x must be provided\n");
} else {
    if ($opt{'x'}) {
	$feed = &make_xhtml_feed(%metadata);
    } elsif ($opt{'g'}) {
	$feed = &make_gemtext_feed(%metadata);
    } else {
	die("An option -g or -x must be provided\n");

# try to capture warnings sent to STDERR about "wide characters" here
my ($stderr, $result) = capture_stderr { print $feed };


# explain options and usage, then exit
sub usage {
    my ($script) = (@_);
    print "USAGE\n\n";
    print "$script [options]\n\n";
    print "Extract last n records and/or starting with the specified date and";
    print " form either an native list or an Atom feed.  Default is a native";
    print " list.\n\n";
    print " -a, --xml     produce an XML-based RSS 2.0 feed for XHTML\n";
    print "               and produce an Atom feed for GemText\n";
    print " -b, --body    include post body in feed\n";
    print " -d, --date	  YYYYMMDD format, defaults to today if missing\n";
    print " -f, --force   force overwrite of pre-existing destination files\n";
    print " -g, --gemtext make the either the gemtext list or Atom\n";
    print "               feed use Gemini URLs\n";
    print " -n, --number  take the last n records, instead of date\n";
    print " -x, --xhtml   make the either the definition list or Atom\n";
    print "               feed use HTTP(S) URLs\n";
    print " -u, --update  annotate recently updated items, default is off\n";
    print " -v, --verbose show debugging info\n";
    print "\n";
    print " -h, --help    show this message\n";
    print "\n";
    print "Either -d or -n must be supplied, or both.  If both are supplied";
    print "then the result is the union of both sets.\n\n";
    print "Example: \n";
    print " $script -v -d 20220711 -s\n";
    print "\n";
    print "Example: \n";
    print " $script -n 10\n";


# validate and return date from option XOR return current date
sub get_date {
    my ($date) = (@_);

    my ($year, $month, $day);
    if ($date) {
        ($date) = ($opt{'d'} =~ m/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})$/)
            ($date) = ($opt{'d'} =~ m/^([0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2})$/);
        $date =~ s/-//g;
        if (!$date) {
            print STDERR qq(Invalid date '), $opt{'d'}, qq('\n);
	($year,$month,$day) =
	    ($date =~ m/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/);

	if (! check_date($year,$month,$day)) {
            print STDERR qq(Invalid date '), $opt{'d'}, qq('\n);

    if (!$date) {
	($year,$month,$day) = Today_and_Now(1); # get date GMT
        $year  = sprintf("%04d", $year);
        $month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
        $day   = sprintf("%02d", $day);

    return($year, $month, $day);

# fetch the posts made on or since YYYY MM DD
sub fetch_metadata_date{
    my ($year,$month,$day) = (@_);

    my $dbfile="/var/www/";
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
                           { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
        or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

    my %metadata;
    my $sth;
    my $recno;

    # get the next record number, noting which records have been updated
    # the CASE clause might be unnecessary as a more complex sorting
    # calculation is made in the perl code
    my $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno AS recno, value, updated,
                          keys.ballast AS ballast, keys.slug AS slug
                   FROM keys
                   INNER JOIN (
                      SELECT created.recno, modified.value,
                              WHEN created.value=?
			  AND created.term=""
			  AND created.recno=modified.recno) AS t3
                   ON t3.recno == keys.recno
                   WHERE keys.written=1
                   ORDER BY t3.value DESC, recno DESC);

    $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
        or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
    my $date = "$year-$month-$day";
    print "Date $date\n" if ($VERBOSE);
        or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

    # Read the matching records and print them out
    while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
        my $recno = $data->{'recno'};
        my $ballast = $data->{'ballast'};
	my $title = '';
	my $author = '';
	my $description = '';
	if ($opt{'u'}) {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'updated'} = $data->{'updated'};
	} else {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'updated'} = 0;
	if ($ballast) {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'url'} = $data->{'slug'}.'.'.$ballast;
	} else {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'url'} = $data->{'slug'};
	$metadata{$recno}{'updated'} = $data->{'updated'};
	$query = qq(SELECT term,value FROM metadata WHERE recno=?);
        my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query);
	    or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	my $date_created = '';
	while (my $record = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
            my $term = $record->{'term'};
            my $value = $record->{'value'};
	    if ($term eq '') {
		$date_created = $value;
		$metadata{$recno}{'date.created'} = $value;
	    } elsif ($term eq '') {
		$metadata{$recno}{'date.modified'} = $value;
	    } elsif ($term eq 'dc.description') {
		$metadata{$recno}{'description'} = $value;
	    } elsif ($term eq 'dc.title') {
		$metadata{$recno}{'title'} = $value;
	if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	    print "DC=$date_created\n";
	    print "DC=",$metadata{$recno}{'date.created'},"\n";
	    print "DM=",$metadata{$recno}{'date.modified'},"\n";
	if (defined($metadata{$recno}{'url'})
	    && $date_created) {
	    my $path = $date_created;
            $path =~ s|^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T.*$|$1/$2/$3|
                or die("Could not validate '$path'\n");
            $path = '/n/'.$path;
            my $url = $path.'/'.$metadata{$recno}{'url'}.'.shtml';
	    $url =~ s|(?finish;


# fetch the N most recent posts from the database
sub fetch_metadata_nth{
    my ($nth) = (@_);

    my $dbfile="/var/www/";
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
                           { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
        or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

    my %metadata;
    my $sth;

    # get the next record number, noting which records have been updated
    # the CASE clause might be unnecessary as a more complex sorting
    # calculation is made in the perl code
    my $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno AS recno, value, updated,
                          keys.ballast AS ballast, keys.slug AS slug
                   FROM keys
                   INNER JOIN (
                      SELECT created.recno, modified.value,
                              WHEN created.valueprepare($query)
        or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
        or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

    # Read the matching records and print them out
    while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
        my $recno = $data->{'recno'};
	my $ballast = $data->{'ballast'};
	my $title = '';
	my $author = '';
	my $description = '';
	if ($opt{'u'}) {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'updated'} = $data->{'updated'};
	} else {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'updated'} = 0;
	if ($ballast) {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'url'} = $data->{'slug'}.'.'.$ballast;
	} else {
	    $metadata{$recno}{'url'} = $data->{'slug'};
	print "URL2 = ".$metadata{$recno}{'url'}."\n" if ($VERBOSE);

	$query = qq(SELECT term,value FROM metadata WHERE recno=?);
        my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query);
	    or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	my $date_created = '';
	while (my $record = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
            my $term = $record->{'term'};
            my $value = $record->{'value'};
	    if ($term eq '') {
		$date_created = $value;
		$metadata{$recno}{'date.created'} = $value;
	    } elsif ($term eq '') {
		$metadata{$recno}{'date.modified'} = $value;
	    } elsif ($term eq 'dc.description') {
		$metadata{$recno}{'description'} = $value;
	    } elsif ($term eq 'dc.title') {
		$metadata{$recno}{'title'} = $value;
	    } elsif ($term eq 'dc.creator') {
		$metadata{$recno}{'author'} = $value;
	if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	    print "DC=$date_created\n";
	if (defined($metadata{$recno}{'url'})
	    && $date_created ) {
	    my $path = $date_created;
            $path =~ s|^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T.*$|$1/$2/$3|
                or die("Could not validate '$path'\n");
            $path = '/n/'.$path;
            my $url = $path.'/'.$metadata{$recno}{'url'}.'.shtml';
	    $url =~ s|(?finish;


sub fetch_bodies {
    my (@recnos) = (@_);
    my $sth;

    my $dbfile="/var/www/";
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
                           { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
        or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

    # SELECT recno FROM body WHERE recno IN (2284, 2285, 2286);
    my $query = sprintf('SELECT recno, body FROM body WHERE recno IN (%s)',
			join ',', ('?') x @recnos);
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
        or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
    $sth->execute( (@recnos) )
        or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

    my $bodies = $sth->fetchall_hashref('recno');


    return( $bodies );

sub make_http_rss_feed {
    my ($protofeed, $bodies) = (@_);

    # make xml/rss feed for use over HTTP / HTTPS
    my $http = "";  # hardcoded :(

    # see
    my $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone=>'UTC');
    my $d = $dt->strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z');

    # create an RSS 2.0 feed in UTF-8, without encoding non-ASCII entities
    my $feed = XML::RSS->new(encoding=>'UTF-8',
			     output => "2.0",
			     encode_output => 0);

    # chanel metadata
		   description => 'bonum certa men certa',
		   ttl => "300",

    # add entries for each individual post in this feed
    # sorted in a special sequence, floating recently updated posts to the top
    for my $recno (sort {
            or $$protofeed{$b}{'date.modified'}
                cmp $$protofeed{$a}{'date.modified'}
            or $$protofeed{$b}{'date.created'}
                cmp $$protofeed{$a}{'date.created'}
            or $b cmp $a
		   } keys %{$protofeed} ) {

	# default to now, unless replaced with
	my $pubDate = $dt;
	if ( my ($y, $m, $d, $H, $M) =
	      =~ m/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})
                   T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/x)) {

	    $pubDate = DateTime->new(
		year      => $y,
		month     => $m,
		day       => $d,
		hour      => $H,
		minute    => $M,
		time_zone => "UTC",
	    $pubDate = $pubDate->strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z');

	if (defined($$protofeed{$recno}{'url'})) {
	    my ($url, $title, $description);

	    $url = $http.$$protofeed{$recno}{'url'};
	    $url = uri_escape($url, "?'\"");

	    $title = $$protofeed{$recno}{'title'};
	    $title = encode_entities_numeric($title, '&<');

	    my $updated = &updated($$protofeed{$recno}{'date.created'},
	    if ($updated) {
		$title .= ' (updated)';

	    $description = $$protofeed{$recno}{'description'};
	    $description = encode_entities_numeric($description, '&<');

	    if ( $opt{'b'} && defined($${$bodies}{$recno}{'body'} ) ) {
		    link => $url,
		    title => $title,
		    description => qq(

) .$description.qq(

\n\n) .$${$bodies}{$recno}{'body'}, pubDate => $pubDate, ); } else { $feed->add_item( link => $url, title => $title, description => $description, pubDate => $pubDate, ); } } } return($feed->as_string); } sub make_gemini_atom_feed { # lll my (%protofeed) = (@_); # make xml/atom feed for use over Gemini protocol # see # see my $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone=>'UTC'); my $feed = XML::Feed->new('Atom'); $feed->title('Techrights'); $feed->link('gemini://'); $feed->self_link('gemini://'); $feed->base('gemini://'); $feed->id('gemini://'); $feed->tagline('bonum certa men certa'); $feed->language('en'); $feed->modified($dt); my $gemini = 'gemini://'; # hardcoded :( # add entries for each individual post in this feed # sorted in a special sequence, floating recently updated posts to the top my $updated = 0; for my $recno (sort { &by_updated($protofeed{$b}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$b}{'date.modified'}, $protofeed{$a}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$a}{'date.modified'}) or $protofeed{$b}{'date.modified'} cmp $protofeed{$a}{'date.modified'} or $protofeed{$b}{'date.created'} cmp $protofeed{$a}{'date.created'} or $b cmp $a } keys %protofeed) { if (defined($protofeed{$recno}{'url'})) { my $entry = XML::Feed::Entry->new(); my $url = $gemini.$protofeed{$recno}{'url'}; # URL paths ought to map 1:1 from http to gemini $url =~ s/\.shtml$/.gmi/; $entry->id($url); $entry->link($url); $updated = &updated($protofeed{$recno}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$recno}{'date.modified'}); if ($updated && $opt{'u'}) { $entry->title($protofeed{$recno}{'title'}.' (updated)'); } else { $entry->title($protofeed{$recno}{'title'}); } $entry->author($protofeed{$recno}{'author'}); if ( my ($y, $m, $d) = ($protofeed{$recno}{'date.modified'} =~ m/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/)) { my $date = DateTime->new(year=>$y, month=>$m, day=>$d); $entry->modified($date); } $entry->summary($protofeed{$recno}{'description'}); $feed->add_entry($entry); } } # kludge for XML::Feed's hardcoded MIME Types # this is brittle my $f = $feed->as_xml; $f =~ s|^(\s*]+) (type="text/html")|$1 type="text/gemini"|gm; return($f); } sub make_xhtml_feed { my (%protofeed) = (@_); # make XHTML document fragment listing posts in special sequence my $feed = ''; $feed = qq(
\n); $feed .= "
\n"; my $count = 0; my $old_updated = 0; my $updated = 0; for my $recno (sort { &by_updated($protofeed{$b}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$b}{'date.modified'}, $protofeed{$a}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$a}{'date.modified'}) or $protofeed{$b}{'date.modified'} cmp $protofeed{$a}{'date.modified'} or $protofeed{$b}{'date.created'} cmp $protofeed{$a}{'date.created'} or $b cmp $a } keys %protofeed) { if (defined($protofeed{$recno}{'url'})) { if ($opt{'u'}) { $updated = &updated($protofeed{$recno}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$recno}{'date.modified'}); if ($old_updated && !$updated) { $feed .= "\n
\n\n"; } $old_updated = $updated; } my $url = uri_escape($protofeed{$recno}{'url'},"?\""); my $title = encode_entities_numeric($protofeed{$recno}{'title'}, '&<'); my $description = encode_entities_numeric($protofeed{$recno}{'description'}, '&<'); if ($updated) { $feed .= '
' .$title.'
'."\n"; $feed .= '
' .$description."
\n"; } else { $feed .= '
' .$title.'
'."\n"; $feed .= '
\n"; } $count++; } } $feed .= "
\n"; $feed .= "
\n"; if ($count) { return($feed); } else { return(0); } } sub make_gemtext_feed { my (%protofeed) = (@_); # make GemText document fragment listing links in special sequence my $feed = ''; $feed = qq(\n); my $count = 0; my $old_updated = 0; my $updated = 0; for my $recno (sort { &by_updated($protofeed{$b}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$b}{'date.modified'}, $protofeed{$a}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$a}{'date.modified'}) or $protofeed{$b}{'date.modified'} cmp $protofeed{$a}{'date.modified'} or $protofeed{$b}{'date.created'} cmp $protofeed{$a}{'date.created'} or $b cmp $a } keys %protofeed) { if (defined($protofeed{$recno}{'url'})) { $updated = &updated($protofeed{$recno}{'date.created'}, $protofeed{$recno}{'date.modified'},); if ($old_updated && !$updated) { $feed .= "\n"; } $old_updated = $updated; $count++; my $url = uri_escape($protofeed{$recno}{'url'},"?\""); $url =~ s/\.\w+$/.gmi/; my $title = $protofeed{$recno}{'title'}; my $description = $protofeed{$recno}{'description'}; if ($updated) { $feed .= "=>\t".$url."\t".$title." (update)\n"; } else { $feed .= "=>\t".$url."\t".$title."\n"; } $feed .= ' '.$description."\n\n"; } } $feed .= "\n"; if ($count) { return($feed); } else { return(0); } } sub by_updated { my ($cdate1, $mdate1, $cdate2, $mdate2) = (@_); my $updated1 = &updated($cdate1, $mdate1); my $updated2 = &updated($cdate2, $mdate2); return( $updated1 cmp $updated2); } sub updated { my ($date1, $date2) = (@_); # check if the modification is at least 30 minutes ago # or at least 30 minutes since record creation my ($year1,$month1,$day1, $hour1,$min1,undef) = ($date1 =~ m/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/); my ($year2,$month2,$day2, $hour2,$min2,undef) = ($date2 =~ m/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/); my ($year3,$month3,$day3, $hour3,$min3,undef) = Today_and_Now(1); # calculate the time between creation and update my ($Dd,$Dh,$Dm,$Ds) = Delta_DHMS($year1,$month1,$day1, $hour1,$min1,00, $year2,$month2,$day2, $hour2,$min2,00); # has the record been updated? if ($Dd || $Dh || $Dm) { # calculate the time since the update in days, hours, minutes, seconds my ($Dd,$Dh,$Dm,$Ds) = Delta_DHMS($year2,$month2,$day2, $hour2,$min2,00, $year3,$month3,$day3, $hour3,$min3,00); # if less than one day has passed but at least 30 minutes since editing if ($Dd < 1 && ($Dh >= 1 || $Dm >= 30)) { return(1); } } return(0); }



# 2022-07-26


case $USER in
	'tuxmachines') author='Tux Machines'
	'roy') author='Roy Schestowitz'
	'rianne') author='Rianne Schestowitz'
	'marius') author='Marius Nestor'
	'arindam') author='Arindam Giri'
	'trendoceans') author='Arctic'
	*) author=$USER

# add a record -a "$author"

# update both the XHTML and Gemtext hierarchies

exit 0



use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use DBI qw(:sql_types);

use strict;
use warnings;

our %opt;
our $VERBOSE = 0;

GetOptions ("documentroot|r=s" => \$opt{'r'},
	    "serverroot|s=s"   => \$opt{'s'},
	    "geminiroot|g=s"   => \$opt{'g'},
            "verbose+"         => \$opt{'v'},
            "help"             => \$opt{'h'},

if ($opt{'h'}) {

my $documentroot = '/var/www/';
my $serverroot   = '/var/www/';
my $geminiroot   = '/home/gemini/';

if ($opt{'r'}) {
    $documentroot = $opt{'r'};

if ($opt{'s'}) {
    $serverroot = $opt{'s'};

if ($opt{'g'}) {
    $geminiroot = $opt{'g'};

$documentroot =~ s|(?<=[^/])$|/|;
$documentroot =~ s|//+$|/|;
$serverroot =~ s|(?<=[^/])$|/|;
$serverroot =~ s|//+$|/|;
$geminiroot =~ s|(?<=[^/])$|/|;
$geminiroot =~ s|//+$|/|;
print qq($serverroot\n);
print qq($documentroot\n);



sub usage {

sub make_db_path {
    my ($serverroot) = (@_);

    my $dbpath = $serverroot.'db/';
    if ( ! -e $serverroot ) {
            or die("Could not create server root and database path '$dbpath' : $!\n");
        print "Created directory '$dbpath'\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    } elsif ( -w $serverroot ) {
	if ( ! -e $dbpath ) {
		or die("Could not create database path '$dbpath' : $!\n");
	    print "Created directory '$dbpath'\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    } else {
	die("Could not create server root '$serverroot' is not writable\n");

sub make_db {
    my ($serverroot, $file) = (@_);
    my $dbpath = $serverroot.'db/';

    my $dbfile;
    if ($file) {
	$dbfile = $dbpath.$file;
    } else {
	$dbfile = $dbpath.'tr-static-site-generator.sqlite3';

    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
                           { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
        or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

    my @queries = (
	qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata(recno integer, term varchar(25) not null,
		  value varchar(256) not null,constraint fk_recno foreign key (recno) 
		  references "body_old" (recno) on delete cascade);),
	qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "body"(recno integer primary key unique, body text not null)),
	qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "keys" (recno integer not null unique, written integer default 0 not null, 
		  date varchar(8) not null, ballast integer, slug varchar(256) not null, unique (date, slug, ballast),
 		  foreign key (recno) references "body" (recno));),
	qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rawtext(recno integer primary key unique, fulltext text not null);),
       	      INSERT INTO data(rowid, fulltext) VALUES (new.recno, new.fulltext);
       	      INSERT INTO data(data, rowid, fulltext) VALUES('delete', old.recno, old.fulltext);
       	      INSERT INTO data(data, rowid, fulltext) VALUES('delete', old.recno, old.fulltext);
  	      INSERT INTO data(rowid, fulltext) VALUES (new.recno, new.fulltext);
	qq(CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data USING FTS5(fulltext, content=rawtext, content_rowid=recno);),
	qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'data_idx'(segid, term, pgno, PRIMARY KEY(segid, term)) WITHOUT ROWID;),

    my $sth;
    foreach my $query (@queries) {
	if ($VERBOSE) {
	    print qq($query\n\n);
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
	    or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	    or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

sub make_gemtext_template {
    my ($geminiroot) = (@_);

    my $template = < /intro/ Introduction
=> /about/ About this capsule
=> /archives.gmi Capsule archives
=> /irc.gmi Contact us (IRC)

# Articles from Techrights (GemText)

## Latest Articles in Techrights

    # write the template
    my $gemtext = $geminiroot.'index.template';
    open(my $g, '>', $gemtext)
	or die("Could not write '$gemtext' \n");
    print $g $template;

    # touch the hitclock
    $gemtext = $geminiroot.'hitclock';
    open($g, '>>', $gemtext)
        or die("Could not write '$gemtext' \n");
    print $g "";

sub make_html_footer {
    my ($documentroot) = (@_);
    my $footer = <

    my $file = $documentroot.'footer.html';
    open(my $f, '>', $file)
        or die("Could not write '$file' \n");
    print $f $footer;

sub make_html_header {
    my ($documentroot) = (@_);
    my $header = <



bonum certa men certa

EOF my $file = $documentroot.'header.html'; open(my $h, '>', $file) or die("Could not write '$file' \n"); print $h $header; close($h); return(1); } sub make_html_navigation{ my ($documentroot) = (@_); my $navmenu = < EOF my $file = $documentroot.'navigation.html'; open(my $n, '>', $file) or die("Could not write '$file' \n"); print $n $navmenu; close($n); return(1); } sub touch_html_feed { my ($documentroot) = (@_); # touch placeholder for html version of feeds my $file = $documentroot.'feeds.html'; open(my $n, '>', $file) or die("Could not write '$file' \n"); print $n ""; close($n); return(1); }



# 2022-07-07


closure() {
    test -d ${tmpdir} || exit 1
    echo "Erasing temporary directory (${tmpdir}) and its files."
    rm -f ${tmpdir}/feed-tmp.*
    rmdir ${tmpdir}

cancel() {
    echo "Cancelled."
    exit 2

# trap various signals to be able to erase temporary files
trap "cancel" 1 2 15

start=$(date -d '-2 days' +'%F')


umask 0002
echo '
' > $file echo -e "

Other Sites

\n\n" >> $file # set up a temporary directory for many temporary files umask 0077 tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/feeds-tmp.XXXXXX) # fetch feeds concurrently, each to a unique temporary file while read feed; do tmpfile=$(mktemp -p ${tmpdir} feed-tmp.XXXXXXX) # use -o option because of permission problems with stdout and su -L -t -d $start -o ${tmpfile} ${feed} & done <> $file echo '
' >> $file chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r $file # clear signal trapping trap - 1 2 15 # remove temporary files closure exit 0



use utf8;
use Getopt::Long;
use URI;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use Unicode::Normalize qw(NFKD);
use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
use HTML::FormatText;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture capture_stdout);
use Date::Calc qw(Today Today_and_Now Delta_Days);
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use HTML::Entities;

use English;

use strict;
use warnings;

use open qw(:std :encoding(UTF-8));

if ($ENV{'USER'} eq 'root' && ! $ENV{'EUID'}) {
    print STDERR qq(Cannot run as root!\nAborting\n);


our %opt;
our $VERBOSE = 0;

GetOptions ("author|a=s"      => \$opt{'a'},
            "date|d=s"        => \$opt{'d'},
            "description|m=s" => \$opt{'m'},
            "help|h"          => \$opt{'h'},
            "preload=s"       => \$opt{'preload'},
            "subject|s=s"     => \$opt{'s'},
            "skip-date"       => \$opt{'skipdate'},
            "skip-slug"       => \$opt{'skipslug'},
            "title|t=s"       => \$opt{'t'},
            "url|u=s@"        => \$opt{'u'},
            "verbose+"        => \$opt{'v'},

my $script = $0;

if (defined($opt{'h'})) {

if (defined($opt{'v'})) {

my $author  = &get_author($opt{'a'}); # get option or default to blank
my $date    = &get_date(  $opt{'d'}); # get option or default to current date
my $title   = &get_title( $opt{'t'}); # get option or default to blank
my $desc    = &get_desc(  $opt{'m'}); # get option
my $slug    = &get_slug(  $opt{'s'} || 0, $title || 0);
my $preload = $opt{'preload'} || '';

my $dir  = '';
my $dest = '';
my $done = 0;
my $checked = 0;

my $dbfile = "/var/www/";

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
		       { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
    or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

