Took these photos yesterday morning a few minutes before 6am AKDT on my way to work, stopping at few spots near UAF. I used the "dawn/dusk" setting on my S5300 for all these photos, cropped a few of them, and resized them all to 1920 width for a reasonable file size.
=> twilight photo A | twilight photo A (thumbnail) | twilight photo B | twilight photo B (thumbnail) | twilight photo C | twilight photo C (thumbnail) | twilight photo D | twilight photo D (thumbnail) | twilight photo E | twilight photo E (thumbnail) | twilight photo F | twilight photo F (thumbnail)
It was a great start to my sunrise photography season. I'm thankful to the Creator for another good opportunity to enjoy these morning light shows. I think that God must enjoy making these huge, colorful brush strokes each morning, each painting a little different.
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