2019-10-01T01:11:24 #kisslinux dylanaraps: https://i.imgur.com/dNfyGEd.png
2019-10-01T06:19:33 #kisslinux Crestwave: nice!
2019-10-01T12:37:22 #kisslinux Greetings! Just tried to set up KISS and it seems like dev.gentoo.org is dead so it couldn't fetch eudev so I changed up my local repo to make it fetch a tarbal from the github releases. This one errors with ./configure: not found
though. Anyone got an idea?
2019-10-01T12:40:06 #kisslinux what distro are you on?
2019-10-01T12:40:36 #kisslinux also, just to make sure, ./configure
exists right? as in the file
2019-10-01T12:40:52 #kisslinux and it isn't say, ./configure.ac
2019-10-01T12:41:06 #kisslinux I just checked and in the tarbal provided on github it actually requires me to use autoconf
2019-10-01T12:43:04 #kisslinux I am using an alpine linux host and I am in a KISS chroot right now
2019-10-01T12:44:12 #kisslinux After installing autoconf and automake it seems to complain about libtool being used but LIBTOOL
being undefined
2019-10-01T12:45:07 #kisslinux huh, nevermind. Also had to install libtool
2019-10-01T12:45:36 #kisslinux I should probably send a PR for eudev unless dev.gentoo.org decides to come back
2019-10-01T12:49:45 #kisslinux The tarballs from GitHub need 'autoreconf -fi' to build.
2019-10-01T12:49:50 #kisslinux Which is why we don't use them.
2019-10-01T12:49:57 #kisslinux They aren't proper release tarballs.
2019-10-01T12:50:23 #kisslinux We won't be swapping to the GitHub tarballs.
2019-10-01T12:50:52 #kisslinux Also, dev.gentoo.org is up for me.
2019-10-01T12:51:07 #kisslinux oh?
2019-10-01T12:51:10 #kisslinux hm
2019-10-01T12:51:16 #kisslinux Just downloaded the source fine.
2019-10-01T12:51:35 #kisslinux Must be my dormitory network blocking (or being blocked) by some random site
2019-10-01T12:52:12 #kisslinux what's the URL that you're trying to access?
2019-10-01T12:52:41 #kisslinux https://dev.gentoo.org/~blueness/eudev/eudev-3.2.8.tar.gz
2019-10-01T12:52:55 #kisslinux yeah, it's up for me too
2019-10-01T12:53:03 #kisslinux want me to rehost it for you?
2019-10-01T12:53:54 #kisslinux huh, weird
2019-10-01T12:54:11 #kisslinux yea that would be nice
2019-10-01T12:54:25 #kisslinux https://x.icyphox.sh/UMu.gz
2019-10-01T12:54:40 #kisslinux md5: ce166b3fdd910c2a4a840378f48fedaf
2019-10-01T12:54:58 #kisslinux Thanks!
2019-10-01T12:55:09 #kisslinux np :)
2019-10-01T12:55:31 #kisslinux The checksum shouldn't have changed.
2019-10-01T12:55:46 #kisslinux has it?
2019-10-01T12:55:50 #kisslinux Dunno
2019-10-01T12:55:53 #kisslinux You posted an md5
2019-10-01T12:55:58 #kisslinux i provided it just in case they didn't trust my upload haha
2019-10-01T12:56:15 #kisslinux I don't get why I can't access the original URL though
2019-10-01T12:56:33 #kisslinux did you try curl/wget against that URL?
2019-10-01T12:57:02 #kisslinux Yea
2019-10-01T12:57:09 #kisslinux times out?
2019-10-01T12:58:12 #kisslinux I don't think it is a timeout? curl gives me "could not resolve host"
2019-10-01T12:58:43 #kisslinux sounds like a DNS issue
2019-10-01T12:59:03 #kisslinux assuming other websites work
2019-10-01T12:59:16 #kisslinux Yea, this is the first time I had this problem ever
2019-10-01T12:59:39 #kisslinux it happens at times when i'm behind my campus firewall too
2019-10-01T13:01:30 #kisslinux I really wish they'd provide proper release tarballs on GitHub.
2019-10-01T13:03:09 #kisslinux That was quick: https://github.com/repology/repology-rules/issues/284
2019-10-01T13:04:04 #kisslinux lol what
2019-10-01T13:04:26 #kisslinux https://github.com/repology/repology-rules/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+author%3Adylanaraps
2019-10-01T13:04:42 #kisslinux I report quite a bit to repology about incorrect package versions in their database.
2019-10-01T13:04:55 #kisslinux See: https://repology.org/projects/?inrepo=kiss_main&outdated=1
2019-10-01T13:05:02 #kisslinux All outdated packages in the KISS repositories.
2019-10-01T13:05:16 #kisslinux libressl is listed, however it's not actually outdated.
2019-10-01T13:05:23 #kisslinux how does repology work?
2019-10-01T13:05:36 #kisslinux It takes packages from a bunch of distributions.
2019-10-01T13:05:40 #kisslinux Compares versions.
2019-10-01T13:05:48 #kisslinux Works well.