$SIG{INT}  = sub { &done($dbh) };	# quit gracefully
$SIG{HUP}  = sub { &done($dbh) };
$SIG{TERM} = sub { &done($dbh) };
$SIG{STOP} = sub { &done($dbh) };

my $editor = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'temp.XXXXX',
			      DIR      => '/tmp',
			      SUFFIX   => '.body2.tmp',
			      UNLINK   => 1 );

my $tmpfile = $editor->filename;
-f $tmpfile && unlink($tmpfile);    # clear the way for nano

my ($img, $result) = (''x2);
if ($opt{'u'}) {
    foreach my $u (@{$opt{'u'}}) {
	my $url = URI->new($u)
	    or die("Could not parse URL\n");
	my @cmd = ('', $url->canonical);
        system(@cmd) == 0
            or die("fetching '@cmd' failed: $?\n");
	my ($i, $result) = capture_stdout {system(@cmd)};
	$img = $img . "\n" . $i;

    if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	print qq(\n$img\n\n);

while (!$done) {
    print qq(\nMetadata:\n);
    if ( $opt{'skipdate'} ) {
	my @todaynow = Today_and_Now;
	@todaynow = splice( @todaynow, 0, 5);
	$date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d", @todaynow);
	undef($opt{'skipdate'} );
	$opt{'d'} = $date;
    } elsif (!$opt{'d'}) {
	$date = &read_date($date);

    $dir = $date;
    $dir =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})|$1/$2/$3|;

    $author = &read_author($author);
    $title  = &read_title($title);
    &check_title($dbh, $title);

    $desc   = &read_description($desc);

    if (! $checked++ && !$slug && $title) {
	$slug = $title;
	$slug =~ s/\s+/_/g;
	$slug =~ s/[[:punct:]]+/_/g;	# harmonize with gemini
	$slug =~ s/_+$//g;
	$slug =~ s/^_+//;
	$slug =~ s/_+$//;
	$slug =~ s|/||g;
	$slug =~ s/[^\w+-:'"?!]+//g;

	# swap out diactricicals, gemini clients choke on them
	$slug = NFKD($slug);
	$slug =~ s/\p{NonspacingMark}//g;

	if ($slug ne substr($slug,0,63)) {
	    print STDERR color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Slug is too long.  );
	    print STDERR qq(It should be less than 63 characters.\n);
	    print STDERR color('reset');
	    $checked = 0;
	    $slug = substr($slug,0,63);
	} elsif (!$slug) {
	    print STDERR color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Invalid title-based slug, );
	    print STDERR qq(check title or add slug\n);
	    print STDERR color('reset');

    if ( !$opt{'skipslug'}) {
	$slug = &read_slug($slug);

    print "A=$author\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    print "D=$date\n"   if ($VERBOSE);
    print "T=$title\n"  if ($VERBOSE);
    print "M=$desc\n"   if ($VERBOSE);
    print "S=$slug\n"   if ($VERBOSE);
    print qq(\n[y/N] );
    my $i = ;
    chomp $i;
    if ($i ne 'y' and $i ne 'Y') {
    print "Waiting for database to unlock ...";
    my ($recno, $ballast) = &get_next_available_recno($dbh, $date, $slug);
    print "lock acquired\n";

    if (!$recno) {
	$done = 0;
	$checked = 0;

    my $status;
    if (!$slug) {
	die("Slug missing");	# kludge for debugging

    $status = &write_keys($dbh, $recno, $date, $slug, $ballast);
    if (!$status) {

    if($status) {
	$status = &write_metadata($dbh, $recno, $title, $author, $date, $desc);
    if ($status != 1) {

    my $draft = 0;
    if ($status) {
	my ($body, $rawtext) = &edit_body($tmpfile, $img);

	print qq(\n[y/N/d] );
	my $i = ;
	chomp $i;
	if ($i eq 'y' or $i eq 'Y') {
	} elsif ($i eq 'd' or $i eq 'D') {
	    $draft = 2;

	$rawtext = $title.' '.$rawtext;
	$status = &write_body($dbh, $recno, $body, $rawtext);

    if ($status == 1 and $draft) {
	if (&update_draft_status($dbh, $recno)) {
	    print qq($recno added as Draft\n);
	} else {
	    $done = 0;
    } elsif ($status == 1) {
	print qq(Record added\n);
    } else {
	$done = 0;

    if (!$done) {
	print "Rolling back\n";

# write the changes



sub usage {
    my ($script) = (@_);
    print "USAGE\n\n";
    print "$script [hv] [-a author] [-d date] [-s slug] [-t title]";
    print " [-u url] [--preload text] [--skip-date] [--skip-slug]\n";
    print " -a author aka dc.creator\n";
    print " -d date in YYYYMMDD format\n";
    print " -m is the brief description for search engines to use";
    print " -s the unique part of the file name\n";
    print " -t the title to be used in the HTML document\n";
    print " -u graphic URL to pre-fetch\n";
    print " -v show debugging info\n";
    print "\n";
    print " --preload prepend text into document body\n";
    print " --skip-date don't query about datetime\n";
    print " --skip-slug skip slug query\n";
    print "\n";
    print " -h show this message\n";
    print "\n";
    print "The others will be prompted for if missing.\n";


sub get_author {
    my ($author) = (@_);
    # lll - validation / lookup table?

sub get_date {
    my ($date) = (@_);

    if ($date) {
	$date = $opt{'d'};
	$date = &iso_8601_date($date);

	if (!$date) {
	    print STDERR color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Invalid date '), $opt{'d'}, qq('\n);
	    print STDERR color('reset');

    if (!$date) {
	my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year) = gmtime();
	$year   = sprintf("%04d", $year + 1900);
	$month  = sprintf("%02d", $month + 1);
	$day    = sprintf("%02d", $day);
	$hour   = sprintf("%02d", $hour);
	$minute = sprintf("%02d", $minute);
	$date   = qq($year-$month-$day).'T'.qq($hour:$minute);

    print qq(Date = $date\n) if $VERBOSE;


sub get_title {
    my ($title) = (@_);

    if ($title) {
	$title =~ s/^\s+//;
	$title =~ s/\s+$//;


sub get_desc {
    my ($description) = (@_);

    if ($description) {
	$description =~ s/^\s+//;
	$description =~ s/\s+$//;


sub get_slug {
    my ($slug, $title) = (@_);
    print qq(1: $slug / $title\n) if ($VERBOSE);
    # the \w does not handle unicode properly, no clue why
    if ($slug) {
	$slug =~ s/\s+$//;
	$slug =~ s/^\s+//;
	$slug =~ s/\s+/_/g;
	$slug =~ s/[[:punct:]]+/_/g;	# harmonize with gemini
	$slug =~ s/_+$//;
	while ($slug =~ s/__+/_/g) { 1 }
	$slug =~ s/[^\w\+\-\:\[\]\{\}\\?\!\@\#\&\*\$\%]+//g;

	# swap out diactricicals, gemini clients choke on them
	$slug = NFKD($slug);
	$slug =~ s/\p{NonspacingMark}//g;

	$slug = substr($slug,0,63);
	if (!$slug) {
	    print color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Invalid slug '$slug'\n);
	    print color('reset');
    if (!$slug && $title) {
	$slug = $title;
	print "SLUG=$slug\n";
	$slug =~ s/\s+$//;
	$slug =~ s/^\s+//;
	$slug =~ s/\s+/_/g;
	$slug =~ s|/+|_|g;
	$slug =~ s/[[:punct:]]+/_/g;	# harmonize with gemini
	$slug =~ s/_+$//;
	while ($slug =~ s/__+/_/g) { 1 }
	$slug =~ s/[^\w\+\-\:\[\]\{\}\?\!\@\#\&\*\$\%]+//g;
	if (!$slug) {
	    print color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Invalid title-based slug, );
	    print STDERR qq(check title or add slug\n);
	    print color('reset');
    print qq(2: $slug / $title\n) if ($VERBOSE);

sub read_author {
    my ($author) = (@_);
    my $done = 0;
    while (!$done) {

	print " Author: ";
	if ($author) {
	    print "[$author] ";
	    if($opt{'a'}) {
		print "\n";

	my $new_author = '';
	if (!$opt{'a'}) {
	    $new_author = ;

	if($new_author) {
	    $author = $new_author;
	# lll - lookup table or validation ?

	$author =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f/ /ds;
	$author =~ tr/\x09/ /s;
	if ($author) {
	} else {
	    print color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Add author name or handle\n);
	    print color('reset');


sub read_date {
    my ($date) = (@_);

    my $done = 0;

    while (!$done) {
	print qq( Date: );
	if ($date) {
	    print qq([$date] );
	my $d = ;
	$d =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f/ /ds;
	$d =~ tr/\x09/ /s;
	if ($d) {
	    ($date) = ($d =~ m/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})$/)
		($date) = ($d =~ m/^([0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2})$/);
	    if (!$date) {
		print color('bold white');
		print STDERR qq(Invalid date '), $d, qq('\n);
		print color('reset');
	    } else {
		$date =~ s/-//g;
	} elsif($date) {
	} else {
	    my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year) = gmtime();
	    $year   = sprintf("%04d", $year + 1900);
	    $month  = sprintf("%02d", $month + 1);
	    $day    = sprintf("%02d", $day);
	    $hour   = sprintf("%02d", $hour);
	    $minute = sprintf("%02d", $minute);
	    $date   = qq($year-$month-$day).qq(T$hour:$minute);


sub read_title {
    my ($title) = (@_);

    my $done = 0;
    while (!$done) {
	print qq( Title: );
	if ($title) {
	    print qq([$title] );
	my $t = ;
	chomp $t;
	$t =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f/ /ds;
	$t =~ tr/\x09/ /s;
	if ($t) {
	    $t =~ s/^\s+//;
	    $t =~ s/\s+$//;
	    $title = $t;
	} elsif ($title) {
	} else {
	    print color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Invalid title '$t'\n);
	    print color('reset');

sub read_description {
    my ($description) = (@_);

    my $done = 0;
    while (!$done) {
	print qq( Description: );
	if ($description) {
	    print qq([$description] );
	my $d = ;
	chomp $d;
	$d = Encode::encode( 'UTF-8', $d);
	$d =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f/ /ds;
	$d =~ tr/\x09/ /s;
	if ($d) {
	    $d =~ s/^\s+//;
	    $d =~ s/\s+$//;
	    $description = $d;
	} elsif ($description) {
	} else {
	    print color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Invalid description '$d'\n);
	    print color('reset');


sub read_slug {
    my ($slug) = (@_);
    $slug =~ s/^\s+//;

    my $done = 0;
    while (!$done) {
	print qq( Slug: );
	if ($slug) {
	    print qq([$slug] );
	my $s = ;
	chomp $s;
	$s =~ s/^\s+//;
	$s =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f/ /ds;
	$s =~ tr/\x09/ /s;

	if ($s) {
	    $s =~ s/^\s+//;
	    $s =~ s/\s+$//;
	    $s =~ s/\s+/_/g;
	    $s =~ s|/+|_|g;
	    $slug =~ s/[[:punct:]]+/_/g;	# harmonize with gemini
	    $slug =~ s/_+$//;
	    while ($s =~ s/__+/_/g) { 1 }
	    $s =~ s/[^\w\+\-\:\[\]\{\}\?\!\@\#\&\*\$\%]+//g;
	    $slug = $s;
	} elsif ($slug) {
	} else {
	    print color('bold white');
	    print STDERR qq(Invalid slug '$slug'\n);
	    print color('reset');


sub edit_body {
    my ($tmpfile, $img) = (@_);

    # use a temp file to get the XHTML over to the next script
    my $validator = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'temp.XXXXX',
				     DIR      => '/tmp',
				     SUFFIX   => '.body1.tmp',
				     UNLINK   => 1 );

    my $vfile = $validator->filename;
    -f $vfile && unlink($vfile);    # clear the way for nano

    open(my $tf, ">", $tmpfile)
	or die("Could not open '$tmpfile' for writing\n");
    if ($opt{'preload'}) {
	print $tf $opt{'preload'};
    print $tf $img;

    my @cmd = ();
    my $done = 0;
    my $body = '';
    my $rawtext = '';
    while (!$done) {

	# edit body as tmpfile
	# the +-1 positions the cursor at the bottom intitially
	@cmd = ('/usr/bin/nano', '+-1', '--tabstospaces', $tmpfile);
	system(@cmd) == 0
	    or die("editing '@cmd' failed: $?\n");

	# don't allow empty body
	if (!-e $tmpfile || -z $tmpfile) {

	# make a copy by reading on file and writing it to another name
	open(my $tf, "<", $tmpfile)
	    or die("Could not open '$tmpfile' for reading\n");

	my $lines = "";
	while (my $line = <$tf>) {
	    $line =~ s| \& | \& |gm;
	    $lines .= $line;
	close ($tf);

	open(my $ov, ">", $vfile)
	    or die("Could not copy to '$vfile'\n");

	# add paragraphs if there is no other XHTML markup
	if ($lines =~ m/^(?!<[^>]+>).*$/m) {
	    $lines =~ s|^|

|; $lines =~ s|\n\n+|


\n|gm; } elsif ($lines =~ m/^(?!<[^>]+>).*(?=\n\n)/m) { $lines =~ s|^|

|gm; } print $ov $lines; close ($ov); # force conversion of the second file to XHTML using tidy @cmd = ('/usr/bin/tidy', '-m', '-q', '--show-info', 'no', '--output-xml', '--preserve-entities', 'yes', '-utf8', '-asxml', $vfile); # validate the second file now that it has become XHTML my ($stdout, $stderr, $result) = capture { system(@cmd) }; @cmd = ('/usr/bin/tidy', '-q', '--show-info', 'no', '--output-xml', '--preserve-entities', 'yes', '-utf8', '-xml', $vfile); ($stdout, $result) = capture_stdout {system(@cmd)}; if ($result) { print color('bold white'); print STDERR "HTML validation failed\n"; print STDERR "press RETURN to continue editing"; print color('reset'); my $i = ; $done = 0; next; } else { # look for hotlinked images, report error if they are found my $xhtml = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new; $xhtml->implicit_tags(1); $xhtml->parse_file($vfile) or die("Could not parse '$vfile' : $!\n"); my $error = 0; for my $hotlink ($xhtml->findnodes('//img[starts-with(@src,"http")]')) { if ($hotlink->attr('src') =~ m|^https?:/*[^/]*|) { next; } $error++; } if ($error) { print color('bold white'); print STDERR "Failure: image hotlinking present."; print STDERR " Remove it to proceed.\n"; print STDERR "press RETURN"; print color('reset'); my $i = ; $done = 0; next; } else { $done++; } # make sure images have alt text, report error if not $error = 0; for my $alt ($xhtml->findnodes('//img[not(@alt) or @alt[not(string())]]')) { $error++; } if ($error) { print STDERR color('bold white'); print STDERR "Failure: missing or empty ALT attribute in IMG."; print STDERR " Add it to proceed.\n"; print STDERR "press RETURN"; print STDERR color('reset'); my $i = ; $done = 0; next; } else { $done++; } # find iframes for my $iframe ($xhtml->findnodes('//iframe')) { print STDERR color('bold white'); print STDERR "Warning: iframe found. Delete (D), "; print STDERR "or re-edit (R)? Enter D or R: "; print STDERR color('reset'); my $i = ; chomp($i); if ($i eq 'D' or $i eq 'd') { $done++; } else { $error++; } } if ($error) { $done = 0; next; } # find absolute links to Techrights domain for my $href ($xhtml->findnodes('//a[@href]')) { if($href->attr('href') =~ m|^https?:/*[^/]*|) { $error++; } } if ($error) { print STDERR color('bold white'); print STDERR "Warning: absolute link to the Techrights "; print STDERR "domain. Enter Y or N: "; print STDERR color('reset'); my $i = ; chomp($i); if ($i eq 'Y' or $i eq 'y') { $done++; } else { $done = 0; next; } } $xhtml->delete; } my $xhtml = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new; $xhtml->implicit_tags(1); $xhtml->no_expand_entities(1); open (my $xhtmlfile, "<", $vfile) or die("Could not open '$vfile' for reading: $!\n"); $xhtml->parse_file($xhtmlfile) or die("Could not parse '$vfile' : $!\n"); # find and replace absolute links to Techrights domain my $absolute = 0; for my $href ($xhtml->findnodes('//a[@href]')) { if($href->attr('href') =~ m|^https?:/*[^/]*|) { my $h = $href->attr('href'); $h =~ s|^https?:/*[^/]*|/|; $href->attr('href', $h); $absolute++; } } for my $img ($xhtml->findnodes('//img[@src]')) { if($img->attr('src') =~ m|^https?:/*[^/]*|) { my $s = $img->attr('src'); $s =~ s|^https?:/*[^/]*|/|; $img->attr('src', $s); $absolute++; } } if ($absolute) { print STDERR $absolute; print STDERR qq( reference), $absolute == 1 ? '' : 's'; print STDERR qq( converted to relative\n); } # delete iframes for my $iframe ($xhtml->findnodes('//iframe')) { $iframe->delete(); } my $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 78); for my $bd ($xhtml->findnodes('//body')) { $rawtext = $rawtext . $formatter->format($bd); for my $b ( $bd->detach_content ) { eval { $body = $body . $b->as_HTML('', ' ', {}) . "\n"; }; if ($@) { print STDERR qq(\n),$@,qq(\n); print STDERR qq(Failed HTML. Press RETURN.\n); $done=0; my $i =; last; } } } $body =~ s/\n+$//m; close($xhtmlfile); } close($editor); close($validator); # turn 'hair space' into a normal spaces $body =~ s/\x{200a}/ /gm; return($body, $rawtext); } sub get_next_available_recno { my ($dbh, $date, $slug) = (@_); my $recno; $date =~ s/T.*//; $date =~ s/-//g; my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * from keys WHERE date=? AND slug=? ORDER BY ballast DESC LIMIT 1'); $sth->execute($date,$slug); my $ballast = 0; if (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $ballast = $row->{'ballast'} + 1; # print color('bold white'); # print STDERR "Duplicate keys. Try a different slug.\n"; # print color('reset'); $sth->finish; # return(0); } # get the next record number $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT max(recno) from keys'); $sth->execute(); my $row = $sth->fetch; $recno = $row->[0] ? $row->[0]+1 : 1; $sth->finish; # print "Next record = $recno\n"; return($recno, $ballast); } sub write_keys { my ($dbh, $recno, $date, $slug, $ballast) = (@_); $date =~ s/T.*//; $date =~ s/-//g; my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO keys (recno, date, slug, ballast, written) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $date, $slug, $ballast, 0); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; print color('bold white'); print STDERR "slug not unique for that date\n"; print STDERR "try again with another slug or perhaps another title\n"; print color('reset'); return(0); # error } $sth->finish; return($recno); } sub write_metadata { my ($dbh, $recno, $title, $author, $date, $description) = (@_); # this check is probably redundant now $date = &iso_8601_date($date); die unless $date; my ($term, $value) = ('dc.title', $title); my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO metadata (recno, term, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?)'); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $term, $value); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not insert dc.title: $!\n"); } ($term, $value) = ('', $date); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $term, $value); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not insert $!\n"); } ($term, $value) = ('', $date); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $term, $value); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not insert $!\n"); } ($term, $value) = ('dc.creator', $author); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $term, $value); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not insert dc.creator: $!\n"); } ($term, $value) = ('dc.description', $description); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $term, $value); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not insert dc.description: $!\n"); } $sth->finish; return(1); } sub write_body { my ($dbh, $recno, $post, $rawtext) = (@_); my $sth; $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO body (recno, body) VALUES(?, ?)'); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $post); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; exit(1); # error } $sth->finish; $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO rawtext (recno, fulltext) VALUES(?, ?)'); eval { $sth->execute($recno, $rawtext); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; exit(1); # error } $sth->finish; return(1); } sub done { my ($dbh) = (@_); # undo all the changes $dbh->rollback; $dbh->disconnect; print STDERR "quitting $!\n"; exit (0); } sub iso_8601_date { my ($date) = (@_); if ($date =~ m/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/x) { 1; } elsif ($date =~ s/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/$1-$2-$3T00:00/) { 1; } elsif ($date =~ s/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})$/$1-$2-$3T$4/) { 1; } elsif ($date =~ m/^[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/) { 1; } else { $date = 0; } return($date); } sub check_title { my ($dbh, $title) = (@_); # find date when (if) that title was most recently used my $sth = $dbh->prepare(' select t2.value from metadata as t1 inner join metadata as t2 on t1.recno=t2.recno and t1.term="dc.title" and t1.value=? and t2.term="" order by t2.value desc limit 1;'); eval { $sth->execute($title); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; exit(1); # error } if (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $d1 = $row->{value}; if ( my ($y1, $m1, $d1, $H1, $M1) = ($d1 =~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T/) ) { my ($Dd) = Delta_Days( $y1, $m1, $d1, Today(1) ); # complain if too fresh if ($Dd < 7) { my $d = $Dd + 1; print STDERR color('bold white'); print STDERR qq(\t Warning: that title was used less than $d ); print STDERR $d==1 ? 'day' : 'days'; print STDERR qq( ago ); print STDERR color('reset'), " "; print STDERR "\n" } } } $sth->finish; return(1); } sub update_draft_status { my ($dbh, $recno) = (@_); # flag record as a draft my $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE keys SET written=2 WHERE recno=?;'); eval { $sth->execute($recno); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; print color('bold white'); print STDERR "could not set draft status for $recno\n"; print color('reset'); return(0); # error } $sth->finish; return($recno); }


	recno integer,
	term varchar(25) not null,
	value varchar(256) not null,
	constraint fk_recno foreign key (recno)
	references "keys" (recno) on delete cascade);
	recno integer primary key unique,
	body text not null,
	foreign key (recno)
	references "keys" (recno) on delete cascade);
	recno integer not null unique,
	written integer default 0 not null,
	date varchar(8) not null,
	ballast integer,
	slug varchar(256) not null,
	unique (date, slug, ballast));
	recno integer primary key unique,
	fulltext text not null,
	foreign key (recno)
	references "keys" (recno) on delete cascade);


/* data(fulltext) */;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'data_idx'(segid, term, pgno, PRIMARY KEY(segid, term)) WITHOUT ROWID;

	INSERT INTO data(rowid, fulltext)
		VALUES (new.recno, new.fulltext);
	INSERT INTO data(data, rowid, fulltext)
		VALUES('delete', old.recno, old.fulltext);
	INSERT INTO data(data, rowid, fulltext)
		VALUES('delete', old.recno, old.fulltext);
	INSERT INTO data(rowid, fulltext)
		VALUES (new.recno, new.fulltext);


#!/usr/bin/perl -T

use utf8;
use Getopt::Long;
use URI::Escape;
use URI;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256);
use File::Copy qw(copy);
use File::Basename qw/fileparse basename/;
use Image::Magick;
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_stdout);
use Date::Calc qw/Today/;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use DBI qw(:sql_types);

use English;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERBOSE = 0;
my $dbfile="/var/www/";

my $serverroot = '/var/www/';
my $documentroot = "$serverroot/htdocs";
my $dpath = &dpath('/i');
my $help = 0;
my $db = 0;
my $delete = 0;

if ($ENV{'USER'} eq 'root' && ! $ENV{'EUID'}) {
    print STDERR qq(Cannot run as root!\nAborting\n);

GetOptions ("database|d" => \$db,
            "delete"     => \$delete,
            "verbose+"   => \$VERBOSE,
            "help|h"     => \$help,

# untaint the $PATH
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin';

# make sure the database file is there, but don't check schema
if ($db && ! -e $dbfile) {
} elsif (! -e $dbfile) {
    print "\nMissing database file \"$dbfile\"\n";
    print "Try using the --database option to create it.\n\n";
    &usage($0, $documentroot, $serverroot, $dpath);
} elsif ($db) {
    print "Database file \"$dbfile\" already exists\n";
    print "Ignoring the --database option\n";

if ($help) {
    &usage($0, $documentroot, $serverroot, $dpath);

if ($#ARGV > 0) {
    print "Too many command line arguments.  Maybe quotes are missing?\n";
    &usage($0, $documentroot, $serverroot, $dpath);

# a URL is obligatory
my $input = shift || 0;
if (! $input) {
    &usage($0, $documentroot, $serverroot, $dpath);

my ($checksum) = ($input =~ m/^([a-fA-F0-9]{64})$/);
if ($checksum && $delete) {
    &delete_from_db_and_file_system(0, $checksum);

