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September 25 (UT): In a shockingly effective blitzkrieg attack,

Belter ships, led by the captured Earth cruiser ENS Brooklyn,

smashed the Earth Navy flotilla recently engaged in attempting to

suppress the labor riots on Mars.

A Universe Today ship in Mars orbit, equipped with military-surplus

sensing gear, obtained visual and long-wave infrared imagery

detailing the entirety of the short and decisive combat. Based on

that imagery, retired wing general and military analyst Nathan

Coopersmith, recently arrived in Mars orbit at the time of the

battle, described the tactics of the attack as "absolutely


"They came in at maximum thrust on a shortest-time vector from

Ceres, and didn't even slow down before opening fire at maximum

reload rate. We would have set up that attack exactly the same

way," Coopersmith said. "That's absolutely critical, and very

telling. That velocity advantage gave them the ability to launch

their missiles far outside the range of the ships they were

targeting, and they made those shots count. I don't know where

they're getting their training, but one thing is absolutely clear:

this was not just a bunch of wild rock hoppers. Maybe they were the

ones who stole Brooklyn, but I'm not even sure of that. Whoever's

crewing her now, though - they know exactly what they're doing."

Those initial launches from the stolen ENS Brooklyn, leading the

Belter ships, appear to have caught the Earth units in Mars orbit

completely off guard, despite over twenty-four hours' warning of

the incoming attack. Three ships - the cruiser ENS Pittsburgh, and

the frigates San Juan and Caguas - were immediately

destroyed. Based on imagery gathered by Universe Today during the

attack, it appears no other ships were targeted in this initial

assault, including ENS Chicago, flagship of flotilla commander Wing

General Hall.

"Again, that's absolutely textbook," Coopersmith said. "It's how

you make the most of the advantage. Instead of spreading out your

fire, you concentrate, go for knockouts you know you can get

instead of shooting at everyone and hoping for luck. It's textbook,

and it's smart - if you find yourself counting on luck to win a

fight, you already made a mistake somewhere. But I'd been counting,

and Brooklyn had used up all her shipkillers to get those

knockouts. It was a good shot, but I didn't see what they thought

they could do to follow it up."

Following the initial attack, the Belter ships turned over and

began hard deceleration burns which would end with entry into Mars

orbit. The remaining four Earth Navy units brought up their engines

and began to maneuver, apparently attempting to form up around ENS


For several minutes, no further attack occurred from either

side. "The remaining Earth Navy ships were clearly preparing to

sortie out and meet their attackers, and it looked like the Belters

were trying to come in and slug it out in high orbit," Coopersmith

said, asked to describe these events. "It didn't make sense,

especially with how effective they'd already been - sure, they were

out of missiles, but at close range they'd lose in a hurry and they

had to know it. I couldn't imagine what else they might be doing,


The purpose behind the Belters' actions became clear minutes later,

as long-range radar aboard the orbiting Universe Today ship

resolved several dozen small objects separating from the group of

decelerating ships. Evidently released prior to the deceleration

burn, these unidentified objects continued to accelerate in toward

Mars orbit.

The events which followed occurred so quickly that no one aboard

Universe Today's ship in orbit was able to tell what had

happened. Coopersmith and other analysts were later able to

reconstruct the sequence of events based on imagery gathered during

the attack.

"When I saw the radar returns scatter and fade, I realized what

they had to be," Coopersmith said. "Rocks. Small Belt objects,

maybe a couple thousand tons each, rigged with engines and some

kind of shaped charges to shatter them into fragments. We think

they must have had some kind of targeting system, too, God knows

how. They knew they didn't have enough missiles for every ship in

Mars orbit, so they used what they did have, and it worked better

than I could have imagined. I've never seen anything like it."

Seconds after the unknown radar returns disappeared, ENS Chicago

exploded, killing Wing General Hall and his entire command

staff. The two frigates nearest the explosion collided in orbit,

destroying ENS Phoenix and rendering ENS Ann Arbor unable to

maneuver, and leaving the frigate ENS Appleton as the only

remaining Earth Navy unit still functional.

