At one point in the distant past, this page defined external pages as local pages, so I could link to the names below on my wiki as if they were local pages and it would work.
These days, this list is simply a huge list of bookmarks, most of them quite old. It got started as PeopleUpdates in 2003-03-10 and renamed to Names in 2004-09-09. The last entry was added 2015-05-04. Every now and then I come back to this list, follow some links and delete the item.
I guess these days it mostly reminds me of that time when I was about 30 years old and following the news of the war in Iraq, the intifada in Israel, the failed reforms in Iran.
=> Riverbend | Faiza | Khalid Jarrar | Joi Ito | Iraq The Model | Today in Mesopotamia | Juan Cole | Where is Raed ? | Salam Pax | Hossein Derakhshan | Global Issues | Declaration of Human Rights | Phil Greenspun on Israel | Smart Vote
=> Brennpunkt Nahost | NZZ | Blick | TagesAnzeiger
=> adulau | StephanieBooth | StefanBucher | PeetTheEngineer | UrsGehrig | JeanPierre | Noufal Ibrahim | AadityaSood | aadis | V | Daniela | DamienElmes | resolve | ¹ | JohnWiegley | johnw | DougAlcorn | Lathi | zeno | Marc | Billi | Helmut Schroeder | astrid | GreyWulf | greywulf | DanielSchmidt | AaronHawley | MichaelOlson | Halz | Shkoder | CharlieStross | ChuckSmith | BenjaminTrott | BrianKerr | Gabor Cselle | SachaChua | CoryDoctorow | EricRaymond | Jean Pierre | Greg Stein | Moni
Check it out: More blogs from Iraqi Blogs, Iranian Blogs, and Swiss Blogs.
=> Iraqi Blogs | Iranian Blogs | Swiss Blogs
People interested in peer-to-peer technology and its effects as well as free culture and free software, and occasionally some tech-only stuff, too:
=> EugeneEricKim | KevinMarks | Many2Many | LawrenceLessig | Google Blog | WorldChanging | AaronSwartz | ChrisAnderson | JoelSpolsky | LeslieOrchard | LessCode | HughMacLeod | O'Reilly Radar | Many-to-Many | DanahBoyd | Apophenia | BayleShanks | LionKimbro | SusanneSchmidt | JanneJalkanen | FreedomToTinker | SignalVsNoise | PaulGraham | Openlaw
InternetRadio stations I listen to:
=> PerreoRadio | SomaFM | BigUpRadio | | RadioParadise | WATS Radio | KZSU FM | RadioNuclear
Ordinary radio:
=> Sounds! | RadioTropic93
=> Micromusic | MagnaTune
=> Amália Rodrigues | Fairuz | Beth Gibbons | Tom Waits | Rammstein | Sigur Rós | Madredeus | Radiohead | Charanga Habanera | Cubanito 20.02 | Natacha Atlas | DavidByrne | Bombay Jayashri
=> Tonhalle
=> beatsounds | SqueezeBox | Squeezebox 3 | Tivoli
=> GarageBand | StarFrosch | PandoraRadio | SqueezeNetwork | LastFM
Tools and Sites I keep mentioning