# untaint the URL argument
my ($canonical,$dfile,$dext) = &cleaned_url($input, $serverroot);

# save the fetched image in a ephemeral file name
my $tmp = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'temp.XXXXX',
                           DIR      => '/tmp',
                           SUFFIX   => '.fetch.techrights.img.tmp',
                           UNLINK   => 1 );

my $tmpfile = '';

if ($canonical =~ m|https?:|) {
    $tmpfile = &fetch_image($canonical, $tmp);
} elsif ($canonical =~ m|^file:|) {
    $tmpfile = &fetch_local_image($canonical, $tmp);

if (!$dext) {
    ($dext) = &verify_format($tmp);

my ($file, $dup);

my $type;
my $image = 0;
$documentroot =~ s|(?=[^/])$|/|;

if ($delete) {
    &delete_from_db_and_file_system($tmpfile, 0);

if (&isimage($tmpfile)) {
    if ($VERBOSE) {
	print qq(This is an IMAGE\n);
    $type = 'image';
    ($file, $dup)= &deduplicate($dbfile, $tmpfile, $documentroot,
				$dpath, $dfile, $dext, $type);
} elsif (&isvideo($tmpfile)) {
    if ($VERBOSE) {
	print qq(This is a VIDEO\n);
    $dpath = &dpath('/v');
    $type = 'video';
    ($file, $dup)= &deduplicate($dbfile, $tmpfile, $documentroot,
				$dpath, $dfile, $dext, $type);
} else {
    print qq(Unkown type\n);

    or die("Could not remove '$tmpfile' from upload directory\n");

# retrieve an existing thumbnail from the db or make a new one
my ($thumbnail, $width, $height) = (0) x 3;

if (!$dup) {
    # the main file is new, make a new thumbnail for it

    if ($type eq 'image') {
	($thumbnail, $width, $height) =
	    &make_image_thumbnail($dbfile, $documentroot, $file);
    } elsif ($type eq 'video') {
        ($thumbnail, $width, $height) =
            &make_video_thumbnail($dbfile, $documentroot, $file);

    # print the matching XHTML markup
    my $full = $file;
    if ($thumbnail) {
	my $thumb = $thumbnail;
	$full =~ s/%/%25/g;
	$thumb =~ s/%/%25/g;
	my $link = qq().
	print qq($link\n);
    } else {
	$full =~ s/%/%25/g;
	my $link = qq().
	print qq($link\n);
} else {
    # the main file already exists
    my ($width, $height) = (0, 0);
    my ($f, $d, $s) = fileparse($file, qr/\.[^.*]*$/);

    # videos have png thumbnails, should this be in the image table?
    if ($s eq '.webm'
	or $s eq '.ogv'
	or $s eq '.ogm'
	or $s eq '.ogg'
	or $s eq '.mp4'
	) {
	$s = '.png';

    my $thumb = qq($d$f.thumbnail$s);
    my $full = $file;
    my $img;

    if (-f $documentroot.$thumb) {
	if ($VERBOSE) {
	    print "DUP with thumbnail $thumb $type\n";

	my $image = Image::Magick->new;
	open(IMAGE, $documentroot.$thumb);
	my $err = $image->Read(file=>\*IMAGE);
	# || &clean_up($dbfile,$documentroot.$thumb);
	if ($err) {
	    print "Error: $err\n";

	# read width and height from the existing thumbnail file,
	($width,$height) = $image->Get('width','height');

	# print the matching XHTML markup
	$full =~ s/%/%25/g;
	$thumb =~ s/%/%25/g;
	my $link = qq().
	print qq($link\n);
    } else {
	if ($VERBOSE) {
	    print "DUP but lacking thumbnail $type\n";
	# create a thumbnail, or else remove all traces of failure
	if ($type eq 'image') {
	    ($thumbnail, $width, $height) =
		&make_image_thumbnail($dbfile, $documentroot, $file);
	} elsif ($type eq 'video') {
	    ($thumbnail, $width, $height) =
		&make_video_thumbnail($dbfile, $documentroot, $file);

	if ($thumbnail) {
	    # print the matching XHTML markup
	    $full =~ s/%/%25/g;
	    $thumbnail =~ s/%/%25/g;
	    my $link = qq();
	    $link = $link . qq();
	    print qq($link\n);


sub usage {
    my ($script, $documentroot, $serverroot, $dpath) = (@_);
    $script = basename($script);

    print <<"EOH";
    $script [option] url

    Run this script with the URL to an image file as the first
    argument and it will create a thumbnail in the destination
    directory, move the original there too, and then display the
    relevant HTML markup to the image and it's thumbnail.

    If the image is less than 250 pixels on its largest axis, then
    no thumbnail will be generated and only the original will be used.


    Image Directory:

    The aspect ratio will be preserved.  Thumbnails for images in
    landscape mode will have a maximum width of 250 and those in
    portrait mode will have a maximum height of 250.

    -d, --database initialize database if missing
    --delete remove the file identified by the designate URL or checksum
    -v increase debugging verbosity
    -h this help text


sub dpath {
    my ( $dpath ) = (@_);

    # append year and month to target path
    my $gmt = 1;
    my ($year,$month,$day) = Today($gmt);
    $year = sprintf("%04d", $year);
    $month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
    $dpath = $dpath.'/'.$year.'/'.$month;


sub cleaned_url {
    my ($input, $serverroot) = (@_);
    my $uri = URI->new($input);

    my ($canonical, $scheme, $host, $port, $path, $file) = (0) x 6;

    $scheme = $uri->scheme || 0;

    if ($scheme eq 'https' || $scheme eq 'http') {
	$host = $uri->host || 0;
	if (defined( $uri->path)) {
	    $path = $uri->path;
	$port = $uri->port;
	if ($path =~ m|\;.*$|
	    || $path =~ m|[\000-\037]|) {
	    die("Bad URL path\n");
	($file) = ($path =~ m#([^/\;]*)(\;|$)#);
	$canonical = "$scheme://$host:$port$path";

	if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	    print qq(URI= $uri\n);
	    print qq( $scheme\n $host \t$port \t$path\n);
	    print qq( $canonical\n);
	    print qq( File: $file\n);

    } elsif ($scheme eq 'file') {
	my $uploads = $serverroot."/uploads";
	$path = $input;
	$path =~ s|^file:||;
	$path = abs_path($path);
	if (!$path ) {
	    die("Bad path '$input'\n");
	} elsif ( $path !~ m/^$uploads/) {
	    die("Bad path: '$path'\n");
	($file) = ($path =~ m#([^/\;]*)(\;|$)#);
	$canonical = "file://$path";

    } else {
	warn("Unconfigured protocol: $scheme\n");

    my ($dfile, $dext) = (0) x 2;
    ($dfile, $dext) = ($file =~ m/([^\.]*)\.?([^\.]*)$/);
    $dext = lc($dext);

    if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	print qq(  F: $file\n);
	print qq(  P: $dpath\n);
	print qq(  N: $dfile\t$dext\n);

    return($canonical, $dfile, $dext);

sub fetch_image {
    my ($canonical, $tmp) = (@_);

    # use a temp file while checking duplicate and such
    my $tmpfile = $tmp->filename;
    -f $tmpfile && unlink($tmpfile);    # clear the way for wget

    # wget does not acknowledge either self-signed or Let's Encrypt
    my $noise = '--quiet';
    if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	$noise = '--verbose';
    my @cmd = ('wget', '--no-check-certificate', $noise,
	       '--user-agent', '',
	       '--output-document', $tmpfile, "$canonical");

    system(@cmd) == 0
	or die("system '@cmd' failed: $?\n");


sub fetch_local_image {
    my ($canonical, $tmp) = (@_);

    # extract and untaint file name
    my $f = '';
    if ($canonical =~ m/^([^\x3b]+)$/) {
	$f = $1;
    } else {
	die("Wonky file name '$canonical'\n");
    $f =~ s/^file://;
    $f = abs_path($f);
    my $file = '';
    if ($f =~ m/^([^\x3b]+)$/) {
        $file = $1;
    } else {

    # make sure the source file is really there first
    if (! -e $file) {
	die("The file '$file' does not exist.\n");
    } elsif (! -f $file) {
	die("The file '$file' exists but is not a regular file.\n");

    # use a temp file while checking duplicate and such
    my $tmpfile = $tmp->filename;
    -f $tmpfile && unlink($tmpfile);    # clear the way for wget

    # use a temporary file instead
    copy($file, $tmpfile)
	or die("Could not relocate from '$file' to '$tmpfile'\n");

    # clean up


sub verify_format {
    my ($tmp) = (@_);
    my $dext = 'image';

    open(IMAGE, $tmp);
    my $image = Image::Magick->new;

    my ($id) = capture_stdout{ $image->Identify() };
    my ($format) = ($id =~ m/Format:\s+(\w+)/);
    $format = lc($format);
    if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	print "  O: ",$format,"\n";

    if ($format eq 'jpeg'
	or $format eq 'jpg'
	or $format eq 'png'
	or $format eq 'gif'
	or $format eq 'avif'
	or $format eq 'svg') {
    } else {
	if ($VERBOSE) {
	    print qq(Unknown file: $dext\n);

sub delete_from_db_and_file_system {
    my ($tmpfile, $fingerprint) = (@_);

    if (-f $tmpfile) {
	# calcuate the checksum
	my $sha = Digest::SHA->new('sha256_hex');
	$fingerprint = $sha->hexdigest;

    if ($VERBOSE) {
        print qq( SHA256: $fingerprint\n);

    # look up the checksum in the db
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
                           { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
        or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

    my $query = qq(SELECT * FROM images WHERE sha256=?);
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
        or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

    my $dup = 0;
    # now check if the image is a duplicate
    if (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
	# it is a duplicate
	my $imagefile = $documentroot.$data->{'image'};

	$query = qq(DELETE FROM images WHERE sha256=?);
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
	    or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	    or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

	if (-f $imagefile) {
	    my $thumbnail = $imagefile;
	    $thumbnail =~ s/\.([^\.]+)$/.thumbnail.$1/;
		or die("Could not unlink '$imagefile' :$!\n");
		or die("Could not unlink '$thumbnail' :$!\n");

	    print qq(Deleted.\n);
    } else {
	print qq(Not Found for deletion.  No changes.\n);

sub deduplicate {
    my ($dbfile, $tmpfile, $documentroot, $dpath, $dfile, $dext, $type) = (@_);
    # look for sha256 checksum in database table

    # calcuate the checksum
    my $sha = Digest::SHA->new('sha256_hex');
    my $fingerprint = $sha->hexdigest;

    if ($VERBOSE) {
	print qq( SHA256: $fingerprint\n);

    if ($type eq 'image') {
	if ($dext ne 'svg') {
	    # limit the number of iterations in an animated loop

    # look up the checksum in the db
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
			   { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
	or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

    my $query = qq(SELECT * FROM images WHERE sha256=?);
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
	or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

    my $file = '';
    my %data;

    my $dup = 0;
    # now check if the image is a duplicate
    if (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
	# it is a duplicate
	$file = $data->{'image'};
	$dup = 1;
    } else {
	# it is not a duplicate
	if (! -e $documentroot.$dpath) {
		or die("Could not create path '$documentroot.$dpath' : $!\n");
	    print "Created directory '$documentroot.$dpath'\n" if ($VERBOSE);
	} elsif (! -d $documentroot.$dpath) {
	    die("'$documentroot.$dpath' exists but is not a directory.\n");
	} elsif (! -w $documentroot.$dpath) {
	    die("Directory '$documentroot.$dpath' is not writable.\n");

	my $newfile = $dpath.'/'.$dfile.'.'.$dext;
	my $absfile = $documentroot.$dpath.'/'.$dfile.'.'.$dext;
	my $count = 1;
	if (-e $absfile) {
	    while (-e $absfile) {
		$absfile = "$documentroot$dpath/$dfile.$count.$dext";
		$newfile = "$dpath/$dfile.$count.$dext";
	my $epoch = time();

	$query = qq(INSERT INTO images (sha256, epoch, image)
                 VALUES (?,?,?));
	    or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	$sth->execute($fingerprint, $epoch, $newfile)
	    or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");

	if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	    print qq(Query = $query\n);
	    print qq(FEN= $fingerprint, $epoch, $newfile\n);

	copy($tmpfile, $documentroot.$newfile)
	    or die("Could not relocate from '$tmpfile' to '$documentroot$newfile'\n");
	# double check group write for the shared file
	my $mode = 0664;
	chmod($mode, $newfile);

	$file = $newfile;

    return($file, $dup);

sub finiteloop {
    my ( $file ) = ( @_ );

    my $image = Image::Magick->new;
    open(IMAGE, $file);
    my $err = $image->Read(file=>\*IMAGE);

    my ($loop) = $image->Get('iterations') || 0;

    if ($loop == 0) {
	$image->Set('iterations' => 5);


sub make_image_thumbnail {
    my ($dbfile,$documentroot, $original_image) = (@_);

    my ($destfile, $destpath, $destext) =
	fileparse($original_image, qr/\.[^.*]*$/);
    $destext =~ s/^\.//;

    my $thumbnail = $destpath.$destfile.'.thumbnail.'.$destext;
    my $image = Image::Magick->new;
    open(IMAGE, $documentroot.$original_image);
    my $err = $image->Read(file=>\*IMAGE);
    # || &clean_up($dbfile,$documentroot.$original_image);

    if ($err) {
	print "Error: $err\n";

    my ($width,$height) = $image->Get('width','height');

    my ($twidth, $theight);
    if ($width > 250 || $height > 250) {
	if ($width > $height) {
	    if ($width > 250) {
		$theight = int($height * (250/$width));
		$twidth = 250;
	} else {
	    if ($height > 250) {
		$twidth = int($width * (250/$height));
		$theight = 250;
	if ($destext ne 'svg') {
	    $image->Resize(width=>$twidth, height=>$theight);
	} else {
	    if (link($documentroot.$original_image,
		     $documentroot.$thumbnail)) {
		if ($VERBOSE) {
		    print "Created hard link for thumbnail\n";
	    } else {
		die("Could not hard link for thumbnail: \
'$documentroot.$original_image' -> '$documentroot.$thumbnail'\n");

	# double-check the group write permissions for this shared file
	my $mode = 0664;
	chmod($mode, $documentroot.$thumbnail);
    } else {
	($twidth, $theight) = ($width, $height);
	$thumbnail = 0;

    return($thumbnail, $twidth, $theight);

sub make_video_thumbnail {
    my ($dbfile,$documentroot, $original_image) = (@_);

    my ($destfile, $destpath, $destext) =
	fileparse($original_image, qr/\.[^.*]*$/);
    $destext =~ s/^\.//;

    my $command = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg';
    my @options = qw(-loglevel warning -filter_complex scale=250:-1 -vframes 1 -q:v 2);
    my $thumbnail = $destpath.$destfile.'.thumbnail.png';
    my $ec = system($command, '-i', $documentroot.$original_image, @options, $documentroot.$thumbnail);

    if ($ec) {
	print "Error $ec using ffmpeg for thumbnail\n";

    my $image = Image::Magick->new;
    open(IMAGE, $documentroot.'/'.$thumbnail);
    my $err = $image->Read(file=>\*IMAGE);

    if ($err) {
	print "Error: $err\n";

    my ($twidth,$theight) = $image->Get('width','height');

    # double-check the group write permissions for this shared file
    my $mode = 0664;
    chmod($mode, $documentroot.$thumbnail);

    return($thumbnail, $twidth, $theight);

sub clean_up {
    my ($dbfile,$absfilepath) = (@_);

    if (-f $absfilepath) {
	my $sha = Digest::SHA->new('sha256_hex');
	my $fingerprint = $sha->hexdigest;

	if (!$fingerprint) {
	    die("Could not fingerprint the original file: $absfilepath\n");

	my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
			       { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
	    or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");

	my $query = qq(DELETE FROM images WHERE sha256=?);
	my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
	    or die("prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");
	    or die("execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n");



    die("Could not process image.  File and db entry removed.\n");

sub prepare_database {
    my ($dbfile) = (@_);

    my ($dbpath, $dbext) = (0) x 2;

    ($dbfile, $dbpath, $dbext) =
        fileparse($dbfile, qr/\.[^.*]*$/);
    $dbext =~ s/^\.//;

    if (! -e $dbpath) {
	    or die("Could not create path '$dbpath' : $!\n");
	print "Created directory '$dbpath'\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    } elsif (! -d $dbpath) {
	die("'$dbpath' exists but is not a directory.\n");
    } elsif (! -w $dbpath) {
	die("Directory '$dbpath' is not writable.\n");

    my $db = qq($dbpath/$dbfile.$dbext);

    my $schema = qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
                    images (sha256 varchar(64) unique not null,
                            epoch integer not null,
                            image varchar(256) not null));

    my @cmd = ('echo', "'$schema'", '|', 'sqlite3', $db);
    print join(' ', @cmd),"\n";

    system(join(' ', @cmd)) == 0
	or die("Could not create database '$db': $?\n");

    $schema = qq(CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fingerprint on images (sha256));

    @cmd = ('echo', "'$schema'", '|', 'sqlite3', $db);

    system(join(' ', @cmd)) == 0
	or die("Could not create index: $?\n");

    print "database created\n";


sub isimage {
    my ($file) = (@_);

    if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	print qq(Running Image::Magick\n);
    my $mystery = new Image::Magick;
    if ( $mystery->Get('format')) {

sub isvideo {
    my ($file) = (@_);

    my $command = q(/usr/bin/ffprobe);
    my @options = qw(-v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries
		     stream=codec_name -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1);

    if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
	print qq(Running $command\n);
    my ($format, $stderr, $process);
    ($format) = capture_stdout {
        system($command, @options, $file);

    if ($format eq 'mpeg'
        or $format eq 'vp9'
        or $format eq 'mpeg4'
        or $format eq 'cinepak'
        or $format eq 'mjpeg'
	or $format eq 'vp8' ) {




use utf8;
use DBI;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use URI;
use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
use HTML::Entities qw(decode_entities);
use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape);
use Config::Tiny;
use Getopt::Long;

use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);

use open qw(:std :encoding(UTF-8));

use strict;
use warnings;

my ( $script ) = ( $0 =~ m|(?!.*/)(.*)\.[^\.]*$|);

our %opt = (
    'config'  => '',
    'verbose' => 0,
    'help'    => 0,

GetOptions (\%opt, 'config=s', 'verbose+', 'help' );
my $config = $opt{config};
our $VERBOSE = $opt{verbose};

if ($opt{help}) {

if (! -f $config) {
} elsif (! -r $config) {
    die("Configuration file '$config' is not readable\n");
my $configuration = Config::Tiny->read($config)
    or die("Could not read configurationn file '$config': $!\n");

our $domain = $configuration->{webserver}->{domain} || '';
my $documentroot = $configuration->{webserver}->{documentroot}
    or die(" missing from configuration file\n");
my $subdirectory = $configuration->{webserver}->{subdirectory}
    or die(" missing from configuration file\n");
my $database = $configuration->{database}->{database}
    or die(" missing from configuration file\n");
my $username = $configuration->{database}->{username}
    or die(" missing from configuration file\n");
my $password = $configuration->{database}->{password}
    or die(" missing from configuration file\n");

if ($VERBOSE) {
    print "DR: $documentroot\n";
    print "SD: $subdirectory\n";
    print "DB: $database\n";
    print "U:  $username\n";
    if ($VERBOSE > 2) {
	print "P:  $password\n";

my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:$database";

# connect to MySQL database
my %attr = ( PrintError=>0,	# turn off error reporting via warn()
             RaiseError=>1);	# turn on error reporting via die()
our $dbh  = DBI->connect($dsn,$username,$password, \%attr)
    or die("Could not connect to $dsn using $username and the given password:$!\n");

# ####

# find base comments
my $query = qq(SELECT comment_ID FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_parent = 0);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

my %posts     = ();
my %comments  = ();
my %hierarchy = ();

# build hashes of comments and comment hierarchies
while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    &sql_for_comments($row, \%posts, \%comments, \%hierarchy);

# ####

# build hashes of previous/next navigation links
$query = qq(SELECT ID, post_date, post_name,post_title FROM wp_posts
                       WHERE post_type="post"
		       AND post_status="publish"
		       ORDER BY post_date, ID
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

our %prev = ();
our %next= ();
my $old = 0;
my $previousl = 0;
my $previoust = 0;
my $l = '';
my $t = '';
my $oldl = '';
my $oldt = '';
while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    my $id = $row->{ID};
    my $d = $row->{post_date};
    my $n = $row->{post_name};
    $t = $row->{post_title};
    $d =~ s/ .*$//g;
    $d =~ s|-|/|g;
    $l = "$subdirectory/".$d.'/'.$n.'/';
    print qq($id\t$t\n) if ($VERBOSE > 2);
    if ($old) {
	$next{$old}->{url} = $l;
	$next{$old}->{title} = $t;
    if ($previousl) {
        $prev{$old}->{url} = $previousl;
	$prev{$old}->{title} = $previoust;
    $old = $id;
    $previoust = $oldt;
    $oldt = $t;
    $previousl = $oldl;
    $oldl = $l;
    # print Dumper($row),"\n";
$next{$old}->{url} = $l;
$next{$old}->{title} = $t;
$prev{$old}->{url} = $previousl;
$prev{$old}->{title} = $previoust;


# ####
# convert posts to HTML
$query = qq(SELECT *, wp_posts.ID as rn FROM wp_posts
       LEFT JOIN wp_users ON wp_posts.post_author = wp_users.ID
       WHERE post_type="post"
       AND post_status="publish" ORDER BY post_date, wp_posts.ID
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    # print Dumper($row),"\n";
    &sql_to_html('post', $row);

# convert posts to HTML
$query = qq(SELECT *, wp_posts.ID as rn FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_users ON wp_posts.post_author = wp_users.ID
       WHERE post_type="page"
       AND post_status="publish" ORDER BY post_date, wp_posts.ID
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    # print Dumper($row),"\n";
    &sql_to_html('page', $row);



sub usage {
    my ($script) = (@_);

    print <{rn}\n) if ($VERBOSE);
    my ($path, $html);
    if ($type eq 'post') {
	($path, $html) = &create_html($type, $r);
    } elsif ( $type eq 'page' ) {
	($path, $html) = &create_html($type, $r);
    } else {

    my $fullpath = $documentroot . "$subdirectory" . $path;
    print "FULLPATH= $fullpath\n" if ($VERBOSE);

    if ( ! -e $fullpath ) {
            or die("Could not create path '$fullpath' : $!\n");
        print "Created directory '$fullpath'\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    } elsif ( ! -d $fullpath ) {
	die("Not a directory: '$fullpath'\n");
    } elsif ( ! -w $fullpath ) {
        die("Not writable: '$fullpath'\n");
    my $file = $fullpath.'index.shtml';
    open(my $post, '>', $file)
	or die("Could not open '$file': $!\n");
    print $post $html;


sub create_html {
    my ($type, $r) = (@_);

    # /2022/05/20/kapow-1-6-0-released/
    my $rn = $r->{rn};
    my $post_name = $r->{post_name};
    print "RN= $rn\n $post_name\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    $post_name = uri_unescape($post_name);
    my $path = '';
    if ($type eq 'post') {
	$path = $r->{post_date};
	$path =~ s/ .*//;
	$path =~ s|-|/|g;
	$path = '/'.$path . '/' . $post_name . '/';
    } elsif ($type eq 'page') {
	$path = '/' . $post_name . '/';
	if ($VERBOSE) {
	    print qq(Redirect permanent $path $path);

    my $post_title = $r->{post_title};
    my $post_date_gmt = $r->{post_date_gmt};
    my $post_modified_gmt = $r->{post_modified_gmt};
    my $pm1 = qq(\n  \n);
    my $pm2 = '';
    if ($post_modified_gmt) {
	$pm2 = qq(
  • Modified: $post_modified_gmt UTC
  • \n); } my $display_name = $r->{display_name}; my $post_excerpt = $r->{post_excerpt}; my $post_content = $r->{post_content}; $post_content =~ s|(\n\r?)\s*(\n\r?)|$1
    \n|gm; if ($post_content =~ m/video/) { $post_content = &video_masher($post_content); } if ($post_content =~ m/\[cref\s+\d+/m) { $post_content = &cref_masher($post_content); } # make navigation previous, next navigation links for body and header my $p = $prev{$rn}->{url} || 0; my $n = $next{$rn}->{url} || 0; my $pt = $prev{$rn}->{title} || 0; my $nt = $next{$rn}->{title} || 0; my $l = 0; my $ll = 0; if ($nt && $pt) { $l = qq( \n \n); $ll = qq( ← $pt\n | \n $nt →\n); } else { if ($nt) { $l = qq( \n); $ll = qq( $nt →\n); } elsif ($pt) { $l = qq( \n); $ll = qq( ← $pt\n); } else { warn("ID: $rn\n"); } } my $c = &get_comments($rn, \%posts, \%comments, \%hierarchy); my $cmnt = ''; if ($c) { $cmnt = qq(