"I knew Steve Hall pretty well," Coopersmith said. "He was the kind

of officer we used to call a killer. Bold, aggressive,

hard-charging, always ready to bring the fight to the

enemy. Officers like that tend to pick their subordinates for the

same qualities, and clearly Steve had done that here. I don't see

any other reason why Appleton would've kept going out. Maybe her

captain thought the rock hoppers really were done, maybe he thought

he'd surprise Brooklyn with a knockout and clean up the small fry

after. I don't know, and of course we can't ask now. At least he

got a few shots off."

ENS Appleton, still building thrust toward escape velocity,

succeeded in launching nine of her twelve shipkiller missiles at

Brooklyn. However, the stolen Earth cruiser's point-defense weapons

proved to be capably crewed, shooting down all of Appleton's

weapons well outside their attack range. Less than a minute later,

Appleton was hit and destroyed by another of the Belters' asteroid


In the aftermath of the battle, the stolen Brooklyn and the other

Belter ships entered orbit, accepted the surrender of ENS Ann

Arbor, and instructed the Earth marines still on the surface of

Mars to surrender at once. Liana de Buys of the Red Rock Guild

echoed the instruction, adding that the Martian miners would accept

these surrenders if given. "Your mission here has failed," de Buys

said, in a general broadcast from a Mars NewsNet transmitter. "Your

ships are destroyed or crippled. Your resupply, your

reinforcements, your air support, are all gone, and you know you

can't hold out forever. Surrender now! We will treat you as

prisoners of war, and send you home as soon as we can. If you try

to hold out instead, on your own head be it."

At press time, most of the marine formations on Mars were confirmed

to have surrendered and been taken into custody by their erstwhile

enemies, with only a few holdouts at Endeavour Crater still

fighting. It is thought that ENS Ann Arbor, the only surviving

Earth ship at Mars, may serve after repairs to ferry home the

surrendered marines. Governor Ritter could not be reached for

comment, and Universe Today has unconfirmed reports that he may

have been killed in the fighting, or captured and executed by Red

Rock Guild miners. Universe Today will bring you further bulletins

on these events as new information develops.


September 25 (UPI) - Shortly following the explosive news of the

Battle of Mars, Earthgov's Office of Public Information claimed

"credible evidence" suggesting that one or both of the Luna-Titan

Alliance partners had "colluded with Belt-based criminals" in the

attack on Earth's ships.

"In recent days, Earth's deep-system intelligence platforms have

observed highly suspicious movements on the part of ships known to

engage in criminal trade with Titan," a spokesman for Public

Information said in a press conference. "While we continue to

develop and evaluate new information, we expect at this time to be

able to report very soon that Titan, presumably in conspiracy with

parties as yet unknown on Earth's moon, provided material aid in

weapons and personnel to the Belter criminals who went on to commit

their atrocities in Mars orbit.

"Earth's government wishes to reassure the populace of the Solar

System that these criminals will not escape justice for their

terrible actions today. Our fellow citizens, our way of life, our

very freedom have come under attack in these deliberate and deadly

acts. We will bring justice to the terrorists responsible, and we

will make no distinction between them and those who aid and harbor

them. Earth has stood down enemies before, and we will do so again

this time."

The spokesman did not ask for questions.


September 19 (UPI) - Following the destruction of an Earth frigate

in an attempt to intercept a Lunar passenger ferry four days ago,

Earthgov's Public Information Office stated that the incident was

an unprovoked attack by a new alliance actively attempting to

instigate warfare with Earth.

"ENS Kearsarge was engaged in an internal police action with regard

to a single passenger aboard the Moon ferry Quetelet," a Public

Information spokeswoman said. "Kearsarge's Captain Whitlow

requested that Quetelet permit civilian police officers aboard

Kearsarge aboard, so that they could arrest a citizen of Earth who

was suspected, with probable cause, of engaging in treason and

espionage against Earth.

