A pair of posts came across my feeds today[1] about the CampSnap camera[2]. It's a barebones digital camera. It has no screen, no fancy settings, just a picture count, a flash, and a shutter button. That reminded me of a similar concept I saw, the Paper Shoot camera, which has an even more stripped down body[3].
I do not own either; I have never used either. I have mixed thoughts about them, as a concept. I'm tired of my phone and its distractions even as I feel powerless to resist them. I understand the appeal of single function devices like this. I like the idea of something small and simple.
The trouble, the thing that makes me hesitate, is that this is yet another thing to buy. I'm happy to be suspicious of my phone, of its potential for distraction, or worse things like surveillance. But I am also suspicious of "Buy another Thing. Buy another piece of plastic and circuit boards to make your life better. Come buy, come buy!" It fails the test for me of what can I do with this that I can't with the things I already have.
Or maybe it's just that I'm not all that into photography in the first place. All the same, I'll stick with my phone camera for the time being. I took this picture just the other day.
=> A bluejay sits in a tree. It is foggy in the background.
=> https://jrn.sh/post/the-old-way-of-taking-photos
=> https://notes.jeddacp.com/campsnap-screen-free-toy-camera/
=> [3]: Paper Shoot This content has been proxied by September (ba2dc).Proxy Information