    ) . decode_entities($c->as_XML_indented) . qq(\n
    \n); } if ($type eq 'page') { $cmnt = ''; $l = ''; $ll = ''; } # make actual HTML document my $html = < $post_title $pm1 $l


    • $display_name
      • $post_date_gmt UTC
      • $pm2

    Recent Techrights' Posts

    EOHTML $html =~ s/\s+<\s+/\< /gm; $html = &miserable_unicode_hack($html); return($path, $html); } sub video_masher { my ($post_content) = (@_); # convert absolute links to relative in some of the embedded HTML # fsize and other SSI while ( $post_content =~ s{(?<=\<\!--)([^>]*)https?://*$domain/([^>]*)(?=--\>)} {$1/$2}gx ) { 1; } # anchors while ( $post_content =~ s{(?<=\]*href\s*=\s*"[^>]*)https?://*$domain/([^>]*)(?=>)} {$1/$2}gmux ) { 1; } # videos while ( $post_content =~ s{(?<=\]*src\s*=\s*"[^>]*) https?://*$domain/([^>]*)(?=>)} {$1/$2}gmux ) { 1; } # convert video markdown to HTML, when possible while ( my ($v) = ( $post_content =~ m|\[video\s+([^\]]+)\]\s*\[/video\]| ) ) { if (! $v) { return($post_content); } my ($poster) = ( $v =~ m/poster\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/ ); my ($width) = ( $v =~ m/width\s*=\s*"?([0-9]+)"?/ ); # some lack quotes my ($height) = ( $v =~ m/height\s*=\s*"?([0-9]+)"?/ ); # some lack quotes my ($type, $vurl) = ( $v =~ m/(ogv|mp4|webm)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/ ); if (! $type || ! $vurl || ! $width) { return($post_content); } my $ourl = $vurl; if ($domain) { # convert to relative links, if possible $vurl =~ s|^https?://*$domain/|/|; } my $div = HTML::Element->new('div'); $div->attr('class', 'video'); my $video = HTML::Element->new('video'); $video->attr('controls', 'controls'); $video->attr('preload', 'metadata'); if ($poster) { if ($domain) { # convert to relative links, if possible $poster =~ s|^https?://*$domain/|/|; } $video->attr('poster', $poster); } if ($height) { $video->attr('height', $height); } $video->attr('width', $width); my $source = HTML::Element->new('source'); $source->attr('type', "video/$type"); $source->attr('src', $vurl); my $anchor = HTML::Element->new('a'); $anchor->attr('href', $vurl); $anchor->push_content($ourl); $source->push_content($anchor); $video->push_content($source); $div->push_content($video); $v = $div->as_XML_indented; $post_content =~ s|\[video\s+[^\]]+\]\s*\[/video\]|$v|; if ($VERBOSE) { print "VIDEO=$v\n"; } } return($post_content); } sub cref_masher { my ($post_content) = (@_); my $query = qq(SELECT guid,post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE ID=?); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); while ($post_content =~ m/\[cref +(\d+) +([^\]]+)\]/ or $post_content =~ m/\[cref +(\d+)\s*\]/) { my $cref = $1; my $anchor = $2 || ''; my $title = ''; $sth->execute($cref); while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $url = URI->new($row->{guid}); my $path = $url->path; my $fragment = $url->fragment; my $link = "$subdirectory/".$path; if ( my $q = $url->query) { if ($q =~ m/p=([0-9]+)$/) { my $id = $1; my $query2 = qq(SELECT post_date,post_name,post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE ID=?); my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query2); $sth2->execute($id); if (my $row2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) { if (! $anchor) { $anchor = $row2->{post_title}; } my $u = URI->new($row2->{guid}); my $d = $row2->{post_date}; $d =~ s/ .*$//g; $d =~ s|-|/|g; $link = "$subdirectory/".$d.'/'.$row2->{post_name}.'/'; } else { die; } } else { $link = '?'.$q; } } else { my $query2 = qq(SELECT post_date,post_name,post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE ID=?); my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query2); $sth2->execute($cref); if (my $row2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) { if (! $title) { $title = ' : ' . $row2->{post_title}; } if (! $anchor) { $anchor = $row2->{post_title}; } my $u = URI->new($row2->{guid}); my $d = $row2->{post_date}; $d =~ s/ .*$//g; $d =~ s|-|/|g; $link = "$subdirectory/".$d.'/'.$row2->{post_name}.'/'; } else { die; } } if (my $fragment = $url->fragment) { $link = '#'.$fragment; } $link = qq($anchor); $post_content =~ s/\[cref +$cref[^\]]*\]/$link/em; } } $sth->finish(); return($post_content); } sub miserable_unicode_hack { my ($post) = (@_); $post =~ s/á/á/gm; $post =~ s/à/à/gm; $post =~ s/ã/ã/gm; $post =~ s/ä/ä/gm; $post =~ s/ā/ā/gm; $post =~ s/é/é/gm; $post =~ s/ê/ê/gm; $post =~ s/ë/ë/gm; $post =~ s/Ä“/ē/gm; $post =~ s/Ä—/ė/gm; $post =~ s/è/è/gm; $post =~ s/î/î/gm; $post =~ s/í/í/gm; $post =~ s/Ä«/ī/gm; $post =~ s/ï/ï/gm; $post =~ s/ļ/ļ/gm; $post =~ s/ņ/ņ/gm; $post =~ s/ó/ó/gm; $post =~ s/ø/ø/gm; $post =~ s/Å¡/š/gm; $post =~ s/ü/ü/gm; $post =~ s/Å«/ū/gm; $post =~ s/Ž/Ž/gm; $post =~ s/ffi/ffi/gm; $post =~ s/fi/fi/gm; $post =~ s/ff/ff/gm; $post =~ s/ć/ć/gm; $post =~ s/€/€/gm; # euro $post =~ s/ÂÂ/€/gm; # euro $post =~ s/€ÂÂ/€/gm; # euro $post =~ s/“/“/gm; # smart open quote $post =~ s/”/”/gm; # smart close quote $post =~ s/“/“/gm; # smart open quote $post =~ s/”/”/gm; # smart close quote $post =~ s/’/’/gm; # smart close single quote $post =~ s/‘/‘/gm; # smart open single quote $post =~ s/´/’/gm; # smart apostrophe $post =~ s/—/—/gm; # mdash $post =~ s/–/–/gm; # ndash $post =~ s/‐/–/gm; # hyphen $post =~ s/•/●/gm; # list bullet $post =~ s/â–ˆ/⬆/gm; # fat up arrow $post =~ s/£/£/gm; # gbp $post =~ s/©/™/gm; # trademark sign $post =~ s/®/®/gm; # registered trademark $post =~ s/…/…/gm; # ellipsis $post =~ s/☞/☞/gm; # manicule outline $post =~ s/☛/☛/gm; # manicule solid return($post); } sub get_comments { my ($p, $posts, $comments, $hierarchy) = (@_); my $xhtml = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new; $xhtml->implicit_tags(1); $xhtml->no_space_compacting(0); my $ul = HTML::Element->new('ul'); my $count = 0; foreach my $k (@{$posts{$p}}) { print $k,"\n" if ($VERBOSE); my $li = HTML::Element->new('li'); $li->attr('id', "comment$k"); my $p1 = HTML::Element->new('p'); $p1->attr('class','author'); $p1->push_content($comments{$k}->{comment_author} ); $li->push_content($p1); my $p2 = HTML::Element->new('p'); $p2->attr('class','date'); $p2->push_content($comments{$k}->{comment_date_gmt}); $li->push_content($p2); my $div = HTML::Element->new('div'); $div->attr('class','words'); $div->push_content($comments{$k}->{comment_content}); $li->push_content($div); $ul->push_content($li); $count++; my $html = &render(0, $k, $comments, $hierarchy); if ($html) { $ul->push_content($html); } } if ($count) { return($ul); } else { return(0); } } sub render { my ($layer, $k, $comments, $hierarchy) = (@_); my $comment = $hierarchy{$k}; if (!defined($comment)){ return(0); } $layer++; my $ul = HTML::Element->new('ul'); my $count = 0; foreach my $c (@{$comment}) { my $li = HTML::Element->new('li'); $li->attr('id', "comment$c"); my $p1 = HTML::Element->new('p'); $p1->attr('class','author'); $p1->push_content($comments{$c}->{comment_author} ); $li->push_content($p1); my $p2 = HTML::Element->new('p'); $p2->attr('class','date'); $p2->push_content($comments{$c}->{comment_date_gmt}); $li->push_content($p2); my $div = HTML::Element->new('div'); $div->attr('class','words'); $div->push_content($comments{$c}->{comment_content}); $li->push_content($div); $ul->push_content($li); print "."x$layer,$c,"\n" if ($VERBOSE); my $html = &render($layer, $c, $comments, $hierarchy); if ($html) { $ul->push_content($html); $count++; } } return($ul); } sub sql_for_comments { my ($r, $posts, $comments, $hierarchy) = (@_); my $id = $r->{comment_ID}; # comment_ID comment_post_ID comment_author comment_author_email comment_author_url # comment_author_IP comment_date comment_date_gmt comment_content comment_karma # comment_approved comment_agent comment_type comment_parent # user_id comment_subscribe return if (! $id); my $query = qq( with recursive cte (comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_parent, comment_date_gmt, comment_type, comment_content) as ( select comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_parent, comment_date_gmt, comment_type, comment_content from wp_comments where comment_ID = ? AND comment_approved = 1 union all select p.comment_ID, p.comment_post_ID, p.comment_author, p.comment_parent, p.comment_date_gmt, p.comment_type, p.comment_content from wp_comments p inner join cte on p.comment_parent = cte.comment_ID ) SELECT * FROM cte ORDER BY comment_date_gmt; ); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($id); while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $cid = $row->{comment_ID}; my $parent_id = $row->{comment_parent}; my $post_id = $row->{comment_post_ID}; if ($parent_id eq 0) { push(@{$posts{$post_id}}, $cid); } $comments{$cid}->{comment_post_ID} = $row->{comment_post_ID}; $comments{$cid}->{comment_parent} = $row->{comment_parent}; $comments{$cid}->{comment_author} = $row->{comment_author}; $comments{$cid}->{comment_date_gmt} = $row->{comment_date_gmt}; my $content = $row->{comment_content}; $content =~ s|(\s*)\n(\s*)\n|$1
    \n|gm; $comments{$cid}->{comment_content} = $content; push (@{$hierarchy{$parent_id}}, $cid); } $sth->finish(); return(1); }


    use File::Find;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $path = shift;
    if ( ! -d $path) {
        print qq("$path" is not a directory\n);
    our %inodes = ();
    File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, $path);
    sub wanted {
        my ($dev,$inode,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
        # print "D=$File::Find::name\n";
        if ( -f $File::Find::name &&
    	  $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = lstat($_)) ) {
    	if ($inodes{$inode}++) {
    	    print qq(Duplicate : $File::Find::name\n);
            # print"$File::Find::name\n";


    # 2022-07-25
    umask 0002
    closure() {
    	test -d ${tmpdir} || exit 1
    	echo "Erasing temporary directories and their files."
    	rm -f ${tmpdir}/feed-*tmp.*
    	rmdir ${tmpdir}
    cancel() {
    	echo "Cancelled."
    	exit 2
    # trap various signals to be able to erase temporary files
    trap "cancel" 1 2 15
    # prepare final permissions
    echo "Creating temporary directories and files"
    tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/refresh-tmp.XXXXXX)
    chgrp techrights ${tmpdir}
    chmod g=rwxs ${tmpdir}
    # one file per feed
    tmpfile_latest=$(mktemp -p ${tmpdir} feed-latest-tmp.XXXXXXX)
    tmpfile_xhtml=$(mktemp  -p ${tmpdir} feed-xhtml-tmp.XXXXXXX)
    tmpfile_gemini=$(mktemp -p ${tmpdir} feed-gemini-tmp.XXXXXXX)
    # create static XHTML and GemText
    echo "Creating static XHTML and GemText hierarchies" -g -x -d $(date -d '-2 days' +"%Y%m%d") -s
    # make a list of new posts for an SSI include file
    echo "Updating SSI files" \
    	-d $(date -d '-2 days' +'%Y%m%d') \
    	-n 15 \
    	-u \
    	-x \
    > ${tmpfile_latest}
    if test -s ${tmpfile_latest}; then
    	mv ${tmpfile_latest} ${documentroot}/latest-news.html
    	chmod 664 ${documentroot}/latest-news.html
    # write out an RSS feed for HTTP
    echo "Writing the RSS feed for HTTP" \
    	-a \
    	-d $(date -d '-2 days' +'%Y%m%d') \
    	-n 15 \
    	-x \
    > ${tmpfile_xhtml}
    if test -s ${tmpfile_xhtml}; then
    	mv ${tmpfile_xhtml} ${documentroot}/feed.xml
    	chmod 664 ${documentroot}/feed.xml
    # write out an Atom feed for Gemini
    echo "Writing the Atom feed for Gemini" \
    	-a \
    	-d $(date -d '-2 days' +'%Y%m%d') \
    	-n 15 \
    	-g \
    	-u \
    > ${tmpfile_gemini}
    if test -s ${tmpfile_gemini}; then
    	mv ${tmpfile_gemini} /home/gemini/
    # 	# 2023-09-20 needs fixing
    	chmod 664 /home/gemini/ || true
    # fix up the Gemini index
    echo "Writing the Gemini index"
    # list recent videos in Gemini index
    echo "Writing the Gemini video index"
    # create both Gemini and HTTP Chronological indexes
    echo "Creating Chronogical Indexes for HTTP and Gemini"
    # notify via MQTT
    # 2023-09-20 needs fixing
    # echo "Pinging via MQTT"
    # sudo -u techrights /home/techrights/bin/
    exit 0


    # See Git for history
    # fetches posts from database and
    # writes browsable, multi-page index
    # of titles ordered by date created + date modified
    use utf8;
    use Getopt::Long;
    use File::Path qw(make_path);
    use DBI qw(:sql_types);
    use Encode;
    use open qw(:std :encoding(UTF-8));
    use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
    use English;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    if ($ENV{'USER'} eq 'root' && ! $ENV{'EUID'}) {
        print STDERR qq(Cannot run as root!\nAborting\n);
    our $dbfile="/var/www/";
    # defaults
    our $xhtml_path="/var/www/";
    our $gemtext_path="/home/gemini/";
    our $interval = 100;
    our $VERBOSE = 0;
    our %opt;
    GetOptions (
        "gemini:s"   => \$opt{'g'},
        "help"       => \$opt{'h'},
        "interval:i" => \$opt{'i'},
        "xhtml:s"    => \$opt{'x'},
        "verbose+"   => \$opt{'v'},
    if (defined($opt{'v'})) {
        $VERBOSE = $opt{'v'};
    my $script = $0;
    if (defined($opt{'h'})) {
    if (defined($opt{'i'}) && !$opt{'i'}) {
        $interval = $opt{'i'};
    if (defined($opt{'g'}) && !$opt{'g'}) {
        print "\nGemText path missing\n\n";
    if (defined($opt{'x'}) && !$opt{'x'}) {
        print "\nHTML path missing\n\n";
    sub usage {
        my ($script) = (@_);
        print "USAGE:\n\n";
        print "$script [-hv] [-g path] [-x path]\n\n";
        print " -i, --interval override default number of titles per page\n";
        print " -g, --gemini   override default destination path for GemText\n";
        print " -x, --xhtml    override default destination path for XHTML\n";
        print " -v, --verbose  show debugging info\n";
        print "\n";
        print " -h, --help     show this message\n";
        print "\n";
        print "The -g and -x options can each be used to point to other paths\n";
        print "and override the defaults:\n";
        print "  GemText path:\n\t$gemtext_path\n";
        print "  XHTML path:\n\t$xhtml_path\n";
        print "\n";
    sub get_path {
        my ($p,$default) = (@_);
        my $path = $default;
        if ($p) {
            my @directories = reverse(split(m/\//, $p));
            my @canonical_path = ();
    	while (@directories) {
    	    my $dir = shift @directories;
    	    if (!length($dir)) {
    	    if ($dir eq ".") {
    	    if ($dir eq "..") {
    		shift @directories;
    	    push @canonical_path, $dir;
    	$path = '/'.join("/", reverse @canonical_path);
    	if ($path eq '/') {
    	    $path = $default;
    	if (-d $path) {
    	    if (-w $path) {
    	    } else {
    		die("The directory '$path' is not writable\n");
    	} elsif (-e $path) {
    	    die("The destination '$path' is not a directory\n");
    	} else {
    	    die("The directory '$path' does not exist\n");
    sub extract_and_write {
        my ($year,$month,$day) = (@_);
        my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
                               { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
            or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");
        my $sth = &query($dbh);
    	or die "execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
        my @posts = ();
        while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    	my %record  = ();
    	my $recno = $data->{'recno'};
    	$record{'recno'} = $recno;
    	$record{'slug'} = $data->{'slug'};
    	$record{'ballast'} = $data->{'ballast'};
    	# mind the date format difference in keys and metadata tables
    	my $date = $data->{'date'};
    	$date =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|$1/$2/$3| or die();
    	$record{'date'} = $date;
    	$record{'idate'} = $data->{'idate'};
    	$record{'week'} = $data->{'week'};
    	$record{'updated'} = $data->{'mod'};
    	$record{'title'} = decode('UTF-8', $data->{'title'});
    	push(@posts, { %record } );
        my @http_links = ();
        my @gemini_links = ();
        my $old_date = '';
        while ( my $record = pop(@posts) ) {
    	# print Dumper($record);
    	my $recno = ${$record}{'recno'};
    	my $slug = decode('UTF-8', ${$record}{'slug'});
    	my $ballast = ${$record}{'ballast'};
    	my $date = ${$record}{'date'};
    	my $idate = ${$record}{'idate'};
    	my $title = ${$record}{'title'};
    	my $week = ${$record}{'week'};
    	my $updated = ${$record}{'updated'};
    	my ( $iso_date ) = ( $idate =~ m/^(.*)T/ );
    	#  http / https
    	if ($old_date && $iso_date ne $old_date) {
    	    push(@http_links, [1, $week, ' '] );
    	    push(@gemini_links, [1, $week, ' '] );
    	my $xlink = &xhtml_link($title, $date, $idate,
    				$slug, $ballast, $updated);
    	push(@http_links, [$updated, $week, $xlink] );
    	# gemini
    	my $glink = &gemtext_link($title, $date, $idate,
    				  $slug, $ballast, $updated);
    	push(@gemini_links, [$updated, $week, $glink] );
    	$old_date = $iso_date;
        $xhtml_path   = &get_path($opt{'x'}, $xhtml_path);
        $gemtext_path = &get_path($opt{'g'}, $gemtext_path);
        &write_html($xhtml_path, @http_links);
        &write_gemtext($gemtext_path, @gemini_links);
    sub query {
        my ($dbh) = (@_);
        my $sth;	    # Statement handle object
        # list posts twice if modified at least a day from the creation date
        # the week calculation is probably unnecesary and could be removed
        my $query = qq(
    SELECT t1.recno AS recno,
    	printf('%04d %02d',
    		strftime('%Y', t2.value),
    		strftime('%W', t2.value)) AS week,
    	t1.value AS title,
    	t2.value AS idate,
    		WHEN unixepoch(t2.value) - unixepoch(t3.value) > 86400
    			THEN 1
    		ELSE 0
    	END mod,,
    	FROM metadata AS t1
    INNER JOIN metadata AS t2
    	ON t1.recno = t2.recno
    		AND t1.term = 'dc.title'
    		AND t2.term = ''
    INNER JOIN metadata AS t3
    	ON t1.recno = t3.recno
    		AND t3.term = ''
    INNER JOIN keys AS t4
    	ON t1.recno = t4.recno
    WHERE mod > 0
    	t5.recno AS recno,
    	printf('%04d %02d',
    		strftime('%Y', t6.value),
    		strftime('%W', t6.value)) AS week,
    	t5.value AS title,
    	t6.value AS idate,
    	FROM metadata AS t5
    INNER JOIN metadata AS t6
    	ON t5.recno = t6.recno
    		AND t5.term = 'dc.title'
    		AND t6.term=''
    INNER JOIN keys AS t7
    	ON t5.recno = t7.recno
    ORDER BY idate DESC;
        if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
    	print "Main Query= $query\n";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
    sub xhtml_link {
        my ($title, $date, $idate, $slug, $ballast, $updated) = (@_);
        # should this be the date modified or date created?
        my ( $time ) = ( $idate =~ m/T(\d\d:\d\d)/ );
        my ( $iso_date ) = ( $idate =~ m/^(.*)T/ );
        $iso_date =~ s|/|-|g;
        # lll
        my $href;
        if (! $ballast) {
    	$href = '/n/'.$date.'/'.$slug.'.shtml';
        } else {
    	$href = '/n/'.$date.'/'.$slug.".$ballast.shtml";
        if ($updated) {
    	$title .= ' [updated]';
        my $link = qq($iso_date $time )
    	. qq($title);
    sub gemtext_link {
        my ($title, $date, $idate, $slug, $ballast, $updated) = (@_);
        # should this be the date modified or date created?
        my $iso_date = $idate;
        $iso_date =~ s|/|-|g;
        $iso_date =~ s|T.*$||;
        my $href;
        if (! $ballast) {
    	$href = '/n/'.$date.'/'.$slug.'.shtml';
        } else {
    	$href = '/n/'.$date.'/'.$slug.".$ballast.shtml";
        if ($updated) {
    	$title .= ' [updated]';
        my $link = qq(=> $href $iso_date $title);
    sub write_html {
        my ($xhtml_path, @http_links) = (@_);
        if ($opt{'v'}) {
    	print $xhtml_path,"\n\n";
        my $count = 0;
        my $page = 1;
        my @buffer = ();
        my $size  = length(int(($#http_links + 1)));
        my $file  = '';
        my $first = '';
        my $link  = '';
        my $old_week = '';
        while ( $#http_links >= 0 ) {
    	my $row = shift(@http_links);
    	my ( $updated, $week, $link ) = @$row;
    	# don't start a page with an empty row
    	if ( $#buffer >= 0 || $link =~ m/= $interval && $week ne $old_week) {
    	    # don't end a page with an empty row
    	    if ( $link !~ m/= 0 ) {
    	my ( $prevlink, $nextlink ) = &prevnexthtml($page, $size, -1);
    	my $xhtml = &xhtml_document($page, $interval,
    				    $prevlink, $nextlink, @buffer);
    	$file = sprintf("%s/page-%0${size}d.shtml", $xhtml_path, $page);
    	if (!$first) {
    	    $first = $file;
    	    my $firstfile = $xhtml_path.'/index.shtml';
    	    if ( -l $firstfile ) {
    		unlink($firstfile) or die();
    	    symlink($first, $firstfile) or die();
    	&save_html_file($file, $xhtml);
    	if ( $opt{'v'} ) {
    	    print "$file\n";
        if ( $opt{'v'} ) {
    	print qq(Last = $file\n);
        my $lastfile =  $xhtml_path.'/latest.shtml';
        if ( -l $lastfile ) {
    	unlink($lastfile) or die();
        symlink($file, $lastfile) or die();
    sub prevnexthtml {
        my ($page, $size, $more) = (@_);
        my ($prevlink, $nextlink) = ('','');
        if ( $page > 2 ) {
    	$prevlink = sprintf("/browse/page-%0${size}d.shtml", $page - 1);
    	$prevlink = qq(Page ). ($page-1) .qq();
        } elsif ( $page == 2 ) {
    	$prevlink = qq(/browse/index.shtml);
            $prevlink = qq(Page 1);
        if ( $more >= 0 ) {
    	$nextlink = sprintf("/browse/page-%0${size}d.shtml", $page+1);
    	$nextlink = qq(Page ).($page+1).qq();
        return($prevlink, $nextlink);
    sub xhtml_document {
        my ($page, $interval, $prevlink, $nextlink, @buffer) =  (@_);
        my $title = "Chronological Index, Page ". $page;
        my $posts = '
  • '.join("
  • \n\t
  • ", @buffer).'
  • '; my $xhtml = <<"EOHTML"; $title


