[2023-03-02T01:31:58Z] <shokara_> can files installed from a package be listed with kiss? (something like pkg_info -L or pacman -Ql)

[2023-03-02T01:34:06Z] <shokara_> if not, I guess I'll try adding something like crux's footprint files

[2023-03-02T01:34:16Z] kiss manifest

[2023-03-02T01:34:35Z] <shokara_> :O

[2023-03-02T01:35:22Z] <shokara_> I didn't know that the kiss-* files other than kiss-new existed, thanks

[2023-03-02T01:35:28Z] ye

[2023-03-02T01:35:45Z] <shokara_> exactly what I wanted, thanks

[2023-03-02T01:36:09Z] yw shokie uwu

[2023-03-02T01:36:47Z] <shokara_> I finally got a usable kiss system after days of fighting with very sluggish ext4 speeds

[2023-03-02T01:37:40Z] <shokara_> much preferring this to crux

[2023-03-02T03:03:50Z] <niceguy5000[m]> Kiss linux just works.

[2023-03-02T03:16:04Z] Hi

[2023-03-02T03:44:26Z] <niceguy5000[m]> wael: HIIIII

[2023-03-02T04:15:59Z] <testuser[m]123> Hi

[2023-03-02T07:38:06Z] Hi

[2023-03-02T07:38:08Z] https://codeberg.org/kiss-community/repo/issues/130 is back

[2023-03-02T07:38:28Z] i just had to remove all pip packages and it werks

[2023-03-02T07:38:44Z] this time removing upper version limit doesn't work

[2023-03-02T08:29:58Z] <testuser[m]123> because the version changed

[2023-03-02T08:30:00Z] <testuser[m]123> lol

[2023-03-02T08:30:06Z] nope

[2023-03-02T08:30:12Z] <testuser[m]123> in the ff tarball

[2023-03-02T08:30:18Z] not that easy

[2023-03-02T08:30:19Z] nope

[2023-03-02T08:30:25Z] trash-cli requires typing

[2023-03-02T08:30:34Z] typing is build-in python module

[2023-03-02T08:30:45Z] so it is not installed according to pip-check

[2023-03-02T08:31:00Z] <testuser[m]123> what does that have to do with ff tho

[2023-03-02T08:31:02Z] I'm patching trash-cli to remove typing as dep

[2023-03-02T08:31:21Z] when mach-something variable is set to system

[2023-03-02T08:31:27Z] it runs pip check

[2023-03-02T08:31:36Z] and abort build if it returns some errors

[2023-03-02T08:31:47Z] and pip check indeed return error

[2023-03-02T08:32:11Z] https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/blob/master/setup.cfg#L30

[2023-03-02T08:32:15Z] this line is problem

[2023-03-02T08:32:27Z] https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/blob/master/requirements.txt

[2023-03-02T08:32:36Z] there is not typing in requirements.txt

[2023-03-02T08:33:01Z] and this is build-in python module so I assume that it is safe do remove this dep

[2023-03-02T08:33:14Z] https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#module-typing

[2023-03-02T08:35:11Z] I've removed both sed with psutil version (firefox now requres currently packaged version) and this typing dep and now firefox is building

[2023-03-02T09:02:02Z] typing should be typing;python_version<'3.5'

[2023-03-02T09:02:20Z] I'll need to report it upstream

[2023-03-02T09:04:05Z] I'll need to dust off my private github

[2023-03-02T09:10:31Z] so wrong dependency of trash-cli breaks firefox build which doesn't depend on trash-cli at all, pretty logic isn't it?

[2023-03-02T09:11:39Z] I love overengineered solutions

[2023-03-02T10:03:41Z] <testuser[m]123> aelspire: that's transitive dependencies for you :P

[2023-03-02T10:03:55Z] yeah

[2023-03-02T10:04:13Z] sandboxed build would be cool

[2023-03-02T10:05:23Z] so I openend my laptop before work today fo rename libinih to inih and spend this morning fixing firefox build

[2023-03-02T10:06:10Z] <testuser[m]123> i hate package renames

[2023-03-02T10:06:11Z] <testuser[m]123> its ok to let them be tbh

[2023-03-02T10:06:23Z] I've thought about it

[2023-03-02T10:06:25Z] <testuser[m]123> otherwise you need to swap alternatives and fix up for those who have it installed

[2023-03-02T10:06:34Z] currently no package in community depends on libinih

[2023-03-02T10:06:51Z] and this package is not named libinih in other places

[2023-03-02T10:06:56Z] it is inih

[2023-03-02T10:08:25Z] is it possible to contribute to codeberg's repos via send-patch?

