UNIX for Beginning Users

                        Developed by:

                               User Liaison Section, D-7131

                               Denver Office

                        [Name and Phone number deleted at authors


                        Revision Date:  September 16, 1991


A. Audience

This course is for individuals who will be using the UNIX

operating system on a Reclamation computer platform. It is

assumed that the student has a general understanding of data

processing concepts.

B. Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be

able to:

   1.     Demonstrate a knowledge of basic UNIX ideas.

   2.     Recognize the different types of files and the file


   3.     Log in and out of UNIX using an interactive terminal.

   4.     Change the password and be aware of other

          responsibilities of owning an account.

   5.     Demonstrate a knowledge of where to get help.

   6.     Use the appropriate UNIX commands to display/print  

          files, copy/move files, change file access permissions,

          create/delete directories, and change the current

          working directory.

   7.     Transfer a file to another computer platform using File

          Transfer Protocol (FTP).  Use FTP commands to do the

          following:  initialize FTP, establish connection, local

          computer commands, remote computer commands, close

          connection, exit FTP, help command, and special


   8.     Use an editor to create files, input text,

          insert/replace text, copy/move text, and exit/save


   9.     Use the mail utility to send/receive/delete messages

   10.    Use basic Annex commands to reestablish connection to a

          disconnected process.

C. Course Handout Conventions

There are several conventions used in this handout for

consistency and easier interpretation:

   1.     Samples of actual terminal sessions are single-lined


   2.     User entries are shown in bold print and are



   3.     All keyboard functions in the text will be bold.  

          (Ret)                       Backspace

          Tab                         Ctrl-F6

          Print (Shift-F7)            Go to DOS (1)

          NOTE:         (Ret) indicates the Return or Enter key

                        located above the right Shift key.

   4.     Examples of user entries not showing the computer's

          response are in dotted-lined boxes.                     

   5.     Command formats are double-lined boxed.

   6.     Three dots either in vertical or horizontal alignment

          mean continuation or that data is missing from the



� �

� �

� Multimax, Nanobus, and UMAX are trademarks of �

� Encore Computer Corporation �

� �

� �

� Annex is a trademark of XYLOGICS, Inc �

� �

� �

� UNIX and Teletype are registered trademarks of �

� AT&T Bell Laboratories �

� �

� �

� Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation �

� �

� �

� �



The UNIX operating system is a set of programs that act as a link

between the computer and the user. The programs that allocate

the system resources and coordinate all the details of the

computer's internals is called the operating system or kernel.

Users communicate with the kernel through a program known as the

shell. The shell is a command line interpreter; it translates

commands entered by the user and converts them into a language

that is understood by the kernel.

Here is a basic block diagram of a UNIX system.

                Spread Sheet  Compilers  

                Calculators       �

                     �            �

                     V            V      


             �          The Shell            �   Mail and

             �   ����������������������Ŀ    �<- Message

Inventory    �   �  UNIX system kernel  �    �   Facilities

Control  --->�   �   ��������������Ŀ   �    �

Systems      �   �   �              �   �    �<- Interpreters 

             �   �   �   Hardware   �   �    �

Formatters ->�   �   �              �   �    �<- DBMS

             �   �   �              �   �    �

Calendar     �   �   ����������������   �    �   Word

Systems ---->�   �                      �    �<- Processors

             �   ������������������������    �

Editors ---->�                               �<- FTP


The designers of UNIX used the following Maxims while writing the

new operating system.

   1.     Make each program do one thing well.  These simple

          programs would be called "tools."

   2.     Expect the output of every program to be the input to

          another program.

   3.     Don't stop building new "tools" to do a job.  The

          library of tools should keep increasing.

1.1 The UNIX System

The main concept that unites all versions of UNIX is the

following four basics:


The kernel is the heart of the operating system. It schedules

tasks and manages data storage. The user rarely interfaces with

the kernel directly. This is the memory resident portion of the

operating system.


The shell is the utility that processes your requests. When you

type in a command at your terminal, the shell interprets the

command and calls the program that you want. The shell will

support multiple users, multiple tasks, and multiple interfaces

to itself. The shell uses standard syntax for all commands.

There are two popular shells currently available, the BourneShell

(standard System V UNIX) and the CShell (BSD UNIX). Because

separate users can use different shells at the same time, the

system can appear different to different users. There is another

shell known as the KornShell (named after its designer), which is

popular with programmers. This ability to provide a customized

user interface is one of the most powerful features of UNIX.

Commands and Utilities

Separate utilities can be easily combined to customize function

and output. They are flexible, adaptable, portable, and modular.

They use pipes and filters. There are over 200 standard commands

plus numerous others provided through 3rd party software.

Files and Directories

The directory system supports a multilevel hierarchy. Files and

directories have access protection. Files and directories are

accessed through pathnames. Files support multiple name links.

Removable filesystems are also supported.

1.2 File Structure

All data in UNIX is organized into files. All files are

organized into directories. These directories are organized into

a tree-like structure called the filesystem. The following

diagram describes the top level organization of the UNIX





� � � � � � �

bin dev etc lib tmp usr users

These directories, in turn, are also organized hierarchically.

For example:



    �                  �                       �

   dev                etc                     usr             

    �                  �                       �

������Ŀ           ������Ŀ        �����������������������Ŀ

�      �           �      �        �        �              �

dsk rmt init.d rc0.d mail adm spool


                                        �       �         

                                      acct     sa

In this example, dev, etc, usr, and adm are directories.

Directories contain other files or directories. Plain files

contain text or binary data and contain no information about

other files or directories.

Users can make use of this same structure to organize their


For example:



    �                �             �        

   bin             users          dev


       �                             �      

    bsmith                         sjones          

       �                             �      

 ����������Ŀ             �������������������������Ŀ 

 �          �             �              �          �

memos progs physics chem history

 �          �             �              �          �  

�����Ŀ ������Ŀ ������Ŀ �����Ŀ ���Ŀ

� � � � � � � � � �

mfg eng c f77 mods calcs forms notes loc anc

Every file has a name. A filename is composed of one to fourteen

characters. Although you can use almost any character in a

filename, you will avoid confusion if you choose characters from

the following list.

   1.     upper case letters [A-Z]

   2.     lower case letters [a-z]

   3.     numbers [0-9]

   4.     underscore [_]

   5.     period [.]

   6.     comma [,]      

The only exception is the root directory, which always uses the

symbol /. No other directory or file can use this symbol.

Like children of one parent, no two files in the same directory

can have the same name. Files in different directories, like

children of different parents, can have the same name.

The filenames you choose should mean something. Too often, a

directory is filled with important files with names like foobar,

wombat, and junk. A meaningless name won't help you recall the

contents of a file. Use filenames that are descriptive of the


1.3 UNIX System Files

In order for you to have a basic understanding of the contents of

some of the system directories, here is a partial list of those

directories and what files they contain:

/bin This is where the executable files are located.

                 They are available to all user.

/dev These are device drivers.

/etc Supervisor directory commands, configuration

                 files, disk configuration files, reboot files,

                 valid user lists, groups, ethernet, hosts, where

                 to send critical messages.

/lib compiler libraries

/tmp scratch processes, editors, compilers, and


/bsd Berkeley commands

/mnt empty, used for disks

/stand boot information

/lost+found orphans go here (look here after system crash)

/unix* executable, bootable kernel

This is not an exhaustive list of directories that contain system

information but it is intended to remove some of the mystery

behind these directories and the types of files they contain.

1.4 Command Line Syntax

Users enter commands at the shell prompt. The default

BourneShell prompt is the dollar sign ($). In general, the shell

expects to see the following syntax:


� Command Format: command options arguments �


Command - This is the UNIX command. Sometimes the command

                 is representative of the function.  For example,

                 the command to list the contents of a directory is

                 ls.  The first and third letters of the word

                 "list" are used.  Unfortunately, this is not

                 always the case.

Options - These are also known as flags. The common form



                 where A is the abbreviation of the optional

                 function of the command.  For example, the command

                 ls lists the contents of a directory, while the

                 command ls -l provides a long listing and ls -C

                 provides output in columns.  Several options can

                 be combined following one '-'; for example -CF, or

                 they can be entered separately as -C -F.

Arguments - These can be file names, user names, or qualifiers

                 to the command or one of its options.



. $ls -CF sjones .


The UNIX command is ls list contents of directory the dash (-)

indicates the options.

 C  =     Multiple-column output with entries sorted down the


 F  =     Put a slash (/) after each filename if that file is a

          directory and put an asterisk (*) after each filename

          that is executable.

sjones = name of the directory to list (it can be a

      relative or absolute pathname)



. $diff memo1 memo2 .


diff - differential file comparator command

memo1 - filename argument

memo2 - filename argument

This command will tell what lines must be changed in two files to

bring them into agreement.

Here is another example that doesn't fit the general syntax for

UNIX commands.



. $find . -atime +7 -print .


find - find files

. - the current working directory

-atime - True if the file has been accessed in n days (n is

                 the +7)

-print - always true; causes the current path name to be


So, this command will give a listing of all files in your current

working directory that have been accessed in the past seven days.

Some commands have several options and/or arguments; while

others, like passwd and mail, are interactive and will prompt the

user for additional input.

1.5 Correcting Mistakes

Because the shell and most other utilities do not interpret the

command line (or other text) until you press the (Ret) key, you

can correct typing mistakes before you press (Ret). There are

two ways to correct typing mistakes. You can erase one character

at a time, or you can back up to the beginning of the command

line in one step. After you press (Ret), it is too late to make

a correction.

1.5.1 Erasing Characters

When entering characters from the keyboard, you can backspace up

to and over a mistake by pressing the erase key (#) one time for

each character you wish to delete. The # will appear on the

screen, and the character preceding it will be discounted.



. $ls phajne#y .


In this example, the e will be ignored and ls phajny is sent to

the Multimax. Multiple typos can be erased; simply press one #

for each character to be erased. The erase key will back up as

many characters as you wish, but it will not back up past the

beginning of the line.

1.5.2 Deleting an Entire Line

You can delete an entire line you are entering any time before

you press (Ret) by pressing the kill key (@). When you press the

@ (kill key), the cursor moves down to the next line and all the

way to the left. The shell doesn't give you another prompt, but

it is as though the cursor is following a prompt. The operating

system does not remove the line with the mistake but instead

ignores it. Now enter the command (or text) again from the


1.5.3 Aborting Program Execution

Sometimes you may want to terminate a running program. UNIX

might be performing a listing that is too long to display on your

screen or for some other reason you want to terminate execution.

To terminate program execution press the Delete key. The

operating system sends a terminal interrupt signal to the shell.

When the shell receives this signal, it displays a prompt and

waits for another command.

1.5.4 Controlling Output to the Screen

There are several ways to control the flow of characters to the

screen as a result of executing a command. Such as:

Ctrl-S - This keyboard function command will suspend

                        the flow of characters to the screen as the

                        result of executing a command.  The screen

                        will not continue until the keyboard function

                        to resume output is given.

Ctrl-Q - This keyboard function command will resume

                        the output to the screen.

Hold Screen - If your terminal has this key (i.e. VT200),

                        you can press it once to stop output to the

                        screen.  To resume output to the screen,

                        press the key again.


Each BOR Multimax 310 has four 15 Megahertz National

Semiconductor 32-bit processors with 64 kilobytes of cache memory

rated at 2 million instructions per second (MIPS) for a total of

8 MIPS. The main memory consists of 32 megabytes (million bytes).

There can be a maximum of 14 disk drives. Each drive has a

capacity of 600 megabytes for a total capacity of 8.4 gigabytes

(a gigabyte is one thousand million bytes)

Connection to the Multimax is accomplished through one of several

methods. Access is made through TCP/IP based Annex terminal

servers. The two Annex II servers have 32 ports each and the

Annex I has 16 ports. The Annex II servers will allow up to 64

users access to the two Multimax computers. The Annex I is used

for access to the on-line printers. CDCnet and TELNET are other

ways to gain access to the Multimaxes.

Printouts are handled on a 600-line-per-minute line printer and a

10-page-per-minute laser printer. Each Multimax has a hardcopy

terminal and a CRT to serve as an operator console. There are two

tape drives capable of 1600 or 6250 bits per inch (bpi) on each

system. There is also a cassette tape drive.

Software available are FORTRAN, COBOL, C, and UNISOL (an

accounting package). The database management system is INGRES by

Relational Technology, Inc. PROCOMM+ will be the communication

interface with IBM PC's and compatibles. The operating system for

the Multimax is UMAX V. UMAX V is the name for the Encore

implementation of UNIX System V.

1.6 Logging on the Annex

This sample session shows how the login process is displayed on

the terminal screen and is uniform for all users. To bring the

standard menu onto the screen, press the Space Bar. If you are

using a PC, first start PROCOMM+. Then when you are in the

Terminal-Mode Screen, press the Space Bar; and the MICOM menu

will appear.

NOTE: Login procedures from the regions are included in the

          back of this manual

Sample Session:




� �


� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �




� �




� �


� �


MAX is the resource name you must enter to be connected to the

Annex, which is the Multimax front end processor. Some MICOM

menus might not have the MAX selection; in this case, enter MAX

to select the Annex. This is the same as if the menu showed the


After entering MAX you will see something similar to the


Sample Session:


� CONNECTED TO 06/011 �


This indicates that you are connected to the port selector. Wait

two seconds, press (Ret) twice, and the annex prompt will appear

after a warning message.

Sample Session:


� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: �


1.7 Logging on the Multimax

To establish a connection between the Annex and the Multimax

enter the following command at the Annex prompt:


� Command Format: rlogin

� �

� host - name of the Multimax �


The Denver Multimaxes have been assigned the names domax0 and

domax1. The names stand for the Denver Office Multimax System 0

and 1. The domax0 is used for production of Bureau-wide

applications. The domax1 is used for training and application

development and it is the one to use for exercises associated

with this course.

To enter domax1 type:

Sample Session:


� annex:rlogin domax1 �




� annex:r domax1 �


NOTE: Abbreviations are allowed for the Annex commands, the

          only requirement is to type in enough characters to

          make it unique.

When the Annex has opened communications with the selected host,

the following prompt will appear:

Sample Session:


� login: �


To connect with the host, enter your login name at the prompt.

Your login name is assigned to you by the system administrator

and typically will be your first initial and last name, all one

word with no spaces. Only 8 characters are allowed for the

username so extra letters will be truncated.

Sample Session:


� login:rharding �


Once the login name has been accepted, the next prompt will be

for the password. The following prompt will appear on the


Sample Session:


� Password: �


Enter your password. For security reasons, the host will not

display your password as you type it.

Sample Session:


� Password: secret �


Once you have entered the correct password. The login procedure

will continue and the following will appear on the monitor


Sample Session:


� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� $ �


At this point you are successfully signed on to the Multimax.

The dollar sign ($) is the default prompt for the BourneShell.

1.8 Logging Off the Multimax

At the shell prompt $, you can logout of the Multimax using one

of the following methods:

   1.     Enter the keyboard function command Ctrl-D.

   2.     Type the UNIX command exit.

Once you have entered the command to logout the following will

appear on the screen:

Sample Session:


� $exit �

� CLI: Connection closed. �

� annex: �


Once you are back at the Annex prompt, you can establish another

connection or logout of the Annex.

1.9 Logging Off the Annex

When the Annex prompt (annex:) appears, you can enter the command

to logout of the Annex. The command to logout of the Annex is as



� Command Format: hangup �


There is a 60 minute inactivity timeout programmed into the

Annex; however, it is a waste of resources if you don't enter

hangup. When you are finished with your session, be sure to enter

hangup at the annex: prompt.

If you don't type anything for 60 minutes, the Annex will log you

out of the system and display the following message:

Sample Session:


� *** Annex Port Reset Due to Inactivity Timeout *** �

� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter �



When the hangup command has been entered, the following will

appear on the screen:

Sample Session:


� annex: hangup �

� �

� Resetting line and disconnecting. �

� �

� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics �

� annex: �



1.10 Changing the Password

The following command will change the password.


� Command Format: passwd �


You will be prompted to enter the existing password (this

question is skipped if you don't have a password). Next you will

be prompted to enter the new password. You will then be asked to

enter the new password again. This will verify that you have not

made a typographical error. If the two entries are the same, the

password will be changed. The new password must meet the

following criteria:

   NOTE: Some of these items are configurable by the system

   administrator and these reflect the settings for the Denver

   Multimax only.

   1.     Each password must have at least six characters.  Only

          the first eight characters are significant.

   2.     Each password must contain at least two alphabetic

          characters and at least one numeric or special

          character.  Alphabetic characters can be upper or lower


   3.     Each password must differ from the login name and

          any reverse or circular shift of that login name. 

          For comparison purposes, an upper case letter and

          its corresponding lower case letter are


   4.     A new password must differ from the old by at

          least three characters.  For comparison purposes,

          an upper case letter and its corresponding lower

          case character are equivalent.

Passwords on the Multimax have a thirteen-week expiration period.

At the end of the thirteen weeks, you will be required to change

your password. Once you have changed the password, you cannot

change it again for two weeks. This prevents you from

immediately changing back to the old password and eliminates a

possible security violation. If you try to change the password

before two weeks have passed since the last change, a warning

message will be displayed.

Sample Session:


� $passwd �

� Changing password for teacher �

� Old password: secret �

� Sorry: < 2 weeks since the last change �

� $ �


NOTE: This is about as friendly as UMAX will ever get.

Try to choose a password that is not easy for someone else to

guess. The increasing number of computer crimes involving thefts

all point to a need for protecting the system from unauthorized

access. Do not use words like your birthdate, telephone number,

spouse's name, child's name, etc. for passwords. Although you

may think passwords are an unnecessary nuisance, they are an

important way to strengthen the security of the computer system.

1.11 On-line Manual

The major source of on-line help is in the form of documentation

known as the on-line manual pages. The pages are divided into

eight sections. Section 1 contains entries for UMAX user

commands; the other sections describe administrative tools,

library functions, games, and internal system structure and


To gain access to the on-line manual pages enter the following



� Command Format: man

� �

� command - the UNIX command you want information about �


NOTE: The name 'man' stands for manual.



. $man ls .


This command will display the on-line manual pages for the ls


The on-line manual pages entry begins with the command name and a

one line summary followed by a synopsis of the command line

syntax. Optional flags and arguments are enclosed by square

brackets []. A detailed description of the command and all of

its options and arguments follow the synopsis. The description

can include helpful examples. At the conclusion of the entry,

related files and commands are listed.

NOTE: Most on-line manual pages will fill more than one

          screen.  Be sure to control the output to your screen.

1.12 who and finger Commands

Once you have logged onto the Multimax, you can find out who is

logged on the system with the following commands:


� Command Format: who [options] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �


The default output (no options) of the who command lists the

user's login name, terminal line, and the time that the user

logged in.

Sample Session:


� $who �

� jwheeler ttyp0 Aug 15 10:26 �

� mvlsdba rt02190 Aug 15 09:25 �

� teacher rt020b0 Aug 15 11:07 �

� eholderf rt021c0 Aug 15 11:03 �

� dbowman rt01150 Aug 15 08:58 �

� $ �


Options will display other information about the users that are

currently logged onto the system. Some items available are the

amount of time that has elapsed since activity occurred on that

line, the process identifier (PID) of the login process,

comments, and exit information.