    Time in UTC

    EOHTML return ($xhtml); } sub save_html_file { my ($file, $xhtml) = (@_); my $doc; # $xhtml = decode('UTF-8',$xhtml); # $xhtml = encode('UTF-8',$xhtml); open($doc, '>', $file) or die("Could not open '$file' for writing: $!\n"); print $doc $xhtml; close($doc); return(1); } sub write_gemtext { my ($gemtext_path, @gemini_links) = (@_); if ($opt{'v'}) { print $gemtext_path,"\n\n"; } my $count = 0; my $page = 1; my @buffer = (); my $size = length(int(($#gemini_links + 1))); my $file = ''; my $first = ''; my $link = ''; my $old_week = ''; while ( $#gemini_links >= 0 ) { my $row = shift(@gemini_links); my ( $updated, $week, $link ) = @$row; # don't start a page with an empty row if ( $#buffer >= 0 || $link =~ m/^\=\>/ ) { push (@buffer, $link); if ( ! $updated && $link =~ m/^\=\>/ ) { $count++; } } else { next; } if ( $count >= $interval && $week ne $old_week ) { my ( $prevlink, $nextlink ) = &prevnextgemtext($page, $size, $#gemini_links); my $gemtext = &gemtext_document($page, $prevlink, $nextlink, @buffer); $file = sprintf("%s/page-%0${size}d.gmi", $gemtext_path, $page); if ( $opt{'v'} ) { print "$file\n"; } &save_gemtext_file($file, $gemtext); if (!$first) { $first = $file; my $firstfile = $gemtext_path.'/index.gmi'; if ( -l $firstfile ) { unlink($firstfile) or die(); } symlink($first, $firstfile) or die(); } @buffer = (); $page++; } $old_week = $week; } if ( $#buffer >= 0 ) { my ( $prevlink, $nextlink ) = &prevnextgemtext($page, $size, -1); my $gemtext = &gemtext_document($page, $prevlink, $nextlink, @buffer); $file = sprintf("%s/page-%0${size}d.gmi", $gemtext_path, $page); if ( $opt{'v'} ) { print "$file\n"; } if (!$first) { $first = $file; my $firstfile = $gemtext_path.'/index.gmi'; if ( -l $firstfile ) { unlink($firstfile) or die(); } symlink($first, $firstfile) or die(); } &save_gemtext_file($file, $gemtext); } if ( $opt{'v'} ) { print qq(Last = $file\n); } my $lastfile = $gemtext_path.'/latest.gmi'; if ( -l $lastfile ) { unlink($lastfile) or die(); } symlink($file, $lastfile) or die(); return(1); } sub prevnextgemtext { my ($page, $size, $more) = (@_); my ($prevlink, $nextlink) = ('',''); if ( $page > 2 ) { $prevlink = sprintf("/browse/page-%0${size}d.gmi", $page-1); $prevlink = qq(=> $prevlink Page ). ($page - 1); } elsif ( $page == 2 ) { $prevlink = qq(/browse/index.gmi); $prevlink = qq(=> $prevlink Page 1); } if ( $more >= 0 ) { $nextlink = sprintf("/browse/page-%0${size}d.gmi", $page +1); $nextlink = qq(=> $nextlink Page ).($page+1); } return($prevlink, $nextlink); } sub gemtext_document { my ($page, $prevlink, $nextlink, @buffer) = (@_); my $title = "Chronological Index, Page $page"; my $posts = join("\n", @buffer); my $gemtext = <<"EOGEMTEXT"; Techrights # $title $nextlink $prevlink $posts Time in UTC. $nextlink $prevlink => / EOGEMTEXT return ($gemtext); } sub save_gemtext_file { my ($file, $gemtext) = (@_); my $doc; open($doc, '>', $file) or die("Could not open '$file' for writing: $!\n"); print $doc $gemtext; close($doc); return(1); } sub prepare_directory { my ($path) = (@_); if ( -e $path) { if ( ! -d $path) { warn "Target already exists but is not a directory: '$path'\n"; return(0); } if ( ! -w $path) { print STDERR "Target is not a writable: '$path'\n"; return(0); } # path exists and is writable return(1); } else { make_path($path,{mode=>0775}) or die("Could not create path '$path' : $!\n"); print "Created directory '$path'\n" if ($VERBOSE); return(1); } } sub is_file_writable { my ($file) = (@_); # overwrite by default if (-e $file) { if (-f $file) { if (-w $file) { return(1); } else { warn("Destination '$file' is not writable\n"); return(0); } } else { warn("Destination '$file' is not a regular file\n"); return(0); } } else { return(1); } }


    # 2022-07-26
    case $USER in
    	'tuxmachines') author='Tux Machines'
    	'roy') author='Roy Schestowitz'
    	'rianne') author='Rianne Schestowitz'
    	'marius') author='Marius Nestor'
    	*) author=$USER
    # add a record -u $@
    # update both the XHTML and Gemtext hierarchies
    exit 0


    # wrapper script for
    set -e
    # sort gzipped log files nummerically so that the --sort option
    # can be used to reduce run duration by ensuring that the log
    # data is fed to the perl script in chronological order (as much as feasible)
    # the perl one-liner is to remove the status column, if present
    readlog() {
    	( cat /var/log/apache2/${base}-access.log \
    	  zcat $( ls /var/log/apache2/${base}-access.log*z \
    		    | sort -t . -k 3,3n ) ) \
    	| --table --sorted --status 200,304 \
    	| perl -p -e 's|\s+\d{3}\s+|\t|;' \
    		> /var/log/${log}
    readlog techrights tr-stats.log
    readlog tuxmachines tm-stats.log
    exit 0



    # 2023-01-25
    # fetches posts from the database and makes an HTML DL list based
    # on author and title with the description, grouped by date
    use utf8;
    use Getopt::Long;
    use Date::Calc qw/Today Add_Delta_YM Add_Delta_YMD/;
    use DBI qw(:sql_types);
    use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
    use HTML::Entities qw/encode_entities_numeric decode_entities/;
    # use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
    use English;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our $dbfile="/var/www/";
    our %opt;
    our $VERBOSE = 0;
    GetOptions ("date=s"    => \$opt{'d'},
                "help"      => \$opt{'h'},
                "verbose+"  => \$opt{'v'},
    my $script = $0;
    if (defined($opt{'h'})) {
    if (defined($opt{'v'})) {
        $VERBOSE = $opt{'v'};
    my ($year, $month, $day) = &get_date($opt{'d'});
    $opt{'s'} = 1;
    if ($opt{'s'}) {
        print "Starting Date: $year/$month/$day\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    } else {
        print "Date: $year/$month/$day\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    sub usage {
        my ($script) = (@_);
        print "USAGE:\n\n";
        print "$script [-hv] [-d date]\n\n";
        print " -d, --date	  date as YYYYMMDD, defaults to a month ago\n";
        print " -v, --verbose show debugging info\n";
        print " -h, --help    show this message\n";
        print "\n";
        print "Summmarize posts by title and author, grouped by date, since ";
        print "the designated date.  If no date is given, then start from ";
        print "one month ago.\n";
        print "\n";
    # validate and return date from option XOR current date minus one month
    sub get_date {
        my ($d) = (@_);
        my ($year, $month, $day);
        my $date = '';
        if ($d) {
    	if ( ($date) = ($d =~ m/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})$/)
    	     ($date) = ($d =~ m/^([0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2})$/)
    	    ) {
    	    $date =~ s/-//g;
            if (!$date) {
                print STDERR qq(Invalid date '$d'\n);
            ($year,$month,$day) =
                ($date =~ m/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/);
            if (! check_date($year,$month,$day)) {
                print STDERR qq(Invalid date '$date', );
                print STDERR qq(Use YYYY-MM-DD'\n);
        # if no date was provide, start from a month ago
        if (!$date) {
            ($year,$month,$day) = Today(1); # get date GMT
    	($year,$month,$day) = Add_Delta_YM($year,$month,$day,0,-1);
    	($year,$month,$day) = Add_Delta_YMD($year,$month,$day,0,0,1);
            $year  = sprintf("%04d", $year);
            $month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
            $day   = sprintf("%02d", $day);
        return($year, $month, $day);
    # get the relevant records from the database and convert to HTML
    sub extract_and_write {
        my ($year,$month,$day) = (@_);
        my $summary = &extract($year,$month,$day);
        if (!$summary) {
    	$summary = qq(

    No records since $year-$month-$day

    \n); } my $html = &new_xhtml_document($year,$month,$day,$summary); print $html; } # get the relevant records from the SQLite3 database sub extract { my ($year,$month,$day) = (@_); my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef, { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 }) or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n"); my $date = "$year-$month-$day"; # fetch relevant records, starting with specified date my $sth = &query($date, $dbh); # process found records into a sortable hash my $count = 0; my %record = (); while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $recno = $data->{'recno'}; my $date = substr($data->{'ts'},0,10); my $timestamp = $data->{'ts'}; my $author = $data->{'author'}; my $title = $data->{'title'}; my $description = $data->{'description'}; $record{$recno}->{'date'} = $date; $record{$recno}->{'timestamp'} = $timestamp; $record{$recno}->{'author'} = $author; $record{$recno}->{'title'} = $title; $record{$recno}->{'description'} = $description; my $ballast = $data->{'ballast'}; my $slug = $data->{'slug'}; my $file; if (!$ballast) { $file = "$date$slug.shtml"; } else { $file = "$date/$slug.$ballast.shtml"; } $file =~ s{^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})} {$1/$2/$3/}; $record{$recno}->{'href'} = '/n/'.$file; # number of records processed $count++; } $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect; my $oldDate = 0; my $ddSummary = HTML::Element->new('dd'); # actual day my $daySummary = HTML::Element->new('dl'); # wrapper for each day my $summary = HTML::Element->new('dl'); # grand list of days # sort hash of processed records and build HTML definition list(s) for my $rec (sort {$record{$a}->{'date'} cmp $record{$b}->{'date'} or $record{$a}->{'author'} cmp $record{$b}->{'author'} or $record{$a}->{'timestamp'} cmp $record{$b}->{'timestamp'} or $a cmp $b } keys %record) { my $author = $record{$rec}->{'author'}; my $title = $record{$rec}->{'title'}; my $description = $record{$rec}->{'description'}; my $date = $record{$rec}->{'date'}; my $timestamp = $record{$rec}->{'timestamp'}; my $href = $record{$rec}->{'href'}; if ($VERBOSE) { print "$rec: $date, $timestamp: $author\n"; print "\t$href\n"; } # beginning of new day if ($oldDate ne $date) { $ddSummary->push_content($daySummary); $summary->push_content($ddSummary); # clear the buffers for each day and the day wrapper $daySummary = HTML::Element->new('dl'); $ddSummary = HTML::Element->new('dd'); # add a defninition list title for the next date my $dt = HTML::Element->new('dt'); $dt->push_content($date); $summary->push_content($dt); # remember working date $oldDate = $date; } # build entry hyperlink to article my $anchor = HTML::Element->new('a', 'href'=>$href); $anchor->push_content($title); my $dt = HTML::Element->new('dt'); # entry hyperlink + title my $dd1 = HTML::Element->new('dd'); # entry author + description $dt->push_content($anchor); $dd1->push_content($author." : ".$description); # add link+title, author+description to list for working date $daySummary->push_content($dt); $daySummary->push_content($dd1); } # harvest any remaining buffer content from the day and then its wrapper $ddSummary->push_content($daySummary); $summary->push_content($ddSummary); if (!$count) { if ($VERBOSE) { print "No records processed.\n\n"; } return("

    No records processed.

    \n"); } # convert to indented HTML with closing tags for each element my $summaryhtml = $summary->as_HTML( '', ' ', {} ); $summary->delete; return($summaryhtml); } # actually query the SQLite3 daabawse sub query { my ($date, $dbh) = (@_); # $sth Statement handle object my $sth; # ts = full datetime stamp # find date modified, author, title, description, and file name parts my $query = qq( SELECT recno, ts, author, title, description, ballast, slug FROM ( SELECT recno, value AS ts FROM metadata WHERE term='' AND value>=?) AS T1 JOIN ( SELECT recno, value AS author FROM metadata WHERE term='dc.creator') AS T2 USING(recno) JOIN ( SELECT recno, value AS title FROM metadata WHERE term='dc.title') AS T3 USING(recno) JOIN ( SELECT recno, value AS description FROM metadata WHERE term='dc.description') AS T4 USING(recno) JOIN ( SELECT recno, ballast, slug FROM keys ) AS T5 USING(recno) ORDER BY SUBSTR(ts,1,10), author, ts desc; ); $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n"; $sth->execute($date) or die "execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n"; if ($VERBOSE > 1) { print "Main Query= $query\n"; } return($sth); } # fill in a template to create an HTML page sub new_xhtml_document { my ($year,$month,$day,$summary) = (@_); my $html = <<"EOHTML"; Techrights posts since $year-$month-$day

    Techrights posts since $year-$month-$day

    EOHTML return($html); }


    #!/usr/bin/perl -T
    # 2021-05-16
    # XML RSS and Atom feed web scraper,
    # feed it URLs for feeds plus a date-time stamp
    # entries will be parsed and can saved in a file
    # local times will be converted to UTC
    use utf8;
    use Getopt::Std;
    use Time::ParseDate;
    use Time::Piece;
    use XML::Feed;
    use URI;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use HTTP::Response::Encoding;
    use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
    use HTML::Entities;
    use English;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our $VERBOSE = 0;
    # work-arounds for 'wide character' error from wrong UTF8
    binmode(STDIN,  ":encoding(utf8)");
    binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)");
    our %opt;
    getopts('ad:ho:tuvL', \%opt);
    my $script = $0;
    if (defined($opt{'h'})) {
    if (defined($opt{'v'})) {
    my ($output);
    if (defined($opt{'o'})) {
        # XXX needs proper sanity checking for path and filename at least
        $output = $opt{'o'};
        $output =~ s/[\0-\x1f]//g;
        if ($output =~ /^([-\/\w\.]+)$/) {
            $output = $1;
        } else {
            die("Bad path or file name: '$output'\n");
    } else {
        $output = '/dev/stdout';
    my $utc = 0;        # treat input as a local time and convert to UTC
    if (defined($opt{'u'})) {
        $utc = 1;        # treat input as UTC without conversion
    my $sdts;
    if (defined($opt{'d'})) {
        $sdts = parsedate($opt{'d'}, GMT=>$utc);
    } else {
        $sdts = parsedate('yesterday');
    print STDERR qq(S=$sdts\n)
     if ($VERBOSE);
    my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($sdts, '%s');
    print STDERR qq(D=),$t->strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"),qq(\n)
        if ($VERBOSE);
    my $count = 0;
    my $errors = 0;
    while (my $url = shift) {
        next if ($url =~ /^\s*#/);        # skip comments
        print STDERR qq(\nU=$url\n)
            if ($VERBOSE);
        my $r = &get_feed($t,$url,$output);
        if ($r) {
        } else {
            print STDERR qq(Could not find feed at URL: "$url"\n);
    &usage($script) unless ($count || $errors);
    sub usage {
        my ($script) = (@_);
        $script =~ s/^.*\///;
        print < elements but leave the others.
     -h shows this message.
     Multiple feed URLs can be specified.
     Queries and fragments are trimmed from the URIs.
     Broken or malformed feeds will be skipped completely.
     $script -u -d 2019-08-01T00:00
     $script -o /tmp/foo.html
     $script -a -o /tmp/foo.html -d 2019-08-01
     The date for the -d option can be made using command substitution
     and the date(1) utility.
     $script -d \$(date -d '2 days ago' +'%Y-%m-%d')
     As a work-around for UTF-8 in Chromium and Firefox, meta elements
     declaring UTF-8 explicitly are peppered through the output.  The
     placement cannot really be helped and the result is  not valid XHTML
     because these are in the wrong part of the document.
     And it goes without saying that scraping sites is very brittle and
     can stop working with even minor changes to the page structure.
    sub get_feed {
        my ($t,$url,$output) = (@_);
        my $uri = $url;
        my $feed;
        eval {
            $feed = XML::Feed->parse(URI->new($uri));
        if ($@) {
    	print STDERR $@,qq(\n);
            print STDERR qq(  Failed feed for '$uri'\n);
        } elsif (! defined($feed)) {
        my $feed_title;
        eval {
            $feed_title = $feed->title;
        if ($@) {
    	print STDERR $@,qq(\n);
    	print STDERR qq(  Failed title for '$uri'\n);
        my $feed_modified = encode_entities($feed->modified); # unsupported
        my $feed_format   = encode_entities($feed->format);
        print STDERR qq(\tT=$feed_title\n)
            if ($VERBOSE);
        print STDERR qq(\tF=$feed_format\n)
            if ($VERBOSE);
        my @entries = ();
        if ($feed->link =~ m|https?://|) {
    	@entries = &read_feed_instead($t,$feed,$output);
        } else {
    	@entries = &read_entries($t,$feed,$output);
        if(@entries) {
    	my $mode;
    	if (defined($opt{'a'})) {
    	    $mode = '>>';
    	} else {
    	    $mode = '>';
    	# print STDERR Dumper($feed);
    	open(my $out, $mode, $output)
    	    or die("Could not open '$output' for appending: $!\n");
    	# work-around for browser not recognizing UTF-8 automatically
    	# print $out qq(\n);
    	binmode($out, ":encoding(utf8)");
    	if (defined($opt{'t'})) {
    	    print $out qq(


    \n); } print $out join("", @entries); close($out); } return(1); } sub read_entries { my ($t,$feed,$output) = (@_); $t = parsedate($t); my @entries = (); my $count = 0; foreach my $entry ($feed->entries) { # print STDERR Dumper($entry),qq(\n\n) # if($VERBOSE); # entry time my $ft = $entry->{entry}{pubDate} || $entry->issued || $entry->modified; # entry time in seconds my $et = parsedate($ft) || 0; next unless($et =~ /^\d+$/ && $et >= $t ); # these links are sometimes redirections from proxies my ($base, $content) = &fetch_page($entry->link) or die("Missing content from '",$entry->link,"'\n"); next if ($base eq -1 || $content eq -1); next if ($base =~ /^\d+/ && $base<0); print STDERR qq(Fetched:),substr($base,0,30),qq(\n) if ($VERBOSE); my $uri = URI->new($base) or die("Bad address, '$base', could not form URI\n"); $uri->query(undef); $uri->fragment(undef); my $site = $uri->authority; # many sites are under feedburner if ($site eq '') { if ($VERBOSE) { print STDERR qq(A=Feed Burner\n); } if($uri->path =~ /^projectcensored/) { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^johnpilger/) { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^ { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^LnuxTech-lb/) { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^ { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^ { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^\~r\/MichaelGeistsBlog/) { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^EliveLinuxWebsiteUpdates/) { $site = ''; } elsif($uri->path =~ /^ { $site = ''; } } print STDERR qq(A=$site\n) if ($VERBOSE); # remove spammy, paid-for press releases if ($site eq '') { # LLL - todo } &scan_for_scripts($site, $content); my $o = &choose_parser($site, $uri->canonical, $content); if ($o) { $count++; push(@entries, $o); } else { # identify the feed which had the error print STDERR qq(\t),$feed->title,qq(\n); } print STDERR qq(\t\t),$base,qq(\n) if ($VERBOSE); } if ($count) { push(@entries, qq(\n
    \n\n)); } return(@entries); } sub fetch_page { my ($uri) = (@_); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("NotRSS0day/0.1"); my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri); my $result = $ua->request($request); if ($result->is_success) { return($result->base, $result->decoded_content); } else { warn("Could not open '$uri' : ", $result->status_line, "\n"); return(-1,-1); } return(0,0); } sub scan_for_scripts { my ($site, $content) = (@_); my $ent = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($content); for my $t ($ent->findnodes('script')) { print STDERR qq(script payload found in $site !\n); exit(2); } $ent->delete; return(1); } sub choose_parser { my ($site, $url, $content) = (@_); my ($xpath_title, $xpath_description) = (0,0); my ($title, $description) = (0,0); print STDERR qq(S=$site\n) if ($VERBOSE); my $ent = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($content); if ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div/div[@class="panel-pane pane-aclu-components-description description"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\ Original//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//body/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h2[@itemprop="headline"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="article-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="post"]/h3[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//h1/following-sibling::p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h2[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//h2/following-sibling::div[1]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/div/div/div[@class="large-12 columns"]/h2'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//head/meta[@name="Description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { return(0) if ($url =~/\/newswire\//); $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # $xpath_description = '//head/meta[@name="description"]'; $xpath_description = '//div[3]/div[@class="body-description"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+-\; # $xpath_description = '//div[@class="story-header-area"]/p[1]'; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="story-header-area"]/p[position()<3 and not(contains(text(),"Subscribers content"))]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); $description = 0 if($description =~ /We don't shake our/); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//div[@class="post_content"]/p[position()<3 and not(contains(text(),"Subscribers content"))]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@name="twitter:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # .col-sm-7 > article:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(3) $xpath_description = '//div[@class="col-sm-7"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); $description =~ s/>[^>]*—/>/; } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+Climate News Network//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content-post"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@name="twitter:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//h1/following-sibling::p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+Creative Commons//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description eq '

    ') { $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@id="mainClm"]/div[@class="blogPost"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); $description =~ s/\s+//; # $description =~ s/\s\s+.*<\/blockquote>/<\/blockquote>/m; } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # remove podcasts return(0) if ($title =~ m/Unsupervised Learning: No\./); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()>=last()-1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); # remove adverts for social control media # my $de = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($description); # for my $p ($de->findnodes('//p')) { # if($p->as_text =~ m/^Discuss on Tw/) { # $p->delete; # } # } # $description = $de->as_XML_compact; # $de->delete(); $description =~ s/^.*(
    )/$1/; $description =~ s/(<\/blockquote>).*$/$1/; } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//h1/following-sibling::p[position()>1 and position()<4]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); return(0) if ($title =~ m/recent shows/i); return(0) if ($title =~ m/^headlines/i); $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="headline_body"]/div[@class="headline_summary"]/p[1])[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="text"]/p[1])[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($xpath_title, $content); $title = failed_utf($title); $xpath_description = '//div[@id="main"]//h2'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="elementor-widget-container"]/h1'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # $xpath_description = '//div[@class="elementor-widget-container"]/div/p[position()<3]'; $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="elementor-widget-container"]/div/p)[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); # xxx work-around to eliminate site signature :( $description =~ s/

