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● 04.18.15

● Links 18/4/2015: ExTiX 15.2, RaspArch

Posted in News Roundup at 7:01 pm by Dr. Roy SchestowitzContentsGNU/LinuxGNU/Linux

=> ↺ Argos Uses GNU/Linux, Windows Leads Only to Malware


=> ↺ Uruguay By Quarters – The GNU/Linux Desktop Share

=> ↺ How to make Linux’s desktop look good on high-resolution displays


=> ↺ Linux Containers to Boost Six Networking Picks

Kernel Space

=> ↺ Linux 4.1 Has Improvements For The Multi-Queue Block Layer

=> ↺ Sub-$20 802.11n USB WiFi Adapter That’s Linux Friendly

Graphics Stack

=> ↺ X.Org Looks To Have Six Summer Projects


=> ↺ NetworkManager Drops WiMAX Support

=> ↺ Docker Engine 1.6 Debuts Alongside Docker Registry 2.0 and Compose 1.2.0

=> ↺ shpaint: For the Toulouse-Lautrec of the terminal


=> ↺ Pixar’s giving away RenderMan for free!!


=> ↺ 40 Useful Linux Commands

=> ↺ How To Install Sweet Home 3D 4.6 On Linux Systems

=> ↺ Addendum to 12th installment: watermarks with copyright notice using LaTeX

=> ↺ How to install Known on a CentOS 7 VPS

=> ↺ How to install Kde Plasma 5 on Arch Linux

Desktop Environments/WMs

K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

=> ↺ KActivities on KDE’s Phabricator

=> ↺ What happened in Toulouse?

=> ↺ Evolving KDE


Red Hat Family

=> ↺ Red Hat Joins Khronos, The Group Behind OpenGL & Vulkan


=> ↺ F22 Beta, Flock, Linux 4.0, Fedora 23 (!), and Diversity — it’s 5tFTW for April 17th, 2015

Debian Family



Flavours and Variants

=> ↺ ExTiX 15.2 Is Based on Ubuntu 15.04 and Debian 8 Jessie, Features LXQt and KDE Editions

=> ↺ Elementary OS 0.3 (Freya) Released – A Quick Review and Installation Guide with Screenshots


=> ↺ RaspArch Offers an Easy Way to Run Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi 2



=> ↺ Slides – Developing HTML5 applications for Tizen


=> ↺ NAB: Kaltura Offers Open Source Android Video Library

=> ↺ Kaltura ‘cracks the code’ for reliable HLS video streaming on Android devices

=> ↺ Stream PC games to your Android device with Remotr

=> ↺ Google Play Services 7.3 Adds A New UI For Trusted Places And Finally Makes The Persistent Android Wear Notification Dismissible [APK Download]

=> ↺ Android 5.1.1 references surface on Google’s own site

=> ↺ U.S. Cellular Samsung Galaxy Note Edge & Galaxy Note Android 5.0.1 Lollipop Software Update

Free Software/Open Source

=> ↺ Watch Out Google, DARPA Just Open Sourced All This Swish ‘Dark Web’ Search Tech

Web Browsers


=> ↺ Rust 1.0+ To Focus On Better Windows Support, ARM, & Faster Compile Times


=> ↺ DragonFlyBSD Pulls In GCC 5 Compiler

Project Releases

=> ↺ Wine 1.7.41 Works More On Kernel Job Objects, MSI Patches

Public Services/Government

=> ↺ changed how the US military develops software


=> ↺ Building a game engine, a twist on classic arcade games, and more gaming news



=> ↺ The World’s First Self-Powered Video Camera Can Record Forever


=> ↺ Japan’s “Over 65″ Rise To Record 33 Million, More Than Double Number Of Children


=> ↺ Why We Must Return to the US-Russian Parity Principle

=> ↺ Germany is the Tell-Tale Heart of America’s Drone War

=> ↺ Secret Details of Drone Strike Revealed As Unprecedented Case Goes to German Court

=> ↺ Saban hints: Clinton opposes the Iran deal

=> ↺ Saudi-led Yemen air war’s high civilian toll unsettles U.S. officials

=> ↺ Malvinas Secretary Filmus to talk about Falklands and oil in London

=> ↺ Obama-Castro meeting overshadows anti-US line at summit

=> ↺ How Obama’s Cuba policy can help with other Latin American countries

=> ↺ Cuba Being Removed From State Sponsors of Terrorism List

=> ↺ Can Latin America and the United States Overcome the Past?