"Instead of assenting to this peaceable request, Quetelet attempted

to flee the scene, necessitating a pursuit by Kearsarge in defense

of Earth's security interests. Just prior to Kearsarge's successful

overhaul and boarding of Quetelet, Titan's faster-than-light ship

appeared and opened fire without warning on Kearsarge, destroying

the ship and murdering our naval officers and crew before they had

any chance to defend themselves or even attempt to surrender.

"Earth's government cannot accept such treatment of her brave

defenders. Earth's people will not allow it. The actions of Titan,

and of the regime currently in power on Earths' moon, constitute a

direct attack against the national security of Earth, and our

longstanding policy in such cases has been to respond as firmly and

assertively as our adversaries should choose to require of us."


September 20 (UPI) - A spokesman for Luna's Foreign Ministry in a

press conference today issued a strong statement regarding the

recent interception of an Luna Passenger Lines ferry Quetelet by

the Earth Navy frigate Kearsarge.

"We are aware that Earth claims this unprovoked attack on an

unarmed passenger vessel to have been an internal police matter,

threatening none except her own wayward citizen," Li Yen-au

said. "These claims fall short of reality in several respects. When

the captain of our passenger ferry correctly declined to halt and

be boarded, Kearsarge responded by opening fire with weapons

designed to destroy other military ships.

"It is only thanks to the timely intervention of our new treaty

partner, Titan, that no innocents were killed as a result of this

crime. We understand that Earth claims the destruction of Kearsarge

to be itself an unprovoked attack on a vessel operating peacefully

within the bounds of accepted interstellar custom. This, too, is a


"Kearsarge had already struck the ferry Quetelet with one missile

and fired a second, clearly intending to make good on her earlier

threats to destroy the unarmed ship, when the Titan ship And Yet It

Moves arrived upon the scene. And Yet It Moves' captain, having

been made aware of the situation by a report bravely transmitted by

Quetelet's own Captain Crozer, judged that Kearsarge would not

accept a demand to cease fire, and acted as she felt necessary to

defend the innocent lives aboard Quetelet.

"We of Luna wish now to express our deepest gratitude to our

Titanian allies and friends for their swift and decisive action in

defense of our citizens," Li said in concluding her remarks. "We

wish also to advise any and all who would so attack us that they

would be wise to consider carefully the fate of Kearsarge before

embarking on such a rash course of action."


September 21 (UPI) - Following confirmed reports of Earth's "silo

ships" adjusting their orbits, questions to Earthgov's Military

Information Office were met with the response that the ships'

movements are related to ongoing maintenance required to keep the

giant vessels ready for action, and are not in any way associated

with political events in the system.

"This is an ordinary maintenance task that's performed from time to

time," said Major Willem van Dort, in response to a UPI

correspondent's question. "We have to make sure those ships are

ready when we need them, and that includes their engines and

navigational systems. Having them change orbits is just a way to

make sure that they're fully functional and ready to defend Earth

if they're needed." Asked whether he thought the ships might be

needed to defend Earth in the near future, Major van Dort said that

he had no further comment, and ended the call.

The six "silo ships", each large enough to be distinctly visible in

the night sky, are the backbone of Earth's deterrent forces, and

thought to carry between two and four hundred nuclear warheads

apiece. Retired wing general and military analyst Nathan

Coopersmith, when asked about the ships' movements, agreed with

Major Van Dort's comments about maintenance, and also noted that he

does not recall the last time he heard of the ships being moved.


September 23 (GNI) - Alexander Anders Seifert, a former worker in

Earth's military shipyard on Ganymede, was publicly executed today

for treason and espionage in the courtyard of the Ganymede

Garrison's headquarters and administration building.