    Website by.*//ms; } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="field-items"]/div[1]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="content"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="entry-categories"]/following-sibling::h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()>1 and position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[1]/h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[1]/h1[1]/following-sibling::p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="post-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="post-content"]/h5[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { # lll $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="jeg_post_title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="content-inner"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # work-around for something broken with p[1] $xpath_description = '//div[@class="field__items"]/div[1]/p[position()>1 and position()<=4]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()<=2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # .entry-content > p:nth-child(4) $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//h2/following-sibling::p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="newsletter col-wide"]/h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="newsletter col-wide"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div//h1[@class="post-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="post-content"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="t-content t-content--article"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/h1[@class="title p-name"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="content group e-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { # lll $xpath_title = '//div[@class="info"]/h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="info"]/following-sibling::p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title" and 1]'; unless($title) { $xpath_title = '//h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); } $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/h3[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { # LLL fix this above with $et, does not currently get this far $xpath_title = '//div[@class="threequarters"]/h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="threequarters"]/h1[1]/following-sibling::p[3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # $xpath_description = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # $xpath_description = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="article-body article-body--contained"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="post-content entry-content"]/p[position()>1 and position()<4]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '' or $site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@id="headline"]/h1'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h2[@class="itemTitle"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+Featured.*//; # should have been in XPath instead $xpath_description = '//div[@class="itemIntroText"]/p'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//body/h1[@class="po-hr-cn__title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//h1/following-sibling::p[@class="po-hr-cn__dek"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title = &title_case($title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="text book last full" and position()=1]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="content"]/h1'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="td-content"]/p[position()>1 and position() < 5 and not(preceding-sibling::h2)]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content entry-content-single"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()<=2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/h1[@class="alignwide wp-block-post-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[contains(@class, "entry-content")]/p[position() < 5 and not(preceding-sibling::h2)]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="inside-article"]/h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h2[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//p[position()>1 and position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/h1[@class="hero__title text-center"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="content js-toc-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); # skip newsletters and such if(!$description) { return(0); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="nv-content-wrap entry-content"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="post"]/h2'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entrytext"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="text"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+Meduza//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()>=3 and position()<=4]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { # some do not have the extra byline # but it is hard to parse which do: $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()>=2 and position()<=3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+Meduza//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="GeneralMaterial-article"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); return(0) if($title=~/^The LawBytes Podcast/); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry"]/p[last()]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+Michael West.*//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="et_pb_title_container"]/p[@class="et_pb_title_meta_container"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); if ($description =~ m/\bAAP\b/) { return(0); } $xpath_description = '//div[@id="old-post"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+Michael West.*//; $xpath_description = '//head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[1]/h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="ft-c-single-post__body"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="article-header-content"]/h1[@class="title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="article-body-inner"]/p[position()<3 and @class!="caption"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); $description =~ s/[\d\s]*Ad Policy.*$//i; } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+New Matilda.*//; $xpath_description = '//div/div[@class="post-content text-font description"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\W\s+Michael West.*//; $xpath_description = '//head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//h6/following-sibling::p[@class="dropcap"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//div[@class="transcript"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="post-title entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()<4]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="decorated-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="col-md-7 col-12 mx-auto text-justify"]/p[position() <3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="published page-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@id="article_content"]//div[@class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"]/p[not(preceding-sibling::h2) and position() < 5]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/h1[@class="post-title single-post-title entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="inner-post-entry entry-content"]/div/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="title"]/h2[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/^\s+//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { # header.entry-header h1.entry-title $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/descendant::p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="post-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="inner-post-entry entry-content"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); if(!$description || $description =~ /Listen to all of our previous/) { $xpath_description = '//div[@id="penci-post-entry-inner"]/div/div/div[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } if(!$description || $description =~ /Listen to all of our previous/) { $xpath_description = '//div[@id="penci-post-entry-inner"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } if(!$description || $description =~ /Listen to all of our previous/) { $xpath_description = '//div[@id="penci-post-entry-inner"]/div/div[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } if(!$description || $description =~ /Listen to all of our previous/) { $xpath_description = '//div[@id="penci-post-entry-inner"]/div[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { 1; # placeholder } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="detail-ct"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s*\|.*$//; $xpath_description = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); 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} } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="container"]/h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="blog-entry e-content"]/p[not(preceding-sibling::h1) and position() < 4]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="h-wysiwyg-html/h1"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//span[@id="hs_cos_wrapper_post_body"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[2]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); unless ($title) { $xpath_title = '//h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); } $xpath_description = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//div[contains(@class,"c-post-content__wysiwyg")]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="rh-article-teaser--component"]/h1'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[starts-with(@class,"rh-generic")]//p[not(preceding-sibling::h3) and position() < 3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '' || $site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+.bull\;.*//; $title =~ s/\s+•.*//; $xpath_description = '(//div[@id="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '(//div[@id="article-content"]/div[1]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="caption"]/h2/b'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); if (!$title) { $xpath_title = '//li[@class="post"]/a/h2'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="caption"])/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } else { $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="caption"])[last()]/p[last()]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '(//div[@class="post-body entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); 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$description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h3[@class="wp-block-post-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="has-global-padding is-layout-constrained entry-content cat-links entry-meta tag-links entry-content edit-link page-links wp-block-post-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()>=last()-1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@name="sailthru.title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title = failed_utf($title); $xpath_description = '//html/head/meta[@name="sailthru.description"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); $description = failed_utf($description); $url =~ s/\?[^\?]*$//; } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="posttitle"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # remove Daily Deals return (0) if ($title =~ m/^Daily Deal/); # remove Funniest return (0) if ($title =~ m/^Funniest/i); # skip recaps return(0) if ($title =~ m/^This Week In Techdirt History/i); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="byline"]/following-sibling::p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); # lll } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[1]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { # $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="byline"]/following-sibling::p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="c-article__intro"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[1]/div[1]/h1'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); # $xpath_description = '//div[@class="top-section"]/following-sibling::p[1]'; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="article-html-content"]/div/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[@class="title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="body"]/p[position()<3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '(//p)[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s[\-\*]\sTorrentFreak$//; return (0) if ($title =~ /Most Torrented Movie of The Week/i); # '//div[@class="entry-summary"]/p[@class="entry-lead"]' $xpath_description = '//p[@class="article__excerpt"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); $url =~ s/\?.*$//; } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); unless($title) { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@name="twitter:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); } $xpath_description = '//div[@class="article-item__content am2-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h1[1]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@id="article-content"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//p[@data-pp-id="1.0"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } # LLL - truthout's XHTML has multiple fatal validation errors # cannot be processed, yet } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/title'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $title =~ s/\s+\|.*$//; $xpath_description = '//div[@class="p-post__content"]//p[not(preceding-sibling::h2) and position() < 3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="title"]/h1'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div/h1[@class="entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="td-post-content"]//p[not(preceding-sibling::h2) and position() < 4]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//div[@class="td-post-content"]/p[position()>2 and position()<5]'; $description = parse_description($xpath_description, $content); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//div[@class="post-title-wrapper"]/h1'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content clearfix"]/p[not(preceding-sibling::h2) and position() < 3]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content clearfix"]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($xpath_description, $content); } unless($description) { $xpath_description = '//div[@class="entry-content clearfix"]/p[2]'; $description = parse_description($xpath_description, $content); } } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//html/head/meta[@property="og:title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div/div[@class="col-sm-20" and position()=3]/p[1]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } elsif ($site eq '') { $xpath_title = '//h3[@class="post-title entry-title"]'; $title = parse_title($ent, $xpath_title); $xpath_description = '//div[@class="post-body entry-content"]'; $description = parse_description($ent, $xpath_description); } else { # the site does not yet have XPaths, return with an error print STDERR qq(Site "$site" is not yet configured,); print STDERR qq(\tSee "$url"\n); $ent->delete; return(0); } # LLL - should print warning if no title or description is found if ( $description !~ /

    / ) { $description = "


    "; } $ent->delete; return( &print_item($title, $url, $description) ); } sub parse_title { my ($ent, $xpath_title) = (@_); my $title = 0; for my $t ($ent->findnodes($xpath_title)) { if($t->tag eq 'meta') { $title = $t->attr('content') || 0; } else { $title = $t->as_text || 0; } } $title =~ s/\s+$//m; $title =~ s/^\s+//mg; $title = encode_entities($title); return($title); } sub parse_description { my ($ent, $xpath_description) = (@_); my $description = ''; for my $d ($ent->findnodes($xpath_description)) { if($d->tag eq 'meta') { my $desc = encode_entities($d->attr('content')); $description .= '


    \n" || 0; } elsif($d->tag eq 'p') { if($d->as_trimmed_text) { my $desc = encode_entities($d->as_trimmed_text); $description .= '


    \n"; } } else { $description = encode_entities($d->as_trimmed_text); $description .= $description.qq(\n); } } if ($description) { $description =~ s/>\s+/>/gm; $description = qq(
    \n); } # delete hidden soft-hyphen and zero-width space trackers $description =~ s/[\x{00AD}\x{200B}]//g; return($description); } sub failed_utf { my ($text) = (@_); # crude work-arounds for failed utf-8 / unicode # $text =~ s/’/'/g; $text =~ s/\x{2060}//g; return($text); } sub print_item { my ($title, $url, $description) = (@_); my $output; if(!defined($opt{'L'})) { $output .= qq(
  • ); } $output .= qq(
    \n); if($description) { $output .= qq($description); } else { $output .= qq(
    \n); } if(!defined($opt{'L'})) { $output .= qq(
  • \n\n); } return($output); } sub title_case { my ($title) = (@_); # based on Chapter 1.14.2, Perl Cookbook, 2nd ed. our %nocap; unless(keys %nocap) { foreach my $w (qw(a an the and but or as at but by for from in into of off on onto per to with)) { $nocap{$w}++; } } # put into lowercase if on stop list, else titlecase $title =~ s/(\pL[\pL']*)/$nocap{$1} ? lc($1) : ucfirst(lc($1))/ge; # last word guaranteed to cap $title =~ s/^(\pL[\pL']*) /\u\L$1/x; # first word guaranteed to cap $title =~ s/ (\pL[\pL']*)$/\u\L$1/x; # treat parenthesized portion as a complete title $title =~ s/\( (\pL[\pL']*) /(\u\L$1/x; $title =~ s/(\pL[\pL']*) \) /\u\L$1)/x; # capitalize first word following colon or semi-colon $title =~ s/ ( [:;] \s+ ) (\pL[\pL']* ) /$1\u\L$2/x; return ($title); } sub read_feed_instead { my ($t,$feed,$output) = (@_); # use feed metadata instead of parsing fetched articles $t = parsedate($t); my @entries = (); my $count = 0; foreach my $entry ($feed->entries) { # print STDERR Dumper($entry),qq(\n\n) # if($VERBOSE); # entry time my $ft = $entry->{entry}{pubDate} || $entry->issued || $entry->modified; # entry time in seconds my $et = parsedate($ft) || 0; next unless($et =~ /^\d+$/ && $et >= $t ); my $title = $entry->title || 0; my $url = $entry->link || 0; my $description = $entry->{entry}{description} || 0; if ($description) { $description = "

    ". $description. "

    "; } my $o = &print_item($title, $url, $description); push(@entries, $o); } if ($count) { push(@entries, qq(\n
    \n\n)); } return(@entries); }


    # read wiki database directly via SQL
    # and produce HTML
    use Getopt::Long;
    use Config::Tiny;
    use Data::Dumper;
    use DBI;
    use File::Path qw(make_path);
    use Encode;
    use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
    use open qw(:std :encoding(UTF-8));
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our %opt = (
        'configfile' => '',
        'verbose' => 0,
        'help' => 0,
    GetOptions (
        "configfile|c" => \$opt{'configfile'},  # string
        "verbose|v+"   => \$opt{'verbose'},     # flag, multiple settings
        "help|h"       => \$opt{'help'},        # flag
    my $configfile = $opt{configfile} || $ENV{HOME}.'/bin/tr-old-extract-wiki.config';
    if (! -f $configfile) {
    if (! -r $configfile) {
    my $config   = Config::Tiny->read($configfile);
    my $database = $config->{database}->{database};
    my $dbuser   = $config->{database}->{username};
    my $dbpasswd = $config->{database}->{password};
    my $documentroot = $config->{webserver}->{documentroot};
    my $wiki = $config->{webserver}->{subdirectory};
    my $targetdir = $documentroot.$wiki;
    if (! -e $targetdir) {
    	or die("Could not create path '$targetdir' : $!\n");
    if ($opt{verbose}) {
        print qq($documentroot, $wiki\n);
    # connect to MySQL database
    my $dsn = 'DBI:mysql:'.$database;
    my %attr = ( PrintError=>0,     # turn off error reporting via warn()
        );    # turn on error reporting via die()
    my $dbh  = DBI->connect($dsn,$dbuser,$dbpasswd, \%attr);
    $dbh->do('set names "UTF8"');
    my $query = q(
       SELECT text.old_id, page.page_title, text.old_text from page
        LEFT JOIN revision on revision.rev_id=page.page_latest
        LEFT JOIN text on text.old_id = revision.rev_text_id
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
    my %spam = &spam_list();
    my %prev = ();
    my %next = ();
    my ($oldi, $newi, $midi) = () x 3;
    my ($oldt, $newt, $midt) = () x 3;
    while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
        $newi = decode('UTF-8', $row->{old_id});
        $newt = decode('UTF-8', $row->{page_title});
        if ($spam{$newt}) {
        if (   $newt =~ m/\.jpeg$/i
    	|| $newt =~ m/\.jpg$/i
    	|| $newt =~ m/\.png$/i
    	|| $newt =~ m/\.svg$/i
    	|| $newt =~ m/\.gif/i ) {
        if ($midi) {
    	$next{$midi}->{title} = $newt;
    	$next{$midi}->{oldid} = $newi;
    	if ($oldi) {
    	    $prev{$midi}->{title} = $oldt;
    	    $prev{$midi}->{oldid} = $oldi;
        $oldi = $midi;
        $oldt = $midt;
        $midi = $newi;
        $midt = $newt;
    if ($midi) {
        $next{$midi}->{title} = $newt;
        $next{$midi}->{oldid} = $newi;
    if ($oldi) {
        $prev{$midi}->{title} = $oldt;
        $prev{$midi}->{oldid} = $oldi;
    my %category = ();
    # old_id, old_text, page_title
    while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
        my $old_id = $row->{old_id};
        my $old_text = $row->{old_text};
        my $page_title = $row->{page_title};
        if ($spam{$page_title}) {
        if (! $old_id) {
        if (   $page_title =~ m/\.jpeg$/i
    	|| $page_title =~ m/\.jpg$/i
    	|| $page_title =~ m/\.png$/i
    	|| $page_title =~ m/\.svg$/i
    	|| $page_title =~ m/\.gif/i ) {
        $page_title =~ s/\|+/_/gm;
        $old_text = decode('UTF-8', $old_text);
        $page_title = decode('UTF-8', $page_title);
        my $page = $targetdir.'/'.$page_title;
        if (! -e $page) {
    	    or die("Could not create page path '$page' : $!\n");
        if (! -d $page) {
    	die("Not a subdirectory: '$page_title'\n");
        # not good work-around
        next if ( -f $page.'/index.shtml');
        open(my $pg, '>', $page.'/index.shtml')
    	or die("Could not wopen '$page' for writing: $!\n");
        my ($p, $n) = () x2;
        if ( exists( $prev{$old_id} )) {
    	$p = $prev{$old_id}->{title}
        if ( exists( $next{$old_id} )) {
    	$n = $next{$old_id}->{title};
        print $pg &make_html($old_id, $page_title, $old_text, \%category,
    			$p, $n);
        # print $old_id,"\t",$page_title,"\n";
    foreach my $c (sort keys %category) {
        my $dir = $documentroot.$wiki.'/Category/'.$c;
        $dir =~ tr/ /_/;
        if (! -e $dir) {
                or die("Could not create page path '$dir' : $!\n");
        open(my $cat, '>', $dir.'/index.shtml')
    	or die;
        print $cat &make_cat($c, @{$category{$c}});
        # print $c, ' : ', join(', ', @{$category{$c}}), "\n";
    sub make_html {
        my ($old_id, $page_title, $old_text, $category, $prev, $next) = (@_);
    # lll
        if (! $old_text) {
    	return("") ;
        $page_title =~ tr/_/ /;
        $old_text = &markdown_to_html($old_text, $page_title, \$category);
        my $p = $prev;
        my $n = $next;
        my $nav = '';
        if ($prev && $next) {
    	$p =~ tr/ /_/;
    	$n =~ tr/ /_/;
    	$nav = qq($prev | $next);
        } elsif ($prev) {
    	$p =~ tr/ /_/;
    	$nav = qq($prev | next);
        } elsif ($next) {
    	$n =~ tr/ /_/;
    	$nav = qq(prev | $next);
        my $html = <


    EOHTML return($html); } sub markdown_to_html { my ($old_text, $page_title, $category) = (@_); if (! $old_text) { return($old_text); } while ( $old_text =~ m/\[\[Category:\s*(.*)\]\]/m ) { push(@{$category{$1}}, $page_title); $old_text =~ s{\[\[Category:\s*(.*)\]\]} { my $c=$1; my $d=$c; $c=~tr/ /_/; sprintf("Category:%s", $c, $d)}emx; } # tables :/ if ( $old_text =~ m|\{\x{007c}([^\}]+)\x{007c}\}|m ) { my $t = $1; my $class=''; if ( $t =~ s|\s*class\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"|| ) { $class = qq(class="$1" ); } my $border=''; if ( $t =~ s|\s*border\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"|| ) { $border = qq(border="$1"); } # $t =~ s|<|\<|gm; # $t =~ s|>|\>|gm; $t =~ s{(\|-[^\n]*\n)?^\|} {}gm; while ( $t =~ s{(?=)(.*?)\|\|} {$1 } ) { 1; } $t =~ s{(\|-[^\n]*\n)?^\!} {}gm; while ( $t =~ s{(?=)([^\!]+)\!{1,2}} {$1 } ) { 1; } $old_text =~ s{\{\x{007c}([^\}]+)\x{007c}\}} {$t
    }m; } $old_text =~ s|^={5}([^=]+)={5}|
    |gm; # h5 $old_text =~ s|^={4}([^=]+)={4}|


    |gm; # h4 $old_text =~ s|^={3}([^=]+)={3}|


    |gm; # h3 $old_text =~ s|^={2}([^=]+)={2}|


    |gm; # h2 $old_text =~ s|^={1}([^=]+)={1}|


    |gm; # h1 $old_text =~ s|^\*(.*)|
  • $1
  • |gm; # item list $old_text =~ s|'{3}([^']+)'{3}|$1|gm; # bold $old_text =~ s|'{2}([^']+)'{2}|$1|gm; # italics $old_text =~ s|\n\s*\n|
    \n|gm; # line breaks $old_text =~ s|()
    \n|$1\n\n|gm; # remove extra breaks # [[Image:Standard Life Logo.svg.png‎|frame|Standard Life stonewalled customers for months if not ''years'']] # images while ($old_text =~ m|\[\[Image:([^\]\|]+)[^\]]*\]\]|m) { # hack for some wiki image links containing spaces in the names my $oldimage = $1; my $newimage = $oldimage; $newimage =~ s/\W+$//mu; $newimage =~ s| |_|gmu; $old_text =~ s{\[\[Image:[^\]\|]+[^\]]*\]\]} {}mx; } # internal links $old_text =~ s{\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]} { my $c=$1; my $d=$c; $c=~tr/ /_/; sprintf("%s", $c, $d)}egmx; # external links $old_text =~ s{(?$2}gmx; # make relative links $old_text =~ s|([[:punct:]])https?://|"/o/|gm; $old_text =~ s|([[:punct:]])https?://|$1/o/|gm; # update domain $old_text =~ s|https?://||gm; # make hyperlinks $old_text =~ s{(?$1}gmx; return($old_text); } sub make_cat { my ($c, @links) = (@_); my $l = ''; foreach my $ll (@links) { my $href = $ll; my $anchor = $ll; $anchor =~ tr/_/ /; $href =~ tr/ /_/; $l .= qq(
  • $anchor
  • \n); } my $html = < $c