A UNIX command that provides a little more information about

users that are logged in the system is the finger command.


� Command Format: finger [options] [user1] �

� �

� options - see on line manual for complete list �

� �

� user1 - login name �


The finger command with no options will list the login name, full

name, terminal name, write status (an asterisk (*) before the

terminal name indicates that write permission is denied), idle

time, login time, office location, and phone number (if known)

for each user that is currently logged in the system.

Sample Session:


� $finger �

� Login Name TTY Idle When Office �

� Jwheeler Jim Wheeler ttyp0 16 Wed 10:26 MP �

� mvlsdba Motor Veh Lic rt02190 16 Wed 09:25 d7160 �

� teacher Teacher Acct *rt020b0 Wed 11:07 �

� eholderf Eileen Holder rt021c0 1 Wed 11:03 �

� dbowman Dale Bowman rt01150 Wed 08:58 �

� $ �


Workshop 1

This workshop will reinforce your understanding of the ideas

presented in Chapter 1. Each student is to complete the entire



  1. What two organizations first developed UNIX?

  1. In what high level programming language is UNIX written?

  1. What are some characteristics of UNIX?

  1. What is Encore Computer Corporations implementation of UNIX


  1. What part of UNIX controls the details of the computer's

   internal operations?

  1. What part of UNIX allows the user to communicate with the


                              Continue on the next page

  1. What is the name of the tree-like structure under which all

   data is stored?

  1. What is the name of the highest level directory?

  1. What symbol represents the highest level directory?

  1. What is the general syntax of a UNIX command?

  1. What is the most common form for listing options on a

   command line? 

  1. What character would you use to erase a character on the

   command line?

  1. What character terminates the execution of a command?

  1. What is the default BourneShell prompt?

  1. How can you control the flow of output to your monitor


  1. What annex command is entered to make a connection to the


  1. What is the UNIX command to change the password?

  1. How long is your password valid?

  1. How long do you have to wait before changing your password

   again?  Why?

  1. What UNIX command is used to logout of the Multimax?

  1. What is the command to logout of the annex?


  1. Login to the Multimax  

   a.     What did you notice when you entered the password?

   b.     Can you see the password as you enter it?

   c.     What happens if you make a mistake while entering the


  1. What do you see once you have logged in?  Write it here.

  1. Enter the command which displays the man pages for the man

   command.  (Don't forget to control output to the screen.) 

   The first section is titled "NAME," what are the titles of

   the other sections?

  1. What are the options for the man command?

  1. Enter the command to find out who (hint) is logged into the


  1. What command will give you more information about the

   current users?  Try it.

  1. Logout of the Multimax and the Annex.

  1. FILES

In UNIX, all data is organized in files. An ordinary file is a

memo, source code program or shell script. A shell script or

program source code can be viewed or edited from your terminal.

Other files contain binary data, like programs for the kernel;

these files cannot be viewed or edited on the terminal.

Peripheral devices such as disks, tape drives, printers, and

terminals are also assigned file names. Device files are

considered to be special files. They have 'special'

characteristics. Although input and output can be redirected to

and from a special file, do not attempt to display the contents

of a special file on your terminal.

3.1 File Access Modes

File access modes are the protections that can be assigned to

files. This protection can protect your files from unauthorized

reading or writing. You can even protect your files from

yourself (you can prevent accidental deletion).

There are three access modes for files:

   r (read) read, examine, copy data in a file

   w (write) modify, delete a file

   x (execute) use the file as a command

Users with access to a file fall into one of three groups:

   u (user) the file's owner 

   g (group) users in the same group

   o (other) everybody else

The first output field of the ls -l command is a ten character

field. Characters two through ten describe the file access

modes. A typical access mode listing looks like:


Of the nine columns, the first three describe modes for the

file's owner, the next three for his group, and the last three

for everyone else. Within each group of three, the first column

describes read access mode, the second write, and the third

execute. A letter in a column indicates access granted, a dash

(-) indicates access denied.

Using the previous example, the user has r (read), w (write), and

x (execute) permissions. Members of the user's logical group can

read (r) or execute (x). Everyone else has read (r) and execute

(x) permissions, too. The effect of these permissions is that

the file's owner is the only one who can modify the file; but

everyone can examine, copy, or execute the file.

To change access modes on a file or directory, use the chmod



� Command Format: chmod <file1[filen]> �

� �

� access - access permissions �

� file1[filen] - one or more files to change permissions �


Access can be expressed in either of two forms:

   -      with letters: [ugo] [+-=] [rwx]

   -      with numbers: [0-7] [0-7] [0-7]

Let's look at the method of changing the file permissions with

letters. The letters u, g, and o represent user, group, and

others, respectively. The + (plus) sign means to add the

permission and the - (minus) sign means to remove the permission.

The = (equal) sign means to set the permissions as shown. Of

course, r,w, and x are read, write, and execute.

If, for illustration purposes, we created a file named file1 that

had the following permissions:


and you want to give yourself (user) execute permission and take

away others' (others' here means group and everyone else) write


Sample Session:


� $chmod u+x,g-w,o-w file1 �

� $ �


Now if we use the ls -la command, and look at the file

permissions for file1, they will look like this:


If you want to set several protections at once use the equal

sign. The following example will set the permissions for the

user to read and execute.

Sample session:


� $chmod u=rx file1 �

� $ �


The second method of changing the permissions is to use the octal

digits (0-7). The octal digits 0 through 7 are represented in

binary in the following manner.

          Octal                Binary    Corresponds to permissions

           0                   000                  ---

           1                   001                  --x

           2                   010                  -w-

           3                   011                  -wx

           4                   100                  r--

           5                   101                  r-x

           6                   110                  rw-

           7                   111                  rwx

Notice that every time a one digit (1) occurs in the binary

number the corresponding permissions are also set. Every time a

zero (0) occurs, the corresponding permission is denied. So to

change the file permissions in the previous example, this is the

command to enter:

Sample Session:


� $chmod 755 file1 �

� $ �


The first octal digit assigns user permissions of read, write and

execute. The second digit assigns the group permission to read

and execute. The last digit sets the others permission to read

and execute too.

3.2 Listing Contents of Directories

The ls command is used to display file names and their

characteristics. Since file names are stored in directories, ls

actually reads directory files. Executing ls with no flags or

arguments simply lists the names of the files that exist in your

current working directory. The initialization files will not be



� Command Format: ls [options] [dir1[dirn]] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� dir1[dirn] - one or more directory names �


The -a flag will cause the hidden (initialization) and all other

filenames to be displayed.

The -C flag causes the output to be changed from single-column to

multi-column display.

The -F flag adds a character to the end of each displayed


   /      indicates a directory

   *      indicates the file is executable.

blank indicates a plain or ordinary file

The -l flag causes detailed information to be printed for files

in the directory. This information includes:

   file type (directory, block special, character special,

            fifo special, symbolic link, or ordinary file)

   access modes

   number of links


 group affiliation

   size in bytes

   date and time of last modification


Without a filename argument, ls displays information about the

current working directory. The output is automatically sorted

alphabetically by default.



. $ls .


The following example provides a long listing of the current

working directory.



. $ls -l .


This example shows the ls command with no arguments so it uses

the default, the current working directory. The argument could

be a relative or absolute directory name.

Sample session:


� $ls -la �

� total 975 �

� drwxrwxr-x 4 teacher class 2048 Jul 16 17.56 . �

� drwxr-xr-x 60 root 1536 Jul 13 14:18 .. �

� -rwx------ 1 teacher class 4210 May 1 08:27 .profile �

� -rwxr-xr-x 1 teacher class 1948 May 12 13:42 memo �

� $ �


3.3 File Classifications

The file command will classify files according to their contents.


� Command Format: file [options] <file1[filen]> �

� �

� file1[filen] - one or more filenames to analyze �


A few of the classifications that the file command displays are

shown below. The results of using the file command are not

always correct.

   English text

   ascii text

   c program text

   cannot stat

   commands text





Sample Session:


� $file speople �

� speople: commands text �

� $file test �

� test: directory �

� $file mail �

� mail: data �

� $ �


By convention, files beginning with a dot (.) are called

initialization files or 'hidden files'. These files describe

your environment to the shell. They are sometimes called 'dot


By convention, files that end with:

            .c   are C source code programs

            .f   are Fortran source code programs

            .o   are object programs

            .a   are archive files

3.4 Displaying Files

The cat command displays the contents of a file. The command cat

is an abbreviation for catenate. This command will read each file

in sequence and write it to the monitor screen.


� Command Format: cat [options] [file1[filen]] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� file1[filen] - one or more file names �


If no filename is given, or the argument - is encountered, cat

reads from standard input.

Sample session:


. $cat .


This is the simpliest example but not very exciting. The cat

command will get its input from the keyboard. Everything that is

typed will be displayed on the monitor.

If an argument is given to the cat command that file will be

displayed on the monitor.

Sample session:


� $cat main.c �

� main () �

� { �

� printf ("hello from main!\n\n"); �

� printf ("calling function1!\n\n"); �

� funct1(); �

� printf ("back from function1!\n\n"); �

� printf ("calling function2!\n\n"); �

� funct2(); �

� printf ("that's it!\n\n"); �

� } �

� $ �


Several files can be displayed on the monitor one after the other

by separating the filenames with a space.

Sample session:


� $cat main.c main.f �

� main () �

� { �

� printf ("hello from main!\n\n"); �

� printf ("calling function1!\n\n"); �

� funct1(); �

� printf ("back from function1!\n\n"); �

� printf ("calling function2!\n\n"); �

� funct2(); �

� printf ("that's it!\n\n"); �

� } �

� program calling �

� write(6,100) �

� 100 format('Hello from main!',/) �

� write(6,110) �

� 110 format(' Calling subroutine1!',/) �

� call sub1 �

� write(6,120) �

� 120 format(t15' Back from subroutine1!',/) �

� write(6,130) �

� 130 format(' Calling subroutine2!',/) �

� call sub2 �

� write(6,140) �

� 140 format(t15' Back from subroutine2!',/) �

� write(6,150) �

� 150 format(' Thats all, folks!') �

� end �

� $ �


If the file contains more lines than can be displayed on the

screen the display will continue to scroll until the last line

has been displayed then the prompt will be redisplayed. This can

be a problem if you intend to read the text. Be prepared to stop

the screen so it can be read.

The pg command displays the contents of a file one screen at a

time. It allows the user to perform string searches and to

scroll backwards.


� Command Format: pg [options] [file1[filen]] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� file1[filen] - one or more files to paginate �

� �


Sample session:


� �

� $pg memo �

� What's Happening �

� by Pam Hajny �

� Denver Office �

� �

� With IRM Training: �

� �

. A Reclamation-wide workshop was held in early October to .

. .

. .

� three groups; CYBER, VAX, and other (PC/LAN, scientific, �

� : �

� �


Twenty three lines of the file will appear and the : (colon)

prompt will appear on the last line. To have the next twenty

three line of the file appear, simply press (Ret). If you don't

want to see anymore of the file, enter a q (for quit) and the

shell prompt will be redisplayed.

The following UNIX command is useful for viewing the end of a

file without having to display the entire file.


� Command Format: tail [options] [file1] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� file1 - the file to display, if none is given use �

� standard input �


The tail command displays the last 10 lines of file by default.

The tail command accepts a -N flag to display the last N lines.

Sample Session:


� $tail memo �

� data communication between the ASC IBM and other Reclamation computers. �

� Asynchronous communication can be accomplished with the same terminals �

� we use for other computer tasks, over the same lines and through the MICOM �

� port selectors. Currently, host-to-host communications is accomplished �

� over a line between the IBM and the CYBERs. The software that supports �

� this communication is called NJEF. Although the capability has been there �

� for some time, we have recently been working with ASC personnel to �

� improve its reliability and accessibility. For CYBER users, there is �

� an NJEF Users' Guide available which can be requested through the Hotline �

� (303) 236-4567. �

� $ �


3.5 Removing Files

The rm command will remove the entries for one or more files from

a directory. If an entry was the last link to the file, the file

will be destroyed. Removal of a file requires write permission

to the directory itself, but neither read nor write permission to

the file itself. The format for the rm command is:


� Command Format: rm [options] <file1[filen]> �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� file1[filen] - one or more files to remove �


Sample session:


� $ls �

� memo �

� tdata �

� subdir �

� $rm memo �

� $ls �

� tdata �

� subdir �

� $ �


The file memo has been deleted from the current working


Multiple files can be deleted by separating the filenames with a


Sample session:


� $ls �

� memo �

� tdata �

� subdir �

� $rm memo tdata �

� $ls �

� subdir �

� $ �


3.6 Printing Files

The lp command routes a file to a printer.


� Command Format: lp [-d] [-n] [file1[filen]] �

� �

� dest - destination (default set by administrator) �

� �

� number - number of copies (default is 1) �

� �

� file1[filen] - one or more files to be printed �


If no file name is mentioned the standard input is assumed. The

filename dash (-) stands for standard input and may be supplied

in conjunction with named files. The order in which the

filenames appear is the order in which they will be printed.

The printers in Denver have the following destination names:

   Mannesman 910 laser printer - mtlzr

   Mannesman 600 line printer  - mt_600  (Denver default)

If no specific printer is given the default printer will be

selected. The following example will print one copy (default) of

the file called test_285 to the line printer (default).

Sample session:


� $lp test_285 �

� request id is mt_600-1271 (1 file) �

� $ �


It is possible to specify the printer as shown in the following

example. In this case, we specified the default printer.

Sample Session:


� $lp -dmt_600 test_286 �

� request id is mt_600-1272 (1 file) �

� $ �


To print two copies of a file called test_287 on the laser

printer in Building 53 in Denver, enter the following command:

Sample Session:


� $lp -dmtlzr -n2 test_287 �

� request id is mtlzr-1273 (1 file) �

� $ �


3.7 Print Status

The lpstat command will print information about the current

status of the printer system.


� Command Format: lpstat [options] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �


If no options are given, the lpstat command will print the status

of all requests made to lp by the user.

Sample Session:


� $lpstat �

� mtlzr-1274 teacher 22560 Jul 16 09:05 on mtlzr �

� $ �


The first field is the remote id of the print job. The username

is next and the size (in bytes) of the print file. The date and

time are next and finally the name of the printer.

One of the options available is -t. This option will print all

of the printer status information.

Sample Session:


� $lpstat -t �

� scheduler is running �

� system default destination: mt_600 �

� device for mt_600: /dev/rlp000 �

� device for mtlzr: /dev/rt0002 �

� mt_600 accepting requests since Sep 19 16:09 �

� mtlzr accepting requests since Sep 19 16:43 �

� printer mt_600 is idle. enabled since Jul 3 16:52 �

� printer mtlzr is idle. enabled since Jul 3 16:51 �

� $ �


This is an example of the kinds of information available from the

lpstat command.

3.8 Canceling Print Jobs

The cancel command will cancel printer requests made by the lp

command. The command line arguments can be either request id's

(these are returned by the lp command) or the printer name. If

you specify the request id, the cancel command will stop the job

even if it is currently printing. If you specify the printer

name, the job currently being printed will be canceled. In

either case, the cancellation of a request that is currently

printing will free the printer to print the next request.


� Command Format: cancel <[ids] [printer]> �

� �

� ids - request ids (returned by lp command) �

� �

� printer - printer name �


Sample Session:


� $lp -dmt_600 contest �

� request id is mt_600-1280 (1 file) �

� $cancel mt_600-1280 �

� request "mt_600-1280" canceled �

� $ �


3.9 Copying Files

A user may make a copy of a file if he has read access to that

file. The cp command can be used to copy the contents of one

file to another.


� Command Format: cp <file1[filen]>

� �

� file1[filen] - one or more source files �

� �

� target - file or dirname �

� �

� file1 and target cannot be the same and �

� if the target is a file its' contents are �

� destroyed. �

� �

� If target is a directory, then the contents �

� of the source file(s) is copied to that �

� directory. �

� �


Sample Session:


� $cp contest memo �

� $ �


This will cause a copy of the file contest to be made into a file

named memo. If memo doesn't exist, it will be created. If it

already exists, it will be written over. The cp command is

nondestructive; that means that the source file will remain


The cp command can also be used to copy several files into

another directory.

Sample Session:


� $cp file1 file2 /user0/teacher �

� $ �


A copy of file1 and file2 has been sent to the directory (in this

case, the target directory) /user0/teacher. The user of cp will

own the newly copied files.

3.10 Moving Files

A user may move a file only if he has write access to that file.

The mv (move) command can be used to rename one file.


� Command Format: mv <file1[filen]>

� �

� file1[filen] - one or more source files �

� �

� target - file or dirname �

� �

� file1 and target cannot be the same and �

� if the target is a file its' contents are �

� destroyed. �

� �

� If target is a directory, then the contents �

� of the source file(s) are moved to that �

� directory. �

� �


Sample Session:


� $mv contest memo �

� $ �


This will have the effect of changing the name of the file

contest into memo. The permissions on the file will remain the

same. The move command is destructive. That means the source

file no longer exists.

The mv command can also be use to move files from one directory

to another.

Sample Session:


� $mv file1 file2 /user0/teacher �

� $ �


The files, file1 and file2, have been sent to the directory

/user0/teacher. They have been "moved" and no longer reside in

the current directory. The owner remains the same when a file is


Workshop 3

This workshop will reinforce your understanding of the topics

presented in this chapter. Login to the Multimax using the

username and password given to you by the instructor. Each

student should complete the entire workshop. You might need to

work in a team on the computer exercises.


  1. List four types of files.

  1. What does the file command do?

  1. The ls command will display the contents of the current

   working directory.  What does the -F option do?

  1. What command is used to display the contents of an ordinary


  1. What command would you use to append one file to the end of


  1. What is the lp command?

                              Continue on the next page

  1. How can you find out the status of your print job?

  1. What command would you enter to cancel a print job called


  1. What command will copy the contents of one file to another?

  1. What does mv do?

  1. What do the following file protections indicate?





                              Continue on the next page


  1. Log into the Multimax.

  1. Execute the file command on the files listed below. Record

   the output in the space provided.

   a.     .profile

   b.     /bin/vax

   c.     /dev/console

  1. Which of the above files is readable?

  1. Enter the command to display the contents of the current

   working directory.  Hint: ls

   a.     How many files are listed?

   b.     Type ls -a

   c.     How many entries are listed?

                              Continue on the next page

   d.     Which entries were not listed in your original output

          of ls?

  1. How does the output of ls -a and ls -Ac differ?

   Try it.

  1. How many fields are displayed for each entry when you

   execute ls -l? What are the fields?

  1. What are the current permissions on .profile?

  1. Change permissions on .profile so that no one (including

   you) has any access to the file.  

   (Hint: Use the chmod command)

  1. Without changing the permissions, list the contents of the

   file named .profile to the screen.

   What happened?  Why?

                              Continue on the next page

  1. Change the permissions on .profile to

          u - read, write, execute

          g - read

          o - read             

  1. Type cat .profile. What happened? Do you know why?

  1. Enter pg memo. What does this command do?

  1. Send one copy of the file called memo to the laser printer.

  1. Logout of the Multimax and the Annex.




A directory is a file whose sole job is to store file names and

related information. All files, whether ordinary, special, or

directory, are contained in directories.