[2023-03-02T10:26:19Z] <testuser[m]123> aelspire: if nothing else needs it then ok

[2023-03-02T10:26:24Z] <testuser[m]123> then it should probably be dropped

[2023-03-02T10:26:25Z] <testuser[m]123> since its a lib

[2023-03-02T10:26:42Z] you think so?

[2023-03-02T10:27:06Z] I adopted it as I have it as dep of my package in my repo

[2023-03-02T10:27:17Z] if its in community some other package must have been dependent on it, but no package needs it

[2023-03-02T10:27:34Z] and thought that if I'm going to maintain it I can do it in community repo for other people to use it too

[2023-03-02T10:27:56Z] wasn't it about sharing some packages in community?

[2023-03-02T10:28:02Z] true

[2023-03-02T10:28:42Z] according to arch's packages, libinih is a dependency of imv, yuzu, and gamemode

[2023-03-02T10:28:48Z] i believe imv was once in community but got dropped

[2023-03-02T10:29:37Z] and f

[2023-03-02T10:29:39Z] https://git.aelspire.info/kiss-repositories.git/tree/extra/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr/depends#n4

[2023-03-02T10:30:23Z] I was going to ask which packages from my repo we want in community

[2023-03-02T10:35:18Z] I'm not sure why the Wayland desktop portal stuff is not in community

[2023-03-02T10:35:25Z] cuz most Wayland users probably would want those

[2023-03-02T10:35:36Z] dbus

[2023-03-02T10:35:47Z] are they not there cuz it needs dbus?

[2023-03-02T10:35:49Z] <testuser[m]123> ye

[2023-03-02T10:35:49Z] <testuser[m]123> its in my repo

[2023-03-02T10:35:52Z] bruh

[2023-03-02T10:36:10Z] <testuser[m]123> eg dbus-wrap firefox if i want screensharing

[2023-03-02T10:36:11Z] <testuser[m]123> i use a dbus wrap script to just launch dbus unprivilieged and run the program under a namespace

[2023-03-02T10:36:17Z] why don't you guys make a separate kiss repo for the portals

[2023-03-02T10:36:17Z] <testuser[m]123> then dbus is kil when i close ff

[2023-03-02T10:36:19Z] is it time for community/dbus?

[2023-03-02T10:36:28Z] no dylanaraps will kill us

[2023-03-02T10:36:39Z] i use dbus for opening links from sfeed

[2023-03-02T10:36:45Z] in firefox…

[2023-03-02T10:36:51Z] <testuser[m]123> ye it'd be useful

[2023-03-02T10:36:51Z] he will crawl out of his grave

[2023-03-02T10:36:52Z] <testuser[m]123> for bnluez

[2023-03-02T10:36:52Z] <testuser[m]123> it can exist outside community

[2023-03-02T10:37:03Z] kiss-bloat

[2023-03-02T10:37:04Z] plz

[2023-03-02T10:37:56Z] testuser[m]123: you used to maintain a bloat repo under gkisslinux

[2023-03-02T10:38:06Z] maybe its time to bring back?!??!

[2023-03-02T10:42:07Z] I think so, if every single of us is gonna maintain their own dbus package…

[2023-03-02T10:42:28Z] exactly what we are already doing

[2023-03-02T10:42:32Z] dbus is horrible mess…

[2023-03-02T10:42:58Z] we don't have a choice (except xorg cuz no dbus lo)

[2023-03-02T10:43:12Z] or bring back libdbus-stub

[2023-03-02T10:43:42Z] but there is actual functionality in some apps that actually requires dbus to work

[2023-03-02T10:43:50Z] there are*

[2023-03-02T10:44:27Z] using libdbus-stub will make no sense when you can just disable dbus in build

[2023-03-02T10:44:49Z] dbus for the portals i mean

[2023-03-02T10:44:53Z] this will unblock portals, bluetooth etc.