=> ↺ U.S. Intervention Most Threatens Mideast Stability

=> ↺ Senate Heavy Lifting Begins With Education and Iran

=> ↺ The long arm of Blackwater

=> ↺ Are Soldiers Happy? Unhappy? Compared to What?

Transparency Reporting

=> ↺ Judges slammed for Assange stance


=> ↺ Finally some privacy – for multinational tax dodgers

=> ↺ The Trans-Pacific Partnership is great for elites. Is it good for anyone else?

=> ↺ ‘It hurts when Germans call Greece a failed state’


=> ↺ For the media, traditional values still matter

=> ↺ Newsletter: Shake Off Hypnosis, See Root Causes Of Crises


=> ↺ China’s Great Cannon could backfire

=> ↺ How startup GitHub survived a massive five-day network attack (Q&A)

=> ↺ China develops downtime tool called the Great Cannon

=> ↺ Reading This Magazine Could Land You in Jail

=> ↺ The New Thought Police

=> ↺ To Protect the Most Fundamental Rights of Internet Users, We Must Always Be Skeptical of Any Call for Regulation

=> ↺ The most concerning element of Facebook’s potential new power

=> ↺ Sony Pursued Site-Blocking in Norway Because Nobody Could Afford to Challenge Them


=> ↺ How Wiretapping Is Used In Iceland

=> ↺ Editorial: Denial of spy role needed

=> ↺ Kiwi agency ‘shared intel with Dhaka’

=> ↺ Kiwis share intelligence with Bangladesh

=> ↺ Eavesdropping on Dhaka’s communications

=> ↺ New Zealand involved in spying on Bangladesh

=> ↺ GCSB dragging NZ into human rights abuses in Bangladesh

=> ↺ New Zealand shared intelligence with Bangladesh’s repressive agencies

=> ↺ How NZ and US agents plotted to spy on China

=> ↺ New Zealand Plotted Hack on China With NSA

=> ↺ Leaked papers reveal NZ plan to spy on China for US

=> ↺ Twitter moves non-US accounts to Ireland away from the NSA

=> ↺ The NSA’s Fight To Keep Its Best Hackers

=> ↺ Too little too late? NSA starting to implement ‘Snowden-proof’ cloud storage

=> ↺ Tech Groups Pressure Congress To End NSA Bulk Data Collection

=> ↺ The Pentagon’s new cyber attack plan: ‘Blunt force trauma’

=> ↺ Why Amazon’s new EU data centres are just as vulnerable to NSA surveillance as their US ones

=> ↺ NSA Spying Is At Stake in This ‘Last-Ditch’ Reform Bill

=> ↺ Weakened surveillance reform bill is ‘yesterday’s news’, civil libertarians say

=> ↺ Groups push to end NSA spying

=> ↺ FBI, NSA Hoping For More Surveillance Room To Increase Spying Capabilities

=> ↺ Lawmakers, Tech Firms Press for NSA Reform

=> ↺ Congress to Introduce Last-Ditch Bill to Reform NSA Spying

=> ↺ Senator Wyden: Congress may block government access to encrypted consumer devices

=> ↺ ‘Significant’ number of senators backing privacy push, Wyden says

=> ↺ On The War On General Purpose Computing

=> ↺ NSA declares war on general purpose computers

=> ↺ A Tidbit From an Old NSA Document (2000)