The directory in which you find yourself when you first login is

called your home directory. You will be doing much of your work

in your home directory and subdirectories that you'll be creating

to organize your files.

4.1 Absolute/Relative Pathnames

As we saw earlier, directories are arranged in a hierarchy with

root (/) at the top. The position of any file within the

hierarchy is described by its pathname. Elements of a pathname

are separated by a /. A pathname is absolute if it is described

in relation to root, so absolute pathnames always begin with a /.

These are some example of absolute filenames.




A pathname can also be relative to your current working

directory. Relative pathnames never begin with /. Relative to

user sjones' home directory, some pathnames might look like this:



To determine where you are within the filesystem hierarchy at any

time, enter the command to print the current working directory.


� Command Format: pwd �


Sample Session:


� $pwd �

� /user0/teacher �

� $ �


Notice that this is an absolute pathname. This is the pathname

of the current working directory.

4.2 Creating Directories

Directories are created by the following command:


� Command Format: mkdir [options]

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� dirname - name of the new directory (absolute or �

� relative pathname). �


If the option to change permission mode is not given, the

directory will have default permissions set to read,write,execute

for the user and read and execute for group and others. The

files . (dot) and .. (dot dot) are created automatically. In

order to create a sub-directory, you must have write permission

on the parent directory. The owner id and the group id are set

to the real users id and group id, respectively.

4.3 Removing Directories

Directories can be deleted using the rmdir command.


� Command Format: rmdir [options]

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� dirname - the directory to remove, it must be empty. �

� �


Sample Session:


� $pwd �

� /user0/teacher �

� $ls -la �

� total 5 �

� drwxr-xr-x 2 teacher class 512 Jul 18 08:12 . �

� drwxrwxr-x 5 root root 2048 Jul 1 13:14 .. �

� $rmdir teacher �

� rmdir:teacher:Directory does not exist �

� $ �


Normally, directories are deleted using the rmdir command.

Before the directory can be removed, it must be empty; that is,

it must not contain any files. Notice that in the above example

two files are present, . (dot) and .. (dot). Remember, these

refer to the current working directory and its parent. They

cannot be removed.

Sample Session:


� $rmdir . �

� rmdir: .: Can't remove current directory or .. �

� $ �


For the purposes of deleting a directory, the directory is empty

if it contains only two files, namely . (dot) and .. (dot dot).

4.4 Changing Directories

To "move around" in the filesystem, use the cd (change directory)



� Command Format: cd [dirname] �

� �

� dirname - If not specified, the value of the $HOME �

� shell variable will be used as the new �

� current working directory. �

� �

� If the directory given is an absolute pathname �

� that directory is the new current working �

� directory. A relative pathname can also be �

� given. �


Sample Session:


� $cd /user0/teacher �

� $pwd �

� /user0/teacher �

� $ �


The current working directory is now /user0/teacher.

Sample Session:


� $cd memos �

� $pwd �

� /user0/teacher/memos �

� $ �


This command will look for a subdirectory called memos under the

current working directory. If it is found, it will become the

new working directory; otherwise, an error will occur.

Error messages beginning with "cannot access file..." often

indicate that the pathname is incorrect or misspelled.

4.5 Renaming Directories

The mv (move) command can also be used to rename a directory.


� Command Format: mv

� �

� dirname - name of the source directory �

� target - target directory name �


Sample Session:


� $mv users newusers �

� $ �


This will have the effect of changing the name of the directory

users into newusers. The permissions on the directory will

remain the same.

NOTE: All files and subdirectories in the directory newusers

          now have new absolute pathnames. 

4.6 The directories . (dot) and .. (dot dot)

The filename . (dot) represents the current working directory;

and the filename .. (dot dot) represent the directory one level

above the current working directory, often referred to as the

parent directory. If we enter the command to show a listing of

the current working directories files and use the -a option to

list all the files and the -l option provides the long listing,

this is the result.

Sample Session:


� $ls -la �

� total 975 �

� drwxrwxr-x 4 teacher class 2048 Jul 16 17.56 . �

� drwxr-xr-x 60 root 1536 Jul 13 14:18 .. �

� ---------- 1 teacher class 4210 May 1 08:27 .profile �

� -rwxr-xr-x 1 teacher class 1948 May 12 13:42 memo �

� $ �


The ls -la command displays access modes, number of links, the

owner, the group, size, etc. of files in a directory; but also

displays the characteristics of the current working directory and

its parent. The first entry is the entry for the current

directory. The owner is teacher and the group is class. The

second entry is the parent directory. It is one level up from

the current working directory. It is owned by the root


Instead of asking for information on all of the files in a

directory, you can request just the information on the current

working directory.

Sample Session:


� $ls -ld �

� drwxrwxr-x 4 teacher class 2048 Jul 16 17:56 . �

� $ �


The response from the command simply shows the long information

for the current working directory . (dot).

Information can also be obtained for the parent of the current

working directory by using its name as an argument.

Sample Session:


� $ls -ld .. �

� drwxr-xr-x 60 root root 1536 Jul 13 14:18 .. �

� $ �


Here's the long list of the current working directories parent.

(.. is the shorthand representation of the current working

directories parent)

Both of the directory names . (dot) and .. (dot dot) can be used

as arguments to commands. To change the parent of the current

working directory into the current working directory, the command


Sample Session:


� $pwd �

� /user0/teacher �

� $cd .. �

� $pwd �

� /user0 �

� $ �


The current working directory is the former parent.

This is all very interesting but what good is it? You can

specify the current working directory or its parent without

typing the entire absolute pathname. It can also be handy when

giving arguments to UNIX commands.

Why are the pathnames sjones/chem and ./sjones/chem equivalent?

4.7 Directory Access Modes

Directory access modes are listed and organized in the same

manner as any other file. There are a few differences that need

to be mentioned.

4.7.1 Read

Access to a directory means that the user can read the contents.

The user can look at the filenames inside the directory.

4.7.2 Write

Access means that the user can add or delete files to the

contents of the directory.

4.7.3 Execute

Executing a directory doesn't really make a lot of sense so think

of this as a traverse permission. This access allows the user to

reference the directory name in a command. The reference is not

necessarily explicit, since the shell deduces the absolute

pathname of a command from the user's environment. For example,

the shell knows that the full pathname of the ls command is

/bin/ls. A user must have execute access to the bin directory in

order to execute ls.

If traverse permissions are denied, others cannot change to it or

through it. Another user can't do a cd to the protected

directory or any subdirectory beneath it.

                                                               IN CLASS QUIZ


                                                                � /      �  



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                   �   bin    �   �   tmp   �    �   etc   �                �   mnt   �    �   lib   �    �   dev   �  

                   ������������   �����������    �����������                �����������    �����������    �����������  


               �                                      �                                  �                                  �

         �����������Ŀ                           ���������Ŀ                        ���������Ŀ                        ���������Ŀ

         �   Uni1    �                           �  Uni2   �                        �  Uni3   �                        �  Uni4   �

         �������������                           �����������                        �����������                        �����������  

{1} ��������������������������Ŀ ����������������Ŀ �����������������������Ŀ ������������Ŀ

����������Ŀ �����������Ŀ ���������Ŀ �����������Ŀ �����������Ŀ ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ

� filea � � fileb � � Dira � � filea � � Filea � � file1 � � File2 � � file3 �{5} � Dir1 � � Dir2 �

������������ ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� �����������

                            �                                  �                         �                            �           � 

 ��������������������������Ĵ                                  �                         �               ������������Ĵ           �

����������Ŀ �����������Ŀ ���������Ŀ �����������Ŀ ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ

� filea � � Dirb � � fileb � {2} {3} � filea � � Filea � {6}� File1a � � file1b � � Dir2a �

������������ ������������� ����������� ������������� ����������� ����������� ����������� �����������

                                                                                         �                                        �

Write the complete pathname for the 5. ________________________________ ���������Ŀ �������������Ŀ {7}

files numbered above. {4} � filea � ���������Ŀ ���������Ŀ

                                    6.  ________________________________            �����������                       � File2aa �   � file2ab �

  1. _______________________________ 8. You are in /mnt/Uni1 and want #1. ����������� �����������

                                    7.  ________________________________          

  1. _______________________________ Write the minimum pathname needed for 9. You are in /mnt/Uni3/File2 and want #4

                                    each of the following:                        

4.7.4 Typical Root Directory


� $ ls -FC / �

� �

� �

� Student/ bin/ lib/ stand/ u2/ user2/ �

� �

� Students/ bad/ lisp/ tmp/ unix* usr/ �

� �

� Support/ dev/ lost+found/ tmp.sh unix.bak* usr2/ �

� �

� etc/ mnt/ tmp1/ unix.test* usr3/ a.out* �

� �

� foo rel_notes tmp2/ user0/ install/ shlib/ �

� �

� u1/ user1/ �




Workshop 4

This workshop will reinforce your understanding of the topics

presented in this chapter. Login to the Multimax using the

username and password from the previous workshop. All students

should complete the entire workshop. You may need to work in a

team on the computer exercises.


  1. What is a directory?

  1. What is an absolute path name?

  1. What is a relative path name?

  1. What command will create a directory?

  1. What command will remove a directory?

  1. What command is used to change from one directory to


  1. How would you change the name of a directory?

                              Continue on the next page

  1. What do the files . (dot) and .. (dot dot) represent?

  1. What does execute permission on a directory mean?


  1. Login to the Multimax.

  1. What is the absolute pathname of your current working

   directory? Hint: pwd

  1. Type cd etc

   What message do you get? Can you explain why?

  1. Type cd /etc

   What is your current working directory?  Why did this


  1. Enter the command that will return you to your home


                              Continue on the next page

  1. Enter the command that will change to your current working

   directories parent.

  1. List the contents of your current working directory

  1. List the permissions, ownership, size, etc. of your current

   directories parent.

  1. Enter the command to change to your home directory. Create

   a new subdirectory with a name of your choice.

  1. Change the current working directory to the subdirectory you

   just created.

  1. Rename the subdirectory to Student. Is this the same

   subdirectory as everyone else in the class?  Why?

  1. Change to your home directory and delete the subdirectory


  1. Logout of the Multimax and the Annex.




This chapter will deal with the utilities that allow one user to

communicate with another. Some of these utilities require the

other user to be logged in and others do not.

The mail utility can be used to send messages to one or more

users. It is not necessary for the user that is receiving the

message to be logged in. The mail utility delivers the message

to a file belonging to the recipient. The user will be notified

that a mail message exists. Messages can be saved or deleted and

a reply sent.

The talk utility is an interactive session that allows each user

to send message simultaneously to each other. Both users must be

currently logged in for this utility to work.

The write utility is a one-way communication. It allows you to

send a message to another user. The user must be logged in and no

reply is possible.

5.1 Sending Electronic Mail

The basic command line format for sending mail is:


� Command Format: mailx [options] [user1[usern]] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� user1[usern] - one or more users to get the mail �

� message �

� �


The username is the name assigned by the system administrator to

a user on the UNIX system (for example, rharding). The username

can also include a system name if the recipient is on another

UNIX system that can communicate with the sender's (for example,

sys2!rharding). Let's assume that the recipient is on the local

UNIX system.

Sample Session:


� $mailx rharding(Ret) �

� Subject: �


Now enter the subject of your message followed by a (Ret). The

cursor will appear on the next line. Simply start typing the

message. There is no limit to the length of a message. When you

have finished, send it by typing Ctrl-D on a new line.

Sample Session:


� $mailx rharding(Ret) �

� Subject: Work schedule(Ret) �

� Please check the bulletin board(Ret) �

� for the new work schedule.(Ret) �

� Ctrl-D �

� $ �


The shell prompt on the last line indicates that the message has

been queued (placed in a waiting line) and will be sent.

5.2 Reading Mail

To read your mail enter:



. $mailx .


Executing this command places you in the command mode of mailx.

If there are no mail messages waiting to be read, you will see

the following message on the screen:

Sample Session:


� $mailx �

� No mail for teacher �

� $ �


Of course, your username will appear instead of 'teacher'.

When a mail message appears in the recipient's mailbox, the

following message will appear on the screen.



. you have mail .


This notice will appear when you login to the system or upon

return to the shell from another procedure.

When you have been notified of mail waiting to be read, enter the

command to enter mail. The screen will look something like this:

Sample Session:


� $mailx �

� �

� mailx version 3.1 Type ? for help. �

� "/usr/mail/teacher": 3 messages 3 new �

� >N 1 bhood Fri Jul 13 13:01 21/324 Review session�

� N 2 class2 Fri Jul 13 14:53 15/211 Meeting notice�

� N 3 phajny Fri Jul 13 16:53 11/272 Reorganization�

� ? �


This first line indicates the version of mailx that is being

used. In this case, version 3.1. There is a reminder that help

is available by typing the ?. The second line shows the path

name of the file used as input (usually the same as the username)

and a count of the total number of messages and their status.

The messages are numbered in sequence with the latest one

received on the bottom of the list. To the left of the sequence

numbers, there may be a status indicator; N for new, U for

unread. The > symbol points to the current message. The other

fields in the header line show the login of the sender, day,

date, and time it was delivered. The next field has the number

of lines and characters in the message. The last field is the

subject of the message; it might be blank.

To read the mail messages you can do any of the following steps:

(Ret) - This will cause the current message to

                               be displayed.  The current message is

                               the once indicated by the > sign.

p (Ret) - This is equivalent to pressing the (Ret)

                               key with no argument.  The current

                               message will be displayed.

p 2 (Ret) - You can press p (for print) or t (for

                               type) followed by the message number(s).

p teacher (Ret) - This will print all messages from user


5.3 Saving Mail

All messages that are not specifically deleted are saved when

quitting mailx. Messages that have been saved are placed in a

file in the home directory called mbox. The mbox file is the

default. It is possible to save them in a file of the users

choice. Messages that have not been read are held in the

mailbox. The command to save messages comes in two forms.


� Command Format: S [msglist] �

� �

� msglist = �

� �

� n message number n the current message �

� �

� ^ the first undeleted message �

� �

� $ the last message �

� �

� * all messages �

� �

� n-m an inclusive range of message numbers �

� �

� user all messages from user �

� �

� /string All messages with string in the subject line �

� (case is ignored) �

� �

� :c all messages of type c where c is: �

� �

� d - deleted messages �

� n - new messages �

� o - old messages �

� r - read messages �

� u - unread messages �

� �


Messages specified by the msglist argument are saved in a file in

the current directory named for the author of the first message

in the list. If the username 'teacher' sent the message and you


Sample Session:


� ? S * �

� "teacher" [New file] 11/268 �

� ? �


The mail message has been saved into a file in your current

directory called 'teacher'. If you want to save the file in

another filename, you can do that with the second method of

saving mail. Basically, it works the same as S; but it allows

you to save the mail to a file you specify.


� Command Format: s [msglist] [file1] �

� �

� msglist - same arguments as before �

� �

� file1 - filename which will receive the saved mail �


5.4 Deleting Mail

To delete a message, enter a d at the command mode prompt

followed by a msglist argument. An msglist argument can be any

one the following:

   n             message number n the current message

   ^             the first undeleted message

   $             the last message

   *             all messages

   n-m           an inclusive range of message numbers

   user          all messages from user

   /string       All messages with string in the subject line (case

                 is ignored)

   :c            all messages of type c where c is:

                        d - deleted messages

                        n - new messages

                        o - old messages

                        r - read messages

                        u - unread messages

For example, suppose you wanted to delete all of your mail

messages. Enter the following command at the command mode

prompt. The command mode prompt for mailx is the question mark


Sample Session:


� $mailx �

� �

� mailx version 3.1 Type ? for help. �

� "/usr/mail/teacher": 3 messages 3 new �

� >N 1 bhood Fri Jul 13 13:01 21/324 Review session �

� N 2 class2 Fri Jul 13 14:53 15/211 Meeting notice �

� N 3 phajny Fri Jul 13 16:53 11/272 Reorganization �

� ? d * �

� ? q �

� $ �


All of the messages have now been deleted. The messages are not

actually deleted until the mailbox is exited. Until that happens

the u (for undelete) command is available. Once the quit command

(q) is entered, however, the deleted messages are gone.

5.5 Undeliverable Mail

If there has been an error in the recipient's username, the mail

command will not be able to deliver the message. For example,

let's say you misspelled the username. It will return the mail

in a message that includes the system name and username of the

sender and recipient. It also includes a message stating the

reason for the failure.

The sender of the message would get a message from mailx

indicating that an error had occurred.

Sample Session:


� $mailx �

� �

� mailx version 3.1 Type ? for help. �

� "/usr/mail/teacher": 1 message 1 new �

� >N 1 teacher Fri Jul 13 13:45 25/655 Returned mail:User unkno�

� ? �

� Message 1: �

� From teacher Fri Jul 13 13:45:57 1990 �

� Received: by domax1.UUCP (5.51/) �

� id AA01997; Fri, 13 Jul 90 13:45:54 mdt �

� Date: Fri, 13 Jul 90 13:45:54 mdt �

� From: Mail Delivery Subsystem

� Subject: Returned mail: User unknown �

� Message-Id: 9007131945.AA01997@domax1.UUCP

� To: teacher �

� Status: R �

� �

� ----- Transcript of session follows ----- �

� 550 snoopy... User unknown: No such file or directory �

� �

� ----- Unsent message follows ----- �

� Received: by domax1.UUCP (5.51/) �

� id AA01995; Fri, 13 Jul 90 13:45:54 mdt �

� Date: Fri, 13 Jul 90 13:45:54 mdt �

� From: Teacher Account D-7130

� Message-Id: 9007131945.AA01995@domax1.UUCP

� To: snoopy �

� Subject: Meeting notice �

� �

� Meeting will be held at Charlie Brown's house. �

� July 13, 1990 �

� 7:30 p.m. �

� �

� ? �


The ? is the mailx command mode prompt. Mailx is asking for


A list of commands available can be shown by entering a ?.

Sample Session:


� ? ? �

� mailx commands �

� type [msglist] print messages �

� next goto and type next message �

� edit [msglist] edit messages �

� from [msglist] give header lines of messages �

� delete [msglist] delete messages �

� undelete [msglist] restore deleted messages �

� save [msglist] file append messages to file �

� reply [message] reply to message, including all recipients �

� Reply [msglist] reply to the authors of the messages �

� preserve [msglist] preserve messages in mailbox �

� mail user mail to specific user �

� quit quit, preserving unread messages �

� xit quit, preserving all messages �

� header print page of active message headers �

� ! shell escape �

� cd [directory] chdir to directory or home if none given �

� list list all commands (no explanations) �

� top [msglist] print top 5 lines of messages �

� z [-] display next [last] page of 10 headers �

� �

� [msglist] is optional and specifies messages by number, author, �

� or type. �

� The default is the current message. �

� ? �


This is a partial list of mailx commands available to you. We

will not discuss all of them. If you are interested in the other

features, you can use the on-line manual pages to find out how to

use them.

5.6 Talk Utility

Talk is a visual communication program which copies lines from

one terminal to that of another user. This is similar to the

phone utility on VMS. Once communication is established between

two users, they can both type simultaneously with their output

appearing in separate windows.


