=> directory
=> AMBIENT - liminal environment
=> ARCHITECTURAL - here to build new roads
=> ART - everything
=> AUDIO - data for stimulation of auditory system. Sets atmosphere. Paripheral
=> AUTISM - a pattern of willful obstinance
=> BACKUP - without them much more would have been lost
=> BEGINNINGS - everything is a sequence of beginnings
=> COLOR - hue-mans
=> CONTEXT - establish a framework from which to play games
=> CULT - people who want to believe the same delusion
=> DEPRESSION - the default condition in an unchanging world.
=> DOCUMENTATION - how do things even operate?
=> FEAR - limbs turning ridged, form compressed, I am a water heater
=> FUN - an enjoyable experiance
=> FUTURE - it doesn't exist except in the now.
=> HISTORY - conglomeration of misremembered lies
=> HOMESTUCK - when the house can't move, can't change, you become a reflection of that.
=> HUB - things that mostly connect to other things
=> IGNORANCE - the more you know the more you learn your own ignorance.
=> LANGUAGE - art
=> LAW - order, cathedral, stagnation
=> LOSS - the feeling of emptiness following a departure
=> MAP - a redering of topology
=> MEMETICS - language of words symbols and sounds, working subconsiously with compounding effects over time
=> MIND - it's not just rational.
=> MONEY - mana/MP
=> MYTH - an old story with cultural significance.
=> NEWS - if someone is paid to tell you what is happening you may ignore it safely.
=> NSFW - not to be consumed
=> NUMBERS - words for counting
=> OPTIMISM - baseless conjecture. Doing it anyway.
=> PAIN - you must partake of this fruit to learn that everything has its opposite
=> PHILOSOPHY - people talking about the things they are talking about and why they do that.
=> PLAN9 - we all get our own private namespace. Everything is a file.
=> PLANS - it's hard to make them
=> PLENTY - if they do these things under a green tree...
=> PROCREATION - progeny production
=> RADIOACTIVE - some concepts are dangerous to a person just to know them. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean you won't get cancer.
=> SAFE - probably not harmful. Maybe.
=> SIMULACRE - we don't interact with the world, but instead with a world in our own mind which is a reflection of the world, and then our actions are manifest from our world back into the world in various ways. Not all of them direct.
=> SLAVE - a frame of mind
=> SPIRIT - that which inspires motion
=> SPOKEN WORD - using a violin in a jar to produce phonemes combinations of which we ascribe meaning
=> SPOOPY - what goes boop in the night
=> TECHNOLOGY - bits and such
=> UTILITY - who gets to define if something has value anyway?
=> VIDEO - a sequence of data designed for optic nerve stimulation. Auditory stimulation is secondary.
=> VORE - eating anything is disgusting; sometimes it tastes good anyway
=> #architectural - here to build new roads
=> #blue - serenity, peace, ocean, approachment
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