[2023-03-02T10:44:57Z] why the hell would they need dbus anyway though

[2023-03-02T10:45:02Z] no idea

[2023-03-02T10:45:07Z] for app and wayland compositor to communicate?

[2023-03-02T10:45:16Z] no

[2023-03-02T10:45:25Z] wayland uses just socket and shm

[2023-03-02T10:45:36Z] then why would portal need dbus lol

[2023-03-02T10:45:42Z] I think they are using it to access filesystem

[2023-03-02T10:46:06Z] and for negotiating screensharing

[2023-03-02T10:46:29Z] without allowing sandboxed app to access everything

[2023-03-02T10:48:47Z] seems to depend on basu as well, which is from systemd

[2023-03-02T10:48:59Z] well, extracted to be more specific

[2023-03-02T10:48:59Z] nope

[2023-03-02T10:49:14Z] basu is stub for some systemd libs AFAIK

[2023-03-02T10:49:26Z] noted

[2023-03-02T10:49:37Z] https://git.sr.ht/~emersion/basu

[2023-03-02T10:49:48Z] or maybe not

[2023-03-02T10:49:59Z] un-noted

[2023-03-02T10:50:04Z] you are right it's written that it is extracted

[2023-03-02T10:50:39Z] systemd is cult behaving as virus

[2023-03-02T10:50:46Z] thank red hat

[2023-03-02T10:50:55Z] it is only OSS project I allow myself to fully hate

[2023-03-02T10:51:05Z] not even GNOME is on this list

[2023-03-02T18:58:56Z] midfavila:

[2023-03-02T18:58:57Z] * sewn uploaded an image: (653KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/envs.net/57319c4e21783a4ee93131c931b34211fa0951dd/1677687763210664(1).png >

[2023-03-02T20:24:17Z] ah yes, fastestcode anon

[2023-03-02T20:24:28Z] i do use emwm from time to time, and ximaging, as well

[2023-03-02T20:26:20Z] also, reference get for my resume :D

[2023-03-02T20:26:35Z] CEO of a computer security company

[2023-03-02T20:27:13Z] "hi yes this is mister techbro of company suchandsuch, mid isn't completely retarded, please give him a job so people will stop calling me"

[2023-03-02T20:28:02Z] having a CEO with a PhD being willing to vouch for me has to count for something

[2023-03-02T21:06:40Z] hey guys

[2023-03-02T21:06:53Z] is flatpak working 100% in kiss?

[2023-03-02T21:07:17Z] i think in go back to kiss but sometimes i need steam and arduino IDE for college work

[2023-03-02T21:07:28Z] steam just for fun

[2023-03-02T21:07:31Z] play some games

[2023-03-02T21:08:21Z] >arduino for college

[2023-03-02T21:08:22Z] use emacs smdh

[2023-03-02T21:13:53Z] bro

[2023-03-02T21:14:05Z] i will need to program in pure C for avr

[2023-03-02T21:14:14Z] ez

[2023-03-02T21:14:36Z] with arduino IDE i dont

[2023-03-02T21:15:10Z] is complitace things for such simple work

[2023-03-02T21:15:20Z] but maybe i can handle it

[2023-03-02T21:15:29Z] but steam is other situation

[2023-03-02T23:03:30Z] Ahoy

[2023-03-02T23:12:36Z] hullo

[2023-03-02T23:14:04Z] midfavila: How u doing?

[2023-03-02T23:17:43Z] well

[2023-03-02T23:17:51Z] aside from barely being able to walk i guess i'm alive

[2023-03-02T23:17:54Z] so that's a thing

[2023-03-02T23:22:46Z] Ouch

[2023-03-02T23:22:57Z] What happened?

[2023-03-02T23:24:24Z] chronic ingrown toenails :D

[2023-03-02T23:24:37Z] quite possibly one of the worst "mundane" conditions to have

[2023-03-02T23:25:24Z] Yeah, those are painful.

[2023-03-02T23:25:38Z] i love coming home from work and having a toe that's turned purple

[2023-03-02T23:25:40Z] it's great

[2023-03-02T23:25:52Z] getting surgery for it soon:tm:

[2023-03-02T23:26:03Z] Isn't there a procedure to cure it?

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