=> ↺ Iceland for Snowden, Where NSA Whistleblower Could Get Citizenship

=> ↺ Snowden could be granted Icelandic citizenship

=> ↺ Edward Snowden might get Iceland citizenship

=> ↺ Snowden Coming Closer To Icelandic Citizenship

=> ↺ Google Maps hack shows Edward Snowden at the White House

=> ↺ ‘Edwards Snow Den’: Google ‘relocates’ NSA whistleblower to White House

=> ↺ Edward Snowden Is in the White House, According to Google Maps

=> ↺ ‘Edwards Snow Den’ infiltrates the White House on Google Maps

=> ↺ Assange Says Russian Intelligence Played No Part in Snowden Choosing Russia

=> ↺ Bolivia Accuses Assange of Inadvertently Putting Evo Morales’ Life at Risk

=> ↺ Assange Says China, Russia Not in the Loop about Snowden Flight

=> ↺ Assange grassed Snowden to the NSA

=> ↺ Julian Assange WikiLeaks Update: Edward Snowden Rumor Put Bolivian President’s Life In Danger, Bolivia Claims

=> ↺ Assange Says Russia ‘Did the Right Thing’ in Granting Refuge to Snowden

=> ↺ Attorney to NSA and CIA: Turn over Hillary Clinton documents now

=> ↺ Key Congressional Committee Has “No Confidence” In DEA Head Leonhart

=> ↺ DEA Prostitution Scandal: Retired Cops Call For Drug Policy Changes

=> ↺ House Oversight Committee Expresses “No Confidence” in DEA Administrator Leonhart

=> ↺ The DEA’s using powerful spyware for surveillance too

=> ↺ Before The NSA, The DEA Used Phone Records To Track Drug Cartels

=> ↺ DEA gets sued for spying on Americans’ int’l phone calls

=> ↺ Phone data collection crossed line in 1992: Our view

=> ↺ Guest speaker at Drake sheds light on NSA surveillance

=> ↺ Jesse Kline: Slamming the door on the snoopers

=> ↺ Support HR 1466

=> ↺ Viewpoint: A critical debate on Snowden and the NSA

=> ↺ Snowden scandal not so black and white

=> ↺ RT premieres ‘Terminal F’ Snowden documentary in Russia

=> ↺ Pre-premiere of new Edward Snowden documentary screened in Moscow

=> ↺ France’s new intelligence bill, an NSA ‘deja-vu’

=> ↺ France’s new spy bill raises fears of mass surveillance

=> ↺ Liberty takes fight against mass surveillance to European Court

=> ↺ Senate Intelligence Committee Kicks Off Budget Season

=> ↺ Who is Responsible for Protecting Your Personal Data Online?

=> ↺ Congress cannot be taken seriously on cybersecurity

=> ↺ OSCE Representative Urges Governments to Ensure Privacy Amid Surveillance

=> ↺ Troubleshooting feature on Cisco routers is open to data-slurp abuse

=> ↺ As police body cameras catch on, a debate surfaces: Who gets to watch?

=> ↺ The “Language of Privacy” Is Doing Well in Police Body Camera Discussions

=> ↺ Labour manifesto: ‘High speed’ broadband for all plus strengthened surveillance

=> ↺ GitHub issues first transparency report; 40 accounts affected

=> ↺ Missouri Action Alert: Help Protect the 4th Amendment, Pass HB264!

=> ↺ How Your Future Leader Is Tracking You – Ranking Presidential Candidate Website Privacy

=> ↺ New Pentagon Chief Carter to Court Silicon Valley

=> ↺ Secrecy Around ‘Stingray’ Cell Surveillance Persists Despite Growing Transparency Efforts

=> ↺ U.S. shining light on self

=> ↺ Without ECPA update, Feds will spy on you like it’s 1986

=> ↺ Excessive federal surveillance an abuse of power

=> ↺ Access to Encryption Software Easier for Hackers to Steal Info – EFF

=> ↺ The 7 safest apps to send private and secure messages

=> ↺ Appointing Democratic Judges to the FISA Court Won’t Solve Its Structural Flaws

=> ↺ Delaware’s Fusion Center poses threat to liberty

=> ↺ Change the world, you say? Anti-spying push just can’t hack it despite ‘Citizenfour’

=> ↺ Snowden’s ‘Sexy Margaret Thatcher’ Password Isn’t So Secure

=> ↺ Ever wondered what your password says about you?