    EOHTML return($html); } sub spam_list { my @spam = qw( Durchducvichaf Kidsrapade Chyslofire Milsiocaubund Srebovreterp Privpiboduc Negodida Wahmnithundi Turncusdevers Gnathythfilfue Pianutlesi Quififorpi Monsysilma Tentscorimhyd Tohumicri Dedemizazz Verbrockgodee Trapsaudisbe Estiocolo Kinhundmotog Pelgconlodi Inindecof Starelinge Curombewoo Rolcichare Ltimulecan Folhasite Natiremen Humnecasta NitaDunkel Maynamymab Ningtraccomney Imtehamed Walfiltlosmie Ertiworlnen Truscagudam Chaufuncmonra Nantonoti Smaresaplon Urersele Songhasjustpup Zuodiminmei Diastamizar Fernbagasgu Rahomoli Leuhsonemful Grisamriti Chondthinsbeachsu Detfofuri Tatriesecon Emanesxy Nelfihobdi Prepunreter Fuecoditi Roiminlytim Ilbutepho Haipawacyc Tycarothszo Bovolpyde Diarabrelo Pescozopo Smactocterun Gofftinrare Gemsdecdogppa Mabandlefbe Prosansite Rastfitoja Gratfenounpu Anmaphsuenuou Mayproganin Tirantdisfver Orplanovreg Nuicofuhos Etimiban Counopytneu Atplanenir Cumsmomudde Rlassusatern Tranrigambred Gonlafanna Verdispmimus Pisupptowa Tranockisse Lingvertemac Camphidermarb Stylunothob Stutexivin Tirrvappadog Verbertmentla Lafelearli Exettelbi Vigenringwor Biomosepart Wipuncbehin Hophikinvie Cancetedust Duffhillmispsa Raucotipab Greasusawen Parlilutu Montlewacent Veswinfmagsett Guiterdisi Teovikebext Tobiwekmo Imgantiagarg Nearaffcholar Paimilexy Hambmysqrinnens Exexswitham Dmakexulget Laidileglia Mauskighatsi Solmonasul Tacafunpho Rackmapenle Blincamfisa Diatadicti Whisthansibe Maconninewp Cendlinguhig Chrispacharro Distranchestterf Alsecela Kingcocugua Zardwhatisma Carpgnitfoting Tatakapor Contotuti Pensprestiodu Dontbuzztettuo Capocselfnog Mestlipami Leonabsrabsits Panowalfall Sweepinbisu Blephanamov Difftahornsan Mehotchkorming Tranmenditext Chronisinvi Dullduahealde Naysuckaupream Sferpacardi Roenibdeckket Capmumenti Taudiconsra Niatecrespbirth Portsuplare Taiculmyti Roundperjousa Trancescopar Clasororom Rentreroovi Larelecom Clutombenus Propinliedus Gerrebeahum Fortopccornlan Cardnewrepost Aloccila Bopsiechartper Veretrawolf Cherracalu Songnuanreiplic Denisercest Tybesroko Dispthylpape Basitadi Tradopinsiou Devespybou Ningmedepub Hoslienuti Saubifortbi Litelazbank Perphalutag Proglikeca Recmortcontnot Fenconsturil Depkingpeemfest Stabdazzpasseo Enzvezpari Keirirore Lenfimalgzu Gaybenzbeachfso Necparakis Sullinibo Bestmanispio Vaabrothvulki Psychgochoba Blacalcleanen Rebriysihy Spotarbirans Podedrodis Otarelve Tersranbaness Quefogeme Haupufffchenon Desdownterrea Probeararli Toefolgkomgest Akofsuflo Hersbennneri Worrestsese Alerhello Mufulrintba Colytormyo Suitchochoscie Neulervete Freesesasot Lcosesbolink Xantticwcalvi Terviapenta Tielendade Preachmeciset Liomustawil Loccsumxyablas Lalivape Geibobssety Stylbifinvi Nazeahiden Enchedesimp Doorppobubbdryc Gepifonto Ritheatsearchcor Riaspecvamon Afonmeri Eracsaypsych Enetacac Readdcalviapos Thankmarsuho Serqaralo Errhincymea Nistdaphdisi Comtoparmens Efealdersynch Perlealiti Hotlifullse Lutssobneworl Realgemttangduf Malemevas Barsodacomp Monpayliner Lourssisrede Achalperfi Teyroledmi Luweegoore Ceinsecabem Scorpostraldext Starenpeli Gleninjetest Stocaseruc Filmnewsllumter Sioharreduc Utebderno Voypotursanc Cotelurdy Himasktownto Imcrinexrea Cayclothicra Niesusore Percomonews Domisgeti Bronthernrati Joboremi Arvigousde Comgiegere Fodamritster Ferpotema Pennmipinkfatt Findprovaren Madegonen Sighdergprepber Weckslotinte Liohacorpo Pauvolrana Vedosuper Mayclearesef Ourcesridist Tiosacalow Hotomeju Thiemogrioulym Lesskompkarea Contchistbirthtool Glamperlheartchan Gasboposse Lioviawiker Chooohoumuqma Tetabviba Emivthose Circstephelem Poonstelquiner Gaimicfundbef Ndureastelning Credenaccom Ncidolinran Hufoptopost Tercolinkmo Hanyswheera Hensbanmersjar Prochcalofor Waphonacchai Footgarono Scortingluthe Ciovestblesber Tumbragalnald Tactcisitur Pricerateth Iczooptompto Befeciva Ilbelolas Usitsomi Gierecpeta Machmilonwinf Reeticargea Heihamsgecsu Tmatisrecback Tellprototcoc Nieprovintu Lipantapen Lingrihfastro Sapptradronria Kunparesria Tribabsokin Witchcolife Confgeenele Tabvivebi Cabesere Trevsotorne Gelcosptogco Elleaperge Perpiewinddi Tiastatnewsti Ditcrowetou Dabourtewa Speceatchizuc Pairavimer Orimadoun Kicksuarealre Kirsrititi Amlatuncomp Mitselamu Taitomantwha Cewvilumro Smilloverfers Creatcoborrtent Mycipeddstur Ficonleso Losihardport Concfituano Diabaltilog Maviwabu Subsvestlighbobs Buimimilde Diytaliga Esibhipguard Acananav Dustrahoupec Blascoormewoods Protcocklunko Basrisuspa Temdabarbeau Tijungcarsro Itagnaba Lokephasa Boypentjufe Rograustephex Khokenanim Afobbooksi Deadrotosyp Tumilzeire Painacumtu Ermoecappga Unvafervi Diosabbackpi Stangimdila Liamiginor Olylemci Pentmukrate Giespechuddfol Broommetherem Zestbenewme Aticemte Philbmihubbtar Fluxifcode Tiostalonmig Nietitasme Inoversed Tratmitoles Asandoge Contlireaten Rolbeseti Compfisanna Kunareci Coeramsaham Swaterineer Riracerse Riachiatuga Lianespoiga Condicostswar Adprovworlread Podharddedgue Mortpunccornpigs Verbcentgili Chromlatati Stepmonlicat Pherporato Lantmingchignuzz Veylibome Stabdissnuhol Araminis Schelefamol Coatistaihan Comningplusrei Roimidmavab Tiolesigtia Incallauleth Songhostremray Pulgeremix Atertice Gnosarpleassa Imutafro Grosenemlei Drexharmcharsing Bacmilesmort Florgauchanli Exundengigf Exurudev Prodabinta Defdiketne Gycetute Gregemloma Chennaucrandin Tivabanma Deefinmiscma Ineninag Amoselcon Oretmalu Fresunagka Terpliretorc Placununta Exsehychan Planitkoko Ningpamassans Sacberklati Miabuntavi Matnemeadsa Blematzemos Embiaquive Denzizagorr Crinvenpiehe Vipemobeds Kindrodofchurch Waggbaberoo Oronplorit Kotinode Grumrilbilux Urorlabang Anmacompphras Naigentpersbe Stepjingmeltscher Nexsballmackwild Unesnonnats Illibima Prevwinmering Subsmonhandtas Juegfasebzo Roanvolkiachal Niaraccata Roawacoge Bioreesyncha Rieclimoubun Exbecteli Skivcounquemen Fissabextcur Relrabartmul Kmobterfirsfic Britabtradwer Childdealhillbouk Weldiagielo Breakwopaca Lasolvenal Templalicu Gasisoket Outbeospirbo Prinenened Karirava Mersgoomusen Diofacompto Tiobotile Watriasacyc Kelputithe Tinckaleepe Kufftaststeambang Lenalode Leftcaloka Granelpervers Vilchelisda Compfindribe Feeesalefoo Keohighgyci Theococoneg Unobtothes Enoglipo Naitromhasa Diemonensli Delrainefonc Buikephopa Zyhoubarria Putporttyla Sunbextharal Peyfillingre Pelmilihi Leiradalrea Prepvyubeto Cribsioronde Catchdacusfi Nenspocoling Baileclikah Erplutrasa Conzapstercha Cosglawnbaka Gobbmathesuc Bhavinbelkee Tertnenruico Preparadda Findlinglenli Togreborgde Thumbtribimma Dumtactnare Briccuderla Skeltifursti Slabimabre Forwibutpadd Raipybasvie Laispecgarbdaw Piosicontmer Mazibita Statarathol Chonddisrelet Ovtranverpnfop Warlirobi Asmadipart Cognesstasto Thromimmocto Barctwettunggend Starodcheekdist Padatiba Dramininam Pomisahou Nterteslevan Litpfasttime Moccardrosif Apidsursu Sicomplefo Mountiveneg Ocenajmi Mochilrela Inchrysafin Taufifkolamp Inchrysafin Ithtarseocar Liadexnytu Emounbata Risenfizin Lingsicufso Wesgedisga Walllinknafi Ntoliphunun Compcrisanic Breakuninsi Diodselpectmi Osberpontspar Stovulodfor Pagebufchurch Enidcorra Amabibra Ogalroran Coliparpi Abrelanfi Centschafquimi Fahrmennite Vegusnogas Erinfanle Esindufo Stonwithddilans Werpsofcevers Workknothmigua Natucdecon Brokaluntas Pasvesufru Siobufneico Thyjumpconrio Hallsimplosa Buepalrica Heiskilyltin Terpmaconpo Tingnetpvoca Feforconsbo Lieworrugif Rayzavagen Hadhertscorjui Rietautave Mapenquini Toothfvanchildsitt Torrnumpvadis Sonmumoco Lyakunegbi Mulquevibubb Illumonshy Tyouzarwieclean Quenusidich Palightate Intespeonet Gobsscufdore Mindradegtio Churchspicopbi Fetasibi Jaatbegverback Tasemeto Outpiranoun Greatrescamo Esaqanfo Irounourge Rawealthtranor Potenniter Berlinewild Winbybasneu Litchchipversduff Nopnomasporb Sisetmissreapp Beachbigebu Quireamalib Tomicneime Molattcaci Mirciabenchmo Marrabugsi Desbackvogtxa Ezenenna Heurotisen Latoukenntwan Kookshopsubar Outitdenpai Patrocitcons Stocliekursness Mapeldami Rockbalhauha Reilowose Rikamkoma Esagorex Champxycquesul Saumahtaking Pildomedig Unalroiven Alflexuabros Roiwronusel Linklatabby Propgeltefa Projonaget Trumsemasin Errabketi Atlobfitan Quibitketua Icamusin Ellimevit Saducnitof Rhinkasihilt Ringcutithe Noineutruthmon Posmadhchupa Lalasina Unhiecropur Cremchisisttor Hinkplesulal Inanemta Trempuletcont Ciotperunan Warscidoro Mitlurado Esbeautegking Poitemlearnfun Nessspecarel Comvicongsves Congrangcavi Pinkmefehou Verthvorsweati Montcapefun Tenhephilca Crocunolre Ceiselistri Bauhardphocir Mbureneled Buehornjuwhitt Jauletvana Mulrisoftgol Benzsenripe Kowsmolici Raythreatuniv Inmihita Quimopavab Buyflaverav Fedsightygis Vicuttmicpang Sieverberfcum Roctulidi Coultclearesal Losearchnene Mingcotohot Copaposfull Guckhorbohead Provavedep Neybalora Icihymre Ciouspokcotme Emrasheartve Ticacsosing Proctireli Serescabou Alitrecte Jetsfreedlumtu Onunapin Lunbewape Vieclinecha Schafroseerfund Tumbbivaculp Edinvildows Tiulialessma Vocababe Keeritorster Tiohosbioney Prosavfalbull Childdigtare Protvitimi Wornitihell Premdownfumbfolg Mortconpretmitt Biochalocomp Ousitxuacas Osarinlas Tersleliro Laidenanfai Schulmauwhemi Diewylphovi Consbudguijo Downconhucan Buytifbaper Keeconolo Hearmelyrea Clinesilab Ricutriicart Bertjeftiddcan Mosvafelo Tincostsicing Liastabalwor Glanivvabke Caelodeda Lowbraliten Prefilburge Sonnfeshersgung Grotobadcrac Scaracatig Cohaforra Ticebeatda Dieeproxrona Thesdiadimto Khanasywhout Rumbtowhiti Igarelwei Nedetherbu Preanexfervi Senselado Insomitji Rantjumpvapo Tiesimonsbelt Kagafited Ronleamimy Bountermmiwo Peakcheadtimmtos Biocritmatre Trovdistpilis Neytradcabo Rienimoten Carotopa Ducsemosi Chaouruscico Micelwacons Hissohoci Curbivenes Whomoguater Svilenalis Viwinshyfunc Ertraclandto Tjosispiohi Erdefangui Paachengkatzted Petviefinmo Prefesidbo Clapjiggkeher Laumatbofa Evelemne Unuldaupo Nonisovi Tictuacichi Kicktatoume Nivennitan Figteirunca Haicalsoivent Tactsapapen Capmeifondnic Oupcalrecho Mullamaround Weibechama Acusexad Hiwanacsvid Vsetdesversfootb Antocorno Rosawannai Boascamlinktos Remoundaphos Tipsjusmaihal Apopongeb Eclontaiho Nonschopswalmo Elamgazakh Chareadecbea Steerdalpuymaa Nvespeasynob Pewidcecar Lifurdaypitt Enpodsine Nicmofimag Blutfonferen Cicvetugma Fuwarransma Ratanacu Scurcuningmel Payraconcstag Ryckratizga Belsbigroca Boozfiderche Badcfenrames Miwordcourma Poceduni Migmietyce Solabising Flamgatmori Nenbmegumal Breathinschenaq Neulebichen Quocraxsipuk Lsolunrelfi Dernobooser Trotrithtiva Tuomitota Haumenthisfspic Icbeabuci Trolugegun Avsullafor Fauspeechulov Lubtidecca Centrannordti Ghibaruppop Wiggmecorvoi ); my %spammer; foreach my $s (@spam) { if ($s) { $spammer{$s}++ } } return(%spammer); } # Structure of the config file: # following assumes the wiki tables are all in the 'wiki' database and # that the account 'archive' has SELECT capabilities for all those tables # [database] # database = wiki # username = archive # password = .......... # # [webserver] # documentroot = /var/www/ # subdirectory = /wiki


    cat $h/index.template > $h/index.gmi
    date +"# Recent Posts as of %b %e, %Y%n" >> $h/index.gmi -g -n 15 >> $h/index.gmi
    echo >> $h/index.gmi
    cat <> $h/index.gmi
    ## Additional Information
    =>        /feed.xml       Atom Feed for this Gemini capsule
    cat $h/hitclock >> $h/index.gmi
    exit 0


    #!/usr/bin/perl -T
    use URI;
    use English;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    # Make %ENV safer
    delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)};
    # assign PATH explicitly
    $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin";
    # print $ENV{'SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND'},"\n";
    my $option = $ENV{'SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND'};
    if (!$option) {
    if ($option =~ m/^new$/i
        || $option =~ m/^add$/i ) {
    } elsif ($option =~ m/^update\s+/) {
        my ($url) = ($option =~ m/\s+(\S+)$/);
        my $uri = URI->new($url)
    	or die();
        my $scheme = $uri->scheme
    	or die();
        my $host = $uri->host
    	or die();
        my $path = $uri->path
    	or die();
        if ($scheme ne 'http'
    	&& $scheme ne 'https' ){
        if ($host ne ''
    	&& $host ne ''
    	&& $host ne '') {
        my $documentroot = '/var/www/';
        if (! -f "$documentroot/$path") {
        my $clean = "$scheme://$host$path";


    # See Git for history
    # fetches posts from database and
    # writes both XHTML and GemText versions in parallel
    # to their default directories,
    # unless the defaults are overridden with -g or -x
    use utf8;
    use Getopt::Long;
    use Date::Calc qw/check_date Today/;
    use DBI qw(:sql_types);
    use File::Path qw(make_path);
    use URI::Escape;
    use URI;
    use Date::Calc qw (Date_to_Time);
    use POSIX qw (strftime);
    use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
    use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities_numeric decode_entities);
    use Encode;	# decode is needed for HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath
    use open qw(:std :encoding(UTF-8));
    use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
    use English;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    if ($ENV{'USER'} eq 'root' && ! $ENV{'EUID'}) {
        print STDERR qq(Cannot run as root!\nAborting\n);
    our $dbfile="/var/www/";
    our $default_xhtml_path="/var/www/";
    our $default_gemtext_path="/home/gemini/";
    our $default_xhtml_drafts="/var/www/";
    our $default_gemtext_drafts="/home/gemini/";
    our %opt;
    our $VERBOSE = 0;
    GetOptions ("all"       => \$opt{'a'},
                "d|date=s"  => \$opt{'d'},
                "force"     => \$opt{'f'},
                "gemini:s"  => \$opt{'g'},
                "draft-gemini:s" => \$opt{'dg'},
                "help"      => \$opt{'h'},
                "since"     => \$opt{'s'},
                "unwritten" => \$opt{'u'},
                "xhtml:s"   => \$opt{'x'},
                "draft-xhtml:s" => \$opt{'dx'},
                "verbose+"  => \$opt{'v'},
    my $script = $0;
    if (defined($opt{'h'})) {
    if (defined($opt{'v'})) {
        $VERBOSE = $opt{'v'};
    if (! defined($opt{'g'})) {
        $opt{'g'} = $default_gemtext_path;
    if ( ! defined($opt{'x'})) {
        $opt{'x'} = $default_xhtml_path;
    my ($year, $month, $day) = &get_date($opt{'d'});
    if ($opt{'s'}) {
        print "Starting Date: $year/$month/$day\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    } else {
        print "Date: $year/$month/$day\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", undef, undef,
    		       { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 })
        or die("Could not open database '$dbfile': $!\n");
    &extract_and_write($dbh, $year,$month,$day);
    sub usage {
        my ($script) = (@_);
        print "USAGE:\n\n";
        print "$script [-ahfsuv] [-d date] [-g path] [-x path]\n\n";
        print " -a, --all	  extract all records regardless of other settings\n";
        print " -d, --date	  date as YYYYMMDD, defaults to today if missing\n";
        print " -f, --force   force all files, written or unwritten\n";
        print " -g, --gemini  override default destination path for GemText\n";
        print " --draft-gemini override default destination for GemText drafts\n";
        print " -s, --since   also include all posts since the given date\n";
        print " -u, --unwritten extract all unwritten records\n";
        print " -x, --xhtml   override default destination path for XHTML\n";
        print " --draft-xhtml override default destination for XHTML drafts\n";
        print " -v, --verbose show debugging info\n";
        print "\n";
        print " -h, --help    show this message\n";
        print "\n";
        print "By default, only records which have not been extracted yet\n";
        print "will be written.  This can be overriden with the -f option.\n";
        print "The -g and -x options can each be used to point to other paths\n";
        print "and override the defaults:\n";
        print "  GemText path:\n\t$default_gemtext_path\n";
        print "  XHTML path:\n\t$default_xhtml_path\n";
        print "Drafts are stored in a different directory.\n";
        print "The -a and the -u option are mutually exclusive and -a takes\n";
        print "precedence.\n";
        print "\n";
    sub get_path {
        my ($p,$default) = (@_);
        my $path = $default;
        $path =~ s|(?fetchrow_hashref) {
    	my $recno = $data->{'recno'};
    	if (!$lowest) {
    	    $lowest = $recno;
    	$highest = $recno;
    	$record{$recno}{'slug'} = $data->{'slug'};
    	$record{$recno}{'ballast'} = $data->{'ballast'};
    	$record{$recno}{'date'} = $data->{'date'};
    	$record{$recno}{'written'} = $data->{'written'};
    	$record{$recno}{'status'} = $data->{'written'};
    	$full_list{$recno}{'slug'} = $data->{'slug'};
    	$full_list{$recno}{'ballast'} = $data->{'ballast'};
    	$full_list{$recno}{'date'} = $data->{'date'};
    	$full_list{$recno}{'written'} = $data->{'written'};
    	$full_list{$recno}{'status'} = $data->{'written'};
        if ($VERBOSE) {
    	print "HI: $highest\nLOW: $lowest\n";
        # get the metadata for the first record before the retreived set
        if ($lowest) {
    	my ($prev, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status)
    	    = &prev_recno($dbh,$lowest);
    	if ($prev) {
    	    $record{$prev}{'date'} = $date;
    	    $record{$prev}{'slug'} = $slug;
    	    $record{$prev}{'ballast'} = $ballast;
    	    $record{$prev}{'written'} = $written;
    	    $record{$prev}{'status'} = $status;
    	    ($prev, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status)
    		= &prev_recno($dbh, $prev);
    	    if ($prev) {
    		$full_list{$prev}{'date'} = $date;
    		$full_list{$prev}{'slug'} = $slug;
    		$full_list{$prev}{'ballast'} = $ballast;
    		$full_list{$prev}{'written'} = $written;
    		$full_list{$prev}{'status'} = $status;
        # get the metadata for the next record after the retrieved set
        if ($highest) {
    	my ($next, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status)
    	    = &next_recno($dbh, $lowest);
    	if ($next) {
    	    $record{$next}{'date'} = $date;
    	    $record{$next}{'slug'} = $slug;
    	    $record{$next}{'ballast'} = $ballast;
    	    $record{$next}{'written'} = $written;
    	    ($next, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written)
    		= &next_recno($dbh, $next);
    	    if ($next) {
    		$full_list{$next}{'date'} = $date;
    		$full_list{$next}{'slug'} = $slug;
    		$full_list{$next}{'ballast'} = $ballast;
    		$full_list{$next}{'written'} = $written;
    		$full_list{$next}{'status'} = $status;
        # cache previous/next data for each record in the set
        for my $recno (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %record) {
    	my ($prev, $next, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status);
    	($next, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status) =
    	    &next_recno($dbh, $recno);
    	if ($next) {
    	    $full_list{$recno}{'next'} = $next;
    	    $full_list{$next}{'date'} = $date;
    	    $full_list{$next}{'slug'} = $slug;
    	    $full_list{$next}{'ballast'} = $ballast;
    	    $full_list{$next}{'written'} = $written;
    	    $full_list{$next}{'status'} = $status;
    	($prev, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status) =
    	    &prev_recno($dbh, $recno);
    	if ($prev) {
    	    $full_list{$recno}{'prev'} = $prev;
    	    $full_list{$prev}{'date'} = $date;
    	    $full_list{$prev}{'slug'} = $slug;
    	    $full_list{$prev}{'ballast'} = $ballast;
    	    $full_list{$prev}{'written'} = $written;
    	    $full_list{$prev}{'status'} = $status;
        # third cycle: is this necessary?  can title be collected earlier?
        $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT metadata.value
                                 FROM metadata JOIN keys
                                 WHERE metadata.term="dc.title"
    			     AND metadata.recno=?');
        for my $recno (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %full_list) {
    	$sth->execute($recno) or die();
    	my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
            my $title = $rec->{'value'};
            $title = encode_entities_numeric(decode_entities($title), '&');
            $title = decode('UTF-8', $title);
    	$full_list{$recno}{'title'} = $title;
        if (!%record) {
            print "No records or no unwritten records.\n\n";
        # it's probably faster to write both types than to track both separately
        for my $recno (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %record) {
    	my ($path, $slug, $ballast, $date_created, $xhtml, $gemtext) = (0)x6;
    	if (defined($opt{'x'})) {
    	    # http / https
    	    $path = &get_path($opt{'x'}, $default_xhtml_path);
    	    print " XHTML Path: $path\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    	    my $status = $full_list{$recno}{'status'};
    	    $slug = $full_list{$recno}{'slug'};
    	    $ballast = $full_list{$recno}{'ballast'};
    	    if ($status == 3) {
    		my @t = gmtime();
    		$date_created = strftime("%Y/%m/%d", @t);
    		my $dc_date_created = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M", @t);
    		&update_dc_dates($dbh, $recno, $dc_date_created);
    	    } else {
    		$date_created = $full_list{$recno}{'date'} ||
    		    die("Missing : $recno\n");
    		$date_created =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|$1/$2/$3|;
    	    $xhtml = &generate_xhtml($recno, \%full_list);
    	    &write_xhtml($dbh, $recno, "$path$date_created",
    			 $slug, $ballast, $xhtml, 0);
    	    if ($status == 3) {
    		$path = &get_path($opt{'dx'}, $default_xhtml_drafts);
    		&delete_draft_or_file($recno, $path, $recno,
    				      $ballast, 'shtml');
    	if (defined($opt{'g'})) {
    	    # gemini
    	    $path = &get_path($opt{'g'}, $default_gemtext_path);
    	    print " GemText Path: $path\n" if ($VERBOSE);
    	    $slug = $full_list{$recno}{'slug'};
    	    $ballast = $full_list{$recno}{'ballast'};
    	    $date_created = $full_list{$recno}{'date'};
    	    $date_created =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|$1/$2/$3|;
    	    $gemtext = &generate_gemtext($recno, \%full_list);
    	    my $status = $full_list{$recno}{'status'};
    	    &write_gemtext($recno, "$path$date_created",
    			   $slug, $ballast, $gemtext, 0);
    	    if ($status == 3) {
    		$path = &get_path($opt{'dg'}, $default_gemtext_drafts);
    		&delete_draft_or_file($recno, $path, $recno, $ballast, 'gmi');
    sub query {
        my ($dbh, $date) = (@_);
        # $sth    Statement handle object
        my $sth;
        my $query;
        if ($opt{'a'}) {
            $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno,,slug,
                        FROM keys
                        WHERE keys.recno>=1
                            AND ( written=0 OR written=3 )
    		    GROUP BY keys.recno
    		    ORDER BY keys.recno ASC);
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
                or die "prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
    	    or die "execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
        } elsif ($opt{'u'}) {
    	$query = qq(SELECT keys.recno,,slug,ballast,
                            FROM keys
                            WHERE keys.recno>=1
    			      AND ( written=0 OR written=3 )
    			GROUP BY keys.recno
    			ORDER BY keys.recno ASC);
    	$sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
    	    or die "prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
    	    or die "execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
        } elsif ($opt{'f'}) {
    	if ($opt{'s'}) {
    	    $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno,,keys.slug,
                            FROM keys
                            INNER JOIN metadata
                            ON keys.recno = metadata.recno
                                 AND ( metadata.term=""
                                       metadata.term="" )
                                 AND substr(metadata.value,1,10)>=?
    			WHERE written != 2
    			GROUP BY keys.recno
    			ORDER BY keys.recno ASC);
            } else {
                $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno,,keys.slug,
                            FROM keys
                            INNER JOIN metadata
                            ON keys.recno = metadata.recno
                                 AND ( metadata.term=""
                                       metadata.term="" )
                                 AND substr(metadata.value,1,10)=?
    			WHERE written != 2
    			GROUP BY keys.recno
    			ORDER BY keys.recno ASC);
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
                or die "prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
    	    or die "execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
        } else {
    	if ($opt{'s'}) {
    	    $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno,,keys.slug,
                            FROM keys
                            INNER JOIN metadata
                            ON keys.recno = metadata.recno
    			     AND ( written=0 OR written=3 )
                                 AND ( metadata.term=""
                                       metadata.term="" )
                                 AND substr(metadata.value,1,10)>=?
    			WHERE ( written=0 OR written=3 )
    			GROUP BY keys.recno
    			ORDER BY keys.recno ASC);
            } else {
                $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno,,keys.slug,
                            FROM keys
                            INNER JOIN metadata
                            ON keys.recno = metadata.recno
    			     AND ( written=0 OR written=3 )
                                 AND ( metadata.term=""
                                       metadata.term="" )
                                 AND substr(metadata.value,1,10)=?
    			WHERE ( written=0 OR written=3 )
    			GROUP BY keys.recno
    			ORDER BY keys.recno ASC);
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
                or die "prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
    	    or die "execute statement failed: $dbh->errstr()\n";
        if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
    	print "Main Query= $query\n";
    sub next_recno {
        my ($dbh, $recno) = (@_);
        my $query = qq(SELECT recno, date, slug, ballast, written
    		   FROM keys
                       WHERE recno >?
    		   AND written=1
                       ORDER BY recno ASC LIMIT 1);
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
            or die();
        my ($next, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status) = (0) x 6;
        if (my $record = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
            $next = $record->{'recno'};
    	$date = $record->{'date'};
    	$slug = $record->{'slug'};
    	$ballast = $record->{'ballast'};
    	$written = $record->{'written'};
    	$status  = $record->{'written'};
        return($next, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status);
    sub prev_recno {
        my ($dbh, $recno) = (@_);
        my $query = qq(SELECT recno, date, slug, ballast, written
                       FROM keys
                       WHERE recno prepare($query)
            or die();
        my ($prev, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status) = (0) x 6;
        if (my $record = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
            $prev = $record->{'recno'};
    	$date = $record->{'date'};
    	$slug = $record->{'slug'};
    	$ballast = $record->{'ballast'};
    	$written = $record->{'written'};
    	$status  = $record->{'written'};
        return($prev, $date, $slug, $ballast, $written, $status);
    sub generate_xhtml {
        my $recno = shift;
        my %data = %{$_[0]};
        if ($VERBOSE) {
    	print "Writing XHTML $recno\n";
        my ($head, $title, $author, $date_created, $date_modified) =
    	&fetch_head($dbh, $recno);
        $head = "\n".$head;
        my $prev_link = qq(previous);
        if ($data{$recno}{'prev'}) {
    	my $prev = $data{$recno}{'prev'};
    	my $date = $data{$prev}{'date'};
    	my $title = $data{$prev}{'title'};
    	my $url = '';
    	if ($date) {
    	    $date =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|$1/$2/$3|;
    	    my $slug = $data{$prev}{'slug'};
    	    my $ballast = $data{$prev}{'ballast'};
    	    if ($ballast) {
    		$url = "/n/$date/$slug.$ballast.shtml";
    	    } else {
    		$url = "/n/$date/$slug.shtml";
    	} else {
    	    die("Missing date\n");
    	$prev_link = qq($title);
    	$head = $head.qq( \n);
        my $next_link = qq(next);
        if ($data{$recno}{'next'}) {
    	my $next = $data{$recno}{'next'};
    	my $date = $data{$next}{'date'};
    	my $title = $data{$next}{'title'};
    	my $url = '';
    	if ($date) {
    	    $date =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|$1/$2/$3|;
    	    my $slug = $data{$next}{'slug'};
    	    my $ballast = $data{$next}{'ballast'};
    	    if ($ballast) {
    		$url = "/n/$date/$slug.$ballast.shtml";
    	    } else {
    		$url = "/n/$date/$slug.shtml";
    	} else {
    	    die("Missing date\n");
    	$head = $head.qq( \n);
    	$next_link = qq($title);
        # print $head,"\n";
        my $pdate = &pdate($date_created);
        if ($date_modified gt $date_created) {
    	$pdate .= ",
    \nupdated ".&pdate($date_modified); } my $body = &fetch_xhtml_body($dbh, $recno); $body = decode('UTF-8', $body); my $xhtml = &new_xhtml_document($title,$pdate,$author, $prev_link,$next_link,$head,$body); return($xhtml); } sub fetch_head { my ($dbh, $recno) = (@_); my $title = ''; my $author = ''; my $date_created = ''; my $date_modified = ''; my @head = (); my $query = qq(SELECT term,value FROM metadata WHERE recno=?); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($recno) or die(); while (my $record = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { # print Dumper($record); my $term = $record->{'term'}; my $value = decode('UTF-8', $record->{'value'}); if ($term eq 'dc.title') { $title = $value; push(@head, qq(Techrights — $title)); } elsif ($term eq 'dc.creator') { $author = $value; } elsif ($term eq '') { $date_created = $value; } elsif ($term eq '') { $date_modified = $value; } elsif ($term eq 'slug') { next; } push(@head, qq()); } my $head = " ".join("\n ", @head)."\n"; $sth->finish; return($head, $title, $author, $date_created, $date_modified); } sub fetch_xhtml_body { my ($dbh,$recno) = (@_); my $query = qq(SELECT body FROM body WHERE recno=?); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($recno); my $body = ''; while (my $record = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $body = $record->{'body'}; } $sth->finish; return($body); } sub new_xhtml_document { my ($title,$pdate,$author,$prevlink,$nextlink,$head,$post) = (@_); my $html = <<"EOHTML"; $head