2019-10-01T13:05:55 #kisslinux The only is the distributions themselves.
2019-10-01T13:06:06 #kisslinux So many make up random versions for software (which don't actually exist).
2019-10-01T13:06:40 #kisslinux A lot also update to development releases early which causes repology to mark new releases (what happened with libressl right now)
2019-10-01T13:07:31 #kisslinux ah i see
2019-10-01T13:08:27 #kisslinux Tried to use a uni-provided VPN but all that did was cut my speed down to 6% of the usual. Didn't let me reach dev.gentoo.org
2019-10-01T13:23:55 #kisslinux Is there a default password for root?
2019-10-01T13:24:28 #kisslinux Nope
2019-10-01T13:30:14 #kisslinux Oof. looks like I messed something up. I installed gentoo etc. like instructed on the website but now all I get is the VM "powercycling"
2019-10-01T13:34:17 #kisslinux Do I have to enable any special kernel drivers for it to boot in a vm?
2019-10-01T13:39:15 #kisslinux You can try 'make defconfig' first and if that fails, go back and run make menuconfig
(on the defconfig .config) and enable anything you need.
2019-10-01T13:39:25 #kisslinux It depends on the VM software you're using too.
2019-10-01T13:39:45 #kisslinux it should still throw me into a grub shell if I messed up the kernel though, right?
2019-10-01T13:40:04 #kisslinux because right now I'm not even getting to grub
2019-10-01T13:40:28 #kisslinux The kernel will panic and you'll have to run kiss-chroot from whatever live-cd you used.
2019-10-01T13:40:39 #kisslinux If you're not even getting to grub that isn't a kernel issue.
2019-10-01T13:51:16 #kisslinux Attempted to use boot-repair but that doesn't change anything either. Guess I'm too much of a noob for KISS
2019-10-01T13:52:07 #kisslinux don't give up!
2019-10-01T13:52:11 #kisslinux ^^
2019-10-01T13:52:18 #kisslinux Did you make an fstab?
2019-10-01T13:52:25 #kisslinux (altho i'm still using easy-mode Alpine :P)
2019-10-01T13:53:08 #kisslinux Also if you don't change the names of the vmlinuz and System.map files then grub wont recognzie it in the install
2019-10-01T13:53:55 #kisslinux like appending the version number of your kernel to the end of each. Adding it and redoing mkconfig or whatever fixed it for me
2019-10-01T13:55:32 #kisslinux oha. the package manager has more colour now
2019-10-01T13:57:52 #kisslinux xenone: Yea I've done the name changes.
2019-10-01T13:58:01 #kisslinux do I need an fstab for grub to boot?
2019-10-01T13:59:03 #kisslinux I personally don't have one.
2019-10-01T13:59:28 #kisslinux It depends on your partitioning scheme and layout.
2019-10-01T13:59:35 #kisslinux unternet: Like it?
2019-10-01T14:01:09 #kisslinux I did the most basic you could do: a single /dev/sda1 with all the linux stuff and a small /dev/sda2 as swap
2019-10-01T14:01:59 #kisslinux dylanaraps: i'm not sure what the significance is. programs and their dependencies share a colour?
2019-10-01T14:02:43 #kisslinux They're colored by the length of their names.
2019-10-01T14:02:48 #kisslinux Xyliton: swap? who needs swap. i like to live dangerously
2019-10-01T14:02:55 #kisslinux I don't use swap either.
2019-10-01T14:03:12 #kisslinux clang Build failed. hmm. maybe swap...
2019-10-01T14:03:22 #kisslinux Did you update LLVM first?
2019-10-01T14:03:41 #kisslinux LLVM 9.0.0 -> Clang 9.0.0
2019-10-01T14:03:44 #kisslinux just kiss u
2019-10-01T14:03:55 #kisslinux LLVM 8.X.X -> Clang 9.0.0 won't work.
2019-10-01T14:04:03 #kisslinux https://getkiss.org/news/20190927a/
2019-10-01T14:04:50 #kisslinux would be good if the package manager detects these dependencies and puts them in the correct order when doing kiss u
2019-10-01T14:05:26 #kisslinux well yea okay, but I don't get why grub refuses to load
2019-10-01T14:05:39 #kisslinux this is in a qemu/kvm based VM, running SeaBIOS
2019-10-01T14:06:25 #kisslinux unternet: This would require more complexity in the package format, system and manager.
2019-10-01T14:06:38 #kisslinux Manual intervention every now and then is fine in my eyes.
2019-10-01T14:07:03 #kisslinux I'd much rather these important upgrades be handled manually by the user.
2019-10-01T14:07:52 #kisslinux hm. that works for an extremely slim setup, I suppose
2019-10-01T14:08:12 #kisslinux Meaning?
2019-10-01T14:08:44 #kisslinux Nothing forces you to upgrade right away either. You can mask the updates for however long you desire.
2019-10-01T14:09:48 #kisslinux just guessing that if I ever got this to work on hardware, for productive use, with X and all and I wanted to update something complex, it'd be tedious to keep track of the order of dependencies manually
2019-10-01T14:10:21 #kisslinux Not really. You're describing my exact setup.