� Command Format: talk [ttyname] �

� �

� user1 - If you are talking to someone on the same machine, �

� then this is just the person's username. If �

� you want to talk to a user on another host, then �

� user1 is of the form: �

� �

� host!user or �

� host.user or �

� host:user or �

� user@host �

� �

� user@host being preferred �

� �

� ttyname - If the person you want to talk to is logged on �

� more than once, you can use the ttyname argument �

� to indicate the terminal name. �


For illustration, let's assume we want to talk with the user

student on the same machine. The command is:

Example originator:


. $talk student .


Example recipient:


. Message from Talk_Daemon@domax1 at 17:36 ... .

. talk: connection requested by teacher@domax1. .

. talk: respond with: talk teacher@domax1 .


When the recipient has typed in talk teacher@domax1, the

following message will appear on the originators screen:

Sample Session originator:


� Connection established. �


The screen will be divided in half by a row of dash characters.

The originator will type a message on the top half, and the same

message will appear on the lower half of the screen on the

recipient's screen.

Likewise, everything the recipient types on the top of his screen

the same message will appear on the bottom of the originators

screen. Once this communication is established, the parties may

type simultaneously with their output appearing in different

windows. While in talk, Ctrl-L will cause the screen to be

reprinted, and the erase and kill characters work as you would


Sample Session originator:


� Hi Snoopy, �

� Charlie Brown suggests we meet at noon today. �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �

�-------------------------------------------------------------- �

� OK, but the billiard championship is in my house at 1 P.M. �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �


Sample session recipient:


� OK, but the billiard championship is in my house at 1 P.M. �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �

�-------------------------------------------------------------- �

� Hi Snoopy, �

� Charlie Brown suggests we meet at noon today. �

� �

� �

� �

� �

� �


When the communication is finished, the interrupt character will

cause the talk utility to exit.



. [Connection closing. Exiting] .


5.7 Talk Permission Denied

If you don't wish to have your work interrupted by a request to

establish a talk connection, you can deny messages.


� Command Format: mesg [-[n][y]] �

� �

� n - no, forbids messages via write by revoking non-user �

� write permission on the user's terminal. �

� �

� y - yes, reinstates permission �

� �

� �

� mesg with no arguments will report the current state �

� without changing it. �


Sample Session:


� $mesg �

� is y �

� $mesg -n �

� $mesg �

� is n �

� $mesg -y �

� $mesg �

� is y �

� $ �


The default permission is enabled. Some UNIX commands, however,

disallow messages in order to prevent messy output.

5.8 Write Utility

This command will write a message to the screen of another user.


� Command Format: write [ttyname] �

� �

� user1 - username of the user �

� �

� ttyname - which terminal to send (i.e. tty00) �


Sample Session originator:


� $write lucy �

� Hello Lucy, �

� What's the latest from the Psychology Department? �

� (interrupt character) �

� $ �


Sample Session recipient:


� $ �

� �

� Message from teacher on domax1 (rt021d0) [ Thu Jul 19 13:43:12 ] .. �

� Hello Lucy, �

� What's the latest from the Psychology Department? �

� �

� $ �


Here's a suggestion for using write to communicate a little


When the user first 'writes' to another user, wait for the

recipient to 'write' back before starting to send. Both users

should agree on a signal to indicate to the other person that

they can reply. How about 'o' for over. The signal 'oo' could

be used for "over and out," which would mean that the

communication is finished.



Workshop 5

This workshop will reinforce your understanding of the topics

covered in this chapter. Login to the Multimax with the username

and password given to you by the instructor. Each student is to

complete the entire workshop. Computer exercises might need to

be worked as a team.


  1. What is the command to send an electronic mail message to

   another user on the Multimax?

  1. Once you have entered the mail utility what command can you

   enter to get help?

  1. What does the command d 5-9 accomplish?

  1. What is the command to exit the mail utility and return to

   the UNIX system prompt?

  1. What is the mailx command mode prompt?

  1. How would you create a "talk" session to user Student2 on

   the host domax0?

  1. What time does the billiard championship start?

                              Continue on the next page

  1. What UNIX command will prevent interruption of your work by

   someone wishing to "talk"?

  1. Regarding "write", does the recipient need to be logged in?

   Regarding "talk", does the recipient need to be logged in?

                              Continue on the next page


  1. Login to the Multimax.

  1. Send a mail message to another student in the class.

   How can you find out who is logged in?  (who?)

   Does the recipient need to be logged in?

  1. Send a mail message to username lucy. (lucy does not exist)

   What happened?  Why?

  1. Read your mail and save one message to the current working


   Delete all other mail messages.

                              Continue on the next page

  1. Establish a talk connection with another student.

  1. What UNIX command do you enter to deny permission for a talk

   connection?  Try it!

  1. Send a message to another student using the write command.

   How is this different from "talk?" 

  1. Logout of the Multimax and the Annex.


There have been several shells written for UNIX. They have

different features and each is in use through out the world. The

BourneShell is the accepted standard for System V UNIX. Another

shell is called the Cshell, named for "C" which is the high-level

programming language. Another shell is the KornShell; it is

named after the person who developed it, David Korn. It has more

features than the BourneShell and is of special interest to


The purpose of this chapter is to give you some idea as to the

functions available through the shells and their general

function. Details of shell programming are discussed in another

class, "UNIX Bourne Shell Programming".

UMAX makes full use of the ASCII character set. Unlike operating

system command languages like VMS or NOS, UNIX is case sensitive.

In addition, several characters have special meanings to the

shell. We have already seen that a slash (/) by itself indicates

the root directory and is used with directory, subdirectory, and

filenames to indicate an absolute or relative pathname.

Other special characters that have meaning to the shell include:

          `    '    $    {    }    ||    &&    ;

Input to a command is usually taken from your keyboard, and the

output of a command is normally displayed on your monitor screen.

Keyboard input is referred to as "standard input" or "stdin," and

screen output as "standard output" or "stdout."

6.1 Input Redirection

It is possible to instruct UNIX to get data from a file rather

than from the keyboard. This is called input redirection. To

indicate that input to a command is to come from a file rather

than the keyboard, use the input redirection character (<).


� Command Format: command < input-file1 �

� �

� command - a command �

� �

� input-file1 - input file that supplies input �

� to the command �


A Memory Trick: The less-than symbol looks like a funnel. If

                        you pour liquid into the wide end, it flows

                        to the narrow end.  The input-file "pours"

                        its contents into the command.

Sample Session:


� $mailx phajny < report �

� $ �


The file named report will be sent to the login name phajny.

Mail normally expects the input to come from standard input, the

keyboard. The input redirection symbol causes the input to mail

to come from the file called report.

6.2 Output Redirection

It is also possible to instruct UNIX to send data to a file

rather than sending it to the default monitor screen. This is

called output redirection. To indicate that the output from a

command is to go into a file rather than be displayed on the

monitor screen, use the output redirection character >.


� Command Format: command > output-file1 �

� �

� command - a command �

� �

� output-file1 - output file that will receive the output �

� from the command �


The memory trick still works; only now the funnel points toward

the file that will receive the output.

Sample Session:


� $ls -l > listing �

� $ �


The output of the ls command will not be displayed on the screen,

instead it will be in the file named listing. If the file does

not exist, the shell will create it. If it already exists, it

will be overwritten.

WARNING: The shell will NOT issue a warning about overwriting

          the original file.

It is possible to use the cat command to create a file and input

text into that file using output redirection. The following

example shows how this can be done.

Sample session:


� $cat > file1 �

� This is a line of text. �

� This is another line of text. �

� (Ctrl-D) �

� $cat file1 �

� This is a line of text. �

� This is another line of text. �

� $ �


6.3 Output Redirection with Append

The following shell command will also redirect the output to a

file but instead of overwriting the existing file, it will append

the output to the end of output-file.


� Command Format: command >> output-file1 �

� �

� command - a command �

� �

� output-file1 - receives the output from command �


Believe it or not, the memory trick still works; only in this

case, one funnel feeds onto another. So the output is fed onto

the end of output-file. Okay, it's a little far fetched; but it

can help you remember. Try it.

Sample Session:


� $ls -l subdir >> listing �

� $ �


This will append the output of the ls command to the file listing

without destroying any existing data. If the file does not

exist, the shell will create it.

Again, it's possible to append text to the end of an existing

file using the cat command. Note the following example.


� $cat >> file1 �

� This is a third line of text. �

� This is a fourth line of text. �

� (Ctrl-D) �

� $cat file1 �

� This is a line of text. �

� This is another line of text. �

� This is a third line of text. �

� This is a fourth line of text. �

� $ �


If the file does not exist it will be created and the text added.

6.4 Input and Output Redirection

Input and output redirection can occur on the same command line.


� Command Format: command < input-file1 > output-file1 �

� �

� command - A command �

� input-file1 - supplies input to command �

� output-file1 - receives the output from command �


Sample Session:


� $cat command_file �

� p �

� $mailx < command_file > result_file �

� �

� $cat result_file �

� mailx version 3.1 Type ? for help. �

� "/usr/mail/teacher": 1 message 1 new �

� >N 1 teacher Mon Dec 31 10:16 57/3171 �

� Message 1: �

� From teacher Mon Dec 31 10:16:30 1990 �

� Received: by domax1.UUCP (5.51/) �

� id AA18976; Mon, 31 Dec 90 10:16:28 mst �

� Date: Mon, 31 Dec 90 10:16:28 mst �

� From: Teacher Account D-7130

� Message-Id: 9012311716.AA18976@domax1.UUCP

� To: teacher �

� Status: R �

� �

� What's Happening �

� by Pam Hajny �

� Denver Office �

� �

� With IRM Training: �

� �

� A Reclamation-wide workshop was held in early October to discuss information �

� resources management training. Trainers from each region and the Denver Offic�

� shared training techniques, ideas and course materials. We met one afternoon �

� with the personnel training officers to discuss broad IRM training needs and �

. .

. .

. .

6.5 Pipes

The output of a command can be used as the input to a second

command by using the "pipe" symbol (|) without using any

temporary files. On some terminals the pipe symbol is a vertical

bar and on others it is a broken vertical bar. Both will work

exactly the same. The following command format shows how to use

the pipe symbol:


� Command Format: command1 | command2 �

� �

� command1 - a command �

� �

� command2 - a second command �




. $man acct | pg .


The output from the command man are processed by the pg command

before appearing on your screen. Normally the output from the

man command will appear on the monitor line after line until the

end is reached. In this case, the output is "piped" to the pg

command; and the screen will stop scrolling after 23 lines so you

can read them.

6.6 Wildcards

Wildcards are special characters that cause the shell to search

over a range of possible values.

? represents any one character, while



This indicates that the third letter of the string "jo eph" could

be any single character. Any character could be substituted for

the ? character, including numeric and special characters.

To limit the range of possible values, enclose the possibilities

in brackets [ ].



This example limits the range of characters to the set lowercase

a through lowercase z. Uppercase characters, numeric, or special

characters would not make a match. Notice that only one charater

will make a match.

Using a comma as a separator between choices we can further

restrict the range.



The only set of characters that will make a match are lowercase

s, lowercase m, and the number 5. No other character will make a


The string jos* causes the shell to look for every string that

begins with the letters "jos," regardless of their length while

[i-k]*h finds every string that begins with "i", "j", or "k" and

ends with an "h".

Wildcards are extremely useful in wide variety of applications.

For example, if you want to use the man pages, but do not know

the exact command names on the subject of system accounting, try

Sample Session:


. $man acc* .


All of the commands that begin with the letters acc followed by

any string (including none) will be passed to the man command as


If you wanted to get a listing of all the files in your current

working directory that ended in .c (these are the C source code

programs). You could enter the following command:

Sample Session:


. $ls *.c .


In order for the shell to stop interpretation of a special

character (i.e., use it as a normal character), it must be

preceded by a backslash () or enclosed in single quotes.





Both of these examples represent the string jo?eph. The shell

will not interpret the question mark character as a wildcard


6.7 Reestablishing a Background Job

Processes in UNIX can run in the foreground or the background.

Foreground processes are interactive; the input is read from the

keyboard or standard in, and the out goes to the monitor screen

or standard out. Background jobs run with no interaction with an

interactive terminal. Your current interactive process can be

suspended by typing the break character at the shell prompt.

Sample Session:


� $

� annex: �


The jobs command displays information on all current jobs

(sessions). The most recent job is marked with a plus sign (+),

and the next previous is marked with a dash or minus sign (-). A

job begins when you execute a command to connect to a host (or

another Annex). A job ends when you logout from the host or

terminate the job at the Annex with the kill or hangup command.

The number of possible jobs allowed per user is determined by the

network administrator. The number of jobs can range from 1 to 16

with a default of 3.

The Annex command to display the information about the current

job(s) is:


� Command Format: jobs �


If there are no jobs, the annex: prompt will be displayed. If

there are some 'suspended' jobs the following will appear:

Sample Session:


� annex: jobs �

� +1 rlogin domax1 �

� -2 rlogin domax1 �

� annex: �


This shows that there are two jobs in suspension. Both of these

sessions did a remote login to domax1. This is just for


The fg (foreground) command returns to a suspended job. The

command displays the job number and the Annex command that

created it. When no arguments are provided, fg will return to

the most recent job. With a numeric argument, fg returns the

specified job.

To connect with a suspended job (session) enter the following

Annex command:


� Command Format: fg [n] �

� �

� (none) - most recent job (+) to foreground �

� n - job "n" to foreground �


Sample Session:


� annex: jobs �

� +1 rlogin domax1 �

� -2 rlogin domax1 �

� annex:fg 1 �

� 1 rlogin domax1 �

� (Ret) �

� $ �




Workshop 6

This workshop will reinforce your understanding of the topics

covered in this chapter. Login to the Multimax with the username

and password given to you by the instructor. Each student is to

complete the entire workshop. Computer exercises might need to

be worked as a team.


  1. What is the meaning of the term "case sensitive?"

  1. What is a wildcard?

  1. How does the shell interpret the following wildcards?

   a.     ?

   b.     [0-9]

   c.     *

  1. How does the shell interpret the following strings?

   a.     M[i,r]*

   b.     b?ll

   c.     me??[1,2]

   d.     '*special*'

   e.     anyone\?

                              Continue on the next page

  1. What is "standard input?"

  1. What symbol causes a command to take its input from a file? 

  1. What is "standard output?"

  1. What symbol causes the output of a command to be redirected

   to a file?

  1. What symbol causes the output of a command to be redirected

   to the input of another command?

  1. What symbol is used to indicate input is to be from a file

   instead of the keyboard?

  1. How can the output from a command be saved in an ordinary


                              Continue on the next page

  1. What is a pipe? No, it's not something you smoke.


  1. Login to the Multimax

  1. How many different on-line manual entries are displayed by

   executing the command man ca*?

  1. Execute man ls | pg. What is the purpose of the |


  1. Save the on-line manual pages on the cat command in a file

   called mp0. (hint: output redirection)

  1. Save the on-line manual pages on the assist command in a

   file called mp1. (no hint this time)

  1. Type cp mp0 man

   Does file mp0 still exist after this command is executed? 


                              Continue on the next page

  1. Type mv mp1 assist

   Does file mp1 still exist after this command is executed?


  1. Type cp mp3 man

   What error message do you get?

  1. Logout of the Multimax and the Annex.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a utility which can transfer

files to and from TCP/IP networked computers. TCP/IP stands for

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and consists of a

suite of defacto standard protocols for networking computers.

FTP is one protocol in that suite. (Other significant protocols

within TCP/IP are TELNET, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP),

and Network File Systems (NFS).) The Client portion of UNIX FTP

lets users on the Multimax access file systems on a remote

computer. The Server portion of UNIX FTP lets users on remote

computers access Multimax files. For Reclamation, these remote

computers would be VAXes, CYBERs, IBMs, and Sun workstations.

Using FTP, you can access directories and files on a remote

computer and perform common operations, such as list and change

working directories, transfer files, create directories, delete

working directories, delete files and directories, and rename

files and directories. Once you have entered the FTP utility,

you make a connection to the desired remote computer and then

work with the remote computer's files using FTP commands. The

connection to the remote computer's FTP remains in effect until

terminated by the user. Multimax FTP supports both local help

for FTP commands and remote help, which displays FTP elements

available on the remote computer.

Throughout this chapter, the term "local computer" will refer to

the Multimax. The term "remote computer" will refer to the CYBER

mainframe or the VAX minicomputer. Please be aware that these

procedures will work for any computer connected to the Ethernet

that has an FTP server installed. The messages that appear may

be different, but the process will be the same.

7.1 Initializing FTP on UMAX

FTP can be invoked on the Multimax using the following syntax:


� �

� Command Format: ftp [options] [host] �

� �

� options - see man pages for a complete list �

� �

� host - the name of the remote computer �

� �


NOTE: UNIX is case sensitive. The commands and options must

          be entered as shown.  

7.2 Establishing Connection with the Remote Computer

There are two ways to make a connection with the remote computer.

7.2.1 Calling FTP with no hostname

The first way is to invoke FTP using no options, simply enter the

ftp command at the shell prompt. UMAX will respond with the ftp

prompt: ftp>

Sample Session:


� $ftp �

� ftp> �


FTP commands can now be entered. The utility has its own set of

commands, and we will discuss about 12 of them in this chapter.

A complete list of the FTP commands can be obtained by entering

help at the FTP prompt.

The command to establish a connection with remote computer is:


� �

� Command Format: open [port] �

� �

� host - hostname, this host must have an FTP server. �

� �

� port - port number (optional) �

� �


This command will establish a connection to the remote computer's

FTP server. The hostname for the VAX is ERC830. The following

FTP command will establish a connection with the VAX (ERC830):

VAX Sample Session:


� ftp>open erc830 �

� Connected to erc830. �

� 220 erc830 Wollongong FTP Server (Version 5.0) at Mon Dec 4 �

� Name (ERC830:rharding): �


The cursor will stop after the colon. FTP is waiting for you to

enter the login name to use when signing on to the remote

computer. FTP tries to help you out by giving you a default

login name. In the above example, the default login name is

rharding. To select the default name, press (Ret). You can

enter any login name you want and then press (Ret). After you

have selected the login name, either by choosing the default or

entering a new name, you will be asked for the password.

VAX Sample Session:


� 331 Password required for rharding. �

� Password: �

� 230 User logged in, default directory D_1131:[RHARDING] �


Enter the password required for the login name that you

specified. Echoing is disabled and the password you enter will

not be displayed on the screen. If you entered the correct

password, message number 230 will show you are logged in and the

default directory on the remote system. You are now logged into

the remote computer system and can proceed to transfer files.

CYBER Sample Session:


� $ftp �

� ftp>open cy2 �

� Connected to cy2. �


� Name (cy2:rharding): class8 �


� Password: secret �


� ftp> �


This example for the CYBER is similar to the VAX example. Notice

that there a few differences. The login name was changed from

rharding and the username class8 was entered instead.

7.2.2 Calling FTP with a hostname

The second method of signing on to the remote computer is to

specify the name of the remote computer on the call to ftp.