"Alexander Seifert was convicted of passing crucial military

secrets to known members of a Titan spy ring operating on

Ganymede," said General William Tasker, after descending from the

gallows. "While his Titan accomplices have for now escaped capture

and military justice for their crimes, Seifert himself was not so

fortunate, and he has now answered for having endangered the safety

and security of Earth by his actions."

Tasker, thought to be in charge of a secret naval project on

Ganymede, went on to say, "Some may ask whether it is appropriate

for a military tribunal to pass judgment on a civilian. To them I

say: Look around. Look at what's happening in the system. Earth's

enemies surround her on every side, and she must be defended at all

costs. At a time like this, we soldiers must step to the fore,

stand our posts, and do what must be done. If you find our actions

distasteful, remember that the blame for them lies not with we

ourselves, your sworn protectors, but rather with our enemies,

internal and external, who force us to take such actions in defense

of us all."

While the law mandating capital punishment in cases of treason

remains on Earth's books, Seifert's is the first such execution

actually carried out in almost sixty-five years. The last, of the

infamous "Tycho Seven", occurred in 2357, shortly after Luna's

secession from Earth.


September 23 (NAB) - In the wake of riots at the Wyoming New

Prospects Facility, a caravan reportedly consisting of hundreds of

individuals has begun to form in southern Arivada, with its members

claiming they intend to "close down" the facility.

"They're enslaving people in there," said one woman, who claimed to

be a caravan member but otherwise declined to identify

herself. "They say it's a chance at a new life, but it's really a -

a prison, they're forcing them to work, starving them." Asked what

they would do upon reaching the camp, the caravan member said,

"We'll figure that out when we get there, I guess. But we've got

lots of trucks."

A spokeswoman for the Population Administration, reached shortly

before press time, said only, "We are aware of the assembly in

Arivada, and we are prepared to take necessary measures to ensure

it does not interfere with the smooth running of the New Prospects



In last week's update, we asked for our readers' opinions on the

recent news of events on Mars and in the Asteroid Belt. Here's what

you had to say.

"I hope those Martian malcontents finally get what's coming to

them. Ever since they started up with this pointless unrest,

materials futures have been plummeting with no end in

sight. People's retirements are on the line here! Can't they

understand that?"

"Are they even still human out in the Belt? I hear they can barely

even have kids with normal people any more. In another generation

or two, they'll be a different species, won't they? So why do they

even care what happens anywhere else?"

"It's about time they took it to the rich [unprintable] who've been

exploiting them! Those [unprintable] have had it too easy for too

long. They don't like gettng a taste of the just consequences for

what they've done? Well, [unprintable] them! They really won't like

it when the same thing starts up here at home."

"If it's true about how those miners and their families have been

treated, I don't like it. Who would? But to think that violence

will bring any kind of improvement - as much as I understand the

impulse, a cursory reading of history shows that it's clearly

misguided. Only civil engagement among all stakeholders equally can

create lasting change."

"Where does the Belt get off interfering with inner system affairs?

They've made it very clear they don't want anything to do with us,

except when it comes to marking up the raw materials we need to

rebuild Earth's infrastructure. That's probably the only reason

they're throwing in on the side of the miners who keep complaining

about their contracts - they don't like the competition."

"Honestly, at a time like this, Mars is nothing but a distraction

from the real problem - this new alliance between the Moon and

Titan. Their crazy rhetoric about the menace from Earth isn't new,

but they've really heated it up lately, and I'm starting to worry

that they'll use it as an excuse for some kind of sneak attack on

our interests. We need to face them down now, instead of worrying

about a bunch of rioting rock-grubbers who don't know a good deal

when they see one."

"The whole thing is madness. Look at history and you can see

arrangements like this are never stable long-term, and the ill will

they generate is a long-term liability that always outweighs the

short-term profit. This was always coming, and as long as we keep

trying to hold down Mars, it's only going to get uglier. We can't

do anything about the past, but we can change the future, and it's

time we treated fairly with them instead."


"The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery

and despair into hope and progress." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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