    posted by $author on $pdate


    Other Recent Techrights' Posts

    EOHTML return($html); } sub write_xhtml { my ($dbh, $recno, $path, $slug, $ballast, $xhtml, $draft) = (@_); if (! &prepare_directory($path)) { return(0); } my $file; if ($ballast) { $file = "$path/$slug.$ballast.shtml"; } else { $file = "$path/$slug.shtml"; } print " Fx: $file\n" if ($VERBOSE); my $doc; # $xhtml = decode('UTF-8', $xhtml); open($doc, '>', $file) or die("Could not open '$file' for writing: $!\n"); print $doc $xhtml; close($doc); if (!$draft) { my $query = qq(UPDATE keys SET written=1 WHERE recno =?); if ($VERBOSE > 2) { print "Update recno = $recno\n"; print "Update query = $query\n"; print "Update dbfile = '$dbfile'\n"; } my $sth; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) or die($sth->errstr."\n"); $sth->execute($recno) or die($sth->errstr."\n"); $dbh->commit; $sth->finish; } return(1); } sub prepare_directory { my ($path) = (@_); if ( -e $path) { if ( ! -d $path) { warn "Target already exists but is not a directory: '$path'\n"; return(0); } if ( ! -w $path) { print STDERR "Target is not a writable: '$path'\n"; return(0); } # path exists and is writable return(1); } else { make_path($path,{mode=>0775}) or die("Could not create path '$path' : $!\n"); print "Created directory '$path'\n" if ($VERBOSE); return(1); } } sub pdate { my ($date) = (@_); my ($pub_year,$pub_month,$pub_day) = ( $date =~ m/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T.*$/); my $pub_date = Date_to_Time($pub_year, $pub_month, $pub_day, 0, 0, 0); my $pdate = strftime("%b %d, %Y", gmtime($pub_date)); return($pdate); } sub generate_gemtext { my $recno = shift; my %data = %{$_[0]}; my $gemtext = ''; if ($VERBOSE) { print "Writing GemText $recno\n"; } my (undef, $title, $author, $date_created, $date_modified) = &fetch_head($dbh, $recno); my $prev_link = ''; if ($data{$recno}{'prev'}) { my $prev = $data{$recno}{'prev'}; my $date = $data{$prev}{'date'}; my $title = $data{$prev}{'title'}; $title = decode_entities($title); # $title = decode('UTF-8', $title); my $url = ''; if ($date) { $date =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|$1/$2/$3|; my $slug = $data{$prev}{'slug'}; $slug = decode('UTF-8', $slug); my $ballast = $data{$prev}{'ballast'}; if ($ballast) { $url = "/n/$date/$slug.$ballast.gmi"; } else { $url = "/n/$date/$slug.gmi"; } } else { die("Missing date\n"); } # $title = decode('UTF-8', $title); # $url = decode('UTF-8', $url); $prev_link = qq(=>\t$url\t$title); } my $next_link = ''; if ($data{$recno}{'next'}) { my $next = $data{$recno}{'next'}; my $date = $data{$next}{'date'}; my $title = $data{$next}{'title'}; $title = decode_entities($title); # $title = decode('UTF-8', $title); my $url = ''; if ($date) { $date =~ s|^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|$1/$2/$3|; my $slug = $data{$next}{'slug'}; $slug = decode('UTF-8', $slug); my $ballast = $data{$next}{'ballast'}; if ($ballast) { $url = "/n/$date/$slug.$ballast.gmi"; } else { $url = "/n/$date/$slug.gmi"; } } else { die("Missing date\n"); } # $title = decode('UTF-8', $title); # $url = decode('UTF-8', $url); $next_link = qq(=>\t$url\t$title); } my $pdate = &pdate($date_created); if ($date_modified gt $date_created) { $pdate .= ",\nupdated ".&pdate($date_modified); } my $body = &fetch_xhtml_body($dbh, $recno); $body = &xhtml_to_gemtext($body); $title = decode_entities($title); $gemtext = &new_gemtext_document($title,$pdate,$author, $prev_link,$next_link, $body); return($gemtext); } sub xhtml_to_gemtext { my ($post) = (@_); # utf8 kludge for HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath $post = decode('UTF-8', $post); my $xhtml = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new; $xhtml->implicit_tags(1); $xhtml->no_space_compacting(0); $xhtml->parse($post) or die("Could not parse post content : $!\n"); my %prefix = ( 'h1' => "# ", 'h2' => "## ", 'h3' => "### ", 'h4' => "### ", 'h5' => "### ", 'h6' => "### ", ); my $result; # replace images with links to alt text or titles for my $anchor ($xhtml->findnodes("//a[img]")) { my $tmp = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); for my $img ($anchor->findnodes("./img")) { my $title; if (defined($img->attr('src'))) { my $src = $img->attr('src'); my $text = $img->attr('alt') || $img->attr('title') || ''; my $u = URI->new_abs($src, ''); my $url = $u->canonical; my $link = ''; my $external = ''; my ($scheme, $host) = ($url =~ m|^(\w+):/+([^/][\w\d\+\-\.]+)|); if (!$host) { $host = ''; } if ($host !~ m/techrights\.org$/) { $external = '↺ '; } if ($text) { if ($url !~ m/^gemini:/) { # gemini is not in URI module my $s = ' '.uc($u->scheme).' ' || ''; $link = qq(\n=>\t$url\t). $external.$s. qq(image: $text\n); } else { $link = qq(\n=>\t$url\t).$external.qq(image: $text\n); } } else { if ($url !~ m/^gemini/) { # gemini is not in URI module my $s = uc($u->scheme).' ' || ''; $link = qq(\n=>\t$url\t).$external.qq(unlabeled ). $s.qq(image\n); } else { $link = qq(\n=>\t$url\t).$external .qq(unlabeled image\n); } } $tmp->push_content($link); } } $anchor->replace_with($tmp); } my $tmp = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); for my $img ($xhtml->findnodes('//img[@alt]')) { my $alt; if (defined($img->attr('alt')) && $img->attr('alt')) { $alt = "\n> " . $img->attr('alt'); $tmp->push_content($alt); $img->replace_with($tmp); } } # format headings, plus any links they might contain foreach my $hn (1 .. 5) { $hn = qq(h$hn); for my $heading ($xhtml->findnodes(".//$hn")) { my $h = ""; if (defined($prefix{$hn})) { $h .= $prefix{$hn}; } $h = qq(\n).$h.$heading->as_text.qq(\n\n); my $tmp = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); $tmp->push_content($h); for my $anchor ($heading->findnodes('./a[@href]')) { my $link = &gemtext_link($anchor); $tmp->push_content($link."\n"); } $tmp->push_content("\n"); $heading->replace_with($tmp); } } # ordered lists, only one layer deep for my $ol ($xhtml->findnodes('//ol')) { my $item = 1; for my $li ($ol->findnodes('./li')) { my $href =''; my $new_li = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); $new_li->push_content("* $item ".$li->as_text."\n\n"); for my $anchor ($li->findnodes('./a[@href]')) { my $link = &gemtext_link($anchor); $new_li->push_content($link."\n"); } $item++; $li->replace_with($new_li); } $ol->push_content("\n"); } # unordered lists, only one layer deep for my $ul ($xhtml->findnodes('//ul')) { for my $li ($ul->findnodes('./li')) { my $new_li = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); my $listcontent = $li->as_text; $listcontent =~ s/\s+$//gm; $listcontent =~ s/^\s+//gm; my $href =''; $new_li->push_content('* '.$listcontent."\n"); for my $anchor ($li->findnodes('./a[@href]')) { my $link = &gemtext_link($anchor); $new_li->push_content($link."\n"); } $li->replace_with($new_li); } $ul->push_content("\n"); } # block quotes, only one layer deep for my $qq ($xhtml->findnodes('//blockquote')) { my $href =''; my $new_qq = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); my $as_text = $qq->as_text; $as_text =~ s/^\s+//g; $as_text =~ s/\s+$//g; my $ppcount = 0; for my $pp ($qq->findnodes('./p')) { $ppcount++; my $href =''; my $new_pp = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); my $as_text = $pp->as_text; $as_text =~ s/^\s+//g; $as_text =~ s/\s+$//g; $new_qq->push_content('> '.$as_text."\n\n"); for my $anchor ($pp->findnodes('.//a[@href]')) { my $link = &gemtext_link($anchor); $new_qq->push_content($link."\n"); } $new_qq->push_content("\n"); } if (!$ppcount) { $new_qq->push_content('> '.$qq->as_text."\n\n"); } for my $anchor ($qq->findnodes('.//a[@href]')) { my $link = &gemtext_link($anchor); $new_qq->push_content($link."\n"); } $new_qq->push_content("\n"); $qq->replace_with($new_qq); } # any remaining paragraphs for my $pp ($xhtml->findnodes('//p')) { my $href =''; my $new_pp = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); my $as_text = $pp->as_text; $as_text =~ s/^\s+//g; $as_text =~ s/\s+$//g; $new_pp->push_content($as_text."\n\n"); for my $anchor ($pp->findnodes('./a[@href]')) { my $link = &gemtext_link($anchor); $new_pp->push_content($link."\n"); } $new_pp->push_content("\n"); $pp->replace_with($new_pp); } # any remaining links for my $anchor ($xhtml->findnodes('//a[@href]')) { my $new_anchor = HTML::Element->new('~literal'); my $link = &gemtext_link($anchor); $new_anchor->push_content($link."\n\n"); $anchor->replace_with($new_anchor); } $post = $xhtml->as_text; $xhtml->destroy; while ($post =~ s/\n\n\n/\n\n/gm) { 1 } while ($post =~ s/^\*\s+#/#/gm) { 1 } return($post); } sub gemtext_link { my ($anchor) = (@_); my $href = $anchor->attr('href'); my $text = $anchor->as_text; chomp($text); $text =~ s/^\s+//g; if (defined($anchor->attr('class'))) { if ($anchor->attr('class') eq 'readon') { if (defined($anchor->attr('title'))) { my $title = $anchor->attr('title') || 0; if ($title) { $text = "Read On: $title"; } } } } my $external = ''; my $u = URI->new_abs($href, ''); my $url = $u->canonical; $url =~ s{^https?://[^/]**)\.s?html} {$1.gmi}x; my ($scheme, $host) = ($url =~ m|^(\w+):/*([^/][\w\d\+\-\.]+)|); if (!$host) { $host = ''; } if (!$scheme) { $scheme = ''; } if ($host && $host !~ m/techrights\.org$/) { $external = '↺ '; } if ($scheme ne 'gemini') { if ($scheme) { $scheme = uc($scheme).': '; } $href = $url; $text = $external.$scheme.$text; } else { if (!$external) { # even the old relative links are in /n/ in Gemini $href =~ s|^/o/([0-9]{4})/|/n/$1/|; $href =~ s|\.s?html$|.gmi|; } else { $text = $external.$text; } $href = $url; } my $link = "=>\t$href\t$text"; return($link); } sub new_gemtext_document { my ($title,$pdate,$author,$prevlink,$nextlink,$post) = (@_); $title =~ s/\n/ /gm; $title =~ s/\s+/ /g; my $gemtext = <<"EOGEMTEXT"; Techrights # $title Posted by $author on $pdate $nextlink $prevlink $post => / EOGEMTEXT return($gemtext); } sub write_gemtext { my ($recno, $path, $slug, $ballast, $gemtext, $draft) = (@_); my $file; if ($ballast) { $file = "$path/$slug.$ballast.gmi"; } else { $file = "$path/$slug.gmi"; } if (! &prepare_directory($path)) { return(0); } if (! &is_file_writable($file)) { warn("'$slug' could not be written\n"); return(0); } print " Fg: $file\n" if ($VERBOSE); my $doc; # the $gemtext variable does not write out correctly to utf-8 # $gemtext = encode('UTF-8', $gemtext); # open($doc, '>', $file) # open($doc, '>:utf8', $file) # $gemtext = encode('UTF-8', $gemtext); open($doc, '>', $file) or die("Could not open '$file' for writing: $!\n"); print $doc $gemtext; close($doc); return(1); } sub is_file_writable { my ($file) = (@_); # overwrite by default if (-e $file) { if (-f $file) { if (-w $file) { return(1); } else { warn("Destination '$file' is not writable\n"); return(0); } } else { warn("Destination '$file' is not a regular file\n"); return(0); } } else { return(1); } } sub write_drafts { my ($dbh) = (@_); my $query = qq(SELECT keys.recno,,keys.slug, keys.ballast,keys.written FROM keys WHERE written=3 ORDER BY keys.recno ASC); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute() or die(); my $xhtml_path; if (defined($opt{'x'})) { # http / https $xhtml_path = &get_path($opt{'dx'}, $default_xhtml_drafts); print " Draft XHTML Path: $xhtml_path\n" if ($VERBOSE); } my $gemtext_path; if (defined($opt{'g'})) { # gemini $gemtext_path = &get_path($opt{'dg'}, $default_gemtext_drafts); print " Draft GemText Path: $gemtext_path\n" if ($VERBOSE); } # loop through the found records containing drafts while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $recno = $data->{'recno'}; my $slug = $data->{'slug'}; my $ballast = $data->{'ballast'}; my $date_created = $data->{'date'}; my $pdate = strftime("%b %d, %Y", gmtime()); # xhtml activities if (defined($opt{'x'})) { # http / https my $path = &get_path($opt{'dx'}, $default_xhtml_drafts); my ($head, $title, $author, $date_created, $date_modified) = &fetch_head($dbh, $recno); $head = "\n".$head; my $body = &fetch_xhtml_body($dbh, $recno); $body = decode('UTF-8', $body); my $xhtml = &new_xhtml_document($title,$pdate,'draft', '','',$head,$body); &write_xhtml($dbh, $recno, $xhtml_path, $recno, 0, $xhtml, 0); $path = &get_path($opt{'x'}, $default_xhtml_path); $date_created =~ s|^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T.*$|$1/$2/$3|; &delete_draft_or_file($recno, "$path$date_created", $slug, $ballast, 'shtml'); } # gemtext activities if (defined($opt{'g'})) { # gemini my $path = &get_path($opt{'dg'}, $default_gemtext_drafts); print " Draft GemText Path: $path\n" if ($VERBOSE); my ($head, $title, $author, $date_created, $date_modified) = &fetch_head($dbh, $recno); my $body = &fetch_xhtml_body($dbh, $recno); $body = &xhtml_to_gemtext($body); $title = decode_entities($title); my $gemtext = &new_gemtext_document($title,$pdate,'draft', '', '', $body); &write_gemtext($recno, $gemtext_path, $recno, 0, $gemtext, 0); $path = &get_path($opt{'g'}, $default_gemtext_path); $date_created =~ s|^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T.*$|$1/$2/$3|; &delete_draft_or_file($recno, "$path$date_created", $slug, $ballast, 'gmi'); } } $sth->finish; return(1); } sub delete_draft_or_file { my ($recno, $path, $slug, $ballast, $suffix) = (@_); my $file; if ($ballast) { $file = "$path/$slug.$ballast.$suffix"; } else { $file = "$path/$slug.$suffix"; } if (-f $file) { unlink($file) or warn("Could not unlink file '$file' : $!\n"); } } sub update_dc_dates { my ($dbh, $recno, $dc_date_created) = (@_); my $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE metadata SET value=? WHERE recno=? AND term=""'); eval { $sth->execute($dc_date_created, $recno); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not adjust $!\n"); } $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE metadata SET value=? WHERE recno=? AND term=""'); eval { $sth->execute($dc_date_created, $recno); }; if($@) { $sth->finish; $dbh->rollback; die("Could not adjust $!\n"); } $sth->finish; $dbh->commit; return(1); }


    # reads from stdin and writes to stdout
    # processes Apache log files in their default formmat
    # and counts which URLs have been accessed most
    use Date::Calc qw(Time_to_Date Delta_Days Today Add_Delta_Days);
    use Date::Parse;
    use open qw(:std :utf8);
    use Getopt::Long;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our %opt = (
        's' => 0,
        'sorted' => 0,
        'status' => 0,
        'table' => 0,
        'h' => 0,
        'v' => 0,
    GetOptions ("help|h" => \$opt{'h'},
                "sorted" => \$opt{'sorted'},
                "status|s:s@" => \$opt{'s'},
    	    "table|t" => \$opt{'table'},
                "verbose|v:+"  => \$opt{'v'});
    if ($opt{'h'}) {
    # check if there is input from a pipe or redirection
    if ( -t STDIN ) {
    # note if HTTP response status is to be used
    our $allstatus = 0;
    my %status = ();
    if ($opt{'s'}) {
        for my $s (@{$opt{'s'}}) {
            if ($s eq '') {
    	    # show all statuses
                $allstatus = 1;
    	# show selected statuses
    	for my $ss (split(/,/, $s)) {
    	    $status{$ss} = 1;
    } else {
        # ignore status
        $allstatus = -1;
    my ($y,$m,$d) = Today(1);
    my %p = ();
    my %s = ();
    # process logs via stdin
    while (my $line = <>) {
        # ignore known bots
        next if (
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{} or
    	$line =~ m{ClaudeBot} or
    	$line =~ m{\s} or
    	$line =~ m{\s} or
    	$line =~ m{\s} or
    	$line =~ m{\s} or
    	$line =~ m{\s} or
    	$line =~ m{/feed}
        chomp $line;
        # my ( $host ) = ( $line =~ m{^(\S+)\s}u );
        my ( $date ) = ( $line =~ m{\[([^\]]+)\]} );
        my ( $path, $status ) = ( $line =~ m|"GET ([^ ]+)[^"]+" ([0-9]{3})|u );
        if (! $path) {
        my $time = str2time($date);
        my ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$minute,$second, $doy,$dow,$dst) =
        my $dd = Delta_Days( $year,$month,$day, $y,$m,$d);
        if ($opt{'v'}>1) {
    	print "DD=$dd\t( $year,$month,$day, $y,$m,$d)\n";
        if ($dd < 8 && $dd > 0) {
    	# one week of data, starting yesterday
    	$s{$path} = $status;	# keep only oldest status for URL path
        } elsif ( $opt{'sorted'} && $dd >= 8 ) {
    	# exit read loop if told that the data was sorted and date exceeded
    if ($opt{'table'}) {
        my ($y1, $m1, $d1) = Add_Delta_Days($y, $m, $d, -1);
        my ($y2, $m2, $d2) = Add_Delta_Days($y, $m, $d, -7);
        my $caption = sprintf("Span from %04d-%02d-%02d to %04d-%02d-%02d",
    	$y2, $m2, $d2, $y1, $m1, $d1);
        &print_table(\%p, \%s, $caption );
    } else {
        &print_text(\%p, \%s);
    sub usage {
        my ($script) = (@_);
        $script =~ s|.*/||;
        print qq(cat log | $script [options]\n);
        print qq(\n);
        print qq(Read Apache logs from stdin and count which URLs have been );
        print qq(accessed from yesterday until a week ago.\n);
        print qq(\n);
        print qq( -s, --status [n[,n]...]	include HTTP response statuses \n);
        print qq(		or choose which status(es) to count, if specified\n);
        print qq( --sorted	log file data is already pre-sorted chronologically\n);
        print qq(		truncates input after date range\n);
        print qq( -t, --table	format output as an HTML table\n);
        print qq( -h, --help	this help text\n);
        print qq( -v, --verbose	increase notification level verbosity\n);
    sub print_table {
        my ( $p, $s, $caption ) = ( @_);
        print qq(\n);
        print qq(\n);
        if ( $allstatus eq 1 ) {
    	if ($opt{'v'}) {
    	    print "Allstatus\n";
    	foreach my $path (sort{ $p{$b} <=> $p{$a} } keys %p) {
    	    print qq(\t);
    	    print qq(\n);
        } elsif ( $allstatus eq 0) {
    	if ($opt{'v'}) {
    	    print "selected statuses\n";
    	foreach my $path (sort{ $p{$b} <=> $p{$a} } keys %p) {
    	    if ($status{$s{$path}} ) {
    		print qq(\t);
    		print qq(\n);
        } else {
    	foreach my $path (sort{ $p{$b} <=> $p{$a} } keys %p) {
    	    print qq(\t);
    	    print qq(\n);
        print qq(
    $p{$path} $s{$path}$path
    $p{$path} $s{$path}$path
    \n); } sub print_text { my ( $p, $s ) = ( @_); if ( $allstatus eq 1 ) { foreach my $path (sort{ $p{$b} <=> $p{$a} } keys %p) { print "$p{$path}\t$s{$path}\t$path\n"; } } elsif ( $allstatus eq 0 ) { foreach my $path (sort{ $p{$b} <=> $p{$a} } keys %p) { if ($status{$s{$path}} ) { print "$p{$path}\t$s{$path}\t$path\n"; } } } else { foreach my $path (sort{ $p{$b} <=> $p{$a} } keys %p) { print "$p{$path}\t$path\n"; } } }

    => Back to main index

    Proxy Information
    Original URL
    Status Code
    Success (20)
    Capsule Response Time
    421.583048 milliseconds
    Gemini-to-HTML Time
    9.918781 milliseconds

    This content has been proxied by September (ba2dc).