VAX Sample Session:


� $ftp erc830 �

� 220 erc830 Wollongong FTP Server (Version 5.0) at Fri Dec �

� Name (ERC830:rharding): �


You can now enter the username for the remote system, and you

will then be prompted for the password. The effect of specifying

the hostname on the ftp command line is to do an "automatic" open


NOTE: The messages are slightly different from the VAX login.

          The login for the CYBER works in a similar manner.

7.3 Local Computer Commands

From the FTP prompt, you can issue commands to the local computer

to display files or show the contents of a directory. The

commands you enter are FTP commands; and although they might

resemble UNIX commands, they are NOT UNIX commands.

The FTP command to transfer file(s) from the remote computer to

the local computer is as follows:


� �

� Command Format: get [local-file] �

� �

� remote-file - the filename on the remote computer �

� �

� local-file - the filename on the local computer �

� �


This FTP command will retrieve the remote-file and store it on

the Multimax. If the local-file name is not specified, the name

of the file on the Multimax will be the same as it was on the

remote computer. The current settings for type, form, mode, and

structure will be used during the file transfer.

VAX Sample Session:


� ftp>get overview.dat �

� 200 PORT Command OK. �

� 125 File transfer started correctly �

� 226 File transfer completed ok �

� local: overview.dat remote: overview.dat �

� 884 bytes received in 0.04 seconds (22 Kbytes/s) �

� ftp> �


Messages 200, 125, and 226 let you know that the file transferred

properly. The next line shows the local-filename, in this case

we didn't specify the local-filename, so the remote-filename and

the local-filename are the same. The next line shows the number

of bytes transferred and the amount of time it took to transfer

the file.

CYBER Sample Session:


� ftp>get prolog8 �




� local: prolog8 remote: prolog8 �

� 41 bytes received in 0.8 seconds (0.05 Kbytes/s) �

� ftp> �


7.3.1 Changing the Local Directory

The directory on the local computer can be changed to any

directory you desire. This is called the working directory.

This is the directory where files that are transferred from the

remote computer will be stored.

The syntax of the command to change local working directory is as



� �

� Command Format: lcd [dirname] �

� �

� dirname - the name of the new local working directory �

� �

� if directory is omitted, the home directory is assumed �

� �


Sample Session:


� ftp>lcd /user0/student0 �

� Local directory now /user0/student0 �

� ftp> �


Absolute or relative pathnames can be specified for directory.

7.3.2 Listing the Contents

Any UNIX command can be entered from the FTP utility. You must

preface the command with the FTP command that invokes the

interactive shell.

The syntax to invoke the interactive shell is as follows:


� �

� Command Format: ! [command [arguments]] �

� �

� command - any valid UNIX command, if omitted the �

� interactive shell is invoked �

� �

� arguments - if supplied are arguments to the UNIX command �

� �


If arguments are provided, the first argument is considered to be

the UNIX command and the remaining arguments are considered to be

arguments to that command.



. ftp>!ls -la .


This command will display the contents of the local working

directory. The l option specifies the 'long' listing, and the a

option requests all files including the initialization files.

7.4 Remote Computer Commands

From the FTP prompt, you can issue commands to the remote

computer to display files or show the contents of the remote

directory. Recall that the commands you enter are FTP commands;

and although they look like UNIX commands, they are not.

Transferring file(s) from the Multimax to the remote computer is

accomplished with the following command:


� �

� Command Format: put [remote-file] �

� �

� local-file - the filename on the local computer �

� �

� remote-file - the filename on the remote computer �

� �


This FTP command will retrieve the local-file, transfer it to the

remote computer, and store it in the remote directory. If the

remote-file is not specified, the name of the file on the remote

computer will be the same as it was on the Multimax. The current

settings for type, form, mode, and structure will be used during

the file transfer.

VAX sample sessions:


� ftp>put memo �

� 200 PORT Command OK. �

� 125 File transfer started correctly �

� 226 File transfer completed ok �

� local: memo remote: memo �

� 2299 bytes sent in 0.08 seconds (28 Kbytes/s) �

� ftp> �


Messages 200, 125, and 226 let you know that the file transferred

properly. The next line shows the local-filename. In this case,

we didn't specify the local-filename, so the local-filename and

the remote-filename are the same. The next line shows the number

of bytes sent and the amount of time for the transfer.

CYBER Sample Session:


� ftp>put memo �




� local:memo remote:memo �

� 2299 bytes sent in 0.08 seconds (28 Kbytes/s) �

� ftp> �


7.4.1 Changing the Remote Directory

The directory on the remote computer can be changed to any

directory you want. This is called the remote working directory.

This is the directory where files that are sent from the Multimax

will be stored.

The syntax for the command to change remote working directory is

as follows:


� �

� Command Format: cd

� �

� remote-dirname - the name of the new remote working �

� directory �

� �


VAX Sample Session:


� ftp>cd d_1131:[gholdaway] �

� 200 Working directory changed to D_1131:[GHOLDAWAY] �

� ftp> �


You must specify a valid directory on the remote computer.

CYBER Example:




The reason this command is not implemented on the CYBER is

because NOS does not support the idea of directories.

7.4.2 Listing the Contents


� �

� Command Format: ls [remote-dirname] [local-file] �

� �

� remote-dirname - working directory on remote computer �

� �

� local-file - local file where the remote-directory �

� contents will be written. If omitted, �

� the output is sent to the screen. �

� �


VAX Sample Session:


� ftp>ls �

� 200 PORT Command OK. �

� 125 File transfer started correctly �

� login.com;13 �

� jeff.;1 �

� test.com;1 �

� 226 File transfer completed ok �

� 228 bytes received in 0.06 seconds (0.34 Kbytes/s) �

� ftp> �


Since no remote directory was specified, the contents of the

current working directory is transferred and no local file was

specified, so the output is displayed on the screen.

CYBER Sample Session:


� ftp>ls �




� FSEP1A �

� FSEP1 �

� FSEP2 �


� 52 bytes received in 1 seconds (0.05 Kbytes/s) �

� ftp> �


7.5 Closing the Connection

The current FTP session with the remote server can be terminated

without leaving FTP. When the current session is terminated a

session to another remote FTP server can be initiated.


� Command Format: close �


This command will terminate the current FTP session with the

remote server and return to the FTP command interpreter.

VAX Sample Session:


� ftp>close �

� 221 Goodbye. �

� ftp> �


CYBER Sample Session:


� ftp>close �


� ftp> �


7.6 Exiting FTP

When you have finished using FTP, the following command will

terminate FTP and return control to the shell.


� Command Format: quit �


This command will terminate the current FTP session and exit FTP.

VAX Sample Session:


� ftp>quit �

� 221 Goodbye. �

� $ �


CYBER Sample Session:


� ftp>quit �


� $ �


7.7 Special FTP Commands

This section will discuss some FTP commands that are useful in

using FTP. They include an on-line help, status, and the !


The help command will display all of the FTP commands on the



� �

� Command Format: help [command] �

� �

� command - an FTP command �

� �

� if omitted, prints a list of all known commands �

� �


Sample Session:


� ftp>help get �

� get receive file �

� ftp> �


There is a synonym for the help command. It works in the same

way as the help command.


� Command Format: ? [command] �


Sample Session:


� ftp>? put �

� put send one file �

� ftp> �


FTP status can be displayed on the screen by entering the

following command:


� Command Format: status �


Sample Session:


� ftp>status �

� Connected to ERC830. �

� No proxy connection. �

� Mode: stream; Type: ascii; Form: non-print; Structure: file �

� Verbose: on; Bell: off; Prompting: on; Globbing: on �

� Store unique: off; Receive unique: off �

� Case: off; CR stripping: on �

� Ntrans: off �

� Nmap: off �

� Hash mark printing: off; Use of PORT cmds: on �

� ftp> �


These are the default settings. The meaning of these settings

and how to change them are found in the supplemental material at

the end of this manual.

There are a few "bugs" in FTP.

Correct execution of many FTP commands depends upon the remote

server. The VAX server is supplied by The Wollongong Group, Inc.

If you encounter problems transferring files to/from the

Multimax, please bring them to the attention of the User Support

Branch or call the Hotline (FTS 776-4688 or 6-HOTT).

7.8 Introducing UMAX TELNET

TELNET protocol will allow communication with another host. The

TELNET protocol can be invoked from either the Annex prompt or

from the shell prompt while you are logged into the Multimax. If

you invoke TELNET while logged into the Multimax, that session

will continue to be charged at the appropriate rate. The new

session to another host will also charge the account. This means

you are paying connect charges on both systems.

The syntax to invoke TELNET is as follows:


� �

� Command Format: telnet [host [port]] �

� �

� host - the host name �

� �

� port - the port number, if not given, use default �

� �


Sample Session:


� $telnet �

� telnet> �


The telnet> prompt indicates that telnet commands can now be

entered. If no parameters are given, telnet enters the command


In order to create a connection to another host from command

mode, use the open command.


� Command format: open [port] �

� �

� host - host name �

� �

� port - port number, optional �


Sample session:


� telnet>open erc830 �

� Trying... �

� Connected to erc830. �

� Escape character is '^]'. �

� �

� (Warning message from VAX) �

� �

� Username: �


If you enter the host name on the same command line as telnet,

the open command will be done for you.

Sample Session:


� $telnet erc830 �

� Trying... �

� Connected to erc830. �

� Escape character is '^]'. �

� �

� ( Warning message from VAX) �

� �

� Username: �


When you logout of the destination host, you will be

automatically brought back to the originating host.

Sample Session:


� $lo �

� Connection closed by foreign host .L-1990 15:57:42.19 �

� $ �


The first $ prompt is the VMS prompt. The lo command logs you

out of the VAX. Notice that we get the connection closed

message, and the next $ prompt is back to the Multimax.

The connection that was created was closed. There is a TELNET

command to close the connection as well.


� Command Format: close �


This TELNET command will close the connection and return to the

TELNET command mode.

To exit TELNET, enter the following command at the telnet>



� Command Format: quit �


This command will close any open TELNET session and exit TELNET.

An end-of-file (in command mode) will also close a session and


The current status of TELNET can be shown by entering the

following command:


� Command Format: status �


Sample Session:


� telnet>status �

� Connected to erc830. �

� Operating in character-at-a-time mode. �

� Escape character is '^]'. �

� �

� telnet> �


A listing of TELNET commands can be displayed by entering the

following command at the TELNET command mode prompt telnet>:


� Command Format: help �

� �

� ? �


Sample Session:


� telnet>help �

� Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: �

� �

� close close current connection �

� display display operating parameters �

� mode try to enter line-by-line or char-at-a-time mode �

� open connect to a site �

� quit exit telnet �

� send transmit special characters ('send ?' for more) �

� set set operating parameters ('set ?' for more) �

� status print status information �

� toggle toggle operating parameters ('toggle ?' for more) �

� z suspend telnet �

� ? print help information �

� telnet> �


Workshop 7

This workshop will reinforce your understanding of the topics

covered in this chapter. Login to the Multimax with the username

and password given to you by the instructor. Each student is to

complete the entire workshop. Computer exercises might need to

be worked as a team.


  1. Log into the Multimax.

Questions 2 through 11 have to do with a connection between the

local computer (Multimax) and the remote computer (VAX).

  1. Initialize FTP on the Multimax and create a connection to

   the VAX.  (Hint: open)

   What is the remote computer default username? 

   How can you enter a different username? 

  1. What files are on the remote computer's directory?

   (Hint: If you can't remember the FTP command, how can you                           

   find out?)

  1. What is the default type?  (Hint: status)

                              Continue on the next page

  1. Transfer the file "memo" from the Multimax to the VAX.

   Change the name of the file on the VAX to "memo.doc". 

  1. Transfer the file "DATA.MAY" from the VAX to the Multimax.

   Keep the same filename on both platforms.

  1. Without entering it, what FTP command would you enter to

   change the remote computer working directory to


  1. Enter the FTP command to list the contents of the local

   computer working directory. What files are present?

  1. Enter the FTP command to list the contents of the remote

   computer working directory. What files are present?

  1. Without entering the command, how would you change the

   remote working directory to D_1131:[STUDENT1]?

  1. What changes would you have to make in order to

   transfer a binary file from the Multimax to the VAX?

                              Continue on the next page

                                     ** NOTE **

Questions 12 through 20 have to do with a connection between the

local computer (Multimax) and the remote computer (CYBER).

  1. Close the connection with the VAX and then open a connection

   to the CYBER.

  1. What files are on the remote computer's directory?

  1. What is the default type? (Hint: status)

  1. Transfer the file "memo" from the Multimax to the CYBER.

   Change the name on the CYBER to a filename of your choice.

  1. Transfer the file "MAYDATA" from the CYBER to the Multimax.

   Keep the same filename on both platforms.

  1. Without entering it, what FTP command would you enter to

   change the remote computer working directory?

  1. Enter the FTP command to list the contents of the local

   computer working directory.

                              Continue on the next page

  1. Enter the FTP command to list the contents of the remote

   computer working directory.

  1. Close the connection with the CYBER and exit FTP.

                              Continue on the next page

                                     ** NOTE **

The following questions have to do with your understanding of the

Telnet communications protocol.

  1. Enter the command to invoke the Telnet protocol.

  1. Open a connection to the VAX.

  1. Enter a valid username and password.

  1. Are you logged into the VAX or the Multimax?

  1. Enter the command to exit the VAX. (Hint: logoff)

  1. Are you logged into the VAX or the Multimax?

  1. Are you confused? Logout of the Multimax and the Annex.




The vi editor was developed at the University of California,

Berkeley. It was originally included as part of BSD UNIX. It

became an official part of AT&T UNIX with the release of System

V. Before vi was invented, the standard UNIX editor was ed. The

ed editor was line oriented and made it difficult to see the

context of the file being edited.

The next progression was an editor called ex. The ex editor had

some distinct advantages over ed. It allowed you to display an

entire screen of text instead of just one line at a time. While

in the ex editor, you could give the command vi (for visual

mode). Users used the visual mode so much that developers of ex

made it possible to use the display editing feature without

having to enter ex and then vi. They called the new facility

simply vi.

The vi editor does its work in a work buffer. When you start vi,

it copies the disk file into the work buffer. During the editing

session, changes are made to this copy. The contents of the disk

file are not changed until you write the contents of the work

buffer to the disk file.

The command to enter the vi editor is:


� Command Format: vi

� �

� file1 - the filename to edit �


Your screen is cleared, then the first lines of the file are

displayed, and the cursor is positioned at the top of the screen.

The bottom line of your screen is reserved for certain command

mode activities and for error and status messages and does not

contain any of the file's text. If the file already exists, the

bottom line lists the filename in quotes and the number of lines

and characters it contains. If the file is new, "New file" is

displayed next to the filename. If the file does not fill an

entire screen, a tilde (~) character appears in the leftmost

column of any blank lines.

By default, you are always in command mode at the start of a vi

session. The most common command mode activities are:

   cursor positioning

   entering text mode

   moving, copying, and deleting text

   storing changes


Whenever you wish to return to command mode, or are unsure of

what mode you are in, press the Esc key.

Esc can be entered any number of times without harm. The Esc key

on the VT terminals is the Ctrl-3 combination. On the PC, it is

the key marked Esc.

8.1 vi: Cursor Positioning

Below is a list of cursor positioning commands. Characters are

not echoed on your screen when one of these commands is executed.

The cursor simply moves to the desired location. If a command is

not accepted, the cursor remains where it is. The current line

is defined as the line on which the cursor currently resides.

The letter N is a repeat factor.

N+ move down N lines from current line. The cursor can be

          anyplace on the current line.  When complete, the

          cursor will be located at the first character on the

          line N lines down from the current line.

N- move up N lines from current line. The cursor can be

          anyplace on the current line.  When complete, the

          cursor will be located on the first character on the

          line located N lines up from the current line.

(Ret) The cursor can be located anyplace on the current line.

          The will be on the first character of the next line.

$ The cursor will move to the end of the current line

NG This command will move the cursor to line N. Default

          is to move to the last line.

Ctrl-D move down 1/2 screen (11 lines)

Ctrl-U move up 1/2 screen (11 lines)

NOTE: Words are delimited by spaces (ie., a word

          begins and ends with a space).

Nw The cursor will be on the first character of the word

          located N words from the current word.  The current

          word is the word where the cursor is located.  The

          default is to skip to the beginning of the next word.

Nb The cursor will be on the first character of the word

          located N words back from the current word.  The

          default is to skip back to the beginning of the

          previous word.

e The cursor will skip to the end of the current word.

The following keys are also defined for moving around the screen:

h back one space

j down one line

k up one line

l forward one space

The arrow keys will also work.

CAUTION NOTE: If you hold the arrow key down to move quickly to

                 another area of the text, a line might be inserted

                 into your file.

8.2 vi: Text Mode

Several commands in command mode allow you to enter text. Once

the command is entered, all other characters that you type are

inserted in your text until you press the Esc key.

To add text, use:

I enter text mode, additional text appears at the beginning of

   the current line.

i enter text mode, additional text appears before the current

   cursor position.

A enter text mode, additional text appears at the end of the

   current line.

a enter text mode, additional text appears after the current


O enter text mode, open a line above the current line.

o enter text mode, open a line below the current line.

To replace text, use:

R replace characters until Esc

r replace one character at current cursor position, then

   return to command mode

To substitute text, use:

Ns substitute character for the current N characters until

   Esc.  Default is to substitute for the current

   character until Esc.

8.3 vi: Deleting Text

vi commands for deleting text take effect relative to the

cursor's current position. Text deletion commands are not echoed

on your screen.

Ndd delete N lines starting at the current line. The

   default is to delete the current line.

Ndw delete N words starting with the current word. The

   default is to delete the current word.

Nx delete N characters starting at the current cursor

   position.  The default is to delete one character.

D delete remainder of line

8.4 vi: Copying Text

Copying text is performed using one of the "yank and put" command

pairs. The most straight forward command sequence for copying


   1.     Yank a word, line, or number of lines.  A copy of the

          yanked text is stored invisibly.  The original text is 

          not disturbed.

   2.     Move the cursor to the desired location.

   3.     Put the yanked copy into place.

   4.     Move the cursor to the next block of text you want to                         

          copy, then go to step 1.

Here are some yank and put commands:

NY yank N lines. Default is to yank one line.

Nyw yank N words. Default is to yank one word.

P put yanked lines above current cursor position


   put yanked words before current cursor position

p put yanked lines below current cursor position


   put yanked words after current cursor position

8.5 vi: Moving Text

Moving text from one area to another can be accomplished in

several different ways. You can use whichever method is the

easiest for you to remember.

   1.     Yank, put, and delete:

          a.     Yank the desired text.

          b.     Move the cursor to the new location and then "put"

                 the "yanked" text into its new location.

          c.     Move the cursor back to the original text and      

                 delete it.


   2.     Delete and put:

          a.     Delete the desired text 

          b.     Move the cursor to the new location

          c.     Use a put command to add the text.

NOTE: The delete command stores an invisible copy

          of the deleted text in a buffer.  This is

          done so the undo command is capable of

          restoring the previous command.  That's why

          it is possible to move that deleted text to

          another area.

8.6 vi: Restoring the Last Change

The Undo command will reverse the last command you just entered.

It will restore text that you have changed or deleted by mistake.

The undo command will undo only the most recently changed text.