=> ↺ Princeton University to feature live video talk with Edward Snowden

=> ↺ Americans Should Defend Their Digital Privacy

=> ↺ Amnesty International takes Gov to court over spying

=> ↺ Former Homeland Security Secretary: Government ‘Backdoors’ Into iPhones Are Unnecessary

=> ↺ Trade Bill Takes Aim at Foreign Governments’ Data Protections

=> ↺ Tell Obama: Say no to cyber surveillance

=> ↺ Us ‘Agrees To Stick To Law’ In Use Of Surveillance

=> ↺ US Promises Bahamas to Use ‘Lawful Authority’ to Obtain Surveillance Data on Citizens

=> ↺ The Metadata ‘Blackmail Machine’ At The Heart Of Britain’s Digital Policy Deficit

=> ↺ Social media without the snooping – nice idea but can it really work?

=> ↺ China jails 71-year-old veteran journalist for ‘leaking state secrets’

=> ↺ How do we build encryption backdoors?

=> ↺ Cybersecurity pros slam threat information-sharing bills

=> ↺ Big data makes NSA dysfunctional

=> ↺ Thoughts – Is the U.S. Still An Authoritarian National Surveillance State?

Civil Rights

=> ↺ Cop Sexually Assaults 19 Year-Old and Only Sentenced on Misdemeanor Charges

=> ↺ Slow violence, cold violence – Teju Cole on East Jerusalem

=> ↺ Security expert pulled off flight by FBI after exposing airline tech vulnerabilities

=> ↺ Abolish the TSA

=> ↺ TSA Trained Disney, SeaWorld to SPOT Terrorists

=> ↺ AcTVism film trailer

=> ↺ Denied Medication by NYPD, Epileptic Man Has Two Seizures in Custody: Lawsuit

=> ↺ If Virginia Elections Weren’t Hacked, It’s Only Because No One Tried

=> ↺ Whistleblowers: Little UN Protection for Exposing Wrongdoing

=> ↺ For one VA whistleblower, getting fired was too much

=> ↺ Op-ed: Why the entire premise of Tor-enabled routers is ridiculous

=> ↺ When the Student Movement Was a CIA Front

=> ↺ France’s National Assembly shows support for legalization of Edward Snowden-style whistleblowing

=> ↺ ‘French Snowdens’ to get protection under law

=> ↺ Many Government Tiplines Not Encrypted

=> ↺ Guerrilla Artists Demand Return of Edward Snowden Bust from NYPD

=> ↺ Artists demand NY police return Snowden bust

=> ↺ Legal experts pan US for disappointing human rights record

=> ↺ Two Denver TSA Agents Fired For Conspiring To Feel Up Good Looking Passengers

=> ↺ The ‘too difficult’ box: Britain’s pre-election charades sidestep all the key questions

=> ↺ Beware the Banana Republic Postal Ballot

=> ↺ The Most Important Issue in the 2016 Election That No One Is Talking About

=> ↺ Death of the whistleblower

=> ↺ Demand Washington stop laying ground work for police state

=> ↺ Technology for Foreign Enemies is Eventually Brought Home

=> ↺ Letters to the Editor: Abolish death penalty in Delaware

=> ↺ Despite Changes, US Government Still Unwilling to Provide Meaningful Information to Americans Put on No Fly List

Internet/Net Neutrality

=> ↺ Can the internet be saved without harming democracy?

Intellectual Monopolies


=> ↺ WikiLeaks releases entire trove of Sony Hack including confidential emails

=> ↺ It seems Amy Pascal hated Angelina Jolie — there was more to that email than we knew

=> ↺ Chris Dodd’s Email Reveals What MPAA Really Thinks Of Fair Use: ‘Extremely Controversial’

=> ↺ WikiLeaks: Hollywood working with local anti-piracy groups

=> ↺ Sony execs lobbied Netflix to stop VPN users

=> ↺ WikiLeaks Posts Sony Pictures Documents, Angering the Studio

=> ↺ Sony Studio Renews Warning After WikiLeaks Posts Stolen Data

=> ↺ MPAA Wants Private Theaters in U.S. Embassies to Lobby Officials

=> ↺ WikiLeaks Release of Stolen Sony Data Is ‘Just Wrong’ – Former NSA Director

=> ↺ WikiLeaks publishes huge archive of hacked Sony documents

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