=> MacMP3Gain | Cantus | xmms | streamripper | mp3burn | iFP-790 | Cabos | mp3gain | ShoutCast | StreamRipper | BitTorrent | irssi | fink | DarwinPorts | SpamProbe | gnokii | Gimp | KView | XV | Gnome | ImageMagick | KuickShow | Photoshop CS2 | Kino | Inkscape | madwifi | Adium | Gaim | K3b | VCDImager | libcdio | freenode network | Fetchmail | Procmail | Gmane | clacct | ledger | Netvibes | NumSum | rss2email | OmniGraffle | QCad | Dia | GnuWin32 | FreeMacWare | EggplantFarms | BlogLines | Oddmuse | Emacs Wiki | Community Wiki | ArsTechnica | CDex | ProxyChain | ufs2tools | The Gimp | Seashore | Basecamp | Writely | Sparklines | SynchroEdit | Writeboard | Google Talk | xplanet | writeboard | ext2fsx | AmaroK | Amarok | NeoOffice | lighttpd | bozohttpd | Apache | AirFoil | Flock | FastCGI | Audacity | Ardour | wxWidgets | cutmp3 | mp3splt | Sweep | Komposé | rsync | Exposé
=> FireBug | Tamper Data | Adblock
=> ThunderBird | Thunderbird | Faces
=> Lucene | Search::FreeText | BM25 | Plucene
=> Salamander Dreams | Jellaby
=> Oolite | Cloud Game | JoeIndie | Nestopia | Wyvern | Darwinia | Second Life | Cube | Yahoo Games | AOL Games | Runescape | Nickolodeon Online | MSN Games | Noize2 | Killer7 | Jade Empire | Man!ac | Pegasus | Wesnoth | OblivioWiki | UESP | Snes9x | Vimm's Lair | Defcon | Introversion Software | Nethack Wiki | Uplink | Hacker Crackdown | Nethack Server
=> Wilderlands of High Fantasy | Fudge | Ptolus | Mahasarpa Campaign | Kitsunemori Campaign Setting | WikidDungeons | RPG Now | Monte Cook | NPC Designer | PaulGrosse | Leucrotta | Praemal Tales | Underdark | ENWorld forums | Fantasy Grounds | Echoes of Heaven | JVisgaitis | Mythic | Treasure Tables | NearbyGamers | Spielerzentrale | Imp’s Shop | Ptolus | Violet Dawn | Broken Isles | Drow War | Mongoose | D&D Podcast | Inner Circle | EN World | Dark Sun | John Cooper | Tengu | D&D | SpielerZentrale | Seraphim Guard | Gatecrasher | Dungeon generator | Duergar | Lemure | Necromancer Games | Dungeon | Microlite20 | M20 | M20 Grundregeln | Eric Mona | All Games Considered | Green Ronin Publishing Podcast | Have Games, Will Travel | The History of Rome | In Our Time | Midnight’s Lair | Open Design Podcast | Order 66 | Pulp Gamer Inside Track | Sons of Kryos | Thinking Allowed | This Just In… From GenCon | The Voice of the Revolution | 2d6 Feet in a Random Direction | 3.5 Private Sanctuary | The Canon Puncture Show | Shields Shall Be Splintered | Death and Dismemberment | One Page Dungeon Contest | One Page Dungeon Contest 2010 | One Page Dungeon Contest 2009 | 12 Byzantine Emperors | Old School RPG Planet
=> EFF | AmnestyInternational | MedicoInternational | SolidaritéSansFrontières | WorldWildlifeFund | FSF | FSFE | WilhelmTux | SoliFonds | Stadtentwicklung | INURA
=> Analph
=> Unionsverlag | metro
=> Bäckeranlage | Bar Rossi
The entries here have been added automatically by the Oddmuse:Local Names Extension.