� Command Format: u �

� �

� u - undo the last change �

� �

� U - restore the current line to the way it was before you �

� started changing it, even if several changes were made �

� �


If you delete a line and then change a word, undo will restore

the changed word but will not restore the line.

8.7 vi: Recovering Text After a Crash

You can often recover text that would have been lost because of a

system crash. When the system has been brought back up enter the

following command to see if the system saved a copy of your work




. $vi -r filename .


If your work buffer was saved, you will be editing a recent copy

of the work buffer. Use the w command to write the edited

version to the disk file.

The -r option will recover the version of filename that was in

the buffer when the crash occurred. If no buffer was saved, the

editor will assume you are going to edit a new empty file called


8.8 vi: Saving Text and Quitting

Commands to save (write) text and to quit are entered from the

Last Line Mode. The Last Line Mode is entered by entering a

colon (:) character from the command mode.

To save changes without exiting vi, enter:



. :w .


This command is displayed on the status line as it is typed in.

The commands are executed by pressing the Enter key. The file's

name and number of lines and characters are displayed on the

status line. With no option, the work buffer will be written

back to the original disk file. If, for some reason, you don't

have write permission to the working directory, you can copy the

work buffer to another file by specifying the complete pathname

of a temporary file.



. :w /user0/rharding/temp .


Now you can exit vi and not lose any of your work. The editing

session is saved in the file /user/rharding/temp.

To exit vi without saving any of the changes since the last :w

(or to discard all changes if no :w), enter:



. :q! .


The exclamation mark (!) (in slang, it's a bang) indicates to

quit the current editing session, regardless. If you just enter

q alone, the editor will warn you that existing changes were not

saved. It is difficult to get out of this mode. Use the

exclamation mark to indicate do the exit no matter what and not

save the changes since the last w command.

To save and quit, enter:



. :wq .


The w command will write the work buffer to the disk file. The q

command will exit the editor. The shell prompt ($) will be

displayed after the file has been saved and the editor exited.

8.9 Other vi Commands

To save the file you are editing under a different name, use:



. :w newfile .


To copy in the contents of another file, position the cursor on

the last line you want to be above the new text, then execute:



. :r filename .


The contents of filename will appear on your screen below the

last cursor position. The existing text will be moved down.

To include the output of a shell command (i.e., date) in the file

you are editing, position the cursor as described above, then




. :r !shell-cmd .


To execute a shell command without including its output in your

file, enter:



. :!shell-cmd .


This feature enables you to check man pages or the contents of

other files without exiting vi.



Workshop 8

This workshop will reinforce your understanding of the topics

covered in this chapter. Login to the Multimax with the username

and password given to you by the instructor. Each student is to

complete the entire workshop. Computer exercises might need to

be worked as a team.

  1. Login to the Multimax.

  1. Edit the file rocket.sh .

 (Hint: vi rocket.sh)

  1. Position the cursor at the beginning of line 10.

  1. Move the cursor up five lines.

  1. Move the cursor to the end of the current line.

   What vi command did you use?

  1. Move the cursor to the first line of the file.

   What vi command did you use?

  1. Move to the end of the file and insert a new line after it

   that contains the following text:


  1. Remove all the blank lines from this file.

                              Continue on the next page

  1. Locate the word grop and change it to grep .

  1. Add the following text after the last line of the file.

   rm ./temp$$

  1. Now execute the script by typing rocket.sh

   (Hint: What are the permissions on this file?)

   If you did the editing correctly fireworks should appear. If 

   not, compare your script to /user0/teacher/rocket.sh

   To stop the fireworks enter the interrupt character (CTRL-C)

  1. Create a file with a name of your own choice. Insert the

   output from the UNIX command ls -la .                   Save your change and

   exit vi.

  1. Edit the file you just created. Go to the end of the file

   and without leaving vi, display a listing of the directory 

   /user0/teacher. How do you return to the editing session?

   Did the listing get inserted into your editing session?

  1. What is the option to recover your changes after a system


  1. Logout of the Multimax and the Annex.


9.1 Assist

The assist command is a menu driven utility that can provide

information on the following topics:

   1.     Information on a variety of UNIX topics

   2.     Tutorials

   3.     The ability to construct and execute command lines

   4.     A "pop up" menu for advanced users

Assist is set up so you do not have to know the exact command

name in order to get information or use the command. To execute

assist enter:


� Command Format: assist [name] �

� assist [-s] �

� assist [-c name] �

� �

� name - invoke an assist-supported UNIX system or �

� walkthru for name. �

� �

� -s - reinvoke the assist setup module to check or �

� modify the terminal variable. �

� �

� -c name - invoke the version of name that is in the �

� current directory. �


Sample session:


. $assist .


The first time assist is executed, assist will automatically

check your terminal capabilities and then runs a brief tutorial.

You can run the tutorial again by entering:

Sample session:


. $assist -s .


This command will also allow you to recheck your terminal setup.

The following is a list of useful assist commands:

   Ctrl-A               -      assist help

   Ctrl-O               -      help with current menu

   Ctrl-Y               -      help with current menu item

   Ctrl-T               -      call top level menu

   Ctrl-F               -      call "pop up" menu

   Ctrl-R               -      go back to previous menu

   (Ret),Ctrl-N         -      move cursor to next menu item

   Ctrl-P               -      return cursor to previous item

   Ctrl-G               -      select (execute) current menu item

   Ctrl-V               -      clear help message or prompt

   Ctrl-D               -      exit

Assist contains information on many, but not all, of the UMAX

commands. In addition, not all options and possibilities for

each command are covered. For complete information about a UMAX

command, please use the on-line manual pages.

9.2 UNIX Primer Plus

This manual is intended to be the reference manual for UNIX. It

has several handy features. The inside of the front cover has a

listing of UNIX command and the page number on which a

description of the command and its options can be found. In

addition, there are some quick reference sheets that can be

removed from the book and used at your terminal. The book is

well written, humorous, and contains a lot of information about

UNIX. There might be subtle differences between generic UNIX and


Another manual that is a good reference for UNIX is "A Practical

Guide to UNIX System V" by Mark G. Sobell.

9.3 TAB (Technical Assistance Bulletin)

The TAB is published monthly and contains current articles and

helpful hints for the Multimax minicomputers and UNIX in general.

To be added to the mailing list to receive a FREE subscription,

contact Gloria Armstrong (FTS) 776-4433 or (303) 236-4433.

9.4 Local Support

If you have a local technical person that is available, try them.

Some regional offices have a hotline that you can call for


9.5 CCS Hotline

The is a technical Hotline service available in the Denver

office. This service is available to the entire Bureau. This is

the fastest way to get your questions answered. The Hotline

number is (FTS) 776-HOTT (4688) or Commercial (303) 236-HOTT


9.6 CBT (DOS based training for UNIX)

There is a Computer Based Training course available on a PC in

the Denver training room. It runs under DOS and doesn't need to

be connected to a UNIX machine. It is easy to use and has

lessons for the beginning and advanced UNIX user, as well as

courses in C programming and UNIX system administration. It can

also give you instruction about a particular command or topic

that interests you.

Workshop 9

Lucky you! No workshop

Please complete the...

                                  Summary Workshop 


                                  Course Evaluation




   PRESS Space Bar




� �


� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �




� �




� �


� CONNECTED TO 04/052 �


   Wait 2 seconds then PRESS (Ret) TWICE


� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: c domax1 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING





   PRESS (Ret)


� WARNING ****** WARNING ****** WARNING ****** WARNING ****** WARNING �




� WARNING ****** WARNING ****** WARNING ****** WARNING ****** WARNING �

� �

� �


� FOR STATUS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS CALL (406) 657-6828 OR FTS 585-6828 �


� �


� CONNECTED TO 02/079 �

� �



� �


� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �







� �


� CONNECTED TO 06/025 �




� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: c domax1 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING



The following operating procedures show how a user gets to Denver

using the Local Area Network (LAN) in Boulder City, starting with

the PC prompt: M:\USERNAME>



� | �



� | �


�________________________| �

� MICOM * * | ENTER ....Connect Highlighted Services�

� VAX_19.2 * * | �

� MI24 * * | PgPd .....Scroll Up One Page �

� ADMICOM * * | �

� | PgPn .....Scroll Down One Page �

� | �

� | Home .....First Service �

� | �

� | End ......Last Service �

� | �

� | Alt-E ....Expand/Contract Services �

� | �

� | Alt-M ....Manual Connect �

� | �

� | Alt-X ....Exit PROCOMM PLUS �

� | �

� | Alt-Z ....Help �






� BLD460 �

� BLD732 �

� BLDT50 �

� DEN (1200BPS) �

� DEN2 (2400BPS) �

� OUTDIAL (1200 BPS) �


� VAX (19.2 lines only) �





� You are accessing the Denver MICOM through the Boulder City �

� MICOM. Please remember to hit the break key three times �

� after logging off. The first DISCONNECTED comes from. The �

� second DISCONNECTED comes from Boulder City. This will assure�

� that other users can connect when you are finished. �





� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �




� �




� �


� CONNECTED TO 06/025 �




� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: c domax1 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING






� �����������������������������������������Ŀ �

� �������Ĵ Sacramento Connect Menu ���������Ŀ �

� � ������������������������������������������� � �

� � � �

� � � �

� � 1) Connect to the Sacramento VAX 8300 (USR) � �

� � � �

� � 2) Connect to the Sacramento VAX 780 (CVOCO) � �

� � � �

� � 3) Connect to the Sacramento ENCORE � �

� � � �

� � 4) Connect to the Sacramento (TCP/IP) NETWORK � �

� � � �

� � 5) Manual Setup/Connections � �

� � � �

� � D) Connect to the DENVER Computers � �

� � � �

� � E) EXIT to DOS � �

� ������������������������������������������������������������� �


   PRESS D(Ret)


� �����������������������������������������Ŀ �

� �������Ĵ Denver Connect Menu ���������Ŀ �

� � ������������������������������������������� � �

� � � �

� � � �

� � 1) Connect to the Denver VAX 8300 (USR) � �

� � � �

� � 2) Connect to the Denver CYBER AA & EE � �

� � � �

� � 3) Connect to the Denver ENCORE � �

� � � �

� � 4) Connect to the Denver IBM (FFS) � �

� � � �

� � 5) Connect to Sacramento Computers � �

� � � �

� � E) EXIT to DOS � �

� ������������������������������������������������������������� �


   PRESS 3(Ret)


� hosts �

� Host Name System Status Load Factor Inet Addr �

� ==================================================================== �

� domax0 up 0.46 �

� domax1 up 1.23 �

� dosun0 up 1.28 �

� erc830 up 0.36 �

� annex: c domax0 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2j ns32332 �

� domax0 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� �




   PRESS (Ret)



� �


� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �




� �




� �


� CONNECTED TO 06/025 �




� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: c domax1 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING





   PRESS (Ret) OR Space Bar


� ******************************* NOTICE ******************************* �




� ACCESS TO THE ADP SECURITY OFFICER AT (208)334-1746 OR (FTS)554-1746. �

� �

� C = CYBER �


� P = OUT DIAL �



� �







� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �




� �




� �


� CONNECTED TO 06/025 �




� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: c domax1 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING



   PRESS (Ret)


� Server> C MICOM2400(Ret) �

� Server -010- Session 1 connected. �


   PRESS (Ret)



� CHANNEL 01/091. ENTER HOST: DEN(Ret) �

� CONNECTED TO 01/014. �





� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �




� �




� �


� CONNECTED TO 06/025 �




� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: c domax1 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING





� CONNECTED TO 01/044 �



� �


� �


� (AA OR EE) �


� �


� �




� �


� CONNECTED TO 01/051 �

� �


� �

� VAX 8300'S VAX �




� �




� �


� CONNECTED TO 06/025 �




� �

� Annex Command Line Interpreter * Copyright 1988 Xylogics, Inc. �

� �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to U.S. Government computers �

� is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING

� annex: c domax1 �

� login: your username(Ret) �

� Password: your password(Ret) �

� UNIX System V Release ax.2.2o ns32332 �

� domax1 �

� Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T �

� All Rights Reserved �

WARNINGUnauthorized access to/use of this U.S. Government �

� computer is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. WARNING



a > b put the output of command a into

                                      file b

a >> b append the output of command a onto

                                      file b

a < b take the input of command a from

                                      file b

a | c pipe the output of command a to the

                                      input of command c

a & run command a in the background

assist call up the assist menu for

                                      information on UMAX commands

at time < script run script at time

at -l list your at jobs waiting to be


at -r xx remove at job xx

awk '/str1/,/str2/' file display all lines between those

                                      containing str1 and str2

awk '{print $n,$m}' file display fields n and m of file

call host connect to a Multimax from an Annex

cat file display file on the screen

cat file1 >> file2 append file1 onto file2

cd return to your home directory

cd dir work in directory dir

chmod perms file change permissions on file to perms

cp file1 file2 copy file1 to file2

cp f1 f2 f3 dir copy files f1, f2, and f3 into

                                      directory dir

csh the C shell

cu options host dial up a remote host

cut -fx file display field x of file

cut -da -fx file use a as a field separator

diff file 1 file 2 display differences between file1

                                      and file2

echo string display string on the terminal

file file1 describe file1's type (data, text,

                                      binary, etc)

finger user display information on user

ftp interactive remote file transfer

grep string file search for string in file

grep -c string file display only the number of

                                      occurrences of string

grep -l string files list file names that contain string

kill %x kill background job x

ksh the KornShell

lp -ddest file Print file on the printer dest

ls list the files in the current

                                      working directory

ls dir list the files in directory dir

ls -a include files that begin with a

                                      . (period)

ls -l long listing including permissions,

                                      size and ownership

ls -C list in columns

ls -ld display detailed information on a

                                      directory, not its contents

mailx read mail via interactive mail


mailx user send mail to user

man command display the man pages for command

mkdir dir create directory dir

mv file1 file2 move file1 to file2

mv f1 f2 f3 dir move files f1, f2, and f3 into

                                      directory dir

nsh host commands execute commands on a remote host

passwd change your password

pg file display file on screen at a time

ps display process status of your

                                      current session

ps -u user display process for user

pwd print (current) working directory

rcp host1:file host2:file copy files from one host to another

rlogin host login to a remote host

rm file remove file

rm -rdir remove directory dir and contents

rmdir dir remove directory dir

ruptime display status of hosts on the


rwho display information on network


sed -e "action" file use stream editor on file

sh Bourne shell

shl the Shell Layer Manager

sort file perform an alphabetic sort based on

                                      the first field of file

sort -n file perform a numeric sort based on the

                                      first field of file

sort +x file sort on field x+1

sort -ta file use a as a field separator

spell file check file for correct spelling

stty display current stty settings

stty intr set interrupt character to

stty kill set kill character to

talk talk with user on your terminal

talk file display the last 10 lines of file

telenet host connect to a remote host

telenet annex connect to an Annex for use of an

                                      outbound port

tr a b file in file, change every a to b

vi file edit file with a full screen editor

wc file list the number of lines, words and

                                      characters in file

write user send a message to user's terminal

uucp file hostpath remote copy


Special Commands

Esc return to command mode

u undo last command

. repeat last insert, delete or put command

Saving Text and Quitting

:w write (save) text

:w newfile save text to file newfile

:x,yw newfile save lines x to y into newfile

:q! quit without saving changes

:wq save text and quit

Cursor Positioning

N move to line N

N+ down N lines

N- up N lines

^D down one screen

^U up one screen

k up one line

j down one line

^ beginning of line

$ end of line

Nw N words ahead

Nb back N words

w word ahead

b back one word

e end of word

h backspace

l forward one space

arrow keys space left or right, go up or down one line


/pattern search forward for pattern

?pattern search backward for pattern

? or / repeat the last search

Deleting Text

Ndd delete N lines

dd delete current line

D delete remainder of line

Ndw delete N words

dw delete current word

Nx delete N characters

x delete one character

Copying Text

NY yank N lines

Y yank one line

Nyw yank N words

yw yank one word

P put yanked lines above current cursor position, or

                 put yanked words before current cursor position

p put yanked lines below current cursor position, or

                 put yanked words after current cursor position

Entering Text Mode

I enter text mode, additional text appears at the

                 beginning of the current line

i enter text mode, additional text appears before

                 the current cursor position

A enter text mode, additional text appears at the

                 end of the current line

a enter text mode, additional text appears after the

                 current cursor position.

O enter text mode, open a line above the current


o enter text mode, open a line below the current


Replacing and Substituting Text

r replace one character at current cursor position,

                 then return to command mode

R replace characters until Esc

s substitute characters for the current character

                 until Esc

Ns substitute characters for the current N characters

                 until Esc

Reading in Text

:r filename append the contents of filename below the current

                 cursor position

:r !shell-cmd append the output of shell-cmd below the current

                 cursor position

Global Operations


                 on lines x through y, change old to new


                 delete any line from x toy that has the string






 vi - screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on ex


 vi [ -t tag ] [ -r file ] [ -L ] [ -wn ] [ -R ] [ -x ] [ -C

 ] [ -ccommand ] file ...

 view [ -t tag ] [ -r file ] [ -L ] [ -wn ] [ -R ] [ -x ] [

 -C ] [ -ccommand ] file ...

 vedit [ -t tag ] [ -r file ] [ -L ] [ -wn ] [ -R ] [ -x ] [

 -C ] [ -ccommand ] file ...


 vi (visual) is a display-oriented text editor based on an

 underlying line editor ex(1).  It is possible to use the

 command mode of ex from within vi and vice-versa. The visual

 commands are described on this manual page; how to set

 options (like automatically numbering lines and

 automatically starting a new output line after a carriage

 return) and all ex(1) line editor commands are described on

 the ex(1) manual page.

 When using vi, changes made to the file are reflected in

 what is displayed on the terminal screen.  The position of

 the cursor on the screen indicates the position within the



 The following invocation options are interpreted by vi:

 -t tag  Edit the file containing the tag and position the

         cursor at its definition.  The file (tags)

         containing the tag is found in the current directory

         or in /usr/lib/tags.  Below is an example of a tags


                line /tmp/vi.file   /line/

                this /tmp/vi.file   /this/

         Using "vi -t line", the edited file will be

         "/tmp/vi.file". The file will be searched for the

         first occurrence of "line", and the cursor will be

         placed at "line".

 -r file Edit file after an editor or system crash.

         (Recovers the version of file that was in the buffer

         when the crash occurred.)

 -L      List the name of all files saved as the result of an

         editor or system crash.

 -wn     Set the default window size to n.  This is useful

         when using the editor over a slow speed line.

 -R      Readonly mode; the readonly flag is set, preventing

         accidental overwriting of the file.

 -x      Encryption option; when used, vi simulates the X

         command of ex(1) and prompts the user for a key.

         This key is used to encrypt and decrypt text using

         the algorithm of crypt(1).  The X command makes an

         educated guess to determine whether or not text read

         in is encrypted.  The temporary buffer file is

         encrypted also, using a transformed version of the

         key typed in for the -x option.  See crypt(1).

         Also, see the WARNING section at the end of this

         manual page.

 -C      Encryption option, same as the -x option, except

         that vi simulates the C command of ex(1).  The C

         command is like the X command of ex(1), except that

         all text read in is assumed to have been encrypted.

