OK, this one goes together with the Simple Text Server I wrote about yesterday. The server is basically a weird Gopher/Finger server that can only serve text files. It doesn’t know anything about Gopher menus, of FTP commands, or directory listings. Everything else would be part of the client.
As @solderpunk said, one vision could be this:
=> @solderpunk
In my particular case, Nimi Mute (the server I wrote) sadly doesn’t qualify:
My main problem is that I want a better Gopher client for my iOS phone. Since I have no idea how to write a native application, and since I don’t want to develop on my Mac, that leaves me with a web app. I can’t write a client-side web app because they all run in the browser sandbox which doesn’t have access to TCP sockets. All you have is web sockets. They are not compatible. For a while I tried to use Fennel, compile it to Lua, and use Fengari to host it. Then I thought about WebPerl, which is a Perl compiled with Emscripten to WebAssembly. But it’s all the same: no escaping from the sandbox.
=> Fennel | Lua | Fengari | WebPerl
So I decided to write a server-side client: Soweli Lukin. The browser access the web app I wrote, passes it a Gopher URL, which it fetches from my Gopher server, and renders as Markdown, with some additional translation. It works!
You can follow Gopher links to external sources: if they are links to text files, these URLs are accessed via Soweli Lukin. Everything else is up to your browser.
Ideally, this would be a native app on my phone, or a command line program on my laptop. But as it is, this was the simplest proof of concept I could think of.
#Soweli Lukin #Nimi Mute #Web #Gopher #Simple Text
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