=> Oddmuse:Local Names Extension
=> Tibetan Settlements in India | AmberMUSH | Mysore | Srirangapatna | NoufalIbrahim | DRM | BoingBoing | Elendor | working code | Murasame | Project Pengachu | GoogleTalk | Openomy | Partytown Zürich | Weisse Rose | Memetic Lexicon | Nettwerk | Majed | UriAvnery | vj | MarcLynch | OlivierRoy | Beautiful China | gravestmor | bookmark manager | Eritrea | Google Mars | TalkLikeAPirateDay | GermanPirateTerms | Edgar | MySpace | cjb | metro | OpticalIntercourse | followup | GenevaConventions | UsagiRadio | PatentTrolls | OlivierSeres | HenriPoole | Envisioning Information | | UbuWeb | InternationalImmigrants | Transmission | 2ni | mail me | OddmuseZenGarden | Flickr | WarOnDrugs | StateWatch | ddrescue | DVD2one | k3b | HandBrake | Manolo Camp | Opsound | DaveSifry | PaulCuneo | EDRI | DanielBoos | DigitaleAllmend | SIUG | RightToCreate | SusanStepney | Vagn | Happy Endings | online resources | RecordingIndustryVsThePeople | CFP 2006 | Scriptaculous | SlaptGet | Alpenpassroute | GPG | Enigmail | Alp Siez | Tor | DefectiveByDesign | dikiKam | AnaroK | Klausenpasshöhe | Michael Olson | Geistiges Eigentum | Times-Picayune | Scheme48 | Scsh | call-with-current-continuation introduction | Surveillance-Shirt | Privacy-Shirt | Stop1984: Unschuldig-T-Shirt | Save Privacy-T-Shirt | HackerStickers Privacy-Shirt | Slyck | Radomir Dopieralski | PDF | Human Rights | Geneva Conventions | Michael Mackert | fernand0 | | Mohammed Rehman | Lilia Efimova | Johannes Cronje | atalaya | Andreas Bischoff | Ken Newman | Vaggelis Igglesis | Savannah | Alastair Weakley | Francesca Menegon | WTF | xfig | wiki paper | Occupation Watch | latin-1 | strip | phpwiki-search | Yves Kattan | Spindoktor | VCS | Finca Salamanca | Biberli | Panettone | Palmeritas | German Cockroach | Asian Cockroach | Naguib Mahfouz | Shade | Global Warming | Deltoid | Sage Extension | Report | susensoftware | Amazon | Paulus Akademie | Sage | Angaben | Lotfi | Transglobal Underground | Natasha Atlas | Heather | Annette | | wiki | Tim Bishop | Claudine | screenshot | humanists | Rick Moen | Juan Cole | Zürich | press release | Python | LocalNames | UsingLocalNamesInFirefox | freeculture | Arabeyes Projects | Katoob | rdesktop | Embrace Decay | maintenance script | English | Deutsch | Odd Wiki | VisualLanguage:MultiVariate | Visual:MultiVariate | Scott McCloud | Gründer:WikiEngineVergleich | diagram | Maggie Cheung | Kelly Chen | Wong Kar-Wei | Xenix | Mu License | LOTS 2005 | Affero | the details | BitPass's overhead | Apple's Exposé | AirPort Express | presentation | SSH Agent | Text-vCard 1.93 | | | MacIrssi | Mac Gimp | Stefano Mazzocchi | LOTS | shiftTHINK | HGZK | | Open Forums | | vCard project | Official Site | Roya Foroughi | CommSy | Francesca Taponecco | Camwyn's blog | Colloquy | Speech Plugin | Growl | Chilling Effects | Jar-Jar Binks | Platypus | | GrokLaw | Jonny Crossbones | Online Comics | Haddock | local comicshop | Conversation | Blogshine | | Oni Press | Ted Naifeh | Vera Brosgol | Kazu Kibuishi | Flight | Jake Parter | German translation | Megatokyo | Anke Wehner | Neotopia | KDE | KTouch | Marcus Dapp | The Register | Creative Commons/CH | Halloween