 -c      command Begin editing by executing the specified

         editor command (usually a search or positioning


 The file argument indicates one or more files to be edited.

 The view invocation is the same as vi except that the

 readonly flag is set.

 The vedit invocation is intended for beginners.  It is the

 same as vi except that the report flag is set to 1, the

 showmode and novice flags are set, and magic is turned off.

 These defaults make it easier to learn vi.


 Command  Normal and initial mode.  Other modes return to

 command mode upon completion.  ESC (escape) is used

 to cancel a partial command.

 Input    Entered by setting the following options: a i A I o

          O c s R.  Arbitrary text may then be entered.

          Input mode is normally terminated with ESC

          character, or abnormally with interrupt.

 Last line

          Reading input for : / ? or !; terminate with  CR to

          execute, interrupt to cancel.


 In the descriptions, CR stands for carriage return and ESC

 stands for the escape key.

Sample Commands

 <- | | ->           arrow keys move the cursor

 h j k l             same as arrow keys

 itextESC            insert text

 cwnewESC            change word to new

 easESC              pluralize word (end of word; append s;

                     escape from input state)

 x                   delete a character

 dw                  delete a word

 dd                  delete a line

 3dd                 delete 3 lines

 u                   undo previous change

 ZZ                  exit vi, saving changes

 :q!CR               quit, discarding changes

 /textCR             search for text

 U D                 scroll up or down

 :ex cmdCR           any ex or ed command

Counts Before vi Commands

 Numbers may be typed as a prefix to some commands.  They are

 interpreted in one of these ways:

 line/column number  z G |

 scroll amount       D U

 repeat effect       most of the rest

Interrupting, Canceling

 ESC                 end insert or incomplete cmd

 DEL                 (delete or rubout) interrupts

 L                   reprint screen if DEL scrambles it

 R                   reprint screen if L is -> key

File Manipulation

 ZZ                  if file is modified, write and exit;

                     otherwise, exit

 :wCR                write back changes

 :w!CR               forced write, if permission originally

                     not valid

 :qCR                quit

 :q!CR               quit, discard changes

 :e nameCR           edit file name

 :e!CR               reedit, discard changes

 :e + nameCR         edit, starting at end

 :e +n filename CR   edit starting at line n

 :e #CR              edit alternate file

 :e! #CR             edit alternate file, discard changes

 :w nameCR           write file name

 :w! nameCR          overwrite file name

 :shCR               run shell, then return

 :!cmdCR             run cmd, then return

 :nCR                edit next file in arglist

 :n argsCR           specify new arglist

 G                   show current file and line

 :ta tagCR           to tag file entry tag

 In general, any ex or ed command (such as substitute or

 global) may be typed, preceded by a colon and followed by a


Positioning Within File

 F                   forward screen

 B                   backward screen

 D                   scroll down half screen

 U                   scroll up half screen

 Ng                  go to the beginning of the specified

                     line (end default), where n is a line


 /pat                next line matching pat

 ?pat                prev line matching pat

 n                   repeat last / or ? command

 N                   reverse last / or ? command

 /pat/+n             nth line after pat

 ?pat?-n             nth line before pat

 ]]                  next section/function

 [[                  previous section/function

 (                   beginning of sentence

 )                   end of sentence

 {                   beginning of paragraph

 }                   end of paragraph

 %                   find matching ( ) { or }

Adjusting The Screen

 L                   clear and redraw

 zCR                 clear and redraw window if ^L is -> key

 ZCR                 redraw screen with current line at top

                     of window

 z-CR                redraw screen with current line at

                     bottom of window

 z.CR                redraw screen with current line at

                     center of window

 /pat/z-CR           move pat line to bottom of window

 zn.CR               use n line window

 E                   scroll window down 1 line

 Y                   scroll window up 1 line

Marking and Returning

 ``                  move cursor to previous context

 ''                  move cursor to first non-white space in


 mx                  mark current position with the ACSII

                     lower-case letter x

 `x                  move cursor to mark x

 'x                  move cursor to first non-white space in

                     line marked by x

Line Positioning

 H                   top line on screen

 L                   last line on screen

 M                   middle line on screen

 +                   next line, at first non-white

 -                   previous line, at first non-white

 CR                  return, same as +

 | or j              next line, same column

 | or k              previous line, same column

Character Positioning

 first non-white-space character

 0                   beginning of line

 $                   end of line

 l or ->             forward

 h or <-             backwards

 H                   same as <- (backspace)

 space               same as -> (space bar)

 fx                  find next x

 Fx                  find previous x

 tx                  move to character prior to next x

 Tx                  move to character following previous x

 ;                   repeat last f F

 ,                   repeat last t T

 n|                  to specified column

 %                   find matching () { or }

Words, Sentences, Paragraphs

 w                   forward a word

 b                   back a word

 e                   end of word

 )                   to next sentence

 }                   to next paragraph

 (                   back a sentence

 {                   back a paragraph

 W                   forward a blank-delimited word

 B                   back a blank-delimited word

 E                   to end of a blank-delimited word

Corrections During Insert

 H                   erase last character (backspace)

 W                   erase last word

 erase               erase, same as H

 kill                kill, erase this line of input

 \                   quotes H, erase and kill characters

 ESC                 ends insertion, back to command mode

 DEL                 interrupt, terminates insert mode

 D                   backtab one character; reset left margin

                     of autoindent

 |D                  caret () followed by control-d (D);

                     backtab to beginning of line; do not

                     reset left margin of autoindent

 0D                  backtab to beginning of line; reset left

                     margin of autoindent

 V                   quote non-printable character

Insert and Replace

 a                   append after cursor

 A                   append at end of line

 i                   insert before cursor

 I                   insert before first non-blank

 o                   open line below

 O                   open above

 rx                  replace single char with x

 RtextESC            replace characters


 Operators are followed by a cursor motion, and affect all

 text that would have been moved over.  For example, since w

 moves over a word, dw deletes the word.  Double the

 operator, e.g., dd to affect whole lines.

 d                   delete

 c                   change

 y                   yank lines to buffer

 <                   left shift

 >                   right shift

 !                   filter through command

Miscellaneous Operations

 C                   change rest of line (c$)

 D                   delete rest of line (d$)

 s                   substitute chars (cl)

 S                   substitute lines (cc)

 J                   join lines

 x                   delete characters (dl)

 X                   ... before cursor (dh)

 Y                   yank lines (yy)

Yank and Put

 Put inserts the text most recently deleted or yanked;

 however, if a buffer is named (using the ASCII lower-case

 letters a - z), the text in that buffer is put instead.

 3yy                 yank 3 lines

 3yl                 yank 3 characters

 p                   put back text after cursor

 P                   put back text before cursor

 "xp                 put from buffer x

 "xY ("xyy)          yank to buffer x

 "xD ("xdd)          delete into buffer x

Undo, Redo, Retrieve

 u                   undo last change

 U                   restore current line

 .                   repeat last change

 "dp                 retrieve d'th last delete


 vi and ex were developed by The University of California,

 Berkeley California, Computer Science Division, Department

 of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.


 /tmp                     default directory where temporary

                          work files are placed; it can be

                          changed using the directory option

                          (see the ex(1) set command)

 /usr/lib/terminfo/?/*    compiled terminal description


 /usr/lib/.COREterm/?/*   subset of compiled terminal

                          description database, supplied on

                          hard disk


 Two options, although they continue to be supported, have

 been replaced in the documentation by options that follow

 the Command Syntax Standard (see intro(1)).  A -r option

 that is not followed with an option-argument has been

 replaced by -L and +command has been replaced by -c command.


 ed(1), ex(1).

 "Screen Editor Tutorial (vi)" in the UMAX V User's Guide.


 The encryption options are provided with the Security

 Administration Utilities package, which is available only in

 the United States.

 Tampering with entries in /usr/lib/.COREterm/?/* or

 /usr/lib/terminfo/?/* (for example, changing or removing an

 entry) can affect programs such as vi(1) that expect the

 entry to be present and correct.  In particular, removing

 the "dumb" terminal may cause unexpected problems.


 Software tabs using T work only immediately after the


 Left and right shifts on intelligent terminals do not make

 use of insert and delete character operations in the




 ftp - Internet file transfer program 


 ftp [ -v ] [ -d ] [ -i ] [ -n ] [ -g ] [ host ]


 ftp is the user interface to the DARPA File Transfer

 Protocol. The program transfers files to and from a remote

 network site.                                             

 The client host with which ftp is to communicate can be   

 specified on the command line. In this case, ftp immediately

 attempts to establish a connection to an FTP server on that 

 host; otherwise, ftp enters its command interpreter and     

 waits for instruction, displaying the prompt ftp>.          

 ftp recognizes the following commands:                      

 ! [ command [ args ] ]                                      

           Invoke an interactive shell on the local machine. 

           If there are arguments, the first is taken to be a

           command to execute directly, with the rest of the 

           arguments as its arguments.                       

 $ macro-name [ args ]                                       

           Execute the macro-name that was defined with      

           the macdef command.  Arguments are passed to the  

           macro unglobbed.                                  

 account [ passwd ]                                          

           Supply a supplemental password required by a      

           remote system for access to resources once a login

           has been successfully completed.  If no argument  

           is included, the user will be prompted for an     

           account password in a non-echoing input mode.     

 append local-file [ remote-file ]                           

           Append a local file to a file on the remote       

           machine. If remote-file is left unspecified, the  

           local file name is used to name the remote file   

           after being altered by any ntrans or nmap setting.

           File transfer uses the current settings for type, 

           format, mode, and structure.                      

 ascii     Set the file transfer type to network ASCII. This 

           is the default type.

 bell      Sound a bell after each file transfer command is  


 binary    Set the file transfer type to support binary image


 bye       Terminate the FTP session with the remote server  

           and exit ftp.                                     

 case      Toggle remote computer file name case mapping     

           during mget commands.  When case is on (default is

           off), remote computer file names with all letters 

           in upper case are written in the local directory  

           with the letters mapped to lower case.            

 cd remote-directory                                         

           Change the working directory on the remote machine

           to remote-directory.                              

 cdup      Change the remote machine working directory to the

           parent of the current remote machine working      


 close     Terminate the FTP session with the remote server, 

           and return to the command interpreter.  Any       

           defined macros are erased.                        

 cr        Toggle carriage return stripping during ASCII type

           file retrieval.  Records are denoted by a carriage

           return/linefeed sequence during ASCII type file   

           transfer.  When cr is on (the default), carriage  

           returns are stripped from this sequence to conform

           with the UNIX single linefeed record delimiter.   

           Records on non-UNIX remote systems may contain    

           single linefeeds; when an ASCII type transfer is  

           made, these linefeeds may be distinguished from a 

           record delimiter only when cr is off.             

 delete remote-file                                          

           Delete the file remote-file on the remote machine.

 debug [ debug-value ]                                       

           Toggle debugging mode. If an optional debug-value 

           is specified, it is used to set the debugging     

           level. When debugging is on, ftp prints each      

           command sent to the remote machine, preceded by   

           the string --> .                                  

 dir [ remote-directory ] [ local-file ]                     

           Print the contents of directory, remote-directory,

           and, optionally, place the output in local-file.  

           If no directory is specified, the current working 

           directory on the remote machine is used. If no    

           local file is specified, or local-file is -,      

           output comes to the terminal.                     


           A synonym for close.                              

 form format                                                 

           Set the file transfer form to format.  The default

           format is file.                                   

 get remote-file [ local-file ]                           

           Retrieve the remote-file and store it on the local

           machine. If the local file name is not specified, 

           it is given the same name it has on the remote    

           machine, subject to alteration by the current     

           case, ntrans, and nmap settings. The current      

           settings for type, form, mode, and structure are  

           used while transferring the file.                 

 glob      Toggle filename expansion for mdelete, mget and   

           mput.  If globbing is turned off with glob, the   

           file name arguments are taken literally and not   

           expanded.  Globbing for mput is done as in csh(1).

           For mdelete and mget, each remote file name is    

           expanded separately on the remote machine and the 

           lists are not merged.  Expansion of a directory   

           name is likely to be different from expansion of  

           the name of an ordinary file:  the exact result   

           depends on the foreign operating system and FTP   

           server, and can be previewed by doing             

           "mls remote-files -".  Note:  mget and mput are   

           not meant to transfer entire directory subtrees of

           files.  That can be done by transferring a tar(1) 

           archive of the subtree (in binary mode).          

 hash      Toggle number-sign (#) printing for each data     

           block transferred. The size of a data block is    

           1024 bytes.                                       

 help [ command ]                                            

           Print a description of command.  With no argument,

           ftp prints a list of the known commands.          

 lcd [ directory ]                                           

           Change the working directory on the local machine.

           If no directory is specified, changes to the      

           user's home directory.                            

 ls [ remote-directory ] [ local-file ]                      

           Print an abbreviated listing of the contents of a 

           directory on the remote machine. If remote-       

           directory is left unspecified, the current working

           directory is used. If no local file is specified, 

           the output is sent to the terminal.               

 macdef macro-name                                           

           Define a macro.  Subsequent lines are stored as   

           the macro macro-name; a null line (consecutive    

           newline characters in a file or carriage returns  

           from the terminal) terminates macro input mode.   

           There is a limit of 16 macros and 4096 total      

           characters in all defined macros.  Macros remain  

           defined until a close command is executed.  The   

           macro processor interprets "$" and "\" as special 

           characters.  A "$" followed by a number (or       

           numbers) is replaced by the corresponding argument

           on the macro invocation command line.  A "$"      

           followed by an "i" signals that macro processor   

           that the executing macro is to be looped. On the  

           first pass "$i" is replaced by the first argument 

           on the macro invocation command line, on the      

           second pass it is replaced by the second argument,

           and so on.  A "\" followed by any character is    

           replaced by that character.  Use the "\" to       

           prevent special treatment of the "$".             

 mdelete [ remote-files ]                                    

           Delete the specified files on the remote machine. 

 mdir remote-files local-file                             

           Like dir, except multiple remote files may be     

           specified.  If interactive prompting is on, ftp   

           will prompt the user to verify that the last      

           argument is indeed the target local file for      

           receiving mdir output.                            

 mget remote-files                                           

           Expand the remote-files on the remote machine and 

           do a get for each file name thus produced.  See   

           glob for details on the filename expansion.       

           Resulting file names will then be processed       

           according to case, ntrans, and nmap settings.     

           Files are transferred into the local working      

           directory, which can be changed with              

           "lcd directory"; new local directories can be     

           created with "! mkdir directory".                 

 mkdir directory-name                                        

           Make a directory on the remote machine.

 mls remote-files local-file                                 

           Like ls, except multiple remote files may be      

           specified.  If interactive prompting is on, ftp   

           will prompt the user to verify that the last      

           argument is indeed the target local file for      

           receiving mls output.                             

 mode [ mode-name ]                                          

           Set the file transfer mode to mode-name.  The     

           default mode is stream.                           

 mput local-files                                            

           Expand wild cards in the list of local files given

           as arguments and do a put for each file in the    

           resulting list.  See glob for details of filename 

           expansion.  Resulting file names will then be     

           processed according to ntrans and nmap settings.  

 nmap [ inpattern outpattern ]                               

           Set or unset the filename mapping mechanism.  If  

           no arguments are specified, the filename mapping  

           mechanism is unset.  If arguments are specified,  

           remote filenames are mapped during mput commands  

           and put commands issued without a specified remote

           target filename.  If arguments are specified,    

           local filenames are mapped during mget commands  

           and get commands issued without a specified local

           target filename.  This command is useful when    

           connecting to a non-UNIX remote computer with    

           different file naming conventions or practices.  

           The mapping follows the pattern set by inpattern 

           and outpattern.  inpattern is a template for     

           incoming filenames (which may have already been  

           processed according to the ntrans and case       

           settings).  Variable templating is accomplished by

           including the sequences "$1", "$2", ..., "$9" in  

           inpattern.  Use "\" to prevent this special       

           treatment of the "$" character.  All other        

           characters are treated literally, and are used to 

           determine the nmap inpattern variable values.  For

           example, given inpattern $1.$2 and the remote file

           name mydata.data, $1 would have the value mydata, 

           and $2 would have the value data.  The outpattern 

           determines the resulting mapped filename.  The    

           sequences "$1", "$2", ..., "$9" are replaced by   

           any value resulting from the inpattern template.  

           The sequence "$0" is replaced by the original     

           filename.  Additionally, the sequence             

           "[seq1,seq2]" is replaced by seq1 if seq1 is not a

           null string; otherwise it is replaced by seq2.    

           For example, the command "nmap $1.$2.$3

           [$1,$2].[$2,file]" would yield the output filename

           myfile.data for input filenames myfile.data and   

           myfile.data.old, myfile.file for the input        

           filename myfile, and myfile.myfile for the input  

           filename .myfile.  Spaces may be included in      

           outpattern, as in the example:                    

                nmap $1 | sed "s/  *$//" > $1                

           Use the "\" character to prevent special treatment

           of the "$", "[", "]", and "," characters.         

 ntrans [ inchars [ outchars ] ]                             

           Set or unset the filename character translation   

           mechanism.  If no arguments are specified, the    

           filename character translation mechanism is unset.

           If arguments are specified, characters in remote  

           filenames are translated during mput commands and 

           put commands issued without a specified remote    

           target filename.  If arguments are specified,     

           characters in local filenames are translated      

           during mget commands and get commands issued      

           without a specified local target filename.  This  

           command is useful when connecting to a non-UNIX   

           remote computer with different file naming        

           conventions or practices.  Characters in a        

           filename matching a character in inchars are      

           replaced with the corresponding character in      

           outchars.  If the character's position in inchars 

           is longer than the length of outchars, the        

           character is deleted from the file name.          

 open host [ port ]                                          

           Establish a connection to the specified host's FTP

           server. An optional port number can be supplied,  

           in which case, ftp attempts to contact an FTP     

           server at that port. If the auto-login option is  

           on (default), ftp also attempts to automatically  

           log the user in to the FTP server (see below).    

 prompt    Toggle interactive prompting. Interactive         

           prompting occurs during multiple file transfers to

           allow the user to selectively retrieve or store   

           files. If prompting is turned off (default), any  

           mget or mput transfers all files and mdelete will 

           delete all files.

 proxy ftp-command                                           

           Execute an ftp command on a secondary control     

           connection.  This command allows simultaneous     

           connection to two remote FTP servers for          

           transferring files between the two servers.  The 

           first proxy command should be an open, to        

           establish the secondary control connection.  Enter

           the command "proxy ?" to see other ftp commands   

           executable on the secondary connection.  The      

           following commands behave differently when        

           prefaced by proxy:  open will not define new      

           macros during the auto-login process, close will  

           not erase existing macro definitions, get and mget

           transfer files from the host on the primary       

           control connection to the host on the secondary   

           control connection, and put, mput, and append     

           transfer files from the host on the secondary     

           control connection to the host on the primary     

           control connection.  Third party file transfers   

           depend upon support of the FTP protocol PASV      

           command by the server on the secondary control    


 put local-file [ remote-file ]                              

           Store a local file on the remote machine. If      

           remote-file is left unspecified, the local file   

           name is used in naming the remote file, after     

           processing according to any ntrans or nmap        

           settings.  File transfer uses the current settings

           for type, format, mode, and structure.            

 pwd       Print the name of the current working directory on

           the remote machine.                               

 quit      A synonym for bye.                                

 quote arg1 arg2 ...                                         

           The arguments specified are sent, verbatim, to the

           remote FTP server.                                

 recv remote-file [ local-file ]                             

           A synonym for get.                                

 remotehelp [ command-name ]                                 

           Request help from the remote FTP server. If a     

           command-name is specified, it is supplied to the  

           server as well.                                   

 rename [ from ] [ to ]                                      

           Rename, on the remote machine, the file from to   

           the file to.

 reset     Clear reply queue.  This command re-synchronizes  

           command/reply sequencing with the remote FTP      

           server.  Resynchronization may be necessary       

           following a violation of the FTP protocol by the  

           remote server.                                    

 rmdir directory-name                                        

           Delete a directory on the remote machine.         

 runique   Toggle storing of files on the local system with  

           unique filenames.  If a file already exists with a

           name equal to the target local filename for a get 

           or mget command, a ".1" is appended to the name.  

