While I like the idea of gemlog format and could submit my index page to Antenna, I thought the cgi route would be fun. I've posted about it in the past but seeing as others are looking at generating the same type of file I thought I might as well toss it back out there for inspiration.
The script is fairly simple, written in python3. Reads through a directory, scrapes a few attributes to put in publish times and tags, title from the first heading, etc. Nothing too crazy but very helpful in automating the process.
=> atom.xml.py
Copy the file to your cgi-bin directory, drop the .py
and tweak the variables to match your setup. You can see mine in action here.
$ published: 2023-09-02 13:47 $
$ tags: #gemini, #programming $
-- CC-BY-4.0 jecxjo 2023-09-02
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