2019-10-01T14:11:19 #kisslinux To see if anything needs a rebuild (look for runtime dependencies (no appended make)): 'kiss-revdepends pkg' (from github.com/kisslinux/kiss-utils)
2019-10-01T14:11:33 #kisslinux then again, i guess backtracking works too
2019-10-01T14:12:49 #kisslinux My news posts will always list the orders of 'kiss' commands and 'kiss' will still pull in any needed dependencies. There's just no automatic handling through 'kiss u'.
2019-10-01T14:59:43 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Small change, but could you make 'kiss s' case insensitive? -name = -iname
2019-10-01T15:01:46 #kisslinux for all the libX* pkgs
2019-10-01T15:07:44 #kisslinux That's a great idea.
2019-10-01T15:07:46 #kisslinux Will do.
2019-10-01T15:12:32 #kisslinux :) Also, is is possible to list all files matching libX* instead of only the first match?
2019-10-01T15:13:16 #kisslinux hey hey
2019-10-01T15:13:40 #kisslinux hi
2019-10-01T15:14:54 #kisslinux orty: I need to go for an hour or so, can you open an issue on GitHub so I don't forget?
2019-10-01T15:15:18 #kisslinux sure
2019-10-01T15:16:51 #kisslinux Maybe you could use tsort in kiss u for dependency ordering with not too much added complexity?
2019-10-01T15:47:10 #kisslinux E5sten: The package manager has proper dependency ordering already.
2019-10-01T15:47:49 #kisslinux This is about the package manager being "smart" enough to know that a major version bump in package a requires a rebuild of packages b and c.
2019-10-01T16:41:49 #kisslinux Ah, gotcha
2019-10-01T16:49:33 #kisslinux wouldn't it be enough already, if kiss continues building the next package after the one before fails? that way you'd just run it 3 times and all is build.
2019-10-01T16:51:34 #kisslinux (but I agree that manual intervention now and then is a good thing)
2019-10-01T16:51:42 #kisslinux That sounds very fragile and error prone.
2019-10-01T16:51:58 #kisslinux What if the build works despite the major version bump?
2019-10-01T16:52:44 #kisslinux What if building clang 9.0.0 worked with LLVM 8.0.0 and you then built LLVM 9.0.0 afterwards? You'd end up with a broken Clang.
2019-10-01T16:53:15 #kisslinux Checking for news entries and following the instructions is a far better solution.
2019-10-01T16:55:32 #kisslinux you're probably right, but I feel uneasy with the fact that a linux distro with a philosophy like yours relies on one blog
2019-10-01T16:56:34 #kisslinux Arch Linux post news updates when manual intervention is needed too.
2019-10-01T16:56:42 #kisslinux I don't see how this is different?
2019-10-01T16:56:58 #kisslinux I don't know about arch
2019-10-01T16:57:02 #kisslinux I don't understand what you're saying at all really.
2019-10-01T16:58:14 #kisslinux Why does KISS' philosophy paired with the blog make you feel uneasy?
2019-10-01T16:58:37 #kisslinux See: https://www.archlinux.org/news/
2019-10-01T17:01:02 #kisslinux i'm failing to build and articulate logical argument out of a gut feeling, but don't worry about it. it'll be a long time until KISS can be of practical use to me (because I'm too noob for it), and until then my comments are unqualified at best
2019-10-01T17:29:58 #kisslinux o/
2019-10-01T17:30:45 #kisslinux Hello
2019-10-01T17:35:41 #kisslinux Lookie what I wrote today: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible/issues/90#issuecomment-537145444
2019-10-01T17:35:51 #kisslinux RGB to HSL is pure bash arithmetic.
2019-10-01T17:36:35 #kisslinux (See the newest comment, there's a "regular" version in the OP but I'm talking about the most recent comment)
2019-10-01T17:37:21 #kisslinux huh
2019-10-01T17:37:24 #kisslinux pretty cool
2019-10-01T17:37:36 #kisslinux thats insane
2019-10-01T17:37:55 #kisslinux how do you even figure these things out!?
2019-10-01T17:38:56 #kisslinux I looked up a formula to do RGB to HSL and I adapated it to bash first.
2019-10-01T17:39:05 #kisslinux This is tricky as bash has no floating point math.
2019-10-01T17:39:16 #kisslinux So I multiply and divide by 100 to "fake" it.
2019-10-01T17:39:41 #kisslinux You do lose on precision but it's fine for this use-case.
2019-10-01T17:40:14 #kisslinux Then it's basic chaining of arithmetic statements using ',' and ternary operators for if elif else fi.
2019-10-01T17:40:23 #kisslinux jesus dude
2019-10-01T18:14:26 #kisslinux I'm tempted to write an entire program in arithmetic.
2019-10-01T18:19:10 #kisslinux Totally destroys shellcheck's parser.
2019-10-01T23:43:24 #kisslinux Hi everybody, is it allowed to ask about neofetch here, even if the topic about kisslinux? You have informed us you migrated from Discord and locked all the channels.
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