           If the resulting name matches another existing    

           file, a ".2" is appended to the original name.  If

           this process continues up to ".99", an error      

           message is printed, and the transfer does not take

           place.  The generated unique filename will be     

           reported.  Note that runique will not affect local

           files generated from a shell command (see below). 

           The default value is off.                         

 send local-file [ remote-file ]                             

           A synonym for put.                                

 sendport  Toggle the use of PORT commands. By default, ftp  

           attempts to use a PORT command when establishing a

           connection for each data transfer. The use of PORT

           commands can prevent delays when performing       

           multiple file transfers.  If the PORT command     

           fails, ftp uses the default data port. When the   

           use of PORT commands is disabled, no attempt is   

           made to use them for each data transfer. This is  

           useful for certain FTP implementations that do    

           ignore PORT commands but wrongly indicate they    

           have been accepted.                               

 status    Show the current status of ftp.                   

 struct [ struct-name ]                                      

           Set the file transfer structure to struct-name.   

           The default structure is stream.                  

 sunique   Toggle storing of files on remote machine under   

           unique file names.  Remote FTP server must support

            the FTP protocol STOU command for successful    

           completion.  The remote server will report a     

           unique name.  Default value is off.              

 tenex     Set the file transfer type to that needed to talk

           to TENEX machines.

 trace     Toggle packet tracing.                           

 type [ type-name ]                                         

           Set the file transfer type to type-name.  If no  

           type-name is specified, the current type is      

           printed. The default type is network ascii.      

 user user-name [ password ] [ account ]                    

           The user identifies him/herself to the remote FTP 

           server. If the password is not specified and the  

           server requires it, ftp prompts the user for it   

           (after disabling local echo).  If an account field

           is not specified, and the FTP server requires it, 

           the user is prompted for it. If an account field  

           is specified, an account command will be relayed  

           to the remote server after the login sequence is  

           completed if the remote server did not require it 

           for logging in.  Unless ftp is invoked with       

           "auto-login" disabled, this process is done       

           automatically on initial connection to the FTP    


 verbose   Toggle verbose mode. In verbose mode, all         

           responses from the FTP server are displayed to the

           user. In addition, if verbose is on, when a file  

           transfer completes, statistics regarding the      

           efficiency of the transfer are reported. By       

           default, verbose is on.                           

 ? [ command ]                                               

           A synonym for help.                               

 Command arguments that have embedded spaces can be quoted   

 with double quote (") marks.                                


 To abort a file transfer, use the terminal interrupt key    

 (usually <ctrl>C).  Sending transfers will be immediately   

 halted.  Receiving transfers will be halted by sending a FTP

 protocol ABOR command to the remote server, and discarding  

 any further data received.  The speed at which this is      

 accomplished depends upon the remote server's support for   

 ABOR processing.  If the remote server does not support the 

 ABOR command, an ftp> prompt will not appear until the      

 remote server has completed sending the requested file.     

 The terminal interrupt key sequence will be ignored when ftp

 has completed any local processing and is awaiting a reply  

 from the remote server.  A long delay in this mode may      

 result from the ABOR processing described above, or from    

 unexpected behavior by the remote server, including         

 violations of the FTP protocol.  If the delay results from  

 unexpected remote server behavior, the local ftp program    

 must be killed by hand.                                     


 Files specified as arguments to ftp commands are processed  

 according to the following rules.                           

 1.   If the file name is -, the standard input (for reading)

      or the standard output (for writing) is used.          

 2.   If the first character of the file name is a bar |, the

      remainder of the argument is interpreted as a shell    

      command.  ftp then forks a shell, using popen(3S) with 

      the argument supplied, and reads (writes) from the     

      stdout (stdin).  If the shell command includes spaces, 

      the argument must be quoted; for example, "| ls -lt". A

      particularly useful example of this mechanism is       

      "dir | more".                                          

 3.   Failing the above checks, if globbing is enabled, local

      file names are expanded according to the rules used in 

      the csh(1); see the glob command.  If the ftp command  

      expects a single local file (e.g., put), only the first

      filename generated by the globbing operation is used.  

 4.   For mget commands and get commands with unspecified    

      local file names, the local filename is the remote     

      filename, which may be altered by a case, ntrans, or   

      nmap setting.  The resulting filename may then be      

      altered if runique is on.                              

 5.   For mput commands and put commands with unspecified    

      remote file names, the remote filename is the local    

      filename, which may be altered by a ntrans or nmap     

      setting.  The resulting filename may then be altered by

      the remote server if sunique is on.                    


 The FTP specification identifies many parameters that can   

 affect a file transfer. The type can be one of ascii, image 

 (binary), ebcdic, and local byte size (for PDP-10's and     

 PDP-20's mostly).  ftp supports the ascii and image types of

 file transfer, plus local byte size 8 for tenex mode        


 ftp supports only the default values for the remaining file 

 transfer parameters:  mode, form, and struct.               


 Options can be specified at the command line, or to the     

 command interpreter.                                        

 The -v (verbose on) option forces ftp to show all responses 

 from the remote server, as well as report on data transfer  


 The -n option restrains ftp from attempting "auto-login"    

 upon initial connection.  If auto-login is enabled, ftp     

 checks the netrc file in the user's home directory for an   

 entry describing an account on the remote machine. If no    

 entry exists, ftp will prompt for the remote machine login  

 name (default is the user identity on the local machine),   

 and, if necessary, prompt for a password and an account with

 which to login.                                             

 The -i option turns off interactive prompting during        

 multiple file transfers.                                    

 The -d option enables debugging.                            

 The -g option disables file name globbing.                  

THE .netrc FILE

 The .netrc file contains login and initialization           

 information used by the "auto-login" process.  It resides in

 the user's home directory.  The following tokens are        

 recognized; they may be separated by spaces, tabs, or new-  


 machine name                                                

      Identify a remote machine name.  The auto-login process

      searches the .netrc file for a machine token that      

      matches the remote machine specified on the ftp command

      line or as an open command argument.  Once a match is  

      made, the subsequent .netrc tokens are processed,      

      stopping when the end of file is reached or another    

      machine token is encountered.                          

 login name                                                  

      Identify a user on the remote machine.  If this token  

      is present, the "auto-login" process will initiate a   

      login using the specified name.                        

 password string                                             

      Supply a password.  If this token is present, the      

      "auto-login" process will supply the specified string  

      if the remote server requires a password as part of the

      login process.  Note that if this token is present in  

      the .netrc file, ftp will abort the "auto-login"       

      process if the .netrc is readable by anyone besides the


account string                                              

      Supply an additional account password.  If this token  

      is present, the "auto-login" process will supply the   

      specified string if the remote server requires an      

      additional account password, or the "auto-login"       

      process will initiate an ACCT command if it does not.  

 macdef name                                                

      Define a macro.  This token functions like the ftp    

      macdef command functions.  A macro is defined with the

      specified name; its contents begin with the next .netrc

      line and continue until a null line (consecutive new- 

      line characters) is encountered.  If a macro named init

      is defined, it is automatically executed as the last   

      step in the "auto-login" process.                      



 ftpd(1M) in the UMAX V Administrator's Reference Manual.   


 Correct execution of many commands depends upon proper     

 behavior by the remote server.                             

 An error in the treatment of carriage returns in the 4.2BSD

 UNIX ASCII-mode transfer code has been corrected.  This    

 correction may result in incorrect transfers of binary files

 to and from 4.2BSD servers using the ascii type.  Avoid this

 problem by using the binary image type.



 telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol


 telnet [ host [ port ] ]


 The telnet command communicates with another host using the

 TELNET protocol. If telnet is invoked without arguments, it

 enters command mode, indicated by its prompt (for example,

 telnet>).  In this mode, it accepts and executes the

 commands listed below. If it is invoked with arguments, it

 performs an open command (see below) with those arguments.

 Once a connection has been opened, telnet enters input mode.

 The input mode entered will be either character at a time or

 line by line depending on what the remote system supports.

 In character at a time mode, most text typed is immediately

 sent to the remote host for processing.

 In line by line mode, all text is echoed locally, and

 (normally) only completed lines are sent to the remote host.

 The local echo character (initially ^E) may be used to turn

 off and on the local echo (this would mostly be used to

 enter passwords without the password being echoed).

 In either mode, if the localchars toggle is TRUE (the

 default in line mode; see below), the user's quit, intr, and

 flush characters are trapped locally, and sent as TELNET

 protocol sequences to the remote side.  There are options

 (see toggle autoflush and toggle autosynch below) which

 cause this action to flush subsequent output to the terminal

 (until the remote host acknowledges the TELNET sequence) and

 flush previous terminal input (in the case of quit and


 While connected to a remote host, telnet command mode may be

 entered by typing the telnet escape character (initially

 ^]).  When in command mode, the normal terminal editing

 conventions are available.


 The following commands are available.  Only enough of each

 command to uniquely identify it need be typed (this is also

 true for arguments to the mode, set, toggle, and display


 open host [ port ]

          Open a connection to the named host. If no port

          number is specified, telnet attempts to contact a

          TELNET server at the default port.  The host

          specification can be either a host name (see

          hosts(4)) or an Internet address specified in "dot

          notation" (see inet(3N)).

 close    Close a TELNET session and return to command mode.

 quit     Close any open TELNET session and exit telnet.  An

          end-of-file (in command mode) will also close a

          session and exit.

 <ctrl>Z  Suspend telnet.  This command only works when the

          user is using the csh(1) or the BSD application

          environment version of ksh(1).

 status   Show the current status of telnet.  This includes

          the peer one is connected to, as well as the

          current mode.

 display [ argument ... ]

          Displays all, or some, of the set and toggle values

          (see below).

 ? [ command ]

          Get help.  With no arguments, telnet prints a help

          summary.  If a command is specified, telnet will

          print the help information for just that command.

 send arguments

          Sends one or more special character sequences to

          the remote host.  The following are the arguments

          which may be specified (more than one argument may

          be specified at a time):


               Sends the current telnet escape character

               (initially ^]).


               Sends the TELNET SYNCH sequence.  This

               sequence causes the remote system to discard

               all previously typed (but not yet read) input.

               This sequence is sent as TCP urgent data (and

               may not work if the remote system is a 4.2 BSD

               system -- if it doesn't work, a lower case r

               may be echoed on the terminal).


               Sends the TELNET BRK (Break) sequence, which

               may have significance to the remote system.


               Sends the TELNET IP (Interrupt Process)

               sequence, which should cause the remote system

               to abort the currently running process.


               Sends the TELNET AO (Abort Output) sequence,

               which should cause the remote system to flush

               all output from the remote system to the

               user's terminal.


               Sends the TELNET AYT (Are You There) sequence,

               to which the remote system may or may not

               choose to respond.


               Sends the TELNET EC (Erase Character)

               sequence, which should cause the remote system

               to erase the last character entered.


               Sends the TELNET EL (Erase Line) sequence,

               which should cause the remote system to erase

               the line currently being entered.


               Sends the TELNET GA (Go Ahead) sequence, which

               likely has no significance to the remote



               Sends the TELNET NOP (No operation) sequence.


               Prints out help information for the send


 set argument value

          Set any one of a number of telnet variables to a

          specific value.  The special value off turns off

          the function associated with the variable.  The

          values of variables may be interrogated with the

          display command.  The variables which may be

          specified are:


               This is the value (initially ^E) which, when

               in line by line mode, toggles between doing

               local echoing of entered characters (for

               normal processing), and suppressing echoing of

               entered characters (for entering, say, a



               This is the telnet escape character (initially

               ^[) which causes entry into telnet command

               mode (when connected to a remote system).


               If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle

               localchars below) and the interrupt character

               is typed, a TELNET IP sequence (see send ip

               above) is sent to the remote host.  The

               initial value for the interrupt character is

               taken to be the terminal's intr character.


               If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle

               localchars below) and the quit character is

               typed, a TELNET BRK sequence (see send brk

               above) is sent to the remote host.  The

               initial value for the quit character is taken

               to be the terminal's quit character.


               If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle

               localchars below) and the flushoutput

               character is typed, a TELNET AO sequence (see

               send ao above) is sent to the remote host.

               The initial value for the flush character is

               taken to be the terminal's flush character.


               If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle

               localchars below), and if telnet is operating

               in character at a time mode, then when this

               character is typed, a TELNET EC sequence (see

               send ec above) is sent to the remote system.

               The initial value for the erase character is

               taken to be the terminal's erase character.


               If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle

               localchars below), and if telnet is operating

               in character at a time mode, then when this

               character is typed, a TELNET EL sequence (see

               send el above) is sent to the remote system.

               The initial value for the kill character is

               taken to be the terminal's kill character.


               If telnet is operating in line by line mode,

               entering this character as the first character

               on a line will cause this character to be sent

               to the remote system.  The initial value of

               the eof character is taken to be the

               terminal's eof character.

 toggle arguments ...

          Toggle (between TRUE and FALSE) various flags that

          control how telnet responds to events.  More than

          one argument may be specified.  The state of these

          flags may be interrogated with the display command.

          Valid arguments are:


               If this is TRUE, then the flush, interrupt,

               quit, erase, and kill characters (see set

               above) are recognized locally, and transformed

               into (hopefully) appropriate TELNET control

               sequences (respectively ao, ip, brk, ec, and

               el; see send above).  The initial value for

               this toggle is TRUE in line by line mode, and

               FALSE in character at a time mode.


               If autoflush and localchars are both TRUE,

               then when the ao, intr, or quit characters are

               recognized (and transformed into TELNET

               sequences; see set above for details), telnet

               refuses to display any data on the user's

               terminal until the remote system acknowledges

               (via a TELNET Timing Mark option) that it has

               processed those TELNET sequences.  The initial

               value for this toggle is TRUE if the terminal

               user had not done an stty noflsh, otherwise

               FALSE (see stty(1)).


               If autosynch and localchars are both TRUE,

               then when either the intr or quit characters

               is typed (see set above for descriptions of

               the intr and quit characters), the resulting

               TELNET sequence sent is followed by the TELNET

               SYNCH sequence.  This procedure should cause

               the remote system to begin throwing away all

               previously typed input until both of the

               TELNET sequences have been read and acted

               upon.  The initial value of this toggle is



               Toggle carriage return mode.  When this mode

               is enabled, most carriage return characters

               received from the remote host will be mapped

               into a carriage return followed by a line

               feed.  This mode does not affect those

               characters typed by the user, only those

               received from the remote host.  This mode is

               not very useful unless the remote host only

               sends carriage return, but never line feed.

               The initial value for this toggle is FALSE.


               Toggles socket level debugging (useful only to

               the super-user).  The initial value for this

               toggle is FALSE.


               Toggles the display of some internal telnet

               protocol processing (having to do with TELNET

               options).  The initial value for this toggle

               is FALSE.


               Toggles the display of all network data (in

               hexadecimal format).  The initial value for

               this toggle is FALSE.


               Displays the legal toggle commands.


 csh(1), ksh(1), rlogin(1N).

 inet(3N), services(4), hosts(4) in the UMAX V Programmer's

 Reference Manual.

 telenetd(1M) in the UMAX V Administrator's Reference Manual.


There is no adequate way for dealing with flow control.

On some remote systems, echo has to be turned off manually

when in line by line mode.

There is enough settable state to justify a .telnetrc file.

No capability for a .telnetrc file is provided.

In line by line mode, the terminal's eof character is only

recognized (and sent to the remote system) when it is the

first character on a line.



                   �Cassette �

                   �  Drive  �

                   �         �          ��������Ŀ  ��������Ŀ 

                   �����������          �  Disk  �  �  Disk  � 

                        �               �  Drive �  �  Drive �

                        �               �        �  �        � 

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� Tape ������������Ĵ ������������������������������

� Drive � � �

���������� � 4 X 2 MIP ������������������������������

��������Ŀ � �

� Tape � � Multimax 310 ������������������������������

� Drive ������������Ĵ �

���������� � ������������������������������ ��������������Ŀ

                  ����������������������                                �     Port     �

                     �            �        ��������������Ŀ             �   Selector   �  

                     �            ��������Ĵ   Console    �             �              � 

                     �       �����������Ŀ �   Hardcopy   �             ���������������� 

                     �       �  Console  � �              �               �  �  �  �  � 32 Lines

                     �       �           � ����������������             ����������������

                     �       �    CRT    �                              �              �

                     �       �������������                              �   Annex 01   �

                     �                                                  �              �

                     �                                                  ����������������

Ethernet ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


                                                            � Annex 00  �  

                                                            �           �  


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                                                      �  mtlzr   � �  mt_600  �

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Write the letter(s) of the UNIX component that best fit each


K = Kernel S = Shell U = Utilities D = Directory

_____ 1. Uses standard syntax for all commands.

_____ 2. Schedules tasks and manages data storage.

_____ 3. Memory resident code.

_____ 4. Main interface between UNIX and users.

_____ 5. Heart of the operating system.

_____ 6. Can be easily combined to perform the exact

                 function which the user desires.

_____ 7. Path name concept.

_____ 8. Written mostly in the "C" programming language.

_____ 9. Multi-level directory structure.

_____ 10. Uses pipes and filters.

_____ 11. Supports control structures.

_____ 12. Includes text processing, electronic mail, file

                 manipulation, and program generation.




. (dot)..................................................................................63

.. (dot dot).............................................................................63

Access modes.............................................................................37

Annex Commands



BourneShell prompt........................................................................6

BSD UNIX..................................................................................2

Current working directory................................................................63

Expiration period........................................................................19

FTP Commands............................................................................108





   get remote-file..................................................................113




   open host........................................................................109







Mailx Commands...........................................................................74



   S.............................................................................77, 78


Number links.............................................................................37

On-line manual pages.....................................................................25

Ownership and group affiliation..........................................................37






Redirection..........................................................................94, 95

Root directory............................................................................4



Standard input...........................................................................93

Standard output..........................................................................93


System V UNIX.............................................................................2



Terminal nodes............................................................................3


UNIX Commands






   cp............................................................................49, 50












UNIX filesystem...........................................................................3

UNIX Keyboard Function Commands







   Hold Screen.......................................................................10

UNIX Primer Plus........................................................................153

vi Commands



   :r !shell-cmd....................................................................147

   :r filename......................................................................147


   :w newfile.......................................................................147



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