I | | GNU Manifesto | URG | GPL | donation | upgrade instructions | Flash Movie | Podcasting How-to | GNU Radio | integrating migrants | APUE | texturize plugin | Electric Forest | | Maddox | linked | another comment | Nerd Vittles | Fatih Akin | Nora Tschirner | fanpage | diarist prompts | Flash Fiction | Learning Curve | metro | Freedom Party | german | english | Atlantis | SUISA | | zeugma | Farsi | introduction | recoverdm | sidesh0w's blog | source | Schweizerische Arbeitskräfteerhebung | results | nicer | trademark information | license | VLC | hummus | baklava | Rose | TiddlyWiki | pics folder | chhena gobi | hiking | mpgtx | DVD Styler | dvdauthor | Global Voices | Word Nerds | Medieval Studies | Mridul | archives | BBC History | last post | post | | Sarissa | external javascript | innocent man | shoot-to-kill | Jonathan Ive | Gravatar | KEXP | Copper | Daisy Kutter | Bang-On | Wikimania | feed | marriage | | ExtremeUsability | Chris Gilbey | Julian Bond | Barry Ritholtz | Gutenberg Project | Projekt Gutenberg | | ImageWell | XtraLean | web interface | hReview class | Hug | | Dorothea Salo | Telegraph | Millenium Goals | another | Angry Monk | AdBlock | Richard Dyce | partial attention | problem | Onlife | Tim's Radar | Lemonodor's post | Jay Allen | The Invaders | 0xDECAFBAD | corresponding chapters | LifeHacker | big earthquake | Control | Chinese Astrology | Eaton | 37signals | F-Secure | About Us | Google Print | World-Information City | Felix Stalder | | von Rilke | Ambassador | Gopurams | Karnataka | Vidhana Soudha | Nrityagram | Xah Lee | Robh Ruppel | summary | perlsec | example | Google Maps | Cambodia | GPL3 | BLDG BLOG | Stefan Bucher | whois | whois | | codecs | merge-list | merge-banned-lists | BLDGBLOG | metro | Oddwiki:RecentChanges | SaveTheInternet
=> Max Steiner | Rundumholz | Handwerkskollektiv | Nussbaum U-förmig | HeiseOpen | Software Wars | Sorgim | CVS Annotate | You wouldn't! | | ElectronicLebanon | PCL | Ralph Moritz | Mels | Hotel Gemse | Sargans | Artillerie-Fort Magletsch | Elm | Pentagram | Exult | xu4 | Vice | Gasthof Urnerboden | Spiringen | Altdorf | Bürglen | Bad Allenmos | Bad Heuried | Bad Letzigraben | Engstlenalp | Flüelen | Attinghausen | Alpensalamander | Engelberg | Trüebsee | Bärghuis Jochpass | Rosenlaui | Gletscherschlucht Rosenlaui | Seattle | madwifi faq | cloink | SuSE | FromIsraelToLebanon | BumbleBees | GushShalom | BookMooch | YouTube | Haglöfs | Mammut | Transa | Eiselin | Dinschrift | WikiSym 2006 | Oddmuse T-Shirts | BookCrossing | SwissGermanKeyboard | WikiBook | Prosper | Archimob | EyeConnect | TwonkyVision | BarCamp | BarCampZurich | XML::Atom | MetaWeblog API | curl | Net::Blogger | TechnologyLiberationFront | Chobits | gnuvince | comparison | documentation | my wishlist | ACLU | oo | Jesus Camp | Jesus Revolution | mooched | Debian | Imagemagick | ratpoison | Emacs | w3m | GImageViewer | bash | fspanel | fbpanel | xzgv | Window Maker | sawfish | xcfe | WiX | Julie | befuddler | Sahara FM | iLike | Pandora | Class::Base | Vagn Johansen | pathological messie | Exsila | Brainfuck Wiki | Brainfuck | guess what | Wikipedia | Stephanie Booth | hCard | Tails | IntellectualPropertyWatch | ChristopheDucamp | Comments on 2006-10-28 Bar Camp Zürich | claimID | Sabifoo | OddWiki:Sabifoo | MessageFaces | Nostalgy | runDVDrun | StefanKamphausen | Lemmings | Sudoku | Yahoo Timecapsule | Stargate | ArchLinux | Spiele-Club Zürich | Spieltreff Zentralstrasse | "Sleeper." | EvanProdromou | BTS | MK Restaurant | Ayutthaya | Chulalongkorn University | Exilim S2 | Pentax K110D | d20 | d20 SRD | Pentax K100D | GURPS Lite | SauterCopy | Fine Print | Doodle | Oblivion | Wat Ratchanadta | Wat Saket | Wat Suthat | Lush | PlanetEmacsen | Last Edited | EdwardOConnor | BarCampBank | Anoptique | Texts | Ukai | QuirkyJapan | AutographBlagBlah | RssVisualization | teh WikiNetAggregator | RssVisualization | "WikipPortraits" | RssVisualization | SocialMap | RssVisualization | mine | RssVisualization | the WikiNetAggregator | RssVisualization | WikiNetAggregator | RssVisualization | Phan'Loos | Me Deconstructed | Narai Phand | Rueda | Kuniyoshi Project | Woodblock Printing | Mokuhankan Catalogue | Moira Hahn | Genji Monogatari | Heian | Rietberg Museum | Ghibli Fansite | Manu Chao | Climate Crisis | Stanislav Kylikov | Eigengebrauch | ndrake | Dungeon 97 | Comics Now | AbeBooks | PocketMod | PSUtils | pdftk | MacPorts | bumblebee subgenera | Anonymous | Eric | GIMPshop | Pathfinder | Christa | GooDiff | sales law | dad | Google Sitemap | Internet Archive | Obsidian Entertainment | Mass Effect | KOTOR | | | | Cairo | Realms generator | hex paper | Barbazu | GURPS Lite | GURPS | Wicked Pixels | Stylish | Suicide Expresss | HeroMachine | Ronin | KoboldQuarterly | WolgangBaur | OpenDesign | Castle Shadowcrag | FavoriteKey | HARP Lite | OddmuseWiki | TreasureTables | CodeIsLaw | WolfgangBaur | RSS | Mortal Coil | Gmail | Dread | Anki | MacTheRipper | Ryan Stoughton | E6 | Spieltreff Tichuana | KobolQuarterly | CustomAdventure | NewsGator | RecordingIndustryVsPeople | sndpeek | O’Reilly Radar |'s_saga | JuanmaMP | czarny | GoodmanGames | Paizo | RadioSouss | Savage Tide | Maniac | G.R.A.W. 2 | WhyPersonalLogs | PlogWiki | Master Plan | ENnies | Pulp Gamer | Yog Radio | Godzilla Gaming | Georgios Spielleiter-Typen | Haskell | Cadaver | Transmit | nd | Search::Indexer | Planewalker | Planescape | Classically Modern | ZeroConf | this thread | Highmoon | HARP | RPGenius | Shamus Young | Chainmail Bikini | SamRose | Nishiyama-Ryokan | Swiss Chalet | Simplified Grappling | rot180 | Maiden Voyage | BoltCity | Sphinx | Traveller RPG | Burning Wheel | GapingVoid | mbtPdfAsm | v | Ghostscript | Ghostscript fonts | CPAN | CPANPLUS | Max | MusicBrainz | Castle Whiterock | ChattyDM | SimpsonizeMe | JonathanDrain | Planet Stories | K55 | Quick'n'dirty NPCs | leech-detector | Leukerbad | Ricardo | Marco | JoseAntonioOrtegaRuiz | MarkPilgrim | MusicTracker | Pidgin | Ratex | AlokSingh | BioWare | ShamusYoung | Reseda | MattisManzel | TreasureMonkey | Dungeon #147 | Exalted | WFRP | Fantasy Hero | Elric | Shadowrun | Rifts | d6 | MiiCreator | rEFIt | Qoop | Blurb | Joseph Miklojcik | htmlize.el | mac-print-mode.el | coral 1.1 | YourGamesNow | Xing | SteveYegge | Rhino | Emacs Timeline | Ning | RSS | SonsOfKryos | Panzer Leader | Panzer General | Car Wars | BurningWheel | BurningEmpires | Christoph Moeller | Silk Route | Spice Route | Badenerstrasse 505 | Michael Vilain | Roombuilding 101 | blog | Silas | HCoop | Arcana Evolved | Tabletop Projection | Alex Schroeder | Good Omens | BurningKrythos | CampaignWiki | 1-800-NERD–GIRL | Evil DM’blog | zendulo | ChangeLog | kernels/bareacpi.i | software sets | Slackware-HOWTO | Pathfinder RPG | Swiss | Battlelore | Memoir ’44 | Senuti | XMMS | Winamp | LifeLines | Familienbande | Goodman Games | SinisterAdventures | GameMastery Modules | Monster Geographica | Celebrim | Dark Whispers | RPG Podcasts | The Tome | Gamer’s Haven | The Independent Insurgency | Freenode | Fate | Grey Ghost Press | Chatterbox | | Google Analytics | Blackdirge Publishing | Scientific American | eMusic | Medieval Sourcebook | ENnie Awards | LAME | GameMastery modules | Wine | Dragica | Labyrinth Lord | this | muCommander | D&D ID | The Pogues | Robert Fisher | Mystara. | Twitter | JabberLand | TwitterAdium | Talk | Twitter Bot | GTalk | Twubble | EchoesOfHeaven | implementation notes | CouchSurfing | Edward O'Connor | Justin Alexander | pidgin-twitterstatus | ActivePerl | Cygwin | libpurple | DSA-1571 openssl | Google Calendar | Mike Hensley | a note | Dragonsfoot | Indulgences | Drachenküste | example | Naturfreundehaus Gorneren | Griesalp | XavierMaillard | Comments on rss2email | Delicious Bookmarks | Web Developer | iStumbler | Flickr Uploader | iTunes-LAME | macam | kino | Google Mail | GMail | xkcd | Duty Calls | Level-Adjusted Races | Valpuri | libgd | mkhexgrid | libpng | FreeType | Alder King | snirfneblin | Incompetech | book | Autoverlad | Kandersteg | Adelboden | Schwarenbach | Oeschinensee | Lämmerenhütte | forest gnome | OGL | id3tool | id3lib | id3v2 | Campaign Wiki | Nick | Zentralstrasse 34 | SRD | wedding party | Maddox | Golden Lanterns | Moorlandschaftspfad Entlebuch | | kensanata | Fight On! | Grognardia | Lulu | OSRIC | M74 | Zeno | DBA Online | Risus | Trask | Osprey | BFRPG | Philotomy Jurament | Mutant Future | ZeFRS | GORE | C&C | Fight On | Kobold Quarterly | Jeff’s Gameblog | Planet Venus | Appendix N | Whither D&D | Open Office | pidgin-identica-status | RPG Bloggers | Micah | Dragonfoot | jonathan | Tim | David Dorward | Deutsche Rollenspielblogs | RSS | RSS | SketchUp | Grenzmarken | West Marches | Chaos Diamond | NLS LANG | Die Grenzmarken | EmacsChannelQuotes | Dissociated Mechanics | mutt | Wortschatz Portal | Omega Wiki | SKOS RDF | Wiktionary | BEOLINGUS | LEO | IATE | Mark Bernstein | Andrea Forte | Victorian Web | Eastgate's Storyspace | Southampton's Microcosm | Lively Kernel | Programmable Web | OpenSearch | Newstin | Andreas Gohr | Christoph Sauer | RPG Diehard | Alexandre Dulaunoy | Stauffacher Tor | Frank | Planet Emacsen | Harald | GameMastery | Arne Babenhauserheide | Facebook | Django Pony | Daniel MacKay | Mark Zimmermann | Knusper | Ancient Warfare | XPath | bit-rot | #oddmuse | pkg-config | gc | Dom | Pepe | Reverend Mike | Wolfgang Baur | James Maliszewski | Giorgio Vezzini | Bob | Zachary Houghton | | | RewriteRule | The Alexandrian | hack/ | Sham’s Grog ’n Blog | Why OD&D | Solstice Introduction | Joshua | Moritz Mehlem | Uhluht’c Awakens | Zachary | Phoenix Barony | jatori | James Mishler | Daniel Proctor | Hardscrabble Subsector | Thousand Suns | Burning Empires | Jeff Rients | Wyatt | YSlow | Mongoose’s Traveller | hi5 | Vancian Magic | retro-clone | PhilJones | Chgowiz | Duskblade | fring | TruePhone | Skype | Nimbuzz | Green Ronin | Glockenhof | Haarald | D&D Zürich | Chipheads | OerliCon | Hagfish Tavern | Fable II | AGP | bonemaster | Alex Ott | 3:16 | Apple iPhone | Nokia 6500s-1 | Kleinen Dungeonbau-Workshop | Delicious | Magnolia | Targa | RPG Planet | PeterJones | HVSC | tonydowler | Ubuntu 8.10 | OpenBSD/macppc | ChaosAmSpieltischs Rollenspielblog | Ultimate Toolbox | GoogleReader | Atomic Array | Fraser | Tony Roberson | Crater | Jeff Greiner | Dragon’s Landing | TrapCast | Podgecast | Rules Mastery | Dirk | Greifenklaue | Comuni | Battle Lore | here | "1000 Novels" | Knockspell #1 | LochNess | Matthias | email | Harald Wagener | Karsten | Gaming Spaces | Weltenschieber-Blog | Review | Friendly Fire | chopped hazelnuts | Iridia Zine | Knockspell | Dragon Roots | Dungeonaday | Stonehell | Level Up | Dragon | Were Dragon | Phoenix Lore | Nicolas Logue | Sinister Adventures | global microbrands | BoXM | Malhavoc Press | Game Mastery | Dungeon-A-Day | Chris Pramas | Open Design | Tim Hartin | Amityville Mike | Free Culture | Joseph Bloch | Free Software | Oddmuse Channel | RPC 2009 | Mythodea | Dominik | Damien Cassou | OtherMichael | Adblock Plus | gnutls | libgpg-error | libcrypt | Dead Orcs | Josef | Braunstein | Dismal Depths | Pit of Tortured Souls | Edsan | Dolm River | to RPGnet | Paranoia | Traveller Map | Dark Space | Elite | Hardscrabble Sector | Mittellandwinterwonne | Polsterwolle | Bienensterben | Brian Gleichman | 1of3 | TheClone | Ionflux | Computer Ambush | Entourage Approach | cardboard counters | This page | Scala | Urheim | DeDaLu | Clojure | Project Euler | Ultronomicon | Tim Shorts | Fernanda Weiden | Brilliant Gameologists | Appendix Newb | Water Temple | Brian | Taysal | David Bowman | Steve Zieser | Jennifer Weigel | Pete Mullen | alexandro | Bernd Pressler | Siskoid | Tetsuki | GNU Go | glGo | IGS Pandanet | Go Problems | Rob Conley | cognitive dimensions | SuperSooga | Greyhawk Grognard | Abenteuer. | pdunwin | madteckhead | mxyzplk | Wax Banks | your profile | Aaron | Cold Skin | Eggplant Farms | Godless Paladin | Chatty DM | Poietic Aggregator | lurkinggherkin | Zzarchov | LiveJournal syndication | Rappan Athuk | Slumbering Tsar | Oddysey | Another Perspective | Ryan Dancy | RPG Pundit | JoetheLawyer | Fear the Boot | Sham | Fink | SID Station | Immediate Music | SID | HSVC | Lava Rules | Adam Thornton | le bulette | Christopher B | Swordgleam | CommunityWiki Cloud | Motel Vogar | Lenap | Mythmere Games | Goblinoid Games | B/X Blackrazor | Brian Zwahr | Talhoffer’s Fechtbuch | cadaver | J.C. Hutchins | Points of Light | PDQ | RPG Circus | Judd Karlman | Firefox | Omnibar | Show Anchors | TwitterFox | Fission | Duo Spectaculus | wildgen | Mongoose Traveller | Isomages Subsektorgenerator | Akratic Wizardry | Falcon | this post | Gamer Dude | Shadows | Pfadiheim Dietikon | TARGA | Nick Dipetrillo | Dungeon Mastering | Transmedia | Andreas Rottmann | BBDB | Charlie (Colorado) | hexGIMP | Isomage | Simone Lehmann | Dyson Logos | MJ Harnish | Mick Bradley | Warhammer Fantasy-Rollenspiel | Mountain Witch | Cyric | Michael Wolf | Stuart Robertson | Stuart | English-Scottish Translator | BeRKA | traveller map | My generator | UWP | Mouse Guard | Brian Isikoff | Jack Crow | Oeschinnensee | phonetic passwords | StackOverflow | librsvg | fontconfig | cairo | svg2pdf | Norman Centuries | Trailblazer | Mike Davidson | Andreas Davour | Carcosa | Tony Law | bat | TheBax | Bitlbee | Scott | glib-2.0 | Blackbox | wmctrl | dein cousinchen | Diaspora | Tékumel | Planet Algol | Sean Holland | RTFM | Blair | Oerliker Park | MFO-Park | Friedhof Nordheim | RFC 2616#sec9.4 | Emperor | my robots.txt | Viriatha | Ashish SHUKLA | bitlbee-otr | Google Reader | sycarion | Carl Cravens | blogspot | satyre | Deane Williams | mthomas768 | Kameron | Legacy D&D | MisterEcho | Fribourger Stübli | Moritz | Drak | lxml 2.2.3 | macppc | tmux | wsconsctl | Trollsmyth | GPL v3 | Copyleft | xfce | Wilderland Demographics | Hexcrawls | cr0m | misterecho | Audio-Technica ATH-ANC7 | Promusig | Greywulf | Richard | Dragon Age | Jorunkun | Jhaeman | Giulias Verschwinden | Flogging Molly | The Dubliners | Last FM | Michael Curtis | j king | Movie Restaurant | Crescent | Traveller Subsector Mapper | Mapmaking Requests | Cartographers’ Guild | Material World | Sounds | my drawings | miniatures | Wiki Now | Mission Accomplished | dim | The Guardian | Bistro Lochergut | Xubuntu | Wuala | Otherworld Miniatures | Shane Mangus | Craphound | Stargazer | Boing Boing | Kristian | advice | Le Monde diplomatique | PhillipReay | svg-edit | Velotto Spezialanfertigungen | | Purisa | Kaylash | ZenPad | test.svg | EditSVG | FreeMarket | G. Neuner | Factions | Retro Future | SVG Mapper for Traveller | Concept Ships | Brushes | Joshua Bell | UWP Generator | Brennall | GridMapper | Encounter Critical | 0x2605 | 0x25C9 | 0x25AE | 0x25A0 | 0x263C | 0x25B2 | 0x03C0 | 0x2620 | Laurent Petit | Clojars | Leiningen | Counterclockwise | Atom | Polaris | Robin Laws’ Feng Shui | Dogs in the Vinyard | Spirit of the Century | Western City | My Life With Master | The Shadow of Yesterday | Blossoms Are Falling | FATE | Velowerkstatt | Project Gutenberg | HTTPS Everywhere | Lamentations of the Flame Princes | Bat in the Attic | Robert Conley | Garamond | FOP | OpenOffice | DocBook XSL | DocBook | OFFO | Joethelawyer | Rhetorical Gamer | Rich Rogers | Dieter Steffman | txt2tags | LaTeX primer | LyX | TimmyD | Kevin | Rebecca Skloot | DirkR | Joseph Browning | David Macauley | DnD Gate | Disputorium | D20 Welten | Blutschwerter | Tanelorn | Empire of the Ghouls | Rite Publishing | Old School Renaissance | cgi-bin/.htaccess | htdocs/.htaccess | Canon Puncture | The Mule Abides | Diaspora SRD | Limmatquai 104 | Good At | Tim Short | Roll For Initiative | Chronicles | Rollenspiel Zürich | tim | Tabletop Adventures | Grooveshark | Essam Mohsen | Spielabende | Barbarians of Lemuria | Herr der Labyrinthe | RPG Stackexchange | M20 Mass Combat | B/X Companion | TPK | Gruppentrennung im Rollenspiel | Rollenspiel Blogs | N. 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